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Recap / lonelygirl15 S01 Desert Tour

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"What happens in Vegas, stays in Vegas... that kinda has a new meaning now. The last thing I remember, we were at this gas station, and the next thing we're running like hell through the desert, Bree's way off in the distance, we hear a gunshot, and Jonas and I hit the deck."
Daniel, "Missing Days"
Dates Posted: (2007) March 22, 23, 26, 29, 31, April 2-6, 9-11, 13

The gang heads out to Vegas to try get over recent events, but an Order operative kidnaps them. After making their escape, the gang tracks down the only source of info on the Order they know about...

"Co-Ed Foosball": Daniel and Bree take turns at the camera, talking about how Jonas and Daniel are trying to teach Bree foosball. At the end, Bree tells Jonas she'll be there for him to help find out about his parents.

"Vegas, Baby!": The trio is hanging out in a hotel room in Vegas, talking about what they should do for the day on their first time in Vegas. Bree doesn't want to do anything crazy, while Daniel and Jonas want to hit the town.

"Subjects Apprehended": An operative travels through Vegas until he reaches a parking lot where he covertly observes Bree, Daniel, and Jonas piling into Jonas' truck. The operative steals a car to follow them to a gas station, where he grabs them one by one and puts them in his vehicle.

"Psychological Torture": With the TAAG imprisoned in an unknown house, the operative begins to work on them, attempting to brainwash them into executing his commands.

"Communication Terminated": Bree, Daniel, and Jonas escape from the operative's hideout and flee across the desert. The operative tracks them down, but before he can catch them, a gunshot is heard and the operative falls down dead.

"Missing Days": Daniel talks about how they've recovering from their kidnapping, saying that they don't remember the three days they were captive at all, only really starting to recall from around the time the Watcher shot the operative. Daniel says he called Alex and told her everything that happened and that she sounded like he wanted to talk but couldn't. The TAAG travels back to her house in order to follow her.

"Losing My Religion": Bree sits by herself in a park and talks to the camera about her religion and her parents.

"Lying Bastards": The gang follows Alex down to Mexico, where she has a vacation home. They banter about it a bit, wondering what to do, before Jonas and Bree leave Daniel to go into town. Daniel decides to try to break into Alex's house and snoop around, but ends up listening in on her end of a phone call instead.

"Spring Break Sucks": Bree spends some time talking about how stressed out she's been lately. She talks about some research she read about how people react to stressful situations. Then she walks around town and finds Daniel and Jonas very drunk and helps them get back to the truck to sleep it off.

"Confrontation": Bree knocks on Alex's door and confronts her regarding the gang's abduction in Vegas.

"Hug It Out": Intercut with shots of Alex and Jonas yelling at each other on the beach, Jonas narrates how he made up with his aunt and talks about her and their past.

"Apology Accepted?": Daniel records Alex talking about her perspective on what was discussed by her and Jonas during "Hug It Out".

"Spanglish": After Jonas gets too disgusted by Daniel courting Alex, him and Bree go around town and hang out. Bree gives a history lesson about the town.

"The Perfect Beach": Alex takes the gang down to her favorite beach in Mexico, but it leads to an unexpected encounter with the Order...


  • Actually Pretty Funny: In "Vegas, Baby!", Jonas mocks Daniel for claiming he's still a dork after Bree expresses disappointment that Daniel isn't one, and Daniel laughs it up along with him.
  • Ambiguous Syntax: It's not totally clear in "Spanglish" whether Jonas is calling Alex "Aunt Fornicator" (aunt who fornicates) or whether he's calling Daniel "Aunt Fornicator" (fornicator of aunts).
  • As Long as It Sounds Foreign: Parodied in "Spanglish" with Jonas' "Spanish", which is actually Spanish-sounding gibberish.
  • The Atoner: Alex seeks to become this after "Confrontation", wanting to help Jonas find his parents after all this time and what she's done.
  • Beach Episode: "The Perfect Beach" starts out as this, with the whole gang having a good time at the beach, and then subverted when the Order shows up.
  • Big "SHUT UP!": Bree delivers one in "Confrontation" when Alex keeps protesting that the Order wasn't involved with their kidnapping.
  • Blatant Lies: When Bree asks Jonas if he's drunk in "Vegas, Baby!", he immediately says no... after staggering around and then laughing giddily.
  • Brainwashing: What the operative is trying to do to Bree, Daniel, and Jonas in "Psychological Torture". He's trying to get the latter two to abandon Bree and get Bree herself to willingly do the Ceremony.
  • Breather Episode: After a long string of dramatic and emotional episodes, "Spanglish" is just the gang hanging out, relaxing, and exploring the town.
  • Cargo Ship: Invoked and spoofed by Jonas when he ends up stuck having to sleep in the front seat in "Missing Days":
    Jonas: (to the steering wheel) Looks like it's just, uh, you and me, honey.
  • Curse Cut Short: Jonas gets cut off by an edit while mocking Daniel near the beginning of "The Perfect Beach":
    Daniel: Why do I have to carry the... merse?
    Jonas: Because you're the bi—
  • Deadly Euphemism: The "terminated" part of "Communication Terminated" ends up being quite permanent when the operative is shot dead at the end of the video.
  • Destroy the Security Camera: Daniel temporarily disables the operative's camera at the start of "Communication Terminated", enabling the TAAG to make their escape.
  • Electronic Speech Impediment: The description of "Communication Terminated" ends with a bunch of random characters, representing the operative's death in the middle of the episode.
  • Entendre Failure: Bree suffers one near the start of "Lying Bastards":
    Jonas: Listen, Mamasitas lock up your daughters, okay, 'cause the Beast here is south of the border, and, uh, not for nothing dude, you put the ho in Mexico. (Daniel laughs)
    Bree: ...There's no "ho" in "Mexico".
    (Daniel and Jonas both turn around to stare at Bree)
    Bree: (laughing) There's no "ho" in "Mexico"!
    (Daniel gives the camera a funny look)
  • Establishing Shot: The first 30 seconds or so of "Subjects Apprehended" is composed entirely of shots of iconic Vegas imagery.
  • Everyone Has Standards: Alex's argument over the phone in "Lying Bastards" happens because the Order's actions are in conflict with her principles, especially since the target is her nephew.
  • Fantasy-Forbidding Father: Alex's mom provides a fairly mundane example in "Apology Accepted?":
    Alex: I told her I wanted to be a pilot once, 'cause I used to like looking into the sky, and uh, I said, "Mom, I want to fly," and she said, "Well, that's nice, sweetheart, but planes don't fly, they crash."
  • Foreshadowing:
    • Daniel is clearly the most lucid of the TAAG after getting injected by the operative's drugs prior to "Psychological Torture", which is why in the next episode he's the one who spots the operative's cameras and disables them.
    • Alex tells Daniel in "Apology Accepted?" that she has good reason to be nervous. Two episodes later in "The Perfect Beach", and the Order shows up for her again.
  • Frame-Up: Alex explains in "Apology Accepted?" that the Order has doctored photos ready to convince her that Jonas' dad was responsible for her mother's death.
  • Gratuitous Spanish:
    • Daniel mutters "uno mas" a couple times in "Spring Break Sucks" as Bree guides him over to the car.
    • In "Hug It Out", to keep with the fact they're in Mexico, Jonas decides to refer to his great-aunt's beliefs as "caca" instead of the word his dad actually used.
  • Have a Gay Old Time: In "Lying Bastards", Daniel says that Jonas took Bree into town because he thinks "she should try a fish taco".note 
  • I Just Want to Be Normal: Bree hints toward this kind of sentiment during the beginning of "Spring Break Sucks":
    Bree: I saw this girl. She was about my age, and she was sitting on the beach with her friends, and I dunno, I guess it's Spring Break or something? It's not that... I want to be like them, it's just that... they seem like they don't have a care in the world, and all the things that people do that are my age, I usually think are really stupid. You know, and I'm sitting there and I'm thinking about my mom and my dad and the Order and Jonas's parents and I just... I felt really overwhelmed, and just literally got up and ran away.
  • Instant Sedation: When abducting Jonas in "Subjects Apprehended", the operative holds a presumably chloroform-soaked rag up to his face to knock him in what appears to be seconds.
  • It's What I Do: In "Lying Bastards", Daniel comments that breaking-and-entering is pretty much the only thing he's good at.
  • Kubrick Stare: Bree gives a brief one early on in "Co-ed Foosball", which is naturally a humorous example.
  • High-Pressure Emotion: At the end of "Losing My Religion" Bree demonstrates steam coming out of Daniel's nose and ears from how mad he is when he gets woken up early.
  • Misplaced Accent: Used intentionally by Jonas to mock Alex's mom's nonsense in "Hug It Out", giving her a vaguely French accent for some reason.
    Jonas: "Jonas, ze free, free will of man and ze Meridian lines."
  • Misplaced Retribution: In "Hug It Out", it's revealed that the Order convinced Alex that Jonas' dad was responsible for her mother's death, which is why she went in with them and betrayed him.
  • Missing Time: None of the gang remembers what happened during their time in the operative's custody.
  • Mood Whiplash:
    • "Vegas, Baby!" goes from goofy fun to serious when the TAAG is forced to run from an unseen Order member.
    • "The Perfect Beach" goes from light-hearted to dead serious and heated as soon as the Order car shows up with a minute to go.
  • My Sister Is Off-Limits: Though he doesn't try to stop it, "Spanglish" shows Jonas still doesn't appreciate the prospect of Daniel and Alex getting together.
    Jonas: If they hook up it's going to be so awkward. Please don't. Ugh. Let's get outta here.
  • No Name Given: Finally averted for Bree's religion in "Losing My Religion", named here as the Hymn Of One.
  • Nostalgia Ain't Like It Used to Be: Deconstructed in "Apology Accepted?". After her mom's death, Alex was so broken up that she eventually forgot anything bad about her relationship with her mom which exacerbated her grief and anger over her death, allowing the Order to get their hooks into her.
  • Not Me This Time: In "Confrontation", Alex insists that the Order isn't responsible for the TAAG's kidnapping.
  • Path of Inspiration: Bree more or less confirms the Hymn Of One as this in "Losing My Religion", serving as a front for the Order of Dendera to do "whatever it doesn't want you to know, on the side."
  • Parting-Words Regret: Suggested by Jonas in "Hug It Out" when he says that his dad and Alex's mom got into a vicious argument one Christmas, which he says they would've definitely apologized over and made up from... if Alex's mom hadn't been killed by a drunk driver a couple months later.
  • P.O.V. Cam: For the most part, the "private transmission" episodes are shot from a first-person perspective of the operative, who is clearly not carrying around a hand camera.
  • Put on a Bus: Alex gets carried away by the Order in "The Perfect Beach".
  • Rage Against the Heavens: "Hug It Out" explains that Alex's mom's death caused her to experience this, which was then taken advantage of by the Order.
    Jonas: Yep, your classic "How could there be a god when something like this happens?" moment.
  • Reckless Gun Usage: In "The Perfect Beach", Jonas waves the gun around extremely carelessly, with his finger on the trigger, including putting it right in Daniel's face multiple times.
  • Retcon: In "Losing My Religion", Bree says here that she never really got along with her mom... where back in "Should I Or Shouldn't I?" she says her mom usually takes her side, suggesting she was closer to her mom than her dad.
  • Serious Business: Played for laughs in "Co-ed Foosball" with Jonas' obsession with foosball. Particularly when he says, in a disappointed and serious tone, "To spin is a sin".
  • Shout-Out: The title of "Losing My Religion", to the R.E.M. song of the same name.
  • The Stakeout: Twice in "Missing Days".
    • The first (very short) time occurs when the TAAG has reached Alex's house and is waiting for her to come out.
    • The second ends the episode, as they've followed Alex to a parking garage below the hotel she's staying at, where they're waiting for her to come back so they can keep following her car.
  • Stealth Hi/Bye: When Bree gets too frustrated with Alex to keep talking to her in "Confrontation", she yells for Daniel... who is seen to have been in Alex's house during the entire conversation, and probably before Bree even came in.
  • Sudden Soundtrack Stop: The music abruptly cuts off when Bree has her Entendre Failure in "Lying Bastards".
  • Super Serum: Discussed in "Confrontation" when Bree tells Alex about the fan theories that the operative who captured them was taking some kind of drugs to make him stronger and smarter than normal.
  • Talking in Your Sleep: Jonas does this in "Missing Days" while Daniel is trying to get to sleep, spouting some nonsensical phrases.
  • Trapped in Villainy: Implied in "The Perfect Beach". Alex doesn't want to keep working for the Order, but the Order clearly still has ways of keeping her under their thumb.
    Alex: I don't have a choice! I don't have a choice, alright?! I still have to do—
  • Villain Episode: The "private transmission" arc is recorded from the perspective of an Order operative sent to kidnap the TAAG and brainwash Bree into doing the Ceremony.
  • Wham Episode: "The Perfect Beach": The Order shows up, takes away Alex, and she reveals that the Order is lining up another girl for the Ceremony and doesn't need Bree anymore. And while not on the same level, it obviously ends Daniel and Alex's budding romance, which would have some short-term effects on the group.
  • What Did I Do Last Night?: Deliberately invoked by Bree in "Spring Break Sucks" when she guides the completely wasted Daniel and Jonas into lying on top of each other in the back of the car. It's pretty clear what she's trying to make them think they were doing.
    Bree: They're not gonna be happy when they wake up.
  • You're Just Jealous: When she takes her turn at the camera in "Co-ed Foosball", Bree says that Jonas is just jealous because Bree figured out a better way to play than he did.

"They're here for me. They don't need you anymore, Bree. They have another girl."
