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Characters / The Beginning After The End Alacryans

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    Caera Denoir 

Caera Denoir

Debut: Volume 8 (Novel)

"Do you know what the Asuran word for our kind is? Lessers."

An Alacryan noble and young Ascender who encounters Arthur AKA Grey, while delving into the Relictombs. She takes a keen interest in him for both the power he displays and the fact that he carried a dagger that belonged to her brother.

  • Blue Is Heroic: She has dark navy blue hair and turns out to be heroic in her own right unlike other most Alacryans.
  • Contrasting Replacement Character: To Tessia as Arthur's main female companion during his time in Alacrya. While Arthur had been Childhood Friends with Tessia, Caera is not only a stranger but hails from his enemies.
  • Distracted by the Sexy: She often is when in the company of Grey.
  • Expy: Of Eris Boreas Greyrat. She is the scion of an aristocratic family who is a proficient adventurer and swordswoman, has a nonhuman mentor whom she looks up to deeply (Ghislaine for Eris, Seris for Caera; though both Caera and Seris are Vritra-blooded Alacryans), and becomes the protagonist's companion after he gets separated from his loved ones and stranded in a foreign land following a tragic incident.
  • Forgiveness: she decides to Forgive Arthur despite knowing that he lied to her
  • Glamour Failure: She suffers one while crossing a Relictombs disguised as Haedrig, much to Arthur's surprise and displeasure.
  • Hide Your Otherness:Caera has a special pendant that hides her horns.
  • Horned Humanoid: As a Vritra-blooded Alacryan, Caera sports horns on her head, alhough she usually keeps these hidden.
  • I Am Not Left-Handed: Purposefully hides her true capabilities while exploring the Relictombs so as to conceal the awakening of her Vritra lineage from her adoptive parents.
  • Missed Him by That Much: Following her being imprisoned by Bairon upon her arrival to Dicathen, Caera holds out in the hope that Arthur will bail her out soon. Unfortunately for her, when Bairon attempts to bring word of her arrival to Arthur, the latter's attention was instead distracted by the recent summon he had received from the Hearth which he gave priority to instead. This led to Arthur being stuck in the aether realm for two months in order to resurrect Sylvie. Making matters worse was that the week after Arthur went into the aether realm, Kezess sent his forces down to Dicathen to occupy it as part of his deal with Arthur. Predictably, the Indrath did not treat Caera very kindly during her incarceration. All in all, Caera spent far more time languishing in prison than she should have due to an unfortunate turn of events.
  • Mistaken for Spies: After barely escaping to Dicathen unscathed in order to enlist Arthur's aid for Seris's rebellion, Caera gets rescued from her pursuers by Bairon. However, given his admittedly justifiable suspicions about her claims, Bairon doesn't buy that Caera is telling the truth and has her taken into custody. It is not until Arthur returns that he is able to order her for release.
  • Morality Chain: She is the reason alongside Regis that prevents Arthur from Losing his sanity and empathy toward Alacrya in fact because of her his hatred for the Alacryans have subsided and make him focusing his anger on the Vritra and Indrath clan also Arthur considers her a true friend to him.
  • Next Tier Power-Up: She gets a regalia of her own shortly before Arthur enacts his plan to acquire the fourth keystone.
  • Power is Sexy: Is attracted to Grey's power, but more than that, to what she recognizes in him as a power of change.
  • Right for the Wrong Reasons: Assumes Grey is, like her, an Asura-blooded human, which Seris immediately dismisses due to the Indrath's Fantastic Racism. She was in fact correct but for the fact he gets his abilities from fusing with Sylvie's physical form.
  • Secret-Keeper: Averted. She cannot and will not keep a secret from her mentor and protector Seris, even it means betraying Grey's trust.
    • Played straight in regards to the awakening of her Vritra heritage, which she keeps a secret from her parents on the advice of Seris.
  • She Is Not My Girlfriend: In this case boyfriend, She gets embarrased when her Mentor Seris and her friends teases about her relationship with Arthur as a romantic one.
  • Single Lineof Descent: She has the genes of Agrona Vritra
  • Tragic Keepsake: Her brother's dagger. She ultimately lays it to rest in the Relictombs where he died.
  • Token Heroic Orc: She is one of the Alacryans who were close to Arthur during his stay in Alacrya also she has no interest in the war with Dicathen knowing it is only self serving goals to Agrona as she sees how much of toll it took on Grey later she particaptes in a rebellion orchestrated by Seris Vrita against Agrona.
  • Undying Loyalty: To Seris, who she views as her mentor figure. Also to Arthur himself as in spite of him having to be Cruel to Be Kind to her to fulfill his plan to acquire the final keystone, her loyalty to his remains unshaken.

    Kalon Granbehl 
The eldest child of Highblood Granbehl.
  • Parental Favoritism: Kalon was lauded by his parents as a prodigy. Suffice to say his death makes them furious, especially at his apparent murderer.

    Ezra Granbehl 
The middle child of Highblood Granbehl.

    Ada Granbehl 
The youngest child of Highblood Granbehl.
  • Sole Survivor: Despite killing her parents, Arthur chooses to spare her.
  • You Should Have Died Instead: After the deaths of her older brothers, both of her parents feel that she should have died instead of them.

    Riah Faline 

    Alaric Maer 

  • The Alcoholic: Alaric is a heavy drinker.
  • Big Fun: Is noted to be rather portly and overweight, but is a very affable and genial person.
  • Drowning My Sorrows: He drinks to ease the pain he feels over the memory of his son's death.
  • Nice Job Breaking It, Hero: Invoked. He calls out Arthur and his entourage for attempting to assassinate Exeges, for even though they weren't the ones to do it, his death allowed Agrona to galvanize the populace of Alacrya back to his side and hammer the final nail into the coffin for Seris's rebellion.
  • Outliving One's Offspring: He lost his son after he was identified as a Vritra-blooded and got taken away to be fostered. Years later, he found out that his son had died after the attempts to force his blood to manifest got him killed.
  • The Spymaster: After being enlisted by Caera to aid in Seris's rebellion, he acts as one by setting up a network of informants. It does not last long as his ring gets purged by Agrona, though he continues to relay information to Arthur after Seris's rebellion flees to Dicathen.

    Sulla Drusus 
The head of the Ascenders Association in Cardigan and an old friend of Alaric's.
  • Bullying a Dragon: Suffice to say, dismissing the threats of his former overlord ends as well as one would expect.
  • Cruel and Unusual Death: His runes are ignited which sets him on fire, then he gets caught up in a black whirlwind and completely lacerated by blades of wind and fire.
  • Do Not Taunt Cthulhu: So Agrona, the God-Emperor of Alacrya himself, has suddenly taken control of Seris and her associates and threatened them back into his service. What does Sulla do? He has the temerity to remain defiant of Agrona and dismiss his threats in spite of what he just witnessed. Naturally, Agrona makes sure he does not live long enough to regret his choice of words.
  • Sedgwick Speech: When Agrona takes control of Seris's rebellion by way of Demonic Possession, Sulla attempts to defy him as he gives a speech reminding those nearby of how much they have sacrificed in order to free themselves from Agrona's tyranny and dismissing his threats. Agrona promptly punishes him for his defiance in a very graphic fashion.

Ordin Household

    Darrin Ordin 
Alaric's former protégé. Arthur ends up living in his villa in Sehz-Clar during his time in Alacrya.

One of Darrin's wards.

One of Darrin's wards.

One of Darrin's wards.

    Katla and Ketil 
Two of Darrin's wards.

    Briar Nadir 
One of Darrin's wards, who is training with him to prepare for her second year at Central Academy.
  • You Remind Me of X: Arthur notes that he's seen worse when he is introduced to Briar and her prideful demeanor, for she reminds him a lot of Lucas.

Central Academy

    Director Ramseyer 
The Headmaster of Central Academy.
  • I Will Punish Your Friend for Your Failure: A big example of this. He may not have been aware of Arthur's true identity, but his act of hiring him and giving him support during his stay in Alacrya is enough for Agrona to punish all of Highblood Ramseyer once Arthur's identity is revealed. That, and also his granddaughter Augustine's failure to hold Xyrus against Arthur, earns the director a one-way trip to the frontlines once Agrona gives his final order despite being an eighty-year old man far past his prime.

    Janus Graeme 
One of the foremost researchers at Central Academy.
  • Bullying a Dragon: When Arthur ends up in the camp he was stationed at in Vechor during the Siege of Vildorial, Janus attempts to calm down his troops by saying that Arthur is barely clinging on to life. He is proven horribly wrong as Arthur proceeds to unleash the full power of the Destruction Godrune and obliterate everyone inside that camp.
  • Foreshadowing: When Arthur is being shown around Central Academy, the clerk giving him the tour mentions that Graeme is "a bit, well...harsh" which hints at his collusion with the Granbehls and him becoming a thorn in Arthur's side during his time at the academy.
  • Meaningful Name: Sharing a name with the two-faced god of doors and portals from Classical Mythology indicates that Janus is a metaphorically two-faced person and not one to be trusted.

    Seth Milview 
Circe's brother.
  • Abandoned War Child: An unorthodox example in that he is a child made neglected by the war rather than being a byproduct of it. Seth's sister Circe was called away to join their invasion force in Dicathen. Following her death in completing her mission, both of his parents moved to Elenoir as newly-elevated Highbloods to govern the Alacryan colony. Seth was left completely alone in his studies at Central Academy. Then his parents end up being getting killed when they get caught up in the destruction of Elenoir when Aldir uses the World Eater technique on the kingdom, leaving Seth completely alone in the world.
  • Because You Were Nice to Me: Like his teacher, Seth hated the Dicathians as the people whom his sister Circe had died fighting against as she had died to successfully complete her mission to map out the enchanted elven forest, enabling the Alacryan invasion of Elenoir. However, thanks to Arthur's influence and guidance, Seth comes to the same realization as him that the other side are as much victims of the Divine Conflict as his own side.
    Seth: (To Eleanor) Professor Grey...Um, Arthur...your brother...he was the first person who made me feel seen, like I was worth something, since Circe died. Like someone actually cared. And then I learn he's not even from this continent. It really knocked me for a loop, you know?
  • Cain and Abel: Thanks to Arthur mentoring him and imparting his values despite his prior animosity towards Circe, Seth ends up becoming a much better person than his sister.
  • Child Soldiers: The Just Plain Tragic Type. When Agrona gives out the order to begin his final assault, he conscripts every single Alacryan. Naturally despite not being an adult, Seth is forcibly conscripted on the pain of death.
  • A Fool and His New Money Are Soon Parted: Congratulations, Seth! Thanks to your sister's actions during the war, your family name has been promoted to highblood status. How unfortunate that just shortly after getting that promotion, your parents got caught up in the destruction of the kingdom your late sister helped to conquer, leaving you alone to fend for yourself in Central Academy with your newfound status meaning absolutely nothing, especially to the bullies who have picked on you for so long.
  • Foreshadowing: His introduction has him mention that he wants to a mage, just like his sister. It turns out said sister is someone Arthur has animosity towards, namely the Sentry who spearheaded the invasion of Elenoir.
  • Morality Pet: Despite his prior animosity to Highblood Milview, Arthur comes to realize that Seth is experiencing the exact same hatred towards the Dicathians that he has exhibited towards the Alacryans. As such, his mentorship of him not only changes Seth's view on the Dicathians, but his own view on the Alacryans.
  • Nerd Glasses: A highly intellectual student at Central Academy who wears glasses as well. Unsurprisingly he gets picked on by bullies for his interests.
  • Smart People Wear Glasses: He is an intellectual and his glasses are a sign of it.
  • Sole Survivor: His sister Circe died of her wounds and mana overuse upon completing her mission to build and broadcast a map of the enchanted, unnavigable Elshire Forest of Elenoir for the Alacryan army's invasion, and his parents were killed when Aldir destroyed Elenoir.

    Mayla Fairweather 

  • Child Soldiers: The Just Plain Tragic Type. When Agrona gives out the order to begin his final assault, he conscripts every single Alacryan. Naturally despite not being an adult, Mayla is forcibly conscripted on the pain of death.
  • I Choose to Stay: She is one of several individuals who choose to leave Seris's rebellion and take up Agrona on his offer of clemency. In her case, it is because of her sister Loreni, who is living in Etril.

    Enola Frost 

  • Child Soldiers: The Just Plain Tragic Type. When Agrona gives out the order to begin his final assault, he conscripts every single Alacryan. Naturally despite not being an adult, Enola is forcibly conscripted on the pain of death.
  • Hair of Gold, Heart of Gold: She has golden hair but is a sweet and genial individual.

    Tristan Severin 

    Valen Ramseyer 
Director Ramseyer's grandson.
  • Child Soldiers: The Just Plain Tragic Type. When Agrona gives out the order to begin his final assault, he conscripts every single Alacryan. Naturally despite not being an adult, Valen is forcibly conscripted on the pain of death.

Other Characters

    Steffan Vale 

  • Mr. Exposition: Arthur learns from interrogating him the basics of the Alacryan bestowal system.
  • Small Name, Big Ego: Despite proclaiming himself the scion of a powerful and influential blood, Arthur finds out from interrogating him that his boasts have little substance behind him and his family is far less prominent than he claims.

    Circe Milview 

  • Big Sister Instinct: Everything she has done is to support her little brother Seth.
  • A Fool and His New Money Are Soon Parted: Thanks to her actions and sacrificial death during the war in spearheading the conquest of Elenoir, Circe's family is promoted to highblood status. Unfortunately, her sacrifice is in vain as Aldir completely destroys the entirety of Elenoir shortly afterward.

    Corbett Denoir 
Caera's father.

    Lenora Denoir 
Caera's mother.

    Lauden Denoir 
Caera's brother.

    Maylis Tremblay 

  • I Choose to Stay: She is one of several individuals who choose to leave Seris's rebellion and take up Agrona on his offer of clemency.

    Titus Granbehl 
The patriarch of Highblood Granbehl and the father of Kalon, Ezra, and Ada.
  • Laser-Guided Karma: He and his wife attempted to frame Arthur for the deaths of their sons. Not only does Arthur kill them much later, but pins the blame for their deaths on an opposing highblood.

    Karin Granbehl 
The matriarch of Highblood Granbehl and the mother of Kalon, Ezra, and Ada.
  • Laser-Guided Karma: She and her husband attempted to frame Arthur for the deaths of their sons. Not only does Arthur kill them much later, but pins the blame for their deaths on an opposing highblood.

    Ector Ainsworth 

    Augustine Ramseyer 
Valen's cousin and the governor of Xyrus following the Alacryan conquest.

    Adaenn Umburter 

    Kayden Aphelion 
