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Literature / Eminence

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First Edition Cover

'Eminence'' is a thriller web serial and novel by DS Barrie. It was originally released as a web serial before being published in 2024 as a novel.

Eminence is a serialized collection of short stories following the adventures of teen genius and vigilante mastermind Thomas Maxwell as he organizes a superhero/vigilante movement known as Redemption to destroy America's internal and external enemies.

After a vicious turf war that consolidated the power of the criminal East-Coast Syndicate over New Valley City, the desperate residents of the inner city, inspired by superhero media, adopted aliases, masked up, and armed themselves to defend their neighborhoods, creating a delicate power balance between them and the Syndicate-dominated establishment.

Above all the poverty and misery stands the Quan Tower: headquarters of Quan Tec Industries, the world’s most advanced scientific research corporation and the reason behind the steady recovery of New Valley’s economy. However, rumors abound of its shady connections to the Syndicate and the U.S. national security apparatus.

Thomas Maxwell is an introverted but brilliant seventeen-year-old. A perfect student and unrivaled genius, he has the respect of his teachers, numerous academic awards, and plenty of scholarships. However, Thomas finds his life unchallenging so he occasionally assists his uncle Toby, a police detective for the NVPD, in solving crimes.

While involved in an investigation, Thomas accidentally stumbles upon a conspiracy involving the police, Quan Tec, and the Syndicate, and becomes the Architect, a vigilante mastermind aiming to expose the conspiracy and destroy the Syndicate. Along the way, Thomas recruits other vigilantes to his cause, starting a movement that accidentally sets off a chain of events that threatens to plunge the city into chaos.

  • Accidental Kidnapping: Thomas accidentally gets trapped in the van of the vigilante biker gang, the Angels of Justice, while investigating their activities.

  • Action Survivor: Thomas, a high school student, becomes actively involved in investigating and confronting criminal activities despite lacking traditional action-hero qualities.

  • The Atoner: Thomas feels guilt-ridden after the explosion at the police department jail, where the jailed members of the Angels of Justice are killed, leading him to vow to destroy the Syndicate.

  • Batman Gambit: One of Thomas's favorite tactics. He studies his opponent's actions and behavior, and organizes his plans to rely on them acting predictably.

  • Benevolent Conspiracy: The Redemption movement organized by Thomas operates as a group aiming to take down the Syndicate and corrupt elements within the city. At least at first

  • The Big Guy: Shadow, a vigilante street fighter, plays the role of the physically powerful member of the team, stopping an arms shipment and beating up Syndicate-affiliated criminals.

  • The Caper: The heist at Lucius Martell's mansion orchestrated by Case and Azure, stealing millions of dollars, fits the classic caper trope.

  • The Chainsof Commanding: As the Architect, Thomas faces the challenges and responsibilities of leading Redemption and making tough decisions to take down the Syndicate.

  • The Chessmaster: Thomas, as the Architect, strategically plans and orchestrates events to expose and take down the criminal elements in the city.

  • The Conspiracy: The overarching plot involves a conspiracy involving the Syndicate, corrupt police officers, and illegal experiments at the Geneform Kinetics Laboratory.

  • The Determinator: Thomas is determined to uncover the truth, expose the Syndicate, and bring justice to the city despite facing numerous challenges and dangers.


  • Fake Kill Scare: Thomas stages a fake bomb threat to coerce information from Allen Burr.

  • Gambit Pileup: The plot involves multiple characters executing their strategic plans, creating a complex web of interwoven schemes and counter-schemes.

  • The Goodthe Badandthe Evil: The story explores a moral landscape where characters, including vigilantes and criminals, exhibit varying degrees of morality.

  • Heel–Face Turn: Redemption, including members like Shadow, undergo moral transformations, turning from potential antagonists to allies.

  • Herowithan Fin Good: Despite good intentions, Thomas's actions often produces collateral damage

  • Heroic B So D: Thomas experiences moments of moral crisis and emotional turmoil, reflecting the toll of his actions on his psyche.

  • Heroic Sacrifice: Characters, including members of Redemption, are willing to make sacrifices for the greater good.

  • Hidden Villain: The true mastermind behind certain events remains hidden until later in the story.

  • I Just Shot Marvininthe Face: A scuffle between Toby and Shadow leads to an accidental shooting, adding an unexpected twist to the plot.

  • Indy Ploy: Thomas often relies on quick, on-the-fly decision-making in response to changing circumstances.

  • Internal Reveal: The audience gains insights into characters' thoughts and motivations through internal monologues and reflections.

  • The Jailer: Characters face imprisonment and escape situations, contributing to the suspense and tension.

  • Kidnapped Scientist: What happens to Dr. Mikkanen at the end of Resurrection.

  • Knight Templar: Case, Shadow, and to a lesser extent Thomas. At least at first.

  • The Lancer: Shadow serves as the Lancer within Redemption, providing a contrast to Thomas's leadership style and contributing his own skills to the team.

  • The Mole: Sky/Stefanie Kyle is a cop who passes information to the Angels of Justice. After their destruction, she continues her role for Redemption.

  • Nebulous Evil Organization: The Syndicate operates as a mysterious and powerful criminal organization that the protagonists aim to dismantle.

  • Nice Job Breaking It, Hero: Thomas accidentally destabilizes the power structure of New Valley, kickstarting a chain of events with destructive consequences.

  • No-Nonsense Nemesis: Thomas's enemies are ruthless, and have no hesitations or scruples.

  • Non-Action Guy: Thomas as the Architect generally prefers to orchestrate events from behind the scenes, however in extreme situations, he will enter the field.

  • Omniscient Database: Subverted, as Thomas runs into trouble accessing the court records for Erik Gunther's trial.

  • Parental Substitute: Toby Maxwell acts as a parental figure for his nephew Thomas after the death of his parents.

  • The Plan: Many events are orchestrated through elaborate plans, showcasing Thomas' strategic thinking.

  • Pragmatic Hero: Thomas, as the Architect, takes pragmatic and sometimes morally ambiguous actions to achieve his goals.

  • Private Detective: Toby's role as a detective contributes to the investigative aspects of the story.

  • The Profiler: Thomas demonstrates profiling skills as he deduces information about the Angels of Justice and the Syndicate.

  • The Reveal: Key plot twists and revelations keep the audience engaged and invested in the unfolding story.

  • The Revolution Will Not Be Civilized: Redemption's actions lead to chaotic mass protests.

  • Rippedfromthe Headlines: The story incorporates elements inspired by real-world issues, adding relevance and depth.

  • Secret Identity: Thomas and most other vigilantes maintain a secret identity to protect themselves and those close to him from the Syndicate.

  • The Spymaster: Thomas becomes this through his surveillance and investigative skills as his organization grows.

  • The Stoic: Thomas is good at remaining calm and rational in stressful situations.

  • Stunned Silence: The reaction of the gala audience towards Shadow's emergence. Also, Donnelson experiences this momentarily after being accused of supporting communism.

  • Token Good Teammate: Azure during her brief membership in Redemption acts as the moral conscience within the vigilante group, providing a contrast to the more ruthless members Case and Shadow.

  • Tomato Surprise: Unexpected revelations or twists keep the audience guessing about the true nature of certain characters or events.

  • Vigilante Man: Thomas Maxwell along with numerous other characters embraces vigilantism.

  • Villainwith Good Publicity: Lucius Martell is known publically as a philanthropist, but is secretly leader of the East-Coast Syndicate.

  • The Watson: Case serves as this after learning Thomas' identity, asking questions and receiving explanations to understand the unfolding events.

  • Well-Intentioned Extremist: The Angels of Justice, and arguably Thomas once he forms Redemption. The members of the Crimson Path movement are also this, aiming to organize an anti-capitalist workers' revolution.

  • Wham Episode: Many of the short stories have a significant impact on the plot's trajectory.

  • Wounded Gazelle Gambit: Thomas pretends to be unconscious in the middle of the road to bait a driver into stopping so he can carjack them.

  • Xanatos Gambit: Thomas, as the Architect, often employs plans with multiple potential outcomes, ensuring that whatever happens, he can use it to his advantage. For instance, while he preferred to capture Shadow to unmask his identity, the outcome of the fight between Shadow and Case was engineered such that Thomas would find out regardless of who won.

  • You Have Outlived Your Usefulness: The Syndicate often kills assets that have become more of a risk than a reward.

  • You Killed My Father: Shadow's vow for vengeance against the Syndicate and its leaders stems from the murder of his best friend.

  • The Alcoholic: Case, who is traumatized both from his experiences in the military and the death of his vigilante group, is almost always pounding beers when not on a mission.

  • Does This Remind Youof Anything?: In a destabilizing liberal democracy, the political center collapses and society increasingly polarizes into two violent and uncompromising camps: a radical labor movement aiming to destroy the capitalist state and a paramilitary movement of disillusioned veterans, supported by the wealthy, aiming to 'regenerate' society and destroy the 'degenerates'.

  • Easily Forgiven: Despite being terrorized by Redemption at the gala, Donnelson decides to support them anyway.

  • First-Episode Twist: The reveal of the conspiracy at the end of Overture.
