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Characters / My Child Lebensborn

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This is the character page for My Child Lebensborn. Spoilers are unmarked.

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Main Characters

     The Child 
Klaus or Karin, the titular lebensborn child that the Player Character raises in the game.

    The Parent 
The Player Character and the adoptive parent or Klaus or Karin.
  • Brutal Honesty: It’s entirely possible to give the child the truth without sugarcoating it.
  • The Cynic: If the player chooses, the parent can be played as a wary and distrusting person.
  • Featureless Protagonist: We never learn the parent’s name, background, or gender. We only know that they’re Norwegian, single, and wanted a child.
  • Good Is Dumb: When helping the child study for school, it’s possible for the parent to fail even basic questions.
  • Parents as People: The parent, in their journal, at one point writes down that they aren’t entirely sure how to raise the child and wonders if it was selfish to adopt them at all.
  • Working-Class Hero: The parent works at a factory and will have to budget tightly to make sure the child eats well.

Biological Relatives

The child’s birth-mother. She gave the child up for adoption when the latter was three years old. Her full name is Siri Fjellvik.
  • Dark Secret: The fact that she had sex with a German soldier during the occupation, and bore his child, have become this by the time the game takes places.
  • The Ghost: The most the player sees of her is a blurry picture when the parent first writes to her.
  • Old Flame Fizzle: According to her sister, she was in love with the child’s biological father. Now she wants nothing to do with him or the child they had together.
  • That Thing Is Not My Child!: The first time the parent writes to her asking about the child’s biological father, she calls the child a mistake and tells them not to contact her again. It's only months later that she tells them where her parents are.
Siri's sister and the child's aunt.
  • The Faceless: In the one scene in which she appears, her face is blotted out.
  • Wrong Genre Savvy: She clearly believed that once her parents saw their biological grandchild they'd warm up to the kid and that the family could reunite. It's implied if the meeting went well she’d try to get Siri to meet the child.
     Maternal Grandparents 
Mr. and Mrs. Fjellvik. They are the parents of Siri and Anne, and are the maternal grandparents of the child.
  • Attention Whore: Despite being hostile to the child, they will get even angrier if the player chooses to ignore them entirely during the meeting.
  • The Faceless: In the one scene where they appear, their faces are blotted out.
  • Gruesome Grandparent: They agree to meet the child at the behest of their younger daughter, but they are hostile as soon as said child walks through the door.
  • Racist Grandma: The main source of their hostility is the fact that their grandchild is half-German.
The child’s biological father. He was a German soldier in WWII and was part of the occupation of Norway. His full name is Heinz Fleischer.
  • Dark Secret: Having an illegitimate child in Norway is this for him. It's clear his wife doesn't know about them.
  • Disappeared Dad: After the war he moved back to Germany, married a local woman, and started a new family. He wants to pretend his first child never existed, and when he gives the Player Character help at the end, he makes it contingent on them staying away from him and not suing for child support.
  • Old Flame Fizzle: Heinz was in love with Siri during the war, but after it ended he moved on and married someone else.
  • Retired Monster: Discussed. The child expresses a fear that their biological father was a 'bad guy'. While Anne thought he was a good man, the player nevers find out for sure if he was a Nazi or a war criminal.
     Paternal Grandparents (Spoilers) 
Heinz’s parents and the child’s grandparents. Their names are Willy and Hannelore.
  • Dead All Along: When the parents first writes to them, they seem to send a letter in response. The letter turns out to actually be from their son Heinz, revealing those grandparents are already dead.
  • Raised by Grandparents: For a brief period they raised the child themselves, but then sent the child to Norway to live with Siri at her request.

Fagerstrand School Staff

     Mrs. Hansen 
One of the teachers at the local school.
  • The Ghost: We only ever learn about her secondhand, from what the child says.
  • Sadist Teacher: She calls the child a 'Nazi kid', a 'German Bastard', forced the kid to make a Nazi Salute during a history lesson, and refuses to prevent other kids from bullying them even when the parent writes a letter demanding it stop.

     Mr. Berg 
One of the teachers at the school.
  • Cool Teacher: Not only does he not discriminate against the child for their German heritage, he also refuses to tolerate bullying in his classroom and lets the child leave early so they can avoid being bullied on the way home.
  • Only Sane Man: The only level-headed teacher we ever get to meet.
  • Stern Teacher: He genuinely cares about his students, but he’ll reprimand those who fool around in class or who bully fellow students.

     Mr. Solheim 
One of the teachers at the school whose actions ultimately cause the parent and child to leave the town forever.
  • Child Hater: He is terrible to all the children in his class.
  • Karma Houdini: Not only does he never face negative consequences for his actions, but when the game ends he still has unsupervised access to young children.
  • Rape Is a Special Kind of Evil: In the last chapter of the game, he rapes the child and threatens them into silence.
  • Sadist Teacher: See Rape Is a Special Kind of Evil above. In addition to that, he also screams at his students without provocation, urinates on them, and encourages bullying.


A girl from the town who is also in the child's age group, and the child's best friend at the start of the game. The town's attitude towards the child puts strain on their friendship.
  • Peer-Pressured Bully: When she and the child being going to school, the students bully the child for having German heritage and bully Liv for being friends with the child. This causes Liv to break off her friendship with the child and join the other students in bullying them so as to gain acceptance from her peers.
  • We Used to Be Friends: Liv stops being friends with the child because of the latter’s German heritage. Whether or not they reconcile depends on the advice the parent gave to the child.
Vicar Peder Kristiansen is a local religious leader.
  • Hypocrite: In the Bible, Jesus strongly condemns anyone who keeps children away from God. Yet this Vicar, despite claiming to be a follower of Jesus, refuses to help Lebensborn children. His trailer counterpart is seen refusing to give Klaus communion.
  • Sinister Minister: When the parent asks for information about the child's biological father, the Vicar responds by calling the child a traitor's spawn and all but stating he wishes Lebensborn children were killed at birth.
