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WMG / Ed, Edd n Eddy

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Ed's Mom was banished from Peach Creek after the movie.

The scam in the movie was one that was initially started by Eddy's father who eventually abandoned said scam due to how dangerous it was.

Ed's Mom isn't abusive, she just believes in Misery Builds Character, which may also explain why Sarah is the Enfante Terrible we all hate.
  • But isn't that still abusive though?
  • The fix for this sentence is to move the "just":
  • You know what they say...

Eddy's brother had an affair with Ed's Mom, which resulting in Sarah's birth.
  • This could explain why Sarah has more in common with Eddy than Ed (Oversized mouth, Hair-Trigger Temper, Spoiled Brat tendencies). It can be very easy to suggest Sarah is actually Eddy's sister but somehow ended up with Ed.
    • Maybe she was moved to Ed's house to be spared from the wrath of Eddy's Brother.
Plank is made from sapient pear wood
Ed is an experimented KND operative.
Think about it, he has yellow skin, monstrous physical strength (Rolf, who exercises more often, had difficulty uprooting a tree), and he's taller than most of the other characters. The Kids Next Door needed a powerhouse in their group, so back when Ed was being promoted an operative, they've done some experiments on him to increase his physical abilities including strength and durability, however the result caused Ed to be mentally retarded and dangerously destructive, so they banned him from the team.
  • That would explain how they know about the KND in the Crossover.

The Eds are homosexual.
Even though the Eds seem to have a crush on Nazz and Edd had a crush on Sarah in the first episode of the series the Eds are deep down gay. They always seem to spend time together and seem to be a little to concerned about each other's welfare especially Edd In Rambling Ed Edd and Eddy share Rolf's bed and it might be possible Rolf interrupted them having sex while Ed was snoring. Plus Ed attempted to kiss his two friends with mistletoe and Edd saying kissing is not allowed in his parent's room may sum it up. In Momma's Little Ed Edd hugged Eddy a bit longer than he should have and Eddy seemed uncomfortable with his face being touched. It is very possible the Eds still being boys are either straight gay or might be confused about if they are gay or not. Eddy shows this by not only swooning in front of Nazz but he seems to like dirty magazines. Let's not forget his room is pink in color again another sign he may be gay.
  • Spending time with other boys makes you gay now? I never knew that, thank you for enlightening me. And how is being concerned for each other make them gay? They are best friends after all, it's natural they'd be concerned if one gets into serious danger.

Edd might have a dead conjoined twin.
This may sound very disturbing but Edd who always wore his famous ski hat might have a dead conjoined twin fetus attached to his head. I simply don't think it was the famous dodgeball incident as he wore his hat sense he was a baby. It could be possible Edd was conceived as a twin but his other twin got stuck to his head and the chances of having the dead fetus removed might kill him. So basically Edd being like Nurse Gollum of South Park has to go about with the dead fetus attached to his head for the rest of his life. That may explain why he wore his hat fearing everyone will be scared of him if they saw his secret. That could explain why Eddy and Ed were stunned when they first saw him without his hat and Ed obviously finds disturbing things cool. Plus in the movie Ed asks if it hurts referring to the fetus if it hurts Edd having a dead twin attached to him.
  • The technical term for this is "Parasitic Twin," just so you know.
  • Considering Sarah was inside Edd's hat at one point in "An Ed Too Many" and didn't react at all to seeing (or touching) something that frightening/unusual, it seems the hat mystery would be something more mundane (a scar, weird hair, or maybe just a lumpy-looking head) that Edd blew out of proportion by being anxious and protective of it.

Eddy's brother is an Evil Counterpart to all the Eds.

Danny Antonucci design the characters based on the Seven Deadly Sins.
  • Eddy/Greed- Is a money-loving conman who'd do anything for himself.
  • Ed/Sloth- Rarely does anything truly important besides helping Eddy in his scams.
  • Johnny/Envy- Closest and only "friend" is a hunk of wood and has a tendency to steal other people's belongings.
  • Sarah/Wrath- The most emotionally violent and abusive character in the show next to Eddy's brother and solves most of her problems through violence.
  • Kevin/Pride- Very cocky and full of himself, likes to show off for the fun of it. Easily provoked.
  • The Kanker Sisters/Lust- Sees and calls the Eds their "boyfriends" and will do anything for them.
  • Rolf/Gluttony- Occasionally eats meat and even has a personal meat locker.
  • Wait, what about Nazz? Is she representative of the Seven Virtues or something?

  • As much as this troper wants to agree with this theory, a considerable amount of errors must be pointed out: Ed is really a super hard worker because of all the grueling manual labor he does, and just because he's too stupid to think for himself doesn't mean he's lazy, he's just, well, stupid. Going off of just that, all of the severely mentally challenged kids in the world are lazy. As for Johnny, it would really help if you provided some examples to back up that previous statement, because all of the characters are shown doing a little plundering of their own, and what does him owning a hunk of wood have to do with the sin Envy? Rolf is a damn good laborer just like Ed; one of the many examples is when he carried a whole goat just to plow his veggie field. How does this contradict the statement about Rolf being a glutton? Because the more active one is the higher their nutritional needs are, and Rolf does a TON of work, right? So logically his nutritional needs are going to be greater than your average human's. One of the ways one commits the sin of gluttony is eating more than their body can handle; Rolf eats a lot, but he doesn't eat more than he can handle, and the reason he chooses meat is probably because it's high in nutrients. Aside from all of that, though, this theory sounds pretty unjossable.
  • Envy is a sin in where you steal something from someone else.
    • Jonny got jealous on "All Eds Are Off" when he, the Eds, Rolf, and Kevin were on bets and Eddy had a chat with Plank about him moving to his house instead and hanging out with Eddy rather than Jonny.
    • Envy is pretty much a desire for somebody else's things; in that episode Johnny wasn't allowed to hanged around Plank but Plank was still Johnny's. Plank didn't officially belong to anybody else, he was still Johnny's so that pretty much doesn't count
  • True, but nothing significant has been stated to prove that Johnny 2X4 embodies Envy.
  • How about loosely based on?
  • And????

The series is South Park All over again for kids
Both are based on the Author's real life.
  • Kids Are Cruel in both series.
  • Sarah is a younger, more hateful Shelley Marsh.
  • Ed is an inverse of Stan Marsh. (Ed is the Cloud Cuckoo Lander, Stan is the Only Sane Man)
    • Both are tormented by their sisters
    • Alternatively, Ed is Stan if Stan was more like his father.
  • Eddy is Eric Cartman if the latter's jerkass status was fake.
    • Both had to put up with their older brother. In Cartman's case, Scott Tenorman.
  • Edd is Kyle Brofloski and Kenny McCormick.
    • Both Edd and Kenny have something hidden.
  • Kevin is the closest thing to Craig.
  • Nazz is Wendy Testaburger.
    • They're not alike though; they have different personalities.
  • Jimmy is...Butters?
  • Johnny is Mr Garrison and Plank's Mr Hat.

Johnny grows up to be Nny
The craziness, the imaginary friends, the giant head… It can't be a coincidence.
  • I believe you

DD and Ed are the main characters in video of Crazy *** Wants to Hit Me, a couple decades on.
The two fit very neatly together if you look at the video as a distant, unhappy future in the same universe as the Eds. As would likely be inevitable, sometime after the series ends the three Eds gradually go their separate ways. Maybe ten or twenty years later, Ed and Edd suddenly run in to one another again for the first time. Edd, gradually driven to a state of near paranoid schizophrenia as a result of his overactive brain and already plentiful neurosis, doesn't recognize the adult Ed and is absolutely terrified of what he perceives to be a large, muscled and violent man trying to get his attention. Ed tries to jolt his memory by showing him all the scars he gained during Eddy's schemes, but is met with more distaste, which drives him in to a desperate rage that culminates in the titular assault.
  • The art style of the video is reminiscent of a much more mature and flowing Ed, Edd n Eddy, and the characters look similar.
  • The main character has been confirmed by the Wordof God to be named Eddie.
    • If that's supposed to Joss this, remember that Edd could be short for Eddie.
      • Actually, it's short for Eddward. Though, it could be Eddy with a different spelling for it.
  • Ed is never that angry and even if he was, he'd never hurt his best friend. Ever. The main character acts very much like Double D, and the Crazy *** was very similar to Ed... up to the rage scene.
    • Then there's the fact that the crazy guy has a gap and the short guy doesn't. Double D had the gap, not Ed. Besides I really doubt Edd would ever forget Ed since we see them in the future as old men living in the cul-de-sac and Edd is clearly not paranoid schizophrenic.
  • For all we know, that took place in a "what-if"/parallel universe, where something happened to the Eds that got them separated. But yea, Edd could've became paranoid to the point of memory-loss.
    • And he changed his name from whatever memory he had left, notice that he was walking on the streets alone by himself and looking at parents with their children.
  • That looks nothing like Edd, This Troper thinks he looks like Eddy.
  • But what if they are not the Eds at all, but their grandchildren? As far as we know, the Eds could have actually married the Kankers (Ed married May, Double D married Marie, and Eddy married Lee). We could suppose Edd and Marie had at least two children, while the other two couples had at least one each. Edd's two (hypothetical) kids end up marrying Ed and Eddy's (also hypothetical) kids respectively, and each couple eventually has a (yet also hypothetical) kid, who grow up to be the two characters featured in the video. That would explain why the main character, while sharing many of Eddy's physical characteristics as well as some personality traits, also seems to be somewhat of a paranoid, and a neat freak not unlike Edd. It would also explain why the other character has a prominent gap in his teeth, not unlike his grandfather, as well as Marie's, ahem... temperament and her usual reactions to being ignored. Again, this is all just hypothetical.

Kevin became a star football player in high school, screwed up his life real bad, and ended up marrying the redhead, Lee Kanker.
They now reside in Chicago. Kevin changed his name to Al, while Lee, aka, Margaret Lee Kanker/Wanker (her family was never good with names), took to calling herself "Peggy".
  • That's the best theory ever!

Eddy is the reincarnation/alternate universe counterpart of Charlie Brown.
They're both the Butt-Monkey of their respective universes, even at the times when they're not doing anything particularly bad. They also both never seem to get what they want, no matter how close they get. When they do, it's either a rare case of Throw the Dog a Bone, or the much more common Yank the Dog's Chain (Charlie: Kicking the football, Eddy: Jawbreakers.)
  • And the main hint would be the shirts.
  • That would explained why we never see the adults (sans Eddy's Brother)

Kevin and Nazz are close friends
They spend so much time together and are so close that it is as such. The "affection" Nazz had for him in the movie was actually a side effect from the Post-Traumatic Stress inflicted by the Noodle Incident and her possible affections for either Edd or Eddy were formerly negated by said incident.

Edd's hair is in lolita-styled curls, or something equally delicate and feminine
How else could a 12-year-old kid be so embarrassed, and his friends laugh so much at the same time? Obviously, it was his mother's idea.
  • The only reaction we've ever seen (to an off-screen reveal) was:
    Eddy: Geez Louise!
    Ed: Cool!'
    • Don't forget the Eds' reaction in the movie:
    Eddy: My eyes! They're burning!
    Edd: You stop that!
    Ed: Does it hurt Double D?
    Edd: Oh, shush.
    • Well, if you think real hard, it could mean anything.
  • From what I've heard on the fansites, a plausible idea is that Edd's hair is covered in hairpins that his parents force him to wear to make his hair 'organized'. After all, he did take a hairpin from under his hat in 'Will Work For Ed'. And a metallic head would certainly make Ed say "Cool".
  • Maybe he has Bishounen hair.
    • Maybe he's has white hair, but doesn't want kids thinking he grayed, like, really early.
  • In the movie, Ed asks "Does it hurt, Double D?" when his hat is removed, which just makes things even more confusing. And in this particular instance, Edd is not very embarrassed by his lack of hat, and instead acts as if Ed and Eddy are overreacting to whatever is under there.
    • Here, I'd probably assume that he's too annoyed and tired to care.
  • Curlers, then? Supports the 'girlish curls' theory, and also makes a certain amount of sense- its very neat. Ed would think it was 'cool' because it makes him look like a MUTANT ROBOT! And It * would* look like it hurts... those things are scary.
  • Possibly the first episode where the hat gets removed, Ed, after seeing what's under there, prances around with a skull on his head saying:
    Ed: I am dead from the neck up.
  • In a game on the official website, he tosses up his hat to reveal cornrows.
    • That game wasn't made or overseen by AKA Cartoon (the creators of the show), so it isn't considered canon. The show also continues to be just as secretive about Edd's hat afterwards anyway.

Edd has a tattoo.
  • Hence why Ed asks "Does it hurt?" when he sees Edd hatless in the movie.
    • That actually makes some sense. Edd got a tattoo in rebellion to his parents and they force him to wear a hat to cover it up because they don't want people believe they let their son have a tattoo.
  • Alternatively, DD was tired of being the prodigal son, destined to do great things and in the process went far off the deep end and got a tattoo of something extremely unerasebly derogatorily gross. Then in his shame he came back to intelligence harder than ever.
  • I don't know about this one. He had the hat since he was a toddler as seen in the flashback episode.
  • Who the heck would give a tattoo to a kid?!

Johnny is autistic.
Hence his social awkwardness.
  • Actually both Johnny and Ed act like they have Asperger Syndrome, though Johhny is higher functioning.
  • Even Double-D acts like he has Apserger's. Higher-than-normal intellect, no social skills, adamantly sticking to routine, comfortable with only specific people, highly values personal space...

Double D is Obsessive Compulsive.
Well, we all know that. Although I think his behavior is actually more consistent with obsessive-compulsive personality disorder, which is commonly confused with OCD. OCPD does typically stem from an obsessive need for control, and control is certainly not something Double-D gets very often.

Double D has aspergers.

It can be implied Double D has aspergers because he is the brainest kid in the show and he also has poor social skills especially how Ed and Eddy were his only friends.

Ed has Tourette's syndrome.
  • "Gravy!"
  • "Buttered toast!"

This show takes place in the '80's
They watch videos instead of DVD's, do their homework on typewriters, listen to records/cassettes, have video cameras the size of shoe boxes, only one computer was ever seen in the entire series and it was a very primitive one, Kevin used to have a mullet...need I go on?
  • The creator did say that he wanted the show to invoke a timeless feel.
  • Well, Rolf was probably the only one with a typewriter, as he's...Rolf.
  • I think I saw a modern computer in Cool Hand Ed.
  • Further proof. In the movie Double D comments on an ad being from ten years ago. When they visit the location that the ad featured, a calendar is dated 1978.
    • That doesn't necessarily prove anything; I once had a calendar up on a single month for over a year because I kept forgetting to change it.
    • Over ten years.
      • Then the show takes place in the 90s.
  • There's a "Peach Creek Diner 2000 Best Eater" cup in the movie, Rolf makes a comment about the late nineties and in one episode we see a store clearly show something about it being around since 1999 (1998?).
    • That comment was a reference to the song "Party like it's 1999."
  • The show was created by people who were children in past decades, so it's understandable some things would have an older feel to them. Plus, the show started in the early 00s; VCRs and video cameras were still used at that time.

Ed, Edd, 'n' Eddy and The Brothers Grunt take place in the same universe.
They're both created by Danny Antonucci. What else?
  • Going by that logic, That must mean that The Simpsons and Western Animation/{Futurama}} take place in the same universe. Or King of the Hill and Beavis And Butthead.
    • Well I can actually see those cartoons taking place in the same universe since they'd go along with each very good. But while we're at it, let's say that Beavis And Butthead also takes place in the Ed, Edd n' Eddy universe as well since they had a cameo appearance in The Brothers Grunt.
      • King of the Hill, Beavis and Butthead, and Idiocracy, a live action movie, then?
      • Why couldn't The Simpsons and Futurama take place in the same universe? They're a thousand years apart, but that just makes it easier. Groening and the other writers don't have to worry about any inconsistencies between the two because they're so far apart, because they can just blame them on the fact that it's the future.
    • It's been established they actually do exist in the same universe.
    • Building off of this theory...

Ed has a Grunt ancestor somewhere in his family tree
  • This one's just for fun. Ed's way of thinking is consistently out of touch with reality, he has a tendency to eat weird things, and even by the standards of the show he uses an unusual amount of Toon Physics compared to the other kids. He's not very Grunt-like in appearance, but that can be explained if the ancestor in question came into the picture many generations ago. The reason Sarah is so normal is because, as a seemingly single-gender race, the Grunts' DNA only presents itself dominant in males.

The events in 1+ 1 = Ed were all just a dream by someone.
Well... this troper didn't want to use the whole "it was a hallucination by X."

Matt Groening is one of the writers in this show.
Lets take a look at what we got here:
  • Ed has yellow skin. The cast of The Simpsons has yellow skin (mostly).
    • No, Ed's skin is just so filthy that the dirt and crap covering his skin makes him look yellow.
      • Proof? This was jossed in the episode where Eddy makes Ed 'cool'; the first thing they do is give him a bath.
      • Also, if he was covered in dirt and grime, how can we see his freckles?
      • Those aren't freckles, those are acne.
  • This and the Simpsons are both the longest lasting original shows of their respective networks. Said networks are both very cancel-happy.
  • Hey, if Family Guy can have a WMG about Michael Moore being a writer, then why not?
  • They probably would have credited him if he indeed was a writer of the show (unless he used a substitution name for whatever reason).

Jib is...

A kid with an item that makes him invisible. He also has a thing that lets him talk to someone (Ed) without being heard by anyone else.

  • Jib is a Spy in training. He's in possession of the Cloak & Dagger.
  • Jib is that zebra that keeps calling Candace Kevin.
  • Jib is an invisible clone of Ed who communicates with Ed through the telepathic bond that clones tend to share. Ed has turned invisible in "Cool Hand Ed," and also made a clone of himself in "They Call Him Mr. Ed." True, both episodes aired after Jib's appearance, but it's still not out of the question for him to have combined the two, especially considering that Jib seems to be about Ed's height, and also has his strength.

Jib lives in the empty house. He's the oldest ghost in the culdesac (see Purgatory Theory below), which is why he's invisible; either because the memory of his existence is nearly faded out, or because the Kankers sapped him so badly he nearly phased out completely. Either that or he phased himself out to escape their eternal torments.

  • also, the Kanker sisters seem very knowledgeable of the empty house's layout and have it set-up as a sort of personal themepark of horror.
  • Jib is Ed's Stand.

The characters (besides Plank) are made of some sort of rubber.
Which could explain their high resistance to pain and the awkward way they move.

Edd has a hideous scalp deformation.
He keeps the hairpins under his hat because they're useful, not because he has any hair. The hat stays on his head so tightly because it's squeezed over the squishy masses of flesh covering his scalp, and Ed has been shown to think gross stuff is cool before.
The show is a caricature of the Beat literary movement
Rolf is Jack Kerouac, since both came to English as a second language (Keruoac first spoke French Canadian); also, as Rolf is generally out of the kids' cultural loop, so did Kerouac diverge from the rest of the Beat movement. Ed is Neal Cassady, since if you look at a picture of Neal, Ed's hair is like a cartoon of it. Plus Neal was referred to as "the Great Holy Goof," so individual he was, and Ed is just that. Edd is Allen Ginsberg, the intrepid one. Eddy's brother is the the enlightenment the Beats were looking for. The Kanker sisters are the reading public, so taken with the Beats when they first came out. The movie underscores the Beats' drive at all costs to get enlightenment (it's even like On the Road), and when the Kankers drag Eddy's brother back into the trailer near the end, that's the masses finally getting, by a dumbing down, some semblance of what the Beats tried, and partially succeeded, at getting whole.

Edd has a permanent case of hat-hair.
Because he wears his hat all the time. How it started is a bit chicken-or-egg.

Ed is from the Simpsons canon.
He's the only one with yellow skin and doesn't have a chin.

Ed's father isn't just from the Simpsons; he's Homer Simpson
  • Let's think about this; from what we know about Ed's dad, he seems to be lazy and unconcerned with Ed's shenanigans. Homer is also quite lazy and an uninvolved parent (depending on the episode). Like the above claim says, it would account for his yellow skin and lack of a chin, but it would also explain his stupidity, since it's established that the Simpson males have a defective Y chromosome which eventually destroys their intelligence. As for why and how Homer ended up with Ed's mom? Well, maybe Marge just got tired to dealing with him and got a divorce. The cause of the divorce could have been one of his crazy schemes gone wrong, so wrong that Marge just couldn't take it anymore. After the divorce, she got full custody of their kids and the house and they all cut off contact with him. Depressed, he moved to Peach Creek where he met a woman, married her and had Ed and Sarah. His past experiences with Marge mellowed him out, but he still kept the laziness, becoming what Ed describes today.

Eddy's an alien.
Why else would he be pink?
  • Perhaps because he's too pale, and the sun makes him pink?
  • He's sunburned, notice that his body is pink but his eyelids and around his eyes have a paler complexion; he probably wears sunglasses while he's tanning/burning. That one episode where they all got sunburned was him just getting a worse degree of sunburn.
  • Or he could just be a walking bruise from all the Comedic Sociopathy he gets subjected to in the show or, less humorously, from the abuse his brother subjected him to from childhood.
    • That doesn't explain why Eddy's brother has exactly the same pink skin that Eddy does. (Except around his eyes for some reason.)
  • Some people of European ancestry are just naturally that skin tone, my man.

The entire Cul-de-Sac is a bizarre science experiment.
Basically, they've contained a bunch of kids with serious disorders in a small enclosed area and filmed it, and we are viewing the results. This would explain why we never see anyone else, even in school. As for the parents, the kids could just be imagining them (though we do catch glimpses of parents and relatives in a couple episodes) or the parents are part of the experiment as well, since they're obviously as crazy as the kids.

Ed, Edd n Eddy exists in the same universe as Foster's Home for Imaginary Friends.
The one episode in which Ed creates an imaginary friend is pure evidence of this, which explains why it could beat up Eddy like it was real. Ed just made him invisible because of a movie he saw recently. Once the friend was booted out he wound up on a bus heading to Foster's, where he was never heard from or seen of again.
  • Another support of this theory is Plank. He may look like a piece of wood Jonny drew a face on, but in reality he really is a wood-like imaginary friend who communicates telepathically only with Johnny. Mainly due Jonny sharing his distaste of everyone else.
    • This is further evidenced by the episode "Rent-a-Ed", where in one scene Jonny's head is stuck between two tree branches. The Eds offer to free Jonny for a quarter and proceed into Jonny's kitchen to get some soap, whereupon Jonny demands that Plank goes with them. Naturally, the Eds destroy the kitchen and Jonny, even though he couldn't see what just happened, says to Plank "They did what? Where!? Get me down from here!" Which would seem a clear indication that Jonny is capable of gathering visual information from Plank in some respect. Lending credence to a number of WMGs, including the above.
  • The main trio also had a cameo in the Foster's episode "Eddie Monster".
  • Also the Cul-du-Sac is decently close to Foster's and has a few imaginary friends. If you can count FusionFall as being even remotely canon that is.

Underneath Edd's Hat Is...
His brain. A deformity damaged his skull, and his intelligence is due to an over-sized brain. Therefore the hat is double-purposed: one, to hide this deformity (though as noted above, Ed thinks it's cool), and two, to protect his brain. It can be assumed that the hat is made out of a light, but very powerful material, and acts as a skull-replacement of sorts. Or, alternatively, Edd is so weak in the series because all his strength goes to holding up this hat.
  • I have been a huge believer in this theory ever since it was revealed that Mojo Jojo's helmet serves this purpose.
  • That's what I've always thought too. It would certainly explain why B-Horror movie loving Ed finds it 'cool'. Also, I recall once watching a different show on Cartoon Network and during the credits, an announcer came on advertising Ed, Edd, N Eddy (is there a name for this practice?). The voice was apparently trying to get Edd to take his hat off for school picture day and continually badgered him until Edd presumably did so. At that point, the announcer shakily told him to put it back on.
  • I may or may not have something to support this theory. In one of the Flash games available on Cartoon Network's site, DD has a victory dance where he whirls around and throws his hat in the air. While it's quick and hard to spot, if you look closely, there are a series of lines on his head that might be hair, scars, exposed brain, anything, really. If it is hair, the mystery of why he's embarrassed is solved: he's as bald as Homer.
    • However, that game wasn't made by the company that worked on the show, thus not canon.
  • Given his absurd intelligence for a boy his age I always assumed it was concealing a rather large brain. Eddy would be very disturbed by seeing a giant veiny thing on a guys head and that is something that Ed would find cool.
  • This would also explain why Ed asked, "Does it hurt?" An exposed brain bursting through your skull sounds like it could be pretty painful...
    • The brain doesn't have any pain receptors. It wouldn't be painful at all. The lack of pain receptors is also the reason why certain brain surgeries must be performed while the patient is still awake. Yeah...
      • Ed isn't likely to know that, though.

All the Kids in the Cul-de-Sac are Potential Eva Pilots
The Cul-de-Sac is a facility created by NERV to find candidates for Eva pilots . The kids are unaware they're being watched. Many of the kids were orphaned after the Second Impact, explaining the lack of parents. (Quite possibly the some parents were scientists in Antarctica; most likely Edd's parents.) The prime candidates are Sarah, Johnny, Ed, and Rolf.
  • That's...amazing!
  • Jossed- we've seen Eddy's dad and Ed and Sarah's mom in an episode, confirming their parents are indeed there. And you know the rules: no dead mom, no EVA
    • We never see Double D's parents, so it's more likely that it's Nazz, Kevin, Edd, and Jimmy who are the potential Eva pilots (Double D works if you believe the theory that he's placing the notes around his house himself to make it look like his parents are still around, and as for the other 3, we never see or hear about their parents save for Kevin, but only his father is mentioned - we know nothing about his mother, so the Gendo of this universe could be Kevin's dad). I declare this theory to be Made of Win.

Danny Antonucci was lying about Plank not being alive
I mean, come on! The number of coincidences necessary for Plank to be fake just breaks the Willing Suspension of Disbelief. For example, why would Johnny (while simultaneously imagining to be Plank) special order a steamed lobster with butter, but not special order for himself? How did Plank (as just a hunk of wood) leave Johnny and end up in a speeding wagon? It just makes no sense.
  • Well, he did lie about the blond hair thing....
  • And in the movie Plank is seen driving a bus down a highway, no hands or strings helping.

Johnny is Kira.
Plank is actually a clever cover-up so that he can speak with his Shinigami freely.
  • Alternatively; Plank IS a Shinigami who's possessing a piece of wood.

Specifically, clairvoyance, telepathy, and telekinesis. All these powers are used by the Plank persona, which exists parallel to and simultaneous with Johnny's own.

Plank is made from the wood of Stump.
They both have the exact same stupid grin, and both entities are Companion Cubes that have shown evidence of being alive.
  • And the Log Lady's log comes from the same tree.

EENE's universe was created by the Cartoon Network Invaded Aliens
The Cartoon Network Invaded Aliens (that also appeared in FHFIF, MGPiaM, CL, and GAoBaM) created the cul-de-sac and school, and the 12 characters that inhabit it, and in the episode the aliens appear in, they're reclaiming their property.
  • Plank is probably their spy who's influencing/controlling Jimmy.

EENE is in the same universe as the Codename: Kids Next Door.
Double-D is either related to Numbah 2, or is a former agent who never had his mind wiped upon hitting puberty.
  • That's confirmed due to the Billy And Mandy - KND crossover.
    • The being in the same universe, that is. Not Edd being a KND.
      • Billy (?) calls the Eds, showing they're in the same universe. The KND appear in that episode, thus being in the same universe as BNM.

Edd has a scar under his hat.
His hat was originally a comfort thing, or possibly had something to do with his blond hair. He gained a scar from the "dodge-ball incident" and refuses to take off his hat.

Most of the other people in Peach Creek are literally invisible.
Their School apparently has no one in it but them. We even see the teacher's desk, which apparently has no one in it, even during class. In one episode, Ed befriends an invisible person named Jib, who affects those around him, so he can't logically be just imaginary. If this is true, the invisible people still have shadows, which explains That One Where they play football. The ones we know that aren't invisible are Eddy's father, Ed's mother or grandmother (whose arms are shown in the Season 5 premiere), & Eddy's brother, who's shown in the movie. Also, if this is true, then Eddy's mother is one of the invisible ones, because in That One Where she throws him out of the house, we see objects flying at him from nowhere.

Ed is a Reality Warper, more specifically, he's God.
He just doesn't know it, his ridiculous mind has created the Cul-De-Sac and the rest of the world, and because of his absentmindedness, the physics of this world are also ridiculously screwy, there are also days when his powers grow ridiculously out of control, such as 1+ 1=Ed, where the laws of physics were literally falling apart. Nobody else knows it either.
  • Seconded. Episodes in which his powers have manifested, in order:
    • 1 + 1 = Ed, as mentioned above—Ed's curiosity makes the laws of physics fall apart.
    • Who Let the Ed In?—Ed's new imaginary friend Jib turns out to be real, as Eddy learned the hard way.
    • It Came From Outer Ed—Ed manages to summon a bunch of crows with the power of Evil Tim.
    • The Day The Ed Stood Still—Ed puts on an alien monster costume and manages to take method acting to new levels, becoming the monster.
  • Perhaps Ed is what God would be if he were an Almighty Idiot.

Ed is the Alternate Universe Counterpart of Haruhi Suzumiya.
Counting down the list:Now, concluding from these statements, who else shares these traits with Ed? Haruhi, Duh! Why I said that they are Alternate Universe Counterparts is because of differences:Ed is a Nightmare Fuel Station Attendant (When he uses the right side of his brain, of course.)And the MOST Obvious:
  • Ed is a Boy, Haruhi is a Girl
Concluding with this, Ed MUST be the Ed, Edd n Eddy Reality's version of Haruhi.

Someone should do a crossover Fic!

Eddy's Brother got off too easy.
There's no telling what Ed's Super-Strength would do, applied directly to a Glass Cannon like him. Ed can carry a house for goodness sake! Not to mention if the stress of seeing his friends harmed brought out Pissed!Ed or Edzilla again...
  • It would have been cool if a pebble is in Ed's shoe again and takes his anger out on Eddy's brother.
    • This should have been a plot device.

The Eds will be the cul-de-sac's primary defense against The Gourd.
Eddy was truly contrite about the things he had done in the series in the hope that people would like him. Thus he, Double D, and Ed will take up the task of fending off Johnny until he reverts to his normal, less harmful brand of crazy.
  • If so, he'll probably abandon the identity of Professor Scam. Maybe perhaps Double D will create a Transformation Trinket that allows the Eds to don costumes and fight against The Gourd.

The cul-de-sac is a sort of cursed grounds; those who lived there and died before they got to grow up are stuck there on a different plane in a purgatory-esque state.

  • Rolf was first to arrive; he immigrated from the old world to the neighborhood (it didn't look like it does in the cartoon), died in 1903 after being trampled by a rampaging bull, and kept his animals and his old-world farming sensibilities from that time.
  • Jonny had no friends so Plank became his imaginary friend. He died in 1922 after a long battle with tuberculosis. He kept Plank along with him.
  • Eddy came next in the 1930s. His scheming nature stems from his experiences during the Great Depression, doing anything to get what little money he can. He died in 1939 when he drowned in a river.
    • Sorry, but jossed. If you look carefully in his room he owns a lot of stuff from the 70's, like a disco ball, lava lamp, and CDs from Tom Jones and Barry White. It would have been impossible for him to own that stuff in the purgatory if he died in the 30's, so it's more possible that he died in the 70's like Nazz did (or at least past that time).
    • I've got another idea. He came from the 80's. Most of that stuff would still be around in the 80's, probably from the parents who can't let go. His scheming nature is less scheming and more 'strike first before they can hurt you'. Why? He's the Bite of '87 victim.
  • Sarah and Ed came next in the late 40s. The cul-de-sac now sort of looks like it does in the cartoon, preplanned developments were popular then. Their mother was a hard worker and Sarah learned her attitudes from that. Ed just shut it all out, becoming preoccupied with the comic books and movies that were cropping up and becoming popular with kids during that era. They both died in 1953, perhaps in a car accident.
    • Possibly jossed. The original theory states Sarah and Ed's father is a 'dead GI', yet this troper remembers Ed mentioning a father three times in the series. Two of them, Ed was afraid that Sarah would snitch on him for their actions. The third was a happy cry of "Dad's home!" after hearing Jimmy cry out in fear.
    • Actually, I have a mini-theory regarding this particular death. While Ed and Sarah's father was a dead G.I., Ed would have sat in the front of the car whilst they were going somewhere, thus, the glass from the windshield cracked upon Ed's head smashing into it, slicing through the spot between his eyebrows, (later, the doctors would stitch it up, creating the monobrow Ed has today) and damaging his brain, and Ed began some form of mental retardation.
  • Nazz was next, a flower child of hippies in the late 60s. Died in the summer of 1979 when an escaped serial killer raped and killed her and her family.
    • Nazz is also the name of a 1960's psychedelic garage band, further supporting this theory.
  • Edd, the son of two controlling business people, prone to abusing him and giving him his meek and introverted style. Died in 1986 of a gas leak that gave him a head wound which never healed / scarred horribly, which is why he always wears the hat.
  • Kevin's father was abusive as well, so he would ride his bike to escape and bully others because that's all he knew. When he died after his father beat him in 1999, he shut out his father's old identity, pretending that his life now was with a father that gives him gifts and stays out of his way.
  • Jimmy is last, died in the early 2000s, probably of leukemia.
    • Jossed. Since the series started in 1999, Jimmy, like Kevin, would've had to have died in the 90s
    • Not at all Jossed; you're buying a theory about timeless purgatory and think that means it has to be centered around the shows literal creation timeline?
    • Is there anything more convincing than leukemia? I feel as if there should be something that relates more to his headgear and dental issues. Leukemia sounds like we are somewhat tossing him aside, with nothing more convincing as to how he died.
  • The Kanker sisters are the guardians of the cul-de-sac, there to trip anyone up anytime someone gets the notion to venture too far away.
    • That doesn't exactly explain brutally attacking the Cul-de-sac when they lost their ship in a bottle; if they were guardians, they probably wouldn't care about that, unless it was some sort of Artifact of Doom.
    • Though it may represent the boat used to cross the river Styx, aka their way back to the underworld (their supposed home, and maybe the place where they go when they return from their vacation in that one episode, their the only characters that ever leave the area) which would explain why they where so freaked out when they lost it.
      • And not to mention the whole thing was jossed by the movie, which they traveled out of Peach Creak/cul-de-sac.
      • Actually, them traveling outside of Peach Creek would be them taking a small journey through Purgatory into Hell (Eddy's brother's place). They then repented all their sins and went to Heaven. Johnny stayed in Peach Creek (Purgatory) because he didn't repent his sins.
    • This is possibly the most depressing WMG I have ever seen. And with some refining... it could make sense.
      • ...Fic please?
      • Seconded.
    • Wait, so Ed Edd n' Eddy is Angel Beats!?
    • Good News Everyone! There already is a fanfic on just this idea. Ed Edd and Eddy fic/creepypasta
      • Nope' the above link is actually where the theory came from in the first place.
    • Actualy, the Kankers aren't guardians; they're straight up demons or the children of the demons; they just go there to torture the kids, either for fun or on orders
      • If they are demons, they may be attracted to the Eds because they are easy targets due to their weak wills, and are fun to torment. I'd imagine sadistic demons would have favorite victims to torment, and perhaps even have a perverse "affection" for them.
  • New theory: The Kanker sisters are from the seventies, their mother was an early pro-sex feminist, who had a lot of lovers. Three of her many relationships brought each a single child, forming the kanker sisters. Lee was the first, then Mary and finally May, who was the youngest of the trio. Eventually one of their fathers realized the truth and killed them all in jealousy. After the events of "Nagged to Edd", they finally snapped and have been hating all men ever since. They keep a ship in the bottle from their closest dad (or their mom) which prevents them from forgetting their time from before. This make it their most precious belonging in the world.

The boomerang wasn't really a boomerang, but rather one of Doof's many -inators
He made a personality reversal-inator to flipped Perry's personality to join his side. However it backfired horribly, leading to various events that lead it to the cul-de-sac.

The boomerang was created by Discord
It would make sense because it made Jimmy, Sarah, and the Eds complete opposites of themselves.

  • If it was made by Discord, shouldn't the Eds already meet the ponies? Why are they not here yet?
    • Grim once traveled to a land populated by ponies.

Eddy's brother tortured/physically abused and raped/sexually abused him
...He was at least 18 when he left and Eddy 2 - 4.
  • 50% confirmed. (The former yes. The later.... possible, to say the least)
    • The latter would explained why a 12 year old boy is implied to have a porn addiction, showers with his clothes on, and freaks out when someone strips, especially when feet are involved. (I remember reading somewhere that one of the signs of sexual abuse in children has a knowledge/won't shut up about/have an interest in sex)
      • That would also explain why he freaks out whenever someone touches him.
      • Also, it would explain why Eddy especially hates the Kankers and their "advances." Horrible memories.
      • It doesn't explain why Eddy has No Sense of Personal Space. Surely you'd avoid trying to touch other people is that was the case? And I always thought "showers with his clothes on" was because he's just too lazy to take them off. Not to mention it wouldn't be appropriate to show Eddy naked in the shower.
      • The episode 'Over Your Ed' shows Eddy showering without clothing (waist up). The only episode I've seen Eddy shower with clothes on was 'A Twist of Ed' and it looked like he was rather sleepy.
      • Eddy doesn't really have a porn addiction, just an interest in porn, like a lot of boys his age.
    • Both, or either, could explain his bravado facade too.
  • It might explain his reason for choosing Ed and Edd as friends, too. They have different kinds of Parental Abandonment (yes, I know that we never see any of the kids' parents but it's canon that Double D communicates with his parents solely through sticky notes and Ed is The Unfavorite) and Eddy doesn't feel comfortable around adults.

Plank is the Security Blanket of an incredibly shy invisible kid.
To use a Buffy example, think of when she was invisible and used the little spheres to show where her face was, and give some expression and the idea of where she was looking. Plank is the same way, but Plank got tired of facing the board different directions all the time and now mostly leaves it next to him, in his lap, or against the backrest of his chair.

Plank is an agent/tool of The Gourd.
The Gourd is a Cosmic Entity who sent Plank to try and undermine Earth's defenses. And has been trying to get Johnny to help him complete his mission, inadvertently. Plank may not even be his real name, maybe its something unpronouncable. He may have morphed into a wood plank or uses hypnotism to make the kids think he's a plank, his true form is probably something horrifying. Plank's "family" and "friends" are other agents (similar to the Blue Beetle scarabs). Ed probably knows the truth, which is why he's afraid of them.

Chunky Puffs are hallucinogenic.
They are also addictive. That's why Johnny is so crazy.
  • It would help explain 1+1=Ed.

The Hanky Panky Hulaboo is a subversion or even a Take That! at shipping and Crack Pairing
Here we have an episode where randomly formed crack pairings abound and Rolf clears the mess up. Pairings are not the objective of the canon and the producers just played with the fans' obssession for pairing everyone with everyone.
  • Seconded. May's Hidden Depths were one of the biggest AssPulls in the show's history. It's a satire of how most shippers make Kankers Not Evil, Just Misunderstood.
    • I don't agree; while May is just as obsessed as her sisters, she has been shown to be the most sensitive of them and in one episode seems genuinely upset at the idea that Ed might reject her for her appearance. She does genuinely love him, even if it gets lost under her Stalker with a Crush/Tsundere tendencies most of the time.

Ed's mother is - or at least was - an alcoholic.
Ed's retardation and jaundice (yellow discoloration of the skin) are both symptoms found in children whose mothers drank heavily during pregnancy. It would also explain his neglectful upbringing, and probably Sarah's.

The Eds are kid-friendly parodies of the characters from Stephen Hunter's "Dirty White Boys"
Ed is Odell, Double-D is Richard, and Eddy is Lamar. The Kanker Sisters are a collective parody of Ruta Beth.

Plank is under the same magic as the Toys from Toy Story.
It'd make perfect sense, as Plank DOES seem to be alive at time. He's the most rebellious of those under the magic, so he always takes opportunity to be alive. Johnny is the only one aware of this magic, so this is why he is able to communicate with Plank.
  • Plank is willing to break the "don't be active around humans" rule with Johnny because he knows Johnny is a bit of a Cloud Cuckoolander, lowering the odds that the overall secret would be broken should Johnny try to tell anyone. (Not sure if him driving a bus in the movie pokes a hole in this theory.)

The Kanker Sisters aren't really in love with the Eds.
"Nagged to Ed" notwithstanding. After this episode, the Kankers decided that the Eds were nothing special, but also realized how much fun there was to be had in tormenting them.

It's mainly a dominance thing. As stated several times in the series, the Kankers believe men are weaker than women and should cater to them. Perhaps this is due to their mother's attitudes (alluded to in "Ed Overboard", I believe?), but in any case, there's no denying the Kankers are in total control here, and they love it.

That's why the Kankers were so repulsed by the Eds in "A Twist of Ed." If the girls truly had crushes on the Eds, they would have welcomed their advances from the start- but they don't. They run, because they are no longer in control. Only when Eddy reveals his fear do the Kankers call the Eds' bluff.

  • Alternately, they're actually a bunch of closeted Yaoi Fangirls Shippers On Deck who thought the three Eds looked cute together, so they decided to abused them to scare them off the opposite sex and may fall in with one another. note 
  • Possible, but that doesn't explain Marie's jealousy in May I Have This Ed? when Double D gets to dance with Nazz.
    • She's either the only exception to it, has Become The Mask, is that good of an actress that she can fake jealously, is actually outrage due to Het Is Ew, but ends up appearing to be jealously, or is jealous over the other one.
  • The feelings the Kankers have for the Eds throughout the series seem to be more lust than love, other than in the movie, in which they do show concern for the boys.
    • May is left sobbing hysterically when Ed rejects her Valentine's Day card, so her feelings appear to be genuine.
  • Or they are lesbian or sexual. The whole schtick is their (blunt) way of denial.
  • The most likely explanation, based on several episodes such as "Avast Ye Eds", is that the Kankers merely want men to boss around and force to do their chores. Not because they're domineering and lazy, but because it's a behavior they picked up from their mother.

And only Jonny knows this. Plank kept her true gender a secret because she felt that most other woman in the cul-de-sac were temperamental nut-jobs that either needed to get laid or have a serious spanking for their petty actions.

Jonny agreed to keep it a secret, partly because she's quite the Manipulative *** around him, partly because he didn't want people teasing them being a couple, when in reality they're Just Friends. Mainly the former.

One or more characters smokes dope
  • Johnny 2X4 is such an obvious stoner it's not even funny.
  • Eddy's Brother, perhaps. Look at those dark circles around his eyes.

Peach Creek is located somewhere in the Southern US
This is probably the most tame WMG on this page, but while rewatching Big Picture Show, it does make some sense. Over the course of the movie, we see peach tree groves, a swamp, and the Eds' journey ends at a boardwalk amusement park by the sea, so it should at least be somewhere near the coast.

More specifically, Peach Creek is located in Georgia
Georgia is the peach state, after all.Although this wouldn't explain the amount of snow they get in the winter. Maybe somewhere like the Texas panhandle?

Rolf is from Gimelschtump
Well,it would be an odd enough country for Rolf to hail from. I mean, one of his folk dances involves brutally beating up all involved. It might be that that Country is just full of sadists. Both Rolf and Doofenshmirtz have similar accents, minus Rolf using third-person; which might be due to being younger and less used to English.

Edd is in fact a prepubescent 12 year old girl and hides "his" hair under that hat.
Its completely plausible. He's got a squeaky voice, very hygienic, more mature than others his age, and is very shy. Edd could be short for Eddina, an embarrassing name, and thus shortened it to Edd. The nickname "Double D" is also a pretty good indicator. It could also be chastising her for being a late bloomer in an ironic way. Edd simply decided that instead of living like a shy girl that never goes outside, to instead hide her identity and just be one of the guys. The fact that other girls are attracted to "him" could mean they are confused lesbians/bisexuals or that Edd's disguise is just that convincing. Edd herself might be confused herself as she is at a very important age in terms of physical and psychological development.
  • When they meet Eddy's brother, he asks "Hey why does your girlfriend have a sock on her head?" when referring to Double D.
    • Well, the Eddina part is jossed; it's been stated to be Eddward.
    • Can't be. Edd's taken off his shirt before, he's male.
      • They're children. Girls that age don't develop those yet, is a late bloomer, or, ironically, flat chested.
      • Still, it's pretty much Jossed. Nazz is (presumably) the same age and Sarah is younger. Both have been seen wearing a bikini and a one-piece swimsuit, respectively. Edd? He's wearing swimming trunks.
    • Maybe he hasn't developed breasts yet? He's only around twelve.
      • No, it's jossed. In the third episode the Eds went to a swimming party where they were wearing Eddy's brother's swimming trunks. The trunks snapped off and the three Eds jumped into the pool naked. Ignoring Ho Hay claims, the other Eds would have seen his junk and would've at least shown some shock. Well, maybe they are just good friends and the other Eds are hiding it. That's what you're thinking right? Well, Ed would definitely have reacted and probably let it slip that Double D was a girl. He's that absentminded. Eddy would never be able to keep that secret. He couldn't even keep Edd's middle name, Marion, a secret for more than a minute. Besides, Marie would have felt him up enough to figure out a secret like that and she definitely wouldn't be able to keep her mouth shut either for disgust, arousal, or just plain cruelty.
  • Jossed. In See No Ed when Eddy is searching for Ed's missing mask and gloves, he takes off all of his and Edd's clothes, with Edd saying he can't find his underwear. If Edd were a girl, Ed and Eddy would have found out the hard way. Eddy would have tried to claw his eyes out in horror while Ed runs off screaming thinking Edd was a mutant or something.

Edd is Transgender
The FTM kind.
  • I think the posts in the theory above have this one jossed.

The "wigs" at the end of Quick Shot Ed represent the Eds' natural hair colors
Ed has been proven to have red hair. From the looks of it, Eddy has either black, blue, or brown hair (he also has had his hair styled "normally" at least once and it was shown to be blue and there's no evidence that was a wig or the result of hair dye). Edd is debatable but he has been shown with blond wigs before.

Eddy secretly bullies all the kids in the Cul De Sac.

Besides being a mooch for money, Eddy might have a hidden double life as a violent yet still-petty crook. He actually has a pair of Brass Knuckles which he uses out of sight to harass and intimidate Rolf, Jimmy, and Sarah. At times out of camera, he physically bullies Ed when the more peaceful and resolved youth are not around. Sarah, Jimmy, and Rolf have a secretive fear of Eddy. Kevin is a major exception, he is actually a protagonist who has zero issues with Ed and Edd. But he obviously has zero tolerance to the sight of Eddy with them, he wants to have a probation put onto Eddy for what he did to Jimmy. If you are wondering how Jimmy gets the out of place bandages from, Eddy is most likely responsible. I personally believe Eddy does this because he knows there is much more strength in mind with his brother- Who is never around for pretty much a lot of his life.

  • Confirmed in "Every Which Way But Ed." It was a scam gone awry when Jimmy ate a bowling pin that looked like a pastry horn.

The Jawbreakers are Karma charms.

Think about it, if the three characters are always wanting money for Jawbreakers, they never run into luck. But the fact the other ones do get such large balls (no pun intended) of processed sugar and the Eds never do brings up an interesting question- are the Jawbreakers some distant form of Unobtainium? For that matter, what if they have some Karma enchantment? Because Eddy always commits acts of greed and prudent competitiveness, he either never gets a Jaw Breaker or freakishly loses every one he obtains. This goes to the other two as well.

  • Double D should still get his then. Just being friends with the Eds isn't sin enough to give bad karma. Also Kevin gets as many free ones as he wants since his dad works at the factory. I doubt Kevin of all people has the best Karma.

Ed psychologically and physically abuses Sarah.

Think about it, Ed could actually be sick of Sarah's bad attitude, when he met Eddy, a new influence was put upon him. Ever since the first episode aired it was around the time Ed had displayed ludicrous behavior with Sarah. This happens usually in his basement which he can manipulate the elements of it however he pleases. With this advantage, Ed can lock Sarah into the basement without the stairs being available, the bathroom door locked, the bed taken away, and the TV taken too sadly. His parents are always away at some science fiction conventions, every other Monday that is. That episode where Ed is grounded reiterates every action Ed had done to Sarah onto himself as punishment by his parents. Ed currently undergoes some cheap Psychological therapy.

  • Ed stands up to Sarah about once in the show and after the Movie they seem to be getting on well, so I don't think Ed is likely to suddenly begin abusing Sarah, it's rather out-of-character.

Plank was the result of homesickness.

Johnny never was a suburban boy, he was always a light wooded area cabin boy. In fact the last name spills this very fact clearly. "2x4" implies that Johnny was born in such an environment. Plank's existence actually comes from the intact emotion of Johnny because he had failed to entirely cope with moving on. The wood it comes from was a perfect log taken away from the cabin.

  • Plank's parents could've been the rest of the log.
  • Maybe Johnny's dad works (or worked) at a lumber mill.

Double D's a bisexual.
He seems to have an attraction of some sort with both girls and boys, so this might explain it.
  • I'm not disagreeing with this theory but, when did Double D show attraction to boys?

Eddy's father is related to his brothers twisted personality
The few times he's mentioned and "seen" he seems quite easily angered.
  • Wouldn't you be angered if your son failed every single one of his classes and then tried lying about it?

Kevin's brought-on dislike for Eddy is all because of his brother
It's almost obvious. When Eddy's brother still lived at home, I think he gave Kevin the most bullcrap, as it's implied he bullied the cul-de-sac kids when he was around. Through the torment and fear, Kevin grew to absolutely loathe Eddy's brother. After he left, and Eddy more-or-less acted just like him, and the fact alone that he's his brother, Kevin had outright hostility towards Eddy. He seems to tolerate Ed and Edd just fine most of the time, but seems much more irritated when Eddy's around. Even when Eddy hasn't done anything, Kevin will poke fun at him; 'Your Ed Here' is a prime example.

However, after he saw that Eddy got the abuse far worse than he ever did in the movie, he changes his mind. Already knowing how much of a monster Eddy's brother is, he is able to understand what Eddy is going through. One of the core reasons, in my mind, that Kevin accepted him in the end, was because he realized Eddy's situation and saw that he wasn't truly like his brother. He was a victim, far more of one than any of the others that were bullied by his brother were.

  • T.T
  • Makes sense, note Kevin's reaction to the possibility of encountering Eddy's brother; both times it's total fear. He's the only one of the kids who has this reaction other than Eddy.
    • Well, them and Rolf. Rolf is the oldest and probably the strongest or second strongest kid in the neighborhood. He could just lack Kevin's narrow view point, which is sort of ironic, which is why he is more tolerant of the Eds. He even calls them 'Ed boys' like a pet nickname. Rolf is downright terrified of Eddy's brother and when he stands up to him in the movie, Rolf pushes Kevin forward to join in. It was as if Rolf needed backup to keep his courage. This is the guy who jumped off a cliff into an oncoming train in a battle against Eddy for a merit badge.
  • Maybe all the mean stuff Kevin did to Eddy (like "Your Ed Here") are repeats of what Eddy's Brother did to him.
Ed and Sarah's father is Johan Liebert.
It explains of how come Sarah is bossy to Ed as he is trying to corrupt her.
  • But Johan is blond and Ed's mom is blond, while both Ed and Sarah are redheads; genetically speaking, they could have only been blondes with two blonde parents, so Johan couldn't be their father
  • Plus, I doubt Johan is sane enough to maintain a relationship long enough to have two kids and raise them to their tween years.
Edd actually did catch onto Ed and Eddy's sticky note prank.
He somehow figured out it was them and not his parents writing those sticky notes some time before the end of the episode. Therefore, his creepy behavior towards the end of the episode was really revenge, which he revealed to Eddy some time after the end once he felt he'd tortured him enough.
  • Would make sense, wouldn't be the only time he took revenge on them for pranking him.

1+1=ED was all one bad acid trip.
I don't know where they got the acid, or why, but it really puts the plot of the episode into context, doesn't it?

Ed is really a mutated Ork
Think about it. He has a low IQ, and stuff he does often happens because he thinks it should happen. In the episode where they become obsessed with a balloon, he pulls on Eddy's slingshot, which causes his hairs to become a propeller, which makes Eddy able to fly.

Eddy is/will be Matt.
Same addiction to their respective selves, same wanting money, same crazy fashion sense.

The hat? It's to keep him in A Form You Are Comfortable With. Luckily for Ed and Eddy's sanity, after wearing for years Edd has some control over his body, so all they saw was a "weird" structure in place of his scalp. If the hat is left off for too long however, Edd will revert back to his true form. Similar headgear can be used,but they can only restrain the weirdness for about a day or two.

Ed has mental retardation.
Just look at the way he acts and talks. Edd feels sorry for Ed and makes Eddy hang out with him and Ed to be nice.
  • But Ed and Eddy were apparently already friends before the two of them met Edd, as seen in the flashback episode.

Eddy's Brother didn't leave on his own
He was thrown out by his parents for bullying Eddy and being horrible to the other kids. Makes sense really.

Peach Creek wasn't founded by Eddy's ancestors, but by him through Time Travel
Come on, you've got to admit that the resemblance to him is incredibly uncanny and that 300 years would probably erase that. What probably happened was that he, through some bizarre accident, got sent back in time and got stuck there. Despite not wanting to change the timestream, he ended up marrying some Puritan chick and having a bunch of kids, eventually losing a bet with the Kankers' ancestor. 300 years later, younger Eddy's family ended up moving there. Either 300 year old Eddy is from an Alternate Universe or he caused a Stable Time Loop.

Rolf was born in Dusseldorf
And that is why the call him Rolf.

Lovable naive one: Ed/Theodore; nerdy voice of reason: Edd/Simon; show-offy cool guy who loves attention: Eddy/Alvin.

Edd is the son of the Warden and the Mistress.
It's canon that after being bitten by Spanish flies at the Superjail ball, the Mistress forced herself on the Warden and slept with him. Because she was so turned on, she neglected the thought of using protection and accidentally gotten pregnant with Edd. After the baby was born, she neglected him because it brought back memories of the Warden and told Cherice to deal with him. Cherice raised him herself, which is the reason why Edd is so organized and soft-spoken instead of insane and sadistic like his parents. While still an early toddler, the Mistress forced Cherice to get rid of Edd because he was beginning to look more like the Warden. Cherice left him in a small, quiet cul-da-sac alone in a house, where he grew up with little to no recollection of his early childhood in Ultra-Prison. However, Cherice continually sent Nova to his house in secret early in the morning to check on him and leave a small sticky note with little messages written on them.
  • Umm actually it can't happen. I mean as revealed in the second season finale, Alice apparently still has a part of "Big Al" left in her and it's between "her" legs if you get my drift. However I dunno if the Warden is aware of it But Jared is.
    • Uh, actually the Mistress is not Alice. She's from Ultra Prison.
  • This could have been true until until the last part; Edd's statements suggest he has a mother and father, and that he does interact with them, meaning the theory is impossible.
  • Can't be; The Mistress appears in later episodes and reconciles, to a degree, with the Warden and mellows out significantly. If Edd were really her child, she'd have gotten him back from Cherice and told the Warden the truth.
    • Alternate theory; Edd is their son, but not in the canon timeline. Rather, he's from an Alternate Timeline where they form an actual relationship and get married, combining their jails into one. Edd was born in and spent the first years of his life in Ultra-Superjail. Since his parents were busy running their jails, they usually left Jared and Sharice to babysit him. This explains his personality; from his father, he gained his penchant for inventing, the gap in his teeth, and cheerfulness; from his mother, he inherits the more authoritarian parts of his personality; and from his caretakers, he inherited his prim and proper and organized personality, as well as his neurotic tendencies and kindness. As for why he's in Peach Creek, when he was very young, he probably got loose in the jail and was injured by a prisoner or some other kind of craziness. This is why he wears the hat; in order to hide the scarring the incident caused. After that, Warden and Mistress realized a jail wasn't the healthiest place to raise a child, so they moved to Peach Creek when Edd was a toddler. Since the jail keeps them busy, however, they're gone most of time and leave the sticky notes so he'll know what to do while they're gone.
Edd has green eyes, Eddy has blue, and Ed brown.
Season one, the comics, and the cover art for games and DVDs have a big problem with coloring in the Eds' "excitement rings." Many times in season 1, Edd and Eddy's excitement rings are colored in gold or purple. There's also a split second in 'For The Ed By The Ed' (season 4) where Eddy's excitement rings are colored red, the first time he jumps on his hat out of rage.Generally, the title cards don't show the Eds and just show undisclosed people's body parts, so the multiple eye colors I'm referring to may just be "title card characters" who don't exist in the show. Ed's eyebrow and eyeballs were in a glass in 'A Glass of Warm Ed's title card, though, in which his eyes are brown. 'Smile for the Ed' reveals that Eddy has blue eyes. 'The Eds Are Coming' features three sets of eyes peering through a fence. Since there are 3 sets of eyes and 3 Eds, and one set is brown and the other is blue, it is assumed that the green set of eyes is Edd's.
  • Edd is a redhead, Eddy is a blond, and Ed is a brunette.
    • Actually, Ed is a redhead. Eddy has been shown to have either blue, black, or brown hair. Edd...Don't ask.
    • This would be an excellent theory, but Ed has blue-green eyes in The Luck of the Ed. It could be the glass though.

In-universe, all pieces of wood are sentient.
Danny Antounucci said it himself that Plank was just a piece of wood... but Plank has been seen driving a bus, amongst other things. Considering the way the rest of the Ed, Edd, n Eddy universe works, planks of wood might as well be sentient beings.

Edd is an alien.
He was sent to the cul-de-sac to research humans. His extreme intelligence and engineering ability is because his species are smarter than ours. His obsession with politeness and organization is partially based on the strict standards of his home planet and a (failed) attempt to blend in with other humans. His parents are still on the home planet and communicate with him using hi-tech text-messaging devices disguised as sticky notes. To disguise his appearance, he created a robotic body. In order to get in and out of it, there is a large wound like hole on his head that he covers up with his hat. Plank is a secret agent from another planet who are enemies with the Eds. Plank disguised himself as wood to stop Edd. Plank uses some sort of mind ray to get the others to also go against Edd. Ed and Eddy are unaffected because there friendship is too powerful. At the end of the movie, all the kids are able to break free of the mind ray except for Johnny due to his large exposure to Plank.

If the sixth season would have continued instead of the movie, the Eds' luck would have gradually gotten better.
Already, in the two shows, we see that, while Ed, Edd, and Eddy don't get the happiest endings, they're happier than before. In "May I Have This Ed", they're the only ones who GET a happy ending, and although they DO end up locked up in "Look Before You Ed", it's heavily implied that they're going to get out soon. This is after "A Fistful Of Ed", where Eddy fights back against the Kankers. The show, if gone longer, would also focus on the other kids more; notice how Jonny got his own subplot in which he and Plank tried to catch Nazz in a season 5. The Kankers also seem to be changing; instead of jumping the Eds, "May I Have This Ed?" actually showed them as far less threatening and actually WANTING to impress the Eds. (Marie trying to make Edd jealous with Eddy?) All-in-all, it would have become more about all the kids, leaving the Eds with more happy endings.

Hence the sock.

The Cul-De-Sac kids actually learned about Jimmy's friendship day act.
Hence the reason he became [1]/[2] for the rest of the series.

Kevin's last name is Spencer
Well as soon as he reaches age 14 he's gonna start wearing a black baseball cap and become an Chain-smoking Alcoholic Sociopath. He's already starting out this way since he's sociopathic towards the Eds.

Kevin is in love with Eddy
His bullying is to hide his feelings since 12 year old suburbanites are hardly the most tolerant people in the world.
  • But why would he be in love with Eddy?
    • You don't choose who you fall in love with.

Double-D's father is Adrian Monk
It would fit. Double-D even said his father wears a suit.
  • And his mother is...Monica Gellar? Obsessive about cleaning, good cook (apparently Edd's mother is good at making pie). Maybe scientists run in the family, with Uncle Ross being a paleontologist.

Ed is a Dean wannabe

The reason Kevin hates Eddy
Because of a Barber Shop scam that went horribly wrong. In "Which Way But Ed," it was show in a flashback that he had a mop of hair. In that same flashback, Johnny had some hair too. Sometime between then and the first episode, Eddy shaved it all off as part of the scam (and Jonny happened to be one of his customers).
  • That actually sounds about right.
  • I also have some, or one, idea on the barber shop accident, explaining why even after DD tested it, everyone else tested it too. He, DD, bred a bacteria that would eat away at your hair, and dead skin on your head, when it got low enough. When the height was reached you would wash it out. Everyone saw that it was working so wonderfully, so they all got on board to get their hair eaten to the perfect length, when things went bad. The Bacteria had a taste for live skin, and would not wash out so easily. By the time the anti bacteria had been made from the remains of the existing bacteria, it was too late for DD, but not everyone else. BAM

Ed, Edd, and Eddy grow up to be Vyvyan, Rick and Mike
Let's face it, that's pretty much who they'd be when they grow up. And Jonny could be Neil.

Ed is a Pokemon fan
Why wouldn't he be?

The pig in the picture feeding her piglets was Wilfred's mom
In "Wish You Were Ed", Rolf motivates Wilfred to run faster by replacing the carrot with a picture of a sow feeding her piglets. Wilfred's response was to run at the speed of a launched rocket, which means that the sow was his mother.
  • Hard to imagine what else it'd be.

Ed was grounded in "Three Squares And An Ed" for destroying Mr. Yum Yum in "It Came From Outer Ed".
Both episodes air together, with the latter episode going first. Jimmy was attached to his bunny Mr. Yum Yum and Sarah got so mad at Ed for destroying the thing that she told their mom.

In the late future the series will be brought back to life somehow.
It's a perfect waste of a plot point to just kill the series after making all those successful episodes and making a super awesome movie like that, which got so many ratings. Only God know what could become out of EENE in the future. All the ideas from the series could be recycled into a completely new yet similar series or out of sheer mind shattering irony more EENE episodes will be made. A lot of viewers bring in money and that's what EENE got, so danny antonucci or cartoonnetwork can't afford to let the long running series rest in piece. The point is that movie wasn't the end of Ed,Edd,n Eddy.
  • Besides, they never revealed what was under Edd's hat yet...

Eddy harbors all the seven deadly sins at once.
Let's see he's very greedy and will do anything no matter how underhanded for material gain, he's gluttonous believe it or not because of his jawbreaker obsession, it's not the fact that he loves them so much, it's the fact that he is willing to place jawbreakers above everything even his friends. He's envious because he hates it when someone haves something he wants, and he usually covets other's fortunes. He possesses wrath because he has very little patience and is very quick to pop off when something irritates him. He's lustful because of his non-sentimental infatuation with Nazz. He possesses the evil pride because he thinks very high of himself and of course he is very proud as he is portrayed. Finally he almost never helps his friends with work despite it being his idea making him a very lazy individual meaning he embodies sloth as well.
  • His Jawbreaker obsession and his means of getting it proves otherwise to being the embodiment of Sloth.
    He, along with every male in the culdasac, wants nazz, so Lust isn't definetly proven, yet.
    Greed or Gluttony, which are you going with? Gluttony doesn't stick, considering we haven't even see him get a taste. Maybe he just really wants another taste, after his brother hoarded them all from him. Where as greed definetly sticks. He gets a crazy look in his eye when holding a few quarters.
    If you're really enterested in how sinful Eddy is check this out. You may find that it was written almost completly about him, particularly 9 in the movie, and 13 when he had that zit.
  • Contradicting your so called contradiction Eddy does possess all of the seven deadly sins not just some of them.

Sloth- He does possess laziness, despite the fact that he wants jawbreakers and devises schemes to get them he doesn't put any effort to make his scams work other besides operating them after his friends have broken their backs creating them, and he is not willing to just work for money; he would rather con than earn money. Lazy people want just like hardworking people and their desires for what they want doesn't make them any less lazy.

Lust- That's why it's non-sentimental. One more thing just because everyone else is doing something wrong doesnt mean it's right.

Gluttony- This one could be debated however, but more or less he posseses this one too. Not to sound funny or anything but Eddy does look a little chubby, he's not exactly skinny.
-I want to agree with you but I could only find one picture of a shirtless eddy, and he doesn't look fat to me, only the slight pudginess of any child that doesn't execise.P.S. how'd you like how similar those sins were with Eddy's overall personality, On Point, right?

I mean, in O-Ed Eleven and Big Picture Show, he gets mad at Eddy and pushes him rather hard.-So the entire Ed trio is dangerous, then?

Eddy's Brother was Killed Off for Real offscreen at the end of the movie
When the Kanker Sisters saw how horrible he was, they killed him for good.

The edds are part of the Inception team.
That is why everyone is hostile towards them for apparently no reason. They were sent there to extract something, in this case a material possession, at first everyone feels pretty neutral towards them because they possess a low profile. When people start catching on to their intentions they become very defensive; to prevent them from extracting their mission object, in this case the succulent jawbreaker. They edds want more than to suck on this giant morsel of a sphere they want to officially claim it as there own. So the illusion people in the town take what ever measures neccesary to prevent that. In the very end the illusionary protectors of the jawbreakers fail and surprisingly submit to the extractor's which are the edds.

The Boo haw haw special is an allusion of Jeepers Creepers part 1
.The whole entire plot seems to mirror that horrible movie. The boys piss of the monsters(neighborhood kids) and Darry and Trish off the movie leave off their scent for a blood thirsty carnivorous freak of nature in his lair. So both the main cast made it so they could be hunted down like animals. In the middle of both of the show the Eds and Darry and Trish spend time trying to go somewhere while trying to fend of their malicious pursuers while having a little bit of fun at the same time. At the end the main casts off both of the specials are cornered in an inescapable fix, one of the members off the main cast is spared(Ed and Trish) while the unlucky victims meet their demise painfully offscreen.
  • As for the Eds, considering that it was a cartoon and that there were episodes after that they probably lived after their ordeal in that hole. Instead of death they just suffered a concussion that anyone would suffer after taking a serious beating.

Plank is an Artifact.
The world's first sentient artifact. He is a telekinetic, can see through the eyes of anyone who holds him, and can telepathically communicate with anyone. He drains power from those who hold him, causing his power level to rise, while Jonny's intelligence and sanity slowly deteriorate. A side effect of holding him is granting some level of immunity to other artifacts, like the Hypnotizing Wheel (Though he himself isn't immune.).

Edd is bipolar.
When he's worried, he's "really" worried. When he's sad, he's "really" sad. When he's happy, he's "really" happy. And when he's mad... you get the picture.

Ed, Edd, and Eddy is either the reincarnations of The Three Stooges, or each of their great grandsons.
Think about it, Eddy is the leader who makes the silly schemes, not to mention slaps Ed around mostly, like what Moe does. Edd is the middle man who is often dragged along, and has no say in schemes, and is mostly the sane one in the group like what Larry is. And Ed is that one odd guy that makes no sense and does idiotic stuff and takes mostly everything literal, like Curly.

Eddy is George and Ed is Lennie from Of Mice and Men.
Then Kevin is Curley, Rolf's chickens are Slim's puppies and buttered toast with gravy is beans with ketchup.

If Edd's hat is taken of in view of the audience, reality will break and the world will explode.
Well, this IS Wild Mass Guessing isn't it?

Ed's Mom is just as bad as Eddy's Brother and as mean as Sarah used to be.
That's why Ed's dad never steps in; he's as afraid of his own wife as Ed used to be of Sarah. The only difference is that while Sarah changed for the better at the end of the series, I doubt Ed's mom will treat the poor lump any better.
  • Something tells me Sarah's going to change that.

Sarah's parents are scared of her.
Knowing about Sarah's super-strength and her bossy attitude, they sank to their knees to do what Sarah says (including grounding Ed); which is why
  • Why was Sarah so worried in "Stop, Look and Ed" when she found out her parents were coming back and she and Jimmy had eaten all the ice-cream if they're afraid of her?

The show takes place in a temporally unstable part of the universe.
It explains the inconsistent dates (1978 was ten years ago, 2000 was a while back), and the presence of things that don't normally coexist (The usage of both typewriters and modern computers.).
  • Sounds like a possibility. It could even be taken a step further- the kids lived in the neighborhood in separate times and that zone throws them together in one world.

If Nazz is a Dumb Blonde, then how DOES she get better grades in school than lazy Eddy? And what about when she quoted something from some government law in "Will Work for Ed"? Plus, she calls people out for being mean, just like Double D does with Ed and Eddy. I'm guessing the dumb act is some game Nazz is playing with the kids of the cul-de-sac.
  • Getting better grades than EDDY is not exactly difficult. And I don't see how calling people out for being mean in any way makes you smart. As for quoting government law, while it certainly makes her LOOK smart, it doesn't necessarily mean she IS smart (Though you might have a point with that one.).

Does anyone notice his unhealthy obsession with the word "DORK"? Well that pretty much explains it now doesn't it?

Ed is a recarnation of Spongebob Squarepants
  • No, SpongeBob isn't that stupid. If anything, Ed is a reincarnation of Patrick Star.
  • If anyone were reincarnated from SpongeBob, it would be Edd as noted by his goody-goody two-shoes nature. There also seems to be some Sandy Cheeks in him, being a Gadgeteer Genius.
    • Or maybe Jimmy is SpongeBob.
  • And Eddy is obviously a reincarnation of Mr. Krabs. He could also be Squidward because he is incredibly haughty and gets beaten and tortured on a regular basis.
Edd is a Homunculus
There's an Ouroboros tattoo under his hat.

The Ed Boys have different names that happen to start with "Ed"
Edward, Edgar, and Edmund.
  • Jossed, at least partially; Ed responds to Edward, and was called Edward in his nightmare about his mom. And Double-D refers to himself as Eddward, and is called that in his parent's sticky notes. Eddy, though, hasn't been called Edward yet, so the theory might still hold for him.
  • Edwin anyone?
  • Conversely, "Eddy" is only a nickname; his real name is something quite embarassing or hard to pronounce.

Plank is an Incubator
  • Puella Magi Johnny? Sounds good to me. Though, he doesn't have the nail mark.
    • Wouldn't "puer" be a more appropriate term? Puella is Latin for "lass", or "little girl".

Jonny and Plank's party in "Tween a Rock and an Ed Place" is revenge for the Eds destroying their house in "Rent-a-Ed"
Seriously, it looked like the Eds got away with that. So three seasons later, Plank and Jonny decided to trap them in their house. Forever.It's the perfect plan: having an "Arbor Day" party NOT on Arbor Day; inviting the cul-de-sac kids, knowing that they won't come; Plank "ordering" pizza; making activities that only Ed would enjoy, so he would wish this party to go on forever; pretending to cry. If anything, Jonny and Plank here are on the road to becoming The Gourd and Timber the Dark Shard.

Kevin Ships Eddy/Double D.
Which is the reason he made Eddy kiss DD in Your Ed Here
  • He was trying to humiliate Eddy and make him miserable, you don't do that by forcing somebody to kiss someone you think they like.
    • Being forced to kiss someone can actually be somewhat humiliating.

Johnny will become a future antagonist.
If or better yet when the series decides it wants to continue, they will make Johnny 2X4 an antagonist to pick up where they left off.

Eddy's brother is Lee's father.
After watching the movie, I noticed that both Lee and Eddy's Brother are bullies living in a trailer who like to ruin Eddy's day. Lamarck Was Right? If Bro is old enough to live on his own, he might as well be old enough to be in a short relationship with Kankers' mother at some point (his high school years). After she announced her pregnancy, he ditched her and ran away.
  • It's technically possible, but you have to fudge the numbers a bit. Lee would have to have been conceived before Eddy was born. Even if Eddy's brother impregnated Ms. Kanker at age 16, he would still have to have at least 11 years on Eddy (or more, if Lee is older than Eddy). That means he hung around the house until he was at least in his early twenties—otherwise Eddy would have been too young to even remember him. We don't know how long Eddy's brother has been gone when the series starts, but in "Ed...Pass It On" even the younger Sarah and Jimmy seem to remember him well enough to do a convincing impersonation of him, so it couldn't have been that long. So if we figure Eddy's bro knocked up Ms. Kanker at age 16, that puts him at age 27 by the Big Picture Show. Now, I know that seems about right given how he's drawn, but bear in mind that the Eds look closer to 15 than to 11. Still, it's possible (but not probable) that the Big Picture Show saw 11-year old Lee Kanker beat up her 27-year-old father. Which makes the guy's history of abusing Eddy even more horrifying.

Edd, Ed and Eddy are all former KND operatives.
They're said to be twelve in the series, which probably means they might of just been deoperatized early. They were best friends in operations, and that carried over, they don't remember they did missions, fighting adults, but they feel like they need to do something, so the schemes are a substitute which follow the formula, Eddy would be the leader, Edd would make the technology involved and Ed was the more combat oriented heavy lifter.

In Danny's early life he was severely bullied by a person(s) with Ed in their name. When he grew up he and became an animator and so on he didn't really move on and held a subconsious a grudge against the Ed in question and made a cartoon. He created the Eds in this cartoon of his and tormented them for it, because even though he couldn't hurt his bully in reality he could do it in this cartoon he made. The big picture show where it shows actually the first happy ending for the Edds and them being forgiven is Danny getting over his meager internal vendetta over his past bully(s).
  • So this may be why Sarah, Kevin, and (sometimes) the other kids get away with what they do to the Eds.
  • Jossed - Antonucci stated that the Eds are his author avatars, probably named like this because Danny's middle name is Edward.
  • He could just be lying in order to cover it up.

Ed has (nearly) killed someone in self-defense.
This guy can lift a house without breaking a sweat. Yet when he comes to brawl he never fights back or attacks, sans a few occasions when he wasn't fully controlling himself ("Little Ed Blue" or "The Day The Ed Stood Still", for example). Even in the finale, he doesn't attack the Greater-Scope Villain directly. Why? Because Ed is at least partially aware of what he might do if he fights back. He probably defended himself or his friends once, just once, and, say, broke the attacker's neck in the process. Because of it this guy is too damn scared that he will do this again, so he never, ever, engages in direct combat so as to not harm the attackers.

Sarah is lashing out against Gender Conditioning.
I've always wondered why Sarah is such an Enfante Terrible despite being completely spoiled and treated like a princess. However, there are strong hints throughout the series that Sarah and Ed's mother prefers girls. If you take a look at Sarah, whenever the characters wear something outside their normal clothes, she's almost always forced into frilly, ridiculous dresses that she doesn't seem to like. "This dress is giving me a rash!" So maybe the reason Sarah is so violent and angry is because her mother likes Sarah being cute and girly (Sarah has pierced ears, for instance, even though she's a bit young) and Sarah doesn't like being surrounded by pink, frilly stuff all the time. Perhaps this is why she has all that sports equipment hidden in her toy chest, for instance. This might also explain her Masculine Girl, Feminine Boy friendship with Jimmy- she sees Jimmy as someone who needs protecting and she acts like his bodyguard because it allows her to act more tomboyish than she can get away with at home.
  • A clue is provided at the ending of "An Ed in the Bush", where Sarah was yelling for Ed to show himself. It's never implied why she was angry, although she was wearing a frilly dress at the time...
    • The anger was probably in reaction to the Eds' holing up downstairs for three days.
  • Yet she doesn't mind wearing a shirt that shows her navel, and a pink one at that?
  • Except there have been instants were she was in frilly outfits and seemed fine, or even happy.
    • She might not mind it sometimes, or if it's a special occasion (like Halloween), it's just being forced into one is what annoys her. Plus, Sarah's mother likely bought the pink shirt for her.

Jimmy became more of a Smug Snake and an asshole in later seasons because he wanted revenge for always being the punching bag to the Eds and the other kids
Think about it. He was humiliated by Eddy. Eddy and Kevin always mock him for being too girly. Nazz, Sarah, Rolf, and Jonny usually treat him with respect so he doesn't really have anything against them. In earlier episodes of the season, he had his moments when he was nice to the Eds, but he usually ended up getting betrayed and injured by them (Sumo wrestler episode anybody?). So in later seasons, he started hating the Eds and gaining pleasure in watching them suffer.

Kankers were disgusted with Eddy's brother because of his Big Brother Bully attitude
After thinking why exactly Lee, May and Marie were so moved when Eddy's brother was beating the crap out of Edd and Eddy, this is the most convincing (for me) explanation I came up with. They fight with each other all the time, but it is less one-sided than the relation between Ed and Sarah and is closer to normal, if exaggerated, sibling teasing. Also, when there's some serious trouble, they stand together (like the episode with the ship in a bottle). They are convinced that this is the way it should be. The Kankers simply couldn't comprehend that Eddy's own older brother could beat up and humiliate him in front of his friends, so after Ed KO's him, they decide to teach him a lesson instead of pursuing the Eds.

The main trio of Eddsworld are the fathers of the Eds

(for explanation's sake: Edd means EW's Edd, Double D means EEnE's Edd)

To be precise: Matt is Ed's, Tom is Eddy's and Edd is Double D's.

  • It's implied that Ed's dad is a Henpecked Husband. Matt would fit this role, due to being a coward. Also, both Ed and Matt have ginger hair.
  • Tom isn't exactly a role model. He could bring up someone as depraved as Eddy or his brother.
  • Double D spells his name with two D's to honor his father.

The EW trio split up for some reason. A few years later Matt and Tom bumped into each other in the USA and decided to settle down in one place, as neighbours. They both named their sons Edward to honor their other friend. Some time later Edd got in touch with his buddies and decided to move to Peach Creek. Then it turned out he also has a son, Edward Jr. The EEnE trio hanged together most of the time because so did their fathers.

The Kanker Sisters really are triplets.
As for their "Dads'" robes, chalk that up to their mom being married three times. The first one was their biological dad. The other two dads became their step-dads. While the only qualities they share are freckles and personality quirks, well, maybe it's just an odd mix of their mom and (first) dad's genes.

If a spinoff will be produced, Kankers will star as the main characters.
The Eds have been accepted by the community. Aesop Amnesia would seem rather out of place at this point. The Gourd alone isn't much of a threat, now that the cul-de-sac kids are on good terms and work together. But what happened to the Kankers? For the first time they seemed concerned about the Eds, but we don't know how they reacted to the main characters' redemption. They are still hated/feared by everybody, and now it's three of them against nine of the cul-de-sac.

The series would focus on the sisters trying to win the Eds' affection (and eventually other kids' respect) due to Heel Realisation or deciding that the usual routine won't work if the Eds will fight back, supported by the other kids. Then, the Laser-Guided Karma strikes. If handed correctly, the Kankers would get some Character Development and Divergent Character Evolution and end up Rescued from the Scrappy Heap.

Or, alternatively, the series would end with Eds finally winning against the Kankers for real and the Kankers would be sent to jail for all the stuff they pulled on the Eds.

Ed, Edd n Eddy served as one of the many inspirations for the game Bully.
Bully was made in 2006 and Ed, Edd n Eddy was still airing during that time and before that obviously enough. The E En E movie wasn't made until 2009 so during the time Bully was being made the Eds caught it tough because Ed,Edd n Eddy is infamous for all of its Downer Endings. Like everyone or almost everyone the creator of Bully liked that show but couldn't do anything to change it's plot like everyone else, unlike everyone else however he could base a piece of work off of it. While the game and that show we all love aren't the same and don't take place anywhere near the same universe etc, they possess a lot of similarities such as.....

  • Both of the protagonist(s) are bald
  • The main character(s) live in a universe where all Kids Are Cruel and to add up to that every single person is out to get the heroes
  • Both hero(es) live in a world where Adults Are Useless
  • Both character(s) perform out of the ordinary task for money. The Edd's conduct scams and Jimmy performs odd task for numerous people.
  • Both of their individual universe's possess a watered down version of The Smurfette Principle.
  • Both worlds have a trademark junk food E En E's is jawbreaker and Bullworth's(Bully's) is beam cola.
  • The two individual works of fiction emphasize on stereotypes.
  • The two different worlds manage to perfectly blend overwhelming violence with innocent slapstick comedy.

Edd, Marie and Nazz are reincarnations/Alternate Universe versions of Gary, Zii and DiDi.
Maybe it's just me, but they seem a lot like PG-rated versions of those characters:
  • Both Edd and Gary are socially awkward Extreme Doormats with unusually high number of female adorators.
  • Nazz and DiDi are beautiful, yet oblivious blondes with unusually high number of male adorators.
  • Zii and Marie are Karma Houdini Tomboys. In first strips Zii wore a black tank top.

Sarah is Asuka in instrumentality.
  • Think about it, they both have red hair, and an obsession with their mothers. Maybe when Asuka was in instrumentality she created a lengthy experience of a normal childhood, only to decide that a fake existence with fictional people was meaningless, and that she'd rather return to reality. When she gets there, she finds that everyone except Shinji really enjoys instrumentality, and only Shinji is there to greet her.
    • Alternatively, the Eds are each a part of Shinji's personality.

Kankers didn't rape the Eds, but subtly imply that they will at some point.
They get the kicks of scaring the trio with the perspective, but won't actually fall that low. Eds don't know that and every time the Kankers appear, they are terrified, 'cause they don't know whether this time they will stop at kisses or demand something more.
  • Seconded. The Kanker sisters may be jerks but I've never thought they were rapists.
  • People seriously believe they're rapists?
    • On this very wiki their schtick is referred to as rape by some, though maybe it's just a mental shortcut.
  • It's G-rated rape, sure, but it nonetheless possesses the core characteristics, namely that the Eds have no consent to it.

Eddy's Brother pulled a Batman Gambit.
Draco in Leather Pants and Alternate Character Interpretation ahoy! But I thought it was an interesting idea. Say Eddy's Brother was a bad influence on Eddy back when he still lived in Peach Creek. Maybe he didn't start out as being an abusive figure, but he enjoyed being a Big Brother Bully a bit too much. Eventually, even he could see that Eddy was just becoming a miniature version of himself and decided to leave. It is implied throughout the show's run that they do keep vaguely in touch via postcards. So, one day, Eddy and his friends turn up at Bro's doorstep with the whole Cul-de-sac after their blood. Even with Eddy's Brother no longer being an active influence over Eddy, Eddy was still managing to drive everyone away and make everyone after his blood. They do share a moment of being reunited after a long time, before the rest of the kids interrupt. So Eddy's Brother, probably aware of the fact that even if he did decide to stick up for Eddy, the Eds would have to go back to the Cul-de-sac eventually. So, he did the one thing he could do to get the Cul-de-sac kids to accept Eddy; beat Eddy to a pulp and indirectly explain Eddy's behaviour was actually his big brother's fault. After that, Eddy realised he didn't have to copy his brother to be accepted.

The series takes place in Canada
And Rolf is from The United States, Florida to be exact.
  • Except that in "Know-It-All Ed," the Eds advertise the turkey basters as "imported Canadian squirt guns."

Eddy and Ed are reincarnations of Edward and Alphonse
  • Yeah, no. Granted, Eddy is short-tempered and well...short and very sensitive about it like Ed Elric, but that's where the similarities end; Eddy is motivated by greed, is more or less an idiot and has been shown to be willing to thropw his friends under the bus to get what he ants while Ed Elric is not greedy, is quite intelligent under the rough exterior and cares deeply for Al and his friends in general and would never treat them like Eddy does to his friends on an average day. And there aren't any similarities between Al and E En D's Ed.

Ed and Sarah's mother is Princess Azula
  • Of course, that raises the question of how she got to Peach Creek from the Fire Nation and why neither of her kids inheirted her looks despite looking different from one another.
Two of the Kanker sisters are actually adopted
A little additional info for the theory that their 3 fathers are really just one guy with three nicknames. Their mother could have only had one child with the father, and the other two could have been adopted as babies. Granted, all three sisters share the same lustful tendencies for the Eds, as well as the physical aspect of freckles. However, the former could be because their mother raised them the same way, resulting in all three not acting too different from each other. As for the latter... well, as Marie's "boyfriend" Edd would theorize, it could simply be a coincidence. The only question this would raise is which Kanker sister is the parents' legit child and which two are actually adopted.
  • If living in a trailer and having no washing machine is any indication, they aren't exactly a rich family. No one would let someone with barely enough money to survive adopt another child.

The Episode "A Case of Ed" takes place after "Your Ed Here".

From what I recall, Kevin was grounded at the beginning of the episode, and considering how infamous "Your Ed here" is among the fanbase for what Kevin did to Eddy, i'd say that being grounded was Kevin's karma.

  • How would Kevin's parents find out what Kevin did? It's unlikely any of the cul-de-sac kids would tell on him.
  • If one of the kids in your neighbourhood humiliated you because of your middle name, wouldn't you tell on him too?
  • Maybe Kevin wasn't grounded for blackmailing Eddy and then revealing his secret even after he did every sick thing Kevin made him do, but because Kevin made Eddy kiss another boy on the lips. If that didn't get him grounded, nothing will.
  • I think he was grounded because his parents found out he constantly commits assault and battery against the Eds.

Sarah has a crush on Eddy, not Double D.
This might seem weird, but hear me out. Although Sarah seems to have a soft spot for Double D (much like the rest of the cul-de-sac seems to, in fact. If they're ever nice to one of the Eds, it's Double D), this hardly ever stops Sarah from punishing Double D along with Ed and Eddy. A couple of episodes imply that Sarah looks up to Nazz- "High-Heeled Ed" being the most prominent example, and Nazz is implied to have a bit of a crush on Double D, so Sarah copies her. Nazz is the nicest to him and she sometimes scolds Kevin for making fun of him, and since Double D is a Nice Guy, it doesn't seem that strange for Sarah, who is younger than him, to misinterpret his politeness. Eddy, on the other hand, is easily the most disliked of the Eds, so Sarah is annoyed that she feels anything for such a social pariah and takes it out on Eddy. A lot of their interaction looks like a pre-teen version of Belligerent Sexual Tension and if the Eds are doing something wrong, Sarah usually shouts at Eddy to get a response from him. (Also in some episodes, Eddy is seen grabbing Sarah or getting up in her face. In the boomerang episode he even picks her up by her jeans and, in her lovey-dovey mode, she responds by hugging him.) The boomerang episode also shows us that, despite the abuse she dishes out to him, Sarah truly does love Ed and just doesn't like showing it. She's arguably just as violent towards Eddy (possibly even moreso), so maybe she expresses it in an incredibly Tsundere manner. Her reaction to Eddy shouting, "I can see your undies!" in "One Of Those Eds" isn't to beat him up- she just blushes and walks away in embarrassment, which is an unusually non-violent reaction for her. She does a flip-animation of Eddy in her secret diary as well,which ends in him being squashed by a brick and even refers to him by an insulting nickname, "Fish Face", which seems a lot of special attention to pay to somebody you allegedly hate.
  • You aren't the only one - there's a few Eddy/Sarah fics out there.

Everybody in this show needs a therapist.
Everybody in this show has some issues (usually related to parents or sibling). They are simply good at hiding it. Eddy's mask was the first one to crack.

Tish is from the same country as Rolf.
Rewatching episodes of The Weekenders - particularly the episode "The Tradition", Tish's weird tradition from "The Old Country" sound a lot like Rolf's, especially the weird, unpronounceable words and obsession with farm animals. Her parents even have the weird manner of speaking that Rolf has- Tish is better at sounding American because she was raised there from when she was very young, whereas Rolf is seen in flashbacks as being a son-of-a-shepherd in the Old Country. Tish's "Nano" even visits her from there, and Nano is a character that Rolf constantly mentions in his anecdotes. Yodelling is also mentioned in Tish's "Momatuche", and Rolf begins yodelling when he is given the Boomerang.

The Eds are the main trio of Aqua Teen Hunger Force
Meatwad = Ed; Frylock = Edd; Shake = Eddy.

Edd's Parents Are Dead
  • My friend actually read this someplace. Apparently there's an idea that Edd is writing the sticky notes himself, and that his parents died long ago, so he writes the notes to himself.
    • Judging by "Cleanliness Is Next To Edness", either Jossed or Edd is very deep in denial.

Eddy's Brother is a Hikikomori
  • It's usually found in people who are around late teens/early twenties. They tend to exhibit obsessive behaviour, which arguably Eddy's Brother shows small signs of in his old bedroom as he is shown to be a Collector of the Strange. His rapid moodswinging in the movie might be explained by this; At first he seems happy enough to see Eddy, then he gets violent rather quickly, so maybe being forced to go outside for reasons that don't directly benefit him is a Berserk Button. We also see him emerge from his trailer wearing sunglasses, despite it being dark inside anyway, so he likely is sensitive to direct sunlight.

Eds don't really care about Kankers' schtick.

In One + One = Ed, Those were not oranges in Rolf's tree.
Think about it, the hallucinations only begin AFTER Rolf throws the orange onto Eddy's head, possibly it was a fruit from his home country that caused hallucinations, and the other two ed's could have obtained some either through ingestion, or getting squirt in the eyes from the orange smashing/squishing from Rolf.

Were it not for the movie, Eddy could have become...
  • A duplicate of his brother. Though he already was a Jerkass, he could have evolved into something much more despicable and start abusing the other kids in the same way he was abused by his brother, possibly even worse.
  • Emo or Goth. The friendship he shares with Ed and Edd may prevent him from ever becoming that bad. Instead, he could have undergone a transformation from Deadpan Snarker to The Eeyore. He just wants to fit in, but nobody understands him.
    • Maybe that's why he has his hair spiked up.
  • Or at the very least, so desperate for attention that he'd be willing to accept humiliation. This was pretty much the only thing that got Eddy noticed by a crowd. There's some bleak hope in this: If Eddy got used to being laughed at, then Kevin and the others would see no more purpose in it, thus they would either befriend him or ignore him completely.

Edd is blond
But that has literally nothing to do with why he wears his hat so obsessively. It's just his hair color.

Edd's hair is very curly
I know VampireMeerkat made an elaborate theory about how Edd has long hair and that's part of the reason why he wears his hat. One of the devs from the show (probably jokingly) said they thought Edd had blond curls for hair, the latter most artists forget.

Eddy isn't named "Edward"
Going off an earlier WMG, Eddy is the only one who's full name hasn't been stated. Ed is "Edward" and Edd is "Eddward".

Eddy and/or his brother is the reason Jimmy is so timid
When Eddy's Brother left the Cul-de-sac, Eddy continued his reign of terror by tormenting Jimmy. Those injuries he recieves offscreen might have been caused by Eddy.
  • Maybe this is why Sarah hates him so much.
    • Speaking of which, she might also have been a victim herself. The reason she has such jerkass traits is because she learned them from Eddy.
      • So Sarah took the opposite approach? Instead of being frightened, like Jimmy, she instead became (in her mind) a Bully Hunter?
      • Exactly what I was thinking.

There will be a spin-off portraying the characters as adults
  • The Eds will live together in an apartment building. The series will depict them in more mature situations than the original show.

Sarah acts like a bitch because of having to deal with an idiotic brother.
  • You'd probably be angry too if you had to share a house with a bumbling idiot. Especially if he happens to be friends with a selfish jerkass who constantly scams you and your peers.

What made her into the Enfante Terrible she is viewed as today? It could be years of having to live with a dimwitted older brother (see above) and Abusive Parents who spoiled her rotten.

Ed's mom was a victim of one of Eddy's Brother's scams.

  • So yeah, Eddy's brother is also responsible for ruining Ed's life.
    • He's basically ruined the lives of every kid in the Cul-De-Sac (directly or otherwise). Eddy, Ed and Kevin were the hardest hit.
      • That doesn't really explain why she'd take things out on Ed.
      • Working out her rage issues brought around by said scam, maybe?
      • So why doesn't she take things out on Sarah, too?

What the kids will be when they grow up
My theories about what the characters of the show will be up to when they become adults.
  • Ed will be a director of sci-fi monster movies, following Danny Antonucci's footsteps.
  • Edd will be a brilliant scientist and inventor of outlandish machines.
  • Eddy will run an amusement park named after himself, complete with rides reminiscent of some of his scams.
  • Sarah and Jimmy will either run a fancy country club or a fashion salon.
  • Kevin will either be a famous sports player or a policeman.
  • Nazz, and her sporty self, could go on to the Olympics.
  • Jonny 2x4 will be locked up in a mental institution somewhere.
  • Rolf will own a farm.
  • The Kankers will raise families of unruly rednecks. At least one will definitely try to marry one of the Eds.

Ed's parents treat him harshly because they didn't know how to deal with a Super-Strong Child.
Ed was shown to be incredibly strong even as a toddler, and as such a young age, he couldn't be adequately reasoned with and bribery would only have worked for a shorter amount of time, or maybe Ed's attention span is too short for a bribe. So they had to use outlandish threats like taking away the stairs or other weird punishments, because they were all they could think of to do to curb Ed's destructive behaviour (having Eddy around probably didn't help). When Sarah was born, they tried a completely different tactic and ended up going the other way of the Emotional Abuse spectrum and turned her into a Spoiled Brat, instead.

The Kankers couldn't bring themselves to rape Eddy's brother in the end.

Eddy's Brother's Freudian Excuse was...
  • His parents. It is possible he thought Eddy was the favourite child, so he regularly torment Eddy out of jealousy. The joy of beating him up soon lead Eddy's Brother to torment the other kids. It could also be that Eddy's parents have a history of abusing their children.
  • Some brute who used to beat on him all the time (mentioned in an above trope).

Eddy and Sarah argue all the time because they are so similar.
As made clear in The Movie, Eddy doesn't actually think very highly of himself at all, and he's fully aware of how the rest of the cul-de-sac see him. I think part of the reason he and Sarah are always at odds is because they see their flaws in each other- both of them are SpoiledBrats with a Hair-Trigger Temper, as well as being very manipulative to get what they want. They also both have issues over being the younger child. It seems plausible that they take out some of their own self-loathing on each other, but they're unaware that that's what they're doing thanks to the more obvious explanation that they're emotional children.

Eddy's Brother represents a darker Eddy who kept his jerkass nature
It can be assumed that in the past, Eddy's brother used to hang out with two guys and regularly tried to gain from the other kids. At some point, they were chased out of town by an angry mob of scam victims. Subsequently this leads to Eddy's brother arguing at his friends who ultimately desert him and go home. In the end, Eddy's brother lands a job at the amusement park, where he has taken out his anger on kids ever since.

Ed's stupidity is due to a brain injury
Here's a bunch of possibilities:
  • It was caused from a birth defect.
  • Or one of his parents gave him such a bashing that it gave him permanent head trauma.
    • This one seems unlikely, since Ed can pull of his own head and not feel pain or have it do much damage at all.
  • Or it could have even been caused by Eddy's Brother.
  • Maybe while testing his own strengh or helping Eddy with one of his scams (possibly the eating-the-television-set scam) as a toddler he accidentally dropped something heavy (like a house) on his head.

The cul-de-sac kids don't really dislike any of the Eds
  • They just act as if they do all because of Kevin. Kevin's got status in the cul-de-sac, as we've seen in some episodes: he's able to impress all of the others with his bike stunts, and he seems like such a cool kid, that all the others want to hang with him... and since he hold contempt towards the Eds, the other kids act as if they do too, but only when around him. Otherwise, notice how the other kids don't even seem to mind the Eds' presence. In fact, Jonny, Rolf, and Nazz in particular even seem to consider them their friends, they rarely ever seem annoyed or bothered by the Eds, and even approach them at times with things to do. But because Kevin is more popular than they are, and the other kids want to be popular too. If Kevin leaves the scene because of the Eds, the others are sure to follow (as evident before). Even so, Kevin seems to only harbour ill feelings towards Ed and Eddy, simply because their quirks and traits annoy him, whereas Double D, arguably the most "normal" one of the three, Kevin is a lot more tolerant of.

The Kankers were secretly working for Eddy's Brother
Bit farfetched but there's a few weird coincidences:

  • When the Eds and the Kankers first met each other in the series the Kankers already seemed to have a pretty good idea of who the Eds were. Sure it's the Kankers but it's a bit weird even for them to have suddenly decided to stalk the Eds given that they've been shown as being boy crazy in general

  • The whole thing with the treasure map left by Eddy's Brother leading directly to the Kankers' trailer. It's a bit too convenient that the treasure happened to be buried directly under their trailer. Not only that but the treasure seemed to have belonged to the Kankers the whole time suggesting it was a set-up from the start.

  • The fact that the Kanker family was mentioned in a page torn out of a Peach Creek history textbook adds the possibility that Eddy's brother found out about the Kankers while researching his own family, and when he enlisted the Kanker sisters as agents, he tore the page out as a way to entice them to move to Peach Creek by proving that their family owned Peach Creek.

This all leads to the possibility that the Kankers were working for Eddy's Brother during the course of the series. When he left Peach Creek for whatever reason he wanted to ensure that Eddy was still miserable even when he wasn't around so he hired the Kankers to assault him on a regular basis (it would possibly explain why Eddy is their most frequent target of the trio). After learning of the other two Eds the Kankers decided to just go after all three in general so no one would catch on.

  • In "Nagged to Edd" it is clearly stated that they just moved in.

As for the events of the movie it's possible that over the time the Kankers actually did start to develop genuine feeling for the Eds and decided to pull a Heel–Face Turn after seeing what Eddy's Brother was really like

Eddy's Brother is the devil
He has spread evil by making jerkasses out of pretty much everyone in the Cul-De-Sac. He has a goatee, possibly hiding horns under his hat.
  • If the series does indeed take place in some sort of purgatory-like setting, then Eddy's Brother would be its ruler. And his trailer would be an entrance to hell.
    • His hat gets knocked off when he's hit with the door in the movie and he has pretty much the same hair/head design as Eddy, right down to the three hairs.

Kevin's treatment to Eddy isn't entirely unjustified
Many of you complain about how he and the other kids humiliate Eddy at times when he hasn't done anything to deserve it ("Your Ed Here", "Smile for the Ed"). The reason behind this is because he actually has. Sometime before these took place, Eddy tortured Kevin offscreen (like shown in "This Won't Hurt an Ed"), and only Kevin's revenge is shown on screen.

The principal and/or staff at Peach Creek Jr. High are mistrustful of Eddy
This explains why they always punish him for things done by others (such as Ed's gravy incident from "All Eds are Off", or Edd impersonating the principal in "Smile for the Ed").
  • Well, yeah. Even Eddy's parents are aware that Eddy is a habitual liar- in Eddy's report card, his teacher even called him a megalomaniac.

Eddy's parents were not abusive towards his brother, or to Eddy, they were just inexperienced.
Because of the age difference, I think it's likely that Eddy's Parents probably had Eddy's Brother when they were very young- possibly highschool sweethearts. While they decided to both keep Bro and get married, they probably didn't have much money to spare, meaning that Eddy's Brother grew up poor and envious of rich kids, which lead to his own obsession with scamming that he later passes on to Eddy. After they got some more money, Eddy was born, causing Eddy's Brother to get jealous of all the stuff his little brother got that he didn't growing up. (Which might be one reason he bullied Eddy so much). After Eddy's Brother left, it's possible that he didn't part on great terms with his parents but felt some obligation to his little brother (he does send Eddy post-cards sometimes). Meanwhile, Eddy's Parents were partially aware of Eddy's Brothers illegal inclinations and decided to try and prevent Eddy from turning out the same way by cutting off contact with his Brother and being less casual about Eddy's rule-breaking than they were with his brother.

The real reason Nazz was called to babysit Eddy...
Is because Eddy's parents cannot trust him if he were left unattended (like what usually happens around the Cul-De-Sac, courtesy of his scams). Nazz is one of the more responsible kids in the neighbourhood, making her a great candidate to keep watchful eyes on Eddy while his parents were away. Double D would have been a good choice, but Eddy rarely listens to him, and his parents may know he would be more focused with Nazz.

There's more truth behind Jimmy's act in "If It Smells Like An Ed"
The wedgie Eddy gave him is only the beginning. The reason Jimmy's revenge plan involved all three Eds is to make up for the infamous scam that broke his teeth.
  • Think about it. This would be scarring for someone like Jimmy in a number of ways; increasing humiliation, maybe preventing him from eating his favorite food.
"My Best Friend Plank" was a song written by an older Johnny.
"My Best Friend Plank" was a song about Plank and how much he means to the singer. It may be odd considering that the singer sounds almost nothing like Johnny. But, this song could've been made by Johnny when he was an adult. Either he still has Plank with him even in adulthood or Plank might've been lost at one point and Johnny made the song as a tribute.

Edd is a Diclonius.
  • Think about it: him having horns under that hat would fit perfectly with Ed and Eddy's reactions whenever his hat came off!
    • Aren't Diclonius a One-Gender Race?
      • There was at least one male in the manga, I think.

Eddy's Brother acted nice before playing Uncle, resulting in Eddy's paranoia.
  • Think about it. In the movie, when they find Eddy's Brother, they share a hug and everything seems happy. Then Bro suggests they play Uncle and Eddy looks like his brother had just told him Christmas was cancelled. What if this was what it was like at home? Which explains quite a few things about certain episodes.
    • Luck of the Ed. When Ed loses Eddy's magizines, Eddy goes ballistic. Ed smiles and says: "The number you are dialing is out of service." Eddy respondes by attaching giant clamps to Ed's face! Jimmy is happily playing in a sandbox the magizines might be in? Eddy throws him out of the playground. Kevin rides by on his bike, minding his own business? Eddy automatically suspects him of trying to steal the magizines. Edd points out this behavior? Eddy accuses him for working for Kevin, then steals his hat and rips Ed's eyebrow off! Jonny is holding the box the magizines were in and smiling about it? Eddy pounces him. Ed happily tells Eddy he hid the magizines in a different spot? Eddy knees him in the groin! It's obvious Eddy has trust issues, but attacking people when they're not even doing anything?!
    • Pick an Ed. Eddy tries to find out who made offensive graffiti about him, so he makes an alter-ego named Carl. But when all the Kids act nice to him, Eddy gets all paranoid that they're out to get him. It's obvious whatever his brother did to him it screwed up his sense of judgement a lot more than we first thought.

Eddy's Brother's Freudian Excuse isn't his's EDDY
If the situation was anything similar to "Scott Tenorman Must Die", Eddy's brother started out as nothing short of a simple bully. In an act of revenge, Eddy did something so heinous that it turned his brother into the sadist we know him as today.

In the movie, the kids sought to kill the Eds.
Just before Eddy's brother appears, Kevin states the Eds will have to "pay with their lives" or something along those lines. And it really seems like the kids intended to murder the Eds and hide their bodies, then say they were killed by an escaped serial killer or a crazy dog.
  • After all, they wouldn't have chased the Eds across vast distances just to beat them up, would they?
    • On the other hand, these are the same kids who once sealed the Eds in concrete for accidentally breaking a window.

The series ended at just the right moment
Imagine Ed, Edd n Eddy's fifth season as the fourth season of SpongeBob. If the series were to keep going, it would come closer and closer to Seasonal Rot. Until the characters get flanderized beyond repair. There would also be an increase in poorly-plotted episodes and Family-Unfriendly Violence. I could see Eddy and Jimmy being subject to Kafka Komedy, and pretty much everyone taking a level in jerkass.

Ed is some kind of hybrid/mutant
At the end of one episode, Ed's allergic reaction to eels suddenly turns him into a half-human/half-fish creature! There's not really any explanation given for this.

Jonny is neglected by his parents
This could very well explain Plank. He couldn't make any real friends or even communicate with his family, so he made himself a companion that couldn't move or talk (at least not to others). This could also explain Jonny's Face–Heel Turn at the end of the movie after the kids rejected him in favor of the Eds.

The title characters grow up to be the Trailer Park Boys
All 3 of them enter a fugue state sometime after/because of the movie and spend the rest of their lives in Nova Scotia.

Eddy has a reason for being meaner at school
Eddy shows to be more of a jerk in Season 5 compared to Seasons 1-4. The reason is most likely because he seems to be the only one who gets punished for things done by either him or others. An example being in "Smile for the Ed", in which Kevin and the kids get off scot-free for harassing Eddy, and Edd gets off scot-free for impersonating the principal - it ends with Eddy taking all the punishment!

Think about it. He's a genius with an extreme case of OCD and the token nerd of the group, among other ticks. His parents are never seen, communicating with him via sticky notes instead. Given Sheldon's aversion to human contact, it's not unlikely that he'd try to raise a child this way- luckily for him, his son's inherited the genius IQs of both parents. The Coopers are never around because of university work, but since they've purchased a suburban home, decided to stick their child in it in anyway- plus it would minimize contact with their offspring. Edd's parents sleep in separate rooms, something the sex-repulsed Sheldon would persuade Amy to do via a marriage agreement. When she's home, Amy is a doting mother. And they both genuinely believe they're giving their son the best childhood possible (Sheldon buys into it more than Amy).

Edd has a big-ass scar on his head.
And a pretty ugly one too. He doesn't want anyone to make fun of him, especially since his hair grew out rather poorly. It's why Eddy said "does it hurt" and Ed thinks it's cool. As for how he got the scar? Maybe it was some sort of major head injury, caused by his parent's negligence. The hair is to make sure no-one figures it out...or maybe it was a total accident and they're being nice by covering it up.

Edd was born under the Astrological sign, Virgo.
Let's look at the evidence: Like Virgos, Edd is super intelligent, a hypochondriac, obsessively organized, withdrawn personality (especially towards his best friends), hypercritical of said friends as well as others, hard-working, level-headed and odd. It makes complete sense.

Eddy's Brother was the one who gave him his Embarrassing Middle Name.
It seems like the kind of thing he'd do- perhaps when Eddy was born, Bro was acting all jealous, so his parents, in an attempt to get him to bond with his new brother, offered to let him pick out another name for Eddy. Eddy's Brother being a troll, gave him the dorkiest one he could think of.

Ed is scared of soap because he associates it with his mother.
The nightmare Ed has indicates he has a subconscious fear of her he doesn't quite understand, probably because of her abusive tendencies. From throwaway lines of dialogue, Ed's mom seems to be a housewife and is obsessed with keeping the house clean, (like his line, "As long as I don't get any on my shoes, Double D! My mom got new carpets!", etc.) I feel like maybe when Ed was younger she either gave him Soap Punishment from swearing he probably picked up from Eddy, or she spent a lot of time aggressively trying to clean him and eventually banishing him to the basement when she couldn't. Sarah, by contrast, seems largely grossed out by dirt and calls the Eds idiots for hosting a scam in a sewer, so she avoided her mom's wrath. Ed being Ed, he doesn't remember or doesn't think to connect soap and his overbearing mom, but it exists in his head and he reacts on instinct when he sees/smells it.

The Eds are responsible for Kevin's baldness
In Every Which Way But Ed, it was shown that Kevin used to have long hair, but barely has any during the present. Maybe one of the Ed's scams caused him to lose it, which is why he hates them so much. After all, we did learn in the same episode that Jimmy wore a retainer because of a failed scam, but we don't know if there were any other scams that carried the same effect.

Johnny was born with Pediatric Hydrocephalus
AKA "Water on the Brain", resulting in neurological impairment and an enlarged skull. This would inform his (repeatedly-mentioned) overly-large head and possible autistic spectrum behavior.

The boomerang in "Hand me Down Ed" doesn't bring out the holder's opposite personality, but rather what they subconsciously want to be.
  • When Jimmy holds it, he becomes muscular and manly; he wishes deep down that he was less of a Butt-Monkey, less feminine and strong enough to defend himself against bullies or anything else that is out to get him.
  • When Sarah holds it, she becomes all-loving and a Cuddle Bug; she wishes deep down to be more caring towards the Eds, especially Ed, but doesn't know how to express it.
  • Rolf...I'm not sure. He sings, maybe he deep down wants to pursue a singing career and not work at a farm?
  • Ed becomes an intellectual and a critic; he wishes deep down to be more intelligent and observant.
  • Eddy becomes motherly; he wishes deep down that he was less self-centered and more caring/concerning towards others.
  • Edd becomes...stripper-iffic; he wishes deep down that he was less neurotic and uptight, and instead more laid-back and carefree.
    • That only leaves out Kevin, Nazz, and the Kankers. What if they were to touch the boomerang as well?
    • Kevin: He yearns for acceptance similar to Eddy, but he remains popular by constantly bullying the Eds. Would likely make him much more soft-spoken and compassionate, almost therapist-like.
    • Nazz: She's already pretty true to herself, so might not even affect her. Unless it really does just flip your personality, then it would probably make her extremely loud and violent, similar to Sarah's normal personality.
    • The Kankers: As shown in the Reverse Psychology episode and the movie, their clingy obsessiveness over the Eds isn't so much genuine as it is the only way they know how to interact with them. The boomerang could very much make them "normal," at least in portraying how they care for the Eds.

The Kankers will be into BDSM when they're grown up, and will force the Eds into being their submissives.
  • Now, I'm fully aware that most people practicing BDSM are neither sadists or forceful like the Kankers. I just got this idea from "A Twist of Ed" wherein the Eds fire their weapons back at them by pursuing them. Instead of accepting their affection, the Kankers flee, because they're no longer in control. They want to be the Dommes in their respective relationships, but since they're preteens, they won't realize it until they're old enough. That's also why the things they do now that resemble bondage (like in "Ed Overboard") isn't overly sexual in nature.

The Kankers do genuinely love the Eds, but don't know how to express it in a healthy way
  • From what we've seen about the Kankers' family life, it's doubtful they have any positive examples of relationships; their mother is implied to have had very bad relationships with men, as seen by the fact the girls have three different fathers and their mother's negative comments about men. Having only their mother's relationships as references, they are afraid to give themselves entirely in a relationship for fear they will get hurt. So, when they develop crushes on the Eds, they try to protect themselves by being the dominant/aggressive ones in the relationship, basically hurting the Eds before they can hurt them. They didn't think this way at first, as we see in Nagged to Ed, but after seeing the Eds take advantage of them, they realize they'd have to be that way lest they become their mother. That also explains why they were so freaked out when he Eds were using reverse psychology on them; the Eds were becoming, to them, like the men that had hurt their mother and they had to resist that.

Edd has (rather severe) psoriasis or eczema on his scalp
  • Hence the hat. Ed would think it's cool (scaly patches and all that) and people do typically ask if it hurts like Eddy did (it doesn't typically. It just itches for the most part).

Ed's Mom was a victim of child abuse herself
  • Back when she was a child, her father treated her and her sister (Ed's aunt mentioned in Mission Ed-Possible) like dirt while enabling her brother's (Who was a lot like Ed himself) stupid actions.
  • At one point when she attempted to call out her dad for the way she treated her, he punished her by making her sleep in the basement making sure to remove the stairs as well.
  • She later vowed that if she gave birth to any children, the females would be treated better than the males.
  • The fact that Ed reminded her of her brother combined with the way her father treated her is why she treats Ed like trash while spoiling Sarah.

The entire series takes place within the mind of Dale Cooper from Twin Peaks.
In an episode, Dale says, “This morning, I will practice an extra 20 minutes of yogic discipline, after which the pain is banished to a cul-de-sac in a remote suburb of my conscious mind.” The cul-de-sac and the characters who live in it actually represent Agent Cooper's pain. Johnny and Plank are actually Dale's mind's version of the Log Lady.

Rolf's old country is in Eastern Europe or the Balkans
From what we've heard of his country, it appears to be a agrarian society, and many countries in that region are rural and the people lead lives in agriculture. Plus, Rolf's name, accent and skintone seem to be in line with people from that region.

There were always other people in the school
They aren't seen by the viewer, but the characters can see them.

The game Infected-ed is a fantasy that Ed is having while recovering from eating an expired jawbreaker.

Kevin ships Eddy and Double D
Making Eddy kiss Edd in "Your Ed Here" was more than just payback on Kevin's part.

Nazz is Casey Becker's section in heaven
Same hair style, same pleasant personality, same high status among practically every boy she ever met, even a very similar voice.

Rolf actually had a parent around during the day
While most parents are at work Rolf makes consistent references and calls to his Nana. It's possible she was home all along, but was too old to be on-screen. Hence Rolf shown actually doing his daily farmwork, as well as jobs for his Nana when episodes call for it.

Kevin in "A Case of Ed" got grounded for his actions in "Your Ed Here''
Since Kevin didn't receive any consequences in "Your Ed Here", that would be made up by the fact that he gets grounded in "A Case of Ed". When Kevin's parents found out that he humiliated Eddy in front of the children, they punished him as a result. That's also why he was absent in both segments of "Thick As an Ed/Sorry, Wrong Ed".

May Kanker is a Distaff Counterpart to Double D, not Ed
Even if May is usually paired with Ed and Double D with Marie, they have much more in common with each other than either of them with Ed or Marie. Even the writers noticed that and it's the reason why become a couple in the Valentine's Day special, changing the usual pairings.
  • Both are the outsider and the "individual" member of their trio who contrast with the other Those Two Guys (Ed and Eddy) and Those Two Girls (Lee and Marie).
  • Both are the nicest and the Token Good Teammate of their respective trio, and often picked on by the other two meaner members.
  • Both are the smartest of their repective trio, and the only ones with academic interests. They bond over their chemistry knowledge. Ed and Eddy, just like Lee and Marie all hate school and have no interest in academics.
  • Both are naive and gullible. May is not actually stupid (Ed is), just extremely naive and prone to fall for Lee and Marie's tricks and pranks, just like it happens very often with Double D when Ed and Eddy pull pranks on him. Their innocence also helps them being easily tricked by their more devious companions. Being both book-smart, May and Double D are actually both the same type of Ditzy Genius.
  • Both are the submissive Extreme Doormat of their trio, and they have two companions who dominate over them.
  • Both are the most sensitive and romantic members of their trio. Ed has no interest in romance and thinks Girls Have Cooties, while Marie is just sexually aggressive and never shows a real sensitive, romantic side like May did. Double D is also more romantic than Ed and Eddy, and at the end of Eddy's Hanky Panky Hullabaloo he smiles dreamily while looking at the card that May gave him earlier.

Rolf is wary among Russians and Germans.
Mainly because as a child, he heard stories about how the Old Country was conquered by Nazi Germany and the Soviet Union respectively.

The kids secretly like the Eds' scams.
While the kids act like the Eds' scams are the bane of their existence and beat them up for scams gone haywire, the truth is, they actually welcome said scams. Why? The scams keep things interesting, and they also like seeing what kind of amazing contraptions Double D comes up with. Without the Eds trying to scam them on a daily basis, their lives would quickly become boring, and on the days the Eds aren't scamming, they try to get a rise out of them specifically to alleviate their boredom and spur them into action making a new scam or a revenge scheme to brighten their day.

Kevin is the son of Billy Jessup, the bully from Jumanji.

In addition to the above theory, Kevin is a descendant of Micah Bell from Red Dead Redemption II.

Rolf is from Rhaetia
The Rhaetians were a group around Tyrol, their language wasn't related to any modern language except maybe Basque, but Tyrol was the homeland of the Tyrsenian language family which also spread to other parts of Europe. Etruscan and Lemnian were also Tyrsenian languages but there were propably other Tyrsenian languages around, meaning they could perhaps have survived. If Rhaetia survives in the Alps by becoming its own country and defending itself, it would have influences from Germany and Italy while still being their own thing and being somewhat weird in comparison to the other countries, like the Old Country would be, also Rhaetia is very old being a pre-indoeuropean culture and language.

Johnny and Plank saving Jimmy from the Kankers was an instance of Because You Were Nice to Me
In "Dear Ed" after Johnny and Plank split, Jimmy kindly took Plank to his house and even tried to spend some quality time with him. At the end of the episode Johhny and Plank got together again and really appreciated what Jimmy did. In "For the Ed, by thy Ed", when Johnny was pretending Plank was a superhero and they saw Jimmy being harrased by the Kankers, they both saw this as an opportunity to return the favour and so Plank gave the Kankers a No-Holds-Barred Beatdown.

Eddy's brother is a born sociopath.
I honestly do not believe Eddy's parents were so abusive that bro would've turned out this bad. Word of God says he is such a Glass Cannon, because he never received serious pain until the movie. I don't think he suffered any physical or emotional pain that would be bad enough in order to be considered a Freudian Excuse for such a vile character. Their father is implied to be a car salesman and he might be cunning sue to the stereotype, but it's heavily implied he isn't heartless. My guess is, bro was born with Lack of Empathy, because otherwise he would've been a Jerk with a Heart of Gold at worst.

Jimmy is a vegetarian.
In the episode where Eddy tries to turn him into a Sumo Wrestler, he turns his nose up at a pile of meat, calling it slop, and instead fattens up on peaches and cream.
  • Jossed; he's shown eating meat in other episodes. He probably just didn't want to eat a random pile of raw meat.

Jonny is Buster from Snotrocket
A cartoon pilot from Danny Antonucci himself released in 2017, Snotrocket basically followed a boy with an overactive imagination and his dog named Butch who received the brunt of it all. Buster's parents also left Butch in charge of watching their son and ended up punishing him for what Buster did. Buster, with his bald, bulbous head, looks like a splitting image of Jonny. Butch could also talk and walk upright, but I believe that was also part of Buster's imagination.

In reality, Buster was a victim of Parental Neglect whose only companion was his dog. One day, his parents made the move to Peach Creek, doing away with Butch in the process. Now totally abandoned, Buster decided to befriend a random hunk of wood and change his name. Really, who would have 2x4 as a last name?

The kids (minus Jimmy and Sarah) are 7th graders.
In the episode "Cool Hand Ed", the kids are seen taking the fitness test. Where I am from, we do the fitness test in 5th grade (Elementary School), 7th grade (Middle School), and 9th grade (High School). However, there are many cases that 4th, 6th, and 8th graders also do the fitness tests.
  • In 6th grade, my Language Arts teacher (GenEd 4th grade) had us work in pairs for the fitness exam. However, I would be at Math when my classmates take the test. At the end of the year assembly, the 4th grade teachers also recognize the students that met all the requirements in said exam (cardio, flexibility, sit-ups, push-ups, trunk lift, and body composition) in conjunction with the 5th grade classes that took and passed the actual exam.
  • In my middle school, the 6th graders now do the fitness exam with their 7th grade classmates. This means that throughout the 3-year middle school experience (grades 6-8), we should expect the fitness test every Spring because of our 7th grade classmates. I took the fitness exam (again) in 8th grade for that same reason.

The Eds would continue making scams after the events of "Big Picture Show"
Going with an above theory, the kids secretly like many of the scams because they make the cul-de-sac more fun. So the Eds decided to keep doing them, but instead of money being the main priority, these new "scams" are mostly for entertainment (think Phineas and Ferb). Double D also takes bigger steps to ensure less destruction, and thus more profit, comes out of them. And instead of just spending the money on jawbreakers, the Eds may use some of it for charity or other noble purposes. Really these aren't so much scams as they are wacky gimmicks.
