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Characters / Monica's Gang End of the World Supersaga

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End of The World Super Saga

The End of the World Super Saga is a compilation of smaller sagas and individual issues written by Emerson Bernado de Abreu, a scriptwriter who also works on the classic Monica’s Gang editions. The super saga began in October 2012 with the issue Shadows of the Past - Part 1 and went on hiatus in October 2016 with the issue The Haunted Park, which continues to this day with no expected end. As of this writing, April 2024, no other publication or mention of the super saga has been made by Emerson.

In this Super Saga, the gang, made of Monica, Jimmy Five, Smudge, Maggy, and Denise, faces supernatural and otherworldly dangers as they uncover an ancient and evil peril prophesied to return to Earth and bring about the eponymous end of the world. Unlike most issues of Monica’s Teens, the End of the World Super Saga focuses primarily on horror elements and more mature themes, such as violence, blackmail, tragedies, murders, references to the occult and works of cosmic horror, and many others.

The Gang

     In General 
The Gang is made of the four main protagonists of Monica’s Gang and Monica Teen: Monica, Jimmy Five, Sumdge and Maggy. In the Super Saga, Denise is included as a main protagonists, appearing in all issues so far.
  • Badass Crew: At first, they seem a group of normal high school teens, but all of them have some kind of skill or ability that help in their fight against the agents of evil, such as, Monica's Super-Strength, Jimmy and Denise are both The Chessmaster, Smudge has Super-Reflexes and is a parkour god and Maggy has her family latent magic.
  • Big Good: They are the main force trying to stop the coming of the Serpent, alongside Madam Creuzodete, Big Sunny and Future Denise.
  • Five-Man Band: In the Super Saga, the Gang is made of the main four (Monica, Jimmy, Smudge and Maggy) plus Denise, which appeared in all editions so far and has a huge relevance in the overall story.
  • Two Girls to a Team: Inverted. With the inclusion of Denise, the Gang is now made of three girls and two boys.

She is the leader of the Gang. A strong, stubborn but loyal and friendly girl.
  • Action Girl: Monica is the definition of this trope. If her friends are in trouble or a great evil is threatening the world, she will jump in the fight and try her best to succeed.
  • Action Girlfriend: She is this to Nick Nope.
  • Amicable Exes: Downplayed. She and Jimmy dated in past editions but eventually broke up and Monica started to date Nick Nope during the Super Saga. While the two still friends and do many things together, there is still a bit of resentment between the two.
  • The Big Guy: Because of her strength, Monica usually solves her problems with offensive, direct attacks.
  • Cute Bruiser: She is a very sweet and feminine girl, but she can crush you with her bare hands.
  • Damsel in Distress: Invoked and defied by her in Shadows of the Past - Part 2. Monica infiltrated Penha's mansion to rescue Jimmy and put a stop to her plans, but when she comes across Jimmy running through the halls, he says that she shouldn't be there and that he was just trying to protect her. Monica got angry with Jimmy, saying she wasn't a damsel in distress and didn't need anyone to save her.
  • Dumb Muscle: Played for Laughs. While she has normal intelligence for her age, Emerson likes to portray her as dumber and slower than the other around her.
  • The Leader: Since her childhood, she is the leader of the Gang.
  • Muscles Are Meaningless: Although she possesses superhuman strength, she does not have a very muscular body.
  • Neck Lift: She suffered two of these in the super saga: the first by Agnes in Shadows of the Past - Part 2 and the second by one of the Engineers in Heirs of the Earth issue. In both situations, the villains gloats on how she can't even save her own life when trying to save others.

Shadows of the Past


Maria da Penha Chociay, or only Penha
The leader of the Girls of the Pitanga Street. A spoiled and rich frenchie who seeks revenge against the Gang (especially Monica) for past actions.

She is present in the Shadows of the Past saga, the Halloween issue and The Reverse Tower saga.

  • Abusive Parents: Her parents are a vampire and a corrupt politician, which certainly influenced Penha's growth and made her what she is today. They knew she was bullying other children and did nothing but nickname her "the Red Horse of War". When she fell into a coma after the events of Shadow of the Past Part 2, her parents paid the hospital bill but did not visit her even once in a year.
  • Alpha Bitch: As the richest, most beautiful and most popular girl in the neighborhood, Penha believes she has the freedom to abuse and manipulate everyone around her. She finds it unacceptable that Jimmy has exchanged her for Monica in the past, so much that she spent a good part of her life planning a way to defeat them as revenge for the humiliation. Even those within her friendship circle are susceptible to her abuse, as in the case of Agnes and, especially, Sophia.
  • Arch-Enemy: She considers herself one for Monica, blaming her for being Jimmy rejection in the past. Since then, she has been planning a way to defeat Monica, saying that she was the one who made her a bitter and vengeful person. In the Halloween issue, what motivated her spirit to leave her comatose body was her desire for revenge against Monica.
  • Astral Projection: During Halloween, as the fabric that separates the world of the dead from the living is thinner, the hatred and desire for revenge made Penha's spirit to leave her commatose body to torment the Gang, especially Monica, during a school party. At the end of the issue, Maggy casted a spell on her great-aunt's locket that trapped Penha's spirit in her body until she's fully healed.
  • Body Surf: Penha's spirit, during the Halloween edition, moved between different bodies, like Smudge, Sophia, Maggy, and all the students at the school at once.
  • The Bully: Since childhood, Penha bullied everyone around her, pointing out people's biggest weaknesses and making them feel like trash.
  • Demonic Possession: While in her ghost form, Penha had the power to possess the bodies of other people, such as Smudge, Sophia, Maggy, and all the students at the school at once.
  • French Jerk: Penha used to live in France before moving to Brazil. This is made explicit by her accent, which puts an emphasis on "r" phonemes, and her tendency to punctuate her sentences with Gratuitous French. She is also a despicable, arrogant and manipulative teenager who makes everyone's lives hell.
  • The Friend Nobody Likes: In The Reverse Tower Part 2 issue, when Captain Fray asked for Penha in exchange for curing Monica, Denise quickly told the Gang to hand her over, since no one, besides Sophia, cared about her. Later, when Sophia said that the Gang liked Penha and would protect her at any cost, Maggy, Jimmy and Smudge tried to change the subject.
  • From Nobody to Nightmare: At first, Penha seems to be just an ordinary girl, if only extremely rich by the standards of her small neighborhood in São Paulo. In fact, she is the Red Horse of War, one of the Serpent's main servants who will help bring about the End of the World.
  • Gratuitous French: In "Shadows of the Past - Part 2", Penha says “Its time to begin la phase deux” (phase two) when Sophia comes back with more information about Monica. In The Reverse Tower, Part 2, Penha says "Je t' aime plus, mon amour" (I love you more, my love) while making fun of the romance between Jimmy Five and Denise.
  • Horsemen of the Apocalypse: Penha is the Red Horse of War, one of the heralds of the End of The World, servant of the Serpent. However, Penha doesn't seem to know the meaning of this, believing that this name is just a nickname her parents gave her for terrorizing the lives of other children.
  • Hypnotic Eyes: Penha has an ability called Look of Contempt, in which she, by looking deeply into a person's eyes, brings out their greatest weaknesses, humiliating them to a point where they do what Penha wants. The only person immune to this look is Denise, as she is full of attitude and self-love.
  • Jerk with a Heart of Gold: When Cerberus swallowed Sophia in the Third Circle, Penha asked the others to help her friend.
  • Kids Are Cruel: Penha tormented the lives of the children around her so much that her parents nicknamed her the Red Horse of War. Apparently, that nickname was more than literal, as she really is the Horse of War, one of the Heralds of the Serpent.
  • Narcissist: Penha loves to make everything about her. When Jimmy and Dr. Stavros were arguing about Mister Samir (aka Captain Fray), Penha attacked Jimmy and said that she is the protagonist of the story, not that "rickety old man".
  • Nightmare Face: After Maggy expelled Penha from her body, her spirit dissolved herself to possess all the other students at the school at once. During this process, Penha's face is shown melting, going from the rotting skin to muscles to bones.
  • Politically Incorrect Villain: Penha constantly mocks Sophia about her weight, making jokes like asking her to go to the kitchen and disguise herself as a gas cylinder so as not to scare off her party guests.
  • Powers via Possession: When Penha possesses Maggy's body, she gains access to her latent magic, using it to terrorize the Gang and almost kill Monica.
  • The Proud Elite: As the daughter of a corrupt and millionaire politician, Penha has disdain for the less fortunate around her, saying things like "I'm tired of interacting with the servants/C-class/commoners" and "this hospital has been better attended".
  • Red Is Violent: Her main attire is a red coat and beret and she is the Red Horse of War, one of the heralds of the end of the world.
  • Spoiled Brat: Penha uses her social status and her father's money to come out on top of most situations or solve her problems. When Dr. Stavros stopped her from leaving the hospital after just waking up from a coma, she said she was going to ask her father to buy the entire hospital just to fire him.
  • Ungrateful Bastard: After learning that Penha had fallen into a coma, Maggy gave up her great-aunt's magic locket to create a healing spell for her. When Penha woke up and found out about it, she tried to steal the locket to have all the power (which was actually inside Maggy) for herself, showing total ingratitude for Maggy's selfless act.

Agnes in human form
Agnes in her ghostly form
Denise: Aaaah!! She's a ghost! Monica: It's the monstruous shadow from my dream!
One of the Girls of the Pitanga Street. Two years before the event of Shadows of the Past, Agnes died of illness, but her ghost was summoned by Penha to fulfill her plans.

She is only present in the Shadows of the Past saga

  • Ambiguously Human: In the classic comics she's usually a hypocontriac older girl, and in the Teen Manga, she's dead and returns as a shadowy ghost. However, the "Inverse Tower" reveals that she was a childhood colleague of Captain Fray, implying that she didn't age normally. That, and her family's ties with the House of Asclepius throws serious doubts about her real nature.
  • Ascend to a Higher Plane of Existence: Enforced by Ângelo, who banished her from the living world to one of the afterlife realms.
  • Bad People Abuse Animals: She captures the Leleala pigs and keeps them locked and starving as part of Penha's plan to frame Monica. Even in the classic comics, she had an habit of capturing birds and putting them on cages specifically to hear their sad singing, and once captured Maggy's cat Vanilla to cook him and make a scarf out of his fur.
  • Combat Tentacles: Agnes often uses her shadow tentacles to attack or grab people.
  • Freudian Excuse: Agnes' parents died from a plague, and the trauma turned her into a hypochondriac. Their ghosts sheltered her from the outside world, forbiding her to make friends with anyone other than Penha, who treated her as little more than a minion.
  • Ghastly Ghost: As a member of the Shadow People, Agnes is a malevolent ghost who serves as Penha’s Dragon and has no qualms about killing innocent people.
  • Hypochondria: When Agnes was alive, she had the moniker “The Hypochondriac”, because she was afraid of getting sick. This trait stayed with her after her death, such as when she didn't follow Monica and Denise through the sewer for fear of catching disease.
  • Prophet Eyes:In her ghostly form, she has two large, blank white eyes.
  • Put on a Bus: Agnes is forcibly dragged to Hell at the end of her debut story. Though the destruction of planet Tomb in a later arc ends up freeing all evil spirits that were imprisoned within it, Emerson has confirmed Agnes will not return in any upcoming chapters outside of a couple of flashbacks.
  • She Cleans Up Nicely: While her looks contrast with her appearance in the classic comics, where she was a plain-looking kid, one story shows that she could be beautiful after the girls give her a new look. Too bad her ghostly parents disapproved...

Colored Sophia
One of the Girls of the Pitanga Street. At first, she worked for Penha in his revenge plan against Monica, but ended up sided with the Gang and became a precious ally in future editions.

She is present in all sagas but Heirs of the Earth and Shadows of the Future.

  • The Big Guy: Or girl. Besides being fat, Sofia is very strong, much stronger than Monica, capable of stunning her with a punch and breaking Captain Fray's body in half.
  • Fat and Skinny: She is the Fat for the Skinny Denise and Penha.
  • Fat Best Friend: She is Denise best friend and is fat.
  • Go Through Me: When Denise tells the Gang to deliver Penha to Captain Fray in exchange for Monica's cure, Sophia disagrees and says they have to go through her to get Penha.
  • Heroic Sacrifice: She sacrifices herself for Penha when she is swallowed by Cerberus in the Third Circle. Subverted as she actually survives and was rescued by the DINÂMICA at the end of The Reverse Tower saga.
  • Made of Iron: Downplayed. Despite being able to take a lot of damage, Sophia has a certain limit. In Big Sunny's future, she was killed while facing the Crematorium, Future Jimmy's strongest robot.
  • Neck Lift: She does this with Monica while possessed by the spirit of Penha.
  • Stout Strength: Sophia is very fat and the strongest in the Gang (after she joined), even surpassing Monica.
  • You Are Fat: She is the target of many fat jokes, coming mainly from Penha and Denise. In the new deluxe editions, due to problems involving fatphobia, the fat jokes were removed.

    Madame Creuzodete
Madame Creuzodete
She is a psychic who always helps the Gang with her visions and advice about future problems.

She is present in all sagas minus Shadows of the Future and Heirs of the Earth.

  • Big Good: She acts as one of the main forces of good during the "End of the World Saga", since she is one of the few characters who are aware of the Serpent's imminent return and have actually devised plans to counter the creature.
  • Crystal Ball: Creuzodete uses her crystal ball to see the past, like when she learned Berenice’s tragic story; the present, when she spied on the events of the Halloween issue in real time; and probably the future. In ‘’Shadows of the Past’’, when she used her crystal ball to find out what was happening to Monica, Agnes' spirit attacked her through the ball, causing Monica to destroy it.
  • Madame Fortune: She is a powerful fortuneteller named Madame Creuzodete.
  • Not So Above It All: She's the one who tells the truth about the legend of the Flying Donkey and how the town turned the tragedy into a holiday so they could profit off its myth, but as Denise points out, she's not above selling Flying Donkey toys and souvenirs as a side hustle.
  • Race Lift: In Emerson Abreu's blog, he says that he always envisioned Madame Creuzodete as a Black woman, and expresses annoyance that the art crew started depicting her as Caucasian past her first appearance.
  • Really 700 Years Old: She turned 135 a month before the events of Shadows of the Past.
  • Tarot Troubles: In the Umbra issue, when Jimmy is about to open the Red Door, Madame takes the death card from her tarot deck, predicting Jimmy's death and the coming of the Pale Horse of Death, aka the Flying Donkey.

Supernatural Entities

The LeLeAla
The Legião dos Leitões Alados (Legion of Winged Piglets) is a group of winged pigs whose mission is to protect animals from human cruelty.

A guardian angel who protects the children of the Lemon Street, called Anjinho (little angel).
  • The Armies of Heaven: Ângelo shows up fully dressed in armor inspired by the Knights Templar (according to Emerson himself) and with a sword, summoned by Monica to banish Agnes from the world of the living.
  • Banishing Ritual: Ângelo used his angelic powers to banish Agnes from the world of the living.
  • The Grim Reaper: Despite the Grim Reaper being a totally different entity in this universe, being LadyMacDeath, Ângelo was summoned by Monica to escort Agnes, a ghost, to one of the afterlife planes. He basically did the work of a reaper.
  • Prophet Eyes: Upon his arrival (as seen in the character's image), Ângelo had completely white eyes. On the other pages, however, his eyes became more human.
  • Winged Humanoid: He’s portrayed as the common western view of an angel.



Old Berenice
Madame Creuzodete's assistant. Born in Sococó da Ema, she helped the Turma during their stay in the city, providing her house as a stay, telling them about the legend of the Flying Donkey and Umbra. In reality, she is the lady of the legend, mother of the Lake Girl and one of the components of the real Flying Donkey. Together with her daughter, she forms the Pale Horse of Death.

She is introduced in Shadows of the Past, Part 1, but her role is greater in the Umbra saga

  • Cool Old Lady: Subverted. She seems to be this at first, housing the Gang in her old house, driving them into town every day, serving them tea and even making them Halloween masks. However, she is nothing more than a manipulative and evil lady, who used the Gang to complete the ritual that would bring her daughter back to life.
  • Deal with the Devil: Berenice made a deal with the Serpent to bring her daughter back to life. In turn, the two of them would become the Pale Horse of Death, one of the heralds of the End of the World.
  • Dragged Off to Hell: After passing the Red Door, Berenice’s soul was taken to Hell by Lady McDeath because of the pact she made with the Serpent.
  • Driven to Villainy: Initially, Berenice was a generous and selfless woman who liked to give candy to the poorest children in town. However, when her daughter died, she sank into grief and hatred, blaming the children she helped for her daughter's death. These negative feelings eventually attracted the Serpent, who provided the means to bring his daughter back in exchange for the souls of the seven children. From then on, Berenice became a vengeful and manipulative woman, with the sole purpose of reviving her daughter and becoming the Pale Horse of Death.
  • Even Evil Has Loved Ones: Despite being an evil woman willing to hurt children and manipulate others to complete her plans, Berenice truly loves her daughter, as it all started when she was willing to do anything to get her back.
  • Evil All Along: At first, Berenice seems like a sweet and kind old lady, willing to help the Gang with whatever they need. However, as revealed halfway through the saga, this was all a ploy to use the Gang to complete the ritual that would bring their daughter back to life and become the Flying Donkey, the Pale Horse of Death.
  • Evil Old Folks: Under the guise of a nice and generous old lady, Berenice is actually manipulative, evil and unscrupulous, willing to poison children (twice), make a pact with a Satan-like entity, cause the death of a teenager and use the spirits of his friends as personal servants just to bring their daughter back to life.
  • From Nobody to Nightmare: She was just a normal woman from the countryside of São Paulo who, through a pact, became the Pale Horse of Death, one of the heralds of the end of the world.
  • Glamour: She used a glamor spell to hide her donkey paws, obtained after her pact with the Serpent. Madame Creuzodete could see right through it.
  • Human Sacrifice: While she did not actually kill them, Berenice put the bodies of the seven children she accused of murdering her daughter inside Umbra, some kind of Purgatory, condemning them to a state between life and death.
  • In-Series Nickname: She was called “the Flying Donkey” by the town children because she had a wooden horse in her yard with overly long ears.
  • I Was Quite a Looker: Berenice was a beautiful woman in her youth, but the pact she made with the Serpent completely drained her life force, turning her into an ugly elderly woman in less than 20 years. In Shadow of the Past, Part 1, Denise even calls her “an ogre”.
  • Lack of Empathy: For Berenice, all other people are pawns that she uses within her plan, including Madame Creuzodete and the Gang.
  • Necromantic: Ever since her daughter died, Berenice has been trying to bring her back to life through a ritual taught by the Serpent. When the ritual was interrupted in the past, she spent 20 years of her life learning magic to complete it. She also puts the gang's souls (minus Jimmy) into Halloween masks, making them her personal servants known as Guardians of the Threshold.
  • Outliving One's Offspring: She outlives her daughter when she dies in 1994 and, since then, has been trying to bring her back.
  • Powered by a Forsaken Child: The ritual to bring her daughter back to life required the souls of the seven children who were accused of killing her.
  • Tragic Villain: A kind-hearted woman who got consumed with grief and anger after losing her daughter and convinced herself that a group of innocent children were guilty fell into the hands of an ancient evil entity which used for its plans of releasing the Apocalypse.
  • Walking Spoiler: Berenice first shows up during the "Shadows from the Past" arc, as a seemingly unimportant comic relief character. In "Umbra", her true nature and allegiance are revealed, making for one of the biggest twists in the End of the World Supersaga.
  • Would Hurt a Child: After her daughter died, Berenice blamed the children she gave candy for her death. Therefore, as part of the ritual to bring her daughter back, she poisoned the candy with a sedative and placed the children inside the Umbra, condemning them to an existence between life and death.
  • Younger Than They Look:The pact that Berenice made with the Serpent drained all of her youth, making her look like an old woman in her 80s and up with only about 40/50 years old.

     Big Sunny (spoilers)
Big Sunny
Big Sunny is Sunny’s future self, coming from a timeline where Jimmy Five takes control of the world. He travels back to 2014 to avoid that dark future and save his friends.

He appears in the Umbra saga, Shadows of the Future saga and The Haunted Park issue.

  • Alternate Self: He is a future version of Sunny, hailing from a timeline where Jimmy Five became an undead dictator who took control of the planet. He was sent to the past, along with Future Denise, to stop Jimmy from becoming a Guardian of the Threshold.
  • Alternative-Self Name-Change: To avoid suspicion, he changed his name to Big Sunny (Xavecão in Portuguese) and said he was Sunny's (Xaveco) cousin.
  • Bad Future: He came from a future where Berenice kills Jimmy and turns him in one of the Guardian of the Threshold. However, Jimmy’s new mask made him more ambitious and manipulative, so he convince the other to defeat the Flying Donkey, setting the path free for him to take control of the world. Monica, now the leader of the résistance, sends Big Sunny and Future Denise, his girlfriend, to the past, right before Jimmy's capture to avoid that dark future.
  • Future Badass: By training to fight apocalyptic robots, Sunny has become more muscular and brave, earning the respect of others and even Denise's interest, something her present self is far from achieving.
  • Future Self Reveal: Denise catches that he is Sunny’s future self after the battle against the Flying Donkey, saying that this “happens in every movie” (where someone comes from the future to prevent such timeline from happening).
  • Hunk: Big Sunny is a tall, muscular and handsome man, attracting many girls such as Denise, Bia and even Monica.
  • Mr. Fanservice: Emerson certainly had fun drawing Big Sunny, as in many editions, he is shirtless, demonstrating a large chest and strong arms. In the ‘’Beach Vacation’’ issue, Big Sunny spends most of his time in his swim trunks, showing off his thick legs. Many of the Super Saga fans (who are attracted to men) praised the design of Big Sunny.
  • Shirtless Scene: Big Sunny spends most editions shirtless or ripping his shirt off.

     Zé Beto and Crispiano
Zé Beto in the left and Crispiano in the right
A duo of country singers managed by Denise. They were inspired by the Brazilian country duo Zé Neto and Cristiano.They appear in the Umbra saga and the Shadow of the Future issue.
  • Manchild: Despite being grown up men, they are extremely childish and goofy. They are the main comic reliefs of the editions they are present.
  • Naked People Are Funny: They get nude twice as comic relief.
  • Those Two Guys: They are never seen apart and act synchronized most of the time.
  • Trickster Twins: In Shadows of the Future, their main role is pranking the others, like putting mud in the bathtub, farting in Sunny’s face and releasing frogs in the beach house.

One of the townsfolk, who despises the Flying Donkey festival because of his son's disappearance 20 years ago.
  • Antagonistic Offspring: In the end, he and his wife gets possessed by Spokesperson, one of his children.
  • Arson, Murder, and Jaywalking: His first appearance involves him yelling that his children disappeared, that the Flying Donkey Festival is a merchandising ploy that ignores the tragedy behind the legend, mentioning the empty cemetery and... demanding coffee.
  • Earn Your Happy Ending: After 20 years of suffering over the disappearance of his children, Olavo had his happy ending when they returned home after Berenice's curse was lifted. Subverted when it was revealed that his son, Spokesperson, had taken control of the minds of everyone in town, including Olavo and his wife.
  • Missing Child: His two sons, Spokesperson and Wormwood, mysteriously disappeared when they were children and their bodies were never found. For 20 years, Olavo protested against the Flying Donkey festival, saying that the city preferred to make money from tourists than looking for his children.
  • Papa Wolf: Olavo truly loved his children, becoming furious when the city made no effort to look for them when they disappeared.

Supernatural Entities

The ghost of the Lake Girl
The lake girl when she was alive
The girl from the legend of the Flying Donkey. She was a cute and innocent girl who was killed by the evil children of Sococó da Ema. Or so the legend says. In fact, she was a jealous and evil child who caused her own death that sent her mother down the evil path. When she merged with her mother, the two became the Flying Donkey, also known as the Pale Horse of Death.

She appears in the Umbra saga and makes a cameo in The Inverse Tower issue.

  • Big Bad Duumvirate: She and her mother are the main villains of the Umbra arc.
  • The Cameo: She has a brief appearance in The Inverse Tower issue, where she thanks Monica for freeing her from Hell.
  • Death of a Child: As part of a prank to scare the children she envied, Lake Girl put a donkey skull with twigs in place of horns and roared after them. However, as the skull obstructed her view, she ended up falling off a cliff and drowning in the river below.
  • Did Not See That Coming: When she put the donkey’s skull on her head to scare the other children, she didn't think that she would not see a thing with that until it was too late.
  • Dragged Off to Hell: After going through the Red Door, she and her mother were sent to Hell for making a pact with the Serpent.
  • Escaped from Hell: In the Inverse Tower issue, it is revealed that she managed to escape Hell (Planet Tomb) after Monica and company blew it up in the Heirs of the Earth: Conclusion issue.
  • Even Bad Women Love Their Mamas: As bad as she was, it was her jealousy of her mother giving other children attention that drove her to pull the prank on the future Children of Umbra, which culminated in her demise.
  • Face of an Angel, Mind of a Demon: Her pic above is taken from Berenice's version where she was an innocent victim, and while she was indeed a beutiful little girl in the real story, she's revealed to be a jealous, mean-spirited brat.
  • Fusion Dance: As the ritual she performed with the Serpent was draining her life energy, Berenice decided to tie her daughter's spirit to the donkey's skull so the two could merge and become the Pale Horse of Death, fulfilling her part of the pact.
  • Historical Hero Upgrade: Berenice's story, as well as the townspeople's when they mention the legend describe her as an innocent little girl who was the victim of a cruel prank which ended tragically. While her tragic death is true, she was in fact the one who pulled a mean prank out of jealousy and was victim of her own actions.
  • Kids Are Cruel: She believed that her mother liked other children more than herself, so on Halloween 1994, she tried to scare these children out of spite. However, as her vision was obstructed, she ended up falling off a cliff and drowning in the river below. After her death, she became an evil and cruel ghost that haunted the forests of Sococó da Ema. In the words of Madame Creuzodete, she is "the most evil and manipulative spirit that ever lived."
  • Knight of Cerebus: In contrast with Berenice, who gets a few humorous moments before revealing her true colors, there's nothing light-hearted about the Lake Girl. She was a mean-spirited girl when she was alive, her demise was tragic, as a ghost she is a faceless figure who manipulates Jim into helping her get her face back, and in the end, her soul is damned to Hell, and yet she's Just a Kid.
  • Light Is Not Good: She wears a fairy costume and is one of the evilest ghosts in the world.
  • Manipulative Bitch: She, alongside her mother, manipulated the Gang to complete the ritual that would bring her to life. Her main target, Jimmy Five, had no idea she was the villain and she was using him until the Children of Umbra show it to him. Madame Creuzodete evens says that she is “the most manipulative spirit that ever lived”.
  • Nightmare Face: In her ghost form, Lake Girl's face has no eyes or mouth, only blurs. This symbolizes the fact that she has lost her "face", aka the donkey's skull.
  • No Name Given: Her true was never revealed. She’s only referred by the nickname the townspeople gave to her: the “Lake Girl”.
  • Unwitting Pawn: As bad as she was, she's genuinely surprised and scared when her mother changes the ritual to tie her soul to the donkey skull and merge them into the Pale Horse of Death, so it was never her intention to become a Horse of Apocalypse and it's implied that the Serpent planted that idea on her mother's mind.

In the image: Behold the true face of the Flying Donkey! Behold... The Pale Horse of Death
The legend of the Flying Donkey exist since the times of the classical comic books, presenting the Donkey as a benevolent spirit and protector of the tupperwares (as in plastic pots). In truth, the Flying Donkey is the fusion between Berenice, a sorcerer from Sococó da Ema, and the ghost of her dead daughter, the Lake Girl. The two of them form de Pale Horse of Death, the second Horse of the Apocalypse revealed and one of the heralds of the Serpent.

She appears in the last issue of the Umbra saga and in a flash-forward in the issue Shadows of the Future.

  • Adaptational Villainy: In the classical comic books of Monica’s Gang, the Flying Donkey was a kind and benevolent spirit that protects the children and the plastic pots, and, in many issues, she is shown hanging out with the Gang. However, as one of the many stories from the classical comic books that suffered a Cerebus Retcon in Emerson’s hands, the Flying Donkey in the Super Saga is the Pale Horse of Death, a malevolent creature serving the Serpent that would cause a lot of death (obviously) if not defeated by the Gang (as shown in Big Sunny’s timeline).
  • Animalistic Abomination: The Flying Donkey is a supernatural creature that resembles a donkey, with a donkey’s skull for the face and fairy wings in the back.
  • Arc Villain: She is the main antagonist of the Umbra: The Final Battle issue and the final villain of the Umbra saga.
  • Artifact of Doom: The Donkey Skull. Initially, it was a random donkey skull that Lake Girl found to scare the children she envied, but after the girl's death, it became a crucial item for the resurrection ritual the Serpent taught Berenice. When Berenice's house burned down, one of the children she condemned in the ritual stole the skull and placed it in the Umbra, where neither of them could enter. After the Guardians of the Threshold retrieved it from Jimmy's failed plan, Berenice used the skull to bind her daughter's soul so the two could merge and become the Pale Horse of Death, also known as the Flying Donkey.
  • The Bad Guy Wins: In Big Sunny’s timeline, since he wasn’t there to stop Jimmy’s death, Berenice completed her ritual and became the Flying Donkey. Without the Gang to oppose her, she the fulfilled her vengeance and killed hundreds of innocent people. Subverted in the end because, as Jimmy’s mask made him more ambitious to world domination, he convinced the other Guardians to defeat the Donkey, ending her reign of terror as Maggy exorcised her from this world.
  • Breath Weapon: She can breathe fire/energy beams from her mouth, which she used to burn the salt used by the Gang to trap the Guardians of the Threshold and to attack the Gang.
  • Cerebus Retcon: In the classical Monica’s Gang comic books, the Flying Donkey was a spirit of a donkey that showed up in some issues, titled as the “protector of tupperwares”. In some of this editions, the Donkey was friendly and even hanged out with the kids now and there. This changed in the Monica’s Teen Super Saga, where Emerson puts the Flying Donkey as an Animalistic Abomination resulted from the fusion of a necromantic witch and the spirit of her dead daughter. And she is also the Pale Horse of Death, a herald to an Eldritch Abomination called the Serpent.
  • The Dragon: As a Horse of the Apocalypse, the Flying Donkey serves the Serpent as part of their pact to bring the Lake Girl back to life. However, it is unknown what plans the Serpent had to her.
  • Evil Gloating: When Big Sunny said he could handle her, she started monologuing, saying things like: “Who do you think you are? Look at me and despair!”.
  • Evil Is Bigger: She was already tall when Berenice and her daughter fused, but, as time went by, she grown to taller than the trees.
  • Foreshadowing: In the Umbra edition, Todd's license plate read REV 0608, a reference to Revelation 06:08, which details the coming of the Horseman of Death: I looked, and there before me was a pale horse! Its rider was named Death, and Hades was following close behind him. They were given power over a fourth of the earth to kill by sword, famine and plague, and by the wild beasts of the earth.
  • Horsemen of the Apocalypse: She is the Pale Horse of Death, one of the servants of the Serpent and Herald of the end of the world.
  • Omnicidal Maniac: As seen in Big Sunny's timeline, after defeating the Gang, the Flying Donkey continued with her plan to spread her revenge across the world, killing hundreds of innocents. If Future Jimmy hadn't dethroned her, it's possible she would have killed everyone on the planet. She is the Pale Horse of Death, after all.
  • Skull for a Head: Her head is the Donkey’s Skull, an Artifact of Doom used in the ritual to bring the Lake Girl back to life.

     The Lady of The Boat
In the image: But also known as Lady McDeath
One of the names of Lady McDeath, the Grim Reaper.

She only appears in the Umbra saga.

  • Above Good and Evil: Downplayed. Although she is the personification of death and only cares about her job, she helped Jimmy defeat the Flying Donkey, the Pale Horse of Death, which would bring much destruction to the world if it was successful in its plans.
  • The Grim Reaper: She is the one responsible for taking the souls of the dead to one of the afterlife realms.
  • In the Hood: Her hood covers most of her head, showing only her mouth.
  • No Sense of Humor: Invoked by the Children of Umbra. When she made a little joke about how Jimmy’s arrogance will kill him, the Children were surprised and said that it must be the end of times.
  • Shout-Out: In the Umbra saga, she looks like Charon, the ferryman in Greek Mythology.

Children of Umbra

     In General
The Children of Umbra
The Children of Umbra is the name given to the seven spirits of evil children that, according to the legend of the Flying Donkey, haunt the forests of Sococó da Ema.

They only appear in the Umbra saga.

  • Bad Powers, Bad People: As the evil spirits of evil children, they have powers that often cause much damage and suffering, such as possession, raising the dead, controlling blood, or causing illusions. The only more neutral power is that of the Violinist, who can predict the future.
  • Barred from the Afterlife: Due to the interruption of Berenice's ritual, the children's souls were trapped in Umbra (a kind of Purgatory) for 20 years, unable to move to one of the afterlife realms.
  • The Bully: Subverted. They are all seen like this in the legend of the Flying Donkey. On Halloween 1994, they caused the death of a girl by placing a donkey's skull on her head, as she was the daughter of the Flying Donkey, the lady who distributed sweets to them. In fact, the real bully was Lake Girl, who hated children because their mother paid more attention to them than to her.
  • Creepy Child: They represent this trope well. In the legend told by Berenice, they were evil and treacherous children who caused the death of an innocent girl. When they became ghosts, they assimilated more macabre versions of the costumes they wore when they disappeared.
  • Death of a Child: Downplayed. As Berenice only put their (still alive) bodies in Umbra through the Red Door, they were trapped in a state between life and death for 20 years, acting like ghosts.
  • Evil All Along: After being released of Berenice’s curse, the Children of Umbra quickly took over Sococó da Ema, with Spokesperson possessing everyone in town. This is even lampashed by Smudge, who questioned the children's true intentions, as the Violinist, who can predict the future, did not warn them of the tragedies to come.
  • Heel–Face Turn: According to the Flying Donkey legend, the Children of Umbra were evil children who caused the death of a girl and were punished by the Flying Donkey spirit, becoming evil ghosts that haunted the forests of Sococó da Ema. However, as seen in the Umbra: Mystery Revealed? issue, the children were actually the victims of the story, turned into ghosts as part of a black magic ritual. Subverted at the end of the Umbra saga by revealing that the children were evil (or became evil over a period of 20 years) when they took over Sococó da Ema.
  • More Deadly Than the Male: According to Madame Creuzodete, the three girls are the more dangerous.
  • Never Grew Up: Because they were trapped in the Umbra for 20 years between life and death, the Children of Umbra never grew up. When Berenice's curse was lifted at the end of the saga, the children came back to life with the same bodies they had when they were "killed". However, although their bodies have not grown, their minds have matured during these 20 years, as seen by their manipulative abilities and their morals.
  • No Name Given: None of them had their real names revealed, just the nicknames the townspeople gave them.
  • Sealed Evil in a Can: Lampshaded by Smudge. As he says, Berenice’s curse was the only thing keeping the “most powerful creatures of the planet” in check and, now that the curse has been lift, they are loose to wreak havoc.
  • The Voiceless: Wooden leg, Wormwood, Sangria and Widow don't speak, since their masks don't have mouths.
  • The Weird Sisters: The three girls: Ballerina, Sangria and Widow. Madam Creuzodete says they are the most dangerous of the Children of Umbra.

The leader of the Children of Umbra. His main power is to possess people's bodies.
  • Affably Evil: Spokesperson is extremely polite and cordial to everyone, even when things get out of hand. Still, he's an evil spirit who, even as he helped the Gang defeat the Flying Donkey, took control of an entire city.
  • Assimilation Plot: What he does at the end of the Umbra saga by possessing all the inhabitants of Sococó da Ema at once, including other children and his own mother.
  • Demonic Possession: His main power is taking control of people's bodies, replacing their faces with his mask. His power is so strong that, as seen at the end of the Umbra saga, he managed to control the entire city of Sococó da Ema at once. However, his power has some limitations, such as: he cannot possess other spirits, only living humans and he cannot possess beings that have two minds, as in the case of the Flying Donkey, which is formed by the fusion of the Lake Girl and Berenice.
  • Eyeless Face: His mask has only a mouth and a big horn, as seen in his image.
  • Grand Theft Me: He tries to do this with the Flying Donkey, but as she is made up of two minds (Berenice and her daughter), he lost control when the Lake Girl kicked him out.
  • The Leader: He appears to be the leader of the Children of Umbra, making most decisions for them.
  • Pet the Dog: When Jimmy offers his life energy to defeat the Flying Donkey, Spokesperson protests, saying that since he was alive, he might die. By insisting on the matter, Jimmy convinces Spokesperson, who shows pity and anguish for his sacrifice.
  • Powers via Possession: When he possessed Maggy's body, Spokesperson temporarily gained access to her magic, being able to see Jimmy's future death.

One of the Children of Umbra. His main power is premonition. He can see future events, specifically someone's death. When his premonition comes true, he plays his violin to announce the death of this person.
  • I Warned You: He says that the invasion of the Children of Umbra in Berenice’s house was to warn the Gang about the Flying Donkey and Jimmy’s death.
  • Nightmare Face: In the Umbra issue, when he appears to Jimmy in Berenice’s house, he makes a creepy face when announcing the return of the Serpent.
  • Non-Action Guy: Since his power cannot be used offensively, he is left out of most fights. During the final battle against the Flying Donkey, his only job was to drop Sophia out of the sky to destroy the Red Door.
  • Seers: His main power is the ability to see into the future, especially people’s death. The fact he abstains from sharing his knowledge for most of the "Umbra" arc is what makes Smudge realize that the seven ghosts are not as benign as they appear to be.
  • Signature Instrument: As his name implies, the Violinist is always accompanied by his violin. Every time one of his premonitions is fulfilled, he plays it to announce the person's death.
  • Stealth Hi/Bye: He appears out of nowhere in the stage of a crowded show to announce Jimmy’s death.
  • Super-Strength: In the battle against the Flying Donkey, the Violinist held Sophia, one of the strongest in the saga, for an indefinite time, demonstrating tremendous strength. This may be a common trait between the Children of Umbra, but he is the only one showing it.

One of the Children of Umbra. Her main power is create illusions, as she dance between madness and sanity.
  • Deadpan Snarker: When Jimmy refuses to accept that the Lake Girls is the villain and the Children of Umbra, Ballerina mocks him, saying that “the great manipulator can’t even tells when he is been manipulated”.
  • Journey to the Center of the Mind: In addition to creating illusions, Ballerina can enter people's minds and read their memories, such as when she saw Jimmy's memories to learn who helped Lake Girl.
  • Master of Illusion: Ballerina can create incredibly realistic illusions, which she uses to make her foes "dance between madness and sanity". She can take the form of other people, such as when she appeared as the Gang and Lake Girl and she distort the image of certain locations, such as when she made the Children of Umbra Club look like the Red Door to lure Jimmy to them.
  • Pay Evil unto Evil: Tricking your enemy with an illusion of her beloved daughter sobbing and screaming for her help is a horrible act, but given that she was using it against the very person who caused her to become an undead being for twenty years, it's hard to call her out on it.
  • Shout-Out: During her exploration of Jimmy’s mind, Ballerina form looks like Eternity from the Marvel comic books.

    Wooden Leg
Wooden Leg
One of the Children of Umbra. He acts as a voodoo doll, transferring his pain to others.
  • The Big Guy: As a sizeshifter, he can become bigger than the trees and grab whole people with his hands, and as a voodoo doll, he can take as much abuse as you can inflinge him, as he simply tranfers to his victims.
  • Groin Attack: Crispiano kicks him there during the fight against the Flying Donkey. As all the harm he suffer go to another person, he didn’t feel that.
  • Shout-Out: His ghost form resemble the internet legend The Slendermen.
  • Sizeshifter: He can change his size at will, from the height of a full-grown man to taller than trees.
  • Token Minority: He is the only black kid of the Children of Umbra.
  • Voodoo Doll: He is essentially a walking example, capable of transferring any harm done to him to others. He can also amplify the pain to bigger foes, as in the case of the Flying Donkey.

One of the Children of Umbra. He is a pyrotechnic, capable of creating flames out of nowhere.
  • In-Series Nickname: Crispiano calls him Meteoro da Paixão (love meteore), the name of a song sung by Luan Santana, a Brazilian country singer.
  • Meaningful Name: His name comes from a star in the Bible that, during the Apocalypse, will fall to Earth and poison a third of the waters.
  • Non-Human Head: His head, while in ghost form, is a burning meteorite that he can throw on people.
  • Playing with Fire: His main power. Wormwood can create flames and fire from virtually nothing. In addition, he can throw his flaming "head" at his enemies.

One of the Children of Umbra. She controls the Red Flux, i.e. she can manipulate blood at will.
  • Deadly Nosebleed: She causes this on Jimmy, accompanied by severe pain.
  • Meaningful Appearance: Sangria's costume has inspirations from different eras: the outfit was inspired by the uniforms of nurses from the American Civil War, while the mask refers to those worn by doctors during the Black Death outbreak in Europe.
  • Meaningful Name: Her ghost nickname, Sangria, is a reference to a practice now abandoned by modern medicine, which consisted of leaving the patient bleeding to cure him.
  • The Power of Blood: Sangria controls the red flow, meaning she can manipulate all types of blood. She is capable of making a person bleed, as she made Jimmy bleed from the nose apparently out of nowhere. She is also able to turn water into blood, as she turned the entire river into blood and shot the Guardians of the Threshold.
  • Rain of Blood: During the fight against the Guardians of the Threshold, Sangria turned the rain summoned by the Moon Witch (Maggy's spirit) into blood, gaining control of her and preventing the Witch from using the storm trick again.

One of the Children of Umbra. She rules the funeral march, meaning she can bring the dead back to life and control them.
  • Cavalry of the Dead: During the fight against the Guardians of the Threshold, the Widow revives all the bodies that drowned in the Sococó da Ema river and commands them to attack the Guardians.
  • Necromancer: The Widow rules the Funeral March, i.e. she can bring the dead back to life and controls them to do her bidding.

Guardians of the Threshold

     In General
White Rabbit (center); Dark Pig (left); Moon Witch (behind)
The Guardians of Threshold are [the corrupted spirits of the Gang, trapped in Halloween masks by the Big Bad of the Umbra arc. Its members are the White Rabbit, the Dark Pig and the Moon Witch.

They appear in the Umbra saga and in a cameo in Shadow of the Future issue.

  • Animal Motifs: Two of them have animal’s masks that are associated with their living counterpart: The White Rabbit is Monica, who have a stuffed bunny, and the Dark Pig is Smudge, who have a pet pig.
  • Buried Alive: After poisoning them with her tea, Berenice buries the bodies of the Gang in her backyard to use their spirits and create the Guardians. After their masks are broken, their spirits returned to their bodies and they are left traumatized and angered.
  • Catchphrase: “The Moon Cries Tonight”. This is the phrase the Moon Witch uses to activate her powers.
  • Chain Pain: The Dark Pig uses chains with a hook in one end to grab his enemies. His chains are similar to those located in the Quadrivium, a fortress located in Hell.
  • Eyes Always Shut: For some reason, the Moon Witch never open her eyes, even in moments of surprise or distress.
  • Our Ghosts Are Different: They are the spirits of the Gang (minus Jimmy) trapped in the Halloween masks Berenice made them to serve the Flying Donkey. Each one of them has powers and abilities associated with their living counterparts.
  • Shock and Awe: In the first battle against the Children of Umbra, the Moon Witch summoned a big storm and almost fried everybody with lightning, making the Children give up on their fight.
  • Shout-Out: When Jimmy asks the White Rabbit “why are you wearing that stupid bunny suit?”, she replies with the question “Why are you wearing that stupid man suit?”. This is a reference to the movie Donnie Darko.
  • Soul Jar: The Halloween masks Berenice made them are actually where she tied the spirits of the Gang and what give the Guardians their powers (in case of Maggy/Moon Witch, it only unlocked her latent magic). As long as the soul is trapped inside the mask, it can’t move on to the afterlife. The only way to release the spirits is breaking the masks or using a magic spell to exorcize the souls from it.
  • Super-Strength: The White Rabbit is super strong, as she is the spirit of Monica.

Beach Vacation


some caption text
Sunny’s childhood friend that lives in the beach and likes to surf.

She only appears in the Shadows of the Future saga.

  • Didn't See That Coming: In the battle against Cumulus, she decided to throw liquors on him so he would revert into a defenseless human form. However, as he is an alcoholic, the alcohol made him lose control over his powers and turned him into a hurricane.
  • Just Friends: Invoked by her when Denise gets jealous with her relationship with Big Sunny. Bia says that she only see him as her friend and that he only cares about his girlfriend, Future Denise.
  • "The Reason You Suck" Speech: After Denise laments that she will have to date Sunny instead of Big Sunny, Bia reprimands her, saying that, while Sunny isn't as handsome and strong as Big Sunny, he still a good, kind and sweet boy that deserve love.

     Future Denise
Future Denise
This alternate version of Denise comes from a Bad Future and traveled back in time to prevent that dark timeline.She appears in the Shadows of the Future saga and in the Haunted Park edition.
  • The Ageless: According to her, after she and Big Sunny traveled back in time using the House Outside of Time, they no longer age like a regular human or don´t age at all. This is best seen by the fact that Future Denise traveled all the way back to 2000 instead of the intended 2017 and she decided to passively wait 17 years wihtout aging a year.
  • Alternate Self: She is the future version of Denise, who traveled back in time to stop Jimmy’s death and revert her dark future.
  • Playing with Fire: While she isn’t a witch, she learn a trick or two in her time with Future Maggy, like controlling fire when saying the phrase: “ignis, focus, flamma”. Apparently, she can’t create fire, only manipulate existing ones.

Supernatural Creatures

     The Wave Guy (spoilers)
The Wave Guy
Click here to see his true form

The Wave Guy (loose translation of Carinha das Ondas from Portuguese) is a professional surfer that always know when the good waves starts.

He appears in the Shadows of the Future saga and in The Inverse Tower, Part 3 issue.

  • Adaptational Badass: The original Cumulus was a silly villain who could only conjure mild rainstorms, and his frail cloud body left him vulnerable to even the gentle breeze of a household fan. This version is instead portrayed as an unstoppable force of nature who can manipulate any fluid and generate devastating floods. Denise plainly calls him the most powerful being on Earth.
  • Adaptational Jerkass: In the classical Monica’s Gang comics, Cumulus is one of the main villains of Smudge, blaming him for ruining his career as a journalist. Since then, he's been trying to bathe Smudge as revenge, but always with a touch of humor and comedy, as these comics are aimed at children. However, as Monica's Teen is aimed at a more teen and adult audience (much more in the End of the World Super Saga editions), Emerson turned Cumulus into an alcoholic bully who likes to fight and abuse defenseless women, going until he ended up in jail several times for his crimes.
  • Character Death: One of the few onscreen deaths of the Super Saga. Cumulus dies when he, after he absorbed the Liquid Shadow inside Smudge, comes into contact with sunlight, burning completely until nothing is left.
  • Elemental Shapeshifter: He can alternate between his human form, known only by his nickname “The Wave Guy”, and his water/steam form, known as Cumulus, the Cloud Man.
  • Making a Splash: As a being made of water, Cumulus can control water at will. He can create storms, tsunamis and waterspouts. Not only water, but he can control all kinds of liquids, including the Liquid Shadow, literally the pain and suffering condensed from the souls of the dead.
  • Meaningful Name: Cumulus is derived from cumulus nimbus, a kind of cloud, fitting with his water/steam nature.
  • No Name Given: His real human name is never revealed. The other characters calls him as The Wave Guy or Cumulus.
  • Plot-Irrelevant Villain: He's the main antagonist in the "Beach Vacation" issue, but has nothing to do with the main story i.e. Big Sunny's trying to find Future Denise.
  • Uncertain Doom: After absorbing the liquid shadow from Smudge's body, he's exposed to sunlight and gets burnt by it. It's not clear whether he was killed off or temporarially reduced to water vapor.

Shadows of the Future


     Future Monica 
In the Big Sunny timeline, she led The Resistance against Jimmy Five's dictatorship.

She only appears in Shadows of the Future.

  • Amazon Brigade: She trained the girls from Lemon Street and Big Sunny to become her army of Resistance.
  • Anti-Hero: As the leader of the Resistance, she has to handle difficult decisions, and before the imminent Nuclear Holocaust after the other governments organize against Jimmy Five's regime, she decided to send Denise to an insane Maggy Lee so she could find a spell to release Jim's spirit and send him back to his body, which had long rottened and would cause his death. Thankfully, Denise found a better solution by time-traveling and saving Jimmy Five before he became evil.
  • The Leader: She's the leader of La Résistance.
  • Token Good Teammate: Of the four main characters, she's the only one to never turn evil in the Bad Future.

     Future Smudge
Future Smudge
In Big Sunny’s timeline, Smudge heirs Captain Fray’s powers and becomes evil, with his own plan to conquer the world.

He appears in the Shadows of the Future issue and has a small cameo in The Inverse Tower, Part 3 issue.

  • The Cameo: He appears in The Inverse Tower, Part 3 issue when Denise explains why absorbing Captain Fray’s powers is a bad idea.
  • Evil Overlord: He has his own plan to conquer the world.
  • We Hardly Knew Ye: Of the main Gang, he has the least “screentime" and little information is known about him.
  • Superpowerful Genetics: In this timeline, he heirs Captain Fray’s dirty powers after an unknown event. According with the Centipede, Fray’s evil powers, which is actually a curse, will passed down to the people he loves the most, Smudge, in case something happens with Fray (like seen in Monica’s Teen issue 49).

     Future Maggy/Maggy Lee
some caption text
In the Big Sunny timeline, Maggy discovered her powers and unlocked them permanently, going insane in the process.
  • An Ice Person: Without even realizing it, Maggy accidentally turned the entire north of Brazil into a glacial region, with heavy blizzards and snowstorms.
  • The Dreaded: Even Future Jimmy fears her, as his Tower is the only place in the world he avoids conquering.
  • Go Mad from the Revelation: When she unlocked her magic, centuries of knowledge from the House of Hecate flooded her mind, driving her insane and extremely paranoiac. When great-aunt Nena, Vivian and Ramona tried to seal her powers away, she disintegrated them thinking they were trying to steal her magic.
  • Grim Up North: As stated above, she turned the entire north of Brazil into a snowy, glacial region, something deeply unusual to a tropical country.
  • Making a Splash: When Denise entered her Tower, she summons giant waves to scare and send her away.
  • The Paranoiac: She thinks everybody want to steal her magic, so she does the best to keep them away or, tragically, kill them, as happened with her great-aunt.
  • Solitary Sorceress: Since she accidentally killed her great-aunt Nena, Vivian and Ramona, she isolated herself from humanity in the Tower of the North Wind, in northwest of Brazil.
  • Uncertain Doom: The last time she's seen is when she's hit by Crematorium, Jim's biggest and most powerful cyborg and implied dead. But given that she's an almighty witch, she might actually have survived.

     Future Sophia
Future Sophia
In Big Sunny’s timeline, Sophia joins the Amazon to defeat Jimmy’s tyrannical regime, serving as the main defense against his forces.

She appears in Shadows of the Future issue and has a small cameo in The Haunted Park issue.

  • The Big Guy: Because of her enormous size and strength, she serves as the main defense against Jimmy’s forces during his attack on the Amazon base. When she, Denise and Sunny arrived in the House Outside of Time, she stumped Jimmy’s robots whit ease.
  • Character Death: While powerful, even Sophia couldn’t match with Crematorium’s power, leading to her death.
  • Go Out with a Smile: On her deathbed in the arms of Denise, who happily calls her Maitê (a nickname invented by Denise), Sophia laughs and says she missed when she called her that, before taking her last breath.
  • Heroic Sacrifice: She stays behind to delay Crematorium and allow Denise and Sunny to travel back in time. Sadly, Crematorium’s power were no match for Sophia.

     Future Marina
In the image: Yeah... I escpaed at the last second! But I'm not going with you to the past...
In Big Sunny’s timeline, Marina joins the Amazon to defeat Jimmy’s tyrannical regime. With her magical pencil in the end of a staff, she can opens portals to wherever she wants.She only appears in the Shadows of the Future issue.
  • Did You Just Punch Out Cthulhu?: She runs into Maggy Lee with Crematorium using one of her portals.
  • Future Badass: She was already badass in the present, having fought during the climax of the "Four Dimensions" arc, but was usually not invested in combat. In the Bad Future, she's part of Monica's Amazon Brigade.
  • Screw the Rules, I'm Doing What's Right!: When Monica tells her that she needs to take Denise, Sunny and Sophia to the House Outside of Time so they can go back in time and stop this timeline from happening, Marina invokes this by saying that the rules don't matter and Sophia needs to stay there to defend the Amazons. Monica tells her to go ahead with the plan, which she angrily follows through.
  • Teleportation: By putting her magical pencil in one end of a wooden staff, Marina can open magical portals to teleport her and her friends to different locations. She can even use this ability in an offensive way, such as when she dropped Crematorium on Maggy, crushing and killing both of them. Her only limitation is that she can’t teleport anyone inside or even too close of the House Outside of Time, as this place is protect by an ancient spell.


Future Jimmy
In Big Sunny’s timeline, Jimmy Five is captured by Berenice and transformed in the fourth Guardian of the Threshold. But, as his mask made him more manipulative and ambitious, he convinced the other Guardians to defeat the Flying Donkey and send her away forever. With the path free, Jimmy became a tyrant dictator who rule the world with an iron fist.

He only appeared in the Shadows of the Future edition.

  • A.I. Is a Crapshoot: In a weird way, he is this to Berenice/Flying Donkey. As said below, he is some sort of ghost/robot hybrid that were “made” by the Flying Donkey to help her with her vengeance. But, as his masks made him more ambitious in world domination, he went rogue and eventually overthrown her.
  • Big Bad: He is the main villain of the timeline where Big Sunny and Future Denise came from.
  • Big Brother Is Watching: Thanks to Silent, he always knows what's going on in his domain, in addition to the thousands of cameras scattered around the world.
  • The Dictatorship: After he threatened to nuke every nation that didn't obey him, he then created a global dictatorship where his words are absolute and dissenters are severely punished.
  • Dragon Ascendant: He was one of Berenice's dragons and assisted her in her plans against the world, before his increased intellect caused him to convince the other Guardians into defeating the Flying Donkey and returning to their bodies. But he remained in his spirit form so he could use his new powers to Take Over the World.
  • Evil Overlord: In a matter of days/weeks, with the help of Future Franklin, he developed a supervirus that infected all the world’s computers, including nuclear codes, which he used to force the nations of Earth to unified in a single world order under his command.
  • Evil Plan: To Take Over the World as he always wanted, Jimmy first convinced all the Lemon Street boys (except Sunny and Smudge) to help and serve him; so he and Future Franklin developed a virus that infected every computer in the world, hacking everything like power plants, war industries and nuclear codes. Threatening to fire nuclear weapons at those who disobeyed him, Jimmy gained control of every nation on Earth under his rule, becoming a global dictator.
  • Four Is Death: He is the fourth Guardian of the Threshold created (in Big Sunny’s timeline) and he became a dangerous, global dictator who created an oppressive government.
  • Nuke 'em: After gaining access to nuclear codes thanks to a computer virus he and Future Franklin developed, he threatened to destroy the nations of the world if they didn't surrender their control to him.
  • One World Order: He created an unnamed dictatorship when he unified all nations under the threat of nuclear annihilation.
  • Our Ghosts Are Different: He is even different than the rest of the Guardian of the Threshold, being some sort of ghost and robot hybrid, since his mask were made by Franklin, the Gang scientist and inventor.
  • Take Over the World: As his Guardian masks made him more intelligent and greedy for power, Jimmy realized that he could finally conquer the world and rule it, as he always wanted to do so. With an Evil Plan and the help from the boys of the Lemon Street, he ended up fulfilling his wish and became the tyrannical dictator of the world.
  • The Voiceless: He doesn’t have any lines in all of his appearances. It’s unknown if he can’t talk or he if choose not to.

In the image: Jimmy's most powerful cyborg
Future Jimmy’s most powerful robot, send to stop Denise and Sunny from traveling back in time and erasing this timeline. He is actually an undead and robotized version of Todd.He only appears in the Shadows of the Future issue.
  • Catchphrase: “Warm bread coming out of the oven. How many will you take?”. This phrase was said by Todd in a secret recording of his father bakery. In this turn, the phrase have a much darker and menacing meaning.
  • Hoist by His Own Petard: The source of his greatest power is also his greatest weakness. As the tank that fuels the flamethrowers is left unprotected on their back, they become easy targets for their enemies, as when Marina redirected the fire from Crematorium to his own tank, causing it to catch fire and explode.
  • Irony: He accidentally ended up killing the person he used to love, Maggy.
  • Kick the Dog: After killing Sophia, he mocks her death, saying that “ she will miss the barbecue”
  • Meaningful Name: A crematorium or crematory is a venue for the cremation of the dead.
  • Playing with Fire: Crematorium has flamethrowers for, which he uses to burn down his enemies.
  • Taking You with Me: When Marina explodes his fuel tank setting him in flames, Crematorium says: “If I’m going to burn in Hell, I’ll take you with me!”.

     The Silent
The Silent
The Silent is one of the most feared robots of Jimmy Five. Being completely silent and stealthy, he can spy on anyone unnoticed.He appears in the Shadows of the Future and in The Haunted Park issues.
  • Cyber Ninja: The Silent can jump and dodge as good as a ninja, despite being an undead robot.
  • Cyclops: He has a single, big eye which is actually a camera he uses to record everything he sees.
  • Forced Transformation: He follows Future Denise and Sunny into the House Out of Time, where they intended to use the place's time powers to time travel. But one of the side effects of staying there too long without taking precautions is that you get turned into a cukoo. He spent seven years as a bird.
  • Suddenly Speaking: He didn't speak in the future, but in "The Haunted Park" he uses the park's sound equipment to talk and explain his plans to future Denise.
  • The Voiceless: He used to be this, as he was born mute. But, as his new robotic body gave him the ability to talk.

Heirs of the Earth


     In General
In the image: Do you think you can fight the Shadow People? We are the elite of creation! Engineers! Transform and attack!
The Shadow People, also known as the Tombians or the Aliens from the Planet Tomb, is a specie of undead aliens that plot to conquer Earth for the Serpent.
  • Aliens Are Bastards: Theses aliens are evil to the core, serving an powerful and ancient entity who wants to conquer the Earth in an event called the End of The World, which will bring a ton of destruction and death, besides the planet completely pollution.
  • Alien Geometries: The Quadrivium, a castle in Planet Tomb, is a fortress shaped like an octahedron that floats (by unknown means) above an abyss and has shadow tentacles coming out of it.
  • Aliens Speaking English: Lampshaded by Monica in her second encounter with the aliens, who have suddenly started speaking Portuguese (the comic’s original language). He explains that human languages are so primitive that even a parrot can learn and repeat it.
  • Ancient Astronauts: In the history of human civilization, they have visited the Earth many times and were mistaken as gods by many societies, like the Incans.
  • Ancient Evil: The Shadow People is the first and oldest species in the Universe, eventually dying out in the past but being revived by the Serpent to aid in her plans.
  • Artifact of Doom: The Octahedron of Shadows is a miniature version of the Quadrivium fortress. It can absorb the souls of bad people and condense them into Liquid Shadow, teleport people to other locations and build structures like The Inverse Tower, a dimensional gateway. It seems to have sentience, as it detected that Smudge had absorbed Captain Fray’s powers and teleported to him and, as Captain Fray said, “It’s the final key to Earth's transformation”.
  • Cool Starship: Their starship is an Incan temple made of 750 tons of gold and has the shape of the rune of Ior, the Serpent’s seal.
  • Dark Is Evil: They are made of liquid shadows and are an Always Chaotic Evil race.
  • Descriptively-Named Species: They are a People made of liquid Shadow.
  • Extremophile Lifeforms: They live in Planet Tomb, an arid, lifeless planet with no condition to support life as we know it.
  • Insectoid Aliens: While the Shadow People don’t have a true form, since they can shapeshift at will, certain individuals often take the form of monstrous insects, such as Fake Nick Nope and one of the Engineers, which seems to be related to the fact that Earth's insects are under the Serpent's control.
  • Named After Their Planet: Aside from Shadow People, they are also known as Tombians or Aliens of the Planet Tomb, named after their base planet, Tomb.
  • Precursors: According to one of them, they evolved in the Earth billions of years before humanity and even the dinosaurs, but they were banished by someone or something, eventually settling in Planet Tomb.
  • Servant Race: As the Serpent revived all of them in the past, they all have Undying Loyalty to her, serving her for eons.
  • Our Demons Are Different: They are the Super Saga version of demons, since they are an evil race that serves a Satan-like entity, live in a planet that is essentially Hell and want to conquer the world by exterminating all life on Earth. When the Gang was escaping Planet Tomb, Shub-Sogoth says that they were “a legion”, which is a term used in the Bible to describe groups of demons.
  • Voluntary Shapeshifting: As they are all made of Liquid Shadow, the pain and suffering of the dead, they can change their form at will, which they use to infiltrate societies through the galaxy.
  • Undead Abomination: As being evil aliens wasn’t enough, the Shadow People is actually a zombie/undead version of itself. In the past, they all died out, but they were revived by the Serpent and now they are made of Liquid Shadow, pain and suffering condensed in liquid form.
  • Weakened by the Light: The Shadow People have a single known weakness: sunlight. The Liquid Shadow within them ignites when exposed to UV radiation, consequently burning and killing them. Because of this, Planet Tomb was covered with dark clouds that prevented the sun's rays from reaching the surface of the planet. The Horse of Decay's mission was to pollute the Earth's atmosphere to make the planet bearable for the Shadow People.

     The Engineers
The Engineers in the classical comic edition
Click here to see one of them in the Super Saga
A trio of Tombians that visited the Earth in the times of the classical comic books and were stranded on the planet. Now, they woke and want to finished what they started.
  • Adaptational Villainy: In the classic comic book edition, they're as silly as you'd expect from villains in a children's comic book, with a primary mission to erase the traces of their race on Earth and abduct cows for fun. However, in the more mature editions of the Super Saga, the trio is far more malevolent, willing to abduct humans and cause an alien invasion of Earth.
  • Human Popsicle: Or Alien Popsicle. They were trapped in their suspended animation chambers by a young Gang in the times of the classical comic books. Decades later, they were accidentally release by Rosie Lee.
  • Konami Code: The remote used to control their ship, which has the format of an Incan idol, uses the Konami Code to activate their technology.
  • Neck Lift: One of them does this to Monica while saying that she can’t save her own life.

     The Impostor
The Impostor true form
One of the shadowy aliens who infiltrates the Gang and manipulates the events of the part 2 in "Heirs of Earth". He only appears in that arc.
  • Apologetic Attacker: After it's revealed that the real Nic Nope is in the Planet Tomb and he's an imposter who sabotaged their spaceship, he keeps apologizing and saying that he didn't want to do that, but the Serpent's influence is stronger.
  • Becoming the Mask: Played with. Turns out that assimilating Nick Nope's form and memories wound up making him question its nature and the orders from the Serpent, but he eventually succumbs to its master's influence, sabotaging the ship and attacking Franklin and Astronaut.
  • Conflicting Loyalty: After assuming Nick Nope's likeness and personality, the imposter assumed some contradictory aspects from his personality and started to question its master's orders, but couldn't fight against its influence.
  • Heroic Sacrifice: While attacking Astronaut and Franklin, the impostor subtly gives them a clue about the only thing that can destroy him: light. It's implied that Nick Nope's contradictory nature is still fighting against the Serpent's orders, even if he knows that he won't survive the ensuing battle.

Shub-Sogoth is the Quadrivium’s administrator, a giant, floating fortress located in Planet Tomb.It only appeared in the Heirs of the Earth: Conclusion issue.
  • Actually, That's My Assistant: When the Gang entered the Quadrivium, Denise thought Shub-Sogoth was the Serpent. Shub immediately corrected her, saying that he was just the administrator of that place.
  • Ambiguous Gender: Shub doesn’t have a defined gender or, given the Shadow People constantly shapeshifting, have one at all.
  • Kill It with Fire: It was burned to death when the Gang scattered the Tomb's dark clouds and sunlight hit the surface.
  • Mouth of Sauron: It seems to be this to the Serpent, speaking in its name and make most of decisions on the planet’s surface, like abducting Rosie Lee and attracting the Gang to Planet Tomb to destroy it and free its master.
  • Shout-Out:
    • Its name is a reference to the Cthulhu Mythos, by H. P. Lovecraft. In the Mythos, there are creatures called Shoggots and a being called Yog-Sothoth.
    • The phrase it says when it meets the Gang: “Abandon Hope All Ye Who Enter Here”, is a reference to the Divine Comedy.
  • Snake People: It has a big serpentine tail and, at first, it doesn’t have any arms, until it shows it to the Gang. It may not be its real form, since the Shadow People can shapeshift at will.

The Inverse Tower


     Roberto Stavros
Roberto Stavros
An older acquaintance of the Turma who was friends with Sunny's older sister Crystal, and now is a doctor at the Lázaro de Betânia Hospital.
  • Agent Scully: Having never witnessed any supernatural adventures like the team, he's extremely skeptical of the idea that something unnatural is behind the events of "Inverse Tower" arc, even trying to find rational explanations to the increasingly unexplicable apparitions at the hospital. It's not until Monica mentiones that she saw his deceased sister Melissa and he recognizes details about her that he starts accepting the existence of the supernatural, and tries to find her, to no avail.
  • Gorgeous Greek: He's of Greek descendance and a handsome young man.
  • Skeptic No Longer: At first he's extremely incredulous of the existence of unnatural forces causing the events of the Inverse Tower, believing Mr. Samir, Monica and the other mutated people in the hospital are being victims of some kind of unknown infection, until Monica mentions that he saw his sister Melissa unaware that she'd died recently, and then he starts believing there's a chance he can see her again.

A pacient at the Lázaro de Betânia Hospital, who is suffering from a mysterious degenerative disease that is affecting both his mind and his body. One night, he goes to Penha's bedroom and somehow wakes her up from her year-long coma, implying that there's something mystical about his condition, even though he himself is unsure about it. He is later revealed to be a mutated Captain Fray, one of the most iconic villains from the classical comic books and arch nemesis of Smudge, who is also his foster nephew. Fray is also the White Horse of Decay, the third Horse of the Apocalypse to be revealed.

He only appears in this form during The Inverse Tower arc.

  • Adaptational Badass: Comic book Captain Fray is a mostly harmless villain whose powers are limited to flight, shooting dirt rays, and creating dumb monsters out of trash. Even when he manages to hatch a vile scheme, the children manage to defeat him by exploiting his Weaksauce Weakness to water or even his own incompetence. Manga Captain Fray, on the other hand, is a Humanoid Abomination who can rot anything with a simple touch, irreversibly transforms innocent hospital staff into horrific monstrosities, terrorizes the gang for an entire arc, and is only defeated because the Serpent willed him to.
  • Alas, Poor Villain: After Smudge learns everything Fray's been through, he is devastated and breaks down crying. Fray lost his parents in a landslide and was trapped in his basement for two weeks. He only escapes by making a deal with the Serpent, but is then taken to a sinister orphanage where everyone hates and fears him, as he is seen as a bringer of bad omen (due to the Serpent's bugs causing those around him to fall ill). After reaching adulthood, the last part of the deal forces him to become a herald of the end of the world, with him reluctantly agreeing to follow through with it to prevent the curse from being transferred to his beloved nephew.
  • All According to Plan: Not by him, but by higher forces involving him: The pact he made with the Serpent was making him weak, so the bugs needed a new host for the curse of foul powers to continue the Horse of Decay's quest. Through the eyes of the flies, they identified that Fray had a nephew, Smudge, and that this boy would be the ideal body to become the next Horse of Pestilence. They used the Inverse Tower to tell Fray's tragic story to Smudge and, knowing that he would take pity and try to take the curse to undo his uncle's damage, they used the Octahedron of Shadows filled with Liquid Shadows to possess Smudge and make him the Serpent's next servant.
  • Anti-Villain: He's introduced as a sickened, confused old man who can't remember his name or what is causing him to act. Even after he ressurects as an actively malevolent being, it's implied that he's not really evil. Double subverted when it's revealed that he's Captain Fray, a recurring enemy of the Gang, but it's revealed that he used to be a good man who had to accept the Serpent's corruption as part of a deal lest his powers would be passed to his nephew Smudge and corrupt his soul.
  • Animalistic Abomination: Thanks to his flesh-shaping powers, Fray can transform into anything he wants, including a giant cockroach and a giant centipede-like monster with numerous arms and a pair of horns on its head.
  • Arc Villain: He is the main villain of The Inverse Tower arc.
  • Back from the Dead: He's declared dead after trying to warn the team that there's something telling him to do things. Then his body awakens and he starts to spread his infection throughout the hospital, mutating a doctor and nurse and commanding a swarm of insects to attack everyone inside.
  • Badass Boast: He reveals his true identity as the White Horse of Decay by howling a string of self-aggrandizing titles.
    I am the sculptor of nightmares... the end of innocence... the sorrow of each destroyed dream... the twilight of existence... the inevitable end of all things... I am the White Horse of Decay!
  • Biomanipulation: He gained the power of manipulating the flesh of others and himself, limited only by his imagination. He turned himself into a giant cockroach and a centipede monstrosity and regenerated his body countless times, while he also transformed three of the hospital staff into monsters to attack the Gang while also turning Monica into a slug creature to make her his servant.
  • Body Horror: His skin is covered by pustules and wounds as the result of a mysterious disease. Then he dies and resurrects as a shapeshifting monster who can change his body to Lovecraftian degrees.
  • Bright Is Not Good: He is the White Horse of Decay, but there is nothing good about him.
  • Bugs Herald Evil: Every time he appears on the page, he is accompanied by large swarms of insects, like cockroaches, flies and centipedes. The truth is that the insects are watching him to make him go with the plan of the Serpent, the insects' true master.
  • Came Back Wrong: Before his death, Fray was a confused and sad old man, tormented by an unknown, incurable disease. After his death, he came back as a powerful and scary abomination that can manipulate flesh and decay matter at will.
  • Cheerful Child: In his childhood, Fray was an energetic and enthusiastic child, much to Agnes and Boris' dismay.
  • The Corruption: His powers represent this. Everything he touches either rot and crumble or become an agent of pure evil serving him and the Serpent.
  • Creepy Child: The adults that worked in the orphanage thought there was something seriously wrong with him because his mere presence filled the room with swarms of insects, like he was attracting them. The truth is that the insects were actually watching him to make sure he would behave and not tell anybody about his deal with them.
  • Disproportionate Retribution: Fray hated the nurse who took care of him, even though the painful injections she administered on him were just part of her job as she tried to treat his mysterious disease. Once he comes back as the White Horse of Decay, his retribution is to transform her into Venerusa, a Humanoid Abomination who is in constant agony.
  • The Dragon: As one of the Horses of Apocalypse, he is a servant of the Serpent. His duty as the White Horse of Decay is to pollute the Earth so bad that dark clouds will fill up the sky and no sunlight will ever touch the surface of the planet, making the Earth once again habitable to the Serpent and the Shadow People.
  • Driven to Villainy: Initially, he was just a poor boy whose family died in an accident and he was trapped with no way of escape. Taking advantage of his vulnerability, the Serpent made a pact with him, offering him a chance to survive in exchange for him becoming the White Horse of Decay and completely polluting the world.
  • Enemy to All Living Things: His powers of decay are deadly to living things, since he can rot anything with his mere presence. Also, his plan of polluting the entire planet to make it habitable to the Serpent and the Shadow People will kill all life on Earth.
  • Even Evil Has Loved Ones: Downplayed. The man who would become Captain Fray loved his nephew Smudge and sacrificed his own free will twice to protect him: Firstly, when he refused to become the Serpent's herald, the Centipede said that evil doesn’t tolerate weak hosts, so the curse would move to the person he loves the most, in this case Smudge. Desperate to protect his nephew, he accepts the curse and becomes the Horse of Decay. Secondly, when Smudge takes his powers and becomes the new Horse of Decay, Fray steps in to reclaim them, knowing that the curse only brings misery to the host. In this second instance, he noticeably refuses to use his regained powers on the heroes and flies away peacefully, suggesting that even in his corrupted state he still cares for Smudge.
  • Evil Cannot Comprehend Good: When the Gang refuses to give him Penha in exchange for him lifting Monica’s curse, Fray questions why they still choose to protect someone who always was their enemy.
  • Evil Overlord: He says that, with his power, he will be the new master of the planet and bring order to a chaotic world.
  • Evil Uncle: He is one of the heralds of the apocalypse, but also the foster uncle of Smudge, one of the protagonists.
  • From Nobody to Nightmare: As standard to the Horses. He was once a simple boy whose parents were killed in a big storm. After a pact with the Serpent, he became the White Horse of Decay, one of the heralds of the end of the world, who is destined to pollute the entire planet.
  • Hero Killer: Subverted. While he doesn’t kill them, he removes Monica and Sophia from the equation by mutating the former and making a monster swallow the latter. By the end of the story, Smudge manages to cure Monica, while Sofia is revealed to have survived thanks to the intervention of the DI.NÂ.MI.CA. agents.
  • Horsemen of the Apocalypse: He's revealed to be the White Horse of Decay, spreading decay and rot and controlling a horde of insects during the "Inverse Tower".
  • Humanoid Abomination: After waking up, his body starts to contort into an inesctoid shape, which he can change at will like he was made of modelling clay. In his first form, he becomes a giant centipede monster.
  • Odd Name Out: To his fellow Horses. While they all have the right names given to them in popular culture, War, Death and Famine, Fray's name is the White Horse of Decay, which does not appear in other works. The reason for this is that, although its name was initially Pestilence, Emerson decided to change it to Decay because of the Zika epidemic that was happening in Brazil at the time of publication of the saga.
  • Orphanage of Fear: The orphanage he was taken to, headed by the House of Asclepius, was not so welcoming to him. The adults feared him and the kids hated him, so he spent his time reading comic books alone or running from the rain. The only person that cared for him was a nurse who adopted him after the orphanage closed.
  • Parental Abandonment: His parents were killed when their house collapsed because of a heavy storm. Fray only survived because he was reading comic books in the basement.
  • Power-Upgrading Deformation: After his second encounter with the Centipede, he gained the ability of flesh manipulation, now able to modify people’s bodies, and his own, to whatever form he wants. However, much like Berenice, the pact that gave his power started to consume his vital energy, turning him into a weak and rickety old man.
  • Unwitting Pawn: Despite Fray boasting to be a servant of the Serpent for most of his arc, the entity actually planned to dispose off him. He is subconsciously made to spare Denise, Jimmy, Smudge, Maggy and Penha because they were all vital to his own defeat. This in turn enabled the pestilence curse to move to Smudge, who was intended to be its host all along.
  • Why Did It Have to Be Snakes?: He was terrified of the rain as a child, because his parents died in a landslide caused by a storm. As the supervillain Captain Fray, his aquaphobia is due to his powers being nullified in the presence of clean water.

     The Janitor
The Janitor
A janitor who works at Lázaro de Betânia Hospital killing the insects that infested the place.

He only appeared in The Inverse Tower issue.

  • Ambiguous Situation: The last time he was seen, the Janitor was caught by a mutated Captain Fray, who said "let's see how you do with someone your size" and then the scene cuts to another with the Gang hearing a noise in the distance. It is unknown what happened to the Janitor after this scene, but it is speculated that the onomatopoeia used in his last appearance ("CRÁS") indicates that his neck may have been broken by Fray.
  • Mr. Exposition: He floods Monica with a ton of information about insects, like when a cockroach survives after losing its head or how flies have thousands of eyes.
  • No Name Given: His name isn’t revealed, known only as the Janitor.
  • What Happened to the Mouse?: He is never seen again after his encounter with Captain Fray.

     The DI.NÂ.MI.CA.
Agents of DINAMICA
The Divisão Nacional de Mistérios e Catástrofes (Nacional Division of Mysteries and Catastrophes), a secret organization that seeks to track and neutralize unusual threats to the safety of the world. They approach Monica and her friends on a couple occasions in stories outside the End Of The World Saga, but reappear here during the events of Inverse Tower.
  • Artifact of Doom: The Octahedron of Shadows, an alien devices of powerful capacities. It’s unknown how they put their hands on it, but it allowed then to safely teleport innocent people outside of the danger zone.
  • Darker and Edgier: In their previous appearances outside the End of the World Saga, they were comically serious in their interactions with the main characters and otherwise non-threatening. Here, their first appearances include absorbing infected people at the hospital with the Octahedron of Shadows (one of the Serpent's artifacts), though it's revealed that they were just keeping them safe so they could work on a cure.
  • Didn't Think This Through: It didn't occur to them that they might need a hospital of their own on their headquarters, so when their prisoner Captain Fray a.k.a Mr. Samir fell inexplicably ill and aged, they had to take him to a regular hospital and bribe the doctor with financial help for the place, and as a result, Mr. Samir became the Horse of Decay and put everyone's lives in danger at the hospital. Then again, given that the hospital was once Captain Fray's home when it was called House of Asclepius and ruled by people associated with the Serpent, maybe they had other reasons to leave him in that particular hospital.
  • The Faceless: As par with their appearances outside of the End of the World Saga, their faces are always hidden behind their hats and we can only see glimpses of their mouths and eyes.
  • Good All Along: At first, they seemed to be disintegrating anyone who crossed their path, as if they were erasing witnesses to a supernatural crime, even going so far as to chase the Gang through the hospital corridors. However, as seen at the end of the saga, they were actually teleporting the victims to a safe place outside the hospital, not to mention they defeated Cerberus and Necrotaur.
  • The Men in Black: They don't wear black, but otherwise qualify the trope.
  • Offscreen Moment of Awesome: In the end of the saga, it is revealed they were able to defeat Cerberus and Necrotaur, two gigantic monstrosities created by Captain Fray.
  • Poor Communication Kills: If they had let the Gang know they were there to defeat Captain Fray, they could have helped the mission and made it a lot easier. However, as they appeared seemingly disintegrating anyone they saw, the Gang was right to distrust them and flee, which led to the agents being knocked out by a roof that collapsed on their heads.
  • Unwitting Instigator of Doom: As they were the ones who took the Octahedron of Shadow to the hospital, Captain Fray condensed the souls of bad people into Liquid Shadow and turned his nephew into a younger and stronger servant of the Serpent who, in turn, was responsible for destroying the bridge between Maggy and her magic. This means that the Gang has lost one of their best, if not the best, defenders against the Serpent forces.
  • The Voiceless: They have no lines in this appearance.

     House of Asclepius
The House of Asclepius
The House of Asclepius was the Lázaro de Betânia's original name, when it was a charity hospital and orphanage. In true, it was a secret organization ruled by the most influential families from the Pitanga Street, including Penha's and Agnes'. According to Maggy, they believed the world was lost in sin and indifference, and seeked to bring a new order through the means given by the Serpent.
  • Ambiguously Evil: They were definitely up to no good, but it's not clear to what extent they knew about what they were working for, given Maggy's description of them, they could be Well-Intentioned Extremist Knight Templars, an Obviously Evil organization hiding behind false good intentions or somewhere in-between.
  • Cult: They have elements of this, since they look like they worship the Serpent. They have its seal, the rune of IOR, spread in books and in their cemeteries and they want to bring the Shadow People, the Serpent’s servants, back to the world.
  • Eldritch Location: the Inverse Tower, a passage to the realms of the Serpent, consisting of nine circles resembling the Serpent's domains on Planet Tomba.
  • Evil Wears Black: They all wear black clothes during Captain Fray's childhood memories.
  • One-Way Visor: One of the members wears a black sinister visor.
  • One World Order: They believed that current society is drowned in disorder, so they needed to step up and bring order and discipline to the world. They would do that with the help of the Shadow People, bringing they back to Earth by the Inverse Tower.
  • What Happened to the Mouse?: Maggy tells their story in the past, how they ran the eponymous former orphanage by recruiting members to their order and how they built the Inverse Tower to bring the Shadow People to world domination. It is unknown what happened to them after the orphanage closed and the Tower was completed, if the order still exists or if they operate elsewhere.

     Mr. Malakai
Mr. Malakai
The leader of the House of Asclepius during Mr. Samir's childhood. He believed there was a battle between good and evil inside him when he was a boy living there, and seeked to "purify" him, but it's not clear whether he was trying to help him or just contributing to release his powers, given his association with the Serpent.
  • Lean and Mean: He's tall, lean and leader of cult of the Serpent
  • Perpetual Frowner: He never smiles.
  • Sinister Minister: His characterization resembles a Preacher Man and his speech about a battle between good and evil inside young Mr. Samir and how he must be purified seem reminiscent of a cult leader.

     Agnes’ Parents
Agnes' Parents
Click here to see them in the Classic comics
The parents of Agnes, Penha's friend and Boris. In the classic comics, they are ghosts who haunt Agnes' house and continue to shelter and control their daughter, and making her what she is.They only appear in "The Inverse Tower" arc during flashbacks.
  • Absurdly Elderly Mother: Given that they died when their daughter was a child, Agnes' mother could pass as her grandmother in the classic comics. Given her slightly healthier appearance in the manga, it's probably because her appearance as a ghost was prematurely aged by disease.
  • Abusive Parents: They controlled their daughter's life and never allowed her to be friends with anyone outside of Penha and Sofia. Even after their deaths they remained as ghosts and continued to control her and keep her sheltered and isolated.
  • Bald of Evil: Agnes' father.
  • The Cameo: They only appear in the background during the Inverse Tower flashbacks and when Maggy tells the story of the House of Asclepius.
  • Humanoid Abomination: Their ghosts look like normal people from the waist up but the rest resembles a spider's body and a snake's body (the mother and the father respectively).
  • Unnamed Parent: Their names were never revealed and they are only referred to as "Agnes' parents".
  • What Happened to the Mouse?: They haunted their old house when Monica was a child, but they were nowhere to be seen when the girls broke in there again as teens during "Shadows of the Past", implying that they ascended to another plane.

Agnes’ brother. He used to bully Captain Fray in their time in the House of Asclepius orphanage.

He only appeared in The Inverse Tower saga.

  • Ambiguous Situation: It is unknown what happened to him after the orphanage was closed, as he wasn’t seen growing up with his parents (ghosts) and sister.
  • The Bully: He and his sister loved to tease young Captain Fray, saying he was dirty, poor and could never be a hero.
  • Kids Are Cruel: Much like his sister Agnes, he was a mean and creepy child who loved to importunate the others around him.
  • What Happened to the Mouse?: What happened to him after his parents died and the House of Asclepyus was shut, unlike Agnes who was shown living with the ghost of their parents. Assuming he's really Vivian's familiar cat, he might have moved with her after she turned into a cat (which he accepted).

     Mrs. Crostina 
A nurse who worked at the House of Asclepius orphanage. When the orphanage closed, she took a poor kid home and raised him along her biological child. In truth, she is Smudge grandmother.

She only appeared in The Inverse Tower saga.

  • Canon Character All Along: At first she seems to be a minor character from Mr. Samir's childhood. Then when she's shown adopting him she says she has another son, Antenor, which is Smudge's father, she's revealed as Smudge's paternal grandmother, and that's one of the first clues for th reveal that Mr. Samir is actually Captain Fray.
  • Happily Adopted: She happily adopts Captain Fray after the orphanage closes.
  • Token Good Teammate: She seems to be the only good employee at the House of Asclepius orphanage, since she is the one who doesn’t judge and tries to protect the young Captain Fray.

Supernatural Entities

     The Centipede
The Centipede
One of the Serpent's servants, and the one responsible for waking the apparently deceased "Mr. Samir".
  • Card-Carrying Villain: When it explains the Serpent's plans for Smudge's uncle, it makes it clear that their plans are to bring pollution and decay to the world, to prepare the planet for the return of its master. When Mr. Samiractually Captain Fray refused, it says that he can't escape his destiny and that evil does not tolerate weak servants.
  • Mouth of Sauron: He serves as its master's spokesperson, talking in its name with future Captain Fray when it offers to make a deal with him in exchange for saving his life and then when it's the time to pay the debt and turn him into a bringer of pestilence.
  • What Happened to the Mouse?: After waking up Mr. Samir, it never reappears, only in the flashbacks at the Inverse Tower where it's revealed that it was the one responsible for making a deal with Mr. Samir, actually Smudge's uncle and force him to become Captain Fray.

Cerberus, the Giant Worm of Three Heads
The guardian of the Fourth Circle of the Inverse Tower.
  • Animalistic Abomination: Cerberus is a massive monster with three eyeless heads and only hunger in her mind.
  • Gate Guardian: She was created by Captain Fray to guard the entrance to the Fourth Circle of the Inverse Tower, located in the hospital reception hall, and also to remove Sophia, the strongest member of the Gang, from the equation.
  • Gender Flip: While Cerberus is a male hound in Classical Mythology, in this adaptation he is a she, since Cerberus is a female receptionist called Joane transformed in a monster by Captain Fray.
  • Lamprey Mouth: This Cerberus have three huge mouths with More Teeth than the Osmond Family and no eyes, much like a giant lamprey.
  • Shout-Out:
    • Cerberus is a giant Hellhound from the Classical Mythology that guarded the gates of Hades, the Greek Underworld, forbidding the dead from escaping. In this case, this Cerberus was inspired in the Divine Comedy by Dante Alighieri, since she is a giant three headed worm guarding the entrance to the Fourth Circle of the Inverse Tower.
    • Joane, her human form, is clearly a reference to Miss Meany, a character from the American cartoon Woody Woodpecker. In addition to their aesthetic appearance, their first lines ("Calling Doctor Hans Xucruts") are a reference to the episode Calling Dr. Woodpecker, in which Meany summons Dr. Hans Sauerkraut over the intercom.
    • In The Inverse Tower, Part 2, when Penha sees Joane in the hallway, she runs after her screaming "Madam?, Madam?", a reference to an interview with Edinair Maria dos Santos Moraes, who ran out of the interview and the reporter followed her screaming the same words.
  • Was Once a Man: Or woman, in this case, since she was once the female hospital receptionist Joane.

The guardian of the labyrinth located in the Seventh Circle of the Inverse Tower.
  • BFS: His sword is a giant Charriere bone saw, used in medicine for amputations.
  • The Blank: He doesn’t have any facial features, like eyes, nose and mouth, but, somehow, he is able to see and speak.
  • Expy: The way he carries his sword, dragging it along the ground, and how he doesn't have a face makes him very similar to Pyramid Head from the Silent Hill franchise.
  • Disproportionate Retribution: The coroner was only doing his job as a medic by analyzing a dead body. When Captain Fray waked up, he called him a “butcher” and shaped his flesh in a Minotaur like monster to guard one of his domains.
  • Meaningful Name: His name is a portmanteau of Necro-, which means death, and -Taur, which comes from Minotaur, the mythological creature he was inspired by.
  • No-Sell: Maggy tried to fry him with a powerful lightning, but it didn’t work, so she needed to cast an invisibility spell to escape him.
  • Pokémon Speak: The only thing he says is his name, Necrotaur.
  • Shout-Out: He is inspired in the Minotaur, a half human half bull beast that lives in a labyrinth.
  • Super-Strength: Like the Minotaur, he is super strong, even for Maggy’s magical blasts.
  • Was Once a Man: He was the coroner working on Mr. Samir’s body after he died, but, when he came back to life as Captain Fray, the coroner was transformed in a giant monster called Necrotaur.

The guardian of the Underground City, the Fifth Circle of the Inverse Tower and the sewer galleries of the Pitangueiras Street.
  • Alas, Poor Villain: Although all the monsters created by Captain Fray didn't deserve the punishment he gave them, Venerusa was able to put into words the agony she was feeling, saying things like "look what he [Fray] did to me; he turned me into a monster. ."
  • It Can Think: While the other monsters, Cerberus and Necrotaur, can talk, they seem more like animals following their instinct and mumbling words (“hunger” and “Necrotaur”, respectively). Venerusa, however, seems to retain her human sentience, forming full phrases and accusing Dr. Stavros for her transformation. This was probably intentional from Captain Fray’s part, since he needed her sentient to spread distrust between the Gang and the doctor.
  • Meaningful Name: Like the Necrotaur, her name is a portmanteau of the word Vene-, which came from Veneno (poison in Portuguese) since she was created to poison the Gang with distrust, and the word –usa, which comes from Medusa, the mythological creature she was inspired by.
  • Shout-Out: She is inspired in the Medusa, one of the Gorgons with snakes for hair.
  • Was Once a Man: Or woman. She was a nurse treating Mr. Samir. When he resurrected, he transformed her into Venerusa, a monster in agony.
  • What Happened to the Mouse?: After she planted the disagreement between the Gang and Dr. Stavros, she disappeared into the neighborhood sewers. Apparently, even DINAMICA couldn't capture her, as they did with Cerberus and the Necrotaur.

A little girl Monica meet in the children’s ward of the hospital.
  • Ambiguous Situation: As lampashed by Madame Creuzodete in the end of the saga, it is left ambiguous if the Melissa the Gang saw was actually her ghost or if it was an illusion of her, made by the Inverse Tower, to torment Dr. Stavros.
  • Artifact of Doom: Her doll, which she calls Amelia, is the Tenebrous Doll, an evil Living Toy that torment the Gang in the classical comic books.
  • Back for the Dead: Melissa appeared only in a few editions written by Emerson for the classic comic books. She returned in the Super Saga as a ghost, with her death occurring offscreen.
  • Death of a Child: She died when she was 17 years old.
  • Killed Offscreen: We only know that she died because Stavros tells us so, as nothing about it is shown, such as when and the cause of her death.
  • Mythology Gag: Her doll resembles the Tenebrous Doll, a recurring antagonist on Emerson Abreu's stories. Though it's not clear whether it's really her or just an easter egg.

Haunted Park


     Ursinho Bilu 
  • The Big Guy: The Bilu Bear is the biggest animatronic in the park, big enough to trash the other animatronic being controlled by the Silent when the gang manage to control it.
  • Expy: Within the story's context and having the amusement park being in his name, not to mention him being the leader of his animal friends, he's basically Freddy Fazbear in all but name.

Mentioned Only

     Great Aunt Nena
Great-aunt Nena in Monica's Gang
Filomena, or Nena, is Maggy’s great-aunt and a powerful witch, who helped Maggy in many of magic affairs.She hasn’t appeared in the saga yet but she was mentioned a lot by Maggy.
  • All of the Other Reindeer: In the classical edition The North Wind Witch, Nena tells Angel that, unlike Maggy, she always knew that she was a witch and that she learned to control her powers, but that costed her a normal childhood, as all the children were afraid of her for being a witch.
  • Character Death: She is disintegrated by Maggy in Big Sunny’s when trying to seal Maggy dangerous powers.
  • Mage Tower: In Brazil northwest, Nena built the Tower of the North Wind, her secret base with Alien Geometries (like Escher’s stairs) and a library full of magic tomes. In Big Sunny’s future, Maggy took control of the Tower after she accidentally killed Nena, Vivian and Ramona when they tried to seal her powers again.

Vivian, the Moon Witch
Vivian, the Moon Witch. She is an evil witch who draws her powers from the Moon and is Maggy's archenemy. According to old information from Emerson (on his now-deleted Facebook page), she is the fourth and final Horse of the Apocalypse, specifically the Yellow Horse of Famine.She was mentioned once in the Shadows of the Future issue and, since the saga hiatus, hasn’t appeared yet.
  • Arch-Enemy: She is one for Maggy, tormenting her since her childhood.
  • Character Death: She is disintegrated by Maggy in Big Sunny’s when trying to seal Maggy dangerous powers.
  • Eviler than Thou: In Big Sunny's timeline, she and her daughter join forces with great-aunt Nena, one of her enemies, to block Maggy's powers again, as they were so dangerous and out of control that they could destroy the world. In the end, they failed and were eventually disintegrated by Maggy.
  • Hot Witch: Vivian is a pretty young woman and one of the most powerful witches in the world.
  • Horsemen of the Apocalypse: According to a post on Emerson’s Facebook page (which is now deleted), Vivian is the Yellow Horse of Famine, the fourth and final Horse of the Apocalypse.
  • Lunacy: Known as the Moon Witch, Vivian draws her powers from the Moon and in one of the classical comic books edition, she tries to take the moon for herself to increase her power. This suggests she is (or was) a member of the House of Hecate, a coven of witches that receive its power from the Moon.

     House of Hecate
In the image: [the magic] is in her family blood.
The House of Hecate is an ancient coven of witches who receive powers from the Moon.

They are mentioned by Big Sunny in the Shadows of the Future issue and by Maggy in The Inverse Tower, Part 3 issue.

  • Lunacy: The coven receive their power from the Moon and it is present in many aspects like; the name of the coven, Hecate, is inspired in the Greek goddess often associated with magic and the moon and the phrase Maggy uses to activate her magic is: “The Moon Cries Tonight".
  • Magic Is Feminine: While nothing is officially established, the coven appears to be entirely composed of witches, with no male members. The present members, Maggy, Great Aunt Nena and Vivian are all female.
  • Superpowerful Genetics: Their magic runs in their blood so, for an unknown number of generations, they have passed it down to their descendants.


An ancient unseen entity that's first mentioned in the Umbra saga, and revealed to being responible for all the threats in the Supersaga, and the de facto Big Bad that's set to bring the end of the world.It's first mentioned in the "Umbra" Arc, when it's revealed as the Entity who seduced the arc villain with the means to get her revenge and bring back her daughter, and it's mentioned agains in all other following editions, being established as the ultimate evil responsible for everything the team's been involved in.

  • Ambiguous Gender: The Serpent is called "ela" (she/her) in Portuguese, because the name "serpente" is feminine, but whether or not that's its gender, assuming it has a gender at all is unclear.
  • Ancient Evil: The Serpent is the very embodiment of evil and has existed ever since the dawn of times.
  • Animal Motifs: Insects. Its Tombanian minions on "Heirs of Earth" assume insectoid forms andit is in control of all Earth insects, as Possessed Smudge calls it “the Master of Insects”.
  • Beast of the Apocalypse: The Serpent is a cosmic entity that is predicted to bring about the end of the world, including the extinction of all life on Earth and the complete pollution of the planet. Its coming is heralded by the Horses of the Apocalypse, people and/or creatures that will help it in its apocalyptic mission.
  • Big Bad: Despite never having appeared on page, its actions have been responsible for every single threat in the Supersaga, as they were all part of its plans to release the Four Horses of Apocalypse (two of whom were characters from the classic comics the Serpent manipulated into being its pawns) and bring forth the end of the world.
  • Dark Is Evil: The Serpent is associated with the darkness, insects and a black pitch oozing from wherever it sets its influence.
  • Eldritch Abomination: The Serpent is the Ancient Evil, whose real form is unknown, but it manifests through shadowy creatures and swarms of insects representing darkness, pestilence and hopelessness.
  • Hate Sink: For a character that never appeared, the Serpent has been responsible for some of the most despicable acts, including but not limited to manipulating Berenice into following its order when she was grieving for her daughter's death, and convincing a little boy who'd just lost his family on a disaster into making a deal with it to keep him safe in exchange for eventually making him its Horse of Pestilence, a.k.a. Captain Fray.
  • Manipulative Bastard: As par with being the embodiment of evil, the Serpent acts by setting its influence on vulnerable people and corrupting them into becoming its pawns for the Apocalypse.
  • Not Quite Dead: After facing its domains on Planet Tomba, the Gang believed to have defeated the Serpent, only to find that it's still acting to bring the end of the world.
  • Omnicidal Maniac: Its return to Earth will cause the extinction of all life on the planet.
  • Satanic Archetype: Based on Satan, the leader of demons in Abrahamic religions, the Serpent has many satanic archetypes, such as:
    • It name, The Serpent, is a reference to the Serpent of Eden, which caused humanity's banishment from the Garden of Eden in Book of Genesis.
    • Madame Creuzodete said that it is the "evil mentioned in the scriptures", like the Devil is mentioned many times in the Bible and other Abrahamic religious books.
    • It has made pacts with many people (such as Berenice and Captain Fray), taking advantage of it victims' vulnerability to offer them what they most desire in exchange for their souls, like a classic Deal with the Devil
    • It inhabited the last of the nine circles of the Abyss on Planet Tomb, which is practically Hell. In the Divine Comedy, by the poet Dante Alighieri, Lucifer was located in the Ninth (and last) Circle of Hell.
    • It is involved in the End of the World, just as the Devil, according to the Book of Revelation, will fight against God and His angels.
  • Sealed Evil in a Can: The Serpent was trapped in the Abyss of Planet Tomb since its banishment from Earth, waiting for its reclaim for billions of years. Thanks to Monica and friends exploding Tomb in Heirs of the Earth: Conclusion, she is free in our universe again.
  • Shout-Out: Aside from the Serpent of Eden, it is also inspired in Jormungandr, a planet sized snake from the Norse Mythology that will participate in the Ragnarok, a.k.a. the end of the world.
  • Snakes Are Sinister: Its name is "The Serpent" and it is the embodiment of evil. However, it is unknown if looks like a serpent at all or if it is only symbolic name.
  • Time Abyss: According with Madame Creuzodete, it’s an evil more ancient than humanity and it is implied that it lived on Earth billions of years even before the dinosaurs.
  • Unseen Evil: Hasn't appeared yet on-page, the closest being when the Gang visited its domains on Planet Tomb, and it was shown to live on the bottom of a circular pit resembling the nine cicles of Hell.
  • Vagueness Is Coming: Its (second) arrival is predicted by many characters throughout the sagas through the phrase "The Serpent is coming back".
