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Funny / Epic Battle Fantasy

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  • Introduced in 3 are two kinds of items that are fancy way of describing water and ice, respectively.
    Liquid Ice's Description: A rare form of ice only found in warm climates.
    Solid Water's Description: A rare form of water only found in cold climates.
  • You get a medal called 'Pervert' for getting Natalie's chest to bounce.

    Epic Battle Fantasy 2 

    Epic Battle Fantasy 3 

    Epic Battle Fantasy 4 
  • This conversation:
    Anna: Hey Natalie: I’ve been meaning to ask you something for a while... but it’s kind of personal. Maybe.
    Natz: Uh, what is it...?
    Anna: Do your huge breasts cushion the impact of enemy attacks, or are they just for show?!
    Natz: W-WHAT?!?! Um, not really… and it’s not like I have a choice. That’s just the way they are.
    Anna: Well, what do you eat to get them so big then? Hamburgers?! Chocolate?!
    Natz: I don’t think it’s that simple...
    Lance: I think we should test these theories. You know... For Science!. I’ll watch and take photos- er, notes.
    Natz: Listen Anna: we don’t bring attention to my breasts. Ever. It makes the men act more retarded than usual, and that’s not good. Got it?
    Anna: Fiiiine. (I was gonna ask to touch them, but I guess I won’t now...)
    Matt: (I’m just going to pretend I missed all of that. Yup, that’s what I’ll do.)
  • As previously seen, Matt isn't always the stupid one...
    Lance: Hey, Matt...
    Matt: What?
    Lance: Would it be weird if I hit on that green-haired girl, since Natalie already hates my guts?!
    Matt: She's way younger than you. It would be awkward. And I think Natalie would hate you less if you stopped staring at her non-stop.
    Lance: That's not a fair criticism! I'm very subtle about it. I've got hidden cameras on my clothes, so that I don't even have to look in her direction.
    Matt: That's what I mean...
  • Then there's Matt and Sparky the engineer both completely misunderstanding how wind-farms work.
    Sparky: I work for the department of clean and renewable energy. I have just completed a feasibility study of this area. It is in fact not worthwhile to install a wind-farm within this facility, as there is no wind indoors.
    Matt: I thought wind-farms created the wind though? That's why there's always a lot of wind near them!
    Matt: That's why computers need small windmills to cool them!!
    Sparky: You may be onto something. I think you'd make a great engineer someday.
  • Matt seems to have fond memories of the Cosmic Monolith in the purchased version. Better yet, Cosmic Monoliths are now capable of falling on a target to deal massive physical damage.
    Anna: Oooooh, what's that?
    Matt: [with a sickly expression on his face] That's trouble over there.
  • When the heroes try to stop the cat thieves in Goldenbrick, Natalie takes a moment to shield Nolegs's eyes from the massacre.
  • Upon first entering the Temple of Godcat, Matt threatens to eat Nolegs if he's part of the jewel heist.
  • The medal descriptions can get a little funny.
    Start the Game Already: Smash 100 idols on the loading screen, because clicking randomly makes the game load faster.
  • One of the key items you get are Leafy Boots that let you cross bodies of water by walking over lilypads. However, there are four characters in the party and only one pair of boots. And while it doesn't cause any problems in the gameplay, the next cutscene shows what crossing a river like this actually looks like: Anna is wearing the boots and walking across lilypads, Matt is wading through the water carrying Natz on his shoulders, and Lance is completely submerged underwater with only his hat still visible.
  • One sidequest involves finding holy water, among some other things to cure a girl who was turned into a zombie. If you talk to her, you get this exchange.
    Laura: Rawr!? (What's happening to me? Is this real life?
    Matt: Watch out! It's a feminist!

    Epic Battle Fantasy 5 
  • Fifth installment introduced the capture mechanic. Some instances of it are quite funny. Catching a monolith by throwing a box over it? Priceless.
  • The beginning of the game has some fun with gameplay instructions:
  • The party will comment on certain equipment:
    • Lance doesn't appreciate wearing the headband due to the hairstyle looking like a douche nozzle.
    • If Lance is wearing a mask, he'll complain that he needs to see properly and how they can't see how mad he is right now.
    • If Natalie wears something like the nurse dress or Santa outfit, she'll comment she's probably fulfilling all the fetishes,
  • Also the comments on various different enemies:
    • Natalie wonders if Nolegs secretly condones the murder of his kind.
    • All players don't like the voodoo doll versions of themselves.
    • The reason Lance's robots are still active is because he forgot the passwords.
  • In first bonus dungeon of EBF5 on the way to the right switch of the gate, you find a guy that says he wants to try surfing on lava. When you return later you can find his surfboard in lava next to some skull.
  • Getting the "Free Body" sign appearing over Natz lying down after you first see Lance's Valkyrie tank kill the entire party is darkly funny since that's probably what he basically sees anyway even without the actual sign.
    • Lance's attack itself. Matt remarks from the size of the tank tracks left on the ground that, even though the party is going to have to face something big, they should be able to see it coming thanks to its sheer size. Immediately after, he's proven wrong when an ambush "battle" happens that just consists of Lance RAMMING his tank at the team at blinding speeds, one-shotting them.
  • Matt gets a worrying sense of déjà vu that a girl's going to try to kick his ass again when he's on the same screen as Anna's boss fight.
  • In 5, after beating the first four Evil Players, the group realizes that NoLegs's evil version is next. Much like with the Monoliths in the third game, Matt thinks the foe is going to be unimpressive, only to be proven very wrong when the boss turns out to be magnitudes stronger than the other Evil Players.
    Matt: Well this will probably be quite an easy fight. 'Cause what's a little cat going to do to us?
  • The reaction Anna's father has towards Matt and Lance when they are introduced to him.
    Anna's father: So who's the boyfriend, the homeless tramp or the school shooter?
  • Some of the reactions the heroes have when a capture fails are flat out hilarious. Case in point,
    Lance: [flipping double birds] GET IN THAT BOX OR I WILL SKIN YOU!!!!!!
  • Matt's reaction to a Monolith using a laser attack.
    Matt: Hey guys I think it's about to shoop da who-
  • Bears go berserk when hit by a strong attack. One of their more common reactions is to jump in front of a player, turn around, and spray poop on them, ending with a fart. All players react with appropriate horror at this.
    Matt: DO NOT WANT!! (Some of it went in my mouth...)
    Natalie: What even! I'll never defend wild animals ever again.
    Anna: That's a new one. Never had that happen to me before.
    Lance: So it's going to be one of the THOSE sorts of days again, huh? Well, okay then.
    Nolegs: ?!?!?!
  • When first facing Laurelin, Lance comments he knew cats couldn't be trusted.
  • Whenever a squid is defeated, it leaves behind their eyeballs, to everyone else's disgust.
  • Lance finally manages to grudgingly apologize to Natz and Anna for his actions as a villain... and only to them. When Matt demands an apology for himself and NoLegs, since Lance ran them over with a tank which took them an entire minute to heal from, Lance dissmissively says they intruded on his private property and thus deserved to be run over.
  • From the v2 new modes:
  • After the ending narration, the party chimes in to give their thoughts on the ending you got. If you got the bad ending, Anna takes issue with how depressing it was after everything they went through, and when Nat basically spells out what the player has to do to get a better ending (namely, using each party member together more), Matt calls out the developer for hiding the better endings behind "doing chores".
