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  • Beerus's comment about destroying the dinosaurs, and how canon has shown this to be very much not true many times over, is an early hint at the eventual plot point that Beerus is not doing a good job.
  • The mainstay cover transformation, Super Saiyan Blue, is this in itself on multiple levels. As already acknowledged in-series, to enter the godly state requires going beyond mortality, and to do this more than anything, Goku and Vegeta had to unlearn how they'd fought for years in just letting their auras carelessly detonate when they were powering up, subverting a time-honored Shonen trope that they made to go beyond themselves. The second comes into play in being accessed through Super Saiyan itself. The requirements for the form is as follows: a calm mind and absolute ki control...which was the very training Goku and Gohan went through in the Hyperbolic Time Chamber preparing for the Cell Games, perfecting the form that they could dilute and magnify its power at will to such a degree it became a natural state of being. This is also why the form is only on Super Saiyan standard and none of the ascensions. Super Saiyan 2 reintroduces the extreme aggression of the form —loss of a calm mind— and Super Saiyan 3 chugs ki at a staggering rate — loss of ki control.
    • The above is also why one could only ever hope to couple the form with Kaioken. As Old Kai aptly put it, Super Saiyan drains ki, Kaioken drains stamina; you're basically throwing your life away in the most obvious fashion imaginable. In order for it to work, Kaioken has to be accessed on what is a natural state of being.
  • When Bulma was a child, Jaco thought she would make a good member of the Galactic Patrol. What is the Galactic Patrol? A corps of super elite combatants who defend the galaxy from any and all threats, fighting for justice and peace against any and all odds. And what was Bulma doing when Jaco thought about those early days? Just that, just as she's been doing for years alongside the Z Fighters.
  • Some fans have complained that the power scaling of Super makes little sense. Super Saiyan God Goku nearly destroyed the universe with Beerus just by trading blows, yet Super Saiyan God Super Saiyan Goku can trade blows with Golden Frieza and Hit, and not even rock the planet. It, however, makes sense if you keep in mind that when Goku became a Super Saiyan God, he was new to his power and was learning how to control himself. Part of the reason why Beerus and he nearly destroyed the universe was that they were releasing powerful energy waves; once Goku learned to control his punches, he could hit Beerus without any aftereffects. Goku also learned more control over his power by training with Whis, and Goku specifically notes that Super Saiyan God Super Saiyan is a calm transformation that relies on perfect energy control, with no energy leakage. So Goku's power is compressed and controlled, while his power was out of control and wild when he first fought Beerus. Which is how Goku can hit with a force strong enough to destroy the universe, without destroying the universe. It also goes back to how characters can release energy blasts strong enough to destroy planets, without actually destroying the planet they're fighting on.
  • Future Trunks' new form - dubbed either 'Super Trunks' or 'Super Saiyan Rage' - may seem like New Powers as the Plot Demands, but given the Saiyan race's history with power and transformations, it's no longer as much of a stretch. Gohan the SSJ2 transformation, Goku the SSJ3 and, in GT, the SSJ4 forms, the unnamed group of Saiyans who formed the SSJG transformation, and so forth... most, if not all, in response to a need for power to destroy an enemy. If one takes into account the non-serial movies, other transformations like False SSJ and Legendary SSJ further this connection, even Bardock creating the SSJ form (and subsequent legend), are achieved under similar conditions. In the same vein, Future Trunks making his own form is much like the others; the sheer need of power to defeat Black and Future Zamasu, combined with his rage pushed far beyond the breaking point, paved the road for a new variation that never-before-existed.
  • Why is King Kai so concerned about being alive? According to a Daizenshu, the Kais hold drawings for replacements after one dies. King Kai is probably worried that somebody will remember that and try to replace him.
  • In the manga, Beerus is apparently the strongest God of Destruction, and the only one who has actually learned to use Ultra Instinct, even if it's yet unmastered. He also earned the ire of all the other Gods of Destruction by falling asleep for 50 years right when they were all taking part in a hide-and-seek tournament that Zen'o was enjoying and getting it canceled. He pretty much had to become the strongest.
  • Word of God is that, once Super Saiyan Blue is reached, Super Saiyan 2 and Super Saiyan 3 fall immediately into Awesome, but Impractical due to accelerated ki consumption (extremely accelerated in SSJ3). But what keeps Goku and Vegeta from mastering those like they did with the original Super Saiyan and (in the manga) Blue itself? For SSJ2 the absolute loss of emotional control meant it was extremely dangerous. As for SSJ3, Goku was doing that... Then Blue proved itself much easier to master, and mastering SSJ3 just wasn't worth the effort.
  • Divine ki, and how mortals cannot sense it, retroactively explains a lot of things from previous series:
    • Back at the 23rd Tournament, Piccolo was unable to recognize that Shen was possessed by Kami until he started speaking Namekian, not recognizing his ki even when he stopped holding back. Considering that whoever is in the role of Kami can sense divine ki, it's likely his ki had been altered from when King Piccolo sensed it last, and Piccolo would remember it from then.
    • At the 25th Tournament, Piccolo and Goku were the only ones realizing that, no matter how powerful they were, Shin and Kibito weren't evil, with Piccolo eventually realizing he was dealing with the Supreme Kai and his attendant. They're the ones with most knowledge (and, in Goku's case, experience) about the Shinjin (who have naturally divine ki), so they already knew that the guys who didn't have apparent ki and weren't androids were good, even if Piccolo took a while to work it out.
      • Somehow, Goku can sense King Kai's ki even if he's a Shinjin with divine ki. This would contradict the above... Except Goku spent a year in direct contact with him, he just grew accustomed enough to his ki to feel it anyway. That, or he feels Bubbles' ki.
    • Majin Buu's ki at first is hard to sense. He had both normal and divine ki.
  • No matter if he's provoked, Beerus never destroys a planet immediately in a fit of anger-but waits to see if they show respect:
    • The dinosaurs: we don't see what happened, but he mentions they had been disrespectful.
    • King Kai's planet: he didn't like the food, something Beerus considers a direct insult. As a god killing another god just isn't done without a very good reason, Beerus blew up the planet without killing its inhabitants.
    • Planet Vegeta: he had assigned King Vegeta the task of bringing him the best pillow in the universe-and King Vegeta hid it away and gave him the second best. Beerus states he could have tolerated failure if he had done his best, but this was a direct insult, one so embarrassing he didn't even bother to wipe the planet out himself but assigned Frieza (or suggested him) to do it.
    • Frieza: Beerus mentions he was considering killing him in the same breath he states he was disrespectful, and when they meet on Earth he threatens to do so when Frieza fails to call him Beerus-sama.
    • The unnamed planet he destroys by half early in the introduction saga: before acting, Beerus makes a barb about greasy food, in a veiled accusation they didn't do their best for a god and guest.
      • In the manga version, the locals had tried to kill him with poison. Beerus asked them if they really expected it to work, then announces his decision to blow up the planet just as they try to placate him with their best food and destroys everything-including the food.
    • Moginaia: Beerus had asked gently for a small share of the dinosaur meat, and merely defended himself against the Moginaian chief's attacks but in a way that showed him he was just too strong. Then the chief tried to attack again and again... And Beerus obliterated him and then the planet, without eating the dinosaur.
    • King Kai's planet again: Beerus was annoyed at Goku, but he was more or less respectful, in the martial artists' way-so he just slammed him around and caused easily repaired damage.
    • Earth: Beerus kept himself as polite and respectful as he could until Buu licked all the pudding just to keep him from eating it. Eventually he decides to destroy just a small piece as the others had managed to show him the respect he was owed as they opposed him.
    • Zamasu: he was in full violation of multiple divine laws and had proved himself willing to murder his own teacher. Death wasn't enough.
    • Mashirito: he was a ghost that had obviously escaped from hell and was offending a god. Clearly he deserved punishment, and as he had already escaped hell once...
    • Arale: she had called Beerus a cute cat and disturbed him while he was eating. As Beerus didn't know Arale, to him she was clearly Too Dumb to Live. Good thing that he suddenly needed a bathroom...
  • When Vegeta reveals that Saiyan are attracted by strong women, Piccolo thinks that it explains a lot. It does... Even in the first series: when Roshi told Goku to bring him a beautiful girl, Goku brought him a gigantic and pudgy powerlifter and a mermaid because, by Saiyan standards, they were beautiful.
  • Despite being one of the two last pure-blooded Saiyans (at least in this universe), Vegeta still self-identifies as the Prince of All Saiyans and not the King. By this point he probably does it as much out of pure habit as Heroic Self-Deprecation—he doesn't feel worthy of crowning himself, especially if Saiyan kingship inheritance is actually more determined by Klingon Promotion rules than by primogeniture (but the King's son having both top-tier genetics AND the best training that can be afforded naturally made them prime royal candidates). Technically speaking, Beerus is the current King of All Saiyans (as the title passed from Vegeta -> Goku -> Cell -> Gohan -> Buu -> Goku again -> Beerus, but obviously only Vegeta ever bothered to keep track).
  • Beerus is impressed by Goku defeating Frieza even though the Supreme Kai states that he himself could kill Frieza in a single blow. The Supreme Kai himself could be easily beaten by Super Saiyan 3 Goku, who is himself easily beaten by Beerus. How could Beerus possibly be impressed by someone who beat Frieza? The series shows that Frieza Came Back Strong and could rival a Super Saiyan God, as he claims he had never trained before, so Beerus could have been aware of Frieza's potential.
  • Ultra Ego explains a lot of stuff:
    • When he fights Goku, Beerus is forced to use up to 70% of his power, but later is immensely stronger than that... But at the time of the fight Beerus had just woken up, his power hadn't had the time to grow much from his base and he wasn't thinking much about destruction at that moment. Later, however, he's usually awake for longer or something happens to make him want to destroy stuff, so his power is greater.
    • Jiren is said to be stronger than his God of Destruction, yet Belmod shows himself in Beerus' league, who himself is far beyond Jiren's ability. Belmod wouldn't want to destroy Jiren, so the power he had available when Jiren showed himself stronger wasn't his full power but his base, and Jiren was stronger than that.
    • Toppo's sudden change into a God of Destruction-lite during the Tournament of Power came when he abandoned his ideals of Justice and started wanting to destroy everything, triggering his Ultra Ego ability. But since that was likely the first time he actually used it, he couldn't balance it with the need of not killing his opponents and Vegeta could overpower it, similar to how later Vegeta at his first use would need to be hit to increase his power.
    • Jiren thinks only about strength... So to him is impossible to use Ultra Ego and become a God of Destruction, even if he wanted.
    • The Gods of Destruction find using Ultra Instinct extremely difficult, to the point Beerus is the only one who showed any proficiency in it... Because their very power require them to constantly think about destruction and emote hard, and the Angels teach it in a way that requires complete emotional control, directly contradicting what they need to do to be Gods of Destruction. Beerus, having pissed off all his colleagues, is simply the only God of Destruction who had any reason to try and solve this apparent contradiction, and thus the only one who actually managed to learn the basics.

     Battle of Gods Arc 
  • Bulma's cruise ship is named the "Princess Bulma". Which she technically is, having married Vegeta.
  • Android 18 gets very excited at the prospect of a castle being the prize for second-place, leaving Krillin to wonder why she'd settle for that, when at the time neither knew the Earth Dragon Balls were the first-place prize. Well, consider that for a long time 18, Krillin, and Marron have been living on Kami Island with Roshi and Oolong...
  • Regarding Beerus and his notion of respect. Beerus isn't talking about respect as in the societal view (i.e saying hello to someone that says hello to you,) but individual respect. And it shows in his interactions with three people. When he first met Goku, he was somewhat cordial, but grew annoyed as the Saiyan began to get cocky. He went from treating him with vague amusement to treating him like he was an annoyance. Vegeta feared him and brown-nosed. He was picked on and treated like someone below him/a child. And finally Bulma, who while not knowing who Beerus was, still introduced herself and escorted Beerus to the party, before introducing him to everyone. In this respect, Beerus was at his best behaviour, even asking Buu for the pudding instead of taking it.
    • What Beerus was talking about was not the respect he got as a God of Destruction (the fear and everything), but the respect that he is Beerus, who also happens to be a God of Destruction. There are only three, possibly four people that did that throughout the series. Whis, his teacher/servant. The prophecy fish who lives with him. Bulma, who introduced herself and asked if he wanted to join in the festivities, just because he introduced himself as Vegeta's friend. And for the fourth? Possibly Goku depending on how you interpret the Super Saiyan God fight.
    • And this shows up in how he speaks to people in general. Using polite language instead of the more rough/haughty things the rest of the DBZ male cast uses. Beerus is never actually looking down on people but still expects to be treated correctly.
  • Goku being able to nearly match up with Beerus in the series. Like in the Battle of the Gods movie, it's soon clear that Goku's still outclassed, but unlike the movie, the television series showed Goku being pummeled close enough to death that Beerus himself comments on just how preposterous it was for the Saiyan to keep coming back for more. And what ever happens whenever a Saiyan is brought to the brink of death but recovers? You've got it, they get stronger due to their racial Zenkai.
  • Given that God ki can't be sensed by mere mortals, it may explain as to why even aliens would believe that Hercule ascended to godhood over Goku; Hercule never trained in ki-usage, meaning that he doesn't have anything to be sensed.
  • Why did Beerus bring his battle with Goku to the point it could threaten the universe' very existence when he knew perfectly the danger? Because if that did happen, then Whis could just rewind the whole universe to just before they started clashing and stop them from destroying everything.

     Resurrection F Arc 
  • Tagoma going from the Only Sane Man and a Noble Demon, to a coldblooded, backstabbing murderer who is just as ruthless as Frieza is a great Call-Back to Frieza's corrupting influence. It was Frieza who took advantage of the Saiyans' ruthless nature to turn them into remorseless Space Pirates. He also corrupted Vegeta to be more coldblooded even by Saiyan standards. From what we have seen of other Saiyans like Raditz, Bardock, and Nappa, Saiyans form strong bonds with their crews, becoming the closest thing to family to them. Vegeta on the other hand, was not only dismissive towards his fellow Saiyans, believing that they deserved to die for being weak, but he brutally murdered Nappa for being crippled. Given Nappa's shocked reaction, this wasn't normal Saiyan behavior. In that sense, Tagoma is similar to Vegeta pre-Character Development. By being demeaned and tortured by the tyrant, they both became extremely strong, but also developed a cynical worldview and a belief that power is the only thing that matters. The only real difference is that most of Frieza's torture for Tagoma had a vital purpose which Frieza at least occasionally reinforced so it made Tagoma more loyal to Frieza, while Vegeta resented him due to the Fantastic Racism and clearly being kept around as a plaything or a pet and thus wanted to take his place.
    • Also, watch Tagoma during the scene where he kills Shisami: his facial expressions and cackling are just like Frieza's.
    • Even further proof to how much like Frieza Tagoma has become, he No Sells an attack from Piccolo before tearing his arm off. Frieza did the exact same thing to Nail when they fought on Namek.
  • Speaking of Tagoma, he seems to believe that, at his full power, he could be as strong as Gohan himself at his best, and yet he's taken down pretty easily first by Gotenks and then by Gohan, both only as first-level Super Saiyans. It makes sense in both cases: the former hits Tagoma while was still holding back, also taking him by surprise (which foreshadows how Sorbet will almost kill Goku), plus headbutts him in the one body part Frieza might not have given much thought to attacking and thus the one place that couldn't become hard as steel, while the latter is actually fighting Ginyu, who not only wasn't yet accustomed to that body (the last time he switched body, the one he was possessing at first dropped from a power level of 90.000 to 23.000), he'd also spent the last decade or so trapped in a frog's body without fighting, so even if he was still able to easily defeat Piccolo and the others, he could only unlock a fraction of Tagoma's power.
  • Vegeta deciding to kill Ginyu as quickly as possible was strategic because he knows for a fact that Ginyu can just body swap with who ever and when ever he wants at a given moment. He could swap with him or Goku, if he realized Beerus, try on him. It might have failed given Beerus far outclass him, but Vegeta was not about to let him try.
  • Frieza recognizes Trunks and freaks, remembering how he was cut in half by him (not knowing that it's a different Trunks from the one who killed him). In the sub he assumes the kid is the exact same one who caused his second death, despite him being a child, but in the dub he believes it must be his son instead. Aside from it being a more natural assumption, due to also recognizing Goten as Goku's second son, it cleverly ties into the fact that Frieza previously recognized Goku as the son of Bardock simply by the resemblance. He can easily be forgiven for assuming such in Trunks' case, given that Goten looks exactly like Goku himself.
  • Frieza still remembers Krillin from Namek, even when he was nothing compared to the other warriors there. Except Krillin is the one who cut off his tail, and until the Spirit Bomb had been the one to cause him the most harm in ever. Of course he'd remember him... and single him out for psychological torture and lynching.
  • During the latter part of Goku's fight with Golden Frieza, Jaco doesn't look worried, just perplexed by something. Differently from the others (except Vegeta), he can see the fight with his incredibly perceptive eyes, so he noticed that Frieza is tiring. But not being a fighter or experienced with these transformations like Vegeta, he doesn't get why.
  • Jaco fawning over Frieza's ship so much seems strange, except Jaco's own ship was already outdated in Jaco the Galactic Patrolman, forty years previously. He's hoping they'll let him keep it.
  • Frieza having never trained once in his life was actually already hinted by his poor stamina on Namek, all the way back in Dragon Ball Z, as cardio and stamina increase are a fundamental part of fighting training. And Goku, aving trained as a martial artist for most of his life, would have recognized this issue already back on Namek... And likely factored it in his plan both back then and in this rematch.
    • This also explains Frieza's insane gains in power: when one first starts lifting weights their gains in the first few months are far greater than anything they'll ever get again with a similar amount of effort. And in the same way, Frieza went from weaker than SJJ Goku on Namek to capable of holding his own against Super!Goku even without his Golden form.
  • As a kid and before even being trained by Roshi, Goku could take being hit by a car and then shot in the head with a handgun while surprised with minor injuries, but here a far stronger Goku was downed by Sorbet with a surprise attack. Weird... Except this was explained all the way on Namek: Goku and his allies have trained to suppress their ki to achieve better control, to the point Goku could go from a "resting" state with the same power level he had when he fought the Saiyan invasion to one-shotting Recoome so fast the Scouters didn't even register it. By now Goku is so good with ki control his resting state is similar to a normal human with his same muscle mass... Allowing Sorbet to take him down with a surprise attack.
    • In a later arc, Krillin is vulnerable to bullets when he could take Launch's emptying her machine gun on him with just a few bruises before he started training with Roshi. He too trained for suppression... And since he's got rusty he couldn't raise his ki in time to shrug off the attack.
    • This also shows how good is Ultra Instinct, as when one can use that they can go from baseline human to worldbreaker without a conscious thought.

     Champa Arc 
  • Buu getting disqualified from the inter-universal tournament due to Vegeta's suggestion that the fighters pass a simple written test gains an extra layer of poetic irony when one considers that Vegeta was probably thinking of Kid Buu when expressing his reluctance towards "mindless monsters" participating.
  • Frost being far stronger than Frieza makes sense when you consider that he seems far less arrogant than Frieza was. It's likely Frost and Frieza have the same potential power, but Frost wasn't so prideful as to only train four months in his entire life. While he may not be able to reach Golden Frieza levels of power, the fact that he fights on the front line with his men means he gets a lot more practice with the forms he does have.
  • Jaco shows himself being able to see and notice things that people far superior to him cannot. Thing is, his sight is canonically incredibly sharp (enough he could see a small boat from a very long distance with enough detail to tell how many people were on it well before a normal human could see the whole boat), and, as a member of the Galactic Patrol, is required to notice and analyze details.
  • The others' behavior during and after the fight between Goku and Frost. They went from some of the others openly supporting Frost or being torn between one or the others during the fight, to afterwards Bulma blaming Krillin for the Frost fan club supposedly causing Goku to lose and Chi-Chi running to Goku in worry and physically readying herself to defend him from Frost. While the juxtaposition of humor and heartwarming is nice, this is a competition between two good teams where all that's on the line is the universal placement of their planet, so why they care enough to react this way upon coming to their senses is a mystery. Unless they instinctively know on some level that Goku had just gotten screwed over in some way that might've killed a weaker man. Which wouldn't be that hard for them to figure out. Almost all of them were tournament fighters at some point.
    • This is the first time in a long time that Goku has been knocked out with a regular attack, and a weak one at that. Overall, there was no reason for Goku to just pass out. Chi-chi may have also remembered Goku nearly dying from his heart disease.
  • Frost being a Bitch in Sheep's Clothing comes across as out-of-left-field, but it actually does have a subtle foreshadow. In the pictures that shows Frost's empire and his charity work, his army looks rather evil. It is cast in shadow and even the children he's holding looks like shadow demons with horns. Fans took note of this, but dismissed it as Toei being too cheap to draw real people. Now, those screens comes off as warning signs that this isn't the truth or there is something wrong with Frost's story.
    • Another bit of foreshadowing on Frost's true nature. When Goku unexpectedly becomes fatigued and dizzy, the music changes to an Ominous Latin Chanting. It is the same music that plays for Frieza, being his theme in Super.
  • Fans generally expected Frost to have a very strong showing against Goku, as mentioned above, because he actually fights on the front lines and isn't Brilliant, but Lazy. Instead, he's completely outclassed by Goku's normal Super Saiyan form (which is still better than Frieza since, outside his golden form, he got his butt handed to him by Goku in his base form and Frost fought Goku after he had an additional four years of training). The revelation about his true nature explains why: because he's actually working with the space pirates, he probably only pretends to fight them most of the time. His style is all about subterfuge and attacking where unexpected, so he's not used to directly fighting a strong opponent. He reserves his poisoned needle for such cases.
    • Another bit of foreshadowing of Frost being evil is the very pictures with the children — Photo Op with the Dog, which is eerily similar to how dictators like Mussolini, Hitler, and Stalin were photographed with children to improve their publicity.
  • All the space pirates in U6. Sure, the universe is big, but you'd think that with two of the five strongest warriors in the universe, an entire species of warriors bent on protecting people, and an empire of soldiers willing to protect the universe would make it nigh impossible to invade. Yet space pirates are shown to be extremely common in the universe. With knowledge that Frost is evil, it shows that all those space pirates are under him personally, so of course nothing truly happens. They go on attacking everywhere, and Frost gets the profit, while keeping everyone else off their back.
  • Frost never using his true form to fight. The reason he states is that he killed someone he didn't have to. Or, rather the more likely option, he fought a strong subordinate of his, and decided to go Final form to show how big a deal the pirate was, and accidentally killed him. He didn't have to kill him... That's a perfect waste of a good subordinate.
  • Vegeta hammering Cabba's Berserk Button until he goes Super Saiyan plays out very similarly to when Beerus hit Vegeta's and made him go berserk by hitting Bulma: Cabba's power skyrockets and he manages to put up a fight, seemingly having the upper hand until it turns out that his opponent is much too strong. Not only is it a good Call-Back, Vegeta's demeanor and statements implies Vegeta may have invoked the same situation knowing what it'd do.
  • Why are the Universe 6 Saiyans unable to transform? Because they don't have the Super Saiyan myth. Cabba is as strong as Vegeta in base form, so he's had the necessary strength to transform for a long time, but he had no idea the transformation was possible and never strove for it.
  • Hit seems impossibly strong, managing to easily hammer out a victory against Vegeta in SSB-form with only light strikes and a couple of heavy blows. When it's revealed that he is over a thousand years old and actually stopping time very briefly (a tenth of a second) in order to pick his attacks for maximum efficiency do things finally make sense - his ability was long ago foreshadowed in Guldo of Frieza's Ginyu Force. In truth, Guldo's powers over time are actually far superior to Hit's, but his laziness meant he never became a truly powerful warrior. Hit, on the other hand, has made himself into a terrifying force with a fraction of the ability.
    • Why does Goku fare so much better than Vegeta against Hit even though their powers are supposed to be along the same scale? Aside from Goku having been clued in on Hit's time-leap ability prior to his battle with the flawless assassin, there's also going back to what Whis had observed about Goku and Vegeta's particular flaws. Namely, that Goku is too relaxed and instinctive, whereas Vegeta is too uptight and tends to overthink his moves. Vegeta's flaw hurt him in this case, as he was too slow in reacting and too easily agitated to stand a chance. On the other hand, Goku's spirited attitude and ability to adapt on the fly allows him to eventually anticipate and fashion a counter to Hit's trump card.
    • Further more, this goes back to an old strategy Goku used a lot in his younger years and even recently with Golden Frieza in Super. Goku will allow his opponents to beat up on him for an extended amount of time. In his youth, he did this to see how tough his opponents were, this was before he could sense energy, and to learn how they fought. Basically, he took advantage of his Nigh-Invulnerability. Since he can't properly predict Hit's movements through energy sensing or even his eyes, he lets Hit pound on him to learn how he fights, something Vegeta would never allow anyone to do to him.
    • Also, Goku has an idea about bypassing relativity. Hit doesn't actually freeze time, but skips it. Goku's instant transmission jumps through space and time, so he only has to remove half of what he already does to get a rough idea of time skip's limitations and might even be using some instant transmission to help him keep pace.
  • It was possible to guess Monaka's true power from the very beginning. He introduces him by remembering that he told Goku he was only his second strongest opponent overall. However, both in the movie and the series, he added that the first one was his master Whis, so he was clearly lying about his power (if the Goku-Is-Just-Playing-Along theory is true, that might be what also cued him).
  • Beerus' freak out when Buu fails the written exam makes more sense now that we know that Monaka isn't a super powerful warrior. Although Buu is genuinely powerful and would have been a great benefit to the team, he still would have been the second weakest team member with a huge power different between him and Goku and Vegeta, the next strongest fighters. So his loss shouldn't have given Beerus that much grief. However, since Beerus wasted a slot by putting Monaka on the team as a Motivational Lie, he needed all the other fighters to carry their weight and the loss of Buu was a major hit, especially since he would have fared better than Piccolo during the tournament thanks to his great, diverse power-set and his overall strength. No wonder Beerus was ready to strangle Goku and Vegeta.
  • Kaioken has a red aura, as does Super Saiyan God... because they're both godly techniques. With that, it makes sense that one godly technique could be combined with another.
  • Goku actually combined Kaioken and Super Saiyan once before, although it wasn't canonical. However, when explained that the problem is how fast it burns his stamina, it makes perfect sense, since he used it as a spirit in the otherworld, so he didn't have this problem (which is consistent with his explanation on how the Super Saiyan 3 worked differently there and on Earth).
    • Or for that matter, how Goku used up all his stamina trying to sprint down a runway longer than the circumference of the Earth with absolutely no form of nourishment on it but kept going till he got to the end of it anyway because the dead can't die of starvation, dehydration or, relevant to super saiyan and kaioken, overexertion.
  • Frost isn't Frieza's Good Counterpart. Hit is, to the extent that an assassin can be.
  • When Goku is talking to Zen'o, and even lifting the guy of the ground, only Beerus, Champa, and Zen'o's guards are freaked out. However, neither Whis nor Vados are worried, and the Kais are merely looking on. This makes sense because only the brothers bothered their boss with their antics and the guards let a guy just walk up and put a hand on their boss, all on their collective watch. They aren't worried about what Goku's doing, they're worried about what Zen'o might do to them!
  • Frost revealing that he's a Space Pirate while several people from his own universe are present makes sense when you consider that Cabba was, at the time, weaker than he was (since Cabba is equal to Vegeta's base form, which Frost's third form would've been stronger than as shown with Goku), Botamo much weaker, Magetta seems stupid due to his looks, and Hit being an assassin who he has no reason to assume would take issue with him. He had every reason to think none of them would do a thing about it, and it's only afterwards that Hit takes him out effortlessly for trying to sneak away with the cube, Cabba exceeds him by becoming a Super Saiyan, and Magetta's revealed to be a Genius Bruiser.
    • Botamo may be physically weaker than Frost, but he still has the ability to absorb all of Frost's attacks and it's questionable if Frost can harm him using his full power. That said, if Frost knows how to grapple, Botamo might still be in trouble.
    • Frost does know how to grapple. His first move is kneed scissor takeover, an incredibly complex controlling hold. Frost's tail and feet are both prehensile as well.
  • Goku may look stupid for not realizing that the Monaka he's fighting is a fake, but it does makes sense if we looked at things from his perspective. When Beerus appears in front of Goku wearing the Monaka costume, he thinks Monaka transformed into a bigger, stronger form and the Solar Flare was actually Monaka's transformation sequence (Freeza's is initially blinding until he gets used to it). He also notes that Monaka's ki felt like Beerus and just assumes that Monaka now has God ki, much like him when he transforms into a Super Saiyan God Super Saiyan. It is possible that Goku, although he can now feel God ki, can't completely identify the person by sensing them like he can with normal ki since he is still learning. And, when he sees the real Monaka he concludes that Monaka can split his essence like Buu. Which isn't really strange since there is a technique that splits the body and Piccolo himself was once two people. So, such a conclusion wouldn't be all that strange to Goku. Basically, Goku has been living in strangeness for so long that the more mundane explanation fails to occur to him. Either that or Goku realized the truth when he saw the second Monaka and decided to play dumb to keep Beerus from destroying the Earth.
  • The fact that Universe 6 seems on the whole seems to have far more powerful warriors spread among the universe than the ones in Universe 7 (while Goku and Vegeta outclass most of them, the fact they can even put up a fight against them is more than most people in their home universe can say) makes sense when you remember Frieza's reaction to realizing the Saiyans were growing powerful enough to threaten his Empire was planetary genocide. Even if he didn't go to that extreme with other races (because they didn't have a legendary prophecy that scared the crap out of him), it's likely he was quick to eliminate anyone who showed the potential to surpass them but refused to become his minions (and even then likely killed them if he didn't like how strong they were getting). Meanwhile, Frost isn't one to do that even considering he's a Space Pirate, he still seemed to go a slower route that let him come out looking like a hero while Frieza just went for wholesale extermination, and even if he was, he's far stronger than Frieza originally was by an astronomical margin to the point that threshold would be ludicrously high (Hit and Magetta seem to be the only ones on his team who exceed him before Cabba became a Super Saiyan), meaning people who Frieza likely would have exterminated were allowed to flourish.
  • Cabba being able to fight Vegeta evenly in his base form but being extremely outclassed once Vegeta gets serious when the fight moves to their Super Saiyan forms makes sense when you remember one big factor: there's a difference between 'just went Super Saiyan' and the full potential of the transformation. Goku when he first went Super Saiyan was nothing compared to what he was capable of as a 'Full Power Super Saiyan' after fully mastering the transformation. Cabba just went Super Saiyan for the first time while even BEFORE his training with Whis, Vegeta had long since become a 'Full Power Super Saiyan', so of course Vegeta has the advantage.
    • That and Vegeta nearly beat him into unconsciousness before he transformed and he was trying to surrender, so Cabba wasn't in top shape when he transformed while Vegeta was fresh.
  • Despite his greater power than Freeza, Frost is very composed, thoughtful, and good at keeping his ego in check. While it seems strange that he would forgo outright conquest given his power and instead mastermind things behind the shadows, it makes perfect sense as unlike Universe 7 where Freeza was pretty much the strongest in the universe for his time, Frost isn't the most powerful in Universe 6 and he knows it too. Maybe if he had already been the strongest he would have been more like Freeza, but since there were already people who could beat or even kill him, Frost had to play the more subtle game.
    • This is particularly true in the case of Hit, a professional assassin who easily outclasses Frost. If Frost's villainy were made public to Universe 6 as a whole, then ANY and EVERY one of the victims of his schemes could hire Hit to take him out.
  • It makes quite a bit of sense that Frost turned out to be evil. After all, Freeza and his family are mutants with immense power and greater cruelty. Part of that mutation is the ability to transform. Now, let's look at Xenoverse 2. The only transformation Freeza Race characters get is the Ultimate Evolution instead of the more Freeza-like transformations members of his race like Coola and Freeza himself are known for. The Freeza Race Time Patroller is without a doubt a hero, so he obviously possesses none of the cruelty of Freeza and company. And yet, Frost's transformations are exactly like Freeza's. That right there is your biggest clue that Frost is not a particularly nice guy.
  • There are twelve universes. They pair together based on their numbers totaling thirteen. They are governed by gods ruling based on a balance of creation and destruction. The destruction gods have a clear Egyptian Mythology theme. Outside of the twelve is a separate space for a king. And there are designated reset buttons. It seems Dragon Ball cosmology has taken a few cues from Pyramid Solitaire.
  • Why does Beerus use the Super Dragon Balls to have Champa have an Earth on his planet? Many assume it's because he wants his brother to enjoy their foods like him, which is most likely the reason. However, Champa already had the tournament won thanks to Hit defeating Goku, leaving Beerus with only Monaka. It was only thanks to Hit throwing the match that Beerus won. Beerus might have thought this and basically used his wish to give what his brother wanted anyway, just in a different form.

     Future Trunks Arc 
  • When Future Trunks wakes up in the main timeline and sees Goku, he attacks him due to mistaking him for Black. While this can be because of Black causing an Apocalypse How in his timeline, as well as Future Trunks' trauma over him killing Future Bulma, there is a second reason — the last time he was in the main timeline, Goku died and did not want to be resurrected. Before everything gets explained, Future Trunks has no reason to think the one that looks like Goku is actually Goku.
  • Goku using Super Saiyan 3 against Super Saiyan 2 Future Trunks seems like overkill, especially since Goku's base is stronger than Super Saiyan 3 Gotenks. However, Goku transformed into that form to gauge how strong Black is, not to beat up Trunks, and he was also showing Trunks the level beyond Super Saiyan 2. But then you wonder, why didn't Goku use Super Saiyan God Super Saiyan to gauge how strong Black is. He didn't use that form because Super Saiyan God Super Saiyan uses god energy, which can't be sensed by people on Trunks' level. So, Trunks wouldn't know what to make of that form other than it's basically Super Saiyan with blue hair.
    • Also, this explains why Vegeta doesn't complain about Goku fighting against Trunks, since he is overall about as powerful as Goku, but needs god-like ki to go above Super Sayan 2, making him less useful than Goku for such a test.
  • Future Trunks seemingly miscalculating Goku Black's power in proportion to Goku's makes more sense when you realize Trunks likely just got a big Zenkai boost from the near fatal encounter he got in with Black, meaning the gap with Goku wasn't quite as large as it was fighting Black and he could have failed to account for the Zenkai. This also does explain how Trunks fares a bit better against Goku than he otherwise would have. It also goes back to his relative lack in well-rounded experience as a warrior compared to the main timeline heroes.
    • As of episode 60, there's another bit of brilliance in that: Black Goku is actually Zamasu in Goku's body, meaning his ki is part god part mortal, but Trunks can only sense the latter. And, of course, when Goku and Vegeta meet him they are actually able to sense his full potential and even that he's holding back since they can sense his whole ki.
  • Bulma managing to create a force field durable enough to contain the power of Goku and Trunks fighting at Super Saiyan 2 within its area, even if for a limited period of time, does make sense if you really think back. We know Earth is capable of far more advanced technology than it would appear already, and that Capsule Corporation are the ones mostly responsible for harnessing that potential, what with the Dyno-Caps, Dragon Radar, and Future Bulma's time machines. The latter of which defy the limits of what most gods can even do, let alone what they're allowed to do. note  But handling galactic-scale destructive combat power? Well, the Earth has precedent in that department as well, and not even from Capsule Corp. Dr. Gero, the Omnicidal Maniac Mad Scientist who's wanted nothing more than to replace all natural life with artificial beings since the death of his son (and to kill Goku for destroying his main funding source in the Red Ribbon Army), was able to create a series of robots and augmented humans capable of dwarfing the power of a just-awakened Super Saiyan or an untrained Freeza without ever having learned about either personally. And Bulma's seen far more wonders of technology and power than Gero ever had at the time, including the Physical Gods her husband and best friend have become now as well as Vados's force field from Beerus and Champa's tag team tournament.
    • In fact, this brings a whole 'nother font of fridge brilliance. Goku and Vegeta, though persistence, fortitude, and Fighting Spirit, defy the limits of the gods in terms of physical strength and combat potential. Bulma, through technological genius and mastery of Earth's elemental potential, defies the limits of the gods in terms of creation of tools for practical applications. And they've all been at it since they were kids, which makes some sense of how they got this far. It also makes even more sense of why they, along with Bulma and Vegeta's son, are the ones whose efforts must stop Goku Black and Zamasu from ending all that potential and wiping out humanity across the universe and possibly the multiverse.
    • Speaking of Future Trunks, the fact that he IS Bulma and Vegeta's son is pretty telling in this conversation. In his timeline, he's been Bulma's understudy in non-battle situations for years, while taking on a pragmatic approach similar to Vegeta in battle even before having met the man in the main timeline. With Future Bulma's death at the hands of Black, he's effectively become her successor in his timeline barring the existence of any unknown top scientists among the last of the resistance, and in recent episodes, he's now been challenged by Present Vegeta to become stronger than the strongest beings out in his universe and not just rely on time travel to save him every time there's trouble. This arc is called the Future Trunks Saga, after all, rather than the Goku Black saga. It's not just about stopping a vastly demented god with Goku's face and partial genetics; it's about Trunks securing his future and learning to become a different kind of hero by growing his strengths in both disciplines.
  • Black's Super Saiyan Rose form makes him a 'Black Rose'. Black Roses symbolize death. In addition, in Japan, pink has a symbolism with young samurai killed in the prime of their lives. Given his motivations, both are fitting.
    • The god of destruction is the only one allowed to interfere with mortals, and in universe ten, the god of destruction is pink.
  • The reason Trunks is able to injure Future Zamasu: he is immortal and nullifies any damage immediately, so he has no need to waste either his ki or his stamina to make his body tougher or dodge. This is more or less confirmed when Goku gets on Zamasu for having such a lazy defense.
  • Zen'o's existence and Whis and Vados being calm (at least compared to Beerus, Champa and the Supreme Kais) towards him can finally give the reason why they are attendants to the Gods of Destruction in spite of being stronger, as well as their trainers - they work for Zen'o, not for their God of Destruction.
  • Vegeta ordering the group to defeat Black first makes more sense than just his grudge: Zamasu is immortal, but Black isn't. If they can kill Goku Black first, then immortal or not, Zamasu will definitely be less of a threat.
  • Beerus' more proactive moment when he annihilates Zamasu gains additional depth when one takes the manga into consideration. What happened to the Kais in Future Trunks' timeline? They were killed by Future Dabura, meaning that the God of Destruction also died with them. Also adds Fridge Horror in that if something happens to Supreme Kai, Beerus is gone too.
    • Thing is, the manga and the anime are two different continuities despite sharing the same overall story. In the anime, Goku Black killed the Supreme Kais himself, something Beerus doesn't know yet, and Dabura didn't kill anyone.
  • Zamasu and Goku Black being able to easily take advantage of Goku, Trunks, and Vegeta makes a lot of sense when we see that Zamasu asked Zuno everything he knew about Goku. Not only does Zamasu in a Goku's body know how to fight like Goku, he also knows that Goku and Vegeta would never team up in a battle and would prefer to do things on their own. Zamasu and Goku Black will team up against Goku, something that Goku would never do, meaning that the two Zamasus know that they're fighting 2-on-1.
  • Zamasu switching bodies with Son Goku may seem odd since he hates the man, but it's actually quite methodical. First, Goku is a lot stronger than him and would be the biggest known threat in his Zero Mortal Plan, so an unorthodox means of killing him would be needed. More importantly, as a Supreme Kai, he's connected to his universe's God of Destruction. By inhabiting Goku, he's free of this connection and can eliminate the last known challenge to his power by destroying his original body. Similarly, Future Zamasu's Complete Immortality by way of the Super Dragon Balls means that he can off his God of Destruction without killing himself.
    • However, since Zamasu moved into the future timeline for his Zero Mortal Plan, he really didn't have to kill Goku since he has no means of following him and Future Goku is long dead. He also didn't need to take Goku's body to break the connection between him and the God of Destruction since the Time Ring protects him from all changes in time.
  • Beerus having been so reluctant to take any action until given absolute evidence of Zamasu's crimes also makes sense that, in the multiversal scheme of things, Beerus was stepping outside of his territory and into the territory of another God of Destruction to execute a would be God of Creation. He wasn't simply being stubborn, he was following protocol because he and Whis have to justify Beerus's actions to Zen'o for jumping from Universe 7 to Universe 10 and destroying a god.
  • Future Zamasu complaining that Black promised him he would be the one to kill Goku makes more sense with the reveal that Black killed the Goku whose body he stole: Black already got to kill a Goku, and Zamasu wanted his turn because neither of them can stand a person like him.
  • When they fuse into Merged Zamasu, Black doesn't bother powering down from Super Saiyan Rose, whereas it was stated in Z if Goku was Super Saiyan while fused, it'd shorten his life span. Of course, Black wouldn't care about that: Future Zamasu is literally immortal.
  • Episode 65 reveals that Android 8/Eighter is still alive. Makes sense, considering that, being an Android, he has no ki, so he could go undetected during 17 and 18 and Goku Black's respective rampages.
  • Of course Zamasu hopped into Trunks' timeline to enact his plan, that was the 'prime' timeline before mortals started dicking around with time machines. It makes sense that as someone who thinks of themselves as the only justice, he'd try and "correct" the universe. Of course, Cell's timeline where Future Trunks is killed would be the more accurate 'prime' timeline, but he can't sate his ego as a god there as much since neither Trunks nor Cell still exist there as a direct sinner to punish.
  • Trunks being able to pick up moves and benefit from proper training quickly makes a bit more sense when you remember one thing: Trunks has had to reach the level he did on his own. The only formal training he had was from Future Gohan who at the time only really had his training with Piccolo for the Saiyans and possibly some with his father. Even training with his father in the Time Chamber to face Cell was more being sparring partners. Trunks was Incompletely Trained, so once he finally got formal training from his father and other sources, it makes sense he benefits greatly from it due to his natural ability.
  • Merged Zamasu going in for the assumed final blow on Vegito, only for the latter to have performed a feint and impale him with his hand energy blade. Literal payback because Black did it to Vegeta and Goku in earlier battles.
  • Future Trunks being the one to kill Zamasu came with direct stealth foreshadowing. The Android/Cell saga was ultimately won with Gohan's destruction of Perfect Cell, but that battle took place in the main timeline; Trunks still Came Back Strong to the ruined cities of his timeline to destroy all the killer androids there. Now where did the Future Trunks Saga's final battle take place? In the ruined cities of Trunks' timeline. Then there's the fact that it was called the Future Trunks Saga in the first place.
    • Vegeta had also told him back in the present, that he needed to become the strongest himself - which he did.
  • Trunks being able to hold his own in a sword fight with Merged Zamasu even before the Combined Energy Attack that allows him to finish the job makes sense when you realize Zamasu is right handed (having always used the energy blade with that hand) but due to his hideously mutated right arm, is now using his energy blade with his left hand. In addition, Vegito outright says Merged Zamasu's giant form decreased his speed. In other words: Zamasu may have been leagues stronger, but he handicapped himself by lowering his speed and losing use of his dominant hand for sword fighting.
  • In the beginning, Gowasu taught Zamasu how gods look after mortals, with a balance between all things, including their two groups - the latter of course flatly rejected this. And yet Future Trunks kills Merged Zamasu with exactly that same balance: the power of mortals and gods. Himself, Goku, and Vegeta, mortals who've risen to the level of gods - and the Spirit Bomb, a god's technique that draws in small bits of mortals' power, in this case everyone/everything left on Future Earth).
    • When you think about, Future Trunks's speech to Zamasu shortly before the Spirit Bomb forms sounds a lot like the principles of the Spirit Bomb itself. Ie, in joining together their power, they (as a single collective) can suddenly do so much more than any individual. It's likely at this moment that, completely subconsciously, he was channeling a similar feeling/desire to "Give me your energy!", thus allowing a mental connection to form between him and all the living remnants of Earth that the latter then gifted their energy.
  • There's a potential thematic significance with regard to name etymology in Goku Black's fixation with copying Goku, particularly once it's revealed that he's Zamasu inhabiting Goku's body. He's a god who believes he understands and knows what's best for the universe better than anyone; Goku's name is made up of kanji that mean 'enlightenment' or 'comprehension of the essence of all things', and 'sky'. This in turn could be interpreted as 'enlightenment from the heavens'. Black sees himself as the literal embodiment of what 'Goku' should be.
    • It's also an interesting mirror: The mythological Son Goku had many epithets; one was "Great Sage, Equal to Heaven", which represented, among other things, how Goku was a mortal who thought himself equal to the gods. Meanwhile, Zamasu is a god who needed the power of a mortal.
  • Why does Goku Black act so different from all the versions of Zamasu? From what we have seen, almost all of them are Smug Snakes who have complete Villainous Breakdowns the moment things don't go their way, are prone to Motive Rants, and dropping their guard in the middle of a battle, while Black is very stoic and calm no matter what is happening around him. Even when being beaten by Vegeta, he's more visibly annoyed than upset. All the Zamasus also hate Goku with a burning passion, while Black has nothing but respect for him, even when trying to kill him. It all comes down to Goku's body: when Zamasu took Goku's body as his own, it changed him. It made him into a Blood Knight who has a thrill for battle, a need to be challenged, and a desire to grow stronger against any foe. He also inherited Goku's calm demeanor in the face of adversaries. Like Goku, Black will never succumb to panic when faced with a powerful opponent. Instead, he will raise to that opponent and seek to surpass his limits. Zamasu didn't just take Goku's body, he also took part of his essence and it altered his personality. Which is also why Black felt no need to gain immortality, unlike Future Zamasu. As Black said himself, there is no challenge to be had if he can't die. In the end, Black is a hybrid of Goku and Zamasu's personalties.
    • Another bit of brilliance regarding this; the reason Goku Black gained Super Saiyan ROSE instead of Super Saiyan Blue makes a lot more sense when you realize the reason why Super Saiyan Rose is a color inversion of Super Saiyan Blue: the form was corrupted by Zamasu's malice! Of course Zamasu, whose negative traits were shown to be powerful enough to turn Merged Zamasu into an Eldritch Abomination and earlier shown to cause his tea to turn dark, would have such malice that it would corrupt the Super Saiyan Blue transformation; instead of a calm heart, intense training, and divine ki, he reached this transformation through the exact opposite, a heart full of hatred and undergoing intense pain, courtesy of Goku, all while already having divine ki thanks to Zamasu possessing Goku's body! All of this considered, it is no wonder why Goku Black would gain the exact opposite of Super Saiyan Blue.
    • The above is also why Merged Zamasu acts nothing like Black. Merged Zamasu's personality and mannerisms are more aligned with Future Zamasu. The only thing he seems to have taking from Black are his mood-swings. When Black and Future Zamasu fused, the two souls became whole and reset Merged Zamasu to his default personality before Goku's body corrupted Black. This ends up being Merged Zamasu's undoing along with Black not being an immortal since he was power-hungry. If Merged Zamasu was more like Black, he would have killed Goku, Vegeta, and Future Trunks immediately instead of going full A God Am I mode and playing with them. He also wouldn't have lost his composure against them, especially with Vegito. Instead, he would have enjoyed the challenged and grew stronger from it. Merged Zamasu also seemed to have lost the battle instincts he had as Black, fighting more like a beast or a brawler with no training, instead of the precise and elegant battle style Black used. So, ironically, Black not being an immortal messed him up, but what really did him in was not having any of Black's characteristics that he inherited from Goku.
    • But then you must wonder,about Present Zamasu. When Beerus was preparing to execute him, he didn't panic or despair either. He actually gave Beerus a Death Glare before being vaporized. This can be explained that since Present Zamasu knew that some version of him succeeded in the future, he can take solace in that some form of him won and is carrying out his dream. Unlike Future and Merged Zamasu who knew that their crusade for justice would end the moment they are defeated.
  • Regarding Goku being able to beat Merged Zamasu in a beam clash, this is due to Merged Zamasu's choice to fire an energy sphere instead of a beam. Zamasu couldn't increase the power of the attack itself, merely increase the force that pushes it down, so Goku only had to put enough power to pierce the sphere instead of actually overpowering Zamasu.
  • Zamasu's omnipotent form after dying may seem like a Diabolus ex Machina on his part, but do you remember what Black's last technique before fusing was? Creating a dark portal with The Power of Hate alone. Combine the hatred of both Zamasus (who were equal to Vegito while fused), and their sheer determination, and you get that horrible power. It's also prophetic in regard to the first words ever said by Merged Zamasu.
    '"My form is the world."
    • Add to that Black's quote while describing this technique:
    '"Is this the future? The past? Not even I know anymore. Maybe what we're seeing is the infinite anger I hold within me."
    • Yet another quote from Merged Zamasu, that borders almost on Foreshadowing in hindsight:
    "My justice shall fill the universe."
  • Think of why Zamasu had to die twice in an episode, and how he died each time. He was comprised of two entities, a Zamasu that had immortality bestowed to him by the Super Dragon Balls, the original and most powerful set; and Black, a Zamasu that used those balls to wish himself with the body and strength of Goku. What Future Trunks disposed of is the corporeal element - and not only that, since Black depended on his Time Ring to continue existing, once his body was destroyed, so was the ring, and so was the Black component. This is also the reason why when the immortal abomination reemerged, he only had Future Zamasu's appearance. His body could be and was destroyed, but his spirit lingered on the mortal plane because he wished himself incapable of crossing to the Other World no matter what happened to him. Alas, the Dragon Balls are only as strong as their creator, and Zamasu was undone by the absolute strongest being in existence, the only one who could negate his wish for immortality by being stronger than the DBs.
  • Zen'O's ability to erase the multiverse begins as a standard spherical light, but the cut to space shows energy radiating inward, before finally the all-encompassing white light pushes inward from all angles, finally ending at the origin point. In other words, he destroys everything by performing a near-instant Big Crunch.
  • It seems part of the duties of the Gods of Destruction's Angels is to inform Zen'O of their charge's behavior, as Whis and Vados both do when Zen'O is introduced, and the Kais seem to as well. In addition, it's shown that Zen'O's palace is outside the multiverse itself (as the universes are shown floating in the distance and look quite small), and so far away even Whis' teleportation would take days to reach it. Champa and Beerus' tournament was in the gap between universes, massive amounts of power was being thrown around on all sides and the Super Dragon Balls were assembled, so it makes sense that would draw Zen'O's attention when nothing inside any of the universes would, but it's quite likely Zen'O needs reported to to know what's going on in any of the universes simply because of how far away he lives. It's quite likely the reason Future Zen'O never realized what the Zamasus were up to was simply because, with all the Angels and Kais who could report things to him dead, there was no one left to tell him what was happening. Combine this with the fact the universes seem to rarely take interest in each other's happenings, and it's entirely possible the Zamasus wiped out all the Kais before anyone even realized what was happening to report it to Future Zen'O.
  • Some people who had been fans of Chi-Chi during the run of the original Dragon Ball and were disappointed with her smothering, dominating portrayal in Z often speculated as to why she had changed in what seemed like a case of blatant Character Derailment. Then Super Episode 60 comes along and it's revealed that Goku has never kissed Chi-Chi and the implication is very strong, given Goku's disposition, that they don't make love that often if rarely. Suddenly, everything all makes sense. As this guy puts it, "No wonder she's fricking pissed off! Chi-Chi is the most sexually frustrated, emotionally starved woman in existence!" In one fell swoop, Dragon Ball Super managed to turn this severely hated secondary character into the most sympathetic. Well played, Toriyama. Well played.
    • Along with the above comes some humor in Vegeta's incredulous reaction to this; He's realized that even he has a better love/sex life than Goku. He's actually, genuinely beat Goku at something!
    • Lastly, this explains why way back at the beginning of the Android saga, (when he was still somewhat savage), why he stayed with Bulma and didn't simply kill her when she stood up to him. Given that Saiyans prefer strong willed women, her attitude was a turn-on for him!
  • The ending to the Future Trunks arc and it being upbeat makes more sense when you realize one fact: the timeline only split when Beerus killed Present Zamasu because Black had the Time Ring on, which protected him at the time. Given that Black's history still exists...but note when Gowasu puts away the Time Rings in the end, there are SIX rings, when there SHOULD be SEVEN. Black's history and the new Future history created by Black never existing to go there. That's two time rings in and of themselves. But no new timeline is created as a result of Future Beerus taking out Future Zamasu prematurely, as that would've been a seventh ring...but remember what Beerus said? When a god kills another god, it bypasses the timeline split. Black had the TIME RING on to protect him...but Future Zamasu DIDN'T. While Beerus killing Present Zamasu was prevented from erasing Black by the Time Ring, Future Zamasu had nothing protecting him from Future Beerus killing past Future Zamasu. Meaning Future Beerus likely DIDN'T create a new timeline altogether, he merely erased Future Zamasu from time and altered it so the Zero Mortals Plan never happened. The timeline they returned to was their own timeline, just altered by Future Zamasu's premature demise. As for the temporal duplicates, Trunks and Mai aren't the ones Future Beerus killed and were in the past at the time, so it's entirely possible it didn't effect them because of that. Note, Beerus said Trunks and Mai returning to a previous point in time in their world's history could split it, not that Future Beerus dealing with Future Zamasu would (which means even if Beerus didn't create a new Future Timeline by killing Present Zamasu, there should still be seven rings and only two new timelines were made rather than three).
  • Crosses with Fridge Horror, but the first thing Black did upon arriving in the future was recruit Future Zamasu and getting him immortality. After this they murdered all the Kais so no one would be left to stop them. Keep in mind that Zamasu is decidedly not above deceit and feigning innocence (in fact that's how Black killed his Gowasu) and as far as any of the other Kais knew, Future Zamasu was innocent. Even if the other Kais knew someone was killing their fellows AND that it was Black, they wouldn't know about Future Zamasu's involvement...
  • Merged Zamasu is so much more like Zamasu than Goku Black because 1) their minds and ki were identical to begin with and 2) Zamasu being a Supreme Kai would give him more control, just how fusing with a Kai makes the fusion permanent. Like Kibito Kai, Merged Zamasu is Zamasu with Black's build, clothes, and hairstyle.
  • There are tons of subtle foreshadowing in regards to Black's nature:
    • The Potara earring is the first clue, being something that kais wear as it was their invention, as seen in the Buu arc in Z. Zamasu is a rogue Supreme Kai.
    • He's a Knight Templar rather than a Card-Carrying Villain despite wearing black rather than white, befitting of the regular Zamasu, who has more of the latter.
    • Referring to Saiyans as "humans", when both are different, seeing as how gods use "human" as a synonym for "mortal".
    • Has gray eyes rather than blue as Super Saiyan Rose. Zamasu has gray as well.
    • An In-Universe example when Goku spars with Zamasu. He notes that the latter has similar Ki to Black.
  • Zamasu's plan to create a universe for the gods by killing them all isn't a contradiction. The gods (as in Kais and Supreme Kais) grow from the fruits of a tree, of which there's one in all universes, as long as he doesn't destroy the trees the gods will come back, and with no other god around he will be the one to teach them his version of the truth.
  • The Mafuba is usually executed by having the container on the ground to hold the target, so why did Future Trunks had Future Mai hold it instead? Because, as shown when Muten Roshi tried to seal King Piccolo, the smallest error will blast the container away, but if someone holds it they can move it to catch the target. Either they noticed the problem, or they've been told off-screen of Muten's attempt on King Piccolo.
  • Some reviewers found Whis being able to create a new timeline for Trunks and Mai to live with as contradictory with previous statements that Gods are forbidden from time traveling. It is true: gods are forbidden from time traveling, but angels are not.
  • The Trunks in Dragon Ball Online and Dragon Ball Xenoverse seems to be a different Trunks than the one from the main series. Which makes sense, since now there are two versions of him and Mai after Whis created another timeline that wasn't destroyed by Zamasu.
  • Bulma had the Pilaf Gang help her with the time machine even if they're children. She also knows from bitter experience that Pilaf is a scientific genius in spite of his lack of common sense and Mai and Shu were his assistants, so why not take advantage of it?
  • Goku not getting the point of dressing formally to meet Zen'oh isn't him being stupid or rude: Goku already declared that very set of clothing his formal wear, something the Grand Priest caught onto immediately.
  • There's a good reason for Merged Zamasu to start having a Villainous Breakdown the moment Trunks and Vegeta win a Beam-O-War in spite of their inability to harm him: at this point he's far more powerful than he ever was and has the arrogance of both Future Zamasu and Goku Black, as far he was concerned he was completely unstoppable... And two mere mortals just shattered that notion.
  • While they are both body snatchers, Goku Black was much better than Ginyu when it came to using Goku's body, but there's two good reasons:
    • After meeting King Kai, Goku had trained his body to suppress his ki when not in use and then draw it out when needed. Ginyu had heard of this skill but never encountered it until Namek, but Goku Black, being born and trained as a God, had already this training and knew what to do, at least for the base power.
    • Ginyu only had control of Goku's body for less than a hour, while Goku Black had much longer before meeting our heroes. Goku Black had all the time he needed to get used to his new body, while Ginyu had barely started figuring out how to draw out Goku's full base power before being tricked in the frog's body.

     Mini Arcs 
  • Why did Goku fare better against Arale then Vegeta despite the latter knowing that she was a Gag Manga character and adapting appropriately? Well, first off, Goku had met Arale years earlier, so he had a much better idea of what he was up against (note that he immediately jumps to Super Saiyan Blue). Secondly, Vegeta said it himself: he's an action series character, so he's the worst possible opponent for Arale, as the universe will accommodate her gag nature to make him look like a fool. On the other hand, Goku is not only the hero like Arale, but Dragon Ball had it's original roots in humour, being a parody of Journey to the West. He was closer to Arale's nature (though not enough to beat her), and thereby was able to put up a better fight. Vegeta showed up during the Saiyan Saga, when the series underwent Cerebus Syndrome, so despite the fact that he can be silly (just as Goku could be serious) he's exactly the kind of character that the more cartoonish Arale would often embarrass with little effort, despite his power.
    • This troper just realized there's one more reason why Vegeta stood no chance against Arale: What always happens whenever Vegeta takes a shot at the main antagonist (which is what Arale was for this episode) of an arc before Goku? He gets beat. Badly. In every way that matters, Vegeta had lost before the first punch was ever thrown.
    • Adding on to the above trope, it might seem odd that Beerus was able to destroy a character from Dr. Slump the same way he did Zamasu]], if that's the case. But him doing it so casually was a gag in itself, so he was allowed to. This is probably also why he had his stomach-ache when he was about to do the same to Arale - there'd be nothing funny about him erasing a child, after all, so fate simply intervened in a comical way.
    • There are also two other reasons: first, Beerus (unlike Vegeta) is able to bring in some serious Mood Whiplash, leaving him able to deal with gag characters, and second that character, unlike Arale, was a Hate Sink Jerk, and so he just had to get what was coming to him.
    • Which also makes sense as to why Whis was able to fly to Earth in mere seconds when it usually takes him around 25-35 minutes. Since the gag would be him breaking his limits to get Beerus to Earth ASAP, the rules of universe bent for him. That is also how he was able to leave at warp speed after Beerus' stomach acted up.
  • How was Vegeta able to, at least, recognize Arale as a gag manga character and quickly attempt to adapt, even if it didn't help him? He's actually been in a gag manga before, namely Neko Majin Z. And since this is the type of episode to disregard canon and the fourth wall for giggles, who's to say Vegeta simply wasn't trying to implement the experience he had with such manga from his time in NMZ?
  • Dr. Slump's machine is the reality machine number two. If you put aside the demonstrations, the two things it gets actually used for this episode are both related to, well, a number two. This might be the actual reason of Beerus' Potty Emergency.
  • Yamcha being successful in the baseball episode serves as a great Continuity Nod to the beginning of Z that many may have forgotten about. In between the end of Dragon Ball and the start of the Saiyan Saga, Yamcha took up baseball to make some cash. He turned out to be really good at it thanks to his training over the years. So it's no wonder he's great at it compared to the others.
  • Videl seeing right through Barry's ploy - the pictures of Cocoa kissing Gohan - makes sense when you consider that she grew up famous. Her dad is Mr. Satan, the most famous person the world - she grew up in the fast, petty, and shallow lifestyle that Barry loves, and likely saw this type of scheme several times. It's also how she so-accurately pinpointed why Barry was mad at Gohan and her, even to the point of trying to ruin their marriage. Even if she had any doubts about Gohan, she'd know that Barry was full of crap.
    • Not to mention she knows first hand how simpleminded and naive Gohan can be. Afterall, she's the one who originally blackmailed Gohan in the first place into teaching her how to fly, which led to their relationship.
  • Given how poor an adaption of the source material the original Ocean Dub was, having the Ocean Vegeta, Brian Drummond, play Copy-Vegeta is a bit of a brilliant meta move. It pleases both sides: the fans of the dub get to hear him again, and the haters of the dub get to see a take on the character they despise get called a fake in universe.

     Universe Survival Arc 
  • When Goku flies to Zen'o at the Exhibition Match and calls him "Zen-Chan", why don't the attendants do anything to stop Goku (despite the fact this causes a commotion with the other deities)? Because they're still traumatized by what Zen'o did to them when Goku initially called him Zen-Chan.
  • Why are the fighters of Universe 9 wolves/dog-people? Well, it's because they're canines, of course.
  • Despite complaints on U7 not bringing former villains back, that's not exactly accurate: Piccolo, Buu, the androids and Vegeta were all villains initially, and even Tenshinhan initially was a Jerkass rival under the influence of a sadistic teacher. The other powerful villains who could be resurrected are Frieza, Cell and Zamasu. Putting aside the last one, that no one is eager to bring back and would fight for U10 anyway, the former is too driven by his hatred for Goku to be relied upon (not to mentioned he's also quite hated in-universe, and out of universe resurrecting him again would be boring, particularly since we already have Frost in his place), and while the latter could be reasoned with, it would be too risky to bring him back. Remember, Frieza only took a short training to go from below Namek Saga Super Saiyan Goku to levels of godhood. Cell starts off similarly untrained, but already stronger, and could be capable of unlocking the same transformation. He could possibly grow stronger than the main cast, and after the tournament there would be no reason for him to still be on their side...
  • Instead of just creating new overpowered villains to keep up, Super is making its antagonists interesting by giving them main-character's abilities. Hit, as lampshaded in-universe, had the abilities to unlock power-ups and techniques mid-fight to adapt to his opponent, something that was reserved to the Saiyans; Black brought that up a notch by actually being Goku (well, his body), and having all his abilities and inexplicable awesomeness, and the one set up to be Goku's rival in the upcoming arc is apparently a super-hero, with all the implications it carries, and unlike the last time this time both sides will have an equally valid reason to fight for, having the same motivation and need to protect their universes.
  • It makes sense for Universes 9 and 7 to be worst and second worst respectively: Universe 9 has a Supreme Kai who is an antagonistic Jerkass with a God of Destruction who is indecisive about his job. Universe 7 has a Supreme Kai lacking experience after losing his teachers to Kid Buu way back who at first saw best not to involve himself in mortal affairs with an otherwise-lazy God of Destruction who appears to only do his duty based on personal slights. Given how Mortal Level is a measure of the performance of the respective gods rather than simply a power chart, one could argue that Universe 9 was spoiled while Universe 7 was neglected, all factors considered.
  • Speaking of which, from what we've told there's plenty of reasons why the other universes fail the 7 rank.
    • Universe 6: Champa is almost as bad as Beerus, and too caught up in his Sibling Rivalry, while Fuwa has been shown as lazy and nervous. Also because there aren't active planet destroyers running around like Frieza and Buu, the universe is ranked higher than Universe 7.
    • Universe 4: Both Quitella and Kuru have been described as vain and proud respectively. Additionally, Quitella has been shown to be antagonistic towards Beerus, thus bringing in some pettiness in the mix.
    • Universe 10: If Gowasu seems blind to the idea that a sense of justice does not automatically equal a good heart and has it in him to beg Zamasu/Goku Black for redemption after all he's done, it stands to reason a lot of mortals like his former apprentice have dropped the average. Additionally, Rumoosh has been described as a lazy God of Destruction who doesn't like destroying planets due to it being a pain, and if him selecting his team based purely on muscle is any indication, he might not have the most solid judgment either.
    • Universe 3: Ea seems to focus more on brains over brawn. Even though this may allow him to get along with Mosco (which is a machine), such an imbalance may be why their universe is below 7.
    • Universe 2: Helles' interest in beauty likely results in her wiping out worlds with great potential to increase the average, all because they're aesthetically unpleasing. Additionally, Peru focuses more on brawn over brains, even conflicting with Helles' angel. At least having female-like fighters like Ribrianne is a fair middle-ground between Helles and Peru.
    • Universe 11: The Pride Troopers are a massive help for Universe 11, however, the fact that a group of superheroes is even necessary means there's a lot of super-villainy happening. That and Topo's zero tolerance stance against evil means no one gets a chance to make a change for the better (like most of the Z Fighters have); this may be keeping the mortal level down. Both Khai and Vermoud are both very confident in their Universe, although Marcarita feels like the two aren't strict enough, in comparison to the other Supreme Kais and Gods of Destruction that are above the 7 rank.
  • The tournament of power having one free-for-all round makes sense. Zen'o gets bored easily and probably wouldn't like watching the same people fight each other for so long. The one-round match allows him to see all the fighters at once without having to have repeat matches.
    • Also, once it's revealed that it was all a massive Secret Test of Character, it added even more pressure on the teams by forcing everyone immediately with the strongest guys with no time to prepare-and the strongest guys with everyone else having the chance of ganging up on them, something that almost happened when it appeared Goku had died from his own Spirit Bomb and the aces of every other universe spontaneously showed up to beat the crap out of him before Goku awakened Ultra Instinct.
    • It also makes sense narratively speaking: we've seen what Hit can do one-on-one twice now, and we're already seeing little-by-little how the other universes handle basic combat. Now they're putting that skill to use in a free-for-all setting, making you wonder how Hit's time-stopping abilities or pocket dimensions will be used in this match.
  • Despite Goku helping save his (and by extension Rumoosh's) life and deal with his apprentice, one must wonder why Gowasu hasn't spoken out in Goku's defense. However remember what he's unwittingly led to; not only giving an unstable Kai the position necessary to carry out the Zero Mortals Plan and eventually the annihilation of an entire timeline, he also made it possible for a second Zen'o to be brought in and make everyone more nervous. He can't be that popular at the moment, so trying to defend Goku might actually make things worse for the both of them. Likewise, since Goku brought the future Zen'o it's no wonder the other gods found it easy to hate him — even with the knowledge present Zen'o was planning on getting rid of universes (as far as they knew), Goku still brought another volatile multiverse buster to them.
  • It makes sense that Satan is the one who suggests Android 18 for the tournament - he likely still remembers his 'match' against her.
  • After Gohan loses by ring-out to Krillin, he says he's still inexperienced with fighting. While it may sound like in general, he's referring to his utter lack of tournament-rule fighting; every battle he's fought in canon (Raditz, Nappa and Vegeta, Frieza, Cell, Super Buu, Beerus, Trained!Frieza's soldiers, etc) has been with basically no rules. His one tournament fight - against Kibito in the Buu Saga - was cut short by outside forces, so it's no wonder that he calls himself inexperienced in that respect.
  • Crossed over with Fridge Horror: in the manga version of Goku's recruitment of 17, where 17 accepts immediately out of gratitude towards Krillin, 17 mentions that he could hear Goku's voice from inside Cell (which is how he recognized it when Goku was calling for the Earthlings' energy against Kid Buu). This would mean that within Cell, 17 and 18 were held prisoner in a state of suspended or paralyzed minimal consciousness. Here's how many things it explains:
    • 17 recognizing Goku's voice when Goku was calling for the Earthlings against Kid Buu. It's more than just Gero's data, it's memory of the real thing.
    • 18's love (and 17's respect) for Krillin. They could both see what he went through to try to protect and/or avenge 18.
    • Their more or less straight and narrow attitudes following the Cell Saga. Given the sheer terror they must've felt at the "mercy" of a monster with a darker variant of their initial "playground" attitude towards life, that outlook would've lost much of its initial appeal.
    • 17's protectiveness of nature. Given that he heard 16's speech to Gohan about fighting to protect the beautiful world Cell wished to destroy, his becoming a park ranger may at least be in part a tribute to 16.
    • A canon-consistent explanation for why Super 17 from GT would be somewhat insane rather than just evil. Super 17 represents Lapis fighting a largely losing battle from the inside against a literal clone of himself created in hell not to be subjected to the same horror he and 18 suffered under Cell.
    • Why he was the one to attack Ribrianne in the middle of her transformation sequence. He remembers exactly how well sitting back and letting Cell reach his perfect form worked out for Vegeta.
  • Episode 85 reveals that the actual reason the gods of destruction resent Goku so much is his attitude around Zen'o. Even if he's not responsible for this accident in particular, he's too uncaring when dealing with an unpredictable Top God who already erased six whole universes for unknown (but implied to be insignificant) reasons, and he's just too big of a risk, he might just cause them all to be destroyed in the future. Particularly if they know that the other Zen'o (a) is his fault, and (b) erased a timeline with impunity.
  • Buu's periodical 2 month hibernation period can give us a good hint about how the lone Supreme Kai managed to defeat Bibidi and seal Fat Buu for 5 million years.
  • The bios of the four highest ranked universe's Gods of Destruction give a few compelling reasons for why those four are at the top: while Iwen is not given much detail, Arak is noted as being thoughtful and thinks things through before he destroys something to ensure he only destroys what's necessary for his universe's growth, Liquor destroys only what he views as defects and imperfections in the Supreme Kai's plans for creation and nothing more, and Gin is noted as carrying out necessary destruction mercilessly but also fairly rather than just on a whim. Compare to Beerus (who blows things up for so much as giving him bad food) and Sidra (who's too indecisive to destroy anything), and it becomes obvious that the difference is those four gods are much more precise and measured in the amount of destruction they cause rather than wanton in it.
  • A bio for Rumoosh has also given some detail on why Zamasu may have resented him. Gowasu stated that they (him and Zamasu) couldn't interfere with creation, with only Gods of Destruction being able to interfere with that. Rumoosh has been described as "lazy", and that's considering that Beerus was the one who had to kill Zamasu after he unsuccessfully attempted to murder Gowasu in the main timeline.
  • With the previews that Buu will be dropping out from the tournament due to sleeping, many people came to notice that in the Universe Survival arc opening, there are no action/training shots of Buu... which could've been a possible foreshadowing that Buu wasn't going to have a big role to begin with. In fact, look at the ending credits. Everyone's in action shots... except Buu, who is asleep.
    • As of Episode 95, Buu has been replaced by Frieza in the end credits.
  • Why would Goku choose Frieza to replace Buu when he could have chosen someone like Cell? Because Goku knows Frieza's limits and knows what he's going through. Even though he dismissed it in the Resurrection 'F' arc, he knows that Frieza is suffering in Hell and it's in his nature to try to save someone, no matter how evil. He also knows that being around Beerus will put Frieza on his best behavior if not the fact that wantonly blowing his energy on his vengeance would just put him right back in Hell. It's a good call since Frieza immediately pushes the boundaries as soon as he's able to, even considering defecting to another universe if they could guarantee his resurrection, but this is mainly to see just how long of a leash Goku and Beerus would allow him.
    • How did Frieza get so much stronger in Hell (especially since he's completely bound in a cocoon and his Ironic Hell is specifically tailored for non-violence)? Frieza finally mastered a technique that every Z-Warrior learned (and Vegeta quickly picked up) in the original Dragon Ball manga - meditation. His Golden Form was already much stronger than SSB Goku but it was something of a Glass Cannon due to his severe stamina issues, which allowed Goku to defeat him twice over. Now? Frieza merely caught up to the rest of the cast as far as esoteric techniques go and his latent talents did the rest.
    • Also worth remembering that Cell had become omnicidal at the end, having come to the conclusion that his purpose was to exterminate all life in the universe. Frieza had a nasty habit of blowing up planets when he didn't get his way, but he never had aims on exterminating all life. On the other hand, if Cell got wind of the stakes of the tournament, there's every likelihood that he would intentionally sabotage the whole thing.
    • It's also debatable if he can be revived. Cell's appearances in Hell are from GT and filler, it's possible he doesn't have a soul to be revived like Android 16.
    • Or that Cell accepted his loss and just passed on. Freeza was hanging around as long as he could on the hope someone would bring him back.
  • During the beginning of the match between Lavendar and Gohan, the camera briefly cuts to the other gods and angels, including Universe 1 Angel Awamo, who was shown to be smiling. While it may be just simply a way of showcasing gods and angels of other Universes, Awamo's bio states that his high level allows him to sense everything. Since Gohan has hidden potential within him, Awamo most likely sensed it and was possibly interested to see what Gohan is capable of.
  • One that crosses over into Dragon Ball Xenoverse 2. One of the biggest complaints about Xenoverse 2 was the fact that players could obtain Golden Mode for the Frieza Race characters, but they couldn't obtain Super Saiyan God nor Super Saiyan Blue for their Saiyan character. As well, Earthlings, Buus and Namekians are still in the low end of the spectrum. Thus, technically, Frieza Races have the "strongest" Super Mode in terms of canon. Until episode 90, which revealed that Ultimate Gohan's full power rivals that of a Super Saiyan Blue. Players get that form as "Potential Unleashed", which requires you to get Z-Rank in the main Ranking Advancement missions. Players have had that power the entire time, Toei just waited until now to tell everyone.
    • If you think about it, the reveal was foreshadowed the moment Gohan re-unlocked his Ultimate form: when he did so, his eyes took on a white glow... exactly like the glow Vegeta's eyes took on in Episode 54, when transforming into Super Saiyan Blue to train with Future Trunks, except blue-colored.
  • Several characters turning out to be strong enough to rival Super Saiyan Blue Goku makes sense when you recall that several characters, such as Hit and Toppo, are naturally on that level without God Ki. It makes sense that others with the potential to reach that level exist in his own universe.
  • Also, the reason Goku is more at ease bringing back Frieza: in their last confrontation, he was actually stronger, only losing after depleting his stamina through overconfidence and lack of training. But, since then, both Goku and Vegeta underwent significant power-ups, with Goku both developing and mastering the mix between Super Sayan Blue and Kaioken, and also people like Gohan and Android 17 developed a power level able to compete with their own. Frieza would be extremely powerful, but far less of a threat than it was before.
    • It could also be that Frieza specifically mentioned being brought back with the Earth's Dragon Balls, even after Goku mentions the Super Dragon Balls. Maybe Goku knew that because Frieza had already been resurrected by Shenron once, it wouldn't work a second time anyway. Of course this doesn't matter in the long run since Beerus has Whis resurrect Frieza anyway after the tournament.
  • Caulifla learning how to reach Super Saiyan, after having Cabba explain more thoroughly how he focuses his energy helps explain why the the younger saiyans were able to ascend to it so much earlier than the older generation. It isn't so much about overwhelming anger as it is activated from focusing ki a certain way. Anger and rage then likely makes saiyans subconsciously focus their ki this way, but as Caulifla shows, it can be learned without it.
    • It was established that Caulifla is a gifted Saiyan, so her initial Super Saiyan transformation could also be explained by her figuring out how to bypass the rage prerequisite.
    • Or perhaps rage was never a prerequisite at all; it simply made it 'easier' to achieve the transformation. As early as the Android Saga, we've seen that activating, maintaining, and de-activating the SSJ transformation doesn't require anger, and this shows in Goku and Gohan's 'natural' SSJ states when training to face Cell. Keeping yourself angry in your sleep isn't exactly feasible, but muscles tensing (and staying that way) during sleep is a common thing in real life for multiple reasons - they simply learned how to keep their back muscles tensed that way. Being overwhelmingly angry was just an 'easier' way to achieve the focus, but it wasn't exactly necessary.
    • The location of the "tingly feeling" is between the shoulder blades, right where the Middle Dantian is. According to Taoist tradition and traditional Chinese medicine, the Middle Dantian is both where ki is generated and the main center of emotions. That's both why sudden rage facilitate the Super Saiyan transformation and why, until mastering, Super Saiyan have trouble controlling their emotions, the overwhelming anger concentrates their ki in its origin point and causes the transformation and the transformation amplifies the anger. But a prodigy like Caulifla only needed to be told how to do it to achieve the first transformation, and being extremely in touch with her emotions didn't suffer the extreme anger.
      • On the other hand, Kale, being nowhere near as a prodigy like Caulifla, emotionally repressed and the Legendary Super Saiyan on top of that, needed the overwhelming anger to transform... And was in turn overwhelmed, at least at first.
  • Even though the Supreme Kai (Peru) of Universe 2 is obsessed with power and conflicts with the Supreme Kai (Ea) of Universe 3's ideals of brawn vs brain respectively, his Universe is a twin counterpart of Universe 11, which is more of a Sailor Moon parody of the Super Sentai (from which we've seen so far from Ribrianne). Then we get see that Rumoosh, the God of Destruction of Universe 10 has ideals similar to Peru, and has even picked the Universe 10 team which relies on power over mind. Then it comes in ... Universe 10 is the twin universe of Universe 3, so it makes total sense that Rumoosh's team is full of macho men while Universe 3's team is full of mechanized and modified warriors that come up with the tournament rules in mind.
  • When Master Roshi arrives at Capsule Corporation, he is amazed at seeing Gohan and compliments him. Now, his reaction seems repetitive considering he complimented Gohan's progress hours before. However, take things in context. At Karin's Tower, Roshi commented about his younger days. Then he sees Gohan, with his black hair (which he once had), his yellow-rimmed glasses (the same color of his shades), and the Gi bearing the Kamesennin School colors. Gohan is a reflection of Roshi in his prime. No wonder he is pleased!
  • Caulifla's attitude toward the other fighters actually makes sense when you consider when they came from. Universe 7 is made by experienced fighters, who have to be careful not to reveal all their abilities to their opponents right off, and usually keep their actual power hidden unless it's necessary (and Frieza got recenty a massive boost by learning to control himself, so he's likely doing the same). Likewise, the Pride Troopers are unlikely to show off their full power, both to surprise criminals and not to alarm civilians who can sense auras. On the other universe we have similar cases, with at least one assassin (Hit), and we've seen that at least the Trio de Danger's energy is impossible to sense, and that's not even accounting for those who get power boosts from transformations. But Califula? She was the leader of a thug gang, a position that was kept by being the biggest threat there. She got the Super Saiyan transformation by using all her energy, and right after that she showed up her newfound powers. She might have kept an ace or two up her sleeves for safety, but she still lives in a world where you can't afford to look weaker than you are. No wonder she thinks most of her opponents there are weaklings!
  • Hit taking down Narirama's "super survival mode". It was dangerous because of Narirama's spinning speed, but Hit can (and probably did) wait until he got close, stopped time and pinned one of his hands down while it's frozen, making the speed meaningless. After that, Narirama's other hand was flailing, helpless- easy prey for anyone with Super-Speed, which most of the combatants possess by default due to their status as the Universes' most powerful.
  • The fact that only 27 Worlds have life in Universe 7 may make it hard to understand just how so many alien species are seen, however one should remember Earth. Earth has a lot of lifeforms on it who aren't plain humans, ranging from sentient animals to whatever Mr. Popo is. The 26 worlds with sentient life likely have many worlds like that among their ranks with many races inhabiting them.
    • It's less sentient life (anything with any kind of self awareness is sentient), and more so being a low number of worlds that actually have civilization. Most locals of Dragon Ball are desolate ghost planets, harsh death worlds or private resorts. But there are hundreds of planets with "sentient" life. Some of those non civilized planets have some strong fighters too, such as Yakon, Comeson, Broly and Moro but the Kaioshin apparently didn't know of them, even the Elder being unaware of the Metal Men, or think anyone from one of those planets would have been worth replacing an Earth fighter. In the case of the fighters from the non civilized worlds, we've seen they'd be too risky to try and pacify in just two days, but we can only assume the stronger civilized fighters seen in previous and later arcs (Abo, Kado and Merus) simply couldn't be found or couldn't be convinced. Which also makes sense, since the inter universal competitions were Champa's idea to begin with, so Vados likely spent a much longer time scouting and convincing martial artists. Beerus didn't have any plan beyond making sure Goku had a good showing, and thus was in no way prepared for a ten man team tourney battle royal.
  • Some fans were confused about why Bergamo, in the entirety of his team's fight with Goku and Vegeta, didn't use his ability to absorb their attacks. However, when you remember a signifcant detail about his power absorption, then it suddenly makes sense: The more energy he absorbs, the bigger he becomes. And of course, the bigger someone becomes, the easier it is to hit them, and their blind spots increase. Even if it could take Bergamo much more energy absorbing to get big enough that he wouldn't be able to stand in the arena, there's also the fact that either Goku or Vegeta could take him out of the arena much more easily. His energy absorption technique would simply be way too detrimental.
    • Also his strategy was coordinated attacks with his two brothers, he probably didn't practice any that involved his increase size and remained small to stay synchronized
    • Additionally, someone who is heavy enough can actually break the ring and knock themselves out, as shown with Napapa (Caulifla pushed down his entire weight to destroy part of the arena) and Tupper (after Android 18 rolls him to the edge of the arena, his weight ends up crushing the arena and destroying it). Bergamo probably took this into consideration and didn't want to do anything too risky to himself. Still didn't stop fighters like Monna, Ribrianne, and Koichiarator/Anilaza from turning gigantic. However, Monna had a much better mobility, and both Riribiranne and Anilaza had greater expertise, control and winged flight.
  • With the universal ranking revealing that U7 is second to last and U6 is above it, it occurred to me that Beerus winded up shooting himself in the foot when he used the Super Dragon Balls to restore U6's Earth and all life on it. Since the rankings of the Universe are based on mortal levels and quality of life on it, doing so increased that Universe's level thus making it higher than 7's.
    • Heck it even explains what we've seen on the universe: For all of Beerus's faults he definitely is more motivated to do things than Champa is, and the Kai's of 7 at least aren't nervous wrecks. Makes you wonder just how good Universe 6 is beyond the Saiyan homeworld, especially given the universes's greatest warrior is a hitman.
    • It probably helps that, unlike Universe 7, they didn't have an overt world pirate destroying worlds left and right.
    • Actually, that helped Universe 6. The most powerful beings in Universe 7 (gods excluded) have been first Buu, a force of pure destruction that went after anything close enough, but could take special interest in exceptionally strong beings (and had been used as a weapon to actively strike down powerful enemies for a while) and then Frieza, a tyrannical overlord preventively wiping out anyone who could come close to threathen him. Hit, on the other hand, is not actively malicious per se and follows a code, and even then is not above showing some good heart, like he did with Goku. Being the strongest non-god around turns him into a safety measure, since any threats on a galactic or universal scale could easily be fixed by a call and appropriate payment. This is most likely the reason Frost went for deception in the first place: he couldn't risk making enemies who could afford Hit.
  • When two Gods of Destruction fight, the whole universe around them starts getting destroyed. That probably was another reason for the Grand Priest asking the four highest-level Gods for a sparring match, and that he made it that short (also notice that they could only destroy the fighting stage, after that they were surrounded by the void). Also notice that, being the Gods of the top four universe, they are not necessarily stronger than Champa or Beerus, but they are definitely much more competent than them, so they might have ways to lessen the outspread of destruction, if not to negate it (the same way Goku adapted to Beerus and found a way around the universe-shattering waves from their blows). After seeing what Toppo's ascension did, it seems even more plausible.
  • Universe 6, as of episode 102, is the only universe to suffer no casualties, even being responsible with taking out the first Universe 7 fighter and the Red Herring best warrior of Universe 3 along with many of the Pride Troopers. Odd, but of the universes participating Universe 6 has the most experience with interacting with other universes fighters thanks to Champa and Beerus's constant fighting. Their core team knows what to expect when fighting other worlds. Also discovering the hidden power of Kale likely made them give pause and reminded them that anyone is capable of being that dangerous.
    • Also, let's consider the team's members. Hit, who is most likely to be their leader, is a hitman with centuries of experience, eliminating others without taking risk is literally his job (unlike most of the other fighters in the series). Botamo and Magetta have very defensive abilities, and due to their nature they are also unlikely to take risks. Frost was a Manipulative Bastard and Combat Pragmatist, and he will most likely go with cheap shots against defenseless prey if he can (like he did with Krillin). As for the saiyans, Kale doesn't really like fighting or her ability in doing it before mastering her transformation, at least, and Cabba is a very reasonable and smart guy, likely to listen to Hit's orders, and Caulifla has been shown to be in a good relationship with Hit and not completely losing her head while fighting, so she too will listen to him. We don't know much about the other three warriors, but they are likely to be equally careful in their approach. Also, Vados is the one who picks the warriors for the universe 6 team (in other universes, we've seen it done by either the kai, the god of destruction, or some mortal from that universe). So not only, being an angel, she is both more powerful and more at ease with the multiverse stuff than gods and mortals, but Vados herself is the most scheming and proactive of them, being the only angel seen actively influencing her god's actions and decisions, so Universe 6's team is the one likely to be more carefully picked.
    • In addition, they had a pair of fighters who'd be able to avoid tiring themselves out in the early part of the tournament. The Namekians on the team had fused with many other warrior Namekians in their universe, but took a while to fully stabilize from it. This meant that they'd be fresh in the latter half, where exhaustion has noticeably began to affect other warriors like Roshi.
    • Contrasting, their numbers rapidly fell as the Tournament of Power went through, and because of overconfidence (with the exception of Cabba and Kale). Botamo was overconfident that his "invulnerable" body would make it hard for opponents to beat him, to where he was easily offed by Gohan after Gohan used an effective Kamehameha against him. Dr. Rota never got to show any visible abilities because he was so confident through his speech, that it gave him an opening through Hermila, Prum and Vegeta (who ultimately knocked him out). Mageta was confident that he was unbeatable because of his ears getting covered (a smart fighter could've either moved one of Botamo's hands or blasted through Magetta's rocks) and got insulted into oblivion. Frost was so overconfident that Frieza was joining forces with him that he didn't see Frieza "beating up Gohan" as an act. Hit was confident that he could hold Jiren in a time bind for 24 minutes. Caulifla herself was overly confident, considering the Pride Troopers to be "wimps" (until almost losing against some and witnessing Jiren's power herself) and wanted to contribute to as many fights as possible (she was initially upset that Cabba wanted to fight Monna alone). Kefla considered herself to be the most powerful fighter in the multiverse, and even though she had immense power, she wasn't able to keep up with Ultra Instinct Goku.
    • Magetta's weakness is also pretty brilliant. His race looks and is shown to be incredibly durable and tough, but their weakness is their hidden depths. The Metalman look and act like robots, but instead of the usual emotionless robot trope, they're very sensitive and in touch with their feelings.
  • Kakunsa was probably the worst choice to fight against 17. She bases her entire fighting style after being a predator, but 17 being a park ranger means he not only has experience with all sorts of exotic and powerful animals, but he also fights against poachers that use said animals as "prey".
    • In addition to that, it's outright stated that Kakunsa's strength is her stamina, which she uses to attack her foes relentlessly. Ordinarily, this would allow her to tire out her opponent until she gained the upper hand. However, she was up against an Android with literally infinite energy. Her usual strategy of viciously attacking until her opponent was worn down wouldn't work, and her bestial attacks were, as stated above, familiar to Android 17. The fight's outcome was decided as soon as she picked 17 to fight against.
  • The order of elimination of the Universes seem to be based on how the God of Destruction and Supreme Kai run things, specifically in the Tournament of Power. Additionally, the first four universes eliminated are twin universes of the remaining ones (and of the universes with the exception of 7, all of those universes have higher quality levels than their twins that were erased).
    • Universe 9: The team had really bad leadership skills from their Supreme Kai (who ordered all of them to go against Goku and Vegeta save two of them), plus they were already vengeful against Goku for the whole Exhibition Match plus Quitela's meddling. Focusing their entire team on the two strongest warriors instead of trying to weed out weaker warriors is probably why it costed them the tournament so early on, considering they were out before 5 minutes were up.
    • Universe 10: The elimination of this universe is also based on bad leadership, although not as bad as Universe 9's. The Supreme Kai Gowasu was too indecisive on choosing his team to the point where the God of Destruction Rumsshi chose everyone... And his philosophy of brute strength over intellect is very flawed, to where almost every fighter except for Obuni was shown as cannon fodder. In the end, his team should've tried to focus more on training against stronger foes, considering that both of them saw the Trio De Danger, Gohan, Buu, Goku, and Toppo (plus two of their fighters were knocked out by Basil and Gohan at different points).
      • Another hint comes from the Future Trunks saga, where Gowasu was surprised to learn a mortal had fought a God of Destruction and lived: other Gods of Destruction that fought mortals have not killed them unless they deserved it, but apparently Rumsshi killed anyone who for some reason fought him-and that likely included a few strong fighters that could have been useful in the tournament.
    • Universe 2: The elimination of Universe 2 had better leadership than the previous two universes, but as from what we saw from Ribrianne, their view of "love" isn't as perfect as things are. Heles and Pell probably believed such values as well, and would need to learn that there is more to beauty than what there is to be believed. Additionally, Pell had a similar mindset to Rumsshi that physical strength was superior to brains.
    • Universe 6: They were eliminated simultaneously with Universe 2, but although they had a higher mortal level than Universe 7, Champa was way too overconfident with his team, even though all of them had formidable warriors. Throughout the Tournament of Power, Champa kept on gloating that his universe would be the one to win and even rooted for other universes to take out Universe 7 (especially with the showdown between Goku/Vegeta and Universe 9). Even though they were the last universe to suffer a casualty, they quickly lost numbers after Frieza betrayed Frost.
    • Universe 4: Being a twin universe of Universe 9, their universe was handled better in the Tournament of Power. Quitela's also quite manipulative, meaning that he's quite confident in his Combat Pragmatist fighters, which is the problem. Most of his team (with the exception of Ganos, Monna, and maybe Majora) relied on cheap tricks to attack, which could only bring Universe 4 so far. In fact, the last three of their fighters were absolutely useless once their tricks were revealed and they were outsmarted. The outright powerhouses weren't terribly strong by themselves either, with Monna being easily swatted away by Vegeta. Similar to Universe 9, Quitela did order them to attack Universe 7 in groups of 2 or 3 (Monna was the only one who attacked independently - who attacked Universe 6 instead. Nink did too, but Goku was fighting Ganos shortly before Nink attacked him), but not in a huge group that would risk erasure if they were to lose (i.e. Roh pitting 8 members against Goku and Vegeta).
    • Universe 3: The last universe eliminated before Universes 7 and 11 (aka Jiren's universe). Overall, Universe 3 relies more on intellect than physical strength, which perfectly explains their Iron Butt Monkey status, especially some relatively embarrassing wipeouts early on (and Narirama getting easily disabled by Hit and Basil). However, both Ea and Mosco emphasized on survival and durability. This made them outlast even the hidden fighters Damom and Gamisaras from Universe 4. However, because none of them relied on raw power, they were relatively flawed on that aspect.
    • Universe 11: The last remaining universe to get eliminated. Throughout the Tournament of Power, they had a strong focus on Justice vs Evil, which compared to Helles's and Ribrianne's views of Love vs Ugliness (which was proven to be superficial), is actually a good view to abide by. However, at least in the anime, Toppo's views of evil are a little skewed, as he considers Goku evil just because he suggested the Tournament of Power. The leadership seems to be more organized, as Belmod seemingly commands them through telepathy. Also, the two gods have been proven to be a little overconfident at times, which led to the knockout of seven of their members early on in the tournament. However, due to a small change of views from Toppo, they seem to be more endured. Helps that one of them is a potential God of Destruction and the other one has powers within the realm of a God of Destruction, maybe even higher. And then it's revealed that they actually had two fighters in that realm, Toppo being an actual God of Destruction and Jiren even stronger, explaining their confidence.
    • Universe 7: Universe 7 is actually the second worst handled universe as compared to Universe 11 being the best handled. However, this is due to an inexperienced Supreme Kai and a petty God of Destruction. Why Universe 7 seems to be doing so well has to do with the fact that the group isn't really directed by Beerus, but by the very mortals themselves. Vegeta also proved to best Toppo as a God of Destruction, who threw away all of his ideals by showing that he didn't throw his ideals away. And speaking of ideals, Goku's ideals of trust and friendship beat the ideals of Jiren's belief that strength is absolute.
    • In fact, the entire Tournament of Power was a Secret Test of Character, whether or not the last person standing would make a particular wish with the Super Dragon Balls. If the fighter were to make a wish considering the universes that got erased, the wish would've been done. If the wish was a selfish wish (like if it was Android 17 wishing for his boat or Ribrianne wishing to be a Love Goddess), it would've doomed the entire multiverse, proving that the winning universe is no better than the other universes that got erased.
  • The fighters picked for Universe 10 go a long mile toward explaining why Zamasu might not have had the best opinion of mortals even before meeting Goku and seeing the Babarians. Of the best of the best Rumshii could find from the fighters there, most of the ones we've seen are either pretty dim (Murichim in general, Jium and Lilibeu screwing up and getting eliminated when they could have been valuable assets), jerks (Napapa and Mechiopu beating up a fighter who couldn't fight back instead of just doing their jobs and eliminating her), or just weaklings in the grand scheme of things, with only Obuni really putting up a fight. While Rumshii picked brawns over brain, the fact his universe is called the Macho one probably means this is the norm rather than the exception. It also fleshes out his dislike for Goku, who at first glance probably seemed almost exactly like someone from Universe 10.
  • The Pride Troopers chosen for the tournament may not have simply been elite troops, but also set up specifically to handle the fighters already witnessed in Universes 7 and 9. Kasheral's energy blades would have been better suited for fighting Buu's malleable form than simple punches, Cocotte's zone ability would have been able to block and contain Lavender's poison attacks, Vuon's energy whip could have caught Basil mid-kick before he can properly fire his attacks, and Dyspo's speed would have made him good for combating Bergamo's size altering abilities. With an entire universe to search for Pride Troopers, it was probably decided to focus on finding Pride Troopers who would have advantages against known threats beyond 'Jiren is tougher than I who matched Goku' instead of wandering aimlessly and recruiting at random.
    • Episode 104 actually reinforces that, showing that Dyspo knew about Hit's time-skip and was prepared to counter it.
  • Why does Universe 2 have a Yardat as a team member? Given that we saw Gods of Destruction bet on world trading via the Super Dragon Balls, it is possible Helles had bartered Champa a Yardat inhabitated world once before, giving him the idea for Earth later and showing why they aren't seen in Universe 6 so far. It's also possible that, given Universe 9 had interest in other universe fighters, Helles was interested as well and looked outside her universe for fighters, and given her better management she looked less for power and more for a fighter whose abilities would be advantageous: which his instant transmission has proved itself to be.
    • Heck given Goku's history with the Yardats she might have gotten a Yardat who was familiar with the Saiyans basic power set to also give her team advice on how to fight him, Gohan, and any other Saiyans Universe 6 or 7 brought in.
    • Another explanation-when explaining the concept of twin universes, it's said that every race and/or planet should have a counterpart in the twin. It was never said they were exclusive to those twin universes, so non-twin universes can share a few species and planets even if most only belong to the twins.
  • Universe 9's Trio de Danger commented during the tournament of power that because their world sucked so much they had to work together to survive may be part of their traditional badass boasting, but it actually ties in to comments by Ro and Sidra. When they nearly recruited Frieza, they were horrified when he was so flippant about destroying things he cared above, among them family. With the Trio's comment in mind, one could easily pick up a sense that in Universe 9 family bonds are really important in a 'the family that survives together stays together' sort of way. A nice little touch to an otherwise horrible place to live.
  • With the reveal that Paparoni from Universe 3 is controlling all of the other nine fighters in his team, this tends to make quite a bit of sense when you see a lot of their actions and failures so far.
    • In general, none of them really had any time to properly train, so Universe 3 figured that organizing the fighters and making them fight as a unit would help them succeed in the Tournament of Power. Obviously, this has flaws. In the manga, it's even more obvious, especially with Mosco's comment about "having trouble finding fighters".
    • The "Super Survival Mode" assault seems to be very organized, with three fighters firing out blasts to make opponents flinch, and Narirama suddenly coming out of the blasts to initiate its spinning rampage. It just seems way too scripted, even with Nigrisshi freaking out at the failure of the plan.
    • Nigrisshi getting taken out all of a sudden by Cabba makes perfect sense since he was expecting to ambush Cabba with a normal attack, but wasn't expecting such a sudden assault. Paparoni probably didn't consider this flaw at all.
    • Narirama shortly getting scrapped by Hit. Sure, it's modified to survive, but Paparoni didn't really consider a fighter like Hit who could stop time in the tournament.
    • The Preecho being able to get paralyzed by Master Roshi. First, this happened shortly after the chaos of Kale, so Paparoni wasn't able to pinpoint his accurate location at the time, allowing an easy KO for Universe 7.
    • As for Maji Kayo restraining Goku for most of Episode 105, Paparoni probably observed Goku enough to know that he'll only go Super Saiyan Blue for short amounts of time, as Goku wants to conserve his stamina for as much as possible. Plus, he seemed to be aware that Goku has a problem keeping his guard down (considering Nink and Tupper), so Goku was more of an easy target. It was only when Master Roshi's Disney Death happened that Goku was able to free himself from Maji Kayo's clutches and went Super Saiyan Blue.
    • Universe 3's strategy of scouting Jiren with Maji Kayo definitely looks way too organized for the blob fighter to do it alone, especially with Ea's commentary. In fact, when Maji Kayo prepares to fight Jiren, he tells him "Go on and show us your power" as well, meaning that the possibility of a Hive Mind is present as well. Too bad Paparoni should've taken into consideration that messing with Jiren is a bad idea...
    • During Boraretra's battle against Gohan, it is shown to be having the upper hand, but once Gohan hides behind a rock, Boraretra just assumes he disappeared without even destroying the rock or anything and tries to find another opponent. Paparoni probably just assumed that Gohan disappeared, so he ordered Boraretra to just attack elsewhere.
    • A very obvious one is when Paparoni rushes straight to Jiren alongside Boraretra, Pancea, and Koitsukai. Not only are each Universe's aces (minus Universe 4, although it's implied that Damom is the ace for that one, and he's still hidden), Paparoni's willing to send as much of his machines as possible to try to even take on the alien.
    • After Goku's weakened from the Ultra Instinct form, Universe 3 orders their warriors to finish Goku off. We see a really big sign when three of them flash their eyes upon preparing to fight Goku. Paparoni heard Mosco/Ea and ordered them to attack Goku simultaneously.
    • Also due to there being nine other teammates it'd be harder for him to control them all at once, as more get eliminated it becomes easier for Paparoni to do so and they'll perform more effectively.
  • Universe 10 is the Macho universe, proud of its brawn and looking down on brains. Aside from Mechiōpu (who runs afoul of a berserking Kale), all their fighters are defeated by warriors who have proven to be both strong and smart.note  If this is a coincidence, it's quite the strange one.
    • To reinforce that, the last warrior to be taken out, and the only one shown fighting, Obuni, is the one who can use a special and tricky technique. In other words, the most cerebral of their fighters, and the one not relying on brute force alone. One hell of a coincidence.
    • Roshi's motto as a teacher is "Train hard, study hard, rest hard". He takes part in the defeat of combatants from both Universe 10 and Universe 3.
  • Universe 4 is the conspiracy universe, relying on trickery and working on others' backs, with its warriors being tricksters (exception being Monna) themselves. Their first four eliminations come at the hands of Krillin and Roshi, two other warriors that had to rely on strategy and quick thinking more than brute force: Universe 4 avoids direct confrontations, so it's at disadvantage against it's own strategies.
  • Why is Universe 11 having so much trouble? A couple possibilities. First off they may not be used to the level of power change that the entities most responsible for their defeat (the Saiyans and Hit) are. They may also normally rely on a universal rule of 'right always wins', being warriors of justice and all, but in the Tournament of Power there aren't any true villains (arguments about Zen'O and the Grand Priest not withstanding). Finally it is possible that, being warriors of justice, that part of them is somewhat unsettled by the entire 'destruction of realities' aspect of the tournament and they might not be giving it their all. What warrior of justice destroys other universes to save themselves after all?
    • Why does the universe with the higest mortal level fare that badly? Because it's an average level. But their defeats all came after targetting Goku, Kale and Hit, very powerful and exceptional individuals and exceptions in their low-level universes (their own exceptional fighters being left for the latest part of the battle). Being at the top also might have made them careless, while every other universe had to watch out for higher-level ones.
    • The pride troopers are used to be a team fighting against single enemies. That's also what they try to do in the tournament, first cornering Califula and Goku, then going two-on-one on Hit. They all lost when their enemies started working together too (the androids helping Goku, Kale and Califula joining forces with 18 cleaning up after her, and Goku coming to help Hit), something that probably villains from their universe don't do.
  • Dyspo's weakness is having too linear movements, making him easy to read. This makes sense since he can only maximize his speed for extremely short instants (interestingly, so short that only the ludicrous speed itself makes the ability not useless), and can't do it in short succession, so he has to use linear movements to get the most out of it. He must also avoid even the smallest amount of hesitation, so that fighting style must be natural to him, meaning he has to adopt the same linear fighting style even when he's fighting normally, making him easier to read. On a side note, it must be noted that Goku countering a speed he can't match by reading Dyspo's movements and anticipating his blows it's a call-back to the first time he fought Hit.
  • Why didn't Team Universe 7 recruit from non-earth dwellers (living or dead)? Even if there was some sort of alien unseen so far with the power to beat up the Android siblings with his pinkie finger out there, trying to find such an entity would be tricky. Also even if they did, enough teamwork has been shown with some of the weaker Team 7 members he'd theoretically replace (like Roshi, Tien, and Krillin), that adding in a complete stranger would honestly make the team less functional.
  • The Android siblings having a lot of knock outs under their belts in the tournament is a call back to their origin. The 2 were designed by Doctor Gero to be one thing: Hero Killers. Here in the Tournament one could see all the fighters as heroes to some extent, given that they are fighting to save their homes and loved ones. Their knock outs against Universes 2 and 11 are notable here given that their knock outs include Super Sentai and Magical Girls, both of whom are heroes in their own genres.
  • With Saiyans, Frieza's race, the wolf people of Universe 4 and 9, and Namekians on shared world teams, why don't we see species shared with the Universes 2/11 and 3/10 teams? At least with Teams 3 and 10, one is a team of scientifically improved warriors and the other a team of macho muscleheads. The two teams were not recruiting with the same idea in mind.
    • Being better run universes, it is possible Universe 2 and 11 just have enough inhabited worlds to make it hard to accidentally overlap. 27 worlds with anything resembling in Universe 7 after all. (Namek, which was in the process of rebuilding its population and ecosystem, was considered 'civilized')
    • Universe Three's team is so heavily modified that some of them could be the same species as some Universe Ten team members.
  • A reason for Universe 7 winning, and if not at least why they are doing so well: Universe 7 has elements of all the competing universes. The other universes, bar the twin Universe 6, are known for beauty and love, intelligence and technology, guileness and trickiness, survival and harshness, and JUSTICE and superheroes. The Universe 7 team has a married couple in Krillin and 18 (and one could argue many of the team are considered attractive to some degree), the Androids are technologically enhanced while Roshi, as mentioned above, taught his pupils to think hard as much as they train hard (plus Gohan and Piccolo are quite intelligent), the weaker members like Roshi and Krillin specialize in being guile heroes, many of the heroes like Goku and Piccolo lived in the wilderness for a time to learn to survive, and Gohan has his masquerade as great Saiyaman, the kind of guy who one would expect to see teaming up with the Pride Troopers in a comic book crossover. Factor in sharing Saiyans and other races with Universe 6 and you have a team that isn't wearing a single hat like the other teams.
  • It's implied that Quitela, the God of Destruction from universe 4 and Beerus, the God of Destruction from universe 7 hate each other due to an unseen Noodle Incident. But what's the real reason for their rivalry? It's because Quitela is a mouse and Beerus is a cat.
  • The reason that Universe 6, 4, 3, and 11 are higher than their twin universe 7, 9, 10, and 2? The Supreme Kai of Universe 6 didn't get eaten by Buu and Champa sleeps less, the Universe 4 gods and kai are not nervous wrecks, Mosco does not appear to be lazy compared to Rumishi's behavior, and Belmondo removes things that are evil instead of ugly, meaning that potential isn't wasted because they aren't good to look at.
  • Some people have been disappointed the other universes seem to be overall weaker than Universe 7. Others have cited some reasons for this, but another big one is that they're not fighting villains, who are typically impassable walls in Dragon Ball; they're fighting other heroes or main characters. This is most obvious with Universes 6, 2 and 11, but even the lesser ones have at least one character who could be the lead of another show. Why is this important? Well, consider what happened when Goku entered his first tournament back in the first series - he gave a good account of himself, but ultimately lost to a much older opponent with far more experience, Master Roshi. Universe 7 is probably meant to have that role, since even leaving out Roshi they're all fairly old. Assuming they're all not really erased at the end, it's not impossible the other Universes could catch up to them someday.
    • This is an interesting point, some universes who are having trouble are those new to the concept of tournaments (Universe 11, which has a military force instead of martial artists, Universe 3 actually built up its team from scratches, the three main fighters of Universe 9 all had fighting styles impractical in a tournament, and Universe 10 chose pratically bodybuilders instead of fighters), and it might be a coincidence, but the last universe to get an elimination, Universe 6, is also the one who has the oldest leader.
    • An addition bit about Universe 11: they aren't just military but military superheroes. Superheroes have a tradition of being overpowered by their opponent the first time, then coming around and beating them the second time. Sometimes with training, sometimes with more thought on how to best them, etc etc. Universe 11, however, can't do that as reliably here. Being a tournament if they get knocked out, they can't use what they learn and find a way to overcome it the next time.
  • An additional reason for Roshi ringing himself out: With his declining health it would distract Goku. The last thing the tournament needs is for Goku to be distracted by him dying again and getting ko'd by Jiren.
    • In addition, with Frost able to re-direct the Maufuba he couldn't use his trump card anymore without risking more lost teammates.
  • A possible reason for Jiren moving in to deal with Maji Kayo when he threatened Dyspo instead of other risks to the Pride Troopers is a result of Maji's statements. The Saiyans, Androids, and Hit who fought the Pride Troopers before just ringed them out, which Jiren is able to counter simply by knocking out enough people later, but Maji Kayo wanted to cut off Dyspo's ears. Ignoring the potential for death from that, it would be tricky to repair such damage and it would be a permanent injury. There is more reason for Jiren to act in response to that than a simple knockout.
  • There's a good reason Frieza knew how to counter Instant Transmission: he had known about it literally for decades (the only reason Goku ended up on Yardrat and learned it was that the Ginyu Force pod he used to escape Namek was pre-programmed to go there) and knew that Goku could use it, he had all the necessary time and good reasons to come up with possible counters. Even his excessive beating of Jimizu can be justified to more than just Frieza's sadism - he had to either knock him out or beat him within an inch of his life to make absolutely certain the Yardrat couldn't just teleport back into the ring. Frieza being Frieza, he chose the latter.
  • There's a subtle Foreshadowing of Frieza considering Frost just an amateur: in the episode 106, Frost complains about how pulling his punches not to kill weaker opponents makes it hard. When Universe 2 thinks Frieza is killing Jimeze, he is almost offended by the idea of not being able to restrain himself properly.
  • Throughout the tournament, Frieza never seems to fight an opponent out of his league, while Goku and company tend to struggle. Part of that is from selecting his opponents that he likely believes he can easily defeat, but another is that he has spent months training to leave his opponents at the brink of death, and knows just how much force he can bring to bear against his targets, compared to Goku who would need to hold back more than strictly necessary.
  • With Jiren's status as a Superman expy becoming more apparent over episodes, one can also note that the speedy pride trooper Dyspo could be a Flash expy given his focus on speed to a general detriment of most other combat skills, his cockier attitude, and fighting a time manipulator (Hit and the various Reverse Flashes/Zooms). That leads one to wonder who Toppo could be based on, but given his good relationship with children and calling Jiren his sworn friend and leadership role....Toppo may just be Batman. After all, for as weird as the guy looks compared to the other pride troopers, what is a man dressed as a bat compared to the rest of the Justice League?
    • Toppo also discards his morals about justice and becomes a lethal destroyer, specifically something Batman has the temptation to do but generally avoids. So Jiren being disappointed in his dropping his morals is not so far from what Superman would do in the same situation.
    • Given Batman is a gadget superhero, this may not work. Sure, Superman and Flash aren't supernatural martial arts superheroes either, by that logic, but consider Wonder Woman. Toppo has the closest connection to the gods of all the pride troopers, serving as the kaioshin's bodyguard and is a hakaishin candidate. His "death to all evil" mindset could also be an exaggeration of how post crisis Wonder Woman was differentiated from Batman and Superman by a greater willingness to kill enemies. Wonder Woman is often considered second strongest on teams she shares with Superman, and while Captain Marvel, Martian Manhunter and various other members of Superman's species could also fit that, consider Toppo's grappling heavy fighting style and Wonder Woman's main tool, a lasso. Finally, Dragon Ball is made in Japan, so while fans in the States might think the "sworn friend" of a Superman type should be a Batman type, in Japan, Wonder Woman and Superman had a daughter.
  • Why is the first one mentioned to have a fairly selfless wish for the Super Dragon Balls Vegeta of all people? Simple, he had an arc about wanting more, and that ended up badly. Plus his wish relates to his frequent badass boast of old. He is after all, the Prince of all Saiyans, and that includes ones from other universes.
  • When Universe 2 tries to use the potara fusion to their advantage (being the only one to do so), they send their potara earrings NOT to Ribrianne and Rozie, two of their strongest fighters, but Rabanra and Zarbuto, a pair of fodder characters with little focus. While it may seem like an extremely stupid action to take, there might be a couple of reasons why:
    • Rozie and Ribrianne are the strongest contestants on Universe 2's roster, yes. However, not only do they seem to work better individually rather than cooperatively, but fusing them both could put Universe 2 at a disadvantage, since as Whis said, if a fusion is knocked out of the arena, both of it's fusees will be knocked out. Better to make a fusion of a pair of fodder than the strongest your roster can offer.
    • We don't know if Rozie and Ribrianne even have any idea of how to use the potaras. At least Rabanra did seem to have an idea of how the earrings worked, but there's no indication that they share the same knowledge.
    • Being parodies of the Magical Girl archetype, they would probably rather use the power of love, as they've been using up to this point, rather than use fusion.
    • As demonstrated by Kefla, even if they took the earrings, and saved them as a trump card, there's nothing stopping the other contestants from striking them, causing the potaras to be destroyed.
    • Possibly most importantly and mundane though: neither of the two really have ears when they're transformed. They'd probably have to go back to normal to use them, leaving them vulnerable, and it's anyone's guess if the Potara would even stay on if the fusion transformed. They seem reasonably powerful normally (at least enough to be hit by Narirama's attack and be shot by 17 without lasting damage), but a fusion probably wouldn't be effective at this point if they couldn't use their abilities. The preview for 117 implies Brianne has another form she hasn't used yet, so she might not need to use them to begin with, either.
  • Speaking of fusion: yes, a fusion is much more powerful than the sum of its components, but it's not necessarily more smart. The personality of a fused being is a combination of the minds of its components; as a result, there's the risk that the fusion will exacerbate the character flaws of its components. In a setting like the Tournament of Power, where technique and strategy are more valuable than sheer power, this is a pretty big risk.
  • Back in the Resurrection of Frieza Saga, Whis noted that Goku's too relaxed, which leads to his fatal flaw of letting his guard down a lot. Fast-forward to when he awakens his Ultra Instinct transformation a second time, and because it's un-mastered, Goku's fatal flaw is hampering his effectiveness in the same manner: because he doesn't think about defending, the transformation does that for him... but at the same time, because all his thoughts are on attacking, the transformation is hindered in offence as a result.
    • Similarly, if Vegeta attained the Ultra Instinct transformation, it's likely his fatal flaw of overthinking will hamper his effectiveness in a similar-if-opposite manner. Namely, he might pull off effortless powerful attacks, but effortless dodging will be a big problem.
  • The Maiden Squadron and the Androids' showdown in episode 117 was there from the start: the Maiden Squadron are Magical Girls, and in magical girl shows a common Monster of the Week are normal people that the villains augmented and put in their service... Just as 17 and 18 were.
    • The end was to be expected: magical girls usually fight villains who have no love or a distorted concept of it, but the Androids are full of love, brotherly for each other, romantic for their respective spouses, and familial for their children, while Ribrianne's own concept of love is superficial-by magical girl shows rules, Ribrianne was the villain and thus had to lose.
    • Goku joining 17 and 18 in finishing off Universe 2 was to be expected too: he arrived to Earth as an alien invader, and that is a frequent kind of Big Bad in magical girl shows.
      • Even better, alien invader-type big bads of magical girl shows are known to use corrupted humans as monsters of the week (most famously, all of Sailor Galaxia's underlings are from planets she invaded), and Goku is (indirectly and unwittingly) responsible for 17 and 18 being turned into Androids.
      • Even better, the thing that gave Goku the edge, his preference of Guts? Its the same thing Cure Happy chanted when she would do an attack (Happy Shower was based off the Kamehameha.) Because even love needs a bit of guts/spirit.
  • The first four eliminated universes, 9, 10, 2, and 6 were done in by Goku and Gohan, with aide from Vegeta and Piccolo in one instance each. However what universes each took out reflects the enemy that made the last stand: Goku defeated the utterly alien to Universe 7, 9 and 2, similar to how he defeated Frieza and Buu. Gohan meanwhile defeated foes with similarities to the Z-Fighters, in fellow father fighting for his family Obuni of Universe 10 and the Namekians of Universe 6, much like he was the one to take down Cell, who was made up of the DNA of multiple Z-fighters, and Frieza's family.
    • In addition, each of them took down a universe they had fought previously, with Goku finishing off Universe 9 while Gohan took down Universe 6.
  • When Zirloin, Rabanra, and Zarbuto use the Pretty Black Hole, Heles points out that not even the Maiden Squadron could master it, that its power comes from love that is so heavy it can bind and torture. How could this be so? Easy: the Maiden Squadron has never experienced this sort of thing before! Sanka is in a relationship with Vikal, Roas seems to not be connected in any way and, as noted above, Ribrianne's love is entirely superficial. Zirloin, Rabanra, and Zarbuto, all three being men who would be laughed at and ignored, would.
  • After figuring out Damon is a bug warrior - literally - Piccolo notes that he was so concentrated on sensing his energy, when he should've been focusing on the sound. This despite his ears being much more acute than a human's by default, making you wonder how he couldn't hear a bug coming at him... Before you realize: 1) bugs make noise by rubbing their wings together, which Damon doesn't have, and thus is silent even by bug standards; 2) Piccolo must be hearing the combined background noise of the entire fighting stage (perhaps even including the stands), so while he's not overwhelmed, his ability to distinguish quieter sounds is inherently hindered by such feedback.
  • Considering Damon's microscopic size, one must wonder how he was able to dodge a lot of moves that would be difficult for someone his size to jump. During events such as Kale's rampage or auras brought up by fighters like Jiren and Kefla, Damon probably hitched a ride on someone, even if it wasn't from his team. He probably even got on some bigger fighter to where they wouldn't even notice.
  • I noticed that, during many parts of the Tournament of Power, the fighters understimate their Saiyan opponents by just stating "Your hair color just changed". This, however, can be explained (besides cockiness):
    • Kahseral just telling that was not exactly underestimating Kale and Caulifla, as he and his men were witnesses of her rampage. He, however, is a general that took part in liberating many planets before, so it is easy to suggest he is actually telling his men to calm down and shoot before Kale becomes more powerful (which she does).
    • Monna is a cocky opponent, and hardly reacted after seeing Cabba went Super Saiyan 2. However, keep in mind Super Saiyan 2 has very minimal (and almost invisible) changes to musculature compared with Kale (or Ganos, for that matter, who Monna is familiar with), Monna just thought Cabba was having a fit of anger.
    • Kale telling that "red or blue, is all the same" sounds cocky, and it is, however, keep in mind: God ki can't be sensed by anyone without it, and Goku has been tiring himself out for most of the Tournament. Hell, Kale actually fought Goku before in her Berserker form and hardly got hurt, so of course she sounds sure of herself.
  • When facing off against Aniraza, 17 is unusually hotblooded. This is because Aniraza almost knocked him out of the ring, and indirectly caused 18 to get knocked out since 18 had to save him. 17 is pissed that Aniraza did that to him and his sister.
    • Speaking of Aniraza, when he near-ate 18, she virtually gave up the instant before Goku saved her. PTSD striking in that moment, remembering the last time she was literally 'eaten', is not impossible.
  • Universe 11's attempted to psychologically break the combatants of all other universes by letting Goku show off his power and then having Jiren overpower him, a gamble the Pride Troopers have used with success in the past, but all they got (before Goku awakened Ultra Instinct for the first time) was to have the enemy aces come to jump him all at once. That gamble relied on the enemy's fear of annihilation against a superior force... But when every single enemy fighter knows that defeat means annihilation of their entire universe, all he did was to paint a giant bullseye on himself.
    • Best shown by Ribrianne and Universe 3's fighters: before Jiren did his trick she had tried to shoot Goku in the back as he prepared the Spirit Bomb, but once Jiren had sent it back to him she went to him with a defiant look that just said "Let's crush this asshole and Universe 2 will be saved"; as for Universe 3, Paparoni comes at him with a look of grim determination andthe component robots of Koichiarator and, with him, of Aniraza.
    • This wasn't just a will to survive either. The Universe 11 Kaioshin never considered that every remaining universe besides 2 had equally devastating trump cards they were waiting to use. The only reason they even had so much as a rough estimate about Universe Seven's is because, as Beerus stated, everyone was given a chance to study Goku up to his Blue Kaioken.
  • Hit learns Jiren's attack pattern and counters it the same way Goku learned and countered his.
    • Also, as noticed here, Goku fared better than Vegeta because Vegeta would never allow anyone to hit him for that. So he found a way around it using the battle royale format: he allowed Jiren to hit Goku in order to learn his attack pattern.
  • Vegeta achieved a brand new form, one that Goku did not have, after he broke through his own shell. However, unlike Goku, Vegeta's shell wasn't a limit in power, but his own ego; he only achieved his blue form after he had come to accept that he will never catch up to Goku (which was his primary drive for nearly all of the series after he stopped being a villain) and when he acted on a selfless act (to save Cabba). Giving up his ego and pride finally allowed him to go down his own path, which ironically may have allowed him to do the very thing he's struggled for all these years: surpass Goku (this is even foreshadowed in Battle of the Gods, when Vegeta became so angry at Beerus for slapping Bulma that he briefly surpassed Goku).
  • Toppo became a God Of Destruction when he gave up his morals and focused entirely on winning and survival. Why couldn’t he become a God Of Destruction until he gave up his morals? Because to a God Of Destruction, morals, whether it's justice or anything else, actually is worthless. All that should matter to a God Of Destruction is defeating and destroying anything that threatens or harms their universe, personal feelings be damned. The best Gods Of Destruction don’t let their personal feelings affect their work, otherwise they risk lowering their universe’s mortal level.
    • Following the above, Toppo becomes a God of Destruction against Frieza and 17-one a Hero Killer, the other made to be so. They killed any heroic feelings in Toppo, leaving only the God of Destruction.
  • Once again, 17 fights an opponent that is thematically appropriate for him: Toppo is a candidate God of Destruction and effectively becomes one, and the cybernetics that give 17 his power are by some considered to infringe on the realm of creation. Frieza too fits in, as not only was his Golden Form created to take on someone who had reached godhood, but he's actively plotting against the gods.
  • Belmod has a lot of confidence in his team winning the tournament, almost treating it as a sure thing most of the time. While it’s understandable considering how strong Jiren is, the fact remains that even Jiren would have trouble if he fought all the tournament’s strongest fighters at once. So why is Belmod still confident his universe can’t lose? Because his universe has two trump cards. Not only did his team include a mortal who surpasses a God Of Destruction, he also had an actual God Of Destruction on his team. So no wonder Belmod seems so assured of his victory.
  • Why did Frieza survive Toppo’s first Destruction Sphere? It might be that Toppo was holding back the sphere’s full power since it would have killed Frieza if he didn’t, disqualifying him from the tournament. Him expressing surprise at Frieza surviving his Hakai could be more him being surprised Frieza could still move after his attack.
  • Why is Frieza so calm against Toppo's new transformation, despite the mere presence of Beerus freaking him out? He can't sense energy and, even if he could, he has no godly ki, meaning he can't sense gods, so he was unaware that there was an actual God of Destruction in front of him. He most likely thought that the destruction sphere was borrowed from Belmond somehow, since he already saw that it was possible. It's not until he was hit by the full power of the attack that he realized his mistake.
  • Frieza is confident that he can take the destruction energy, since he did it before. However, we've learned that Sidra's flaw was being indecisive in his destruction, so while the power was still formidable (above base form Goku's power) it was still likely the bare minimum. Toppo, however, ascended because he threw aside all his reservations and decide to use all the power he could. So, while Toppo was only newly ascended and possibly weaker, his attack was still much harder to resist.
  • Vegeta's new transformation was blatantly foreshadowed, and in a very appropriate context. When fighting against Beerus back in the very first arc Vegeta was absolutely no match for him... until Beerus hurt Bulma. Vegeta then proceeded to ragdoll a God of Destruction, and frankly did better than Goku ever did. With Toppo similarly inspiring Vegeta to gain power from his concern for his loved ones, this once again leads to another God of Destruction finding himself having a very bad day.
    • Similar can be said for Goku's Ultra Instinct, if you recall his fight with Hit. Before Goku mixed Kaio Ken with SSB, he had gotten around Hit's strikes by instinctively blocking at the last possible moment. That sort of movement that could operate without conscious thought would be a skill to hone into Goku's new form.
  • A bit of a Tearjerker, but when Hit faces against Jiren, Jiren mocks Hit's "assassin's honor", calling it rubbish. When Jiren was a child, his parents were murdered in cold blood by an evil entity, and his mentor and comrades were murdered by that very same entity when he was a teenager. For Jiren, he's facing against someone who kills as his profession, thus in his eyes, Hit is no different than the evil entity that murdered his parents.
  • If Vegeta wanted to catch up to Goku, why didn't he try to learn the Kaioken to combine with Super Saiyan Blue or Ultra Instinct like him? It might be because of Vegeta's pride as a Saiyan. Kaioken and Ultra Instinct are techniques anybody can learn while Super Saiyan and its many upgrades, like Vegeta's own limit breaking form Beyond Super Saiyan Blue, can only be used by a Saiyan. His Saiyan pride will only let him accept transformations exclusive to the Saiyan race. In fact, the one power-up he got that wasn't linked to his Saiyan heritage (the Majin transformation) ended up with Vegeta greatly regretting his choices.
  • Jiren neglecting to ring out his opponents (with the exception of Hit, who made it personal for him) takes on a new light now that we know everyone he ever cared about is gone, with the monster he's been striving to destroy possibly still out there. He doesn't truly care if his universe lives or dies, so long as he can prove himself.
  • Though they may have been seen as a Butt-Monkey and had laughably bad performance early in the torment of power, Universe 3 managed to make it to the top 3 through strategy instead of power like Universe 7 and 11. Befitting Universe 3’s plan of survival each member of their team was made for survivability in mind, in fact their floundering in the beginning may be to show off their power. To show that they aren’t a weak and easy elimination, but that they aren’t so strong that they would be high priority targets. Nigrisshi has modified his body with invisibility so he can launch a sneak attack or sit back and observe. Narirama has shown he has suction cups to attach to the all, booster for mobility, disposable limbs for fake outs, a powerful laser as a desperation attack, and extendable claws to get back in the arena. Katopesla is the Jack of All Stats. He has a mode change ability for versatility to catch opponents off guard with a new strategy or to exploit a flaw in the opponent's defense. The Preecho, outside of wings that might grant the power flight or glide and armour giving him some added defense, hasn’t displayed any significant ability. Viara is built as a Stone Wall to survive and tire out opponents. Maji Kayo uses Confusion Fu with a gelatinous body that gives some invulnerability and transformative powers to surprise opponents or snare them. Dr. Paparoni is the team strategist and controls the whole team at once for unity and coordination. Koitsukai serves as a recorder and analyzes opponents mid battle so Bollarato and Panchia can tag team effectively. Koichiarator puts the might and combined knowledge together to make a powerful fighter. Aniraza is another desperation move with a lot of power and can adapt during his fight with new techniques and abilities. Space rending punch to catch opponents off guard, beam spam to hit everyone, and Super-Senses to see all attacks coming (which was giant Bergamo's drawback). First he tries to ring out, then, when that doesn’t work, he tries to eat his opponents and when all else fail, he grows wings to fly and attempts to destroy the arena, so he will be the only fighter left in the ring. Universe 3 mainly fails when they chose to fight, but each of their other fighters make note of the opponent's abilities.
  • Why would Jiren lose respect for Toppo for forsaking his ideals of justice for power when Jiren himself believes that strength is absolute? Exactly because Jiren believes that strength is absolute. He has an ideal. He's sticking to it. His stupidly arrogant "tactics" in the tournament are all about proving those ideals. So of course he would lose respect for a leader who'd throw away their own principles, as it simply proves Toppo is beneath him not only in strength, but in conviction too.
  • How did 17 get the drop on Jiren like that? Because as established several times, you can't sense the energy of a Gero model android.
  • Goku's Mastered Ultra Instinct gives the Saiyan white silver hair. White is the presence of all colors, which includes all the colors of the Super Saiyan forms from yellow to blue. The fact it's not pure white could also be because Goku is still a mortal.
  • It seems rather particular that Jiren's aura is red, seemingly to match his Pride Trooper colors right? Who else obtains red aura? Goku in two separate transformations, in Kaioken (a power learned from a Kai) and in Super Saiyan God!
    • Most of the Pride Troopers' energy attacks are of a similar colour, perhaps because they've all trained and learned together.
  • Despite knowing he likely won't win the final battle, Jiren is seen with a smile as he fights Goku and Frieza. This is because, for the first time in his life, he is no longer bound by the chains of his past; he is no longer fighting because he is afraid of losing all that he loved, but rather for the spirit of competition. For the first time in his life since he lost his mentor, even though he did not realize it, he had made a meaningful connection with someone. And some part of him realized that this is what he truly wanted all these years.
  • It's weird how the entire reason for the Universal Survival Tournament was to thin out the number of universes, yet have it be revealed that the fate of every universe hinged on someone using their Super Dragon Ball wish to bring back every universe wiped out. But the brilliance comes in when you remember the last time someone used the Super Dragon Balls. One of the gods of creation, having used the Balls for a purpose so selfish, caused a future so bad that it required the entire multiverse of a timeline to be destroyed to effectively remove him from existence. The tournament was effectively a last ditch effort by the Zen'os to see if they should still put their faith in the universes or just destroy the less than trustworthy universes. Hell, there's a reason Goku's universe was placed in as well: he's what caused Zamasu to become the threat he was, however inadvertently. That a human from Goku's universe who was turned into a living weapon of mass destruction would make that selfless wish, and that Zen'o was counting on this as his test to see if the universes deserved to live, also invalidates Zamasu's prejudgment of all mortals to be destructive brutes unworthy of life.
    • In truth, if one looks at the tournament as a whole nearly every epic moment proves Zen-O was right and Zamasu was dead wrong: the Power of Love granting Universe 2's warriors the power for their Last Stand, the many Namekians of Universe 6 sacrificing themselves to merge with Saonel and Pirina to try and save everyone, Paparoni being willing to potentially sacrifice his life to form Aniraza and save his universe, Vegeta ascending beyond Super Saiyan Blue and defeating God of Destruction Toppo out of the Power of Love, 18 sacrificing herself to throw 17 back into the ring, and so on. The common thread is most of them were based on self-sacrifice and the Power of Love. The Tournament is more or less one long Shut Up, Hannibal! to Zamasu!
  • At the beginning of the arc, it was noted how Zeno's reveal that he was going to destroy the universes anyway seem to conflict with the previous arc, where even years into the future the universes were still there and Zeno seem none the wiser to what was going on. It is not until Grand Priest revealed Zeno's intentions that you realize that Zeno made the decision to erase all of the universes, the tournament, and the secret test of character after meeting his future self, who witnessed Zamasu's rampage.
  • 17's initial Heroic Neutral reason to refuse joining the Tournament in the anime, not being able to protect the island if he was gone for too long, hints at the selflessness he would display throughout the Tournament, even unto using the victor's wish the right way and passing the Zen'os' Secret Test of Character.
  • With all the hype surrounding Ultra Instinct, it can be a bit surprising when it ultimately fails to completely defeat Jiren. But if Jiren was defeated simply by achieving a stronger form, it would end up supporting his belief that strength is all that matters.
    • Going further, stronger forms may have worn Jiren down, but it's fitting that his ultimate defeat not only involved a team of fighters working in complete sync with one another, but that there was a level of trust between them which allowed the whole to conquer what they simply couldn't do alone.
    • Also, Goku and Frieza teaming up against Jiren is a wholesale reference to Goku and Piccolo's team-up against Garlic Jr., with the entire battle having strong parallels to that fight. From Goku and Frieza's charge against a superior foe, the sight of two enemies working in perfect sync together, and even echoing certain beats of that fight (like a moment when both Jiren and Garlic Jr. pull a double clothesline maneuver), it all seems to foreshadow that perhaps the two arch enemies may become comrades in the future...
    • In relation to this, why did Goku and Frieza work so well together while Goku and Vegeta didn't work well together? Vegeta is so prideful that while he will fight alongside others, he will not listen or plan with them and often does his own thing. For example, after Jiren powered up following the defeat of Toppo, Vegeta powered up and charged at Jiren first to the annoyance of 17, and shortly after, when Vegeta was about to get blasted by Jiren, 17 blocked the attack since he has the stamina for it, and all Vegeta can do it is get annoyed at him. Meanwhile Frieza, despite all his flaws and evil personality, has shown that he is perfectly capable of working with the team if need be, and did so to fight Aniraza, Dyspo, and Toppo. Furthermore Vegeta doesn't tell others his plans or strategies, forcing Goku to adapt around it, and that means the best they can do it pressure Jiren a bit. Frieza not only was willing to listen to Goku's plans, but actively told Goku what his intent was, meaning Goku could assist and still adapt to help.
    • Another reason why Frieza works so well with Goku; Frieza is a master manipulator. Frieza managed to successfully con Frost, his other-universe clone, as well as the entire audience into thinking he betrayed Universe 7 just to ring-out Frost with barely any effort. If Frieza could so easily read and con someone who fooled an entire universe for god-knows how long, it was a simple matter to read Goku's body movements. Doubly so since Frieza has been obsessing over defeating Goku for a while now (and it's shown he does study up on his opponents, like the Yardrats). And Goku being straightforward and blunt, whenever Frieza needed him to do something he just yelled it at the Saiyan.
  • When you think about it, the reveal of the Zen'os' true intentions, the Tournament of Power serves a more major purpose: it shows all the universes and their gods what Zen'o truly values: empathy and moral goodness. In a sense, it's a wake up call for everyone about what's really important.
    • That also sheds a new light on the last fight in the exhibition match. The Universe level was based on both the raw power and morals of the selected universes. That the prize was given to the best warrior was the key, the contestant should have proven to possess both strength and selflessness. Now think about what Bergamo vs. Goku meant: Bergamo, who asked Zen'o to spare the universes outright in the first place, was from Universe 9, the lowest universe of all, and his opponent was Goku, who Zen'o knew already to possess awesome fighting skills. Had Bergamo won he would have proven that even the worst universe had enough strength and morals, making the Secret Test of Character pointless. However, that would only had worked if he defeated a Goku who was going all-out.
    • On that note, Zen'o using the last fight in the exhibition match was a flawed plan to begin with. The way moral conviction will come into play in a one-on-one fight is completely variable depending on the fight: furthermore, the erasure stakes were only threatened at that point, with only Goku ever seeing it once to take out the abomination that was Zamasu's Bad Future multiverse. The main tournament itself, on the other hand, was far more airtight as a test of morals: it was a team battle royal, explicitly encouraging the universes' warriors to work together. Killing being against the rules and ring-out being the only way to legally eliminate someone with no repercussions wasn't just to uphold a tournament standard; this would prevent some mass murderer or death-battle predator from massacring/destroying his/her way to a cheap victory. That this no-kills, ring-outs-only, team-battle tournament actually saw universe after universe deleted on the spot as soon as its team ran all out of fighters in full view of the others remaining was intended to drive home exactly what was on the line in a manner that made it clearly resonate as harshly as possible, even to the point of bordering on Disproportionate Retribution. Zen'o and the Grand Minister were going out of their way to cleverly push out the moral fiber of the best mortal warriors with none of them the wiser.
    • Zen'o had stated that if Bergamo had won the exhibition match, he would not erase the universes. Zen'o wasn't yanking his chain; had Bergamo, someone who had just given such a passionate speech about preserving the universes and cared deeply for his brothers, won against Goku then it would have been more than enough proof that the Tournament of Power (and thus the erasures) were unnecessary. Even if Goku intentionally threw the match, it would show that the mortals have enough compassion to put aside their pride for the sake of others.
  • Why did Toppo lose his God of Destruction powers after his defeat? Because he got them for tossing his ideals aside in order to survive. But Vegeta didn't just beat him, he proved his ideals wrong by gaining a greater power from his ideals. That proved that it was worth sticking to his ideal, shattering the resolve and ruthlessness that gave him access to God of Destruction state.
  • Goku asking 17 to stay behind while he and Frieza try to ring out Jiren: 17 is an android and has infinite energy, while Goku and Frieza are so tired they can't even rely on their transformations properly. 17 both is in better shape and has better chances to outlast the other in an endurance contest (that's how, back in Z, he was about to win his fight with Piccolo despite them being equal in power), making him the best back-up plan had they failed.
  • Leading into the build of the Tournament of Power, there are two separate two-part episodes dedicated to Goku recruiting Android 17 and Frieza respectively. When Android 17 questioned why Goku would want to recruit someone who tried to kill him in the past, Goku shares that some of his closest allies are those who started on bad terms with him, like Tien, Piccolo, and Vegeta. Naturally it's Android 17 and Frieza who make it to the end with Goku, and it's the teamwork between the three of them that finally allows them to defeat Jiren.
  • Kefla's personality is mostly the exact same as Califula, with her Super Saiyan hair being Green like Kale's. One element of fusions that is present with the Potara Fusions is the mixing of beings together, creating one based on their being, power, and personality. Naturally Califula, who has a stronger personality then Kale, would form the bulk of Kefla's personality, while Kale, who is overall stronger then Califula, forms the bulk of their power.
  • Minor BUT notice the place where Goku and Vegeta have their stand off in the show's final moments. Don't see it? Well WAAAAAAAAAAAAAY back in the Saiyan Saga where their rivalry first began Vegeta chose a rock area so Goku could go all out... but he also chose a rock where he was ABOVE Goku, as though he was literally looking down at him. Being a typical ambitious ruler at the time, he was willing to make full use of the higher ground as a positional and psychological advantage. Now? The two are on even leveled rocks symbolizing how they see each other as being on the same level. Vegeta not only knows firsthand that setting a summit doesn't work with Goku at all, he patently doesn't even care. A perfect sign of character development if there ever was one.
  • Toppo using the Power of Destruction as defense was foreshadowed as early as the first saga: at one point during the fight with Goku, Beerus started doing the exact same thing. The difference was that Beerus had millions of years of experience with it while Toppo had literally just gained the ability, so Beerus could call out the Power of Destruction so quickly it wasn't even noticeable beyond the energy attack dissolving into nothingness while Toppo had to keep it running all the time.
  • A moment from the manga, Goku's line against Jiren.
    "I'm not a nameless warrior! My name is Son Gokū!"
    • It's more than it's just Gokū's indignation at being insulted. With the Four-Star Ball off god knows where, and the Nyoibō under the Palace of God, the very last thing Gokū has from his late grandfather is his name — Son Gokū. It's very natural that he would take pride in his name. Come to think of it, this is a large part of why he defended his name back in the Saiyan Saga every time an enemy Saiyan called him Kakarot; of course he valued the name he got from the kind old man who raised him over the name that members of an army of killers were telling him he'd been given at birth amongst their ranks.
  • Frieza should have seen Dyspo not being fazed by being grabbed to prevent him high-speed movements coming, and so him countering it: the trick worked with Jimeze and his Instant Transmission because if he tried to teleport away Frieza would have remained attached and capable of attacking, but by running Dyspo lifted Frieza and ruined his balance, making him helpless.
    • Also, Dyspo is an extremely experienced warrior: it's likely that more than one enemy already tried to stop him by grabbing, and, just as he has a Super Mode to deal with opponents that can keep up with his speed, by now Dyspo would know how to turn grabs against the grabber.
  • How could Android 17 become as strong as he was despite being far weaker than most of the major characters when he last appeared? Well let's use a few points of comparison from the series and measure his situation for consistency, shall we?
    • Firstly, to prepare for the fight against Vegeta and Nappa, the human characters trained with Kami for a year, and went from significantly weaker than Goku who couldn't defeat Raditz, to being much more powerful than Raditz was.
    • Secondly, Frieza, who never trained at all in his life before being felled by Goku and Trunks, trained for four months after his revival, and became astronomically more powerful than he had been on Namek.
    • Thirdly, during the Android arc, Vegeta managed to go from weaker than less than ten percent of Frieza's final form, to being roughly equal, to a small amount stronger than Goku during his fight with Android 19 and 20. That occured in three years of training.
    • From a comparative standpoint, Android 17 is basically an enchanted human, with his Android enhancements being about 90% Organic Technology and putting him at a base starting power at least two orders of magnitude above 100% Frieza on Namek. Even the aforementioned three years of training weren't enough to put either Vegeta or the human Z Fighters anywhere near his level until the Hyperbolic Time Chamber came into play. On top of that, he had nearly ten years time available to start training between his resurrection post-Cell Games and the Tournament of Power, and the bio-organic components fueling his abilities lend themselves almost perfectly to a 20-plus-hour-a-day training loop, to say nothing of how strongly they would adapt his body in response to said loop.

      Physically speaking, Android 17's only true weakness is dehydration. He, like a Namekian, has to drink water every once in a while. He doesn't need to eat, unlike a Namekian he doesn't even need to sleep much if at all and he can't exhaust himself. While 17 could indeed hurt himself through overexertion, he could otherwise train much longer and harder than anyone else besides 18. The only natural advantage anyone else in Dragon Ball could have on him as far as training goes is regeneration, and even that uses up stamina so it's not a huge advantage. When 17 strains his body to its limit all he has to do is switch to meditation while it recovers, effectively creating a nonstop loop of ki improvement only halted by water breaks, piss breaks, maybe personal time with his wife and kids, and whatever else suits his fancy. 17 doesn't even have to contort his limbs into uncomfortable positions to ward off sleep while meditating. Why does Dende so frequently see 17 staring at the sky?
  • While most (especially Tien) are still inferior to Vegeta and Goku even when they aren't using super forms, and only three are comparable to them blue, it doesn't change the fact that most of Universes 7's team suddenly seem a lot stronger than they used to and have ever been implied to be just in time for the tournament of power. Especially contrived when you consider they didn't even know the tournament of power was coming. But who were the last two main villains? An enemy Goku could beat but almost didn't simply because he and Vegeta were out bettering themselves while the rest of Earth's potential defenders stagnated, and a malicious murderer they didn't even know existed who killed billions with Goku's body. If Majin Buu, who proved bad things requiring Goku like power can happen to Earth even when Goku's dead, and Beerus, who proved Goku literally performing a miracle might not be enough to save Earth, didn't seriously inspire the martial arts community to improve like never before, Revived Freeza and Goku Black should have.
    • Furthermore, the fact that the martial arts community was starting to get collectively stronger was foreshadowed, not only when Roshi fought the Freeza Force, but just before then when, despite being the weakest man there, he lamented that Gohan wasn't training. Furthermore, the scene where Roshi, North Kaio and 18 argue over what to do with Earth's dragon balls at first seems to speak volumes of their civility, considering the huge gaps in power between the three based on the Anthropic Principle, but the anthropic principle is an inherent logical fallacy. The tournament of power still proved Roshi weaker than 18, but he had nonetheless continued to get stronger since his showing with against the Freeza Force. It's likely he didn't know he was still weaker than 18.
  • The fact that the God of Destruction of Universe 11, of which its leadership is strongly devoted to justice, is a clown makes more sense when considering tropes associated with jesters rather looking to the more recent invention of the archetype of Monster Clown (e.g. The Joker and Pennywise the Clown). While court jesters' only function was to provide entertainment to a monarch or other aristocratic retainer, they have also been ascribed as being the source of unexpected wisdom and also being able to get away with telling certain troubling truths that would have anyone else punished (or even executed by more petty rulers). Hence certain quotes about jesters stating that they were the only ones who "can tell the truth to the king" and "the only ones allowed to call a king a fool". Thus in metaphorical way, it would communicate to any wannabe criminal mastermind, supervillain, and/or dictator in Vermoud's universe that they will no matter how highly they think of themselves not going to be above the law of which Vermoud is in charge of upholding in conjunction with the Supreme Kai. Thus no mortal ruler in Universe 11 is immune to criticism.
  • Ultra Instinct is one for Goku in general in being what is being established as the highest power that can possibly be achieved by an individual, for one, simple reason: it ties into the core of who Goku is, not what he is. It's not a form of Super Saiyan; hell, it's not even a transformation, but a state of being — one realized through the tenants of martial arts, discipline and spirituality, all things that Goku has learned and refined, time and again, studying under seven masters and teachers in his lifetimenote , never assuming he'd ever reached the peak or that there was nothing left to learn, always seeking new avenues of growth and recognizing when he could learn from a master. This payoff is the logical conclusion to his journey as a character, a form that transcends conventional power, and no amount of Saiyan blood or big level numbers can attain. He could only achieve this by being who he is: Son Goku.
    • Consequently, this also explains neatly why Vegeta couldn't achieve it, given what the form embodies. He's an amazing and gifted warrior, but he is barely a martial artist, for the simple reason that before Whis he never humbled himself to learn from anyone. All of his gains in strength have come from —ironically, when he calls Goku the fool— working harder and never smarter, exclusively using heavy gravity or large obstacles to push himself against to reach greater power as these things exploit Saiyan biology and zenkai boosts, requiring no additional discipline or learning. While his mastering how to manipulate divine ki is impressive, he undoubtedly has a very long way to go in self-discipline before he ever approaches attaining Ultra Instinct.
  • Why is Goku's Ultra Instinct a little different than the angels'? Simple, it all comes down to what he is, he's a Saiyan. He enjoys fighting, so he'd rather fight consciously and lose than let his body move on its own and win if the stakes are not high enough. And even if he wants to transform, his mind may subconsciously reject it because his desire to fight is in his nature.
    • Which also explains why he activates this only when he's nearly defeated and he's so much stronger. Remember how he transformed into Ultra Instinct -Sign- in the first place? He had a near death experience from the Spirit Bomb. Not only did he absorb the Spirit Bomb's power, his zenkai boostnote  also activated, similar to what happened later in his fight against Kefla.
    • Since he's also almost unconscious before it activates, it would seem like he let go of his desire for fighting and his body automatically moves. And since Saiyans constantly keeps improving during battle, extended use and adapting to Ultra Instinct -Omen- made him master it to Mastered Ultra Instinct. But like said before, it only activates if he let his body move on its own and/or break his limit. And like Kaioken Blue, too much power for the body over how much it can handle can have its toll, until he can master it.
  • Universe 2's fairly poor showing, in spite of its relatively high mortal level, in spite of it having more buildup than any other barring 6 and 11, despite being the twin to 11 which has the strongest known mortals in all the universes, makes a degree of sense in the television version. When first introduced to Universe 2, we see its ace fighter attending a "Battle Idol" competition. Unlike the USA, where "idol" winners are expected to have long careers and even runner ups can enjoy a little longevity, idol performers of Japan, where Dragon Ball is produced, are only expected to work for a year and then move onto something else. While idols may come back for another year of performances when their company needs them, like Brianne did, most of Universe 2's team probably haven't been training rigorously or fighting on a regular basis. The Pride Troopers by contrast are a law enforcement, military or peacekeeping operation people serve on long term. Universe 2's mortals probably have similar potential to their twin counterparts, but are simply not living up to it. Contrast Universe 6 and 7, where 6's mortals are constantly in conflict and 7's are constantly training. 7 and 6 are much closer to one another in power.
  • Vegeta making a point of trash-talking Jiren right before launching a Final Flash at him may seem like his usual bravado, but it makes sense when you remember that the last time he was this hopelessly outclassed was against Perfect Cell, whom he still almost managed to kill with this exact same attack, only failing because Cell dodged at the last moment. Baiting Jiren into standing still and trying to tank it is just his way of making sure history doesn't repeat itself. Too bad it still didn't work.
  • At first, the fact that Zeno is willing to judge the entire multiverse by the morals of whichever fighter happens to win the tournament may seem like another example of his childish approach to morality, but it makes more sense when you consider how the teams were selected. If someone like Freeza wins the tournament, it means that not only were they stronger than everyone else present, their gods were willing to give them a shot at getting a wish from the Super Dragon Balls. This is especially brilliant when you remember that the conclusion of the Future Trunks arc already established that an entire universe being eradicated was preferable to the outcome of its gods carelessly letting the wrong person get their hands on that kind of power; as far as Zeno is concerned, any god who would risk the rise of a second Zamasu just to raise their own odds of survival has already failed his Secret Test of Character.

     Moro Arc 
  • Grand Supreme Kai having sacrificed most of his power to seal away Moro's magic certainly explains why the top creation god wasn't closer in power to his opposite number Beerus.

Fridge Horror

     Fridge Horror 
  • According to Goku in the lead-up to the Universal Survival arc, Good Buu was able to increase his power massively just by training for two hours. The Majins' potential for growth is possibly greater than even Freeza's, but Good Buu has no drive. Which begs the question: considering that he's immoral, intelligent, and actually does desire to get stronger, how powerful could Super Buu have potentially become if he won in the Buu arc?
  • How many planets were destroyed or devastated during Goku and Beerus' battle that nearly destroyed the universe? We see one planet crumble to dust on-screen and we don't even know if it was populated.
    • Given only twenty-eight fully inhabited planets with mortal life exist in Universe 7, probably not. It'd be like hitting the bull's eye from across the Universe.
    • While the civilized worlds only hit the double digits, populated worlds of universe 7 actually reach into triple digits. Freeza had hundreds of planets for sale and a single galactic patrolman, who only operate in one galaxy, can be responsible for up to 104 sectors. Still, Jaco says the number of galaxies in the universe can range from hundreds of thousands to "countless", depending on whether you read the comic or watched the show, so triple digits still isn't anything to be too concerned about.
  • On Krillin going to fight Frieza's forces and 18 staying behind despite the latter being so much stronger. The chances are high that Krillin suspected Frieza would likely personally target the guy who cut off his tail and whose death made Goku nearly break with rage, so if he'd been the one to stay back with Marron, he'd have potentially endangered her should Frieza have come after him specifically.
    • It's also slightly unsettling how calculating Krillin is in saying that he'll go and 18 will stay and specifically cites looking after Marron as the reason: if, in the likely event that Frieza killed Krillin, there's a chance that 18 could at least still protect Marron, act as backup, and escape (given that she herself is significantly stronger than a baseline Super Saiyan, as well as harder to track down with ki sense than any of the other non-divine heroes, not to mention the fact that Frieza doesn't know who she is); if, however, 18 were on the frontlines and died, Krillin (who's weaker than she, has no such stealth advantage, and might be targeted in the aftermath due to the above personal history with Frieza) would be useless in stopping the onslaught.
  • It's just a suggestion, but it's stated that God of Destruction is a profession. So possibly there is an individual (or a group) who hands Gods of Destruction (Beerus, Champa, other guys) their duties, appoints controllers (Whis, Vados), etc. And we know how strong these gods are. So he/she/they may be even stronger than them!
    • This job seems to fall to people like Whis, at least going by the Battle of Gods movie. After his fight with Beerus, Whis offers Goku the job of God of Destruction when Beerus' dies.
    • Beerus and Champa have a boss, Zen'o, king of all multiverse, who freaks them out just by his mere presense.
    • Similarly, when Vegeta asks Whis to train him, Whis agrees under the condition that Vegeta become a God of Destruction. Although he later accepted Vegeta in exchange for food, he technically never rescinded this condition...
  • The very idea that all those children Frost helped and did photo ops with have been deceived to cover that Frost started all those conflicts. Those children love and admire the person who indirectly killed their parents and ruined their homes for a profit.
  • The fact that History Repeats in the Future Trunks arc is one Fridge Horror for Future Trunks himself. Just like the androids before, he cannot sense Black's presence, which means he could be caught off-guard anytime. And completely unlike the androids, Black can sense Future Trunks's ki, which means he can't simply hide from him, and avoid being killed by sheer chance just like he did with the androids. This takes an important part on driving Future Trunks and Future Bulma out of the Capsule Corporation building, and killing the latter when Future Trunks visited her.
  • The fact that Future Mai is not with Pilaf and Shu and the fact that Future Trunks never met them before raises concerns about their fate, they could have been killed by the Androids or Black.
    • Or worse: a manga short story shows that when Future Pilaf made his wish to rejuvenate himself and his minions, Future Gohan and Future Bulma, the latter with her child in tow, arrived literally the instant after Shenron granted the wish, and upon seeing the new arrivals Pilaf and Shuu ran (or rather toddled away), with Mai being distracted by Trunks and Bulma and Gohan, having seen the Dragon Balls turning into stone, were looking toward the battle site in despair. Either Bulma took the three of them in but Pilaf and Shu were killed by the Androids before Trunks could start remembering things, or Pilaf and Shu successfully escaped before Bulma looked back and she only took Mai in.
  • You know that big new bit above about how Goku and Vegeta defy the limits of the gods in strength and battle and Bulma defies the limits of the gods in creative application? Think about Goku Black's and Zamasu's desire to kill all mortals for being dangerous mistakes. If they don't realize mortals are capable of this, they are extremely short-sighted in prejudging mortals as failed creatures. If they do realize this, they are extremely paranoid and overprotective of the Shin-jins and other ancient beings' place as gods of the universe. Either way you look at it, it is terrifying how they would intend to snuff out all life that they consider beneath their kind out of contempt and/or fear. And as of Episode 55, this is not even in the fridge anymore. Given the rapidly worsening state of Zamasu's divine tea, his teacher and superior Gowasu is beginning to become very worried and not without good cause. Then Episode 56 reveals Black and Zamasu are a tag team in the future.
  • Supreme Kais and Gods of Destructions come in pairs. Majin Buu killed 2 of Universe 7's Supreme Kais (the Western and Northern Supreme Kais) and absorbed 2 more (the Southern Supreme Kai and the Grand Supreme Kai). It's hard to tell what is more horrifying implication, the fact that each universe has more than 1 God of Destruction or the fact that Universe 7 has a lot of dead gods.
    • There are two Supreme Kais left in Universe 7, Old Kai and Eastern Supreme Kai. One is a paired with Beerus (probably Old Kai since Beerus sealed him in the Z Sword before Eastern Kai was around). But that means there is one other being in Universe 7 just as strong as Beerus.
  • The very idea that Zamasu has been sitting in the heavens watching Goku Black hunt down and murder mortals. While Goku Black slowly and cruelly slaughters the people on Earth for over a year, Zamasu has been looking on in approval and enjoying the sight. He thinks so little of mortals that he not only approves of killing them, but torturing them physically and mentally with a slow extermination from a force that they have no way of countering. And, keep in mind, this isn't the first planet Goku Black attacked. The only time he feels the need to intervene is to kill Goku for obvious personal reasons. In so many ways, he's far more disgusting than Goku Black.
  • Not to scare anyone but... both Zamasu and Goku Black have one Potara Earring each. Remember just how powerful Vegetto was back in the Buu Saga? Now take into consideration a fusion of a god that could rival Beerus and a dark Goku who effortlessly wrecked Vegeta....
    • As of episode 64, it becomes a reality. So now we have an Immortal Super Saiyan Rose hybrid of both Zamasu, on top of the power boost Potara Fusion traditionally gives with two people fusing. How exactly will Goku and Vegeta win against that? (As of episode 66: By fusing themselves into Vegetto!)
  • Reading the Crapsaccharine World entry for Dragon Ball, you realize just how dangerous and scary the Dragon World really is under its bright colors and Death Is Cheap nature. You had beings like Frieza and his family who ruled the universe, wiped out planets' populations for profit, and had creatures like the Saiyans who did their bidding. You had the Galactic Patrol who were powerless to stop them, and they have Extinction Bombs that can wipe out an entire species at their disposal, which Jaco accidentally used once and only got scolded. You also had an Eldritch Abomination who was as old as the universe itself that regularly destroyed planets once it woke up. And this is only in the mortal realm. In the realm of the gods, you have the Gods of Destruction who are all notoriously violent who can destroy your planet because it's their job, they're searching for something, or they didn't like the food. Now, you have the Kais, who are not supposed to interfere with mortals, who can go rogue and decide that all mortals need to die for the good of the universe and slowly wipe out your population. And to top it all off, you have Zen-O, who can wipe out the entire multiverse on a whim and has actually destroyed 6 universes in the past. Taking all this into account, Future Trunks' world is only the logical, more realistic conclusion of what Earth would be like without its Reset Button, powerful warriors, and its connection to the gods.
    • Even worse when you know the ending of Future Trunks' world: It was destroyed first by the Zamasus, who killed all gods and mortals except the main heroes, and Zen'o, who then obliterates the entire multiverse in annoyance toward Zamasu, making all perished Deader than Dead. So, despite its seeming colourfulness, this world is more of crapsack, than sacharine.
  • Black says that his powerful Super Sayian Rose transformation is Goku's full potential power. it has been said that Gohan has the most potential power of anyone. So imagine how strong Black could be in Gohan's body at Gohan's full potential.
  • How Beerus kills Zamasu is terrifyingly brutal not simply because of the way he did it, but how effortless it was for him. Keep in mind, Zamasu is only a little weaker than Super Saiyan 2 Goku after he absorbed godhood. Meaning, that Zamasu is stronger than even Super Saiyan God Goku from the Battle of Gods Saga. If Beerus wanted to, he could have easily atomized Super Saiyan God Goku without trying and Beerus went out of his way to match his power to Goku. That's how outclassed Goku truly was against Beerus. It also shows that Champa wasn't bluffing when he threatened to kill his entire team and dared them to attack him all at once. To add extra horror, imagine Zen'o doing the same thing, except to several universes at once instead of just one guy. Guess what: it happened. And then it happened again.
  • Consider how time travel works in Dragon Ball and the events of the Cell Saga; there's the main timeline, Future Trunks' timeline, and the timeline Perfect Cell came from. Black exists in Future Trunks' timeline, and Cell's timeline is identical, only that he killed his Trunks, which means that the "Zero Mortals Plan" goes by without a hitch and with no alternate timeline full of strong fighters to fall back on. There might be an entire timeline, a whole multiverse, that's completely screwed.]
    • There's a second possibility that's...slightly less dark but still horrible. The heroes either failed to defeat Buu and all died or either failed to defeat Beerus or simply failed to impress him enough to gain him as an ally (and then possibly died to the resurrected Frieza, assuming things went the same way as they did before). Which means Zamasu never met Goku to send him further off the slippery slope and thus he may never have begun his genocidal plans...but also that Future Trunks wasn't there to stop the Future Majins in that timeline. Either way, things are bleak, but at least the multiverse is spared Zamasu's wrath.
    • Keep in mind in Cell's timeline, Future Trunks is dead. Meaning there's absolutely no one who can stop Majin Buu once he's released in that timeline.
      • Luckily, the only beings with any power in that timeline are the Androids; who don't have ki and therefore probably can't be used to awaken Buu.
  • Something terrifying? Black is an alternate Zamasu who possessed his Goku. Now, remember there are five timelines if the time rings are any indication. Only one of the known remaining timelines has a Goku left alive for that: the unseen timeline.
  • In two immediate short clips during the Future Trunks Saga piece in the opening, Black fires a Kamehameha at the camera, after which Zamasu is seen falling back to the floor with a wide look on his face as though dying, and doesn't seem like a villain whatsoever. That's because it's not Zamasu — it's Goku after he got his body switched by Zamasu using the Super Dragon Balls — the other side of that switch being Black. We were watching a depiction of Goku's murder before every single episode in this saga.
  • Goku Black's body is another timeline's Son Goku, who he killed with his own hands. Given that Goku was alive in that timeline, his friends and family probably were as well. So not only does that Goku get the pleasure of being killed by his own hands, the last thing his friends and family probably saw was one of their closest and dearest friends murdering them without remorse.
    • This was confirmed in Episode 61. Once Zamasu took Goku's body, he brutally murdered Goten and Chi-Chi. Right after killing Goku in front of his own family using his body.
  • The Commeson was shown capable of replicating Vegeta's Super Saiyan Blue transformation, which requires god ki. Which almost certainly means it can copy other gods. Just imagine if it managed to sneak up on Beerus or Whis.
  • Merged Zamasu's horrific mutation makes sense when you realize something: Black's mortal half made his regeneration imperfect. What happens to cells when something goes wrong in their healing and multiplying process? Merged Zamasu's right half basically became a living cancer.
    • It's also possible imperfect immortality wasn't the only thing mutating Merged Zamasu's body; the Potara fusion itself could've done similar. For a Kai (Future Zamasu), the fusion lasts forever by normal means, but on non-Kai's (Goku Black) it only lasts an hour, with less time the more power you use- given Merged Zamasu was comparable to SSJB Vegito, it can't have been long until the limit was reached, particularly when using his Power Stressed form. So what happens when you have half your body trying to split itself apart from you, and the other half desperately trying to keep itself together with imperfect immortality?
    • Jossed, actually. Way back in Z, Elder Kai established he was Potara-merged with an old witch, who was very much not a Shin-jin. As long as a Kai's involved, it's for keeps. But that just means Zamasu would never escape the hellish body he'd put himself in.
    • Normally, yes. But even so, Gowasu notes that Zamasu's body is corrupting itself because it's made of an immortal and non-immortal component. Also, in the manga version, Fused Zamasu does briefly (semi-)split into Black and F. Zamasu, the fusion fighting both to maintain and split itself apart. It's not out of the realm of possibility that similar is happening on the inside.
  • Speaking of which, the only reason they could inflict genuine damage was because Goku Black never wished for immortality because Goku's body was corrupting him. If he was a just a bit more cautious enough to disregard his battle lust to cover all his bases, Merged Zamasu would've probably beaten Goku and Vegeta. It also makes you wonder if even Zen'o would be able to kill him with perfected Complete Immortality, since the fact that even he's still affected by time travel splitting the times suggests he's not completely omnipotent.
    • Considering he erased a whole multiverse, Super Dragon Balls included, the answer is likely yes. Not to mention that Beerus seems confident that he can take Zamasu out despite his immortality. Distruction seems to bypass death, after all, so immortality wouldn't stop you from just plain not existing. Also, Goku's (and Black's) battle lust is what made Black that powerful in the first place, making him able to stall Goku and Vegeta despite Vegeta being stronger than him. Had he wished for complete immortality, he would have likely never have reached that level, so it ended up being the best choice.
  • In Dragon Ball Super Episode 67, Merged Zamasu's Eldritch Abomination nature corrupts the Future Timeline so badly Future Zen'o had to destroy that version of the multiverse to stop him. You have to wonder...did the main Zen'o really destroy a third of the multiverse because his mood was spoiled, or because something like this happened before?
  • In Episode 69 Beerus destroyed Dr. Mashirito's ghost the same way as Present!Zamasu, just without pain. So it means that Beerus deliberately gave Zamasu such horrific pain to punish the mad god. Sure, Zamasu had it coming, but still...
    • Or it may have been because Mashirito was already dead. The dead don't really feel pain the way the living do, so while Beerus could destroy him, he couldn't make Mashirito feel pain without a living body.
    • Ignoring the comedy, Beerus was still able to DELETE A GHOST.
  • The Super Dragon Balls can grant ANY wish. What if Zamasu wished for infinite wishes to get more than just immortality? Or worse yet, truly become Top God?
    • Possibly he won't, as immortality doesn't prevent him to dying from Zen'O. But the level of destruction could be much worse. And he managed to nearly destroy the whole multiverse!
  • The fact that Future Zamasu jumped ship to Goku Black's side after witnessing Future Gowasu's death suggests even without Goku his turn was a Foregone Conclusion. There are at least two unexplored timelines (Cell's and the Unseen Timeline), who would've diverged long after his birth and had no affect on his mindset due to being from a different universe. With that in mind, it's likely those Zamasu will eventually try to enforce their plan and cause God knows how much devastation before they're stopped, especially if they do a little bit of research and learn about the Super Dragon Balls or utilize the Time Rings. It also makes you wonder how much more dire the situation would be if Goku Black didn't just recruit one version of himself.
  • What will happen to the Future #2's timeline afterlife now that Majin Buu is dead? Remember, Majin Buu was reborn thanks to Goku's wish. Trunks didn't make such a wish. What will happen now?
    • Since the Buu in the future would likely be Fat Buu and not the insanely destructive Kid Buu, he might just be a soul without a body at best and destructive but controllable like in the present at worst.
      • Except that the Goku from the future never makes that wish, because he died of a heart virus, and the Goku from the future never met the Buu of the future, because he's either still in his cocoon (or whatever you call it), or is dead because Trunks destroyed it and Buu before he could hatch (or come out).
  • The sole motivation for Champa proposing a baseball game with Beerus is to eat his Earth's food. Now keep in mind that Champa's Earth was restored and historically brought up to date by a wish from Beerus, and suddenly Champa's Earth doesn't look so good.
    • The Saiyans in Universe 7 live on an entirely different planet, and a much different culture. Who is to say that Earth-6 culture is not different from Earth-7? They did blow themselves into oblivion, after all.
      • Unless they didn't. If the history of DB (and thus Earth-7) is anything to go by, there are plenty of Earth ending threats both on and off Earth around. And Whis never said WHAT exactly caused the Earth-6 destruction per say. It could have been those humans, or something the humans created, or released, or something completely exo-Earth.
    • What's also not to say that Champa destroyed it in a temper tantrum?
  • The Watagash parasite is capable of making its host more powerful proportional to how evil they are. For sociopathic Hate Sink Barry Kahn, it was enough to turn him into a monster who could challenge Gohan. If it's capable of boosting a normal human's power that much if they're evil enough, imagine if it latched to already powerful super-villains like Freeza?
  • Goku has accelerated the coming of the Tournament of Power by speaking directly to Zen'o and reminding the Present Zen'o of the tournament. While Goku himself does not realize it yet, the price for this tournament will be the destruction of the losers' Universes. The new opening song hammers in the nail further. In general, it is an up-beat song speaking of his excitement, how he wants to open the door of possibilities and blow away Zen'o's expectations. But why is he so excited to go to space and "go to the next world"? Because he cannot get satisfaction on Earth anymore, and is being tied down by boredom like a stone.
    • Moreover, the Nightmare Fuel page makes mention of how some of Goku's expressions and behavior around the thugs, and even in the opening, are like Raditz and Goku Black. But there is something more to it than that: in Goku's back-story, he was a very ill-tempered and violent, even as a baby. It was the amnesia and trauma he suffered as a child that turned him into the Goku we all know and love. As a result, Goku never had a chance to tame what Vegeta did throughout the Dragon Ball Z series and Super: the instincts of a Saiyan. In other words, Goku is falling prey to the violent, battle-hungry instincts of the Saiyan Race, and does not realize it.
    • Goku has no idea of the stakes the two Zen'o have set up, and has no idea of just how capricious and dangerous they can be. He's going to live the rest of his life and beyond with the guilt of causing multiversal genocide.
    • What's worse is that this all harkens back to a plot point from the Cell Saga, where Goku refused to be revived because he was the ultimate reason for the threats encountered in Z. Goku's doing it again without realizing it.
    • As of Episode 80, the blow has been softened a little bit. Zen'o was planning to reduce the number of universes down from 12 to 5 before Goku even came along. Goku just gave him a good suggestion for how to decide which of the eight low-score universes to spare. So, good news, not Goku's fault THAT much. Bad news, the universes now in the Tournament of Power were going to be destroyed anyway.
    • Goku just indirectly gave them a chance to survive, but that means that for them to live, they will have to personally beat every other universe themselves, including Universe 6. Hit, Cabba... The Supreme Kais and Gods of Destruction will be erased too, which means Beerus will have to lose his brother forever.
  • There is a scene where the Grand Priest tells the other universes that it's thanks to Goku that the tournament is being held. Keep in mind that they don't know about the losing universe being destroyed rule yet. Once they find out, they are going to want to have Goku's head on a pike.
    • There's a worse possibility: if someone wonders how Goku got involved with divine affairs in the first place, it wouldn't take long for everyone to realize that Beerus caused all this by ordering Frieza to commit the Saiyan genocide because King Vegeta was a stingy dick. If Champa's reaction to Frost's true nature is any indication, no one's going to be pleased that Beerus let Frieza run loose for so long either (to be fair, it was also said that Beerus was considering eliminating Frieza himself before falling to one of his sleeping routines). No matter how you look at it, a battle involving all twelve Gods of Destruction could happen. Vegeta and even Goku might get involved to avenge their people, or to just keep in the other gods' good graces.
    • Brought up in episode 81: the gods of the other universes pulled into the tournament are horrified after learning of the consequences of losing and Bergamo takes the chance to rile up them against Goku and/or Universe 7 by pointing out they could've at the very least kept living their lives as usual if it wasn't for Goku and Whis even comments how there's some sort of "anti-universe 7" sentiment going on, not helped by Goku's irreverence towards the gods and Zen'o.
  • Remember how Gowasu was insisting in telling Zamasu not to interfere with mortals, leaving them able to learn or develop on their own and, most importantly, never killing them due to their status of gods of creation? Well, universe 9's Kai apparently decided to get involved and have a close relationship with a team of warrior werewolves trained to be the strongest, even providing drugs/stimulants to give them power boosts. And they are combat pragmatists with no respect for human lives. He doesn't even notice Basil's attack endangering Satan. Makes you wonder what kind of universe they live in.
    • Episode 80 gives us a bit more horror from this, when Beerus criticizes Shin over not getting involved with the mortals of universe 7 to help them along after hearing universe 7 is the second weakest universe.
  • Satan being knocked out is another reminder of the Crapsaccharine World Dragon Ball is. Even without ki, Satan is extremely bulky for a human being, and was watching it all from a safe distance. He was knocked out by the collateral damage of an attack not even directed at him. And that was from Basil, who's weaker than Buu, who's miles below Goku and Vegeta, who are far below the gods... Yes, humans are pretty powerless and meaningless there.
  • Zen'o has long considered universe 7 worthy of being erased among the other weakest, but consider that Goku had recently become one of his only real friends and he still didn't tell Goku about any of this. Zen'o would have annihilated his friend's universe with him in it and never saw anything wrong with not informing him or even offering to spare him. This also suggests a disturbing alternate reason why Zen'o takes Goku's casual behavior in stride: Goku would've been a casuality anyway, so why argue? Ultimately subverted, as the Tournament was a Secret Test of Character intended to see if the mortals would have enough empathy and goodness to do the right thing and wish back the other universes, meaning he was likely hoping Goku would be such a selfless mortal.
  • Super still takes place during Z so chances are universe 7, or at least its earth, are safe. But what if earth is just moved to different universe to avoid destruction?
  • Zen'O ranks the Universes by their Mortal Level and erases the ones with the lowest score. What would've happened to the universes had Zamasu succeeded with his Zero Mortals Plan? Hint: Future Trunks might be able to weigh in on that question..
  • In the Zen'o Exhibition Match we never saw Gowasu say anything when other Universes started to turn on Goku and Universe 7. You could excuse other gods being hostile to Goku, because they have never met him and you could excuse Champa booing Goku, because Champa is boorish jerk, but Gowasu is an experienced and benevolent Kaioshin, who had met Goku in the Future Trunks Saga and saw him fighting against Goku Black and Future Zamasu and there was no indication that Gowasu had any problems or negative feelings towards Goku throughout and after the end of the saga. Furthermore, if it wasn't for Beerus, Gowasu would have been murdered by the Present Zamasu, thus also leaving the God Of Destruction Rumoosh dead and Universe 10 Angel inactive. But not once did Gowasu, the only god from other Universes who could vouch for Goku and Universe 7 (the same Universe whose God of Destruction prevented his death), say anything about other Universes turning against Goku and Universe 7. He instead stayed silent.
    • In his defense though, he'd be one Kai speaking out against multiple Gods of Destruction (not exactly the safest course), is still shamed by the whole Zamasu incident, and if he did start such an argument it might annoy Zen'o (since he wants to see the fights of the Exhibition Match, and they're wasting time arguing). Very-potential opposition, wrong time to pursue such an argument, etc; not exactly the best time to speak out.
    • Also, let's think about what happened from his point of view. Zamasu was always quite self-righteous, but he looked like he was learning and calming down. When did things really start going downhill for him? When Goku showed up. Even worse, Goku challenged him to a fight for his own amusement and to see if he was Goku Black, and seeing that is what finally broke Zamasu. He became literally obsessed with him, to the point he got an omniscient being telling all about him, and even took his body to keep it forever, both as a constant reminder. And let's remember what kind of Blood Knight he became. It is actually possible that Bergamo's words affected him, and he's actually reconsidering it all. After all, the fact he helped solving it wouldn't mean much if he believed he was the one who caused the whole mess in the first place...
      • This is is kind of undermined by the fact that Future Zamasu happily joined Black's crusade against the mortals after he got over the shock of Gowasu being murdered. Meaning, that Zamasu was already unstable and was probably only a matter of time before he snapped. Most likely, it would have been after he officially became a Supreme Kai and gained real authority over U10. Gowasu would know this since he saw Future Zamasu in action along with Black.
      • But he doesn't know about it. He only knows that the tea showed his heart as calm, until he met Goku, slipped and almost killed him. And in the bad future, he always saw him together with Black, that looked just like Goku, cementing the connection between him and his disciple turned evil. Also, being quite fond of his student, despite everything, and much closer to him, it'd also be more reasonable for him to blame a guy he only met a couple of times from another universe than consider his student to be a scumbag to begin with.
    • During the kais' reunion of episode 85, he's once again silent. He seems really shaken by the recent events.
  • There were 18 universes until Zen'o destroyed six of them. Episode 81 reveals he always thought there were too many universes, and plans to wipe out the ones under a 7 on the average mortal level. Makes you wonder if that is the real reason behind the destruction of Universes 13-18, and the state of those universes if Universe 7 (which has an omnicidal, borderline immortal Eldritch Abomination and a Physical God tyrant devastating it for god knows how long) is still ranked at least twice the amount they would've been.
    • Episode 83 reveals there are a grand total of 28 planets with mortal life in Universe 7. And Universe 7 is the second lowest ranked universe. It makes you wonder how desolate and crapsack Universe 9 (which we actually get to see in Episode 91) must be to have just over half Universe 7's mortal level, and if the six destroyed universes were wiped out for low average mortal levels and/or had any intelligent life left to destroy.
    • That's 28 planets with mortal civilizations on them, not mortal life in general, as there are hundreds of planets in universe seven with some kind of life on them. Then again, hundreds is still kind of low considering how big universe seven is and the technology available to its inhabitants...
    • Think of Future Trunks in his new timeline, where another Future Zen'o is, probably thinking about cutting down the number of universes, just like present Zen'o. Without anyone but Trunks near a god-level to fight in a potential tournament, his new peaceful life could get wiped out completely and he won't know a thing.
  • Goku has successfully recruited Frieza however Frieza's terms are that he be resurrected in exchange for his help, which means that Goku will now be directly responsible for bringing back the universe's worst genocidal tyrant, even if they win the tournament.
    • Maybe not. Thanks to Frieza deciding it wouldn't be worth anything if his being brought back wasn't a guarantee, he resolves to use Earth's Dragon Balls. However, he was already brought back to life with them in the Resurrection 'F' Saga, which means that while Goku might honor that promise, it's an empty one either way; even upgraded, Shenron can't bring someone back twice.
  • Remember, back in the Buu saga, how coming from the afterlife let Goku bypass the Super Sayan 3 time limits, but burned out his time? And that Frieza's golden form has the only disadvantage of burning out his stamina? That leaves us with two scary options, either : A) Frieza will be brought back with unlimited use of that form or B) it'll reduce his time as well, possibly even much faster that it happened with Goku, as we saw with Vegetto, leaving Universe 7 without a very powerful member in a critical moment.
    • Frieza can control his stamina now, so this is slightly averted.
  • Caulifla's cocky attitude towards the Goku and Vegeta as well as the Pride Troopers definitely screams trouble for her. But what's worse is that there are many characters who can give a really brutal beatdown ... and then we have Frieza, who's instincts may let him torture her, knowing that she's a Saiyan from an alternate universe. Better hope that she simply jobs and doesn't receive a brutal beatdown in the style of Videl. Thankfully, she's spared a brutal beatdown, and actually lasts longer than Hit, getting taken out only by Goku's Ultra Instinct Kamehameha (as Kefla). Even though Cabba got tortured by Frieza, Goku actually prevented Caulifla/Kale getting beaten down.
    • Part Brilliance and Horror regarding that as it just came to me. At the beginning of the series of Z, the Saiyans and Frieza's soldiers even Frieza himself could not sense ki or energy and were blind without their scouters to locate them thus leading them to being caught offguard numerous times when they powered up. She has never bothered to learn how to sense energy and thus is going into a fight unaware of how outmatched she may be. If she picks a fight with the above or someone like Jiren, she's in for a nasty awakening.
    • Caulifla is capable to sense ki, she's happy when she senses the power from Kale when she transforms into a Super Saiyajin. The fridge horror is the fact that Caulifla has the same self-confident behavior of Vegeta during the first arcs of Dragon Ball Z and how that was turned against him when was defeated by Freezer, A-18, and Perfect Cell.
    • Another bit of horror is that the Pride Troopers are likely to already consider the Saiyans violent and unstable due to Goku's attitude, and Califula is merely reinforcing that. So how do you think they'll react when they'll see Kale transform?
  • If Zamasu wasn't already a dangerous villain, seeing the top fighters from all the universes display their power should remind viewers that, in an alternate timeline, Goku Black and Zamasu managed to kill them and all their gods. Universe 11's top mortals, in particular have a close working relationship with the gods, as we see with Toppo acting as the god's bodyguard. Zamasu had to get past Toppo and probably Jiren—two figures who intimidate Goku. And given the fact that the two survived to be the last remaining gods... they did.
    • This may be slightly averted depending on what exactly the Pride Troopers were exactly doing at the moment Goku Black murdered Khai. At the scale Goku Black was in, he may have been able to be easily taken out by Jiren and/or Toppo. Goku Black possibly just jumped into another universe at that moment. Hit could've also taken out Goku Black relatively easy as well. Super Saiyan Rose Black though ...
  • Episode 98 makes Zen'O even scarier than he already was. Up until then, the Gods of Destruction only destroyed things they were reasonably close to, and even Zen'O destroyed a universe (or multiverse) while standing in it. It wasn't the case for Universe 9, however, since he destroys it while standing in the void between world, either the Grand Priest only knows how far away or so removed that distance itself loses meaning. Zen'O can just destroy anything and anyone, wherever they are, by merely thinking about it, in an instant. As Champa correctly put it, "a God among the Gods".
  • The elimination/erasure of Universe 9 gives you an idea about how deadly the Tournament of Power can be, and losing literally means the end of everything. Make things edgier is Anat's remark about Universe 9's demise as a necessary sacrifice in order to keep the Tournament of Power moving, and made more sadder is he, like Vados, viewing Goku was the second and last chance for the remaining universes to fight for their existence. This however still doesn't stop Universe 7 being the target by everyone as the battle continues, especially the likes of Champa and Quitela wanting the Universe 7 to be vanished next.
  • The fact that the four universes spared from being blasted off are twin universes raises a very unsettling possibility. As universes that are twins share races and planets, that means that, to a great extent, they share the same issues and problems. Tellingly they tend to be similarly ranked: Universe 6 and 7 are 3rd and 2nd from last, Universe 1 and 12 are 1st and 2nd, Universe 5 and 8 are 3rd and 4th, and etc. The universe pairs that aren't next to each other rank wise are Universe 9 (last) and 5 (4th from last), and given how off both 9's Supreme Kai and God of Destruction are this oddity can be explained. In a sense, it might not just be a case of bad management that put those Universes's so low: they might not just have the kinds of life that develop high mortal level, like the aggressive Universe 7 Saiyans, Universe 6 humans, and the Babarians of Universe 10 that disgusted Zamasu so much. Especially in the case of the 5th and 6th ranked Universe 11 and 2, they could have easily been high enough to escape destruction if they just had better mortals.
  • Universe 9's God of Destruction, Sidra, has been fairly indecisive about which planets he destroys, which (some have theorized) has led to a generally dense universe with more weak lifeforms that have driven its average level down. This means that when Universe 9 was eliminated from the tournament and destroyed, its population of sentient life could have been far higher than any other universe's. Meaning that in terms of raw numbers, Universe 9's elimination resulted in the greatest number of lives lost.
  • Frieza's first reaction after learning about the tournament was thinking it as his occasion to manipulate the gods. Episode 107 shows that not only Frost had a similar idea, but he actually was successful with it, using Champa's Sibling Rivalry to his advantage. And the two "F" talked and made some kind of deal before the tournament started. Unless a Chronic Backstabbing Disorder kicks in, that might prove a very dangerous alliance, and if Frieza does manage to recover his body he might become very dangerous beyond his sheer power.
    • Frieza back-stabs Frost royally, including insulting his pride by calling him an amateur. This pisses Frost off enough that he tries to attack Frieza from the sidelines and promptly gets himself erased. Aside from showing what a master manipulator Frieza is, why would he throw away a possible deadly alliance with Frost unless he had some sort of plan brewing that was greater than that? His uncharacteristic calmness and spying intrigue at the sight of stronger foes like Jiren and Ultra Instinct Goku, not to mention being too easily a consummate team player with his sworn enemies, practically gives away this possibility. This is even more horrifying.
  • Fridge Tragedy: The two strongest warriors from Universe 11 are both sitting atop a Broken Pedestal for the other warriors. Toppo has decided that his code of honour is deadweight and becomes a God of Destruction, effectively meaning that he's now the very monster he's dedicated his life to eliminating. Jiren meanwhile has been revealed to not actually care for his fellow Pride Troopers at all, only using them for his own benefit. Whatever the outcome, the Pride Troopers can never be the same after this.
    • A bit softened, since the Pride Troopers were in good terms with Belmod, a God of Destruction himself (who trained Toppo to become one and knew that his justice was keeping him from achieving the status), so it's unlikely that he or anyone else will consider him a monster. However, there's no way Toppo can go back to lead them: even if he doesn't accept his new role, he won't be able to just ignore what happened. And, while Jiren is powerful, he's also kind of a loner. They are unlikely to be shattered from that, or even to kick him off the team given Belmod's statement that it was formed around his strength, but they lost their leader, most charismatic and second strongest member. That will leave a mark.
    • And even that mark has faded, what with Vegeta's beating, Universe 7's victory over Jiren, and even the resurrection of the Multiverse, having all knocked Toppo's sense of virtue back into him to the point he reverted back from Destroyer to Trooper following the tournament.
  • It's been established that when people die, they end up in the section of the afterlife where they died, which is why Frieza says he was in Earth's Hell. They also end up in the afterlife of the same universe they died, since Goku and King Kai wonder why Cell isn't at the Check-In Station when he was "born" in a different timeline. The World of Void has no afterlife or space-time as we know it and is disconnected to the normal multiverse. Does that mean if you die there, you don't exist anymore? Or worse? Certainly would explain why the rules don't allow killing when the two Zen'o plan to wipe out the losing universes anyway, and both them and the Grand Priest wouldn't put value on the fighter's lives-they don't want the winning team to have members permanently lost.
  • Jiren has never made an attempt at helping his teammates when they were being beaten, with the only time he ever stepped in was when someone threatened physical harm to someone, and has been rather nonchalant about his entire team being wiped out to a man. He's counting on it. Only the last person standing can get the wish from the Super Dragon Balls, which means he can't afford to have any of the weaker members of his team still left on the field when he wins. He's gambling the very existence of his universe on his chance for the wish, rather than try to preserve his team members so they can win by default when the time runs out. This is why he doesn't bother to lift a finger and rather went back to meditating after beating up Hit and Goku, the only real threats to him at the time.
  • With the Tournament of Power over, the Zen'os revealed that the tournament was a test for all the mortals. They wanted the winner of the tournament to be not only strong but righteous enough to use Super Shenron to bring the universes back. However, if they made a selfish wish, then the Zenos would erase everyone on the spot. If 17 didn't join the tournament, or if Freeza or Jiren (both who were very close to winning it at their respective points) or roughly any other participant in the tournament (with the possible exceptions of Cabba and Vegeta, who planned to bring each other back) won, existence would have been done for.
  • The true purpose of the Tournament of Power:
    • The no-kill rule is frighteningly pragmatic; even if the winner wishes the erased universes back, it wouldn't resurrect the people who died in the tournament. Luckily for everyone that no one died and that the angels can resurrect people too, at least those with their bodies/Otherworld intact.
    • The way the tournament was arranged to actively push out the morals of the mortals (no-kill rule, ring-outs only, team battle royal, losing universes erased in front of everyone, etc.) makes it stand to reason why the Zen'os would've erased everything if a selfish wish had been made. Under the parameters orchestrated by the Zen'o's and the Grand Priest, if the winner had failed to grasp their hidden lesson and used the orbs on a selfish wish, this would've meant the multiverse was doomed to be ruled in power by the amoral, the myopic, and the outright evil. Much like with the Infinite Zamasu timeline, the end of everything would've been not just an angry Rage Quit on a villainous victory, but the only appropriate response to the revelation of a hopeless multiverse.
    • Zen'O gave the gods only 48 hours to build their team when it seemed like they really should have been given more time to think it out. But that was Zen'O's intention. He wanted a random sample of warriors from across the multiverse to see if an individual, picked at random, would have the virtues he was looking for. It also serves as a test of the gods' skills; Belmod and Khai, the best of the worst of the lot, worked with their mortals and took a proactive stance, making them the only team to actually have a roster of fighters to choose from, whereas Roh and Sidra were basically at a loss for what to do. Shin, Beerus and Champa were extremely lucky that they just hosted their own tournament and got to know their fighters, otherwise it's likely they'd only be slightly better than Roh (Champa in particular as the newcomers in his team, with one sole exception in Dr. Rota, were basically padded out with more Saiyans and Namekians, presumably after seeing how ridiculously strong Piccolo, Vegeta and Goku were).
  • There's no indication Moro had eaten hundreds of worlds in the two months he gave to the heroes to prepare. Keep in mind, at his most powerful, Moro had consumed 320 planets. As powerful and dangerous as Moro was now, imagine how strong he was ten million years ago.

Fridge Logic

  • Whis creates a whole new timeline for Future Trunks and Future Mai. This is something deities strongly prefer not to do, but Whis feels the circumstances warrant it, so he takes them there with the warning that they'll have to avoid their counterparts in that timeline. But the whole thing is unnecessary. There's already a close-enough timeline in which Trunks is dead: the original, unaltered timeline. The Trunks of that timeline was killed by the Cell of that timeline, who wreaked havoc in the main timeline, and the Trunks still alive is the result of Cell creating the main timeline. The original timeline's Bulma is grieving her son just as Trunks is grieving the version of Bulma that was killed by Goku Black, but she's left to keep grieving while Trunks and Mai go to the new timeline.
