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Funny / Titans (2018)

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Season 1

    Episode 1: Titans 
  • Robin: "FUCK BATMAN!"
    • To clarify, the first trailer made it seem like a Pre-Asskicking One-Liner fueled by his burning hatred of Batman, while in the actual show it's more of an exasperated afterthought after kicking ass, out of annoyance after being ridiculed as a "birdie all alone". More like "...Fuck Batman."
    • When Robin drops down with the usual badass “super hero landing” and gives the thugs a chance to run…… they simply point their gun back up into the air to search for Batman. Dick’s face just screams “are you guys serious right now ?”
  • Amnesiac Kory telling Konstantin Kovar that the feeling wasn't mutual after he told her that he loved her.
    • The way her eyes look around as she thinks his confession over adds to the scene.
  • Beastboy raiding a store, and the guard looks close to shitting his pants at seeing a tiger stealing games. Once Beastboy flees, the guard's obviously thinking, "No one is gonna believe this."
    Episode 2: Hawk and Dove 
  • Dawn wears a Superman T-shirt.
  • Dick may be a Friend to All Children, but he's hilariously inept at actually dealing with one for extended periods of time, asking Rachel if she wants hot chocolate with marshmallows and questioning if she should be watching Game of Thrones.
    • To the first, he asks if she'd rather have hot chocolate and marshmallows but she says that she's not a child. A few seconds later after getting her coffee, she pours a large amount of sugar into her cup with Dick commenting that she's a sweet-tooth. When watching Game of Thrones, she gives Dick a side glance that seems to be asking, "You gonna stop me?"
  • Dick goes out to buy pizza and Rachel only has one request.
    Rachel: Don't get it with pineapple.
    Dick: Obviously.
  • After Rachel and Dawn come back from shopping, Dawn encourages Rachel to catch up to the final episode of the season for Game of Thrones and as she walks off she tells Dawn, "Thanks, Khaleesi."
    Episode 3: Origins 
  • Rachel's reaction to the Nuclear Family seems to be as unsettled and confused as the viewers.
    Rachel: (after hearing the siblings argue over who won freeway bingo) What is this freakshow?
  • Kory thinks she finally has her mystery figured out. Unfortunately, she opens the locker at the skating rink to find an envelope... and finds another key for a storage unit inside. She's understandably frustrated.
    Kory: Seriously?
  • Garfield (Beastboy) trying to make small talk with Rachel. It's awkwardly hilarious.
  • Kory calls Dick a dick; he responds by telling her, "Gee, that's a new one.''
  • Kory steals Dick's car, echoing Dick doing the same thing in a flashback.
    • Dick telling Kory off for that, "You stole my car. I like my car!"
    Episode 4: Doom Patrol 
  • Gar's awkwardness with Rachel when he's showing her his room is both this and heartwarming, as he obviously is enjoying having a friend over and showing off all his cool things while still going into protective geek mode about his stuff.
  • The way Gar's voice pitches when he asks for Rachel to hide.
  • Rachel asking if Cliff is a robot and his exasperated response says it all.
    Cliff: Here we go.
    • Gar says he's a robot man.
    Cliff: Oh, fuck me.
  • Pulling Gar aside, Cliff asks why he brought Rachel here and Gar says that he thought Chief could help her.
    Cliff: Oh, you hate her that much?
  • Larry’s introduction. Just... just Larry’s introduction.
  • Kori and Dick arguing like an old married couple.
  • Cliff laments that no one would want to dance with him, and Rachel says she would. She then proceeds to do the Robot.
    Cliff: She can stay.
    Episode 5: Together 
  • Garfield excited to show the group his abilities, but has to ask them to turn around and then ducks behind a pile of hay bales to do it. Kory snarks that if this weren't a drill they'd all be dead by now.
    Garfield: Yeah, but it'll be worth it. I promise.
    Kory: Heard that before.
    • Before that, Dick's disbelief and confusion as Gar awkwardly explains that he needs to take his clothes off before demonstrating his powers.
    • Dick and Kory's polar opposite reactions to seeing Gar in tiger form for the first time. Dick looks and sounds absolutely terrified, while Kory grins in delight and declares that it was worth it.
    • After shifting back into his human form, forgetting he was naked, Rachel politely averts her eyes to point this out and Kory giggles in amusement. Cue Garfield bashfully noticing and scurrying off to get his clothes back on.
  • Kory keeps interrupting Dick to needle him into admitting he has feelings.
    • Also, as Dick suggests he put on clothes, Kory has this response.
    Kory: I've seen Gar naked. Nothing can surprise me.
  • Gar gets excited over the possibility of meeting Batman.
    Garfield: So... can I meet him?
    Dick: (smug grin) No.
  • When Kory walks back into the motel room to find the Nuclear Family dead, she reacts by musing to herself about how Dick was going to think she did it.
    Kory: (beat) Oh, shit. Dick's gonna think I did it.
    Episode 6: Jason Todd 
  • Much of Jason and Dick's dynamic.
    • When Jason holds his hand up for a fist bump, Dick stares for a couple seconds before reciprocating.
    • When Jason starts telling Dick everything he loves about being Robin, Dick just looks at him and asks, "He lets you drive the Batmobile?"
  • Dick and Kory's continued bickering.
  • Jason trying to enter a nightclub under the false name of Robert Plissken, too bad that the bodyguard is enough Genre Savvy to realize his name is borrowed from Escape from New York.
  • When Kory, Rachel, and Gar are waiting outside the safehouse to be let in, Kory gives the security camera a sweet smile and a little wave while Gar gives a huge grin like a kid saying "Cheese!" on school photo day.
    Episode 8: Donna Troy 
  • Young Donna has apparently always wanted a Batarang.
  • Dick going from the super serious loner he was in the first several episodes to lighthearted and contrary around Donna and responding to her observations about him with a childish "am not".
  • Dick's awkward attempts at making small talk with a man at Donna's showing.
    • Said man mutters "Thank you" under his breath when someone calls him over, giving him an excuse to get away from Dick.
  • Dick wondering aloud what the Penguin is doing at the moment.
    Episode 9: Hank And Dawn 
    Episode 10: Koriand’r 
  • Donna teases Dick about his taste in women while they're following Kory.
    Episode 11: Dick Grayson 

Season 2

    Episode 1: Trigon 
  • Bruce & Alfred are halfway across the world, so what does Jason do? Drive around Wayne Manor on a motorcycle. The implication is that he would never dare to do so while Alfred was around and Alfred must be at least eighty by now, making one wonder - just how scary can Alfred get when he's angry?
  • Hawk showing how they know about Dick by putting hands in circle motions as if a bad mask.
  • Jason states Dick has a second tracker "where you'll never find it." Hank and Dawn both grimace "ew."
  • Donna’s reaction to seeing Jason for the first time.
    Donna: What the fuck is that and why is it wearing Dick’s costume?
    Episode 2: Rose 
  • After an apparent setup for a badass scene of Jason kicking Gar's ass while blindfolded, after a few good hits he faces the wrong direction and Gar easily whacks him in the back of the head, leading to Jason whining about him cheating despite specifically telling Gar to not hold back.
  • Dove makes a drug dealer call the police on him and his friends.
    Operator: 9-1-1. What’s your emergency?
    Drug Dealer: Um, there’s a meth lab at 27-51 Hollister Lane. It’s being run by . . . (turns and looks at Dove)
    Dove: Three complete dipshits.
    Drug Dealer: . . . Three complete dipshits. So, uh, you better have someone come down and arrest us. Thank you for your time.
    Dove: Your mother would be very proud (punches the drug deal unconscious)
  • Kory and Donna’s interaction while on their stakeout
    Donna: You know, they did write music after 1979. They didn't just crank out "We Are Family" and call it quits.
    Kory: Mmm. They should have.
    Donna: Can we please dip a toe into the '80s? Just five minutes of Madonna, that's all I need.
    (Kory increases the volume.)

    Episode 3: Ghosts 
  • Kori is rocked when Faddei breaks open a store window to steal a diamond necklace for her.
    Kori: Did you not read the part in the manual about laws?
    Faddei: Honestly, I never got past the stuff on food and wine.

    Episode 4: Aqualad 
  • Hank suggesting that 22 years in human years equals a ninety year old fish.

    Episode 5: Deathstroke 
  • Hank telling Rose that he doesn’t want to hurt her, she then proceeds to punch him in the face. Hank then complain that it hurt.
    Hank: I don’t want to hurt you kid.
    Rose: Yeah right! (Rose punches and kicks Hank in the face)
    Hank: (Grabs his face) That fucking hurt.

    Episode 6: Conner 

    Episode 7: Bruce Wayne 
  • Throughout the episode, Dick's hallucinates Bruce Wayne, effortlessly trolling him wherever he goes and snarking his attempts to find Deathstroke.
    • Even more hilarious, Dick sees him dancing on stage at a strip club and what dance does he do?The Batusi!
  • Kory being forced to hug a butt-naked Conner while she is trying to heal his Kryptonite poisoning. Rachel is clearly swallowing the whole thing.

    Episode 8: Jericho 
  • Jericho possessing Hawk to make him dance and then checking out "his" six-pack abs.

    Episode 9: Atonement 
  • Hank and Dawn visit a bar, where a guy is butchering "All by Myself". Doubly funny if you have watched Doom Patrol Season 1 and knew that infamous...scene where the song is played.
  • The montage of Gar living in the Titans Tower, looking more and more bored as he spends the days without interacting with anyone. The part where his post-it notes descend from being supportive to "All work and no play makes Gar a dull boy" and his reading material winds up from Frankenstein to "Hickory Dickory Dock" is particularly hilarious.
    • Gar dates the days since the Titans split up "Stardate".
    • On the third day, he is surprised by Conner waking up and greeting him, while butt-naked. Gar can only laugh awkwardly.

    Episode 10: Fallen 
  • The episode starts with Mercy trying to get her wife and daughters to agree to play a board game, and insists they play one later that night despite their complaints. When she has to cancel the game night due to work, her wife and one of her daughters can be seen smiling in relief.
    • When Mercy describes a game about a penguin catching fish, her daughters respond that they hate fish. Mercy's wife refuses to back her up, making her comment that she wishes that they weren't monogomous.
  • Krypto the dog pressing the Titans Tower's security alarm.

    Episode 11: E.L. .O. 
  • Dawn being torn between keeping or disposing Hank's belongings after their breakup. She eventually settles to keep the Titans photo and dispose the rest.
  • The female Titans' bizarre meeting with Bruce in Elko Diner. They can't believe Bruce Wayne, Batman himself, invited them to a run-down diner in the middle of nowhere just to give a pep talk.

    Episode 12: Faux Hawk 

    Episode 13: Nightwing 
  • The fight with Conner is Played for Laughs, since the Titans are duly aware that they are basically powerless against a Flying Brick in hand-to-hand combat.
    • The ladies sizing up Conner.
      Dawn: Why's he looking at me?
      Donna: Probably because you're dressed like a big bird.
    • The fact Donna seems more annoyed at Conner hitting her than anything else.
    • Kory punches Conner and moans "I regret that."
    • Hawk smashes a punch on Connor with Dove giving an eye roll.
  • Mercy is grinning about the money she's making off the live feed...then it's cut off without warning. Cut to a smiling Bruce Wayne sipping tea with the greatest shit-eating smirk imaginable on his face.
    • And just as the screen showing a laughing face emoji, Mercy gets a call from...Lex Luthor.

Season 3

    Episode 1: Barbara Gordon 

    Episode 2: Red Hood 
  • Barbara tells Dick that they've been using a profiler but he's not going to like who it is.
    Dick: Okay...
    Barbara: You're really not gonna like it. (Beat) Scarecrow.
    Dick: WHAT?
    Barbara: Told you you wouldn't like it.

    Episode 3: Hank & Dove 
    Episode 4: Blackfire 
    Episode 9: Souls 

    Episode 11: The Call is Coming from Inside the House 

Season 4

    Episode 5: Inside Man 
  • Rachel says that being a Titans is about getting the snacks. A while ago, she was about to get potato chips and wondered if someone's going after her for her sodium intake.


  • After Brenton Thwaites was announced as Dick, the first reaction many DC fans had was about whether he had the assets for the role.
    As a result, Google has seen an uptick in searches for photos of Thwaites’ butt since his casting was announced.
  • David Mazouz (Gotham's Bruce Wayne): "Well, screw you, too."
  • Were you blindsided by Starfire's depiction in set photos or trailers, and feel like the showrunners have no idea what they're doing? Well, it turns out Starfire is just as confused and doesn't know what she's supposed to be doing either, because she's amnesiac and isn't even aware that she's an alien.
  • After filming for season one wrapped, Brenton Thwaites sent the crew Titans themed guitar picks - otherwise known as "Dick picks".
