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    X-Ray and Vav

X-Ray and Vav are two superheroes wishing to make the world a better place. Unfortunately, the odds are not in their favour, as the city sees them as a couple of idiots rescuing kittens from trees. But a chance encounter with a scientific genius may be just the thing they need to be real superheroes...

Tropes about both superheroes

  • Accidental Heroes: While they always try to be heroes, they end up helping to foil The Mad King's plot to take over the city by complete coincidence.
  • Bag of Holding: Their Underwear of Power double as this.
  • Brought to You by the Letter "S": Their costumes, both before and after Hilda, have an insignia on the front; X-Ray's is an X made of green lightning bolts, while Vav's is a V coloured like the Union Jack (and a bowler hat on top).
  • Clothes Make the Superman: Their powers come from the equipment and costumes Hilda gives them, as far as we're aware; Vav's "slow mo" comes from his gloves, while X-Ray's Eye Beams come from his glasses.
  • Crouching Moron, Hidden Badass: They may come off as goofballs, but when the chips are down and the odds are against them, they can prove a force to be reckoned with.
  • Disability Immunity: Their empty-headedness apparently makes them immune to mind-control.
  • Groin Attack: Apparently their transformation (which does not exist considering they never change out of their aliases) occurs when they pelvic thrust each other. Often in mid-jump. One wonders how they don't keel over instead. They weaponize it in Episode 4, smashing the Corpirate's head with their groins.
  • Heterosexual Life-Partners
  • Idiot Hair: Vav has one bit of hair sticking up, X-Ray has two, both seen in the picture to the right.
  • Idiot Hero: And X-Ray is quite proud of it. In fact, because they are idiots, the Key to the City can't induce Mind Control, as it can only control minds, and they don't have any.
    X-Ray: "Sometimes you just gotta do something stupid to get results!"
  • Ink-Suit Actor: Both of them.
  • Offscreen Moment of Awesome: Between episodes 3 and 4 they managed to survive and evade the Copirate and his army of slaves and became just a teeny bit more competent in the meantime. One can only wonder what they must have undergone to manage that.
  • Lonely Together: After psychoanalyzing them The Mad King implies this to be the reason they're friends.
  • Only Known by Their Nickname: Though Vav's makes no sense even after gaining superpowers.
  • Red Oni, Blue Oni: X-Ray is red and Vav is blue.
  • Spanner in the Works: Really, the way they save the day most of the time is by being this, most notably in Episode 2, where they manage to foil the Mad King's plans by complete accident (they were sneaking in to rescue ORF).
  • Super Zeroes: Their first attempt to save stop three of robbers ended up destroying the entire city. X-Ray ended up considering this an appropriate price for justice, but barring the Mayor, the rest of the city calls them "Super Morons".
  • Took a Level in Badass: Admittedly, starting from level zero, they do show some minor signs of competence by the fourth episode (owing to weeks of off-screen training). Still got some grinding to do.
  • Underwear of Power: Acts as a Bag of Holding for their gadgets.
  • Vitriolic Best Buds: They're in each other's faces whenever they aren't trying to save the day.

Sometimes you gotta do something stupid to get results!
He’s a popular guy, a parkour master, who might know some kung-fu!

Voiced by: Ray Narvaez Jr

  • Basement-Dweller: He lives at home with his mom, playing video games and making her clean his room of old ladies.
  • Brutal Honesty: He doesn't hesitate to say what's on his mind, to directly contrast Vav being a Nice Guy.
  • Companion Cube: It's revealed he has a pet rock in the fifth episode of the second season.
  • Deadpan Snarker: His response to getting tased? Snark about his injuries!
    Vav: Are you alright, ma'am?
    X-Ray: Yeah, don't worry about your friend. Just third degree burns all over my body.
  • Disappeared Dad: He doesn't know who his father even is, let alone having met him.
  • The Ditz: He's not much dimmer than Vav, but he did suggest putting out a house fire with gasoline once.
  • Eye Beams: Hilda provides X-Ray with glasses that emit an incredibly powerful concussive blast. Unfortunately, Newton's Third Law is in effect here.
  • Good Is Not Nice: He's really a jerk to Hilda, for one.
  • Green-Eyed Monster: Like you wouldn't believe towards Mogar.
  • Hates Being Alone: Implied through The Mad King's manipulations of him in S2 E5.
  • I Know Mortal Kombat: Apparently, hitting two slow moving robbers is just like Duck Hunt. In theory. In practice, however…
  • Imperial Stormtrooper Marksmanship Academy: He's unable to hit the aforementioned robbers with his Eye Beams. Eventually, this escalates to hitting buildings nowhere near the robbers.
    • He seems to have fixed this in the second episode, shooting the Mad King's crown out of the air with a single beam.
  • Inferiority Superiority Complex: The Mad King seems to hit on this in Season 2, Episode 5: he tends to act like the real cool guy and hopes people will love him because of the fact that his dad left him at a young age. He's absolutely terrified of the idea that Vav would up and leave him for love. This reaches the pinnacle with Episode 7 when Vav ends up rescuing the powerless Ash over X-Ray, which pisses him off to no end and ends the team. The Season 2 finale reveals that as a kid, X-Ray was bullied and Vav came and saved him from those bullies, starting off their friendship.
  • Informed Ability: His verse in the theme song says he's a popular guy, a parkour master and might just know kung-fu. From what we see of him in action none of these things are remotely true.
  • It's All About Me: X-Ray's Fatal Flaw - he wants the fame, the popularity, the citizens cheering for him and a superhero partner whose devoted to the entire thing. He doesn't seem to actually care much about the actual "hero" part, but will go along with it to get what he wants.
  • Large Ham: He gets very shouty whenever he sees or is fighting crime.
  • Leeroy Jenkins: X-Ray is the more headstrong of the two, preferring to charge straight into battle without a single plan of attack.
  • Le Parkour: Claims he's a master at this. He's... not.
  • Must Not Die a Virgin: Right as the Corpirate is ready to finish him, he laments that he will die without actually having intercourse.
  • No Indoor Voice: Yells "THIIIIEEVVVES!!!" when encountering some and is credited as being "loud and obnoxious."
  • Nominal Hero: He cares a lot more about recognized for heroism than the heroism itself, in contrast to Vav.
  • Not So Above It All: The guy whines and pouts because someone's better than him.
  • Parental Abandonment: Played for Laughs as a Running Gag every so often. At least until the fifth episode of season 2 when it's revealed he has some major issues stemming from his father leaving him and his mom.
  • Red Oni, Blue Oni: The Red to Vav's Blue.
  • Skewed Priorities:
    • In the first episode, he says that his destruction of the city was a necessary side-effect of saving it, to the exasperation of Hilda. In the second, he tells Vav that they did save the city, and "those stupid buildings" (read: the city) got in the way.
    • In Season 2, he thinks getting rid of Mogar for showing them up is more important than actually fighting crime. When Mogar battles a homicidal chef who tried to kill Vav and Ash, X-Ray attacks Mogar instead of the chef, and when he's called out on it, outright says he didn't care about the chef.
  • X-Ray Vision: His glasses allow him to see through things. Typically ignored in favour of Eye Beams though.

I suggest we go with Plan A-42b version 6. You find the helicopter, I'll get the squid...
He’s delightfully British, a hero for justice, who cares how you feel!

Voiced by: Gavin Free

  • Character Development: Learns that everything can't be solved with thought-out plans and decides to just wing it with X-Ray at the end of Episode 4.
  • Complexity Addiction: His plan for stopping a purse thief involves a helicopter and a squid, and that's just one of many.
  • Crazy-Prepared: Has dozens upon dozens of numbered plans, but it sounds like they're too convoluted to be of real use.
  • Determinator: When X-Ray is set to call it quits for the night, Vav insists on continuing. This carries over after they get actual powers/equipment, with Vav refusing to let up when the day needs saving.
  • Disguised in Drag: Pulls off a fairly good British mom.
  • Dramatically Missing the Point: He doesn't see that choosing Ash first over X-Ray was a bad idea and is genuinely confused when both X-Ray and Ash leave him alone.
  • Explain, Explain... Oh, Crap!: In "Enter the Dragonfic", Vav's comment about the sparkly outfits and kindly Godzilla-ripoff:
    Wait a minute, this doesn't make any sense! This all seems like another bad fan— [sees the Little Girl writing in the journal] Oh, no.
  • For Great Justice: Exemplifies the idealistic part of being superheroes.
    Vav: "Being a hero isn't about publicity or keys to the city. It's about helping others!"
  • How Do I Shot Web?: Initially has trouble making his slow-mo hands work the way he wants them to.
  • Large Ham: More in the "cliché big speeches" way than the "always yelling" way, though.
  • Nice Guy: More calm and polite compared to X-Ray's bluntness.
    • Innocently Insensitive: However, he has no earthly idea what the bloody hell is going on when X-Ray is majorly upset that he saved Ash over him and Ash just doesn't want to be around Vav anymore once she realizes what her actions has done.
  • Red Oni, Blue Oni: The blue to X-Ray's red. He's the one restraining Ray from hurting himself.
  • Shut Up, Hannibal!: His main exception to his Nice Guy routine, when faced with the Corpirate in Episode 4.
    Vav: I have had enough of this! You will pay for your crimes, you pompous, eyepatch-wearing, money-tossing wanker!
  • Teeny Weenie: Implied, as X-Ray looks down to Vav's crotch, he points and laughs.
  • Time Stands Still: Not exactly still, but his gloves allow him to make people and objects move in slow motion.
  • Wave-Motion Gun: Vav's gadget teacup turns out to fire an enormous one of these. Its effect can be seen from orbit.
  • Wearing a Flag on Your Head: Vav's superhero emblem includes the Union Jack as a pattern.

I've always had a knack for inventing stuff, I'm kind of a genius.

"Well, you two leotarded losers have fun trying to make the world a better place. Ol' Betsy and I have a date with an Xbox and a bag of chips."

Voiced by: Lindsay Jones

A purple haired woman who X-Ray and Vav meet during one night of crimefighting.

  • Curse Cut Short: Has two in Season Two Episode Seven - her "Son of a bitch!" in reaction to X-Ray and Vav hurrying off to confront the Mad King pre-maturely, and "Well, fuck." because said confrontation just ended in the pair separating.
  • Deadpan Snarker: Upon learning who X-Ray and Vav are:
  • The Drag-Along: A unique case in the second episode. After learning of ORF's capture, X-Ray and Vav want to stage a rescue mission. Hilda quickly tells them to get lost, but she ends up reluctantly going along with them... on a mission she was going to do on her own anyway. So it's more like X-Ray and Vav dragged themselves along instead of her.
  • Friendless Background: She starts telling the guys how she built ORF to finally have a friend. X-Ray is less than sympathetic and tells her to stop giving Character Development (though Vav seems to wince at his bluntness).
  • Gamer Girl: See the quote above.
  • Hypercompetent Sidekick: She does the actual work against their Starter Villain the Mad King alongside O.R.F. She even gives a thorough Lampshade Hanging to the fact that they do basically nothing good that leads to actual help (barring helping of good aim from X-Ray saving her), and that she and O.R.F. did all the work.
  • I Call It "Vera": She refers to her giant taser as Betsy. Whether this is the actual name or a one-off is yet to be seen.
  • Intelligence Equals Isolation: Hilda reveals that as a Child Prodigy, she had no friends, so she built ORF to be her friend.
  • Jerk with a Heart of Gold: She fries X-Ray within seconds of meeting him, nearly does the same to Vav, and calls them both losers multiple times. Once they show interest in her weaponry, however, she offers to outfit them with superhero equipment (even if it was to get testing done as well).
    • She also has many a Pet the Dog moment when Orf is involved.
  • Kicked Upstairs: She's the CEO of Monarch Labs as of Season 2, but his means that she can no longer be much help to X-Ray and Vav. At least until the Mad King reclaims the position in Episode 6.
  • Mad Scientist
  • MacGyvering: She makes a set of communicators out of random trash.
  • No Name Given: We don't know her last name.
  • Not So Above It All: When Vav separates Hilda and X-Ray from their argument, she grumbles like a six-year-old.
  • One of the Boys
  • Only Sane Man: She's definitely more grounded than the titular duo.
  • Skyward Scream: GODDAMMIT, X-RAYYYYYYY!!
  • Tempting Fate: She explicitly tells the duo to try and not destroy the city. They don't make it one episode.
  • This Is for Emphasis, Bitch!: "That's friendship, bitch!"
  • Took a Level in Badass: The Season 2 finale has her don Powered Armor... which is another mode of ORF's
  • Wrench Wench: She designs weapons for Monarch Labs for a living.
  • Women Are Wiser: With the exception of Rusty the Hobo, she is pretty much the only sane, competent human in the series through episode 2, and also the only (human) woman. The rest of the cast is of course primarily composed of X-Ray, Vav, and the Mad King, so take that as you will.
    • Her sanity and competency can be questioned given that she was carrying a BFG taser around the city for no reason and gave the Super Zeroes prototypes to test despite already knowing how dumb they were and neglecting to tell them how any of it worked leading to X-Ray demolishing a good part of the city just using Eye Beams leading to the Mad King firing her for it. That said, she's still the most competent by comparison in that situation.
  • Yaoi Fangirl: Most likely, if her trying to stop Dragonface from stopping X-Ray and Vav from kissing is anything.
    Hilda: Let's...see how this plays out.

Greetings! How are you functioning today?

"That was a close one! Crisis averted! Job security at one hundred percent!"

Voiced by: Barbara Dunkelman

Hilda's Orbicular Robotic Friend, ORF for short, acts as her trusty companion, alerting her to any happenings that could hurt her research.

  • Badass Adorable: After Episode 2, her upgrades allow her to be extremely badass. That said, her Badass Boasts are said in the same extremely cute tone of voice.
  • Brainwashed and Crazy: Courtesy of The Mad King in Episode 2. She gets better.
  • Catchphrase: "Greetings. How are you functioning today?"
  • Cephalothorax: After being upgraded, her body's head is also the midpoints of all of the limbs.
  • Cute and Psycho: Enjoys shooting bad guys a bit too much.
    (in a cheerful tone of voice) "He deserves to suffer!"
  • Cute Bruiser: She kicks a lot of ass for something so adorable.
  • Cute Machines: Kind of. She's always displaying a sweet smile on her visor-face except for that time she was reprogrammed and is unquestionably cute. However she also talks about how destroying is fun and calls humans 'puny' in that same cheerful tone of voice.
    • Of course, given this quote from Series 2 she just might not understand the emotions behind some of what she says.
      O.R.F: (Of the Mad King) "I hate his guts! ...What is 'hate'?"
  • Cuteness Proximity: Within five seconds, Vav's descended into baby talk.
  • Glass Cannon: In Episode 4, she proves extremely strong with her upgrades by the Mad King, but a single cannonball to the head knocks her out of action.
  • Literal-Minded: Assumes Vav's baby talk is an attempt to talk to her, and tells him to speak English.
  • Powered Armor: Hilda uses this new form to escape The Mad King's cell and fight back.
  • Robot Buddy: Primarily to Hilda.
  • Vocal Dissonance: In a way. Who would have thought that a robot in attack mode talking about destroying could sound so cute?

     Rusty Bonjour
I got blueprints to everything lady. If the Establishment built it, I know how to dismantle it!

Voiced by: Gray G. Haddock

  • The Alcoholic: He's seen drinking a few times during his first episode.
  • Almighty Janitor: Street-smart, apparently has blueprints to everything, provides intel, and is capable of acting as mission control. Not bad for an apparent hobo.
  • Bunny-Ears Lawyer: He's surprisingly competent, having blueprints to all the buildings in the city and guiding the heroes in their rescue mission in the second episode.
    • Made a bit more literal in a brief scene where he's their lawyer while dealing with Dragonface, adding a red and yellow tie to his normal ensemble.
  • Captain Crash: Seems like a capable helicopter pilot from his 'Nam tour of service... until it crashes, with Rusty remarking that this is not the first time he's been in a helicopter crash.
  • Conspiracy Theorist: He's positive X-Ray's seeming harmless old neighbor is either under mind control, or a zombie. He also carries around a Tinfoil Hat, just in case.
  • Cool Old Guy: Rusty is a helpful and intelligent ally despite being an alcoholic bum.
  • Hypercompetent Sidekick: Similar to Hilda in this regard, but treated with more respect.
  • Informed Judaism: The Holiday Special reveals that he's Jewish. He just wears a Santa suit to get free cash.
  • Mysterious Past: As we find out in Series 1, Episode 3 he used to be the Corpirate's business partner.
    • And now we've got a past encounter with Flynt Coal in which the PI "screwed him".
  • Shell-Shocked Veteran: Apparently he was in 'Nam. He yells out "Vietnam!" when startled out of his sleep by something hitting his van, and he talks about his experiences in Episode 4, which apparently included Hellish Copter.
  • The Smart Guy: Similar to Hilda in this regard, though to a different degree. He's very competent, albeit eccentric, and helps to make plans. Hilda does the gadget work, however. He replaces her when she falls under the Corpirate's Mind Control.
  • Street Smart: According to X-Ray, he's their street smarts guy.
  • Tinfoil Hat: He carries one around, as a part of his Conspiracy Theorist shtick. Considering he's the only person besides X-Ray and Vav not to be mind controlled at the end, he may have been right, which is confirmed in the fourth episode when it is used to turn off Hilda's mind control.
  • Would Hit An Old Woman: Many times, in fact.


    The Corpirate
Yar, they be flying black sails soon enough...

"We both be knowin' there be plunder in these here walls. It just be a matter o' findin' the X that marks the spot. Yar..."

Voiced by: Geoff Ramsey

     The Mad King
All will kneel before the Mad King!

"You can assure your boss that if X-Ray and Vav try to interfere, I'll have some new souvenirs for my... dead people collection!"

Voiced by: Ryan Haywood

  • Adam Westing: Barring the lack of talk of Edgar the Cow until Episode 8 of Season 2, he acts exactly like his voice actor does in Let's Plays, down to his talk of "delicious murder", and, barring the Cool Crown, he also looks exactly like his avatar with Ryan's head.
  • Authority in Name Only: The only thing he's actually king of is the company Hilda worked for.
  • Ax-Crazy: He claims "delicious murder" is his hobby. In "Coal and Order", he's seen in a mental hospital.
  • Big Bad: Of Season 2
  • Break Them by Talking: He's able to seed doubt into X-Ray and Vav, then convince Mogar to help free him.
  • The Bus Came Back: Returns in "Coal and Order".
  • The Caligula: In case his name didn't tip you off, he's pretty crazy.
  • Card-Carrying Villain: He brags about how evil he is constantly.
  • The Chessmaster: Throughout Season 2. He played Ash's constant reports on Mogar and X-Ray's ego to lure Mogar into his clutches. He even revealed that Hilda was never CEO of Monarch Labs to begin with - he still held the company long after he'd been arrested.
  • Cool Crown: Authority in Name Only aside, his crown is made from the bones of his enemies, is useful as a Precision-Guided Boomerang, and has a crooked crack in it. Also seems that he's able to call it to him, even through walls.
  • Corrupt Corporate Executive: He's the CEO of Monarch Labs and he wants to take over the city by evil means.
  • Creepy Blue Eyes: He's the only character in the show to be given coloured eyes, and it makes him look even more insane as a result.
  • The Dragon: Effectively serves as this to the Corpirate until his defeat.
  • Engineered Public Confession: In the Season 2 finale, the City attempts to turn against X-Ray and Vav again, only for Mogar to reveal that the two are right about The Mad King. The Mad King then goes into full Villainous Breakdown mode, leading to the citizens rising up against him and dragging him away.
  • Even Evil Has Standards: Maybe. His reaction to Mogar's Innocently Insensitive comment either indicates he's against racism or that he wants to be the one to do the talking so that there isn't any perceived racism/getting attacked for an unintentionally offensive phrase.
  • Evil Genius: He's smart enough to successfully reprogram and upgrade Orf.
  • Evil Plan: His plan for Season 2: capturing Mogar's mother and attempting to extract something (implied to be her milk) to be used to rule the world
  • Faux Affably Evil: The Mad King is calm, stoic, and can strike up a good conversation. Too bad he's an insane, murdering, manipulative bastard who loves doing what he does.
  • Hoist by His Own Petard: He's ultimately taken down by the upgrades he made to Orf.
  • Improbable Weapon User: He uses his broken crown as a weapon.
  • Ink-Suit Actor: Looks exactly like his voice actor with a business suit and a crown. Considering he acts completely like how said actor acts in Let's Plays, this is highly justified.
  • Kneel Before Zod: After he takes over the city, he claims everyone will kneel before him.
  • Large Ham: He's smart, insane, loud, and he loves it. The fact that his voice actor has a very deep voice just makes him even more hammy.
  • The Mad Hatter: Readily calls himself "the Mad King", and is very proud of it.
  • Man in a Kilt: It wouldn't be the Mad King as portrayed by Ryan Haywood without one!
  • Manipulative Bastard: Makes X-Ray and Vav think about separating and convinces Mogar to break him out of his cell in Season 2.
  • Not-So-Harmless Villain: While his Ax-Craziness made him a bigger threat than a common street thug, he was still defeated relatively quickly and treated like a minor threat. Come Season Two however, he's likely the most dangerous character in the entire show.
  • Oh Poopie: When Orf breaks free from his control due to The Power of Friendship.
  • Psychological Combat: Uses this to his advantage in Season 2, where he was able to cause a lot of terrible things to happen just by talking to people in a cell.
  • Sadistic Choice: Puts Vav in one, forcing him to choose between Ash and X-Ray.
  • Slasher Smile: He never stops smiling, even while making horrifying threats. Though he does stop just before and after being blasted by Orf.
  • Spell My Name with a "The"
  • Take Over the City: His entire plan... which the heroes had no idea about until he brought it up to them.
  • The Chessmaster: Showing shades of this given that the heroes were warned that he could get into their heads upon going to see him separately; he's managed to make X-Ray doubt that Vav wants him around anymore and has manipulated Mogar into helping him against the heroic duo as well as break him free.
  • The Nose Knows: He's able to identify the exact brands of aftershave and hand lotion that X-Ray uses just by smell... as well as the fact that X-Ray only uses the hand lotion on his right hand.
  • "The Reason You Suck" Speech: Gives one to Mogar after the latter discovers the former had his mother with him the entire time and not once questioned it.
  • Took a Level in Badass: Went from being a minor starter villain with a love of murder in Season 1 to being a manipulative bastard who was able to break up X-Ray and Vav, as well as convince Mogar to help him break out of his cell in Season 2.
  • To the Pain: An odd example of this combined with a Pre Ass Kicking One Liner.
    The Mad King: "I'm going to tear off your arms and use them to applaud your demise!"
  • Villain with Good Publicity: As of Season 2 Episode 7. You know you're this trope if you can hold two people hostage during a live press conference, threaten to drop one or both of them into lava, (and then actually do it) and then get away with it because the 'lava' was actually Jell-O.
  • Villainous Breakdown: Collapses into this once he is found out, ranting at the populace.
  • Xanatos Gambit: His Sadistic Choice. The entire plan uses Vav's Nice Guy attitude and no matter what choice Vav made, The Mad King would have won - the citizens would still prefer the King and Mogar over them, Ash would still be upset and X-Ray and Vav would have split up.
  • You Have GOT to Be Kidding Me!: His reaction to Orf breaking free of his control from The Power of Friendship is to call out the situation on being "Disney bullshit".


    The Mayor
Thank you, citizen!

Voiced by: Patrick Rodriguez

"Mogar's mission will not be impeded. Understand that!"

Voiced by: Michael Jones

A mysterious newcomer to town who starts to show up X-Ray and Vav.

  • Alien Blood: Yeah, it's a human red… but it glows.
  • BFS: As shown in the picture to the right, which resembles the master sword from The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword.
  • Book Dumb: According to Episode 8 of Season 2, he Never Learned to Read and can't count.
  • Brought Down to Normal: His powers finally give out in Season 2, Episode 8 at the worst possible time.
  • The Comically Serious: His interactions with the goofy X-Ray and Vav solidify him as this; while they have funny dialogue and failures, Mogar just being there with no reaction (such as falling for Vav playing a mother) makes it even better.
    • He shows up to a fancy restaurant, wearing a tie in addition to his usual outfit, and in no way acts any different. Even if the focus isn't on him until a fight breaks out, just imagine him perusing a menu and ordering food from a high-class establishment.
    • In Season 2, Episode 6, he slams X-Ray and Vav together several times and says, with a serious, intimidating tone like usual; "Mogar demands you stop hitting yourself!"
  • Cool Sword: His weapon.
  • The Cowl: His first actions solidify him as one of these.
  • The Dragon: Becomes this to the Mad King in S2:Ep 5.
    • After he finds out what the Mad King's really up to, he stops being his dragon. Unfortunately, he starts being his power source.
  • Drama-Preserving Handicap: Episode 4 of season 2 reveals he is slowly getting weaker and unable to heal from injury as quickly as he used to without his mother around.
  • Dumb Muscle: Implied. He did fall for X-Ray and Vav's Paper-Thin Disguise.
  • Empowered Badass Normal: And so far has no shown superpowers, but he has glowing blood and a Healing Factor, which apparently are both somehow related to "mother".
  • Even Bad Men Love Their Mamas: Played with, as he's not a badguy, he's just not an ally of the two and keeps crossings paths with them, but he really loves his mother.
  • Face–Heel Turn: Frees the Mad King with the promise of trying to help find his mother in exchange for destroying X-Ray and Vav.
    • Heel–Face Turn: Turns good after finding out what the Mad King's really up to.
  • Heroic Build: Compared to X-Ray and Vav, he's practically Charles Atlas.
  • Heroic Spirit: Shrugs off Vav's slow-mo ray the first time.
    • Averted the second time as he's slowly losing his powerup and can't overpower the slow-mo hands at less than full strength
  • Hero of Another Story: He's a serious action hero protagonist who somehow ended up in a goofy comical superhero story.
  • Horrible Judge of Character: He's trusting the Mad King of all people.
  • In the Hood: Wears a bear head as a hood that covers part of his face in shadow...until X-Ray knocked it off.
  • Innocently Insensitive: Makes a remark about X-Ray and Vav (after first calling them "The Green One" and "The Blue One", respectively) that comes off as racist out of context ("the colored people". Justified as he has lived a life supposedly separate from society.
    Mogar: "Then we destroy those two colored people."
  • Jerk with a Heart of Gold: He's aggressive and blunt, but he does go around the city stopping criminals (admittedly while looking for a particular person). He even attacks a waiter he believes is about to kill Vav, despite his previous fight with him and X-Ray.
  • Knight of Cerebus: There seems to be a very serious story playing out around Mogar, much to X-Ray's annoyance.
  • Major Injury Underreaction: Gets stabbed with a knife in the stomach. He recoils, but other than that treats it as though he was maybe kicked instead, and even pulls it out without giving a damn.
  • Mama's Boy: The mysterious person he's looking for is his mother.
  • Mountain Man: Wears fur, and lives in the wild.
  • Mysterious Past: It seems he lived his entire life off the grid.
  • My God, What Have I Done?: He begs forgiveness to his mother when he realizes that he's caused all of this and he couldn't save her like he wanted to.
  • Never Learned to Read: According to Episode 8 of Season 2.
  • No-Sell: Vav's slow mo hands only temporarily work before he manages to power through it. X-Ray's laser eyes did knock him back, but only served to make him angry.
  • Paper-Thin Disguise: Wears nothing but a tie to a restaurant. Either that, or he's trying to be fancy.
  • Raised by Wolves: Raised by animals, or trees, or something.
  • Spotlight-Stealing Squad: At least to X-Ray, who whines and pouts when Mogar shows them up.
  • Sword Plant: Opens up the ground and releases water during one of his attacks.
  • The Nose Knows: He's using this to try to identify whoever it is that he's looking for.
  • Third-Person Person: Speaks that way occasionally, but downplayed, as he uses "I" or "me" more often.
  • Unknown Rival: X-Ray considers him their arch-nemesis. Mogar couldn't give two shits.


Voiced by: Kerry Shawcross

A young boy who seems to be X-Ray and Vav's number one fan.

  • Ascended Fanboy: Gets to finally be Vav's partner in Episode 8 of Season 2.
  • Cheerful Child: The fact that his heroes don't like him doesn't make him any less happy.
  • Epic Fail: In the middle of a Let's You and Him Fight in Episode 9 of Season 2, he gets into a fight with Dwayne and loses. Dwayne is literally a small rock a little bigger than his hand, and not sentient nor mobile.
  • Everyone Has Standards: Forcing X-Ray and Vav to be in a self-insert fic is fine, but putting them in a slash fic is going to far!
  • Fanboy
    • Loony Fan: If the restraining order means anything.
  • Hero-Worshipper: He really adores the duo.
  • I Just Want to Be Badass: He desperately wants to be a hero and hang out with X-Ray and Vav.
  • Leitmotif: Kazoos play whenever he shows up.
  • Reality Warper: Once he gets a hold of Hilda's Reality Augmenting Journal, anyway. It doesn't last.
  • Undying Loyalty: He'll be 50ft away and awaiting orders!
    • Now extended to 500ft as of the end of episode 2.

    Aishwarya "Ash" Samaya 
Voiced by: Jessica DiCicco
Our Intrepid Reporter

A newspaper reporter who seems happy to promote Mogar over X-Ray and Vav.

  • Everybody Has Standards: She's starting to have second thoughts about using Vav as a means to push the Mogar story.
  • Intrepid Reporter: She is capable of writing all kinds of pieces about X-Ray and Vav being lesser than Mogar... even printing new stories immediately after asking about them while not even having begun to write in the first place.
  • Mike Nelson, Destroyer of Worlds: Her quest to print stuff over Mogar has gotten Mogar and Vav injured and burnt down Mogar's home.
  • My God, What Have I Done?: When Vav ends up rescuing her and allows X-Ray to fall into a vat of Jell-O lava, she comes to realize that her desire to push the Mogar story has effectively destroyed their partnership. She ends up pushing Vav away, who has no earthly idea what's going on anymore.
  • Nice Girl: Putting aside the fact she is tarnishing X-Ray and Vav's reputation in favour of Mogar, she is a really sweet and friendly person. Season Two Episodes Five and Six reveal she really doesn't want to push Vav about too hard for the Mogar story, while her editor tries to insist she do so.
  • Only Known by Their Nickname: In an AfterBuzz panel, Lindsay reveals that Ash's full name is Aishwarya.
  • Offscreen Teleportation: Does this during "Coal and Order", suddenly appearing with our heroes and Flynt Coal out of the blue and claims to have been tracking them up to this point without any of the other three noticing.
  • Screw This, I'm Outta Here: Tired of compromising her journalistic integrity in favor of what would sell papers, Ash finally quits the newspaper after her editor completely changes her expose on The Mad King

    Flynt Coal 

Voiced by: Colton Dunn
It's a dog-eat-dog world out there. Looking at these streets I can't help but wonder... why are all these dogs eating other dogs? Don't they know that's cannibalism?

A private eye hired to figure out more on Mogar.

  • Cloudcuckoolander: Dresses and acts as if he's hardboiled PI from the 40s, constantly monologues to himself - even while drinking coffee (which spills out of his mouth as he's speaking) - and takes the phrase "dog eat dog" as a literal statement.
  • The Comically Serious: A lot of his humour comes from the fact he's able to speak gritty noir clichés with a completely straight face.
  • Dark and Troubled Past: Played for laughs: half of his monologue vaguely references this, which everyone else (namely X-Ray) doesn't care about and keeps interrupting.
  • Deliberately Monochrome: Whenever he starts up his inner monologue (which everyone around him can hear) everything turns black and white, evoking the style of an old noir film.
  • Genius Ditz: Despite the above mentioned quirks he is a surprisingly competent detective, being able to track down Mogar with minuscule and easily missed clues.
  • Hardboiled Detective: An over-the-top parody of the classic noir detective.
  • Literal Metaphor: Briefly assumes the phrase "dog eat dog world" is literally about canine cannibalism.
  • Noodle Incident: Has some past history with Rusty, where Coal apparently "screwed him."
  • Private Eye Monologue: Ish? He obviously acts like he's in a crime noir film, but he's just as delusional as our heroes. Especially since he's still talking to them.
  • Spell My Name With An S: "Flynt"
  • Wrong Genre Savvy: Acts like he's the protagonist in a film noir drama while he's really in a silly superhero cartoon. He's also not aware that his Internal Monologue isn't really all that internal.

A cow that is the Mad King's prisoner and Mogar's mother.

  • Damsel in Distress: Seriously, she's a cow. In a hole.
  • Power-Up Food: If what the diagrams and notes say is true, then Edgar's milk gives incredible power. And probably the rest of her, too. The Mad King plans to steal this via his Energized Dairy Gathering Absorption Rig... or E.D.G.A.R. for short.
  • Walking Spoiler: Yup.
