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Fanfic / Comet vs The Forces of Evil

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Comet vs The Forces of Evil

By: RJWritingInk

Born and raised as the heir to the Kingdom of Mewni, Comet Dragonfly acted like anything but a Prince. So when he finally gets his hands on his family's magic wand, they send him to live and train in another dimension called Earth. With his new best friend, Marcia, by his side, Comet fights the forces of evil and goes on amazing adventures (A Star vs. Genderbent Fanfic)

Can be read on FanFiction.Net here.

Link to the second part here.

This fanfic provides examples of:

  • Abhorrent Admirer: Much to her dismay, Marcia is hit with this several times throughout the story.
    • Jeremy Birnbaum has a not-so-innocent crush on her, and no amount of saying "no" will get through to him.
    • To a lesser extent, Tywin Doflamingo, a noble from Mewni, takes an interest in her due to her bold attitude. It's heavily implied its out of mere lust and as a means to humiliate Comet, though.
  • A-Cup Angst: Downplayed with regards to Marcia. She's well aware of how underdeveloped she is in the chest area, but knows that she's still only fourteen and may develop them later.
  • Adaptational Angst Upgrade:
    • Comet gets hit with this. HARD. His relationship with his Dad starts off even worse than Star's was with her Mom, making him resentful of him. On top of this, he learned early on that his Dad's' half of the family and many of the Mewman elite only saw him as a means to gain greater power for themselves, leading him to show outright disdain for many of them. Is it any wonder why he turned out the way he did.
    • Marcia was once best friends with Brittney Wong until Brittney ended their friendship, leading to a mutual animosity that lasted for years. Even after Brittney makes an effort to change, it takes a while for Marcia to start to trust her again.
    • Brittney Wong is revealed to have had very distant parents who were too busy to raise her themselves, and that Marcia was her first real friend. When she realizes that letting her go was the worst mistake she ever made, she does everything she can to fix it.
    • Karla Greason's relationship with her dad is very strained. Her dad wants her to give up on her dreams of being a famous musician and focus on getting a stable career. It's also revealed that Karla got her love for music from her deceased mother, who encouraged her dreams despite everyone else saying otherwise. It takes a while for them to mend everything.
  • Adaptational Intelligence: It happens to several characters.
    • Zig-zagged with Comet Dragonfly. While he's still very much an airhead, he's smarter than he lets on at times. He already figured Brittney's motivations before his friends even told him, forced Diavolo into a corner in Libertalia, was the one who got through to Karla's dad in the Symphonia arc, gave sound directions to everyone during the Interdimensional Field Trip to the point that Ms. Skullnick was impressed, and during the equivalent to the Banagic Incident, was aware that Marcia didn't think that he could make it on Earth without her help. Being Comet, this just motivated him to prove otherwise.
    • Ponyhead's counterpart demonstrates this. During the fic's St. O's arc, MC makes it clear that he intends to find all evidence of the school's true nature and leak it to the public, ensuring that no one can return it to the way it was.
    • Marcia Diaz, to an extent. During the Mewberty Arc, she does a much better job with handling Glossaryck. She's also able to speak fluent Spanish.
    • Karla Greason, Oskar's counterpart, has a far better head on her shoulders, and is simply laidback by choice rather than straight-up imbecile.
    • Zig-zagged with Ludo. He's notably more competent as a leader before Toffee shows up, able to come up with a few innovative ways of trying to defeat Comet.
    • Alfonso is shown to be a skilled strategist and has a talent for computer technology.
    • Ferguson is shown to have an interest in the culinary arts
  • Adaptational Villainy: In the cannon “Game of Flags” Eternia’s female canon counterpart was swayed by Stars speech as much as the rest of her family. Here, his monologue reveals that he found Comets words foolish and is baffled that everyone else fell for it and that he is indeed planning on having his grandson Leon take the throne. He also tried to attack Comet with a knife after discovering his deceit, intending to kill his great nephew out of rage of being beaten by him.
  • Adaptational Expansion: Happens to several characters throughout the series
    • The story dives more into Comet's life before arriving on Earth, showing how his relationship with his Dad and his side of the family deteriorated, as well as what made him into the wild and carefree boy first introduced.
    • It's revealed that Mrs. Diaz used to babysit Brittney when she was little, and would bring Marcia over with her to play, leading them to become best friends. This friendship had long-since ended before the series started, and it's only due to events in the story that lead to it slowly beginning to repair itself.
    • Karla's shown to have a genuine talent at music. Thanks to her friend's efforts, she gets a real shot at making it big. It also dives into her relationship with her single parent and why she's so into music.
    • Toffee and the Septarians, big time. It's revealed that the Septarians once forged a mighty Empire that ruled much of Mewni before the Mewmans defeated them and scattered them across Mewni. In the present day, Toffee is part of a much larger conspiracy with his fellow Septarians that aims to bring down the Dragonfly Family through elaborate means.
    • How the Monsters ended up in their current state. It was shown that when the Mewmans arrived, they proceeded to attack them driving them from their homes and leading to their current persecution. It's also shown just how Ludo managed to recruit Buff Frog and the others to his cause on the promise of restoring the Monsters to their original glory.
    • MC's jealousy is better explained as being out of a need to protect Comet from those who would manipulate him for their own ends.
    • In season 2 we get a more in-depth view of Tammy and Comets relationship. The implications of her being half-Mewman half-demon and how her relationship with Comet deteriorated.
  • Adaptational Badass: Pretty much anyone who befriends Comet Dragonfly gets this treatment.
    • Alfonso and Ferguson get a pair of powerful slingshots that they use to great effect in various fights throughout the series. And Alfonso has his talents at computer tech. Both were rather useless in the original work and were basically The Load to Star's adventures.
    • Downplayed with Marcia Diaz, but she manages to get her red belt earlier than she does in the series
    • Jackson Lee Thomas gets his skateboard replaced early on with a U-Board capable of hovering on any terrain or flat-out fly through the air.
    • Karla Greason ends up getting a pet Griffin named Kevin that she uses to get around, and is shown to have a genuine talent at music and knowledge about famous singers and musicians. After the Symphonia Arc, she gets a keyboard-battle axe fusion instrument, and it's implied that it's capable of some form of magic.
    • Jonah Ordonia by far. So far, he's wielded Comet's Wand twice, and shown talent with it. He manages to impress Glossaryck enough to get him to teach him about the basics of alchemy, and later, Demon Summoning. Jonah then gains a powerful demonic minion and proves clever enough in alchemy to briefly match Comet in combat. And during the interdimensional field trip, he gets a certain box that lets him summon blue creatures that do whatever he tells them to.
  • Adaptational Sexuality: Here Karla (Oskar Greason’s counterpart) admits she likes women and has a crush on Marcia.
  • Adapted Out: Some episodes are removed because they don't fit (like the Marco Grows a Beard episode since Marcia is a girl here), just as new ones are added.
  • Alternate Universe Fic: Takes place in an alternate universe where the main character of the show is a boy and many members of the cast are genderbent versions of themselves. This isn't universal, as several characters stay the same gender. Word of God is that this was done because he thought they were better as they were...or he simply couldn't think of anyway to change them.
  • Amazingly Embarrassing Parents: Lake to Comet when she stays with them.
  • Ascended Extra: In canon, Star's Butterfly extended family members made one appearance and were swiftly Put on the Bus, here Comet was raised with his entire family constantly hounding him, and his great-uncle specifically has more appearances in the story.
  • Berserk Button: Comet has a big one: trying to hurt his friends. If someone talks bad about them, he won't hesitate to rush to their defense. If someone's foolish enough to actively try and hurt them...then God help them
    • Marcia Diaz in particular. When she's captured at Sgt. Oleg's, he goes on a rampage, threatening to tear the entire school to the ground to get to her. When she's kidnapped by Toffee, he becomes uncharacteristically cold towards Ludo, who he thinks is responsible. Had his friends not talked him down, he may have killed Ludo in his anger.
  • Character Development: Comet becomes more responsible and tolerant during his time on Earth. The events of "Storm the Castle" are also implied to have a far more lasting affect on him and how his actions can endanger his friends.
    • Ms. Skullnick, who initially despises Comet for turning her into a troll, learns to respect his skills as a leader and comes to understand that he's not inherently a bad person.
    • Brittney Wong goes from being the alpha bitch she was into the show into the atoner, wanting to make amends with everyone for her past behavior.
    • It takes Marcia time, but she starts to forgive Brittney for her past behavior, and becomes more confident in herself
    • Sabrina briefly develops a jerkass attitude towards Brittney following her heel-face turn, but is eventually convinced to give her another chance
    • Karla Greason goes from being a wannabe musician with a strained relationship with her dad to one with a genuine shot at making it big. And she also makes up with her Dad.
    • MC becomes far more accepting of Marcia, admitting that she may be the best friend outside of him that Comet could hope for.
  • Chick Magnet: Due to his good looks, natural charisma, and friendly nature, Comet attracts a lot of attention from the opposite sex, to the point where his locker's filled with love letters from girls
    • Brittney Wong and Sabrina are both stated to have a crush on him
    • His childhood friend, Aqua, has feelings for him
    • His ex-girlfriend, Tammy Lucitor, actively tries to win him back.
    • Clueless Chick-Magnet: Due to his somewhat airheaded nature, Comet remains oblivious to how many girls like him. Lampshaded by Marcia and Jonah when they have to spell it out for him.
  • Crazy Jealous Guy: Tammy towards Comet. She used to threaten other girls he interacted with when he wasn’t looking and nearly beat two Nobel girls to death for insulting him.
  • Dude Magnet: Marcia gets a lot of attention from Comets cousins after the game of flags.
  • Easily Forgiven:
    • No one holds it against Comet when he enters his "Dragonfly Form" since no one was hurt and they acknowledge that he wasn't in control of himself at the time.
    • Marcia and the other humans dont take lightly to the Mewmans racist view of monsters during the mewnipendance day episode. But after Comet gives a heartfelt speech on how he's seen the error of it himself they loose whatever animosity they had for him.
  • Evil Is Petty: In Game of Flags, lord Tywin tries to carve Marcus’s face in revenge for her rejecting him earlier. Marcia calls him out on this suggesting he has an Inferiority Superiority Complex.
  • Foil: Mune and his uncle Eternia. Both are conservative elder members of the Dragonfly family that have put pressure on Comet his whole life. However Mune actually cares about Comets well being and his a genuinely warm and good person under his cold exterior (not to mention he married Lake against his families wishes out of love). Eternia on the other hand is cold and elite to his core and only cares about maintaining the status and image of the family. Comet even states that even Mune thinks Eternia is too strict.
  • Hate Sink: Comet's Great-Uncle Eternia Butterfly. His opening narration states that he cares about the image of the family above all else, including said family's happiness, and is a total stuck-up misogynistic jerkass snob. He is constantly hounding Comet about his mistakes and trying to convince Mune to send him to Sgt. Oleg's Reform School for Wayward Princes (even after the horrific truth of the establishment is revealed causing it to be shut down). In the final chapter of the first part he yells at Comet and accuses him of being a failure as a prince for choosing to sacrificing the wand to save Marcia (a commoner and a girl), right in front of said girl and her parents, and saying that his father should disown him, in front of Mune. What’s worse is that he doesn’t even care that the wand managed to restore itself (mostly), he’s just hung up on the fact that it was broken and he thinks that Comets actions will make them look bad to other nobles, so he’s saying he would rather an innocent girl die to save face. Then come season 2 where he is proven to be actively trying to get Comet disowned and replaced as heir with his grandson (who he molded into his idea of a perfect prince) and even tried to KILL Comet in anger after realizing he beat him.
  • Heel–Face Turn: Brittany Wong goes through one after Comet (who she has a crush on) delivers a brutal The reason you suck speech to her at her birthday. This leads her to start to mend her broken relationship with Marcia
    • Comet, just like Star in canon, realizes the way mewmans have portrayed and treated monsters is wrong, especially when Maria and the human students call it out on him.
  • Happily Married: Angie and Raphael, also Mune and Lake (except for that one episode where Mune briefly kicks Lake out but at the end she accepts it was partly her fault).
  • He-Man Woman Hater: Like how Mewni was a matriarchy in canon, here its a patriarchy. The kingdom has some pretty backwards and old views of woman which Marcia doesn't appreciate. Thankfully Comet was taught differently by his mother Lake.
  • Hoist by Their Own Petard: Comet learned early on that none of his Dragonfly family members (besides his father) cared about him except for as the prince and wanted him to be a proper one for their own gain. So Comet went the opposite direction in part to spite them.
  • Inside a Computer System: One of the original episodes has Comet and Alfonso using a combination of Comets wand and virtual reality tech to allow people to digitally enter a virtual world they created in cyberspace filled with every type of Pokémon.
  • Interclass Friendship: Before coming to Earth, Comet preferred to hang out amongst the lower classes of Mewni. One of his favorite hangout, the Tipsy Warnicorn, is filled with tough, working class Mewmans, and they all love him for who he is.
    • Pretty much every friendship he has with someone who isn't royalty counts as this.
  • Let's Just Be Friends: During the Slumber Party episode Comet confessed to having a crush on Karla, while Karla confesses to liking girls and having a crush on Marcia, whose straight. However, Comet and Karla agree to still be friends.
  • Loved by All: Comets late grandfather was adored by everyone. Even Eternia smiles when talking about him, even if his younger brother didn’t approve of some of his antics.
  • Oppose What You Suffered: Marcia quickly becomes sympathetic to monsters because of how her family has received racist backlash for their Mexican heritage.
  • Nobility Marries Money: Brittany wanted to date Comet for this reason. Following her Heel–Face Turn, this changes into a genuine desire to date him.
  • Papa Wolf: Mune was furious when Eternia harshly scolded Comet and looked like he was about to intervene before Marcia stepped in.
  • Reasonable Authority Figure: He isn't happy that Comet broke the magic wand but, unlike Eternia, Mune actually cares about his subjects and family, and not only does he approve of Marcia's friendship with Comet but tells his son that he acted like a true leader by doing what he had to in order to save her. Also, Munes concerns are that Comet put himself and Marcia in danger while Eternia is only concerned of how it will look to the other nobles.
  • Rich Snob: Eternia and his side of the Dragonfly family. As far as they are concerned they are royals that need to uphold status first and a family second. Averted with Mune and Lake who are much more personable.
  • Shout-Out: Pokemon, various other anime's and video-games in the real world are referenced a lot by Comet which he has come to enjoy while on earth.
    • The fanfic makes Rick and Morty part of its canon by having a Meeseeks box appear in the inter dimensional museum. Rick's portal gun and Morty make a cameo at the start of the first chapter of the second "season".
    • Later is introduced jawbreakers the size of a persons head (Ed Edd n Eddy), a hat with a blue pine tree on it (Gravity Falls), a bunch of rubber piggies (Invader Zim) and a Keyboard called "The Power" (Regular Show). The latter of which are justified that they were found in Comets closet which includes various items from different universes.
    • Anne Boonchuy from Amphibia and Calvin from Calvin and Hobbes are seen watching Comet's live-stream.
    • The chenobites (with their leader Pinhead) are also an actual branch of demons in Mewni’s underworld serving one of the demon lords Bezelbub. Johan also knows all about them despite the Hellraiser franchise not existing in this universe.
  • Succubus in Love: Tammy is still very much in love with Comet. She is far more developed than other girls her age (being fourteen but having D-cups) because she is part succubus.
  • Team Pet: Coryn, the Hoothoot that Comet brought too life during the Sleep Spells episode.
  • The Dreaded:
    • The Septarians are this to pretty much everyone else in the series. Even Jonah is concerned when he learns what they can do.
    • Sgt. Oleg's Reform School For Wayward Princes is this to Comet and all other royalty. A running gag has him scream whenever he hears the name of that school.
    • Jonah becomes a humorous example for Ludo and his Monsters. His sadistic behavior un-nerves several of them. After he uses alchemy to defeat them all without Comet's help, though, and the next time they see him, they all run in terror.
  • Used to Be a Sweet Kid: By Comets own account, he and his older cousin Leon (Eternia’s grandson) were close as children. Then after his parents died and his grandfather took Leon in, he became as big of a jerkass and a rich snob as his grandfather who openly looks down on Comet and hopes to usurp his cousins right as heir to the throne. This is Comets reason for entering the Game of Flags against his fathers wishes in book II.
  • Villainous Respect: Though Leon makes it clear he is still going to try to ursurp Comets right as heir he does compliment his cousin for how he acted during the Game of Flags and gives Marcia a respectful kiss on the hand calling her “lady”.
  • "Well Done, Son" Guy: Comet didn't receive a lot of his father's attention growing up and really wants his approval. He is happy when his father gives it to him at the end of the first part.
