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Webcomic / Epic Mickey Graphic Novel

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Epic Mickey Graphic Novel is a fan made graphic novel retelling of the video game Epic Mickey drawn by DelDiz.

The story follows the plot of the game: Mickey Mouse accidentally damages a world created by Yen Sid for forgotten characters called Wasteland, and after getting dragged there by the Shadow Blot, must try and save it with the help of his older half-brother, Oswald the Lucky Rabbit. The comic also explores various elements not featured in the game such as what Mickey was going through before being sucked into the Wasteland.

The comic is currently hosted on DeviantArt and was active from 2011 until 2016 when it went on a six year hiatus, and even after it returned in 2021, updates were less frequent. But as of 2023, the comic is being drawn by RaltheCommentator with DelDiz still assisting with the script.

This is not to be confused with the official graphic novel adaptation released in 2010 titled Epic Mickey: The Graphic Novel, which is covered in the page for the video game.

Contains examples of:

  • Adaptation Expansion: The comic adds more to story such as what Mickey was doing before being sucked into the Wasteland and adding plotlines not featured in the original game.
  • Adaptational Angst Upgrade: While Mickey is still a cheery Nice Guy, he is a lot more emotional after being taken to the Wasteland than he was in the game; mostly due to what he endured before arriving, and is still mourning the loss of his creator.
  • Adaptational Jerkass: While it was only implied in the original game, here it's made perfectly clear that Oswald plans to double-cross Mickey and steal his heart to escape Wasteland, complete with making the Grinch's evil smile.
  • Anger Born of Worry: Minnie expresses that her anger at Mickey for missing their dates is because she worries that something may have happened to him since he never calls to tell her where he is.
  • Author Powers: Gus thanks his creator, Roald Dahl, as though he were God: "Thank Dahl for not giving Gremlins tails."
  • Curse Cut Short: "As long as you took care of that literal pain in the-AAAHH!"
  • Fan Disservice: Mickey unfortunately gets an eyeful of Small Pete's panties.
  • Human Ladder: The bunny children form one to help Mickey reach Oswald's lair.
  • Must Make Amends: Mickey is so horrified and ashamed that he caused the thinner disaster and created the Blot that he vows to fix everything.
  • My God, What Have I Done?: Mickey has this reaction after finding out that he is the cause of the state Wasteland is in.
  • Noodle Incident: Minnie reminds Mickey of a time she had to drive down to Mexico to bail him, Donald, and Goofy out of jail.
  • Oh, Crap!:
    • Mickey's reaction when it turns out he gave Minnie the bag of blood he was supposed to deliver to Goofy at the hospital.
    • Gus does this when he realizes he'd left Mickey alone in Mean Street where he'll see the altered "Partners" statue.
  • Original Character: Eugene Clockman (an OC from Cometh The Hour), a spatter named "Spat", and a few gremlins not mentioned in the game.
  • Pain-Powered Leap: A Spatter bites Oswald's tail off, sending him flying while screaming in pain.
  • Porn Stash: When Oswald returns to Dark Beauty Castle and sees the mess left behind by the Mad Doctor, a very interesting magazine can be seen.
  • Psychoactive Powers: Mickey develops a condition called "Scrappernella" from his body absorbing the Blot's ink. Depending on Mickey's emotions, the "Blot" inside him will either do nothing, or influence Mickey's thoughts and actions to his own benefit.
    • Anthropomorphic Personification: The Blot himself is a physical manifestation of Mickey's sadness and emotional pain, especially grief over Walt Disney's death. Mickey expressed it when he first found the paintbrush; the same one Walt used to paint him. Now, a sample of that manifestation is in Mickey's body.
    • Emotion Eater: The Blot feeds on the sadness and emotional pain he originated from. In his full form, he captured Mickey by tracking down his grief, like a dog to a scent. As Scrappernella, the Blot directly feeds off Mickey's sadness, anger, and grief as he feels them. This causes the emotions to intensify, creating a vicious cycle that, for now, can only be stopped by Mickey's willpower.
    • Repression Never Ends Well: Unlike with anger, Mickey doesn't know how to better channel his sadness or grief when the Blot feeds on it. For now, all he can think to do is repress it, such as seeing Walt's apartment window in Mean Street boarded up. Mickey stopped himself from taking action, but the Blot fed on his heightening sadness until he passed out.
    • Split-Personality Takeover: There is a repeatedly-expressed concern that the Blot will eventually take over Mickey's mind and body, and turn him into a Blot-like version of himself called a "Scrapper." Various Gremlins show concern while Dr. Frankenollie is excited for it. Gus panics when he realizes he'd left Mickey alone in Mean Street, where he can see the altered "Partners" statue, and maybe get upset enough to transform.
    • You Wouldn't Like Me When I'm Angry!: The Blot gives Mickey supernatural strength when he is angry, such as when the Mechanical Arm nearly damages the brush, or learning that the Blot sent the blotling into the cartoon world (that caused the chaos between him, Minnie, and his friends.)
  • Running Away to Cry: After learning he caused the Thinner Disaster, Mickey excuses himself from his meeting with Oswald, and flees to the outside of his lair in tears.
  • Shout-Out:
  • Shut Up, Hannibal!: Mickey does this to Clockman during the latter's Split-Personality Takeover.
  • Splash of Color: Most of the artwork is in black and white, with the exceptions of Mickey's heart, paint, thinner, and the top of Clockman's cane.
  • Smoke Out: Oswald uses this to escape his first encounter with Mickey. However, once the smoke clears, he is seen running into the next room.
  • The Voice: Mickey hears Walt Disney's voice coming from his heart as the Blot attempts to pull it out.
  • Trauma Button: Hearing the Mad Doctor tell Mickey that he'll never let him go home causes Oswald to remember the day Charles Mintz took him from Walt Disney, which prompts Oswald to attack the Mad Doctor, claiming that he can't stand pompous jerks who take things that don't belong to them.
  • Trauma Conga Line: Mickey goes through one near the beginning. He runs over a spatter (not knowing what it is), is briefly kidnapped by the Shadow Blot which causes him to crash Donald's car, getting Donald furious at him, misses his date with Minnie which gets Minnie disappointed in him, and ends up mixing Minnie's gift with a bag of doner blood that he was supposed to deliver to Goofy at the hospital; and this is all before he is taken to the Wasteland.
  • "Well Done, Son" Guy: Mickey is trying very hard to live up to Walt's legacy, and his biggest fear is disappointing him.
  • You Have GOT to Be Kidding Me!: Mickey's reaction to seeing the plunger that the Mad Doctor uses to try and take his heart.
