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Sandbox / Monster: Castlevania

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"There will be murder on a scale never before seen. I will feed and become the strongest creature on this Earth. So do it, finish it. It'll be fun."

While fighting the horrible night's curse, the Belmont family and their allies have fought against numerous foes. These are the true monsters who don't belong in this world.

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Lords of Shadow Games
  • Satan is the architect of almost every atrocity in the games, all so he could return to Heaven and take revenge on God. Deceiving Zobek, Satan uses him to separate Heaven from Earth, leaving the souls of the dead trapped in Limbo, afterwards forcing Gabriel Belmont to murder his wife Marie. Aiming to exploit the prophecy of the Chosen One to claim the God Mask for himself, Satan arranges for Gabriel to kill many others, both evil and innocent, before attempting to dispose of both Gabriel and Zobek. Defeated by Gabriel, Satan has his children pave the way for his return and when he does come back, he murders the son who summoned him for not disposing of the one man he fears: Gabriel—now known as Dracula. Opting to simply destroy the world with an enslaved and tortured Leviathan, Satan's final gambit has him possess Alucard, Dracula's beloved son, to try to stop Dracula from killing him, all the while taunting Dracula. Making paltry attempts at justifying himself, Gabriel saw Satan for the wretched egomaniac he is.
  • Zobek, the Lord of the Dead and the strongest, most ambitious of the Lords of Shadow, is also The Corrupter to Gabriel Belmont/Dracula himself. As part of a grand scheme to attain godlike power, Zobek cut off the Earth from Heaven and trapped the souls of the dead on Earth, infesting the world with the undead. Zobek directly facilitates Gabriel's fall into evil by using the Devil's Mask to make Gabriel murder his own wife, and meticulously disposes of any and all loose ends along the way while playing the role of Gabriel's friend, having Gabriel dispose of his fellow Lords of Shadow and other innocents like Claudia. Zobek tortures Gabriel to death after revealing his true colors and mocking him over everything Zobek has had him do. Even after he's revealed to be a Big Bad Wannabe to Satan, Zobek returns in the modern day with ambitions of destroying Dracula and Satan both, and the first thing he does upon awakening Dracula is feed him an innocent family.
  • First game's Reverie & Resurrection DLC: The Forgotten One is a tremendously powerful demon summoned by the Bernhard family that brought about untold destruction upon the world before it was sealed in its home dimension by the founders of the Brotherhood of Light. Many centuries later, the Forgotten One would attempt to return to Earth once again to enact vengeance by purging it of all life, and only deciding to spare Gabriel so that he can look upon his failure.
  • Lords of Shadow 2:
    • Raisa Volkova is an Acolyte of Satan who inherits her father's penchant for cruelty. The head of the Bioquimek Corporation which aims to pave the way for Satan's return by performing amoral experiments on kidnapped innocents with the intention of creating a toxin that will mutate any human who comes in contact with it into a demonic soldier for Hell's army. When Dracula infiltrates Bioquimek, Raisa releases the toxin, which infects her own scientists, and later spreads across the city causing mass chaos and death. Captured by Dracula and Zobek, Raisa unleashes her true form to kill them both, gloating that her father will return and bring unending agony upon the world.
    • Nergal Meslamstea is a child of Satan who, just like his sister, aims to bring his father to Earth to "free" the world from good. The head of a weapons manufacturer, Nergal supplies weapons that each contain a piece of his corrupting essence that influences the city's police into a homicidal frenzy, shooting anyone on sight regardless of whether or not they're infected. After impaling Dracula's last surviving descendant Victor Belmont, Nergal sadistically electrocutes Dracula with the intent on sending him to his father in Hell.

Netflix series

  • Original 2017 series: "Death"—the true identity of the seemingly blowhard vampire Varney—is revealed to be the mastermind behind the fourth season's conflict, and a creature far worse than Dracula ever was at his cruelest. A gluttonous, sadistic Ancient Evil who has been feeding on souls since the birth of humanity, Death personally partook in Dracula's attempted genocide against humanity with the anticipation of a feast, only to be left disappointed and hungry upon Dracula's demise. Solely so he'd never be hungry again, Death concocts a plan to manipulate the Count St. Germain into evil as part of a complex scheme to pluck both Dracula and Lisa's souls from Hell, upon which Death fuses them both into the same body in a state of pure agony. Death intends to drive Dracula so insane with his wife's screaming soul he'll slaughter the entire planet, a prospect Death is all too entertained and delighted by.
  • Nocturne:
    • Drolta Tzuentes is known as the "attack dog" of the "vampire messiah", the Countess Erzsebet Báthory. A ferocious and sadistic killer, Drolta leads her forces to slaughter entire villages and bring victims to Bathory to be tortured to death. Gleefully massacring a group of soldiers upon her arrival in Paris, Drolta proceeds to hand over a girl to Bathory for despairing torture. Upon the Black Sun's dawning, Drolta personally intends to lead Bathory's armies and massacre humankind into subjugation.
    • The Comte de Vaublanc was a slave owner in Haiti who ruled his plantation with an iron fist. Denying all hope for the slaves, Vaublanc also hunts them like animals for sport and killed the mother of Annette simply for practicing Vodun and giving her daughter hope. Joining the conspiracy of Bathory, Vaublanc intends to help bring the Hell on Earth Báthory wants and is caught by Annette attempting to drain an innocent man.

Other Media, by release date

  • The Belmont Legacy: Dracula, completely bereft of his game counterpart's tragic backstory or charisma, is a vampiric beast who time and time again has risen from the grave to combat his ancient enemies the Belmonts, with a penchant for impalement and slaughter. Upon being risen through blood sacrifice, Dracula completely disregards the fanatic loyalty of his servant and mocks Christopher Belmont by defiling the grave of his ancestors, later kidnapping his wife Illyana Belmont and tearing out the neck of their friend, turning him into a vampire and siccing him on his own friends. Even seemingly defeated, the comic ends with the reveal that Dracula's previous attempt to force himself on Illyana resulted in the corruption of her unborn baby — all to his plan.
  • Nocturne of the Recollection Radio Drama: Magnus, a vain and particularly sadistic incubus, is one of the vilest creatures of the night. Centuries before Dracula's defeat, Magnus left the beloved servant of Alucard, Lyudmil, at the brink of death, and cruelly mind-raped Alucard until he finally gave in and turned Lyudmil into a vampire. Magnus glories in having tortured Lyudmil to the point of becoming a "walking corpse" who despises all humanity, using Lyudmil as his pet Serial Killer while simultaneously aiming to destroy Alucard's mind, have him kill all his loved ones, and bring back the hellish reign of Dracula upon the world. When Lyudmil finally rebels against him, Magnus murders him and tries to torture Alucard and his allies down to their very souls.
