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Recap / Epic Rap Battles of History: Hitler vs. Vader

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Battle 1: Adolf Hitler and Darth Vader rap it out over who has the better- and more fashionable- evil empire. Until Vader freezes Hitler in carbonite, that is.

Battle 2: Vader thaws Hitler out to battle him again, this time finishing by dropping Hitler into the rancor pit.

Battle 3: Having killed the rancor from the last battle and escaped being thrown into the Sarlacc pit, Hitler battles Vader one last time.

Tropes associated with this trilogy of Epic Rap Battles

  • Adolf Hitlarious: Hitler is a Large Ham with exaggerated facial expressions and a silly German accent, and gets both mocked by Darth Vader and has something horrible happen to him at the end of each episode.
  • Armor Is Useless: Boba Fett wears his canon suit of Mandalorian armor, but it doesn't protect him against Hitler's normal Luger pistol.
  • Berserk Button: Hitler hates Vader "cheating" by bringing in Boba Fett—after he kills the intruder, he drops any pretense of rapping and just yells at Vader.
  • Book Ends: The first and last lines of the trilogy are "I am Adolf Hitler."
  • Butt-Monkey: Hitler. Vader doesn't respect him at all, gets Boba Fett to finish his verse, and finally just kills Hitler in the middle of of his sentence.
  • Card-Carrying Villain: Hitler calls himself "a force truly evil," and Darth Vader says he's the original Dark Lord, while Hitler's just the Sorcerer's Apprentice.
  • The Cameo: Abe Lincoln is the guard pushing Hitler out to the Sarlacc pit, and Stephen Hawking pulls off R2-D2's role in the original movies by shooting Hitler a microphone to rap with.
  • Combat Pragmatist: Vader always ends his battles by incapacitating Hitler- first time by freezing him in carbonite, second time by dropping into the rancor pit, and the third time losing patience for good after Hitler kills Boba Fett and slicing him in half.
  • Deliberately Monochrome: Hitler is portrayed in black-and-white when he's rapping.
  • Dramatic Unmask: Vader unmasks himself at the end of his verse in the second battle.
    Vader: I'm going to enjoy watching you die, so let me do it with my own eyes.
  • Ensemble Dark Horse: In-universe. Boba Fett lampshades his status as this—"You know I steal the show!"
  • Epic Fail: The trope is namedropped by Hitler referring to how Vader failed to save Padmé and pull Luke into a Face–Heel Turn.
    Hitler: Everything you do is an Epic Fail! So stand at attention, and Sieg fucking Heil!
  • Even Evil Has Standards: Vader refuses to use the 'C' word in his raps. Hitler has no such compunctions.
  • General Failure: Vader mocks Hitler for his strategical errors during WW2.
  • Incoming Ham: Hitler's first line makes it very clear how his verses will go.
    Hitler: I AM ADOLF HITLER! Commander of the Third Reich!
  • Irony: Hitler says he prefers Rick Moranis' Dark Helmet to Darth Vader. Either he's unaware that Moranis is Jewish, or he hates Vader just that much.
  • Killed Mid-Sentence: Both Fett and Hitler, though Hitler does manage one last word in Instant Soprano.
    Boba Fett: I got a jetpack, yo
    You know I steal the show
    'Cause when I rock a microphone- (gunshot)
    Hitler: Oh, Sieg hell no!
    Hitler: I AM ADOLF - hitleeerrr...
  • Laughably Evil: Both rappers are unapologetically evil and quite silly.
  • Multilayer Façade: In the intro to Hitler vs. Vader 2, Vader wears Leia's Boushh disguise over his trademark armor.
  • Offscreen Moment of Awesome: Hitler ends the second battle dropped into the Rancor pit, and begins the third on the way to the Sarlacc, having killed the Rancor offscreen.
  • Once per Episode: Once per rap, Hitler will make a Crosses the Line Twice Holocaust joke.
    • First time, it's "Step into my shower", referencing how gas chambers were often disguised as showers.
    • Second time, it's "take a trip on my train", referencing how victims were shipped to death camps via train.
    • Third time, it's "pop into my oven", referencing how death camp victims were cremated.
  • Politically Incorrect Villain: Guess who.
    Hitler: I mean, you? Leading an army of white men? Disgraceful!
  • Rabble Rouser: Hitler threatens to turn Vader's side against him.
    Hitler: I'll turn all your friends against you, just my speeches breed haters!
    What's a lightsaber vs a clan of all your white neighbors?
  • Stock Scream: In the third battle, Boba Fett makes a Wilhelm scream as he gets shot by Hitler.
  • Suicide is Shameful: Vader mocks Hitler for his suicide at the end of World War 2.
    Vader: You wrote a little book, got 'em fired up, had a Beer Hall Putsch, got 'em fired up, when your bunker started getting fired up, you put a gun in your mouth and fired up.
  • This Is for Emphasis, Bitch!: Vader starts off the second battle like this.
    Hitler: Who... are you?
    Vader: Someone who loathes you, bitch! Now stand up and rhyme!
  • Tranquil Fury: After Hitler kills Boba Fett, Vader doesn't bother saying anything- he just calmly walks over to Hitler and slices him in half.
  • Villainous Fashion Sense: Both Hitler and Vader mock the other's fashion- somewhat ironic, as the costumes for the Galactic Empire were heavily inspired by Nazi uniforms.
  • Weather of War: Vader provides the page quote when he mocks Operation Barbarossa.
    Vader: You dumb motherfucker!
    Didn't Napoleon let you know?
    When you conquer Russia,
    Better pack some fuckin' winter clothes!
  • Wilhelm Scream: Boba Fett does this after Hitler shoots him.
  • You Need to Get Laid: Hitler's opinion of Vader.
    Hitler: You're just a sad, asthmatic robot freak who needs some lovin'.
  • Your Mom: Vader turns his Luke, I Am Your Father moment into a joke of this nature.
    Vader: So many dudes been with your mom, who even knows if I'm your father?

"You can't rhyme against the dark side of the Force, why even bother?"
