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The Nightmares/The Gang

    In General 
  • Accessory-Wearing Cartoon Animal: The majority of them have some accessory they wear from their old pizzeria days.
  • Alliterative Name: Freddy Fazbear, Bonnie, Bunny, Chica Chicken, Foxy and Fianna Fox are all alliterative.
  • All-Loving Hero: The Nightmares adore all children and their fellow animatronic friends as well as a select few humans such as The Nightguards and previous visitors of the restaurant. They're also a lot less hostile regarding adults.
  • Angry Animalistic Growl: Being animal robots, they're all capable of this when threatened or enraged.
  • Badass Adorable: The Small Ones (B.B., J.J., Goldie, Plushtrap) are all Fun Size children who are nonetheless just as dangerous as the others. Carl Cupcake (Chica's cupcake) and Mini-Head (the endo head on Mangle's shoulder) as well, albeit not as much in part due to being the size of a plushie.
  • Beautiful Singing Voice: Natch as they're meant to sing and perform. Even with age and wear & tear, they still sounds great.
  • Beneath the Mask: All of The Nightmares are deeply traumatized and broken from the tragedies plaguing their past.
  • Berserk Button: Freddy can't stand being touched and Chica will riot should someone call her a duck. The endoskeletons play a more subdued variant of this; both getting peeved on the outside and overly enraged on the inside when others don't tell them about electrical or robotic issues.
  • Beware the Nice Ones: For your own safety, do not underestimate them as the weapons they carry, no matter how silly, are absolutely not for show.
  • Brother–Sister Team: B.B. and J.J. are brother and sister always team up on plans or to work on something.
  • Children Are Tender-Hearted: The Small Ones are quite empathetic to the plight of small animals and such.
  • Cool Old Guy: They're chronological ages range from 24 to 58 as of 2014 and all of them are cool: performing daily for people, being skilled fighters and finding, fighting off and murdering the man who ruined their lives, not to mention rebuilding their lives quite literally from the ground up.
  • Coordinated Clothes: Endo 01 and Endo 02 both wear clothes of similar style and color, the only difference being shade and designs.
  • Creepy Awesome: In-universe, this is the modern appeal of The Nightmares, much to their confusion and concern.
  • Creepy Good: They're the rebuilt animatronics that once housed dead children yet they're firmly on the side of good.
  • Deadpan Snarker: Endo 02 primarily but all of them are able to dish out the sarcasm from time to time, most notably Endo 01.
  • Determinator: The Nightmares will stop at nothing to achieve their goals regardless of the scrap they must wade through to get it.
  • Fish out of Temporal Water: All of The Nightmares were decommissioned before the turn of the millennium, leaving all of them less than adept and knowledgeable with modern technology such as phones, computers and email.
  • Foolish Sibling, Responsible Sibling: Downplayed with Endo 01 and Endo 02. Endo 01 is the mostly-responsible while Endo 02 is slightly foolish. They sometimes trade off with one another though.
  • Forced into Evil: Downplayed example. They never really wanted to commit murder after murder or doom their restaurant, but were so guilt-ridden and determined to set the Missing Children free that they did so anyway. They acknowledge that they still willingly went along with it, even if their paws had been forced in the beginning.
  • Free-Range Children: The Small Ones regularly run free around town without much worry from the others. Justified as they're technically all adults
  • Friend to All Children: The Nightmares adore children with their very sparks and do their best to get along with the new generation of kids visiting their establishment.
  • Fully-Dressed Cartoon Animal: Unlike the rest of the animatronics, The Nightmares wear full attire. Originally it was to cover up the damage done to what remained of their bodies and suits but now they do it for fun. Their holiday clothes show them eschewing shoes and socks however and only their regular wear has them fully dressed.
  • Glowing Eyes: Their eyes have lights inside so they glow at all times, most notable when in a dark room. Can become Glowing Eyes of Doom if they're ticked off however.
  • Hair of Gold, Heart of Gold: Chica, Springtrap, Goldie and Plushtrap are all golden-yellow (or were) and are genuinely good and nice people.
  • Haunted Technology: Walking, talking, sentient machines brought to life by ghosts. Sure the ghosts don't pilot their bodies, but the tech is permanently tainted.
  • Heel–Face Turn: Villains and murderers they are no longer. Now that the children have been freed, their main goal is to rebuild what they lost and repair the damage that was done and what they damage they did.
  • Hostile Animatronics: They used to be as they willingly stuffed Nightguards in suits. They're much calmer and passive towards people but they are not afraid to hack, slash and tear apart threats towards them or their loved ones. On a less bloody note, getting on their bad side is ill-advised as they will not hesitate to put troublemakers in their place or take swift action against jerks in their pizzeria. Woe betide anyone who harms children however as they will receive the above punishment and then some.
  • Human Furniture Is a Pain in the Tail: Many of them have tails that do not make for easy sitting on chairs. Made worse for Endo 02 as his tail is too long for his body and drags on the floor.
  • Improbable Weapon User: All of The Nightmares used improvised weapons sans Marionette.
  • Innocently Insensitive: Because of their lack of genuine social interaction and outdated selves, they can cause slight offense from time to time. For the most part, they're usually quite tactful.
  • In-Series Nickname: Almost everyone calls Balloon Boy, Balloon Girl and Freddybear "B.B.", "J.J." and "Goldie".
  • Kid-Appeal Character: The Small Ones all count as such in-universe with their cheerful personalities, cute designs and colorful palettes.
  • Kiddie Kid: Goldie, Plushtrap, B.B. and J.J. usually act around 12-years-old or even older (see Most Writers Are Adults below) however they also enjoy incredibly childlike things such as
  • Kids Driving Cars:
  • Large Ham: Minus Endo 02, all of them can pull off some truly hammy acts. Mangle takes the cake however.
  • Lean and Mean: Downplayed. The Nightmares are slimmer than their canon counterparts in part due to the fire and forced rebuilding of their suits and though majority of the time friendly and amiable, they can be mean and deadly when they want to be.
  • MacGyvering: All of The Nightmares are resourceful and and love to create random things or weapons out of whatever they find. Chica has been explicitly described with this as one of her skills.
  • Most Writers Are Adults: The Small Ones all act fairly mature and have an expansive knowledge on subjects like mortality. Justified as The Small Ones are decades old.
  • My God, What Have I Done?: They are fully aware of the blood on their paws and it is one of their biggest regrets. The other is their inablity to save the Missing Children from their deaths.
  • Nightmare Fetishist: They're quite fascinated by scary stuff and are completely unfazed by things such as gore. Justified as they have been practically Conditioned to Accept Horror as a result of their traumatic pasts and their childlike curiosity would drive them to find such things interesting.
  • Nightmare Fuel Station Attendant: They can all be incredibly creepy without meaning too, usually by saying too much or getting too close and personal. Their appearances are mostly fixed for the most part but they're still somewhat horrifying in looks. Taken further with Endo 02's perpetual monotony as he scares his own friends.
  • Non-Indicative Name: The Nightmares are not actual nightmares nor are they their nightmare variants from Five Nights at Freddy's 4.
  • No Social Skills: Given that they are robots who are programmed to interact and haven't had genuine interactions with humans until recently, their social skills can be quite lacking at times. With each other, they're great, but with others, issues can arise quite quickly.
  • Ominous Music Box Tune: Freddy has "Toreador March" and Marionette has "My Grandfather's Clock".
  • One of the Boys: Chica, Mangle and Marionette are all more than happy to hang out with the guys at all times.
  • Photographic Memory: A near literal example being that their memories are recorded and stored in video files which they backup and save. This means they remember everything and no matter how much they want to, they cannot forget anything unless it is deleted entirely from their systems.
  • Power Trio: In-Universe, Freddy, Bonnie and Chica make up the three center protagonists of Fazbear media. In reality, it's more even coverage of all the characters though the power trio dynamic does remain.
  • Pragmatic Hero: All of them are willing to fight dirty if they need to. Given that their enemy is a child murderer with zero sorts of morals, qualms and so on, it makes sense.
  • Prehensile Tail: Foxy, Mangle and Endo 02 all have these however they're somewhat limited by the mechanical nature of their tails.
  • Rascally Rabbit: The Bunnies love to be mischievous and trolly.
  • Red Oni, Blue Oni: Freddy is excitable and joyful while reserved and meticulous in battle. Bonnie is calm and collected while hyper and eager in combat.
  • Ridiculously Human Robots: They behave exactly like humans with emotions, thoughts and full capabilities of speech without prerecorded lines or anything.
  • Righteous Rabbit: All of the Bunnies are noble and good-sparked in nature. This does not mean they are soft or easy to push around however.
  • Sensitive Guy and Manly Man: The lavender-colored Bonnie is calm, mature and relaxed while the red-colored Foxy is Hot-Blooded and energetic.
  • Shell-Shocked Veteran: All of them are suffering severely after the decades of trauma they've been forced to endure, turning them into the ruthless fighters and leaving them all suffering silently. The mere mention of Purple Guy puts them on edge and when they finally kill him, all 13 lose whatever composure they had, rushing forth and beating the bolts out of his body until he's at best, a pile of sludge on the ground forced to die a brutally slow death at the enraged paws of his victims.
  • Sibling Team: B.B. and J.J. are brother and sister and team up to work on projects and pranks whenever possible.
  • Signature Sound Effect: Several of them have one or two.
    • Freddy has his laughter and Toreador March music box jingle.
    • Bonnie and Chica's eerie groaning sound as if in pain.
    • Foxy has his "dum dum dum" singing and Mangle has her radio static.
    • Marionette has My Grandfather's Clock and Pop Goes the Weasel.
    • Springtrap has the sound of his springlocks snapping back in place.
  • Signature Team Transport: The Nightmares employ use of a T-Bird from 1964.
  • Southern-Fried Genius: Mangle and the Skeletons are all fairly well-versed in mechanics and electrical engineering.
  • Tell Me How You Fight: The Nightmares each have a specific way they fight. In general, they all use similar tactics of stealth to get in close before going in for hard-hitting attacks and prioritizing speed, stealth and heavy hits. Occasionally they use Teleport Spam as well and other times will forego stealth entirely and use brutality and force to destroy their enemies with a neverending barrage of attacks from all sides. They're also incredibly good at dodging and playing the enemy, luring them to chase before getting the high ground and viciously destroying their opponent.
    • Freddy and Bonnie both fight head on with sweeping attacks. Freddy is sneaky and slower to move which is why he stays on his toes and constantly dodges and evades attacks. He prefers methodical hits and utilizes his weapon as a sword and staff whereas Bonnie uses his guitar as a club or axe to kite is opponents with heavy hits. Movement-wise, Bonnie is fast and limber, quick on his paws and loves to use Teleport Spam to dodge enemies.
    • Chica is slower to react but more determined to land hits, constantly levying assaults on a target before rushing off to dodge. She is the most skilled at Macgyvering and is able to scramble up anything to use offensively if needed.
    • Foxy prioritizes stealth and speed, sneaking about for the right moment to sprint and cause as much possible damage as he can in as few hits as possible. Mangle does similar by surveying and targeting from above before swinging down and delivering rapid hits at close range when she gets the chance. Both also employ a sort of Confusion Fu by using their speed and mobility (ground for Foxy, air for Mangle) to confuse opponents with rapid movements all over the room.
    • Marionette fights with elegance and grace in her moves. She's light on her (lack of) feet and moves with haste across the ground to slash and slice enemies, aiming for the most vital areas. She focusing on dodging first and hitting second as she isn't physically built to take hits like the rest (being made of cloth does that to you) and if she's able to use her powers, she does to give herself the advantage.
    • Endo 01 and Endo 02 both fight up close with stealthy observation of their foes before going in for the kill. Both get up personal with their victims but also try and maintain just enough distance for an easy escape via teleportation. Endo 01 uses his knowledge of machines to deliver effective stabs and rip out internal machinery once he has an in while Endo 02 prefers to shock enemies, stunning them in place so he can tear out more components with his bare paws. Endo 01 likes to switch his tools mid-fight, using his Screwdriver, a circular saw and welder to do damage, staying close and personal. Endo 02 likes to climb and get the drop on enemies, running up walls to juke out foes and run them through with his blade.
    • Springtrap prefers to avoid combat but if he must, he will go in lighter aflame and ignite all his foes with sweeping, rapid swipes and limber movement to keep them chasing and confused. He's the only one to use ranged attacks by creating flamethrowers with his lighter.
    • The Small Ones all utilize guerilla warfare in fights to make up for their small sizes and weaker attacks. Their hits are hard, heavy and rapid with little time to react, employing use of Death by a Thousand Cuts.
  • The Fettered: They used to be The Unfettered but now all abide by a strict moral code for fighting Afton's forces.
  • The Friendly Texan: They're all from Texas and are the friendliest and loveliest robots you'll ever meet. Just don't get on their bad side.
  • Theme Twin Naming: A very literal example for the Skeleton twins, both sharing the same name and only having a different number to differentiate between the two.
  • The Tell: If their eyes turn black with a singular white pinprick light (or in Marionete's case, the white pupils disappear entirely) then congrats, you've just enraged them all.
  • Trademark Favorite Food: Bonnie loves carrots and Chica loves cupcakes. Ironic as neither can't eat.
  • Tragic Monster: Monsters they once were, the reason behind it is pure tragedy, having failed to save the one group of people they truly cared for.
  • Weapon-Based Characterization: The Nightmares use mêlée improvised weaponry requiring them to get up close and in your face to be effective, similar to their canon counterparts' game mechanics.
    • Lead singer Freddy has his imposing microphone stand as a staff.
    • Guitarist Bonnie uses his guitar to smash his enemies.
    • Resident chef Chica uses a pizza peel made of cast iron.
    • True to pirates, Foxy uses a cutlass.
    • As the Wrench Wench of the group, Mangle uses a spanner as her weapon.
    • Marionette is a Lady of War and fittingly fights with a katana.
    • Endo 01 is the designated mechanic-medic of the others and so his weapon is a screwdriver.
    • Endo 02 is the only morally off character (and a yandere) who is proficient in wielding a kitchen knife.
    • Springtrap uses a lighter with a long handle, fitting in with his unwilling-to-do-harm personality unless pushed to do so, in which case he lets loose until the threat is finished. The lighter demonstrates this as it is fairly ineffective in mêlée combat and requires some form of ignition (lighter fluid, gasoline etc.) to actually cause any lasting damage. Just like how Springtrap isn't all that great in combat but with the right form of ignition, he can let loose and dish out danger.
    • B.B. the balloon-maker uses a tank of helium while J.J. uses a sign to beat the enemy into scrap.
    • Goldie, a builder with his brother Plushtrap, slugs the enemy with a hammer.
    • Plushtrap, being antisocial and introverted, is the only ranged fighter, using a slingshot to dish out destruction.
  • Weapon Specialization:
    • Freddy = The Microphone Stand
    • Bonnie = The Guitar
    • Chica = The Long-Handled Pizza Peel
    • Foxy = The Cutlass
    • Mangle = The Wrench
    • Marionette = The Katana
    • Endo 01 = The Screwdriver (occasionally The Circular Saw)
    • Endo 02 = The Burnt Knife
    • Springtrap = The Long-Handled
    • B.B. = The Helium Tank
    • J.J. = The "BALLOONS" Sign
    • Goldie = The Hammer
    • Plushtrap = The Slingshot

    Freddy Fazbear 

Freddy Fazbear
Are you ready for Freddy?
Character: Freddy Fazbear
Location: Freddy & Friends Pizzeria (currently), Freddy Fazbear's Pizza (formerly)
Chronological Age: 44 (1970)
Sentient Age: 27 (1987)
Mental Age: 6-16-20
General Age: 24 (1990)
Voice Claim: Kellen Goff but slightly more southern and slightly younger
The leader of the group and lead singer. He’s a cheerful bear with a happy and joyful streak though can be firm and serious when necessary, though he’s quite the ditz at times. He’s a happy bear who strives to help and assist all he can while doing his best to atone for the sins of the past. He looks back on his own mistakes with disgust and sadness, and he does what he can to make up for it all. He’s protective of children like the rest and has no issue with taking someone or something down regardless of the risk if those he cares for are in danger.
  • Accessory-Wearing Cartoon Animal: No matter how much time goes by, he will always be found wearing his tophat, bowtie and buttons.
  • Alliterative Name: Freddy Fazbear
  • Baritone of Strength: His voice is fairly deep and he is awesome with skills in combat and management.
  • Bears Are Bad News: He's 6ft of pure, metal bear and if he's given a reason to harm he will do so without mercy.
  • Beary Friendly: Freddy is an absolute gem to be around with southern politeness and an amiable personality.
  • Berserk Button: He does not like being touched or mishandled. Careless handling of his internal systems sets him off as well. He doesn't like his nose being honked either but he puts up with it for the kids.
  • Cry Laughing: Despite no longer having a ghost haunting him, his laugh has been permanently corrupted into this.
  • Ditzy Genius: He can be a bit ditzy from time to time and is a little spacey occasionally.
  • Hates Being Touched: Freddy does not like being touched as evidenced by Rule 6: "Don't touch Freddy". He can tolerate a pawshake  but a hug will send him running.
  • Innocent Blue Eyes: His eyes are bright blue and he is one the more innocent animatronics with youthful joy reminiscent of a young child. Veers into Creepy Blue Eyes if he's angered.
  • Leitmotif: The Ominous Music Box Tune version of Toreador March.
  • Martial Arts Staff: He uses his microphone stand as one and as a sword to fence sometimes.
  • The Confidant: He acts as one for Bonnie, being there for the bunny to vent to or talk to whenever.
  • The Leader: He is The Face of the franchise after it removed Fredbear and he leads The Nightmares.
  • The Pollyanna: He tends to hold an optimistic outlook on things; even at his most jaded, he still remains hopeful.

    Bonnie Bunny 

Bonnie Bunny
Run rabbit run, rabbit run run run
Character: Bonnie the Bunny
Location: Freddy & Friends Pizzeria (currently), Freddy Fazbear's Pizza (formerly)
Chronological Age: 44 (1970)
Sentient Age: 27 (1987)
Mental Age: 4-10-20
General Age: 24 (1990)
Voice Claim: Hans Yunda but higher pitched and without the Spanish accent
Bonnie is jovial, funny and VERY energetic and the lead guitarist. He’s always on the go with a smiling grin and chill attitude to boot while being light and quick on his feet. Bonnie’s a master of teleportation who loves to get up and go and rarely stays still and holds a dislike of confinement. He loves his guitar almost like a pet but won't EVER hesitate to hit someone with it if he has to and is ready and willing to put himself in danger to help others. He’s a curious bunny who’s always wondering what's up with the others and has a childish crush on Chica, though he won’t tell her.
  • Accessory-Wearing Cartoon Animal: Still wears his red bowtie.
  • Alliterative Name: Bonnie Bunny
  • Gender-Blender Name: Has a girl's name, is a boy.
  • Hair-Raising Hare: Though a good guy who no longer has jumpscaring as a day (night?) job, he can be and is still fully capable of scaring others and being intimidating.
  • Keet: Subversion of sorts. Bonnie has a lot of energy and he loves to run and hop around, disliking confinement or being forced to stand still. His personality however is very chill and relaxed.
  • Leeroy Jenkins: Played with. He'll listen to the plan, then rush in like a berserker with his guitar swinging. He'll also follow the plan, but to the most manic letter possible.
  • Let's Get Dangerous!: If he is pushed to violence outside of combat situations, he will not hold back with whatever he does next whether it's a stern lecture or brutal beatdown.
  • Mellow Fellow: Bonnie's bio describes him as being chill and relaxed in personality.
  • Nice Guy: He's the most mentally sound one there and is a plain nice bunny to be around.
  • Number Two: He is Freddy's right-paw 'tronic, serving as the down-to-Earth voice needed for plans and the sane voice if things are getting crazy.
  • Purple Is Powerful: Well, lavender is powerful.
  • Rascally Rabbit: He loves to pull pranks on the odd occasion though nowhere nearly as frequently as Goldie.
  • Red Eyes, Take Warning: His eyes are a pinkish-red and you do not want to meet the business end of his guitar.
  • Righteous Rabbit: A tall lavender rabbit who has and always will stand with Freddy on the side of good now.
  • Signature Instrument: His red, electric guitar which he loves to bludgeon foes with.
  • Sophisticated as Hell: Bonnie has a much more articulate manner of speech but he has no issue with using informal speech whenever he's talking.
  • Super-Persistent Predator: Like in canon, if Bonnie wants to do you harm, he will try and try and try again without fail. However, he gives up somewhat quicker compared to Chica.
  • Teleportation: While all of the animatronics can teleport, Bonnie puts it to use the most.
  • The Confidant: He acts as one for Freddy to confide in and get advice or just vent.
  • The Lancer: He's the calmer, grounded and realistic 2nd-in-command to Freddy and is a lifelong pal.
  • The Power of Rock: Bonnie's the lead guitarist and he can certainly use his instrument to cause harm.

    Chica Chicken 

Chica Chicken
Now flap your arms and swing your partner
Character: Chica the Chicken
Location: Freddy & Friends Pizzeria (currently), Freddy Fazbear's Pizza (formerly)
Chronological Age: 44 (1970)
Sentient Age: 27 (1987)
Mental Age: 5-15-20
General Age: 24 (1990)
Voice Claim: ???
Chica is the living description of a Texan-accented genki girl and backup singer. She’s cheerful, excitable and an energetic chicken who loves food, cooking and baking treats for the children. She’s everyone's best friend and confidant, as she’s the only one to know Foxy’s secret, not to mention his best friend out of them all with their matching accents and common love of the My Little Pony franchise. Chica is fun-loving and usually joyful, but calling her a duck is one way to trigger her anger and it’s best to avoid insulting and/or harming the ones she cares for lest you suffer her wrath. She’s an avid fanfiction reader and will read it whenever given the chance to at any time of day.
  • Accessory-Wearing Cartoon Animal: She still has her bib from the 70s and is never seen without it.
  • Alliterative Name: Chica Chicken
  • Berserk Button: Calling her a duck is the easiest way to earn her ire.
  • Big Eater: Subverted. She's portrayed as such in the cartoons and acted this way during the pizzeria days but since she can't eat, she's nothing of the sort in real life.
  • Bilingual Bonus: Her name is Spanish for "girl" and she's the only girl in the main four (Freddy, Bonnie, Chica, Foxy). It also sounds similar to "chick" or "chicken".
  • Catchphrase: The franchise claims it's "Let's eat!" Her actual one "Sweet Henry".
  • Determinator: She's slightly more persistent in targeting someone just like in the games.
  • Feathered Fiend: If you tick her off she will certainly become one.
  • Genki Girl: As stated in her bio, she is a gigantic one and rarely does anything succeed in curbing her energy and enthusiasm.
  • Gratuitous Spanish: She's fully fluent in Spanish thanks to being possessed by a Spanish girl and being programmed with a word bank of Spanish. She likes to use it occasionally or when she's angry.
  • Hot-Blooded: She is joyful, passionate and excitable about everything, not to mention incredibly tough and absolutely not to be messed with.
  • Secret-Keeper: Chica's the only one aware of Foxy's heterochromia.
  • Super-Persistent Predator: Like her canon self, once she's going, she will not let up at all and tends to stick around a little longer than Bonnie.
  • Supreme Chef: Chica is the best cook out there and it's her favorite thing to do.
  • Sweet Tooth: Ironic since she can't eat, but her favorite food is cupcakes and she loves to bake sweet foods.
  • Team Chef: She is the main cook for the restaurant.
  • The Confidant: She acts as one for Foxy, being the only animatronic he can trust.
  • The Glorious War of Sisterly Rivalry: She and T.C. have hated each other since the 80s and continue to as of 2014.


Foxy "the Pirate" Fox
Do what you want 'cause a pirate is free, you are a pirate
Character: Foxy the Pirate
Location: Freddy & Friends Pizzeria (currently), Freddy Fazbear's Pizza (formerly)
Chronological Age: 44 (1970)
Sentient Age: 27 (1987)
Mental Age: 9-16-24
General Age: 24 (1990)
Voice Claim: ???
Foxy is a fiery, energetic and adventurous pirate and the secondary guitarist. On the outside, he’s a passionate captain with a love for the seas, storytelling and a spark for adventure and glory. Underneath however, he’s a mysterious fox with a depressed nature, having endured years of mockery, scorn and loneliness that drives his desire to fake how he feels so others can smile. though will occasionally open up to Chica as he considers her his best friend. Foxy considers Mangle his sister and the two often team up for schemes and to help each other whenever needed. He’s also very protective of her (and the rest) and will draw weapons and fight whoever poses a threat to them.
  • Accessory-Wearing Cartoon Animal: Foxy proudly sports his eyepatch and hook from before. He still has his pants, but they're no longer part of his suit.
  • A Lizard Named "Liz": A fox named Foxy.
  • All of the Other Reindeer: Foxy tends to feel quite isolated from the rest because of how he was sidelined so strongly for nearly 30 years.
  • Attention Whore: Downplayed in a non-obnoxious and tragic example. Foxy craves attention and tries to hold others' attention as long as he can because he's been neglected, isolated and ignored for the better part of 44 years straight. However, he keeps it fairly lowkey as he's terrified of annoying someone.
  • Big Brother Instinct: Or is it Little Brother Instinct? He is the brother of Mangle and is incredibly protective of her after she was ripped apart daily during the 80s.
  • Body Horror: Even post-Fire he is still a poster boy for the trope with his suit shredded at the thighs leaving his legs and paws completely bare, missing the suit on one hand and having a gaping hole in his chest.
  • Brother–Sister Team: As his bio says, he and Mangle are brother and sister and regularly team up for schemes and assistance whenever needed.
  • Confusion Fu: His specialty. In combat, he will use his speed to dash all over and throw his opponents off-guard as well as hiding out of sight until he has the perfect moment to strike before disappearing into the shadows once more.
  • Cunning Like a Fox: He is cunning, sly and very obviously vulpine, knowing how to play the game and when to switch tactics especially in the heat of battle.
  • Do I Really Sound Like That?: Foxy can't stand listening to himself because of his extremely thick Texas accent of which he talks in pirate speak, creating a very weird combination.
  • Dressed to Plunder: Before the restaurant reopened, he was dressed in pants and an eyepatch (and a pegleg when first put in service in the 1970s). Now he wears pirate boots and a belt with large buckle.
  • Ensemble Dark Horse: Foxy has gained massive following in-universe thanks to his edgier appearance and the fear factor and mystery surrounding him.
  • Eyepatch of Power: There is one covering his green optic (right eye) which flips up and down depending on the situation.
  • Fiery Redhead: His fur is red, his wires are red and he is as fiery and passionate as it gets.
  • Foul Fox: If he is given a reason to make your life a nightmare, he can and will do it without much care.
  • Friendly Pirate: He's the nicest pirate there is.
  • Hates Being Alone: After being isolated for about 44 years which included being completely cut off from all forms of contact in the 90s before he was scrapped, Foxy has developed a serious hatred of loneliness and will freak out if forced to be alone.
  • Heroic Self-Deprecation: He doesn't see his own accomplishments and never ever cuts himself slack.
  • Hook Hand: His right paw is a hook instead.
  • Large Ham: He has no shame in hamming it up for the kids or his friends.
  • Leitmotif: His "dum-dum-dum" ditty.
  • Obliquely Obfuscated Occupation: His role has been changed and shafted so much that no one actually knows what his job is. Post-Fire, he's in charge of Pirate's Cove, but even then it's unclear how that job works.
  • Red Is Heroic: He's all red and has a heroic spirit ready to defend others.
  • Red Is Violent: Out of all of the animatronics, Foxy is one of the few willing to cause major damage and create carnage.
  • Red Ones Go Faster: He's the resident red fox and is the fastest animatronic of the bunch.
  • Sad Clown: He is nowhere near as happy and confident as the mask he puts on implies, and if his issues are brought up, he'd rather joke about them than actually discuss it. In his mind, he is a walking joke and so are all of his problems, so of course people should make jokes about it.
  • Scary Teeth: Like Mangle and Endo 02, he has pointed canines as expected of a fox and unexpected as a kids' entertainer.
  • Super-Speed: He can run at 13.7m per second (44.9ft per second). For comparison, Usain Bolt's max speed is 10.44m per second (34.1ft per second).
  • Talk Like a Pirate: Natch for the pirate. However he has an incredibly thick Texas accent to go with it which results in an incredibly strange manner of speech.
  • The Drunken Sailor: Enforced by Fazbear Ent. and defied by himself. He was programmed to imply this behavior with an off-kilter stance and lazy expression though in reality, he's nothing like it and doesn't even know what intoxication or alcohol is.
  • Weakened by the Light: Flashing lights from a direct source (i.e. flashlight or spotlight) cause his systems to crash for a few moments and will reset him.
  • Weaksauce Weakness: Light is not his friend, especially flashing ones from a direct light source like a flashlight.


Toy Fianna "The Mangle" Fox
Spider-Man, Spider-Man, does whatever a spider can
Character: The Mangle
Location: Freddy & Friends Pizzeria (currently), "New & Improved" Freddy Fazbear's Pizza (formerly)
Chronological Age: 28 (1986)
Sentient Age: 27 (1987)
Mental Age: 6-15-19
General Age: 27 (1987)
Voice Claim: It used to be Taylor Swift but I don't think it'll stay that way
Eccentric and hyper, Mangle is the resident xylophonist, mechanic and inventor that always has her paws on the ceiling and scheme planned. She’s fairly positive and energetic though temperamental and quite choleric, and when pushed to the brink will not hesitate to bare her fangs. Despite her cheeriness, Mangle is deeply traumatized by committing the Bite of 87 and despises it being brought up, as well as suffering immense torment and guilt over hurting a child so severely. Her self-esteem is quite negative too; she puts up a happy front of indifference and confidence to her looks, but her mangled nature and the pain it brought still bites at her inside.
  • Boyish Short Hair: Her wires are cropped off in a short bob of sorts.
  • Brooklyn Rage: She has a slight Brooklyn accent and you do not want to get her angry as she shares her red brothers' Hot-Blooded rage.
  • Gadgeteer Genius: Mangle is often making and building random gadgets.
  • Gadgeteer's House: Downplayed in that she doesn't have a house and instead uses the pizzeria's garage. Inside of it is a small metalworking forge, some toolboxes, workbenches and assorted machines.
  • Gossipy Hens: Downplayed, she's only interested in the romance information.
  • Hell-Bent for Leather: She wears an old leather motorcycle jacket from the 1980s and is definitely badass.
  • Homemade Inventions: All of her inventions are this due to the incredibly scrapyard-job she does.
  • Plucky Girl: She's strong-willed and determined as well as cheerful and friendly.
  • Spell My Name with a "The": Inversion. Everyone else called her "The" Mangle in the 80s (sans the robots and herself), but nowadays everyone just calls her "Mangle".
  • Radio Voice: Just like in the games, she retains the radio chatter ability though it's still as broken as before. She's tried to fix it before, but after repeated failures, decided that the sound was cool and left it.
  • Sad Clown: She's got a lot of issues underneath the surface but opts to simply joke about with with Heroic Self-Deprecation and her jovial attitude towards her low self-esteem prompts many not to realize how hurt she really is.
  • Secret-Keeper: She is aware of Endo 02's emotionlessness and his yandere personality, being the only other animatronic to know aside from Endo 01.
  • The Matchmaker: When she gets deathly bored, she tries to get Marionette and Endo 02 to get together or other people. It...doesn't work. She also tends to be the ignition in a minor "shipping war".
  • Tomboyish Voice: She has a somewhat brash and lower voice than Chica's higher-pitched, more feminine voice.
  • Wrench Wench: An almost literal example (her weapon is sadly not a wrench) being that she loves to invent, fix and build things.


Security "The Marionette/Mari" Puppet
Ninety years without slumbering, His life seconds numbering
Character: The Puppet
Location: Freddy & Friends Pizzeria (currently), "New & Improved" Freddy Fazbear's Pizza (formerly)
Chronological Age: 54 (1960)
Sentient Age: 27 (1987 though it's debatable how sentient she was after Charlotte died in 1963. If she was fully sentient, then her Sentient Age is 51.)
Mental Age: 6-19-27
General Age: 27 (1987)
Voice Claim: Has a generic American accent with slight French influences and speaks in an alto voice
Marionette is the nominated mother of the group and their keytarist or otherwise piano player. If something needs to be fixed, someone to be comforted or a child to be cared for, she’s the one to call. Her mature, caring, gentle and empathetic nature knows no bounds and she will protect those she loves to the death. Marionette possesses an iron will and determination stronger than anyone and she will not hesitate or let herself fall to defeat. The sins of her past and the torture she unintentionally inflicted on the children weigh heavily upon her and if you strip away her outwardly friendly and happy demeanor, you see only pain and guilt underneath, something that fuels her Tsundere nature directed at Endo 02, her closest friend and someone she loves deeply.
  • Affectionate Nickname: She calls Endo 02 "N" and he calls her "Mari" note  in turn.
  • Almighty Mom: She is not afraid to stand up for others and will lecture the bad guy for as long as needed, and the bad guy usually listens if he knows what's good for him.
  • Apologetic Attacker: Overlapping with My God, What Have I Done?, she always apologizes whenever she lashes out and verbally abuses Endo 02, never meaning to hurt him but doing so anyway.
  • Creepily Long Arms: They used to reach her knees but now reach her hips due to fire damage, fabric shortage and hip-length arms being really easy to get stuck in doors. They're still just as creepy however.
  • Doting Parent: She absolutely adores and is incredibly proud of B.B. and J.J.
  • Good Parents: She works her strings off to be the best mother she can be to B.B. and J.J.
  • Humanoid Abomination: She's the most humanoid-looking of the animatronics and is one of the most supernatural ones.
  • Lean and Mean: Subverted, she's incredibly thin and lanky and used to be as hostile as the others but by now she's calmed down and is as nice as sweet potato pie.
  • Marionette Motion: She is one so this is to be expected.
  • Mind over Matter: She has slight amounts of telekinesis.
  • Music Soothes the Savage Beast: Her music box used to put her in statis and keep her docile for the night. Now it simply calms her down whenever she's stressed out.
  • My Greatest Failure: Being unable to save Charlotte being hit with a car and then inadvertently torturing the Missing Children by putting them in suits, as well as being unable to help them move one for 25 years straight.
  • Nervous Wreck: Beneath the Mask of calmness she puts up, she is incredibly anxious and worried over everything, far too traumatized by the repeated murders and children's torture to let herself calm down. This constant, neverending stress is a large factor in her lack of patience with Endo 02's actions and one of the reasons she's constantly getting short with him.
  • Parents as People: She's a good parents to the kids but has her own share of trauma and often forces down her own struggles and suffering to avoid showing them that she's in pain, which ends up with them being concerned over her wellbeing as she's been doing this for 27 years straight. This stress ends up with her redirecting it at Endo 02, much to her horror and regret.
  • Perpetual Smiler: Her mask is, not her. Whenever it isn't on her face, it retains its disturbingly wide smile.
  • Perverse Puppet: She's no longer hostile however and was never intentionally evil.
  • Power Floats: Because she has no feet, she hovers above the ground a little.
  • Ragdoll Physics: Marionette is a literal ragdoll essentially and if you hit her hard enough, she'll go flying. Break her rudimentary endoskeleton and she'll move limply (she'll still kick your tail though). Previously, before she had her endoskeleton, she ran on this trope, and combined with her supernatural nature, is one of many reasons that Jeremy Fitzgerald is disturbed by her.
  • Soul Power: Her "Give Gifts; Give Life" ability lets her give the gift of life, something that lets her either give an artificial soul of sorts to inanimate objects and transfer souls into a vessel.
  • Stepford Smiler: She is nowhere near as calm nor happy nor anything than she appears. Inside, she's a complete mess and her mental stability is not all that balanced.
  • Team Mom: She is the resident mother of everyone outside of Endo 02 and Springtrap and the other adults.
  • Tsundere: The tsuntsun variant towards Endo 02 stemming from the nightmarish trauma she's endured and how she believes that she tortures everyone she gets close to. Because of that, she lashes out at him in, not wanting him to get closer to her and to keep herself from getting closer to him, desperate to avoid torturing. However, the constant emotional abuse ends up hurting him anyway and Marionette hates herself for it; she doesn't want him to get too close but at the same time, does want him to as she deeply loves him. It's so ingrained as a response to even the smallest slight by Endo 02 that she keeps doing it anyway, much to her own displeasure and distress.
  • Weaksauce Weakness: Water is a big one as she is made mostly of cloth, wood and some wiring with very thin metal systems. She also cannot take hits very easily and will tear or be knocked around like a ragdoll because...well...she is a ragdoll (just one with a wooden skeleton and some wiring).
  • White Mask of Doom: It acts as her face. Take it off and she essentially has no face.

    Endo 01 

Endoskeleton "Endo 01/Endone" Model 01
Character: Endo 01
Location: Freddy & Friends Pizzeria (currently), Freddy Fazbear's Pizza (formerly)
Chronological Age: 24 (1990)
Sentient Age: 24 (1990)
Mental Age: 10-17-24
General Age: 24 (1990)
Voice Claim: Same as the Undyne voice by Carriecore (formerly known as Invidebit Sunshine) but way less intense and more general.
Endo 01 is the very happy-go-lucky mechanic, repairman, DJ, synthesizer-player and whatever other odd jobs need to be filled for the gang. He’s rarely upset and always has a constant joyful attitude no matter what, in stark contrast to his deadpan brother. He’s never one to dwell on pain or conflict and gets things done when they need to be done without worry of missing deadlines. Endo 01 is often deemed “generic” by most and he uses this to his full advantage, keeping his depths hidden and carrying on as nothing special. Beneath his "generic" and "empty" façade lies a robot carrying vast arrays of knowledge all about the others, incidents and more, locked up tight for the day such information is necessary. He’s no snoop or trust-breaker, but Endo 01 certainly has no qualms about subtle secret searching and more, all to add to his collection. All in all though, he's still a nice guy and isn't malicious nor cruel, and he deeply despises blackmail and extortion.
  • Affectionate Nickname: The Nightmares call him "Endone"note  as a Port Manteau of his name Endo O-One.
  • Annoying Younger Sibling: Of the humorous variety. Endo 01 likes to annoy his older brother Endo 02 for fun or as revenge if he breaks something.
  • Back-Alley Doctor: He acts as the team's med-tech but has no license at all. Justified as he's animatronic and can't get a medical license.
  • Badass Bookworm: He's well-versed in the mechanics of the animatronics and can fix them up without any issues.
  • Combat Medic: He's the one who fixes up the rest and is no slouch in a fight.
  • Gossipy Hens: He is always collecting and procuring knowledge on anything and everything for his amusement, though he never intends anything malicious.
  • Jack of All Trades: Endo 01 is one of the more versatile members of the team, able to fill in whatever role needs to be filled whenever. He also was the replacement skeleton for Freddy, Bonnie, Chica and Foxy and retains some of them in his programming. He also plays several different instruments and does so for different songs.note 
  • Knowledge Broker: Endo 01 is always up to date with everything going on everywhere, is friends with pretty much everybody and amasses an enormous amount of knowledge regarding all sorts of things.
  • Meatgrinder Surgery: When seen through a human perspective, his repairs become this. Minimal safety, ripping off a broken part, casually sawing through bone and more. He's not careless, but if he was a human doctor, he'd have crushed the Hippocratic Oath into powder.
  • Mr. Fixit: He can fix nearly anything with enough time to learn and sometimes some help here and there.
  • Renaissance Man: Endo 01 is incredibly well-versed and highly skilled in everything he's able to do from repairs to music. He's not a complete and total expert given that he lacks all forms of tradition education, but
  • SkeleBot 9000: He is an endoskeleton after all.
  • The Assimilator: Non-villainous and heavily downplayed example. Endo 01 tends to take tiny pieces of others whether physical or personality-wise and sort of integrate them into his own self. This is strongly motivated by a sense of having no real concrete identity and persona unlike the rest.
  • The Baby of the Bunch: He's the only one of The Nightmares whose General Age matches his Chronological Age, making him the youngest animatronic in the group timeline-wise. He's occasionally treated as such for good-natured ribbing.
  • The Engineer: He fixes whatever breaks down alongside his brother and occasionally Mangle.
  • The Generic Guy: Most tend to just brush Endo 01 off as this and he himself is honest in admitting that he feels like he is with his minimalist personality and lack of any noticeable virtues or vices. He feels as if he has no discernable, notable and prominent traits that define him like Freddy's leadership and Foxy's hammy nature. His strange quirks like using military titles are a direct attempt to not be seen as this trope.
  • The Medic: If you're broken or breaking, find Endo 01 and quickly.
  • The Quiet One: He tends not to have much to say so is fairly quiet and often stays in the background away from the people. That isn't to say he's not social or anything, he just isn't with humans due to lack of human socialization in the past.
  • Workaholic: He is rarely seen ever taking a break, and if he's stressed out, he works to vent his frustrations. It's an absolute challenge to get him out of the Backstage area, but he's fine joining in with games, movie nights and anything involving kids.

    Endo 02 

Endoskeleton "Endo 02/N/Azzy" Model 02
Senpai, notice me
Character: Endo 02
Location: Freddy & Friends Pizzeria (currently), "New & Improved" Freddy Fazbear's Pizza (formerly)
Chronological Age: 28 (1986)
Sentient Age: 27 (1987)
Mental Age: 6-20-27
General Age: 27 (1987)
Voice Claim: Atwas but with 0 emotion
Endo 02 is the gang’s electrician and master of the triangle. Unemotive and rarely with intonation, his dry humor, blunt, no-nonsense approach and wit often generate more laughs and enjoyment than he intended, as his dull nature is not an intentional one. He is without emotion, lacking the programming for such as well the ones gifted by sentiency, unless he is around Marionette that is. Hidden beneath a mask of deadpan calmness lies a crazed, broken Yandere case, lovesick and obsessed with Marionette with almost no free will or thought for himself and his own personality. Everything is a mask, everything is a front, and nothing the world sees is real; it's all a coverup for a blank slate of lovesick obsession and addiction for one being.
  • Affectionate Nickname: Endo 02 calls Marionette "Mari" note  and she calls him "N". Mangle calls him "Azzy" because he looks like an Azzy to her. He finds it to be kind of embarrassing but lets her do it anyway because it doesn't bother him.
  • Anti-Hero: Brooding, incredibly stoic, blunt and icy he may be, but he's truly heroic with a strong sense of morals and is just as determined to right the wrongs of the past as the rest.
  • Beneath the Mask: On the outside, he's just an apathetic loner who's blunt with everyone though more gentle and social with Marionette. On the inside, his entire personality boils down to his obsessive crush on Marionette and his horrifically warped perception of love.
  • Beware My Stinger Tail: He's hooked up a taser to his tail allowing him to wrap and electrocute enemies with ease. Also himself if he's not careful.
  • Butt-Monkey: He tends to take a lot of physical punishment such as being pinned under a door by the brushnote , repeated electrocution, hit by a car etc. as well as getting razzed by his friends all the time. Reason being, he's just clumsy and his incredibly dull and dead nature makes the incidents funnier.
  • Byronic Hero: Endo 02 has several traits. He's quite the loner and doesn't actively try to be out there and involved, preferring to keep the show running from the background. He's incredibly intelligent regarding both electricity and color theory (and art by extension); absolutely has a Dark and Troubled Past of which he is traumatized, jaded and is incredibly cynical from and Marionette has been crushing on him for 27 years (checking off the "attractive" box). He's also (quite literally) Cunning Like a Fox and despite lacking emotions, is quite melancholic-seeming and brooding though more so in private than in public (he comes off as more cold and icy). However, Endo 02 completely lacks all forms of self-centeredness, doesn't overly indulge in brooding and in terms of his own interests, doesn't see them as above anyone else's, even his romantic feelings of which he'll gladly put aside for a needed cause.
  • Creepy Good: His overly calm and deadpan nature comes off as creepy to most but he is most definitely a force of good.
  • Creepy Monotone: Endo 02 never raises his voice above an eerily monotonous tone, even if he can feel emotions. Even in his most emotional moments, he barely intonates at all, and all attempts to force emotion into his voice are still incredibly dull.
  • Dandere: Outwardly, he acts a bit like one to cover up the fact that he's actually a Yandere.
  • Dark Is Not Evil: His clothes are darker in shade compared to his twin but he's not evil in the slightest.
  • Deadpan Snarker: Oh so much. His lack of feeling makes it all the easier to snark off at the right person. He's also quite witty and usually has a decent comeback for the right circumstance.
  • Devious Daggers: His the least morally good of the 13 animatronic and fights with a massive kitchen knife.
  • Doting Parent: He's not their parent technically but he has been a guardian and father-figure towards B.B. and J.J., both in part because he loves them as his own children and because he wants them to like him and be comfortable with him as their father figure given that he's deeply in love with their mother Marionette. To say he's proud of their achievements is an understatement and he makes it clear in a non-obnoxious or embarrassing way that he is very proud of the two of them.
  • Dreary Half-Lidded Eyes: Just like his canon self, his eyes are permanently half-lidded, this time to express the extreme apathy he is plagued with. It also functions as the "sarcastic and snarky" type.
  • Dull Eyes of Unhappiness: Played with in a symbolic manner of sorts. Physically, his eyes are brightly colored and have lights on them because they're painted optical sensors and are made to look like that. This brightness does nothing to alleviate how utterly dull and dead they actually are. They've always been this way since he was first made sentient, and given that he was made sentient without emotions before going through 27 years of trauma, being scrapped and child murders, it's not a surprise that his eyes have zero sign of happiness. Even around Marionette, his eyes are perpetually dull. The symbolism is that his eyes are made to look bright, just like how Endo 02 pretends to have a completely different personality when in reality, his eyes are dead and his personality is really that of a lovesick yandere lacking a real sense of identity.
  • Emotionless Boy: Subversion. Normally, he feels absolutely nothing, however if he's standing near Marionette, he can.
  • Embarrassing Hobby: He really likes to paint and is quite knowledgeable in color theory. However, because this activity is directly lifted from his original intended purpose by Fazbear Ent.note , he dislikes talking about it, carrying a sense of shame for actively "enjoying" the thing that a corrupt company like Fazbear Ent. would put upon him.
  • Flat Joy: Having no emotions, any joy he shows is flatter than a pancake.
  • Good Is Not Soft: He's a good guy but is absolutely fine with being as sadistic as he can be with those who deserve it.
  • Good Parents: He's not their parent per say, more a guardian, but Endo 02 does his best to be the best father figure around for B.B. and J.J.
  • Guilty Pleasures: For Endo 02, it's painting, art and Bob Ross with reasons outlined in Embarrassing Hobby above.
  • Ice King: He's quite aloof and dispassionate with a sharp tongue, low tolerance for unhelpful nonsense and never laughs, smiles nor emotes. He's less of one with Marionette and her children, given that he truly loves all three of them and doesn't want them to feel that he's cold-sparked with them.
  • Jerk with a Heart of Gold: While "jerk" is quite a stretch, he does have a spark of gold underneath the empty exterior.
  • Lean and Mean: Downplayed as while he is a 7ft skeleton, he's not necessarily villainous or mean. He does come off as incredibly creepy and icy however.
  • Machine Monotone: Unlike the rest, he speaks in complete monotone with very little intonation of any sort, even if he can feel.
  • Parents as People: He wants to be a good father for B.B. and J.J. but he's also a lovesick yandere who hides his true personality from everyone.
  • Psycho Knife Nut: Being a yandere, this is a given. He will revel in carnage and cause all sorts of destruction in a fight purely for his own amusement (considering he doesn't feel any sort of emotion, is quite disturbing).
  • Reputation Apathy: Outside of the opinion of Marionette, B.B. and J.J., he doesn't give a damn what anyone thinks about him and sees him as. As long as no one thinks he's a terrible person, he doesn't care how he's perceived.
  • Reclusive Artist: Endo 02 puts his creations out into the world as a convenient way to keep them from taking up storage space in the pizzeria, but it's completely anonymous. Even when he's out drawing, he's completely isolated and alone.
  • Shock and Awe: He fights with electricity and is the gang's electrician.
  • Socially Awkward Hero: Endo 02 has No Social Skills and finds it difficult to really socialize outside of small talk, giving or receiving instructions. He partakes in conversation but doesn't say a lot or contribute much. The one exception is with Marionette and sometimes B.B. and J.J.; being friends someone for 27 years straight helps. With Marionette, he's still too unsure of how to say that he loves her and constantly finds himself struggling to talk about any sort of feelings with her.
  • Soft-Spoken Sadist: He never raises his voice no matter the situation to create an incredibly eerie effect of utter calm in a storm of sheer madness.
  • Sugar-and-Ice Personality: He's quite icy and aloof to everyone else but is sugar-sweet and gentle with Marionette and her kids.
  • Tall, Dark, and Snarky: 7ft tall, wears dark clothing and is incredibly snarky. Marionette sees him as both this and Tall, Dark, and Handsome.
  • The Comically Serious: He can and will say the most inane things all with a deadpan voice and bored expression.
  • The Cynic: He's quite cynical though keeps it to himself and only shows it in his diary.
  • The Prankster: Sometimes, if he wants to mess with someone who will not listen to him (like Freddy) he will pull a few pranks here and there. As emotionless as he is, he isn't above certain things.
  • The Stoic: Having no emotions, Endo 02 is the poster bot for this trope.
  • The Unwitting Comedian: Endo 02 never really intends to be funny, but sometimes he manages to make others laugh especially in the new 10s.
  • White Hair, Black Heart: Slightly downplayed. He's silver all over and has a pretty darkened spark but he's not evil and is firmly on the side of moral and just.
  • Yandere: As his description says, this is his true self and true personality, and he is dangerous should anything stand in his way of gaining the interest of the love of life, Marionette.


Spring Bonnie "Springtrap/Salvage" Bunny
I fell into a ring of fire
Character: Spring Bonnie/Springtrap
Location: Freddy & Friends Pizzeria (currently), Fredbear's Family Diner (formerly)
Chronological Age: 58 (1956)
Sentient Age: 19 (1995)
Mental Age: 7-12-28
General Age: 58 (1956)
Voice Claim: ???
Solemn, depressed and downcast, the band’s drummer Springtrap is a broken shell of his former self. Once bright and sunny in disposition, the murder of the children and constant tragedies slowly wore him down. A spark of light in the form of William Afton’s death hoped to bring back a spark of the rabbit’s old self, but the revelation of it being Michael who died only destroyed whatever remained of Springtrap past self. Despite his hollow and despondent self, he does what he can to pull himself together for others, and is honest with his feelings and himself, doing what he can to improve and build himself back from the dark pit he’s in. Spingtrap is aware of how much he’s changed, and has embraced his new self, taking up drums and a new sense of style over his original self from the late 50s. Regardless however, the old Spring Bonnie is still there, slowly integrating into the new Springtrap with every new day.
  • Adaptational Angst Upgrade: Canon Springtrap's feelings towards everything are unknown. Here, they are very evident from the drastic shift in personality, going from happy to depressed over 58 years.
  • All Drummers Are Animals: An aversion despite Springtrap being a literal animal. Though he does vent his emotions while playing, he is far too nervous to actually lose his mind.
  • Almighty Janitor: A literal example, being that he's voluntarily taken the role of janitor (see Cathartic Chores below), however he is in no way lesser to the others and is highly regarded as both a brother and a friend.
  • Becoming the Mask: He has since accepted and embraced the changes he's gone through and accepts his new personality and edgier look with shredded shirt, darker colors and switching from a banjo to drums.
  • Break the Cutie: Springtrap's entire sense of self has been thoroughly corrupted and ruined from an entire lifetime of pure trauma and pain.
  • Broken Hero: The decades of death, isolation, scrapping and murdering the wrong man has completely destroyed him. What's left is barely a shadow of who he once was.
  • Cathartic Chores: Whenever his emotions get too strong for his liking, he often vents by cleaning, hence his janitorial position in the group.
  • Dark and Troubled Past: Springtrap has undergone 50 years of solid trauma from the murders of Henry's children, the closing of his restaurant, seeing Fredbear be scrapped, himself being locked away, being used to kill the Missing Children, seeing the franchise be shut down and slowly fade away and then finally murdering Michael Afton on accident believing he was Purple Guy.
  • Despair Event Horizon: The realization that he killed the wrong man solidified his complete loss of hope and broke whatever drive he had left for himself.
  • Dirty Business: He willingly let his springlocks snap and slaughter Michael, believing him to be his father Purple Guy.
  • Driven to Suicide: Realizing who he murdered pushed him to the brink and he spends several moments contemplating whether he should just scrap himself.
  • Flat Joy: He is emotive but in a very subdued and reserved manner stemming from how depressed and emotionally wrecked he is.
  • Dull Eyes of Unhappiness: His optics have been burned and stained from the years of neglect and ruin. Once green, now they're dulled, grey and utterly lifeless.
  • It's All My Fault: He fully blames himself for many of the murders, believing that if he had done anything at all that they never would've happened.
  • Meaningful Rename: He used to call himself "Spring Bonnie" or "Spring" for short but he calls himself "Springtrap". He still answers to Spring Bonnie however and holds no ill will towards the name.
  • Mellow Fellow: He's the most calm and emotionally-balanced of the group and rarely ever gets angry or shows any emotional extreme.
  • Murder by Mistake: Michael died at his springlocks and he let it happen, believing that Michael was actually Purple Guy.
  • No Doubt the Years Have Changed Me: They absolutely have. No longer is he bright golden, emerald-eyed and curious; instead he's a sickening olive, grey-eyed from fire and utterly broken inside and out.
  • Scrap Heap Hero: He was once the secondary mascot of the series until the murders occurred and he and his entire family of Fredbear, Goldie and Plushtrap were scrapped and thrown away. Since the animatronics rebuilt the pizzeria, he's slowly been putting himself back in the game.
  • That Man Is Dead: Spring Bonnie Bunny is by all means, dead. Now only Springtrap remains.
  • The Eeyore: He is always downcast and solemn though it's justified due to the absolute horrors he's been through. He does try and be cheerful from time to time and is simply honest about how he feels.
  • Used to Be a Sweet Kid: Spring Bonnie was a jovial, curious and kind fellow. He still is, but he's a lot more hardened and jaded by the cruelties of life.
  • Watching Troy Burn: Was forced to do this as he was scrapped, replaced and tossed away into the hidden room, stuck watching the life he had rot away from corruption and blood.

The Small Ones

    B.B. and J.J. 

Balloon "B.B." Boy & Balloon "J.J./JayJay" Girl
Annoyance takes center stage
Characters: Balloon Boy & Balloon Girl/JayJay "JJ"
Location: Freddy & Friends Pizzeria (currently), "New & Improved" Freddy Fazbear's Pizza (formerly)
Chronological Age: 28 (1986)
Sentient Age: 27 (1987)
Mental Age: 12
General Age: 27 (1987)
Voice Claims: ???
— B.B is that one kid in any group that can do anything without getting caught. He’s a sly schemer and conman and uses his skills to be a new interpretation of Robin Hood in some ways. The benefit of others and a way to help is always his top priority and he’s always got plans for when things go wrong. He’s cheerful and keeps his outlook bright, though he’s fully aware of his status as being almost universally despised. B.B. will crack self-deprecating jokes about his status as the most hated quite frequently and pretend it doesn’t affect him, although deep down he wishes he could be liked by all.

— J.J. is the twin sister of B.B. and a textbook cheerful child. She loves to stare and watch newcomers but she swears she isn't a stalker. She loves having staring contests and can be crazy, silly, somewhat nonsensical and very protective, though she’s terrible at speaking in a rush and usually draws a few blanks when stressed in conversation. J.J. looks up to Mangle and the two often hang out, Mangle teaching J.J. random skills and overall, hanging out and having fun. Her favorite thing to do is help others and often is seen assisting in the Game Corner, cooking in the kitchen or repairing a piece of equipment, and puts her skills to use with the other Small Ones.

Tropes applying to both of them:
  • Adaptational Nice Guy: In the games, both are just as willing to make your night Hell as the rest. Here, they just want to play a game and have a good time.
  • Alliterative Name: Balloon Boy and JayJay. Averted with "Balloon Girl" however.
  • Artistic License – Child Labor Laws:
  • Balloon of Doom: Though they've dropped the worst of this trope being much less creepy as before, they're still capable of violence (using the balloon as a weapon to boot).
  • Cheerful Child: The two of them are cheerful and playful with a mischievous and joyful streak.
  • Creepy Child: They're a little less creepy than before but their more realistic-shaped bodies help maintain mid amounts of scary.
  • Non-Standard Character Design: In a cast of robot animals, they stick out as being obvious human-based.
  • Pint-Sized Kid: They're approximately 12-year-old children physically but only top 4ft.
  • Robot Kid: They're robots and they're mentally 12 years old at best.
Tropes applying to B.B.:
  • Adaptational Angst Upgrade: Canon B.B. shows no regard for his fandom status as the most hated character around. This B.B. is painfully aware of how everyone and their parents despise him and it tears him up.
  • Catchphrase: "Hi" and "Hello" are his.
  • Everyone Has Standards: He will only pickpocket and steal to help others or get revenge, never for his own gain or amusement. He deeply despises petty thieves who make others' lives harder.
  • Sticky Fingers: Ironic in that has no fingers, but B.B. is notoriously adept at stealing things like batteries.
  • The Friend Nobody Likes: The Nightmares adore him, but the fandom, not so much.
Tropes applying to J.J.:
  • Bookworm: She likes reading a lot and does so often.
  • Girlish Pigtails: Her post-Fire appearance has her built with these going over her chest.
  • Jack of All Trades: Mangle's been teaching her many different things and she's picked up quite a few odd things: cooking, (beginner level) engineering, rolling down hills really fast...
  • Little Miss Badass: Just like the other Nightmares, she can hold her own in a fight.
  • Supreme Chef: Thanks to some lessons with Mangle (assisted by Chica of course), J.J. is quite a good cook.
  • Tomboy with a Girly Streak: J.J. is very tomboyish but loves cartoons like Rainbow Brite, Sailor Moon and so on.
  • Wise Beyond Their Years: She's a very observant little girl and has amassed a fair bit of wisdom and understanding regarding others and situations she sees in her day-to-day.


Freddybear "Golden Freddy/Goldie" Fazbear
I T ' S M E
Character: Golden Freddy
Location: Freddy & Friends Pizzeria (currently), Fredbear's Family Diner (formerly)
Chronological Age: 58 (1956)
Sentient Age: 56 (1958)
Mental Age: 12
General Age: 58 (1956)
Voice Claim: ???
Goldie is the golden child of the late 50s and leader of The Small Ones. He absolutely adores playing pranks and messing around with others for a laugh using whatever tools he has at his disposal; whether that be his supernatural abilities, some random objects he found or old pranking classics, you can bet your ears he puts them to use. Goldie is somewhat frozen in time yet adept to the modern age, utilizing 50s slang wherever yet tuning into meme culture rapidly, and he loves the advancements seen in the modern world. His curiosity is never satisfied and he's always excited to see the next big thing. He has a puppy crush on J.J., though his complete lack of understanding of romance makes it more humorous than serious.
  • Accessory-Wearing Cartoon Animal: Sports the same tophat since 1956.
  • Animalistic Abomination: There is something definitively wrong with him thanks to the sheer amount of supernatural power messing with him.
  • Bears Are Bad News: Should he use his abilities maliciously, be very afraid as throwing his head at you won't be the worst thing he does.
  • Beary Friendly: Goldie is a child who is as good as gold and incredibly kind.
  • Body Horror: It's very mild compared to say Foxy or Mangle but Goldie is missing one of his eyes and his head isn't properly connected to his body anymore, meaning it often falls off.
  • By the Lights of Their Eyes: Because of his missing eye, one socket has a glowing pinprick inside of it.
  • Catchphrase: IT'S ME was most commonly said by him while still under the influence of the ghosts.
  • Disco Dan: Slightly downplayed in comparison to Plushtrap, but because of the extreme culture shock he suffered from, he tends to hold onto and retreat into the 1950s whenever modernity overwhelms him. However, he has managed to glide into the meme culture of the 2010s and overall is handling the 21rst century fairly well.
  • Eldritch Abomination: Thanks to being possessed by four very young, very angry ghosts, he is brimming with supernatural horror and is most definitely not just a robot anymore.
  • Fish out of Temporal Water: He was scrapped in the 60s and re-awoke in the 2010s with no time to adjust as any in-between awake time was thoroughly monopolized by the ghosts for their revenge. Despite it all, he has managed to get behind a lot of modern inventions such as meme culture, certain technological advancements and general atmospheric changes from the late 1950s.
  • Foil: To Plushtrap. Goldie is an extroverted prankster who loves to socialize and chat with others, having many friends. He is not only very open about his Fish out of Temporal Water feelings but does his best to face them head on and combat them. And on a tragic note, he no longer has his brother Fredbear with him, believing him to be scrapped and dead. Meanwhile, Plushtrap is an introverted builder who doesn't talk a lot and his adjustment to the modern era is poor. He's very antisocial with a complete inability to properly talk to others and struggles to open up or even start up a conversation with his own brother Springtrap. He doesn't make many attempts to confront the modern world as the massive societal and technological shift leaves him completely overwhelmed, lost and confused.
  • Losing Your Head: Goldie can detach his head and throw it at people, most notably Jeremy Fitzgerald.
  • Older Than They Look: He looks, sounds and acts like a 12-year-old but was commissioned and put into service in 1956, making him chronologically 58 as of 2014.
  • Power Floats: He's one of the more supernatural animatronics and can float above the ground by a few inches.
  • The All-American Boy: Was programmed to act like one and continues to do so regardless of his code.
  • Use Your Head: He likes to literally use his head as an alternate solution to a problem, usually by detaching and throwing it.
  • Vocal Dissonance: He sounds exactly like a 12-year-old boy but his scream is a distorted roar that is far too deep to be a child's voice.


Plushtrap Bunny
Between the seams are scary dreams
Character: Plushtrap
Location: Freddy & Friends Pizzeria (currently), Fredbear's Family Diner (formerly)
Chronological Age: 58 (1956)
Sentient Age: 2 (2012)
Mental Age: 12
General Age: 58 (1956)
Voice Claim: ???
Plushtrap is a crafty little bunny from eras past. Commissioned in the 1950s, he’s had a harder time adjusting to the modern world and often uses outdated methods wherever possible. He’s best described as a mouse trap: he’s fine in general but poke, prod or scare him and he’ll snap in an instant. Plushtrap loves to create and invent and frequently makes things for any occasion, and he managed to acquire his love of overalls and fire through his constant crafting. Despite the cheery fun, he’s just as scarred inside as the rest, and very hesitant in expressing whenever he’s in emotional pain to his older brother Spingtrap or the rest of the gang. He has a childish, puppy crush on J.J. but due to complete lack of romance and not wanting to ruin any friendships, he keeps this to himself.
  • Brats with Slingshots: He's a tiny little child and is incredibly skilled with a slingshot.
  • Bungling Inventor: Justified, by all means, he's a 12 year old kid so it's natural that a lot of his creations don't work out the best.
  • Creepy Doll: He's a partly withered, 5ft walking plush doll with a metal skeleton with a very visible Glasgow Grin, blackened eyes and a lot of holes.
  • Disco Dan: Plushtrap tends to shy away from the modern world and prefers his old-timey 1900s ways of doing things. This is because of the extreme culture shock he suffered from upon being rebooted in the 21rst century after being shut down in 1963. With no time to adjust and the turbulent history of the restaurants, anything from the 2000s completely overwhelms the bunny in a tragic example of the trope.
  • Fish out of Temporal Water: Plushtrap was commissioned in 1956, scrapped in 1963 and has only just awoken in 2012. He hasn't adjusted to the times at all and is often far too overwhelmed by the complete loss of everything he understood to handle the modern world for long periods of time.
  • Foil: To Goldie. Plushtrap is an introverted builder who doesn't talk a lot and his adjustment to the modern era is poor. He's very antisocial with a complete inability to properly talk to others and struggles to open up or even start up a conversation with his own brother Springtrap. He doesn't make many attempts to confront the modern world as the massive societal and technological shift leaves him completely overwhelmed, lost and confused. Goldie is an extroverted prankster who loves to socialize and chat with others, having many friends. He is not only very open about his Fish out of Temporal Water feelings but does his best to face them head on and combat them. And on a tragic note, he no longer has his brother Fredbear with him, believing him to be scrapped and dead.
  • Glasgow Grin: He sports a very noticeable one going all the way around his head.
  • Hair-Raising Hare: Despite originally being a toy for children and made a mascot for the purpose of merchandise, he's quite creepy.
  • Mr. Imagination: He tends to let his mind go crazy which is where all of his arts and crafts come from.
  • No Product Safety Standards: The original Plushtrap toys were in essence, loaded mousetraps with how they would snap without warning. He himself is no better as his systems are just as prone to violently snapping like a mousetrap.
  • No Social Skills: He was first put into the pizzeria to simply market toys or act out prerecorded scenes onstage and afterwards was scrapped and abandoned. As a result, Plushtrap has no idea of how to talk to anyone and struggles to hold conversations with his own brother Springtrap despite knowing him for 58 years.
  • Pint-Sized Powerhouse: He's the same size as the other Small Ones but packs a punch with his springlocks, sharp teeth and quick movement speed.
  • Pyromaniac: He really likes fire. Really likes fire. And pyrotechnics.
  • Rascally Rabbit: He can be just as much of a prankster as Goldie if he wants to be.
  • Righteous Rabbit: Plushtrap always has and always will be on the side of good, even if he was a bit more ambiguous in the past.
  • Technologically Blind Elders: Plushtrap does not like modern technology and frequently gets annoyed with anything more modern than a landline phone.
  • The Quiet One: He's not much of a talker and prefers to create things rather than make conversation. Played for drama in regards to his personal issues; he's so unsure of how to speak to people that he refuses to say anything at all.
  • Used to Be More Social: When first introduced, he mostly went around to children to shill out the Plushtrap toy or socialize with his brother Springtrap, Fredbear and Goldie for shows. After the closure of Fredbear's Family Diner however, he was scrapped didn't get a chance to talk at all until 2012. The isolation plus already malformed social skills from being a walking advertisement has left him utterly bewildered on how to talk to anything.
  • Your Size May Vary: In the 50s he was the size of his canon self, later being bumped up to a 4ft walking plush toy with a skeleton and some springlocks in the 60s and has been that tall ever since.
