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Characters / Sailor Moon Black Moon Clan

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This page covers the Black Moon Clan, a group of villains in Sailor Moon.

Black Moon Clan (The Negamoon Family)
The main antagonists of the second arc of Sailor Moon. Hailing from the 30th century the Black Moon Clan are a group of anarchists who live on the Planet Nemesis the tenth planet in the Solar System. They rebelled against the rule of Neo Queen Serenity and attacked Crystal Tokyo incapacitating the queen and her court. The Black Moon Clan then set to work trying to exterminate the Queen's daughter Chibi-Usa, whom they dubbed "the rabbit", viewing her as the last obstacle in their plans. The Black Moon clan arrived in modern day Tokyo to kill Chibi-Usa, destroy the Legendary Silver Crystal, and rewrite the past to suit their own image of the future bringing them into contact with the Sailor Guardians of the modern era.
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    In General 
  • Adaptational Heroism: The 90s anime gave the Black Moon Clan much more sympathetic motivations for their actions, as they were descendants of anarchists who rebelled against Neo Queen Serenity and forced to life on the barren and desolate planet Nemesis to survive. The Clan therefore wanted to remake the past so their people could survive and were manipulated by Wiseman to suit his own needs. In the original manga they rebelled because they thought the immortality provided to all the citizens of future Earth by the Mystical Silver Crystal was blasphemous.
  • Be Careful What You Wish For: In the manga and Crystal, they did what they did because they believed that immortality was unnatural and that humans were supposed to die. Their actions got them all killed.
  • Chromatic Arrangement: Crimson Rubeus, Green Esmeraude and Blue Saphir represent the three primary colors. This is probably why Demande didn't get a color in his name.
  • Color-Coded Stones: They each embody a gemstone and usually display the characteristics that would be associated to that stone.
  • Dub Name Change: They are called the "Negamoon Family" in the DIC version. Rubeus keeps his name, while Saphir, Prince Demande, and Esmeraude get non-corrupted names, Becoming Sapphire, Prince Diamond, and Emerald, respectively.
  • The Exile: In the anime, the Black Moon Clan was banished to Nemesis after they rebelled against Neo Queen Serenity's rule, and the currently living members grew up in exile.
  • Related in the Adaptation: The DiC version writes the Black Moon Clan's origin from a Moon stationed within the Dark Kingdom (or rather, the Negaverse).
  • Unwitting Pawn: Regardless of adaptation, the Clan was manipulated by Wiseman, someone who wasn't even a member, to suit his own twisted schemes, then stabbed in the back once they were no longer useful.
  • Well-Intentioned Extremist: In the 90s anime, the Clan's goal was to reclaim the Earth for their people stuck on Planet Nemesis. The whole "rewriting reality" thing came from Wiseman manipulating them.
  • Who Wants to Live Forever?: In the manga and Crystal the Black Moon Clan originally rebelled against Neo Queen Serenity as they believed that immortality was unnatural and that humans were suppose to age and die.

    The Malefic Black Crystal 

The Malefic Black Crystal

The source of the Clan's power, a mass of black crystal brimming with negative energy.

  • Dark Is Evil: A black stone that is outright called "malefic".
  • Evil Counterpart: To the Legendary Silver Crystal. It was often said that the two powers were equal.
  • Evil Tower of Ominousness: A spire of pure black crystal that was planted in Crystal Tokyo in the manga, slowly killing the planet's population.
  • "Instant Death" Radius: The crystal spire slowly kills everything around it with negative energy. Black Lady decides to speed up the process by planting two more into Earth.
  • Yin-Yang Bomb: In the manga, Death Phantom wanted both crystals to obtain the greatest power of all.


    Wiseman/Death Phantom 

Wiseman/Death Phantom
Voiced by: Eiji Maruyama (original series), Hiroshi Iwasaki (Crystal) (JP), Tony Daniels (DiC), Steve Kramer (Viz) (EN) Foreign VAs

Prince Demande's mysterious advisor and the first to encourage the Black Moon Clan to search for the Silver Crystal. Of course, he's more than he first appears...

  • Absolute Xenophobe: He views sentient life as a blight.
  • Big Bad: The main antagonist of the second season.
  • Big "WHAT?!"/Oh, Crap!: "What!? Two Silver Crystals!?"
  • The Cameo: In the manga, he appears in a flashback in the final arc as the one to point Sailor Galaxia to the Galaxy Cauldron.
  • The Chessmaster: Arguably the best of the series Big Bads in this regard since every one else tends to be a single-minded Eldritch Abomination who needed the help of their minions to arrive on earth. Instead Wiseman had to manipulate both the Black Moon Clan and Chibi-Usa in order for his plans to succeed and did so marvellously by preying on their fears and weaknesses and disguising himself as a feeble old man in order to hide his true objective.
  • The Corrupter: Wiseman's modus operandi is finding out his targets' weaknesses and exploiting them to do his bidding. Wiseman preyed on Chibi-Usa's insecurities and fears in order to corrupt her into becoming Black Lady. In the '90s anime he prayed on Demande's desire to protect his people and manipulated him until he could barely remember his original purpose. In the '90s anime he even attempts to corrupt Usagi by preying on her insecurities regarding her relationship with Mamoru.
  • Crystal Ball: He's almost always seen holding it.
  • Diabolus ex Nihilo: In the anime, where his backstory is removed and it's flat out stated that even the rest of the Black Moon Clan has no idea where he came from.
  • Doomy Dooms of Doom: He's called the "Doom Phantom" rather than "Death Phantom" in the DiC dub.
  • Eldritch Abomination: In the manga, his true form is planet Nemesis, which isn't so much a planet as it is a planet-sized mass of dark power. In the anime, he's an Energy Being who dwells beyond the Dark Gate, who's Wiseman form is only a projected avatar.
  • Evil Feels Good: In Crystal he sounds like he's having the time of his life whenever he speaks. Doubles as Evil Is Hammy.
  • Evil Old Folks: He sounds like an old man in most languages.
  • The Faceless: Until The Reveal, we only see Glowing Eyelights of Undeath under his hood.
  • Fighting a Shadow: In the manga, that Grim Reaper we see is just a puppet he used, his real body being Planet Nemesis itself. In the anime, his Wiseman form is only an avatar controlled through his crystal ball that can simply pull itself back together when blown apart. His true form is only glimpsed in a split-second shot as it fully comes out from the Dark Gate to possess his Wiseman form.
  • For the Evulz: His reasons for wanting to destroy everything comes down to his preferring darkness and nothingness over the current state of the universe.
  • Fortune Teller: In a way, he very much could consider itself like that, as his predictions helped the Clan to find Nemesis and use it as a base of operations towards their (his) plans. As well, he ends up being the advisor for Demande as a way to boost his influence over him.
  • From Nobody to Nightmare: In the manga and Crystal, Death Phantom was once a powerful Earth criminal who tried to rebel against Neo Queen Serenity and was left to rot on the planet Nemesis for his troubles. Then, with the power of his undying hate, he ended up merging with the planet, manipulated the Black Moon Clan, and almost destroyed all life in the universe. This may be why he's different from the other incarnations of Chaos - Nemesis was the Chaos offshoot, but Death Phantom provided a level of humanity, albeit in a dark, twisted way.
  • Genius Loci: In the manga, he merged with planet Nemesis and made the whole planet his body.
  • A God Am I: A God of Death that is.
  • The Grim Reaper: Looks like and thinks of himself as one.
  • Hypnotic Eyes: His "Evil Eye" power.
  • Killed Mid-Sentence: In the '90s anime, both in the original Japanese and the DiC and Viz dubs.
  • Large Ham: In the anime when he reveals his true colors.
  • The Man Behind the Man: Demande thought he was just his adviser.
  • Mind Rape and More than Mind Control: Poor Chibi-Usa.
  • Names to Run Away from Really Fast: DEATH PHANTOM.
  • Not-So-Well-Intentioned Extremist: In the 90's anime, since the Black Moon Clan's goal is made more sympathetic. Unlike the rest of the clan, his goal is not to remake the past to create a better world, but to destroy all life in the universe.
  • Omnicidal Maniac: Hates all life with an absolute burning passion that is unrivaled even by the other Sailor Moon Big Bads.
  • Our Liches Are Different: Several parallels can be drawn to a Lich in Death Phantom's design, to the point where the planet Nemesis could be called his phylactery.
  • The Power of Hate: Death Phantom explains to the Sailor Guardians in the manga and Crystal that his hatred for Neo Queen Serenity was so strong that he ended up transcending from his human body and became the very planet Nemesis itself.
  • Red Eyes, Take Warning: When Death Phantom unleashes the full power of his Wiseman avatar to destroy the Earth in the anime.
  • Rubber Man: Limited to his arms, referred to as the "Beast Hand" in the manga.
  • Shadowed Face, Glowing Eyes: His cloak covers his head and body in darkness, leaving only his menacing glowing eyes visible underneath.
  • Straw Nihilist: He goes on several monologues about the pointlessness of life and how people can never truly love or understand one another, thus it would better to return the universe to nothingness. Though it seems mainly to be an excuse for his God complex, sadism and xenophobia.
  • Treacherous Advisor: It really says something that he's one for the villains.
  • Truer to the Text: In the 90's anime, he was the first villain to remain relatively the same in terms of personality and goals from his manga counterpart, even if his origin as a criminal who hated Neo Queen Serenity did not make it.
  • Voice of the Legion: In the '90s anime, he speaks as if many voices were talking at once.

    Prince Demande 

Prince Demande (Prince Diamond)
Voiced by: Kaneto Shiozawa (original series), Mamoru Miyano (Crystal) (JP), Robert Bockstael (DiC), Matthew Mercer (Viz) (EN) Foreign VAs
Portrayed in the musicals by: Hikari Ono, Erika Mahiro

Leader of the Black Moon Clan, a group long ago imprisoned on Nemesis by Neo-Queen Serenity. He intends to take back the Earth and get his revenge on her... in the creepiest way possible.

  • Adaptational Heroism:
    • In the '90s anime. Apart from the more sympathetic backstory, he also was willing to listen to Sailor Moon when she was able to prove Wiseman was manipulating the Black Moon Clan and made a Heroic Sacrifice to protect her. In the manga he became an Omnicidal Maniac.
    • In Crystal, his final act is also to protect Sailor Moon from Wiseman (as opposed to the manga, in which his final act is to try to kill her resulting in her and Tuxedo Mask killing him), though for much less noble reasons. However, his calling Sailor Moon "My queen" seconds before death is interpreted by many as a last-minute Heel–Face Turn.
  • Badass Cape: A regal white one.
  • Badassin A Nice Suit: Demande is certainly well-dressed and can take on the Guardians himself.
  • Big Bad Wannabe: Is assumed to be the Big Bad initially by both the audience and the Guardians, but the more the arc goes on the clearer it is that he's just an Unwitting Pawn.
  • The Corrupter: In the '90s anime, Demande tries corrupting Sailor Moon while she's in the Malefic Black Crystal, only for the latter to make him realize Wiseman has been using him as an Unwitting Pawn.
  • Conquering Alien Prince: Wants to take over the Earth, hence why he invaded Crystal Tokyo. He's the centre of the page image.
  • Crosscast Role: Musicals only. He's played by the very female Hikari Ono.
  • Dies Differently in Adaptation: In the manga, Demande is killed after Usagi and Mamoru combine their powers. In R and Crystal, he dies shielding Usagi from Wiseman's attacks.
  • The Dragon: Though he's led to believe he's the Big Bad by Wiseman.
  • Dub Name Change: He is Prince Diamond in the DiC dub.
  • Even Evil Has Loved Ones: He was a massive jerk and leads the Black Moon clan, but he truly cares for Saphir and is devastated when he's killed by Wiseman. And in the '90s anime, he seems to show some degree of sadness after Esmeraude's death. In Crystal, both he and Saphir become enraged once they learn that Wiseman murdered Rubeus from Black Lady. Demande even proclaims that he'll avenge both Rubeus and Esmeraude's death before trying to eliminate Wiseman for his treachery.
  • Evil Sounds Deep: Interestingly enough, however, he manages to be soft-spoken at the same time.
  • The Evil Prince: The more psychotic manga version.
  • Forceful Kiss: On Sailor Moon, in the manga and Sailor Moon Crystal. He tries it in the Nineties Anime too, but Tuxedo Mask stops him in time.
  • A Glass of Chianti: He often drinks a glass of wine.
  • Go-Go Enslavement: Dolls up Moon in a pretty skimpy gown when he kidnaps her.
  • Hypnotic Eyes: In the anime, he can open a hypnotic third eye in his forehead, and even shoots a magic beam from it once. In the manga, he has an "Evil Eye" too (it's even called such), but this version is used almost exclusively to shoot magic death beams.
  • I Have You Now, My Pretty: To Sailor Moon. In the anime, he makes up for this by Taking the Bullet for her later.
  • Jerk with a Heart of Gold: Anime and Musical versions. Even though he essentially tried to rape Sailor Moon and abuses his own brother, he still wanted to ultimately do what was right. He redeems himself in the anime and Crystal by sacrificing himself to save Sailor Moon's life and in the Musicals he actually gets reborn as a Earthling!
  • Lazy Bum: In the 90’s anime, Demande doesn’t do much but order Rubeus, Esmeraude, Saphir around while he sits back and admires Neo Queen Serenity’s hologram, while sipping wine. The only time he legitimately does something was kidnapping Usagi when she arrived in the future. But he primarily lets his subordinates do the dirty work for him while he lounges around.
  • Light Is Not Good: He has light-colored uniforms and he serves as The Dragon to Wiseman/Death Phantom.
  • Love Redeems: In the Nineties Anime and Sailor Moon Crystal, he dies trying to protect Usagi.
  • Man of Wealth and Taste: Sharply dressed, drinks wine and is well-spoken.
  • Omnicidal Maniac: In the manga, he goes batshit insane after being forced to kill Saphir, who was under Death Phantom's mind control and finds that Death Phantom merged with Nemesis, meaning he has no chance of killing him, and tries to erase all of the space/time by causing a Temporal Paradox.
  • Pietà Plagiarism: In the anime, he carries Saphir's lifeless body in his arms.
  • Precision F-Strike: Demande gives a rather surprising one in the Viz English dub when Tuxedo Mask confronts him:
    Tuxedo Mask: How dare you use your depravity and demented powers to try and force yourself on an innocent woman! You Coward!
    Demande: Silence you self righteous prick!
  • Rank Scales with Asskicking: An Unwitting Pawn he may be, but he's still the strongest member of the Black Moon Clan—apart from Death Phantom—, as well as its leader.
  • Redemption Earns Life: In the musicals.
  • Redemption Equals Death: In the '90s anime and Crystal, he sacrifices his life to atone for his misdeeds.
  • Theme Naming: After the gemstone diamond.
  • Tragic Villain: In the manga. There's no redemption for him, as Death Phantom corrupts him beyond all hope, but his case is still presented as a sad one nevertheless.
  • Villainous Crush: On Sailor Moon.
  • Villain in a White Suit: The princely leader of the Black Moon Clan, he wears an all-white uniform and is The Dragon to the Big Bad.
  • Well-Intentioned Extremist: The anime version. His original goal, before being corrupted by Death Phantom and his lust for Neo-Queen Serenity, was to conquer the Earth so that the people of Planet Nemesis could live better lives there.
  • White Hair, Black Heart: He has white hair and is a villain to boot.
  • Who Wants to Live Forever?: In the manga and Crystal, he despised the idea of immortality, which got him imprisoned.
  • Would Hurt a Child: He kills one in the manga, and nearly does it in Sailor Moon Crystal. Not to mention that he tasks his fellow Clan members to eliminate Chibiusa, a young child.
  • Yandere: For Sailor Moon, so very much.

Upper Echelon

    Blue Saphir 

Blue Saphir (Sapphire)
Voiced by: Tsutomu Kashiwakura (original series), Tsubasa Yonaga (Crystal) (JP), Lyon Smith (DiC), Greg Felden (Viz) (EN) Foreign VAs
Portrayed in the musicals by: Yuri Kuroda, Sora Manami

Prince Demande's stoic younger brother, a more idealistic soul who disapproves of Wiseman's influence on the Clan.

  • Adaptational Heroism: In the manga, he tries to kill Sailor Moon to solve the problems with Demande. In the anime, he defects on realizing Wiseman is using him and Demande, runs away with an important MacGuffin, and returns while injured to try and reason with his brother. It doesn't work; Wiseman kills him before Demande realizes the truth.
  • Anti-Villain: Mainly in the anime, but to an extent in the manga as well (he tries to kill Sailor Moon, but does so because he sincerely believes she and her Silver Crystal are the source of all problems.)
  • Big Brother Instinct: Inverted; in the anime, he dies while trying to reason with Demande and tell him that Wiseman is using them. Sailor Moon manages to get through to Demande by reminding him of Saphir's death.
  • Brainwashed and Crazy: In the manga, which leads to his death.
  • Crosscast Role: Musicals again.
  • Died in Your Arms Tonight: In the '90s anime, he's held by both Moon and Tuxedo Mask as he perishes.
  • Dies Differently in Adaptation: In the manga and Crystal, Saphir is killed by Demande, and in R, he is killed just as he warns Demande of what Wiseman is really like.
  • Dub Name Change: In the DiC dub, he is named Prince Sapphire.
  • Evil Counterpart: To Mamoru. They have similar looks and personalities and are mostly on the sidelines in a World of Action Girls.
  • Evil Genius: In the manga. Only hinted in the anime, where we know he creates the Dark Crystals that Esmeraude plants around but we don't see him making them.
  • Green-Eyed Monster: In the anime he admits to Esmeraude that he's jealous of Sailor Moon due to how obsessed Dimande is with her, but doesn't reach Crazy Jealous Guy extremes.
  • Identical Stranger: To Mamoru.
  • Love Hurts: In the '90s anime, it's hinted that he's the reason why Petz hates men. They sort-of reconcile... right before he dies. And this is not counting his conflicted thoughts on Dimande, either, whatever their nature is.
  • Morality Pet: For Demande. His death makes Demande question Wiseman's loyalties.
  • Non-Action Guy: In the anime, where he's the only clan member to never directly confront the Guardians, and doesn't do any fieldwork like Rubeus and Esmeraude.
  • Not Distracted by the Sexy: He starts calling out Esmeraude on her failures right when she's taking a bath.
  • Only Sane Man: He's the only member of the Clan who voices doubts about the whole "Change the future by destroying the world of the past" plan as a good idea and was suspicious about Wiseman using them all from the very beginning.
  • Redemption Equals Death: In the '90s anime.
  • Remember the New Guy?: Unlike his fellow clan members, he doesn't really get much of an introduction. He just appears in one scene all of a sudden.
  • Rubber Man: Was given Wiseman's "Beast Hand" technique towards the endgame in the manga.
  • Theme Naming: After the gemstone sapphire.
  • The Unfought: In the '90s anime. He never fights the Scouts directly, he never sends Droids after them, he barely even interacts with them. The only reason they realized he even existed was because he found out Wiseman was just using them.
  • Vitriolic Best Buds: With Esmeraude in the anime.
  • What You Are in the Dark: He got injured running away from Wiseman, and a purified Petz rescued him. He could have stayed in her apartment and sat out the battle the Guardians were having with Dark Lady; instead, he insisted on returning to the field to save Demande from Wiseman.

    Green Esmeraude 

Green Esmeraude (Emerald)
Voiced by: Mami Koyama (original series), Houko Kuwashima (Crystal) (JP), Kirsten Bishop (DiC), Rena Strober (credited as Rena S. Mandel) (Viz) (EN) Foreign VAs
Portrayed in the musicals by: Miki Kawasaki, Mitsumi Hiromura

The Clan's best (and hammiest) henchwoman. She's in love with Demande and furious that he seems to only have eyes for Neo-Queen Serenity.

  • Adaptational Villainy: She was more or less a standard opponent in the manga and Crystal. In the '90s anime, she's a narcissistic, jealous Jerkass. She even abandons a fellow member of her Clan to die (not that anyone was complaining), which the original Esmeraude likely wouldn't ever do.
  • All Love Is Unrequited: She is in love with Prince Demande, who only has eyes for Neo-Queen Serenity/Sailor Moon.
  • Big Eater: While at a bakery, she manages to wolf down multiple pastries of various shapes and sizes. Apparently, this is because she had never had the chance to eat sweets before.
  • Body Horror: Wiseman's power changes her arms into monster-like claws.
  • Butt-Monkey: In the '90s anime, whenever Esmeraude went out in her human disguise, something humiliating or funny was bound to happen to her. Like completely pigging out at a pastry shop, getting peed on by puppies, etc.
  • Clingy Jealous Girl: To Demande (and Wiseman takes advantage of this). She's so clingy that, when Demande kidnaps Usagi, she secretly helps her escape because she really doesn't want her to stay around; it's even lampshaded by the just as jealous Saphir, since he saw Esmeraude do so and correctly deduced her reasons. She was even willing to sell her soul to Wiseman, despite admitting he’s untrustworthy to Saphir, just to get rid of Sailor Moon.
  • Combat Hand Fan: Her weapon is her ever present red fan that she uses to send energy attacks... or just to look even more pretentious than she already is.
  • Dub Name Change: Her name was changed to Emerald in the DiC English dub.
  • Everything's Sparkly with Jewelry: Wears a conspicuous set of green jewelry over on her black dress that she flaunts shamelessly.
  • Forced Transformation: In the anime, Wiseman tricks her by offering her a crown that will boost her powers. It turns her into a mindless dragon instead.
  • A God Am I: Courtesy of Wiseman. Except it's a clever trap devised by him...
  • Green-Eyed Monster: Both metaphorically and literally.
  • Head-Turning Beauty: Arrogant and vain she might be, but she's still considered attractive enough In-Universe that her Supermodel Strut causes men (and some women) to turn their heads to follow her as she passes.
  • High-Class Gloves: Wears a pair of skintight dark green opera gloves to add to her Rich Bitch appearance.
  • Jerkass: She has "pretentious bitch" written all over her with her gaudy jewels, her red fan, her mink coats and her haughty, rude and snide behaviour. She will readily insult and talk down to anyone she feels is not beautiful, especially when compared to her. All of which certainly qualifies her as a jerk. In the '90s anime, when she leaves Rubeus to die on his exploding ship for failing to capture Chibi-usa and kill Sailor Moon, she laughs in his face as she teleports away.
  • Large Ham: She speaks in a powerful voice and has a distinctive loud laugh.
  • Little Black Dress: She wears a short sleeveless black dress with matching gloves and boots.
  • Ms. Fanservice: Wears a rather short sleeveless black dress, and shows her legs quite a lot. She even boasts about her good looks to the Sailor Guardians in one episode.
    "Well, you're just skinny, pimply schoolgirls with flat chests and flat butts!"
  • Murder the Hypotenuse: She attempts this due to her jealousy of Sailor Moon. In the anime, she sends a Droid after the Sailor Guardians while they're travelling through the timestream and "forgot" to advise said Droid that Prince Demande wants Sailor Moon alive.
  • Noblewoman's Laugh: Her laugh is so painful and annoying, the characters actually cover their ears on hearing it. Even Wiseman (in the DIC Dub) hated her laugh.
    "Emerald good riddance, that awful laugh of her's gave me a migraine."
  • Pay Evil unto Evil: In the '90s anime, leaving Rubeus to die when he actually seemed to trust her would be despicable... if Rubeus hadn't done the exact same thing to the Four Sisters.
  • Pretty in Mink: Wore a couple fur coats in the anime.
  • Proud Beauty: She's a vain woman who's extremely proud about her appearance.
    Esmeraude: "I'm the most beautiful woman in the universe!"
  • Supermodel Strut: To illustrate her vanity and narcissism, she often walks with an alluring, albeit somewhat pretentious, gait that has her rocking her hips. Her long legs and boots emphasize this further.
  • Sweet Tooth: Played for Laughs in the anime, where she gets embarrassed about how much she likes cake.
  • Theme Naming: After the gemstone emerald.
  • Vitriolic Best Buds: With Saphir in the anime.
  • You Have Failed Me: In the '90s anime, she leaves Rubeus to die on his exploding ship when he fails to capture Chibi-Usa and killing Sailor Moon when she rescues the other Sailor Guardians.
    "You allowed Sailor Moon, the Sailor Guardians, and The Rabbit (Chibi-Usa) to escape. And now you want me to save you? You're a truly pathetic specimen. Our glorious clan really has no use for an incompetent man who has failed in his mission. Do us all a favor and vanish with this ship. [mockingly laughs and teleports away, leaving Rubeus behind]

    Crimson Rubeus 

Crimson Rubeus
Voiced by: Wataru Takagi (original series), Hiroki Takahashi (Crystal) (JP), Robert Tinkler (DiC), Steve Staley (Viz) (EN) Foreign VAs
Portrayed in the musicals by: Hiroyuki Ichikawa, Riona Tatemichi

Lowest on the Clan's totem pole and supervisor of the Ayakashi Sisters.

  • Adaptational Badass: In the manga, Rubeus didn't do much aside from watching everything unfold from the sidelines and eventually deciding to quit when things went awry. In the '90s anime, while he's no better on the bystander aspect, Rubeus is incredibly manipulative of his subordinates to the point of giving them weapons that would obliterate everyone in range. Not to mention, he is able to tank attacks from the Inner Guardians (including Mars and Jupiter). He could also give a decent fight against Sailor Moon.
  • Adaptational Karma: In the '90s anime, Esmeraude deliberately leaves Rubeus to die on his exploding ship for failing to capture Chibi-usa in a similar vein to how he abandoned the Ayakashi Sisters. However, in the original manga and Crystal, he's Killed to Uphold the Masquerade by Wiseman.
  • Adaptational Villainy: In the manga and Crystal, he actually shows some concern for his comrades and is the first of the clan to realize that Wiseman is just using them and tries to turn tail, but gets promptly killed for it. However, this was not the case in the '90s anime.
  • Bad Boss: He was planning on sacrificing the Four Sisters from the very beginning so that he could get all the glory of capturing Chibi-Usa himself in the '90s anime..
  • Broken Pedestal: In the '90s anime, the Ayakashi Sisters' admiration and trust for him diminishes when he abandons them one by one.
  • Chronic Backstabbing Disorder: In R, Rubeus tricks the Ayakashi Sisters into suicide missions against the Sailor Guardians so he can capture Chibi-Usa herself.
  • Dies Differently in Adaptation: In the manga and Crystal, Rubeus is killed by Wiseman. In R, Esmeraude leaves him to die aboard his exploding ship after he fails to capture Chibi-Usa.
  • Dub Name Change: His name was simplified as Rubeus in the DiC dub. Aside from this, however, his DiC name is one of the closest to the original, as every other Black Moon name except Wiseman was fully changed, with Esmeraude, Saphir, and Demande's names being changed to the exact names of the gemstones they were named after.
  • Evil Redhead: He has red hair and is one of the villains working for Wiseman/Death Phantom.
  • Hate Sink: His '90s anime counterpart is by far one of the most vile and loathsome villains in the series, given he has no comedic moments and is willfully exploiting the Ayakashi Sisters to reap the benefits of their success.
  • Karmic Death: In the '90s anime, he is left by Esmeraude to die on his spaceship for his failure to capture Sailor Moon or Chibi-usa, after he abandoned all four of his subordinates for the same reason.
  • Kick the Dog: "Accidentally" crushing the bottle of perfume Koan went out of her way to buy for him right in front of her. The DiC dub made him even worse, with him going out of his way to needlessly insult Koan just before giving her the time bomb (while in the original he said love didn't belong in their Clan).
    Rubeus: And you've been wearing so much perfume lately I can’t stand to be near you!
  • Killed to Uphold the Masquerade: He's killed by Wiseman in the manga and Crystal.
  • Lazy Bum: He doesn't do anything in the '90s anime except bark orders at the Ayakashi Sisters, hoping to get rewarded for whatever they accomplish. Although he does step up after he loses all four of them and tries kidnapping Chibi-Usa and the Guardians, which he did more gradually and from the get-go in the manga.
  • Nice Job Fixing It, Villain: In R, by abandoning the Ayakashi Sisters, they end up pulling a Heel–Face Turn and help the Sailor Guardians rescue Chibi-Usa.
  • Odd Name Out: In the DiC dub. If he followed the theme of the other dub name changes, his name would have been Ruby (to go with Diamond, Sapphire and Emerald), but that's a very feminine name in English.
  • Screw This, I'm Outta Here: In the manga and Crystal, after figuring out he was being used by Wiseman, he was ready to jump ship. Wiseman didn't take the idea well.
  • Slimeball: In the anime, he's a sleaze-bag who manipulates the Ayakashi Sisters for his own self-interests.
  • Smug Snake: Especially in the anime, where their overconfidence ultimately becomes their Fatal Flaw.
  • Surrounded by Idiots: Given his minions are more concerned with frivolous activities than actually conquering Earth, Rubeus’s frustration with them is somewhat justified.
  • Theme Naming: After the gemstone ruby.
  • Undying Loyalty: He's loyal to Prince Demande. In the 90s anime, his efforts to capture Chibi-Usa and Sailor Moon are to get back in Demande's good graces. He is never shown or hinted to have ulterior motives. His loyalty to Demande is genuine.
  • Villainous Breakdown: In the '90s anime, he loses it after Sailor Moon and Chibi-Usa continue to interfere in his plans and Esmeraude leaves him to die on his exploding ship.
  • Villain Respect: Upon witnessing Sailor Moon manage to stand up in intense gravity, Rubeus has slight admiration on his face. Despite hating the Sailor Guardian, he admits to have underestimated her before turning the gravity off.
  • You Have Failed Me: In the '90s anime:
    • Rubeus gives Koan an explosive MacGuffin, telling her to kill herself and the Guardians with it as a proof of her love for him. The Guardians destroy it, Koan has a heartbreaking Villainous Breakdown and attacks them in a blind rage, but Mars stops her and makes her come back to her senses. Moon then purifies Koan and gives her a normal life.
    • Rubeus himself ends up on the receiving end of this trope as well, when he's left to die on his ship by Esmeraude when it self destructs after failing to kill Sailor Moon and capture Chibi-Usa.
  • You Have Outlived Your Usefulness: To Petz, in the '90s anime. He turned her into even more of a Psycho Electro than she already was, then revealed this in the middle of a battle that she and Calaveras were losing, and used the MacGuffin that was controlling Petz to create a black hole. But the girls survived and won, and Moon again purified the sisters. And later, Esmeraude leaves him to die in his spaceship because he's not useful to Prince Demande anymore, in an Ironic Echo of what he did to the girls.

The Ayakashi Sisters

    In General 

The Four Weird/Spectre/Ayakashi Sisters (The Negamoon Sisters)
Top image, left to right: Koan, Berthier, Calaveras, and Petz.

Rubeus's starter minions, given the task of capturing the Rabbit and sidelining the Sailor Guardians.

  • Adaptational Heroism:
  • Ascended Extras: In the anime, they are given more prominent roles. In the manga they only appear briefly, have short fights with their Guardians counterpart before getting killed by Usagi.
  • Chekhov's Gunman: In the 90s anime, their redemption and how they're able to live peaceful lives on Earth is what causes Saphir and Demande to realize that it was always possible for the Black Moon Clan to live on Earth without violence and how they're being manipulated by Wiseman.
  • Chekhov's Skill: In the 90s anime, all four sisters shared an interest in cosmetics and improving their physical beauty. After their redemption, they open a make up stand to earn an honest living.
  • Curtains Match the Window: All of their eye colors match their hair: Koan's and Berthier's are blue, Petz is green and Calaveras is brown.
  • Dark Action Girls: They are not slouches when it comes down to a fight, Koan especially, who has gone toe-to-toe with Sailor Mars and managed to cripple the Guardians in a fight.
  • Dark Is Evil: Especially in the manga. Never mind their allegiance with the Black Moon, but most of the sisters in the manga specialized in the occult. Koan predicted the future and specialized in telling girls they would die young, Berthier was a dowser, and Calaveras was a channeler who spoke with her sister's spirits after they died.
  • Driven to Suicide: In the '90s anime:
    • Koan is ordered to kill herself by Rubeus, but it fails due to the intervention of the other Sailor Guardians.
    • After failing to capture Sailor Mercury, Berthier resorts to freezing herself to death, taking everyone else with her in the process. Fortunately for Berthier, Koan intervenes.
    • Petz attempts a Redemption Equals Death in order to stop the mess she'd created with her stick, but her sisters forgive her already and prevent this.
  • Dub Name Change: Their names were changed to Catzi, Bertie, Avery and Prizma. Catzi is the oldest, by the way.
  • Et Tu, Brute?: In the '90s anime, they are understandably shocked when Rubeus betrays them one by one.
  • Fire, Ice, Lightning: Koan uses fire, Berthier uses ice (or water in the manga) and Petz uses lightning. Calaveras is the odd one out, as she's Sailor Venus' counterpart.
  • Flat Character: In the manga, where they're Monsters of the Week.
  • Four-Girl Ensemble: And in their case, Four Is Death.
  • Girly Girl: Every single one of them, at least in the anime.
  • Heel–Face Turn: In the '90s anime, all of the sisters get purified by Sailor Moon as humans.
  • Inconsistent Spelling: Cooan or Kooan? Beruche or Berthier? Calaveras is an exception: she's named after a gemstone named after Calaveras County California.
  • Love Redeems: Also in the anime. After Koan has her Heel–Face Turn, she helps Berthier have hers, and then Calaveras and finally Petz comes to the other side.
  • Quirky Miniboss Squad: The four girls serve under Rubeus.
  • The Psycho Rangers: They're the Black Moon counterparts to the Inner Guardians. This extends down to their attacks. Koan used Dark Fire, Berthier attacks with Dark Water, Petz uses Dark Thunder, and Calaveras uses the Dark Love whip. They go all the way with getting their own Evil Counterpart personalities to the Inner Guardians in the anime as well.
  • Redemption Earns Life: By the end of R, the sisters repent their wicked ways after being purified.
  • Shadow Archetype: Befitting their psycho ranger motif, each Specter Sister serves as a dark reflection for their Guardian counterparts in the 90s adaptation.
    • Just like Jupiter, Petz was heavily impacted after being dumped by a former love. But while Jupiter is inspired to find another guy as great as her Senpai, Petz closed off her heart while showing nothing but hatred for love and men in general.
    • Calaveras shares Venus' high self-esteem and charismatic personality. The main difference is that Calaveras has no humility and her esteem borders on outright arrogance.
    • While Mercury is quite humble when it comes to completing academic challenges, Berthier is driven to win at everything while showing no mercy towards her opponents. It also doesn't help that Berthier is in the company of people who only care about her successes while Mercury has loved ones who support her for her wins and losses.
    • Koan is the outlier as she actually reflects Yuuichirou Kumada instead of Sailor Mars. Like the street rat, she also harbors one-sided devotion for someone she admires and is willing to get hurt to prove herself to Rubeus. Unlike with Yuuichirou who's accepted that his love for Rei may never come true but is at least respected by the princess he admires, Koan is in absolute denial and won't accept the truth of Rubeus being more horrible then she envisioned.
  • Spared by the Adaptation: They all get killed off in the manga, while Moon purifies them in the anime.
  • Theme Naming: Petzite, calaverite, berthierite and kooankou (kermesite) are also minerals.
  • Two Siblings In One: Four, actually, in the manga, where Calaveras channels the spirits of her three sisters after their deaths.
  • Unwitting Pawn: In the '90s anime, the sisters never realize that Rubeus is using them as sacrifices so that he can capture Chibi-usa himself, until it's too late. After her Heel–Face Turn, Berthier even admits to the Sailor Guardians that she has no real idea of the full scope of the Black Moon Clan's plans.
  • Vain Sorceress: The four of them take excessive pride in how they look. They always taunt each other about not looking young (the eldest sister, Petz, is the most usual butt of jokes) and apply make-up to their pretty faces when off-duty (and sometimes on-duty). After their Heel Face Turns, they run a cosmetic shop.
  • Villainous Breakdown: Each of the girls has one before their Heel Face Turns in the '90s anime, but none are more depressing than Koan's, who attempts suicide with a time bomb which is thrown out of her hands by the Sailor Guardians, then attacks all the Sailor Guardians in a blind, screaming rage until Sailor Mars protects her from getting kneed in the stomach by Sailor Jupiter and Berthier's, who gives a speech on how she knew Petz and Calavaras would abandon her in her time of need and thinks the idea of being left high and dry is funny, then snaps and uses her powers to freeze herself and everyone around her.
  • Would Hurt a Child: Both versions. They have no qualms about killing Chibi-Usa, and Koan kills a little girl in the manga.
  • You Have Outlived Your Usefulness: In the '90s anime, the sisters are abandoned by Rubeus in various manners before their Heel–Face Turn:
    • First, Rubeus combines it with You Have Failed Me when he orders Koan to kill herself with his space-time bomb after failing to kill Chibi-usa, but the other Guardians destroy it causing Koan's Villainous Breakdown.
    • Calaveras and Petz turn on Berthier once Tuxedo Mask intervenes in the latter's chess match with Sailor Mercury, forcing her to be almost Driven to Suicide.
    • During Calaveras and Petz's battle with the Sailor Guardians, the former says this verbatim to Koan and Berthier and asks Petz to kill them. Unfortunately for Calaveras, she ends up on the receiving end when Petz, who has become Ax-Crazy from the stick, blasts her with Dark Thunder along with Berthier and Koan.
    • Petz ends up being the last to be abandoned by Rubeus, who uses her stick to create a black hole.


Koan (Catzi)

Voiced by: Wakana Yamazaki (original series), Satsuki Yukino (Crystal) (JP), Alice Poon (eps 54-57) and Mary Long (eps 58-65) (DiC), Eden Riegel (credited as Claudia Lenz) (Viz) (EN) Foreign VAs
Portrayed in the musicals by: Seiko Takuma, Hinami Someya.

The youngest of the Ayakashi Sisters and Sailor Mars' counterpart.

  • Ax-Crazy: In the '90s anime, Koan goes absolutely nuts after Rubeus's space-time bomb meant for her and the Sailor Guardians is destroyed.
  • Berserk Button: In the '90s anime, Yuichiro hits Koan's hair with a broom while the latter pins Chibi-usa down. Koan does not react well to it.
  • Berserker Tears: Koan in the '90s anime when Rubeus abandons her, sending her into a frenzy in which she attacked Moon, Venus, Mercury, and Jupiter.
  • Cats Are Mean: Or rather cat-themed villains. Koan's distinct features are the two tufts in her hair which resemble cat ears, and her nails which she uses as claws.
  • Eerie Pale-Skinned Brunette: Koan has the fair skin down but has more dark blue/indigo hair and Petz has very dark green hair.
  • Fortune Teller: In the manga and Crystal, she posed as a fortune-telling student to recruit people to the Black Moon.
  • Kill It with Fire: Like her Good Counterpart Rei, she fights with fire powers.
  • Love Makes You Evil: In the anime, Koan is in love with Smug Snake Rubeus and seeks for his approval. He only cares about using her for his plans.
  • Love Martyr: Poor Koan, to Rubeus.
  • New Transfer Student: Her cover in the manga and Crystal was posing as a new student at Rei's school named Koan Kurozaki.
  • Nobody Touches the Hair: In the '90s anime, Koan's hair gets ruined by Yuichiro's broom when he stops her from harming Chibi-Usa. Koan, being the Vain Sorceress she is, furiously invokes the trope and blasts him with Dark Fire.
  • Skewed Priorities: True to her vain nature, she acts exceptionally hostile towards the heroes whenever her physical appearance is tarnished.


Berthier (Bertie)

Voiced by: Yuri Amano (original series), Rumi Kasahara (Crystal) (JP), Kathleen Laskey (DiC), Cindy Robinson (Viz) (EN) Foreign VAs
Portrayed in the musicals by: Manami Wakayama

The second youngest of the Ayakashi Sisters and Sailor Mercury's counterpart.

  • Affably Evil: Berthier is always calm and does bad things under Rubeus's orders.
  • Better to Die than Be Killed: Once the Sailor Guardians foil Berthier's plans in the anime, she undergoes a Villainous Breakdown and uses her Dark Water Full Power technique to freeze herself to death, taking everyone else down with her.
  • Dowsing Device: Berthier uses a pendulum made from a piece of the Malefic Black Crystal as one. It's used extensively during her chess matches to help determine where to move her pieces. When it stops responding, Berthier immediately realizes that Ami will checkmate her on the next turn.
  • An Ice Person: Berthier had freezing powers in the anime, likely to amp up the fact that she was Mercury's Evil Counterpart as she appeared in the season where Mercury got her own freezing attacks.
  • I Know What You Fear: Berthier uses these tactics on Ami in an attempt to make her lose the match of chess.
  • I Lied: Ami wins the match of chess, but Berthier does not return Mars on account of her having more pawns in the metaphorical sense.
  • Leotard of Power: In the manga Berthier wears a sky blue leotard and matching thigh-high boots. In the 90s anime, it's more of a swimsuit.
  • O.O.C. Is Serious Business: After Koan defects, Berthier becomes conflicted, and as a result this drives her to become more erratic, ruthless, mean-spirited and ultimately depressed, which is a far cry from her earlier Affably Evil personality.
  • Smart People Play Chess: In the anime, Berthier can hold her own against Ami in the game.
  • Suicidal Cosmic Temper Tantrum: A smaller version of this trope occurs in R. After failing to capture Sailor Mercury and being abandoned by her sisters, Berthier snaps and uses Dark Water Full Power to freeze herself and the Sailor Guardians to death.
  • Taking You with Me: In the '90s anime, Berthier uses Dark Water Full Power to kill herself, dragging the Sailor Guardians with her.
  • Token Good Teammate: Berthier in the '90s anime, but for a small measure of good. She's the most sensitive of the sisters, and the only one before her Heel–Face Turn to openly admit she cares about the other three. Berthier even said she'd miss Koan after she left.


Calaveras (Avery)

Voiced by: Akiko Hiramatsu (original series), Tomoe Hanba (Crystal) (JP), Jennifer Griffiths (DiC), Cassandra Lee Morris (Viz) (EN) Foreign VAs.
Portrayed in the musicals by: Ado Endou

The second eldest of the Ayakashi Sisters and Sailor Venus' counterpart.

  • Annoying Younger Sibling: Of the three sisters, she takes great pleasure in terrorizing Petz over her age, her looks and her lack of a love life.
  • Easily Forgiven: In R, Berthier seemed to hold no resentment towards Calaveras and Petz for abandoning her right before her Heel–Face Turn. Although considering she saw the same thing happen to Calaveras and Petz, she may have just decided to reconcile with them.
  • For Your Own Good: In R, Koan and Berthier tell Calaveras that Rubeus will abandon her just like what happened to them, even saying the trope name word-for-word. Their pleas fall on deaf ears when Calaveras no longer deems Koan and Berthier useful in their plans.
  • Informed Attribute: Despite boasting to having the best luck of stringing along lovestruck men, we never actually see Calaveras use her charm on any man nor is it ever mentioned what her love life is like back on Nemesis.
  • Mugged for Disguise: As part of their takeover of the jewelry shop in episode 65, Calaveras and Petz disguise themselves as store clerks. The real employees are shown naked and webbed up in the store's back room, their outfits apparently having been taken by the villains.
  • Mass Hypnosis: In the manga and Crystal, she hypnotizes the people into thinking that the Black Moon will save the world from the Sailor Guardians.
  • Secret-Keeper: She actually knew about Petz' relationship with Saphir but kept it a secret from the younger sisters.
  • The Social Expert: When she and Petz target a supermarket, she displays remarkable saleswoman tactics to convince the shopping suckers into buying her Dark Fruit.
  • Took a Level in Kindness: Following her redemption, her arrogance is heavily toned down and she's much more thoughtful towards her sisters, especially Petz.
  • Weapon Specialization: She attacks with the Dark Love Whip, an evil counterpart to Venus's Love Me Chain.


Petz (Prizma)

Voiced by: Megumi Ogata (original series), Wasabi Mizuta (Crystal) (JP), Norma Dell'Agnese (DiC), Jessica Gee (Viz) (EN) Foreign VAs.
Portrayed in the musicals by: Ai Ikegami, Karen Yoda

The eldest of the Ayakashi Sisters and Sailor Jupiter's counterpart.

  • Ax-Crazy: In the '90s anime, Petz becomes corrupted by the stick Rubeus gives her to the point of even attacking Calaveras, laughing insanely after that.
  • Beam-O-War: Engages in one with Jupiter in Crystal Jupiter loses.
  • The Comically Serious: Petz isn't light-hearted and funny like her sisters, and this seriousness tends to be the reason behind the humor of every comedic moment she receives, such as how terrible she is at being a saleswoman due to scaring away customers.
  • Does Not Like Men: Petz in the '90s anime, after Saphir left her. This changes when she reconciles with him. Right before the dude kicks it.
  • Don't You Dare Pity Me!: After Petz gets defeated in the '90s anime, she outright tells her sisters that she doesn't need their pity. It doesn't work.
  • Drunk on the Dark Side: In R, Petz obtains Rubeus's stick, which not only magnifies her powers, but she takes glee when she turns on Calaveras and zaps her along with Koan and Berthier.
  • Easily Forgiven: In R, Berthier seemed to hold no resentment towards Calaveras and Petz for abandoning her right before her Heel–Face Turn. Although considering she saw the same thing happen to Calaveras and Petz, she may have just decided to reconcile with them.
  • Eerie Pale-Skinned Brunette: Petz has fair skin and very dark green hair.
  • Her Heart Will Go On: In the '90s anime, as soon as Saphir and Petz get back together, he's brutally killed off. She's heartbroken, but takes solace in the fact she got to see him smile one last time.
  • Laughing Mad: In R, Petz, having been corrupted by the stick Rubeus gave her, laughs maniacally after she blasts her sisters with Dark Thunder.
  • Mugged for Disguise: As part of their takeover of the jewelry shop in episode 65, Calaveras and Petz disguise themselves as store clerks. The real employees are shown naked and webbed up in the store's back room, their outfits apparently having been taken by the villains.
  • Psycho Electro: Petz can use her lightning abilities to overpower enemies. In R, Rubeus gives her a MacGuffin stick to amplify her powers, making her more insane to the point that she fries her own sisters with Dark Thunder. It only takes a combined attack from the Sailor Guardians to snap her out of it.
  • Psychotic Smirk: She briefly smirks upon using Dark Thunder with her MacGuffin to zap her own sisters and reveal her ultimate plan to become the Black Moon Clan's leader in R.
  • Redemption Equals Death: In R, Petz decides to make amends for her actions by jumping into the black hole created by Rubeus from the staff she wielded, but it doesn't work out thanks to her reformed sisters and the Sailor Guardians.
  • Sanity Slippage: In the '90s anime, Rubeus gives Petz a MacGuffin that will amplify her Dark Thunder powers, driving her insane to the point that she even attacks Calaveras and deems her not useful anymore. She snaps out of it thanks to the Sailor Guardians.
  • The Starscream: In R, Petz electrocutes Calaveras before outright telling her that she'll surpass Rubeus and become the leader of the Black Moon Clan.
  • Token Evil Teammate: While they're all technically evil, even by their standards Petz is significantly more cruel and serious in her villainy, far less prone to likable and funny moments. This is taken to its biggest extreme when she goes mad with power.
  • Woman Scorned: Petz in the '90s anime has a real disgust for men and whenever the subject of love comes up stemming from Saphir leaving her.


    The Boule Brothers 

The Boule Brothers (Doom And Gloom)
Bottom image, from right to left: Chiral, Achiral
Chiral voiced by: Masashi Ebara (original series), Wataru Hatano (JP), Doug Erholtz (Viz) (EN)
Achiral voiced by: Ryōtarō Okiayu (original series), Kazunari Tanaka (JP), Kyle Hebert (Viz) (EN)

Villainous twins who appear in both the manga and anime, though in vastly different contexts.

  • Creepy Twins: Two identical, ghostly men who serve to rewrite Tokyo's history for the worse.
  • Demoted to Extra: Downplayed. Their role wasn't that substantial in the manga, but in the anime they go from being full fledged members of the Black Moon Clan to slightly advanced droids.
  • Dub Name Change: They go from Chiral and Achiral to Doom and Gloom in the original English dub.
  • Long-Haired Pretty Boy: They each have long hair and are quite attractive.
  • Meaningful Name: Their names are chemical terms and foreshadow their complex molecular attacks.
  • White Hair, Black Heart: Chiral has white hair and is a villain.
  • Would Harm a Child: In the anime they spread negative energy in an elementary school, and corrupt children into becoming would be serial killers.

    Black Lady 

Black Lady (Wicked Lady)
Voiced by: Kae Araki (original series), Misato Fukuen (Crystal) (JP), Liz Brown (DiC), Sandy Fox (Viz) (EN) Foreign VAs
Portrayed in the musicals by: Mao Kawasaki, Shion Nakamaru, Yui Ito

Chibi-Usa's Brainwashed and Crazy older form, corrupted by her loneliness and self-pity into becoming Wiseman's last and most loyal follower.

  • Battle Aura: In the Crystal anime she has a black aura around her.
  • Brainwashed and Crazy: She is actually Chibi-Usa, but mind raped into believing that no one loved her.
  • Broken Bird: In the anime, she claims that her parents abandoned her and that her Luna-P is her only friend. In a subversion, this is because she has been brainwashed into believing she had no friends and that she was abused by her parents. Once she's released, she returns to her non-broken and much more cheerful self.
  • Dark Magical Girl: In the 90's anime where she's deeply hurt by what her Brain Washing makes her believe about her parents and snaps at the whole world for it.
  • A Darker Me: Basically, an older and evil version of a Chibi-Usa who's been mentally abused by Wiseman and brainwashed into following him.
  • The Dragon: She becomes Wiseman's right-hand woman once Diamond's usefulness has been spent.
  • Dub Name Change: In the original English dub, her name is "Wicked Lady".
  • Evil Counterpart: To Sailor Moon.
  • Fake Memories: One of the keys to morph Chibi-Usa into Black Lady is having her mind raped through this. The other is forcibly infusing her with Dark Energy.
  • God Save Us from the Queen!: In Crystal, Wiseman refers to her as the queen of the Black Moon.
  • I Just Want to Be Loved: In the '90s anime, Chibi-Usa is made to believe that nobody in her life truly loved her and they all saw her as a burden via Wiseman's Fake Memories. Afterwards, she admits that she is fine with dying if she can't live in a world that loves her. This is even lampshaded by Wiseman who mockingly refers to her as a "love-starved rabbit."
  • More than Mind Control: In the manga and Crystal Wiseman exploits Chibi-Usa's deep frustration from being stuck in a body and mind of a powerless nine-year old for 900+ years, jealousy of her mother, and selfish desire to have someone all for herself, rather than just stuffing her full of Fake Memories. The tipping point of despair for Chibi-Usa was realizing that even Pluto, her best friend, has someone else in her life, namely her Unrequited Love for King Endymion; and accordingly she comes back to her senses after seeing the dying Pluto reach out to her.
  • Morph Weapon: Uses Luna-P as one in the '90s anime, transforming it into a Parasol of Pain and other impromptu weapons.
  • Parental Incest: Played straight in the manga and Crystal, she brainwashes Mamoru into believing he's Endymion and turns him into her boyfriend. Averted in the '90s anime; the kissing scene is shown, but is only an illusion to trick Usagi and it doesn't work anyway.
  • Plot-Relevant Age-Up: She's Chibi-Usa, only brainwashed and magically aged up thanks to Wiseman. It's only temporary though: she turns back to normal upon being freed of the brainwashing (by either witnessing Pluto's Heroic Sacrifice in the manga, or through her parents' combined efforts in the anime. That said, in the manga she ends up older then she started (though not as old as Black Lady, though she'll get there one day, eventually dropping the Small from her title according to Helios's visions). This is significant because Chibi-Usa was frustrated she had been stuck at the age of five for 900 years.
  • Psychopathic Womanchild: Since Black Lady is Chibi-Usa forcibly aged up by Wiseman's magic this makes sense. In the manga and ''Crystal'' she takes the "little girls wanting to marry their father" mentality to a twisted level by actually making out with a brainwashed Mamoru in order to spite her mother. In the anime she uses Luna-P as she once did as a child in order to attack her former friends and family with things like a giant paper fan and a badminton racket and one of the false implanted memories that spurns on her hatred is that nobody cared enough to celebrate her birthday.
  • Red and Black and Evil All Over: Her dress is red and black, and she's pretty darn evil.
  • Taking You with Me: In the 90's anime Wiseman needs Black Lady to channel the full power of the Malefic Black Crystal into her body in order to completely destroy the earth. When the Sailor Guardians point out that channelling so much dark energy will kill her Black Lady states that she's fine with that since she would rather die then live in a world where nobody loves her.
  • That Woman Is Dead: She says a variant of this in Episode 85 to Sailor Moon after her attempt to undo the brainwashing Wiseman inflicted on Chibi-Usa/Black Lady fails.
    "Wiseman has given me a new name and a better life as Black Lady. I am not Chibi-Usa."
  • Woobie, Destroyer of Worlds: In the anime, though this is part of Wiseman's plot.


  • Amazing Technicolor Population: The Droids from the first anime had different skin colors. And in an unconventional twist, three of them (Avocadora, Marzipan, and Udering) have brown skin colors.
  • Hate Plague: In the original anime. Through their own Dark Energy or by the products they offer, they can corrupt Juuban's citizens into becoming hateful, aggressive, spiteful or just plain violent.
  • Iconic Item: A recurring element found in each Droid is an octagonal gemstone with the Black Moon sigil. It's often the last thing that remains after they're Reduced to Dust.
  • Mind Rape: Akumuda, Jakoku and Giwaaku use mental manipulation to attack Sailor Moon, Chibi-usa and Mercury respectively.
  • Mooks: In the manga and Crystal they're just this, and we're treated to the Sailor Guardians casually dispatching dozens of them bare-handed, Minako and Makoto sometimes doing it even without transforming.
  • Mythology Gag: In the anime, they dissolve into sand when killed, since in the manga that's what they're stated to be made from.
  • Oh, Crap!: They usually get one when they realize they’re about to be hit by Sailor Moon's attack.
  • Pokémon Speak: Several Droids repeat their own name when they're revealed though most are capable of normal speech.
  • Reduced to Dust: Though unlike the Youma, it's always the same way; freezing into a statue of blue sand and then crumbling from the feet up. Except for Jakoku, who kind of shreds into nothingness instead.
  • Ridiculously Human Robot: In the first anime especially.
