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For a game that has a grimmer story than most mobile phone games on the market, it sure has its moments of hilarity.

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    Story and cutscenes 

Main campaign

  • Chapter 9 has RO635 try to negotiate with the resident Sangvis Ferri ringleader, Judge, in order to get some sort of lead on the whereabouts of M16. SOP II ends up souring negotiations because she pushes Judge's Berserk Button.
    Judge: No one shall ridicule my height, whether they be Sangvis or Griffin.
    RO635: Is THAT the important part?!
The fact that Judge even brings up Sangvis at all implies someone at SF also routinely called her a midget and got away with it. In all likelihood, it was probably Dreamer.

Operation Cube

Deep Dive

  • Two of the event's three chapters take place in Cyberspace, with Cool Code of Source interspersed in these missions' backgrounds. One of these lines of (pseudo)code seems to poke fun at the Perpetual Poverty of the Otaku subculture.
    void InDream(){ while(otaku){salary++}}
  • The beginning of Chapter 2-1 has UMP45 note that they're operating in an ELID infectee zone, to which UMP9 replies in horror. Apparently, G11 gave her that phobia because of her "The Flying Dead" marathon sessions. G11 and HK416 then get into an argument on which type of zombie movie is better, with HK416 preferring Gorn over the Humans Are Bastards cliché.
  • Chapter 2-3 reveals Destroyer's new, upgraded form, which is Cerberus, a giant Dinergate with two shoulder cannons. G11 does a Spit Take (with its own full screen CG, to boot) and has trouble explaining to UMP45 what she's seeing due to sheer disbelief, while Dreamer stifles a laugh trying to reassure Destroyer of her increased firepower and speed.
  • 3-4 reveals Destroyer's new new form, Gaia, an Older Alter Ego of sorts. G11 is, surprisingly, the first one to figure out that their new threat actually is Destroyer, only because she's still a Large Ham at heart. HK416 and UMP9 flatly agree with her, with Destroyer demanding that they at least pretend to be scared of her in response. Beating 3-4 for the first time shows that Squad 404 is still in disbelief that the "new" ringleader is Destroyer, even though she's currently handing them their collective ass in combat.

Continuum Turbulence

  • RO635 spends most of her on-screen time in chapters 1 and 2 in some mixture of annoyed, angry and miserable thanks to the new Dinergate body SOPMOD II hastily implanted her into. Her opinion of it is so negative that when SOP II and RO get to talk to the Commander again, RO requests SOP II to just report her as KIA — she'd rather be dead then let her Commander see her current state. Also, every time RO goes into a fit of rage, SOP II's body starts spazzing out comically.
  • In chapter 2, 416 is bewildered on how G&K remains functioning as a PMC after witnessing their combat efficiency (or lack thereof) against the white faction. When 416 questions Kalina about this, she says that all of their T-Dolls have their own quirks — which, considering the events of the prior Christmasnote  and Halloween eventsnote , is putting it lightly.
  • In cutscenes where a Dialogue Tree shows up, there's almost always a "joke" option, like snarking at UMP45 and asking if her hijacking of a white faction T-Doll is "verbal cosplay" or trying not-so-subtly to hit on P416 while she's acting as their temporary adjutant.
  • SOPMOD II's cafe story, which takes place shortly after Continuum Turbulence, shows the shenanigans her and RO get into after arriving safely at a temporary G&K base.
    • RO still doesn't want anybody to know she's in a Dinergate, as evidenced by the duo's encounter with Makarov, one of RO's old Palette Squad team members — she's utterly silent the whole time, and SOP II wisely plays along with her.
    • When they meet Persica, she tells the two of them to hole up in a G&K Digi-Mind server for a bit while preparing for SOP II's upgrade, which just so happens to be populated by SF rejects Ouroboros and Architect. Before the four of them break out into a fight, SOP II uses Persica's timely intervention to log out of the server, which angers RO since she's running away without even remotely attempting to help her situation.
    • SOP II gets nervous shortly before her upgrade, since Persica brings a menacing set of tools on a cart into the room, with the narration implying Persica was sporting a Slasher Smile before getting to work.
    • When SOP II returns to the server to show off her upgrades to RO, she finds that RO has remodeled the virtual space into a facsimile of their old dorm and apparently beat up Ouroboros and Architect while SOP II was logged out.

VA-11 HALL-A event

  • The Alternate Universe the event's campaign takes place in has Dorothy Haze in the position of Prime Minister. Yes, that Dorothy Haze. Think about that for a second.
  • At one point, Stella has to hack Dorothy's body and take control of it to rescue her when Anna suddenly loses her control on Dorothy. Unfortunately for her, hacking is every Lilim's Fetish (which confuses Stella to no end) and she turns beet red from her subsequent fantasizing and sprints smack dab into a wall.
    Dorothy: Hack me, Stella! Hack me hard like you've never hacked me before!!
  • The "Truth or Dare" chapter reveals that the sand rains that have been plaguing the world for the past three years isn't actually made of sand at all. It's kitty litter. IDW is a Cat Girl and, at this time, acting as the core of the Earth Computer. Dana puts two and two together with a nervous chuckle and Super Shorty is completely unamused at how the apocalypse has been delayed.
    Dana: Well, that's certainly one way to deal with a pile of shit... note 
  • Dorothy doesn't believe for a second that Jill and Anna (who, by the way, is Invisible to Normals) have the ability to save the world. When Dorothy and the rest of the crew go to her bar, they find her locked up in the back room trying to contact Anna via occult means, despite being a Virtual Ghost and not a real one. Dorothy immediately calls her a Chuunibyou (and makes fun of her Girlish Pigtails and age while she's at it).
  • The "Last Rain in the World" chapter reveals that the only reason why the world Griffin City resides in exist in the first place is because of HK416. She got so shitfaced drunk (which, to begin with, is a laughably low bar) that the resulting state of her neural cloud caused her and the "real world" nanomachine Anna to fuse with her memories and create the campaign's setting. Or, as Jill succinctly puts it:
    Jill: Our world... was born from a party...
  • Clearing "Last Rain in the World" for the first time has the fake Jill meeting the real Jill in a shared dream with the assistance of the fake Anna. For whatever reason, the fake Jill decides to present herself to the real one wearing the Model Warrior outfit and calling herself Julianne to differentiate themselves, which freaks her the hell out.
    Jill: Oh my God, you're even doing the pose.
  • The epilogue gives the context behind the Earth Computer's orders - they're formed from the negative emotions of the real Jill. The "urine and soap" part comes from a time when she had to clean up after a dog she was taking care of at her bar (presumably Rad Shiba) and the "shit-eating shit" part comes from her penchant for self-deprecation. Yes, the Earth Computer is destroying the fake Jill's world because of First-World Problems. It's especially jarring considering some of the shit that happens to her in the original game.
  • The other Alternate Universe the bartending minigame takes place in has no end to Jill's parenthesized, internal snarking at all the weird Griffin T-Dolls visiting her bar. By the time she gets to G36 (which isn't too far into the event), she can't help but wonder what kind of person Persica is to give every single T-Doll a quirky personality flaw.
    Jill: What kind of Mad Scientist makes a Doll farsighted...?
  • The events that led up to HK416's intoxicated birthing of the aforementioned Dream Land? She was being Tsundere towards her little sister G28.
    Jill: So, did you come all this way to intimidate me, or are you my customer?
    416: A beer.
    Jill: What?
    416: No, I want a Cobalt Velvet.
    Jill: You sounded like you wanted a beer just now.
    Jill: Fine, fine, no need to be so loud. (She said she wanted a beer, and then she changed it to a Cobalt Velvet, haha!)
    The results of 416's drunkenness are never actually seen on screen, but the epilogue reveals that it apparently included a tirade on the T-Dolls she hates (which just so happen to be every Griffin T-Doll featured in Jill's dream world) and dancing the marimba on top of a table.

Glory Day event

  • M950A (along with Thunder, much to her dismay) hides in the abandoned arcade she suspects her teammate AEK-999 of sneaking off to, with the intent of catching the latter red-handed in whatever it is she's been doing there. Despite her enthusiasm on conducting the "investigation" (Thunder sees it as stalking), she's the one that ends up falling asleep after two hours of waiting for AEK instead of Thunder.
  • The duo can't see what AEK is doing at her computer since she's plugged her neural cloud into it. M950A hands Thunder a jack and tells her they should both plug in too. Thunder is worried something might happen to them, but M950A, thinking AEK is just goofing around in an online chat room, thinks nothing of it, throwing in a thinly veiled Take That! at present-day programs like VRChat.
    M950A: What are you worried about? I've been to chat rooms before. They're basically social lounges. Nothing more than places where a few people dressed as anime catgirls run around asking for head pats.
  • One cutscene has the team discussing the nicknames Pocket City's residents gave them. AEK was apparently called "Sunset Rider" (after the DJMAX Portable 2 song of the same name) and insisted on changing it to "Black Rider" because it didn't sound badass enough for her.


  • HS2000's first scene paints her as a lazybones possibly on par with G11.
    HS2000: Ehhhh... I hate this... Can't I get a weaker body, the kind which I can get paid just for being cute...?
  • During M4A1 and AR-15's leg of Chapter 3, M16 briefly considers legitimately teaming up with AR-15 against the White Faction to shake them off, with a brief lapse of camaraderie like the old AR Team days. This is despite the fact that M16 and Beak are currently holding AR-15 and AN-94 hostage to get to an underground Pike Node safely. This confuses both AN-94 and Beak, and Beak in particular has something to say about a particular habit M16 apparently hasn't dropped since defecting to Sangvis Ferri:
    Beak: Huh!? Are you so drunk you've forgotten what side you're on!?
  • Judge makes her second appearance as one of the bosses in Chapter 4, and once again her height is made fun of.
    Beak: Right on time, pipsqueak.
    Judge: You little... Since we're in the middle of a mission, I'm going to let it slide this time.
  • Also in Chapter 4, RO635 throws a random jab at Beak's Cool Bike:
    RO635: The Sangvis in the driver's seat, stop right there! M16, get off that weirdly-shaped motorbike this instant!!
    Beak: Hey, my motorbike is NOT "weirdly-shaped"! What a rude Griffin doll! I'm gonna run you over with this NOT-weirdly-shaped bike!

Il Teatrino event

  • While most of the event is depressing, much like Gunslinger Girl itself, the end of the event has the Commander and Kalina rescue the simulations of the GSG girls from their decaying 60-year-old server and give them a new home on Griffin property. They were all briefly given the ability to alter their virtual space freely, much like the old server they were on, but their permissions were scaled back a bit after the recreated "Vita" castle got destroyed one too many times from mock battles.
  • Kalina was able to get the GSG girls out of their old server by bribing an old engineer friend of hers for help. Said bribe was a photo of Springfield. The Commander gets the feeling that she's being sold out, but Kalina insists that the engineer didn't request any lewd photos of her.

Bounty Feast event

  • One of the event's mechanics is the use of consumable items, one of which is a frag grenade. Echelons can throw them to deal a Percent Damage Attack to an adjacent enemy echelon... or they can throw twenty of them at once for a One-Hit Kill. The UI even lampshades this absurdity: the action button for frags usually reads "THROW/CANCEL", but it changes to "BLOW IT TO BITS/NAH NOT WORTH IT" for the one hit kill.
  • Ch. 0 - The Night Before: The event starts with RFB and MDR getting pissed off at the Survival DLC's insane difficulty. To let off some steam, RFB gives MDR the idea of posting a Clickbait Gag on Grifchan, their base's local forums, supposedly hosting a Survival tournament with $10 million on the line, simply so they can PVP against easy targets. The Commander calls the post out on its sketchiness, but Kalina insists on taking it at face value regardless since their base is in dire financial straits.

    When The Commander and Kalina finally get to log in, they get destroyed by RFB and MDR mere minutes into their first game. Karma bites the latter duo hard as they run into the dreaded "MIKE" disconnection error - twice, at that - with RFB screaming at MDR as they scramble to try and get back in before something kills them while they're disconnected. The scene is even accompanied by a screenshot of the actual disconnection error from the original game!
  • Ch. 1 - Hudson Refugee Camp: In the mission's intro, PP-90, R93, K5 and Vector discuss having to deal with human frailties like hunger and hypothermia as part of Survival's gameplay loop. As soon as Vector mentions prioritizing warm clothes first, this happens:
    System: Player "Pink Nyan Nyan Punch" has died of hypothermia.
    R93: Ehh? Who's "Pink Nyan Nyan Punch"?!
    The outro reveals that G11 is Pink Nyan Nyan Punch, who proclaims the name is something deeply profound that 416 wouldn't understand. The name offends 416 enough that she allows G11 to loot the NPCs 416 killed earlier, just to get the name off of her UI. Humorously, this doesn't work anyway, as the game goes on to spam system announcements detailing what G11 looted. Unfortunately, she didn't loot any clothes, which promptly causes her to die of hypothermia, accompanied by two hilariously unique cut-ins: 416 uncharacteristically reacting with Blank White Eyes and G11's hypothermia being portrayed as a Human Popsicle and Giving Up the Ghost.
  • Ch. 2 - New York Public Library: M870, P7, ART556 and VSK-94 take down a group of Rikers in the name of justice. M870 tries to take a selfie only for Dima to butt in and warn about delaying the mission, which gets her pissed off. After complaining about not having a setting to turn Dima off, VSK-94 similarly complains about heroic-sounding music that's starting to grate her, which doesn't seem to be a part of The Division itself. P7 then quips that it was part of her "law enforcement mixtape". VSK makes P7 turn it off, much to her chagrin, then the normal soundtrack from The Division resumes playing.
  • Ch. 3 - Grand Central Terminal: In the mission's epilogue, K5 and R93 have to split up shortly after entering the Dark Zone to shake off Fang, who decides to try and kill R93 first. R93 only manages to survive because of a glitch - she trips over something while walking backwards from Fang and "vanishes", with the scene afterwards calling for help in a featureless void. It's largely implied that she clipped through the floor. Anyone who's played the original game extensively probably got a chuckle out of this, considering most of the game's myriad clipping glitches were in the Dark Zone and abused by PVP players. The reference to these glitches was actually more explicit in early versions of the event's Chinese script, but Ubisoft found this a little too accurate and ordered that part to be rewritten. Depending on who you ask, their reaction to this scene could be funny too.
  • Epilogue: When it's revealed that the "NPC" Dima is really a crossplaying Dier, everybody finds it repulsive. Even the normally stoic Vector quips "Unforgivable." in response to this fact. Also, Dier caused the events of Bounty Feast simply by employing too much Percussive Maintenance on his terminal - it ends up shorting out at one point, causing him to get stuck in the game and corrupting Agent 416 into Fang. The Survival tournament was just a ruse to get literally anyone to help him log out. The very end of the event has Sier sending an anonymous e-mail to the Commander apologizing for all of Dier's stupidity.
  • AK-47's side story:
    • "Chug It!": AK-47, A-91, and SKS, in their drunken stupor, manage to convince the straight-laced VSK-97 into joining their tournament team by telling the latter that it's her chance to impress the commander, being relatively new at the base. The three drunkards also make it no secret they want the $10 million solely for a lifetime supply of vodka.
    • "Pickled Cucumber!": The chapter starts after SKS and VSK-97 are no longer present in the party. When they come across Vector and PP-90, AK-47 and A-91 hide behind cover, with the former trying to formulate a plan by invoking Inner Monologue Conversation and comical hand signals. A-91 gives an OK, thinking they're about to jump the other pair. When she goes to hold them up, she gives a bombastic speech about their imminent demise, then gives AK-47 the signal to ambush them... except she's not there. A-91 runs away in embarrassment while Vector and PP-90 are mulling over what just happened - after a quick call to AK, it's revealed she's already in the Dark Zone, and AK insists she explained everything clearly with her hand signals. The chapter ends with A-91 formulating a plan to blow Vector and her squad to bits with the explosives she looted at a Dark Zone entrance in revenge.
    • "Big Ivan!": AK's boredom in the Dark Zone gets interrupted by an explosion at the gate she entered from, finding out that A-91 blew herself up along with four other players. AK revels at the chance to gear up with all of their loot and goes on a rampage in the Dark Zone (still half-drunk), killing NPCs left and right. When she comes across HK416 trying to shake off a group of Rogue Agents on her tail, she goes full-on Blood Knight and tries to get after her, even taking the time to explain to 416 that her run was boring and she never got the chance to shoot any other players until now. However, she steps on something in her pursuit and realizes too late that it was a mine 416 set up for her Rogue Agent pursuers, only having a split second to say:
      AK-47: Cyka blyat...
  • Vector's side story - "A Large Target": Vector and PP-90 realize they drew the short end of the stick after splitting off from K5 and R93, starving to death and having only one ration between them. Vector orders PP-90 to eat the ration, even threatening her with her weapon, and the whole scene is treated as utterly serious with depressing background music... then Mood Whiplash sets in as PP-90 unceremoniously dies with comically drawn Blank White Eyes and a system announcement that "Not A Wig They're Drills" just perished. The subsequent CG of Vector kneeling over a gray loot beam cinches the juxtaposition.
  • M870's side story:
    • "Alcohol Detector": M870, ART556 and P7 are in a parking garage discussing how to enforce the law in Manhattan (read: M870 is acting all high-and-mighty). After settling on their first destination, ART556 secretly plants a Sticky Bomb on P7's back, intent on winning their prank duel before P7 is even aware it begun. 556 tries to pull an I Need to Go Iron My Dog excuse to get away from the blast radius, but P7 insists on going with her, ending up getting into a fight and flinging the bomb's detonator onto a nearby car. M870 picks it up in the scuffle, having no idea what it is (she thinks it contains catnip) and ends up triggering the bomb by mistake.

      Meanwhile, AK-47 and her team find themselves at the aforementioned parking garage, almost randomly in the midst of their soda-induced drunkenness (minus VSK-94). AK tosses an empty bottle down the entrance ramp expecting nothing to happen, then they hear ART556's sticky bomb go off. When nothing happens afterwards, AK-47, A-91 and SKS quite literally tumble down the ramp to bum rush any potential enemies, much to the confusion of M870's team lying in wait. VSK decides to scout the garage to get a moment away from the three drunkards. While AK's team searches for a usable vehicle, they reminisce on bad drunk driving experiences that caused the Commander to get fined, which gives M870 the bright idea of getting her team to arrest the three on "drunk driving charges". Humorously, it works, with the three drunkards sprinting back up the entrance ramp in fear of them. M870 offers VSK a spot in their team when she returns, to which she accepts eagerly.
    • "Scales of Justice": M870 and VSK are seen trying to pursue an unknown team (later revealed to be Springfield's team in her story), but they end up losing sight of 556 and P7 during the chase. When VSK suggests finding them, M870 goes and brings up VSK's perennial sore point:
      M870: ...What are you, a helicopter parent hovering outside a daycare? Relax, P7 and ART556 aren't kids. They can take care of themselves.
      VSK-94: W-what do you mean by hovering around outside a daycare? Anyway, I tried contacting them just now, but I couldn't get through. Their signals have been jammed.
      M870: Don't worry. A kidnapper's going to call and demand ransom soon.
      VSK-94: ...
      M870: I was just KIDDING. You know, to lighten the mood and all that? Don't go taking it so seriously.
Vector later stumbles on M870 and VSK arguing about the former's rather aggressive stance on justice. The stupidity of the argument causes Vector to attempt to walk away, but M870 ends up stopping her, accusing her of "assaulting a police officer" after a random stone hit her in the head. When M870 fails to actually pin any crimes on her, she gets desperate and proudly proclaims Vector is guilty of "illegal possession of firearms". In a third person shooter.
Their argument devolves into a duel, with the two of them dumping their belongings onto a baffled Vector for more mobility. M870 ultimately loses despite her bravado. When she relents and admits VSK is right and they should look for 556 and P7, the game announces that "Deputy No. 556" and "Deputy No. 7" died to random NPCs. VSK tries to kill M870 again in newfound livid rage, but M870 counters her with a grenade. VSK counters right back by pinning M870 on the ground before she can get out of the blast radius. One Smash Cut later, a dozed-off Vector is startled awake by an explosion and system announcements of the deaths of "Manhattan Killer Cop" and "I'm Really Not a Kidnapper".
  • Springfield's side story:
    • "Stir the Ingredients": Type 97 convinces Springfield and MP7 to join the Survival tournament by talking about a hypothetical "Kingdom of Sweets", appealing to both Springfield via her cafe possibly getting $10 million in funding and MP7 via her Sweet Tooth.

      At the start of their game (with AA-12 joining their team sometime in the interim), Springfield warns Type 97 to approach the gray loot beam outside of their safe house with caution, since they don't know the game mechanics yet. 97 quips that The Division isn't Bright Souls or Bloodblessed, assuming the developers aren't that sadistic. After she picks up and drinks a bottle of water, she gets excited since "everything is transparent". MP7 immediately covers herself up and calls 97 a perv, to which she clarifies that the buildings are transparent and she can see loot behind the walls. She dubs the buff "Eye of the Snow Wolf" in her excitement, with MP7 cringing and calling her naming sense Chuunibyou. Meanwhile, AA-12 is preoccupied taking several photos of the game environment, thinking the scenery looks cool. After a few minutes, Springfield realizes they have plenty of food and drink, but are lacking in warm clothing and ammo. After the team speculates whether or not hypothermia can actually kill them, "Pink Nyan Nyan Punch" dies of exactly that, to 97 surprised and the others' Stunned Silence. They rush into a nearby safehouse and then discuss who gets what supplies. 97, out of boredom, starts trying to headbutt AA-12, but she whiffs after AA-12 dodges and 97 ends up in a wall. After Springfield notes that the teams aren't fixed, 97 feigns fear and wonders if there's friendly fire. She decides to test this by winding up to punch Springfield, then fakes out and tackles AA-12 (much to her chagrin), sending them tumbling into the wall again.
    • "Cut and Decorate": Springfield's team is recovering in a safehouse after a skirmish against M870 and her squad. AA-12 nonchalantly reveals she was still trying to take screenshots during the battle, with MP7 getting mad at her and claiming she'd rather solo the mobs outside rather than look at her "stupid screenshots". AA-12 shows her album to 97 and Springfield, who really like the pictures. When MP7 tries to sneak a peek, AA-12 reminds her of what she just said, to the former's disappointment. The team head out to a nearby landmark after Springfield asks Dima of a way to get better gear and supplies quickly.

      97's hyperactive imagination kicks in again as they set out - she treats the act of giving MP7 a water bottle as if it were some sort of spell that grants enlightenment. Later, when they find a lone soda can consumable in the middle of the road, 97 cooks up a random but feasible story of a girl in despair who lets herself get killed by rioters after her dog dies, with the soda can being the only proof of her existence. After they wipe the floor with the next few landmarks, the team decides to head off in the Dark Zone, but they're interrupted by Vector yelling PP-90's name in despair. When they go to check up on her, 97 starts spinning up more somewhat feasible tall tales about Vector's predicament, which even MP7 starts believing in. At Springfield's suggestion, they forego the chance to ambush Vector and leave her alone to mourn.

      The end of the chapter cuts away to Kalina's betting pool in the Commander's briefing room, with a pair of unnamed T-Dolls sharing this exchange after seeing Vector on the screen:
      Doll A: (sniffles) Vivi and PP-90 have such a touching bond...
      Doll B: Weren't you still calling her Vector yesterday?
      Doll A: I now know that she's cold on the outside but warm on the inside! I want to be her friend and lie in her arms and have her look at me...
      Doll B: ...You should start by curing your habit of falling for pretty girls at the drop of a hat.
    • "Story of Baking": Springfield's team decide to meet up at a nearby Dark Zone checkpoint, but Springfield and AA-12 are concerned about a nearby landmark boss they haven't managed to find yet. When MP7 and 97 get close to their position, they find a pile of explosives and dump some Molotovs and gear to make room for them. Unfortunately, A-91, the owner of said explosives, shows up just in time to threaten to kill them for stealing her stuff. Springfield tries to negotiate a trade with her, offering up their surplus gear for her explosives, but the stubborn and drunk A-91 doesn't budge. 97 attempting to steal the explosives regardless of the negotiation only further sours her mood. When Springfield's squad sees the boss they were worried about earlier creeping behind A-91 (with one of the discarded Molotovs from earlier, to boot), A-91 thinks she's trying to trick her and refuses to look back until she gets hit by the boss's Molotovs. This tips her over her Rage Breaking Point, claiming even NPCs are bullying her now, and she shoots the nearby explosives to take Springfield's squad with her into her Rage Quit. The story closes with AA-12 figuring that the explosions would make for an awesome final screenshot.
  • UMP45's side story:
    • "Hide Behind the Wall!": Shortly after G11's hypothermia-induced death, the remaining three members of Squad 404 discuss the game mechanics and plan for their win. Their thoughts are interrupted by a stumbling and drunk SKS in the middle of the street, complaining about the rest of her team abandoning her and trying to look for a functional car. 45 tells the other two to let her go, then uncharacteristically and silently changes her mind as she headshots SKS. When 416 asks her what the hell she's doing, 45 explains that looking at SKS made her feel like she was back in a shooting range again, feeling the need to shoot her. 416 also asks 45 what the deal is with her username, "aaaa", after it shows up in the system announcements. She remarks that it's for "psychological damage" like G11's "Pink Nyan Nyan Punch", saying it'd be embarrassing for her opponents to be killed by someone with her name. 416 retorts that the first victims of her "psychological damage" would be her teammates, since the names would be on their UI the whole time.
    • "Hide Inside the Bushes!": 45 finds herself utterly amused this whole chapter watching the shenanigans of the M870 and Springfield squads. When Squad 404 eventually finds M870, VSK and Vector by their lonesome, 45 orders 9 to toss a pebble at M870's head, hoping to spark some sort of conflict. 45 gets more than she bargained for as she completely loses her shit watching M870's overzealous cop roleplay against Vector, with the "illegal possession of firearms" bit being her favorite part.
    • "Hide Inside the Bug!": While the chapter's mostly a serious life-or-death battle between 416 and Hellfire, the way the battle kicks off is the funny part - backed into a corner with nowhere to run, 45 flashbangs Hellfire and 416, with 45 trolling the latter the whole time she's stunned before she fades into the snowstorm. 416 ends up channeling her anger against 45 at Hellfire and her squad.
  • RFB's side story - "Connection Successful": RFB and MDR have been waiting forever to try and get back into their game, with MDR thinking about throwing in the towel. RFB's insistence on counting down their successful connection just makes her want to Rage Quit even more. However, RFB's persistence pays off - after nearly hanging at 99% on the game's startup loading screen, they find themselves back in their Survival session... long after it's over, when there's no more noobs to pick off.

    The rest of the game 
  • Two of the ingame furnitures has Architect, one of the SF Bosses, disguised in a Shark Suit or as a Goliath. Let that sink in for a bit. The "Slumber Party" set instead features her in an equally silly green cartoon dinosaur outfit.
  • Architect in general. She's one of the most lovable SF Bosses due to her Cloudcuckoolander tendencies, obsessive need to set up cannons all over the place and her love of EXPLOSIONS. For crying out, she has a gun that fires NUKES.
  • In most cases, if the game has trouble transferring data, a message that's usually straightforward appears in the bottom right corner telling the player what the game is trying to do. If said action is tapping a heart above a T-Doll's head in the dormitory, the message is an amusingly short "pat pat".
  • Some of the Flavor Text for the Sangvis Ferris furniture set paint Destroyer as the apparent Butt-Monkey of their base. The Controls Console, despite being a set of four touchscreens, has a keyboard to accompany Destroyer's short stature, the Outdoor Balcony wall decoration's description points out that Architect often accidentally bonks Destroyer in the face with the door, and Agent had to put out a notice to get both Architect and Destroyer to stop treating the Multipurpose Table like a chair. At least one fan artist speculates that the table is, in fact, a landmine.
  • When the Flavor Text isn't characterised by melancholy or cryptic ruminations, the sheer acerbity of the game's descriptions of equipment and furniture could give the descriptions in Destiny a run for their money:
    16Lab Thermoptic Cape: The secret to 16Lab's high quality cloak is to order 1000 cloaks from IOP, rebrand the best 10 with 16Lab's logo, and then destroy the rest.
    Game Department - Chair: A famous ergonomic chair, able to effectively reduce the probability of employees leaving their computer.
    New World - Wall Lamp: Pull once for light, pull once more for more light. Give it a firm tug, and you'll never be able to turn it off.
    Museum Trip - Dinosaur Skeleton: Its elegant appearance is far more beautiful than the corpulent mammals, so Homo Sapiens gave them feathers out of spite and envy.
    Elite Griffin Combat Medal: Awarded to the Commander and the T-Dolls under their command to commend their unique and outstanding service. "Rest assured, there won't be a next time, just like the World Wars."
  • Speaking of the Game Department set, many of the pieces' Flavor Text are loaded with Biting-the-Hand Humor, often containing thinly veiled jabs at standard game industry employee abuses. Also, one of the wall decorations happens to be a barred-up second story room labeled "Producer" with 6P62note  jailed inside of it.
  • While many of the T-Doll's optional costumes are often cute, sexy, awesome or some combination of the three, some are just nonsensical and even downright hilarious. Example include Negev's Little Vagrant Outfit which makes her into an adorable child with cute and funny animations to match while WA2000's Halloween outfit or rather her Halloween outfit's damage portrait which has her being menaced by a ghost as it whacks WA2000 with a WA2000.
  • The fact that Helian keeps failing to snag a date from mixers.
  • Wanna know the reason why most of the T-Dolls are a bit quirky? It maybe because they're all made from the same technology that was helped in development by the resident Crazy Cat Lady Mad Scientist who Must Have Caffeine at all times.
  • Some of the headlines for the random events are hilarious in their implications:
    • "A great victory for the Anti-War Group! Griffin fulfilled their promise and reduced ammo supplies stored at their HQ warehouse". The event: you receive some ammo. Hey, it's not being stored at the Griffin HQ anymore
    • "According to reports, a massive amount of expired food has entered the black market. Experts warn citizens to watch their nutritional intake". The event: you receive a number of MREs...
    • Nodes that trigger a swarm of Dinergates to attack are capped by a news ticker warning civilians not to pick up any dog-like robots.
    • Earning Memory Fragments from a random node has the following appear:
      Griffin released yet another report on T-Doll rights: "You want me to be free, but all I just want is ice cream."
  • One of the newer MADCORE patch installation Yonkoma talks about Friend Echelons. The topic is illustrated by a female Griffin commander siccing a comically muscular MP5 from another echelon on Executioner, who German Suplexes her.
    Executioner: At least fight me with your gun!
    MP5: You use a sword.
    Executioner: Damn. You have a point.
    (the next panel depicts Executioner at a Sangvis Ferri bar, downing a beer and bawling her eyes out)
The animated version skips this dialogue completely and gets straight to the point by having MP5 slam Executioner head first into the ground with one hand and start flexing afterwards. Oh, and Executioner's now downing an entire keg of beer at the bar scene.
  • Another 4koma, this time relating to Fairies, has one panel where the Commander's echelon is hiding behind the Taunt Fairy with her usual troll face and double finger guns pose, while a Sangvis Ferri mook is yelling at them for being dirty cowards. Meanwhile, the Training Dummy's monitor depicts 6P62, as in the Taunt Fairy's 5★ CG, but with a shit-eating grin.
  • The Flavor Text for Fairy Commands, when one receives them in the form of an item from an achievement, has the following comment tacked on at the end:
    "Some guess that there is a cap on Fairy Commands because the Fairies are just that lazy."
  • The more mundane events that show up in Expedition logs (that is to say, almost everything that isn't an ECHO) are randomly generated and can produce some hilarious moments, especially when they're completely out-of-character for the T-Doll the game has decided to pair the event log with.
  • Protocol Assimilation battles, despite clearly taking place in Cyberspace, always end with the echelon's front column spraying the enemy leader with riot foam, however the heck that works. The leader's portrait then expresses a random emoticon (usually one of bewilderment or dismay) as if to lampshade that the tactic was Crazy Enough to Work.
  • G11's Digimind Upgrade gives her an entire mini-fridge on wheels full of Red Bull and a drinking hose as her unique equipment. Judging from her MOD 3 artwork, she brings it everywhere she goes, and her damaged art has her drinkng its last can.
  • The Bounty Feast-exclusive furniture set has Bullet King show up as the set's Set Bonus, referencing a boss of the same name in The Division who became memetic due to the sheer number of times the player base has farmed him for loot.
  • Speaking of Bounty Feast, the various in-game names the Dolls take up can be amusing. AK-47's crew are all a Bland-Name Product of vodka; save for VSK-94, who's named "I'm Really Not a Kidnapper". PP-90 goes by "Not a Wig They're Drills", and Am RFB calls herself "AP Ammo-Nada". Best names go to 404 Squadron - 416 is irritated at her allies' name choices; Gr G11 is "Pink Nyan Nyan Punch", UMP45 is "aaaa", and UMP9 figures she might as well go by "Reina". 416 has probably never heard of not throwing stones in glass houses, because she goes by "Blue Roar".
  • Having an assimilated Mook as your secretary shows how they get around being The Speechless - they're only capable of "communicating" in written onomatopoeia, goofy emoticons, and Morse code.
  • G11's "Fluffy Kart" damaged art has to take the cake for the most funniest damaged art in the game- rather than take a pose that shows them damaged, G11 instead somehow inexplicably sizes up into an adult-sized figure. This is doubly ironic since she's the shortest of the 404 team, yet she takes on a form that is definitely not fitting of Children's Day.

    Non-game media 
  • Girls Frontline Healing Chapter:
    • A good two-thirds of the anime preview is the AR and 404 squads, as chibis, doing weird, over the top things like UMP45 and UMP9 charging headfirst into battle, with the former riding the latter like a mount, and UMP45 trading punches with M4A1 Dragon Ball Z style, complete with battle auras. Kalina even lampshades how ridiculous the premise is at the end of the trailer.
    • Episode 1:
      • After spending roughly the first minute summing up the game's setting like a Recap Episode, the narration ends abruptly on "That... what how the story should've gone" while UMP45 and M4A1 Art Shift into chibis.
      • The rest of the episode is 45 and M4 fighting over a slice of cake, trying to stab each other with their forks and eventually gaining battle auras in the process. 45 tries to rope the rest of Squad 404 into helping her, but they don't do a very good job at it - UMP9 is preoccupied with her play fight against SOP II and HK416 is too busy throwing forks at M16 to catch the cake 45 just flung in her direction. It ends up getting eaten by G11 (while asleep, no less), much to the shock of everyone else.
    • Episode 2:
      • The first half is G11 sneaking sips of the drinks everyone else in 404 is having, but she ends up having trouble doing so for 416's tall plastic bottle. 416 pushes it over and the scene turns into something out of a Yuri Genre Shōjo anime with an Art Shift and both sporting a Luminescent Blush... which quickly goes nowhere as G11 tries to run away with the whole bottle. Cue 416 giving G11 a Facepalm of Doom.
      • The second half has G11 waiting on the next set of daily dorm batteries while the rest of 404 is away from the base. She tries moving her pillow next to the battery container so she at least wakes up next to it, but ends up not sleeping well due to some rather bizarre dreams, the last of which involves the battery container next to her and wooing her back to sleep. Squad 404 returns just in time to watch a full battery container retracting into the ceiling, with UMP45 looking completely unamused.
    • Episode 3: SOPMOD II mistakes ST AR's necktie for a set of speakers. So what does she do? She not only "fixes" them (somehow), but also gives them a POWER UP, which causes them to blast an inane tune at full volume.
      M16A1: I say, your taste in music is really weird.
    • Episode 4: The UMP sisters show off their... unique relationship with 45 riding 9 into battle, with M16 in awe of their "tactical prowess". Later that day, 9 gives 45 a Christmas present - a red collar that she thought looked nice. When 45 gets offended and sticks 9 in a pillory with a chain leash to take her on a walk, the latter is completely clueless as to why she's so angry and starts panicking. After their walk, they wonder where HK416 and G11 are, with 45 jokingly saying "they probably went home to make out". Sure enough, they find both of them in their room, with G11 asleep and hugging wrapped-in-a-sleeping-bag 416.
    • Episode 6: The whole episode is a Dream Sequence M4A1 is having, and it's utterly bizarre. It's probably best to just watch the episode, because it's hard to explain.
      YouTube commenter: Who laced M4's rations with LSD?
    • Episode 7: HK416 finds out that Kalina has been selling merchandise themed after herself on G&K's shopping channel. She storms out of her dorm absolutely psycho and proceeds to destroy all of the merch (by running past it) and everyone involved in its production and consumption (by simply appearing, Slenderman style for Kalina and for the animators, jumping out of the screen, Sadako-style), which might have also involved going after the audience.
    • Episode 8: SOPMOD II's wacky Gadgeteer Genius tendencies get turned up to eleven here, as she somehow manages to make a Transforming Mecha that can tank the Jupiter Cannon out of random rocks she's been picking up off-screen. Unfortunately for her, she forgot to consider the mech's power consumption, so she can't do anything other than tanking. The only way she's able to defeat the Jupiter Cannon is with a Self-Destruct Mechanism, accompanied by sad piano music as it goes off. AR-15 lampshades how sudden and dumb the plot development was at the end of the episode.
    • Episode 9: Squad 404 finds out the hard way how long it takes to furnish a dorm through free-to-play means. Might hit too close to home depending on who's watching. Also, in every scene where 404 is in the empty dorm, G11 is playing the part of the rolling tumbleweed.
    • Episode 10: Ascended Fanon: The Episode. UMP45 gets jealous over 416's Hidden Buxom on her Starry Cocoon costume (but not without fawning a little first). When 9 says "I'll support you!", she assumes 9 is calling her flat-chested and tries to slap her for it, but ends up accidentally slapping 416's chest. Also most, but not all, instance of breasts and moaning are Censored for Comedy.
    • The Japanese dub of each episode ends in a live-action stinger featuring a paper cutout of a frame from the episode, with weird things happening out of focus behind the cutout.
  • Girls Frontline Madness Chapter:
    • Episode 1:
      • UMP45 and UMP9 finally get a furnished dorm. Unfortunately for them, it's furnished with the Game Department set, and 6P62 is locked up in the second floor office like she always is. The UMP sisters mistake her for some sort of monster, with Super Shorty and Skorpion jumping in to save them with a door kick and Molotov, respectively. Well, that would've been the case had Shorty not completely failed at kicking the door in. Skorpion is then forced to torch the rest of the dorm because her skill's gameplay mechanics dictate that she throw it automatically.
      • The second segment has FNC randomly finding a lavish cake in the kitchen, having a Good Angel, Bad Angel moment where FNC punches the good angel away, then trips and faceplants into some red substance on the floor while sprinting towards the cake, getting it in her eyes. While looking for someone to help her out, she freaks out M1987, who reacts as if she just saw a monster and sprays her cleaning spray at FNC full force.
      • In the last segment, P38 and MP40 are complaining about how much of a slave driver Springfield seems to be with her chores, carrying steaming washtubs full of some brown liquid. MP40 spills some of hers on P38's face while ranting about how easy the expedition teams have it, causing her to turn around and ask if she's okay, only to have the door behind her swing open, spilling all of her washtub on P38, with PPS-43 at the doorway nonchalantly announcing the Great Success they just got at their expedition.
    • Episode 2:
      • G11 tries to escape her expedition duties by having IDW and Five-seveN substitute her with a cardboard cutout (with a flaming background, no less) when meeting up for a briefing in G36's room. It actually almost works thanks to G36's poor eyesight, but the ruse falls apart when she recalls how sleepy G11 usually is.
      • M14, IDW and Skorpion find themselves trapped inside a wood cabin in the middle of a raging snowstorm. IDW tries to relieve her boredom by rushing out the front door, only to have the snow outside fall on her and prop the door open. Skorpion, in response to the cold, lights up a pile of her Molotovs in the corner of the room, which predictably sets the whole cabin ablaze, with M14 running out of the cabin with the two idiots in tow and chastizing them for their stupidity.
    • Episode 3:
      • F1 and ARX-160 come across a Fairy, with Cuteness Proximity hitting the latter hard. The Fairy doesn't take F1's smothering hug well and detonates a Claymore mine to her face just to get away, humorously leaving green pellets stuck all over her face. ARX, while stifling a laugh, leads F1 somewhere to sit and help her recover from disorientation. Unfortunately for F1, that "somewhere" is on top of one of the Landmine Fairy's potted plant mines, which sends F1 flying through the roof of the building they're in.
      • M38 introduces MP7 to her new dorm, which is water park-themed. MP7 takes the time to enjoy the outside view, only to discover that the "windows" are really elaborate posters. When M38 introduces the rest of her new unit, MP 7 gets another surprise in the form of her squad leader, "P38", being yet another poster (which, humorously, was hiding IDW).
      • FNC warn M14 to not stand behind Super Shorty in combat. Confused, M14 tells FNC that Shorty has good armor values, only for a stray bullet to fly over Shorty's head, rendering her point moot. Notably, Super Shorty is the only shotgun in the game with high evasion rather than armor, meaning M14 was completely wrong in her assumption. There's also the fact that evaded bullets in the anime-verse still exist after missing, which M14 finds out the hard way.
