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Characters / Karakuridouji Ultimo Evil Doji Branch

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The antagonists of the series Karakuridouji Ultimo. A group of doji who embody a trait of evil, and their masters. Their meeting place is The Evil Doji master K's apartment.

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     K and Vice 

The master and doji of pure evil and leaders of The Evil Doji Branch.

"With Vice in my power I would never have to work again!"

A 32-year-old unemployed man who wishes to be called "The Vice Master", in his past life he was the Emperor. Note that all badass tropes associated with him will be subverted because really, would you consider this guy to be cool?

Tropes associated with K:
  • Badass Biker: Subverted, as K is a loser, though it is a cool bike.
  • Badass Longcoat: Subverted, as K is not a badass at all, and as for the coat;
    Rune: ...His name is written on the back of his coat...
  • Butt-Monkey: Both in-universe and within the fandom as he’s a creepy, lazy loser.
  • Catchphrase: "God Dammit". "So Crazy" in the English translation.
  • Combat Pragmatist: Because of how Vice is built, K's cowardly poses are able to completely defend their combined form from most attacks.
  • Cool Bike: Where did K get it, did he just do a wheelie, is it hovering in the air? WHO CARES?!!
  • Cool Car: K or to be more precise, Emperoro Kotsutsubono's Violent Type Milk Harvest Countack: A Three Ox Powered, Flat Heavy Treaded Wheeked SUPER OX CART! It has an overwhelming presence, god dammit.
    • It is shown in chapter 16 that he has a whole collection of these super ox carts. One of them is even made by a person named Enjo Ferari.
  • Cut Lex Luthor a Check: Subverted by K, who only agrees to become Vice's master so he can quit his job.
  • Digital Bikini: In the English translation, except his speedo makes it worse.
  • The Emperor: Subverted, as he was more blindingly incompetent than outright evil.
  • Even Bad Men Love Their Mamas: K worried about what his grandmother would think if he were evil.
  • Evil Is Petty: Hopes his Doji will get him out of work, and mentions that one of the major benefits of killing all but a billion people on Earth is that he won't have to wait in line as long.
  • Fan Disservice: In Icon Mode, where, like everyone else, he is naked. Oh god...
  • Future Badass: Chapter 43 shows us how K would turn out in a future caused by Yamato trying to befriend the Evil Doji and their masters. In an extremely stark contrast to his present and past selves, he rocks long hair, Cool Shades, and a Badass Arm-Fold pretty damn well! And he even apparently ditches his cowardice completely, considering that he'll make casual conversation with Yamato right before they're about to take on Dunstan!
  • Not-So-Harmless Villain: He might be built like a stick, looks like a geek, and he's unemployed, but K wasn't chosen by Vice for nothing.
    • K's shortcomings actually make him the ideal master for the douji of ultimate evil, because he's emblematic of everything that is wrong with humanity.
      • Also since he is so easy to push over, Vice can literally do whatever he wants. That includes slicing his own teammates in half.
  • Put on a Bus: Was heavily injured in Chapter 26, resulting in him being covered in bandages the next day.
  • We Will Meet Again: Subverted.
    K: Look forward to the day we meet again! Though I really don't want to see you again!


Just as Ultimo is the greatest of the Good doji, Vice is the ultimate form of Evil. You can pretty much guess what his nature and personality are from that fact. His master in the present is K. It is currently unknown if, in the past, he even had a master.

His Karakuri Henge themes are turtles and demons.

Voiced by Takashi Ohara in the V comic.

Tropes associated with Vice:
  • Anime Hair: He has a big puff of spiky hair that sticks straight up.
  • Badass Boast:
    Vice: "You fucking good doji - I'm gonna fucking kill each and every one of you a hundred times myself!!!"
  • Blessed with Suck/Cursed with Awesome: His Noh, Incompetence is defined as "Complete Consumption Creating Nothing! In other words, Absolute Destruction!", but doesn't appear to have any actual use, leaving Vice to rely on his natural armaments and strength in combat. He takes this in stride though, believing that it elevates him above the Good Doji and their "cheap" Noh powers.
  • Can't Catch Up: Well when your eternal rival has the ability to bend space and time to his will, this would apply to pretty much anybody.
  • Clean Cut: Vice delivers one to Jealousy and Rune as a part of his Dynamic Entry in chapter 11.
  • Cluster F-Bomb: See the fucking Badass Boast above, fucker! "Fuck" is his fucking favorite word!
  • Dynamic Entry: Vice has delivered two so far - one in chapter 11 by cutting Jealousy and Rune in half, and one in chapter 19 by jumping onto the window of Doctor Koun's hospital with his gauntlets, then proceeding to blow the whole place up, without so much as a wink.
  • Evil Counterpart: To Ultimo, as Ultimo is the Ultimate Good Douji and Vice is the Ultimate Evil Douji.
  • High Collar of Doom: The collar of his jacket not only covers his neck but it has spikes that point forwards.
  • Unkempt Beauty: His human form. He wears sweats and looks like he's never touched a comb in his life. And yet...
  • Visual Innuendo: Vice's Icon form has a large spike that curves upward, between his legs.
  • Would Hurt a Child: He is so sadistic he will hurt little kids if they step on his way, just like it happened with Jun.
  • Wrong Genre Savvy: Attempted to avert the Sorting Algorithm of Evil by attacking Ultimo and Yamato near the start of the manga. Said attempt got him cut in half and put him out of commission for a significant amount of time.
  • You Can't Fight Fate: Even if he lost all his memories, his destructive instincts doom any attempts at changing his nature.

     Rune Kodaira, Iruma Tomomitsu, and Jealous/Jealousy 

The doji and masters of Envy and members of The Seven Deadly Sins. Iruma was the former master, replaced by Rune very early in the series.

Rune Kodaira
"When you learn the truth, you will be mine!"

Yamato's best friend since the fifth grade. He had a rather insecure, yet empathetic personality before he met Jealous. Afterward he seems to display much more confidence, but also cruelty. His family is apparently rich, as he has a huge mansion (in Tokyo, no less).

Voiced by Hitomi Nabatame in the V comic.

Tropes associated with Rune:
  • Big Bad Friend: He’s Yamato’s best friend and later turns out to be one of the main villains.
  • Depraved Homosexual: He’s utterly devoted to Yamato and will do anything for him, regardless of how the other guy feels. Fangirls were pleased.
  • Dissonant Serenity: He’s remarkably calm when doing evil.
  • Dude Looks Like a Lady: He is a rather feminine looking guy, to the point he could past himself as a small girl. This is later justified somewhat, as he is the reincarnation of a princess.
  • Expy: He is based on Manta, Yoh's best friend in Shaman King. The inspiration is later dropped when he becomes evil.
  • Lonely Rich Kid: Subverted by Rune, as he isn't spoiled or whiny. Where are his parents in that Big Fancy House?
  • Love Makes You Crazy: His love for Yamato and the knowledge that he can’t have Yamato drives him insane.
  • Love Makes You Evil: …And later becomes his main motivation for joining the Evil Douji.
  • Luminescent Blush: Rune has these whenever Yamato is around. Though this only starts happening after Yamato realizes that Rune loves him.
  • Meaningful Name: His first name means "secret" in an old Germanic language used in Scandinavia.
    • If romanized as "Lune", it means "moon" in French, which hints at his connection to Princess Gekkou, whose name means "moonlight" in Japanese.
    • Also, the other name he's known as by the fandom (Rene) means "rebirth". Either way, Takei was definitely trying to tell us something.
  • Spell My Name With An S: While Rune is the official name of the character according to the English translation and the katakana spelling of his name (ルネ), many fans either spell his name as "Lune" or "Rene".
  • Stalker with a Crush: He has a huge framed painting/picture of Yamato in his room.
  • Straight Gay: He is homosexual, but other than his feminine appearance he doesn't make anything associated with homosexual depictions.
  • Took a Level in Jerkass: After he becomes the master of Jealous, he seems to be able to say and do many cruel things to Yamato that you'd never imagine the old Rune doing.
  • Why Can't I Hate You?: Inverted by Rune to Yamato: "Why...? I'm... I'm so evil yet why... why is your heart so full of kindness towards me?"


"I can see...your past and future...and the darkness, the swirling envy in your heart."

An Evil doji that embodies envy of the Seven Deadly Sins. He is the second doji Ultimo and Yamato (not to mention the reader) are introduced to, both in the past and in the present. He has a very sarcastic, angry personality behind an often stoic expression. His master was Iruma Tomomitsu, until he stabs him in the back. His new master is now Rune Kodaira, though he's been wanting Yamato for his master.

His Karakuri Henge theme is spiders.

Tropes associated with Jealousy:
  • Absurdly Sharp Blade: A special mention here; unlike other doji's gauntlets, Jealousy's has only one extension, making it actually look like a blade.
  • The Dragon: Arguably to Vice. He's the only one who doesn't cower in fear everytime he's around, and is a close second when it comes to being evil.
  • Dragon with an Agenda: Acts moreso for what he (or Rune) wants then Vice.
  • Expy: He looks like Ren without his horn.
  • Eye Scream: Ultimo threw him around so much in chapter 5 that his eye was basically falling out.
  • Hates Being Touched: Considering he nearly sliced off Yamato's arm after he touched his shoulder...
  • The Heavy: Him and Rune have caused Yamato a lot more trouble than Vice in all honesty. Vice is making up for it though.
  • Lack of Empathy: He asks Yamato why he was so horrified that he killed Iruma.
  • Long-Haired Pretty Boy: His hair flows around his face and down his back and he’s (mostly) quite pretty.
  • Not So Stoic: He shows a surprising display of emotion whenever somebody does something he didn't expect such as Rune setting Yamato free in chapter 21.
  • "The Reason You Suck" Speech: After killing Iruma, Jealousy tells Yamato that he's perfect to be his master, since he's incompetent, and incompetence is the ultimate form of evil.
  • Red Eyes, Take Warning: Subverted; they have a rather pink hue to them. He’s still definitely dangerous though.
  • Spell My Name With An S: The English translation changed it to Jealousy to make the name a noun, instead of an adjective, to avoid sentence confusion.
  • The Stoic: He barely emotes, and is always cool and collected.

Iruma Tomomitsu

"I am deeply dissapointed that you common folk, you drones, do not recognize me."

The former master of Jealousy. He's a corrupt, immoral politician. It's interesting to note, however, that he came from a poor background (at least in the past).

Tropes associated with Iruma:
  • Ambition Is Evil: He’s an egotistical, corrupt politician.
  • Asshole Victim: He’s a corrupt, ungrateful and immoral man, so readers will feel little sympathy when Jealousy impales him through the chest. Twice. The “asshole” part starts to fade when it’s revealed that Jealousy used his powers to pretty much brainwash him.
  • Briefcase Full of Money: Iruma offered this to buy Ultimo, though he didn't plan to pay a single cent.
  • Brainwashed and Crazy: It turns out that Iruma is the way he is because Jealousy used his power to draw out the negativity in Iruma's heart and drive him insane, making him a suitable master for the Doji of envy. If his original persona in feudal Japan is any indication, he used to be a pretty nice guy before that happened.
  • Fan Disservice: When he's in Icon Mode. A naked 48 year old man does not look pleasant to most.
  • Green-Eyed Monster: He’s jealous of the Mikado's power. Makes sense considering his Douji.
  • Handicapped Badass: After getting his senses screwed up by Sophia's Noh, he utilized Jealousy's Heart Reading Powers to work around it and actually negate the Good Doji's ultimate technique, turning the fight around in his favor.
  • Not-So-Harmless Villain: He wielded Jealousy's abilities with great skill to the point that he actually managed to defeat Murayama Musashi and Sophia.
  • Reasonable Authority Figure: His past self used to be an intelligent, compassionate individual who wanted only to help those in need, regardless of their social class. It was Jealousy's influence that turned him into the corrupt person he is.
  • Save the Villain: In Chapter 14, Yamato saves Iruma from a repeat of what happened in Chapter 8.
  • Too Dumb to Live: It never occurs to him that his doji, the personification of Envy, might not take kindly to him trying to get the best Good Doji, or that it might try to kill him again.
  • Ungrateful Bastard: Continues trying to kill Yamato after he saves him from Jealousy.
  • Villainous Breakdown: When a crowd of people is unable to recognize him, he plans on destroying the entire city.

     Sumako Miyoshi and Desir 

The master and doji of lust, and members of The Seven Deadly Sins.

Sumako Miyoshi
"Desir is everything to me. It's all your fault! It's all your fault I'm this way right now!!"

A 27-year-old elementary school teacher. Almost like Vice and K's relationship, she's prone to blushing and submitting to her doji. Unlike a lot of the other evil doji masters, she really does love and care for her doji. Despite her age, she's never had a boyfriend, (so she's most likley a virgin as well)and worries about it constantly. It's because of this that Desir picked her for a master.

Tropes associated with Miyoshi:

"Killing the enemy, eating the enemy, making them your own meal! This is what we call survival!!"
The embodiment of Lust. While he has a kind face, he seems to have a very violent personality. He seems to be very close with his master.

His Karakuri Henge theme is bunnies.

Tropes associated with Desir:
  • Social Darwinist: Believes in the basic "survival of the fittest" mindset, and doesn't understand generosity (or, as Service points out, love).
  • Spell My Name With An S: There's "Dezil", "Dejiru", "Desire", "Desiru". The official English translation translates his name as "Desir".
  • Transformation Sequence: Has a short one; where his clothes rip apart, revealing his usual doji attire.
  • What Is This Thing You Call "Love"?: Can't comprehend the concept, not just because he's the Lust doji, but since he believes that people can never be generous, much less in matters of the heart.

     Mizho and Palace/Paresse 

The doji and master of sloth, and members of The Seven Deadly Sins.


"Didn't I tell you? Make a wrong move and you die."

A 15-year-old goth girl. Even though she's the master of the Sloth doji, she seems to be able to take action very quickly.

Tropes associtated with Mizho:
  • Badass Adorable: She’s 15-years old and good at taking action.
  • Breaking the Fourth Wall: In the last chapter, Mizho makes a comment that nothing really happening to her, lamp shading the fact that she and Paresse never got much character development like the rest of the cast.
  • Cute Is Evil: She’s kind of cute and firmly on the evil side.
  • Dark Action Girl: She’s quite adept at fighting at least.
  • Dissonant Serenity: Oh, you know, it's just Dunstan and Milieu, who transform into Icon Mode right in front of you.
  • Gender Bender: Was a lieutenant in the French military in her past life.
  • Grotesque Cute: Especially in recent chapters. Even her design has gradually added a bit more grotesque mixed in with the cute. (Most notably her facial features.)
  • Little Miss Badass: She’s a schoolgirl, but she can use her Douji quite well.
  • Little Miss Snarker: She also has a pretty dry wit;
    Paresse: This is annoying.
    Mizho: Ok, then go back home.
  • Odd Friendship: Despite their apparent dislike for one another in Chapter 24, Fussa, Rage, Mizho, and Paresse form a band called 'West Tokyo Incidents' together after the events of the manga, shown on a billboard in the last chapter.
  • Token Mini-Moe: She’s 15-years old, making her one of the younger member of the Evil Douji group.

The embodiment of Sloth. So far, he's the doji the fandom knows the least about, which only increases his popularity.

His Karakuri Henge theme is snakes.

Tropes associated with Paresse:
  • Expressive Mask: His mask clicks into a smile after he slices the Good Doji Club.
  • Expy: He looks like Faust from Shaman King (especially in his human form).
  • The Faceless: The closest look we've gotten of his face was a half-shot of his eyes and of his mouth.
  • Fingore: He bites off two fingers of one of the guys we see harassing Mizho in Chapter 24.
  • Green Thumb: Though we never see it, Paresse's powers revolve around trees/wood.
  • Not-So-Harmless Villain: Don't get within arm's reach of him if you'd like your fingers to say intact.
  • Odd Friendship: Despite their apparent dislike for one another in Chapter 24, Fussa, Rage, Mizho, and Paresse form a band called 'West Tokyo Incidents' together after the events of the manga, shown on a billboard in the last chapter.
  • One Head Taller: Than Mizho. Quite frankly, he's many heads taller than most of the cast in doji form. He bends over to chop off the good doji masters' heads.

     Fusataro Fussa and Rage 

The doji and master of wrath, and members of the Seven Deadly Sins.

Fusataro Fussa

"I'm sorry, but I can't allow you to interfere. We will be your opponents."

A 39-year-old music producer. Ironically, he has a rather calm and laid back personality.

Tropes associated with Fussa:
  • Dissonant Serenity:
    • He greets Mizho and Parasse with a smile in Chapter 24 after they just about violently injured three guys.
    • He does get scared, however, when Mizho threatens him soon after. It's justified though.
  • The Dragon: Fussa and Rage's fight with Yamato and Ultimo is the last big battle of the series before the fight against the big bad.
    • Not including the backburnered fight between Vice and Ultimo that the series conveniently cut away from before it even happened.
  • Driven to Villainy: Musashi pulls a long speech on Fussa, revealing that the producer used to be the singer of a fairly popular band before "they" pressured him into obscurity. The injustice of 'the system' pressured him into essentially following the same path.
  • Odd Friendship: Despite their apparent dislike for one another in Chapter 24, Fussa, Rage, Mizho, and Paresse form a band called 'West Tokyo Incidents' together after the events of the manga, shown on a billboard in the last chapter.

"Cut the stupid chit-chat, Fussa. It's irritating. He came for a fight, so let's rumble."

The embodiment of wrath. Known for his rather unrealistic hairstyle.

His Karakuri Henge theme seems to be the bull.

Tropes associated with Rage:
  • The Dragon: Fussa and Rage's fight with Yamato and Ultimo is the last big battle of the series before the fight against the big bad.
    • Not including the backburnered fight between Vice and Ultimo that the series conveniently cut away from before it even happened.
  • Lightning Bruiser: Literally, given his noh ability to control lightning, but also the fact that he beat the Living Hell out of Ultimo in chapter 46.
    • The only reason he doesn't actually destroy Ultimo is because Jealousy interferes. Otherwise it would've been curtains for the Ultimate Good.
  • Not So Stoic: While Rage is the one to stop Paresse from killing someone in earlier chapters and generally holds a quiet, withdrawn, and under-control aire, when allowed to let loose... Well, see some things mentioned above.
  • Odd Friendship: Despite their apparent dislike for one another in Chapter 24, Fussa, Rage, Mizho, and Paresse form a band called 'West Tokyo Incidents' together after the events of the manga, shown on a billboard in the last chapter.
  • Our Minotaurs Are Different: His ICON is very Minotaur-esque.
  • Perpetual Frowner: He’s not one for smiling, it seems.
  • The Stoic: Rage has few spoken lines and usually played as a background to Fussa's more eccentric character and speeches. Though when he does speak up, it seems to be wise to take note.

     Akira Hidaka and Orgullo 

The doji and master of pride, and members of The Seven Deadly Sins.

Akira Hidaka
"I will throw Agari Yamato, the greatest good master, down into hell."

An 18-year-old famous pro golfer. Calm, but manipulative, and with a streak of arrogance.

Tropes associated with Akira:
  • Awesomeness by Analysis: "God Reading" is implied to be the reason why he's excelled at golf without innate talent, and he believes it will help him run Sayama Sports well once he takes over.
  • Bitch in Sheep's Clothing: Quite nice to Sayama and her friends as part of his facade.
  • Romantic False Lead: Sayama seems to like him, which pisses Yamato off.
  • Take That!: May have been unintentional but... he's a pro golfer who has only been seen around women so far, and he's a bad guy. It's hard not to think of that as a joke against Tiger Woods...
  • Villain with Good Publicity
    Akira: No one with a good public reputation is actually good, Orgullo. They're just charlatans skilled at making themselves look good.


As the doji of pride, Orgullo is prone to boasting about his own skills and belittling the skills of his enemies. But, this isn't a constant trait. He shows a surprising amount of respect to his master, and a surprising calmness.

His theme animal seems to be lions.

Tropes associated with Orgullo:

     Hana Koganei and Eater/Edile 

The master and doji of gluttony, and members of The Seven Deadly Sins.

Hana Koganei
"Agari Yamato...are you laughing at me cuz I'm a child?"

A five-year-old orphan who's Edile/Eater's master of the Seven Deadly Sins.

Tropes associated with Hana:


At first, he was thought to be a three story tall doji, of incredible bulk. His actually from is a short and more childish version of his bigger from. He has a bit of a reckless personality.

His theme animal is bears.

Tropes Associated with Eater:

     Kaizo Oume and Avaro 

The master and doji of greed, and members of The Seven deadly Sins.

Kaizo Oume

A 55-year-old construction company presidant. He shares the same last name as Hibari Oume, implying that the two are related.

Tropes associated with Kaizo:


A doji with a greedy and perverted personality.

His theme animal seems to be mice.

Tropes associated with Avaro:

     Replacement Masters/Allies 
Characters that have replaced any of the Evil Doji Branch's original masters, or are simply evil.

Jun Titibu

A little kid that appears in Chapter 27, who wants to be Vice's master. Three pages in however, Vice stabs him with his gauntlet. Not that it does anything though...

Tropes associated with Jun:
  • Cute Is Evil/Cute and Psycho: He’s kind of cute… And he wants to be the master of the Douji of Ultimate Evil.
  • Enfant Terrible: Via mind reading from Rune, we learn that Jun almost killed all his past classroom for it seems no apparently reason and his parents covered up the whole incident with his excellent notes and money.
    • Also when Jun shot an arrow to Pardonner's chest, Pardonner notices that in this situation, humans got nervious or excite as their pulse raise, but Jun shoot him with no sign of hesitation or emotion. Jun's willingness to do evil just for the good of evil is that big.
  • Grotesque Cute: He's kind of cute, (at least he was for a page anyway) but man that is one grusome beatdown he's getting.
  • Straw Nihilist: He does believe this world deserves to be destroyed by Vice.
  • Ungrateful Bastard: Almost choked Rune (who's part of the Evil branch led by Vice) and shot an arrow to Kiyose for both daring saving him from die for the injuries caused by Vice.
