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Fanfic / Unleashing of a Dark Night

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It started off as a typical "stop Eggman before he does something bad" plot for Sonic as he made his entrance on the Mad Doctor's flagship.

Except it wasn't. Eggman was waiting for this moment, and he depowered Sonic's Super form and took the Chaos Emeralds for himself to awaken Dark Gaia, the god of darkness, sending Sonic falling back down to Mobius, where things are about to change on a drastic scale.

When the planet breaks apart and Dark Gaia's minions appear, the ensuing battle leaves Tomoya the Volt with nothing else to do to save Sonic's life when he's hurt.

The next morning, both Sonic and Tomo's Chao companion, Hanami, are not feeling like themselves, leaving their friends wondering what the previous night's events had to do with it.

That was only the beginning. With Light Gaia by their side and Sonic having been granted a new nightly ability, Sonic and Tomo ready themselves for an adventure to save the world before darkness consumes it forever.

Unleashing of a Dark Night is an ongoing Sonic the Hedgehog and Puyo Puyo Crossover Fanfic posted on Archive of Our Own. It is an Alternate Universe to Sonic Unleashed taking place in a world where both Sonic and Puyo Puyo characters share the same world. Written by FubukiVolt under the aliases PuyoVolt and SonicVolt with art by LeslietheLuna on Twitter, this take on Sonic's initially-controversial adventure is sure to speed into the hearts of readers.

It can be read here.

In April 2024, the author announced it was on hiatus.

Beware of unmarked spoilers.

Unleashing of a Dark Night provides examples of:

  • Adaptational Context Change: Eggman awakened Dark Gaia to use as an energy source for his plan for world domination in the original game. Here, he awakens Dark Gaia in order for the latter to take over the world, though he mentions in Chapter 65 that he intends to conquer the world alongside the Eldritch Abomination.
    • The same could also go for how Chip gets called, well, "Chip". In the original game, a stop to get some ice cream in Spagonia has Sonic name him after the chocolate chip cream sundae supreme served there. Here, Tomo names him after that during the group's first encounter with him because that was what she was thinking about at the time.
  • Adaptational Early Appearance: Dark Gaia's minions when the world breaks apart. Heck, they even battle everyone as soon as they spot them for the first time!
  • Adaptational Explanation: Why the Werehog is called the Werehog, as revealed by Tails in a flashback in Chapter 6 after explaining that a WereMobian's transformation is only painful if forced upon them.
    Sonic: Good. I wouldn't want to feel like I'm being torn into pieces when turning into a… (pauses) I still don't know what a WereMobian hedgehog's called.
    Tails: Exactly what you think. A Werehedgehog. However, since that sounds like a very long name, researchers like me like to refer to it by a shorter term: Werehog.
  • Adaptational Gender Identity: Dark Gaia's gender was ambiguous in the original game, yet referred to as male; here, he is explicitly stated as male. The same case occurs with the Gaia Phoenix, who in the story is also male.
  • Adaptational Late Appearance: Both Sonic's Werehog form and Chip are introduced slightly later than from the original story in the first few chapters, the Werehog due to Tomo being the one who turns Sonic into said form instead of Eggman, and Chip was met by Atari and the rest of the Spacetime Detective Agency following the evacuation of everyone else to different parts of Mobius.
  • A Form You Are Comfortable With: Despite her true form actually not being a full-blooded Chao, instead being that of a large Dark Gaia spawn/Chao hybrid, Hana chooses to be in Chao form as she grew up in that form.
  • Affectionate Nickname: Tomo tends to call Roquier "Roki".
  • Always Need What You Gave Up: Sonic isn't as fast in his Werehog form, but as long as he has the bracelet Chip gave him that can also let him become the Werehog during the day (and only during that time), he can run at the speed of sound when necessary...but only while he wears it, as he finds out the hard way in Chapter 36.
  • Amusing Injuries: If Hana bites you, expect this to happen. Notable examples are Satan in chapters 19 and 24, and Eight and Zero in Chapter 34.
  • And Here He Comes Now: In Chapter 8, while Eggman revels in what Dark Gaia's awakening has done:
    Eggman: If only Sonic were here to— (Sonic, Tomo, and Hana arrive on the scene) Oh, speak of the devil.
  • And Then John Was a Zombie: Starting from Chapter 51 onwards, there are times in which Tomo will turn into something that looks just like her normal self and/or Rage Form (both variations), but with similarities to the Dark Gaia spawn that she and the others have been fighting (because WereMobians are related to the Dark Gaia spawn and once served Dark Gaia). Fortunately, she never becomes evil.
  • Arc Words: "Dark" and/or "darkness".
  • Ate It All: While in Chun-nan, none of the meat buns the group (here consisting of Sonic, Tomo, Hana, Chip, Witch, and Draco) finds are safe from Tomo's hunger. The realization of which sets off one of Tomo's little "episodes".
  • Attack Hello: How Draco greets Tomo in Chapter 42. More specifically, launching into her from behind.
  • Author Appeal: The author was mainly motivated by wishing that Sonic's Werehog form was going to remain a thing after the Dark Gaia Energy responsible for it in the first place being absorbed by Dark Gaia, also discarding any chances for a Super Werehog form, showcased in one of her posts on her Twitter account.
  • Awful Truth: WereMobians used to serve Dark Gaia as his minions.
  • Belly Mouth: Hana's Dreaded Nightmare form has this. There's even an eye above it.
  • Berserk Button: Call Tomo an animal or compare her to one. See what happens. Of course, there's also trying to hurt her friends or stopping her from getting food...
  • Beyond the Impossible: Tomo manages to use Chaos Control, something no WereMobian has been known to do, in Chapter 28, and Sonic is able to go Super with only four of the seven Chaos Emeralds, using only his determination, in Werehog form, restoring the aforementioned fourth Chaos Emerald before placing it on the altar, in Chapter 45.
  • Big Bad: Dark Gaia.
  • Big Damn Heroes: Satan pulls this off in Chapter 17 to save Tails and Chip from a berserk Hana.
  • Big Eater: Tomo, as established in Chapter 7 with a mention of how everything she eats will immediately be used as fuel for her pyrokinetic and electrokinetic energies, and Chapter 42 establishes that she has to keep eating, or else the aforementioned energies will overwhelm her body and she will go out of control.
  • Bishōnen Line: The Metal Were is increasingly bulkier in its first two stronger forms... Then its strongest form comes up, and it's technically a giant, humanoid robot samurai that looks nothing like its previous form without taking some recognizable traits into consideration. Even Tomo's confused the first time she sees it.
    Tomo, internally: Holy crap. Eggman didn't have to go this hard on this one.
  • Bold Inflation: Mainly used for when Tomo's angry or in her Were form (the former case may also be italicized), but also when a character is outright screaming as loud as they can (also being italicized as well), but otherwise used for emphasis.
  • Brain Bleach: Mentioned and lampshaded in Chapter 38 when the gang sees one of the Dark Moray's extensions.
    Sonic: Can somebody tell me why this is here again?
    Tomo: Beats me, Sonic.
    Rulue: Definitely a horrid sight.
    Schezo: Disgusting.
    Tails: I never want to remember this again for as long as I live once the world is fixed.
    Atari: If there really was such a thing as brain bleach, I'd want to pour it all over myself, not gonna lie.
    Chip: Atari, what's bleach?
  • Brutal Honesty: During Tomo's Moment of Lucidity from her unnatural behavior caused by the Gaia Eclipse, right as she uses the opportunity to assume Atari, Chip, Sonic, and Atari came to find her so they could drive the Dark Gaia Energy out of her, Hana, while Atari tries to vehemently deny it, immediately admits that was the case.
  • Buffy Speak: Used with the introductions of Chip (small fairy-dog-thing) and the Dark Moray and its extension (elk-horse-eel-dragon-thing and horse-snake-abomination respectively).
  • But Not Too Bi: Tomo is explicitly mentioned to be bisexual, but Atari is also mentioned as the only one her romantic feelings are truly aimed towards.
  • By "No", I Mean "Yes": When Tomo gets the idea to name Chip, Hana asks her if this is because of her Big Eater mentality, which she denies. The next two sentences immediately contradict that.
    Tomo, internally: Yes. I'd love me some chocolate chip cream sundae supreme right now.
  • Call-Back: When seeing the abilities of the Metal Were Mk. II for the first time, it's noted that Sonic is reminded of when he faced off against Neo Metal Sonic in Sonic Heroes.
  • Calling Your Attacks: Tomo does this with Thunder in Chapter 46.
  • Canon Welding: The continents are given their names from the Archie comics, and Mobius is the setting for this story and the series as a whole.
  • Carry a Big Stick: The Titans have their clubs made from trees (this case used to somewhat comedic effect when Hana, in Chao form, defeats a Titan and ends up carrying one), and the Chariots have their staves.
  • Cast from Calories: Tomo's abilities (not the elastic arms, that's a WereMobian thing) are the reason she constantly has to eat.
  • Child of Two Worlds: Hana is part Chao, part Dark Gaia spawn.
    • Tomo is also part Mobian and part WereMobian.
  • Charge-into-Combat Cut: In Chapter 83, Tomo and the Metal Were prepare to fight again... Only for the scene to change to Zero and Eight looking for a boat to get back to Intral City.
  • Come Out, Come Out, Wherever You Are: Tomo does this when looking for Hana during the Gaia Eclipse.
    Tomo: Hana~... Where are you~? I know you're here somewhere, come out so I can SNATCH YOU FOR DARK GAIA and RULE THE WORLD and HERALD ETERNAL DARKNESS!
  • Crashing Dreams: How Sonic first learns that he has become the Werehog.
    Sonic awoke with a start. What a strange dream he'd had. There was this...this thing that looked like him, but didn't at the same time. That was all it was. He tried to push himself up to a sitting position, but...wait, was that fur? Like whatever it was in his dream? He tried feeling it, but his hand... Surely that meant he was imagining this, right? There was a mirror next to him. Eyes focusing on it, he was brought to reality. He wasn't imagining this. He'd become that creature in his dream.
  • Create Your Own Hero: Dark Gaia was responsible for Hana's existence in the first place before the end of his last awakening. If it hadn't been for Chip ultimately putting the responsibility on Tomo to raise her, she would have been one of the dark god's most devoted servants.
  • Curb-Stomp Battle: The Metal Were (non-lethally) takes down Tomo in Adabat.
  • Curse Cut Short: When battling the Dark Moray, Tomo's about to say... Yeah, you know what it's supposed to be.
    Hana: TOMO! (slaps her) YOU SHOULDN'T SWEAR!
  • Dark Is Not Evil: Zig-Zagged a lot with Hana. Sure, she's a hybrid of a Nightmare (one of Dark Gaia's minions) and a Chao, and all of Dark Gaia's minions are bad, but Hana can still be herself and not lose control, right? Wrong, she still has her moments when she gives in to her basic animalistic instinct that all of Dark Gaia's minions have.
  • Deus ex Machina: The In-Universe purpose of the Light Gaia spawn, which make their first appearance in Chapter 70, is to arrive when a situation appears hopeless and to get those who need it out of a tight spot.
  • Did You Just Flip Off Cthulhu?: Yes, Hana actually does flip off Dark Gaia.
  • Disproportionate Retribution: The demon posessing Klug's body destroys a Dark Gaia spawn because it fell asleep while he was asking it for information about Dark Gaia in Chapter 54.
  • Despite the Plan: Sonic, Tomo, and Hana's plan to defeat the Dark Gaia Phoenix is to first have Sonic make it dizzy and drop a barrel of water on it, and then have Hana and Tomo, in that order, throw two and three barrels respectively to make it so that they can finish it off. Sonic's part goes off without a hitch, only for Tomo and Hana to race to it in order to get the rest of the water to extinguish the enemy's firepower...only to trip, but it somehow manages to do the job. Sonic is understandably stunned at this.
  • Dragon with an Agenda: Eggman to Dark Gaia, albeit self-proclaimed, in his goal to take over the world.
  • The Dreaded: Hana's Dreaded Nightmare form. It's literally in the name.
  • Dual Wielding: A Red Titan ends up doing this when fighting a Chariot (a species of Light Gaia spawn) in Chapter 71.
  • Eldritch Abomination: Dark Gaia.
  • 11th-Hour Superpower: Tomo achieving her Rage Form when Hana is almost captured by Zero and Eight in Mazuri counts as this. Hana gaining both her Deep Nightmare and Dreaded Nightmare forms also counts.
  • Emergency Transformation: What Tomo does to Sonic in order to stop him from converting into one of Dark Gaia's minions, as soon as she learns that they are capable of doing that, by biting his arm to get the Dark Gaia Energy out. Albeit unwittingly, as she didn’t know at the moment that biting was how WereMobians turn others into one of their kind.
  • Even Evil Has Loved Ones: The Metal Were is shown to have a bond with Orbot and Cubot, especially since all three were created by Eggman.
  • Even Evil Has Standards: Dark Gaia wants all of his minions to obediently serve him, even Hana, no questions asked, even letting her absorb the energy of his strongest minions. However, as the latter constantly refuses to give in to his advances, it gives him much ire to see that he won't have constant control over her.
  • Evil Counterpart: Dark Gaia to Chip, and, in this story, Dark Gaia Phoenix to the Gaia Phoenix, as instead of being a corrupted form of the latter as in the original game, it is a replica made from Dark Gaia Energy.
  • Exactly What I Meant to Say: When Eggman mentions his plan to take over the world with Dark Gaia in Chapter 65, the Metal Were points out that he'd earlier stated that he was letting Dark Gaia do it himself. Eggman's response?
    Eggman: Well, yes, but I decided to join in.
  • Eyedscreen: Chapter 45 ends with this when Sonic goes Super in his Werehog form for the first time.
  • Eyes Do Not Belong There: Hana's Dreaded Nightmare form has another eye above the mouth on its stomach.
  • Falling into the Plot: The story proper (after the prologue) starts when Sonic falls onto Tomo from space.
  • Fastball Special: The very first thing Tomo does when encountering Dark Gaia's minions for the first time. She does it to Klug first, then Ringo.
    Klug: Uh, Tomo, why are you holding onto me like that? Tomo, don't lift me up, please, put me down...
    Raffina: Tomo, are you... Are you actually trying to throw him? Please don't.
    Tomo: I should throw him?
    Hana: Tomo, no.
    Tomo, getting excited: Do it?!
    Ringo, getting scared: No! Don't do it! Don't do it!
    Tomo, overly-excited: OKAY! THROW HIM! (throws Klug)
  • Flipping the Bird: Hana does this to Dark Gaia in Chapter 63. He is not happy in the slightest.
  • For Want Of A Nail: Sonic not falling for Eggman's trap (which originally made him into the Werehog in the original game) leads Eggman to awaken Dark Gaia through different means, though after that, events play out (mostly) the same.
  • Forced Transformation: Hana when exposed to Dark Gaia Energy (due to being half Dark Gaia spawn), and WereMobians (most notably Tomo) during the Gaia Eclipse.
  • Foreshadowing: Sonic noticing Dark Gaia Energy coming from Tomo while he's in possession of Schezo's sword in Chapter 37 is only one of the clues to the eventual reveal that WereMobians were once aligned with Dark Gaia.
  • Freak Out: Hana is prone to many of these. Mainly in situations involving Tomo and Sonic together. One major one occurred in Chapter 24 when she finds out Sonic and Tomo had slept with each other the night before.
    Tomo: Hana, I—
    Tomo: B-but Dark Prince is romantically interested in Arle and he's one-hundred-thousand-twenty-five years old and she's sixteen.
  • Furry Reminder: Every once in a while, the story will mention a certain animal-like behavior, just to clarify that Mobians (and WereMobians) are not much different than their non-anthropomorphized counterparts (i.e. Tomo and Sonic's ears twitching when hearing other WereMobians (read: Werewolves) howling, Tomo's tail wagging, etc.).
  • Ghost Story: The story of the Black Bird, told in Chapter 25.
  • Giving Someone the Pointer Finger: Klug does this when he correctly assumes the at-the-time amnesiac Chip is Light Gaia in Chapter 5.
  • Growing Muscles Sequence: Almost every transformation by Tomo into her Rage Form involves this trope. Or every transformation into any of her larger forms.
  • Hammered into the Ground: Tomo does this to Klug when he annoys her about her jumping to conclusions about Chip’s true identity of Light Gaia, also comparing her to an animal. Something that she does not like.
  • Hanging by the Fingers: Tomo does this after falling for a trapdoor in Shamar's Gaia Temple.
  • Hate Plague: Dark Gaia Energy is implied to be this by a note in the story's narration found in Chapter 37:
    Now, Dark Gaia Energy does indeed control other beings and manipulate the affected's emotions, but the worst thing about being afflicted by it was that your darkest feelings, your inner darkness, would come barreling to the surface, the Dark Gaia Energy making you act upon them...
  • Hot Springs Episode: Chapter 41.
  • How About a Smile?: Hana convinces Roquier to smile for the group photo taken during Chapter 67.
    Hana: Roquier, you really should smile more. (hugs him) C'mon. You know you can. This is gonna be the best group photo you'll ever be in.
  • How Do I Shot Web?: When he's being taught how to use his new Werehog abilities by Tomo and Hana, he thinks it would come easily without having to use the technique needed to enable the stretchy arms he gains in this form. It doesn't, and it takes several times of falling flat on his face due to thrusting his arm out and the two yelling at him to do the technique before he finally listens...and punches Tomo in the face by accident.
  • Hulking Out: The Werewolves' Rage Form, only acquired through copious amounts of anger. Tomo going into Rage Form involves muscle growth to a behemoth double her original size when she gets angry enough. As of Chapter 43, however, she gains a new form double that size in height. The author's note at the end of that chapter reveals that there's an even larger form double the size of that form that would come later, which made its debut in Chapter 80 as a result of the Gaia Eclipse. Hana's transformation into her Dreaded Nightmare form also counts as this trope. Especially the first time she goes into this form when Zero and Eight try to capture her.
  • Hybrid All Along: In Chapter 84, Atari learns she's an Ascendant weasel-pangolin hybrid.
  • Hyperactive Metabolism: Tomo's fire and electrical energies are so strong that anything (and everything) she eats will be converted into energy to counteract the negative effects that may result from said strong energies, down to the very last calorie, leading to her having to eat very large quantities at once, as briefly mentioned in Chapter 7.
  • I Cannot Self-Terminate: The humans-turned-Dark Gaia spawn can only cry out for their lives to end.
  • If I Wanted You Dead...: When asked by Eggman on why it hasn't killed Tomo like he wanted it to, The Metal Were gives this as a reason, seeing that it essentially defeats the purpose of having superiority over such an individual.
  • I'll Kill You!: Rafisol aims this threat towards the demon posessing Klug.
  • I'll Pretend I Didn't Hear That: Klug says this word-for-word when Hana tells him he isn't her friend when he shows up in Chun-nan.
  • Implied Death Threat: Tomo does this to Klug in Chun-nan, though it's mainly fueled by jealousy over Sonic not having to undergo a Painful Transformation each night while she does.
    Tomo: D-dammit... That really hurt a whole lot more than it should've...
    Sonic: I'm surprised I haven't gone through it myself. It's probably because my body's gotten used to having a Were form, I guess.
    Tomo: It's probably because I feel more and more like wanting to beat you to death the more you rub my suffering in my face.
    Klug: Whoa! Tomo! Easy there!
  • In Spite of a Nail: Even though Sonic doesn't fall for Eggman's trick to lead him into the trap he used to turn Sonic into the Werehog as in the original game (and therefore not being able to do so), Eggman still uses the Chaos Emeralds to awaken Dark Gaia with the Chaos Energy Cannon.
  • Inappropriate Hunger: While Tomo is saving Sonic from becoming a Dark Gaia spawn (as a result unwittingly giving him his Werehog form), she finds herself about to do something...other than that.
    No, Tomo! What are you doing?! You're supposed to be saving him, not EATING him!
    But I'm so hungry I can't even think straight—
  • Incessant Music Madness: A ringtone of a Cyber Singer Mika song drives the Metal Were crazy in Chapter 75. Especially so when Tomo tries and fails to turn it off. In fact, it was annoying to the point that it calls off the attempt to kill Tomo that it was in the Gaia Temple for in the first place.
  • Just Between You and Me: After taking the Chaos Emeralds from Sonic, Eggman makes one of these when detailing his plan to awaken Dark Gaia, though he does get proven wrong on when he normally awakens.
    Eggman: You see...I have a plan. Have you heard of Dark Gaia? [...] He is the king of all darkness. Anger. Hatred. Despair. He controls it all. And so I thought...why not let him take over the world? Of course, he has to sleep for every thousand years in order to awaken, and when he does, he causes the world to break apart. Light Gaia, his goody-two-shoes counterpart, is always there to put the world back together afterwards, but honestly, I would rather see it for myself than be dead and gone by the time he next surfaces. Hence, me taking your precious emeralds. [...] Now you will just watch from your worthless little planet as the god of all darkness reawakens! Bye-bye!
  • Just Woke Up That Way: Sonic first discovers he's become a Demi-Were this way.
  • Life Drain: From how Dark Gaia refers to the Dark Moray as "a worthy sacrifice" once the latter is defeated by Hana, it's implied that her absorbing the Dark Gaia Energy of any being made of it is this trope, making it possibly deadly to them.
  • Living Emotional Crutch: It's heavily implied several times that Hana is this to Tomo, with the former being referred to as the only friend she's ever really had.
    Spending time with the others was pretty hard without having Hana with her. She'd left her alone before. She'd been fine on her own all those times, but this was different. The world was in danger, and now she had to be forced to be separated from her only true friend. note 
    "Battery...? Are you saying you want to take my only real best friend for the Dark Gaia Energy in her?" note 
    "You're going to take Hana, my life-long partner, away from me just to use her for your experiment? I'm not letting it happen." note 
  • Leave Him to Me!: When Tomo achieves her Rage Form for the first time, Hana offers to stay behind to calm her down while the others keep searching for Arle.
  • Lost Food Grievance: Tomo is known to go through quite the food withdrawals if she hasn't eaten some of a specific food for a while, starting with denial that it's gone, and then it gets worse as time goes on. Something Hana knows all too well.
  • Magically Regenerating Clothing / Magic Pants: Hana questions this in Chapter 55. Both with her (in the case of her Nightmare forms) and Sonic (in the case of his Werehog form), though she doesn't get far when thinking about his shoes.
    When I'm in either of my Nightmare forms, my hoodie did get a bit torn up. So how does it just get magically fixed when I'm back to normal? [...] I mean, in order for his claws to be exposed anyway, his gloves have to tear apart. The whole shoe thing's weird, too. How could they be able to change with him instead of just—
  • Man Bites Man: Hana pulls this off in Chapter 34 on Eight to make him let go of her after threatening that she'd do so. And then she does it to Zero, and then, incredibly, both at once.
  • Marshmallow Dream: Tomo has a dream about eating yaki-onigiri when she realizes she's actually eating the cocoon Hana had been in for the entirety of Chapter 3.
  • Martial Arts Staff: The Chariot, one of the Light Gaia spawn, has one.
  • Mass Transformation: Dark Gaia enforces this on every human living on Mobius.
  • Megaton Punch: Hana is very much able to pull one of these off.
  • Mental World: Where Hana and Dark Gaia encounter each other in most of her dreams.
  • Mighty Roar: How Hana's Dreaded Nightmare form makes its debut.
  • Mirror Reveal: How Sonic realizes he's gained his Werehog form.
  • Mix And Match Creature: Any Mobian that is a hybrid or chimera, and Tomo (shark/wolf/hedgehog).
  • Muscles Are Meaningless: Hana, as are many other Chao, is capable of superstrength, even able to withstand the weight of Tomo's arm while the latter is in Rage Form.
  • Myth Arc: The main focus is saving the world from Dark Gaia, but uncovering the secrets of the WereMobians is another.
  • Mythology Gag:
    • The Metal Were's first form change is reminiscent to how Neo Metal Sonic is able to shapeshift.
    • While at Chun-nan's hot spring, as Sonic contemplates joining Tomo, Hana, and Chip, the narration casually mentions how Sonic sees no issue in surfing.
    • While fighting the Dark Gaia Phoenix, Tomo has this to say after Sonic taunts the enemy:
    Tomo: Sonic, you know that I've seen you break out in insane dances before, right? And your whole "gotta go fast" running schtick?
  • Narrative Profanity Filter: Done in spectacular fashion after Atari makes a failed attempt to fight the Metal Were as the latter walks off, not interested in the slightest, after effortlessly taking down Tomo for the first time.
    But the Metal Were left anyway, leaving her to shout one anger-fueled obscenity that Sonic had to cover Tails's ears in order to prevent him from hearing.
  • Never Say "Die": Averted. Characters mention death, characters are threatened with death, and even the humans-turned-Dark Gaia spawn wish to die.
  • New Body, Old Abilities: Tomo and Hana retain much of their abilities and skillset (though as a WereMobian, this trope applying to Tomo was pretty much expected) when in their other forms.
  • Next Tier Power-Up: The angrier Tomo gets, she'll change into a larger and more muscular form depending on how angry she really is.
  • The Night That Never Ends: Dark Gaia's goal.
  • Not the Fall That Kills You…: Of Hana's fall into one of the rooms in Shamar's Gaia Temple in Chapter 74:
    Falling face-first into a room from the ceiling like a Chaos-damned missile is absolutely not something you'd want happening to you. Especially at such a small size. At least the fall was survivable. For her, that is. A Puyo would've splatted onto the ground if it'd fallen at such speed from such a great height.
  • Oblivious Transformation: Sonic's first Werehog transformation was this, as it occurred while he slept. Without waking him up whatsoever, only discovering this after he has a dream involving this form.
  • Oh, Crap!: There are many instances of this. One notable example is when Tomo first goes into her Rage Form. Zero is the first to realize what's wrong, but Eight's reaction to seeing it for the first time really sells it.
    Eight: Ha... Haha... Hey, w-we were joking, okay? We aren't actually trying to use your "Hana" friend as a power source, but we still need something with Dark Gaia Energy. (gulps) (whispering) Please don't kill us.
    (Tomo roars)
    Eight: Okay, okay, haha... Zero, run.
    • Another instance involving the two is when Hana is about to go into her Dreaded Nightmare form for the first time. Then she actually does.
    Zero: Uh... Is this supposed to be normal...? Any of it?
  • Oh, My Gods!: Many characters swear by Chaos.
  • Oh, No... Not Again!: Expect Hana to have this kind of reaction when something that happened in the past (either in the story or before it, in which it would be mentioned) happens once more.
  • Off with His Head!: How the original Metal Were is destroyed.
  • Original Character: Tomo, Hana and Vale. The author has made art for the two and their original Puyo universe counterparts, and has specified in the tags that they are OCs as well.
  • Original Flavour: This story is a combination of the action of the Sonic franchise and the humor of the Puyo Puyo series, with each element getting their own special focus in some parts.
  • Our Werebeasts Are Different: WereMobians are a thing in the AU the story takes place in. There are two different classifications, the Demi-WereMobian (Only transforms at night, like the typical lycanthrope) and True WereMobian (Can transform at any time of day, yet have to be transformed at night), which share the trait of stretchy arms, with other traits depending on the species of Mobian they are. Tomo is half True WereMobian (Referred to in-story as a "True Were"). They turn others into Weres by biting them, by which the affected will permanently become a Demi-Were. They also once worked alongside Dark Gaia.
  • Our Werewolves Are Different: Werewolves have three forms compared to two for other kinds of WereMobians: a daytime form, the standard Were form (their nighttime form), and the Rage Form, only awakened once angered to a certain extent. Being part Werewolf, Tomo has this capability, but since she is only half True Were, she lacks the standard Were form. Well, she was supposed to, if not for Dark Gaia...
  • Painful Transformation: Sonic was worried he would have to undergo this trope every night, but Tails and Tomo assure him that he wouldn't...unless it was forced. Hana, on the other hand, is victim to this trope when she goes into Nightmare form without the presence of any of Dark Gaia's minions when exposed to certain triggers, even going berserk by the amount of pain caused.
  • Para Text: The Dark Moray's Directory entry from the Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3 versions of the original game is used for when Puubot identifies the Dark Moray. The same also applies to the Dark Guardian.
  • Photo Memento: While in Shamar, Tomo gets the idea to invoke this trope so nobody will forget Chip after the world is restored.
  • Power Gives You Wings: Atari's Ascendant form has this happen.
  • Precision F-Strike: Mild language starts being used from Chapter 28 onwards (with a "dammit" from Tomo being the first instance). In Chapter 82, what's Atari's response to seeing the effects of the Gaia Eclipse on Tomo?
    Atari: Oh shit.
  • Public Bathhouse Scene: Chapter 41 has this with Chun-nan's hot spring.
  • Regained Memories Sequence: Chip regaining the recollection of his last memory before the end of his last awakening is this, though it occurs in two parts: the first in Spagonia, and the second in Shamar.
  • Removed Achilles' Heel: Tomo and Hana don't have the Dark Gaia spawn's weakness to light due to WereMobians being an evolved form of Dark Gaia spawn and Hana being half-Chao, respectively.
  • Repeat What You Just Said: The following exchange between Eggman and Orbot is what leads to the former researching WereMobians.
    Orbot: Why haven't you bothered researching what she is? You might have a chance to know based on your description of her.
    Eggman: What was that you said?
    Orbot: You might learn something from what you told us.
    Eggman: No, before that.
    Orbot: Doctor, you haven't researched her.
  • Repression Never Ends Well: Tomo tries to keep her usual Big Eater appetite in check at different points in the story, always ending with Hana's life nearly being endangered because of it. Sonic even did this to wake up Tomo one time after Hana had punched her into unconsciousness the night before in Holoska, much to Hana's chagrin.
  • Retractable Appendages: Atari's Ascendant form has these.
  • Robot Me: The Metal Were is this to Tomo.
  • Rotating Arcs: Each continent and location of the Gaia Temples has a different collection of characters accompanying Sonic, Tomo, Hana, and Chip.
    • Spagonia: Ringo, Sig, Amitie, Klug, Tails
    • Mazuri: Atari, Tails, Arle, Satan (temporarily)
    • Holoska: Atari, Schezo, Rulue
    • Chun-nan: Draco, Witch, Klug
    • Adabat: Atari, Roquier, Amy (temporarily), Ally, Klug, Tails
    • Shamar: Atari, Roquier, Tails
    • Eggmanland: Atari, Roquier, Zero, Vale
  • Rubber Man: Any WereMobian. Hana also has this capability, but rarely ever uses it.
  • Running Gag: If anyone Hana doesn't like even just so touches her, their decision is going to bite them very shortly afterwards.
    • Zero and Eight are also at the brunt of having something happen to them every time they try to take Hana for her Dark Gaia Energy (Tomo going into her Rage Form for the first time in Mazuri, both bit by Hana in Holoska, Tomo getting another form of her Rage form in Chun-nan (while accompanied by the Metal Were), Hana awakening her Dreaded Nightmare form in Adabat).
  • Running Gagged: The example with Zero and Eight mentioned in Running Gag above ends in Chapter 72 when they finally get some Dark Gaia Energy, albeit from Shamar's Gaia Temple instead of Hana... And then a Chariot (a kind of Light Gaia spawn) whacks them out of there. The end of the chapter mentions that what they need to do now is bring it back to Intral City, possibly setting up a new one...
  • Same Content, Different Rating: The story initially had a General rating on AO3, but the author decided to raise it to the Teen rating following the publishing of Chapter 63, where Hana flips off Dark Gaia. Of course, it may also have to do with the presence of blood, as pointed out in the tags.
  • Savage Wolf: The Werewolves' Rage Form, especially Tomo's.
  • Scarily Specific Story: "The Black Bird, as this thing is called, hunts those walking through any kind of forest, no matter where it is. He's got glowing yellow eyes, which is a telling sign that you're probably not going to leave the place alive. When you see him, he's mainly a large black mass whose back kinda has something that looks like grass on it. The hunting method's kinda generic, the whole 'waiting in bushes and watching people' shtick, but when he actually gets his victim, he drags them into the bush with him to feed. It's said that the last time people tried hunting him down, this was exactly what happened." A description of the story of the Black Bird, provided by Tomo in Chapter 25.
  • Screw This, I'm Outta Here: The Metal Were calls off an attempt to kill Tomo in Chapter 75, all because of a ringtone that drove it mad for the entire time Tomo tried turning it off.
  • Security Cling: The art for Chapter 55 shows Zero and Eight doing this when the Dreaded Nightmare appears for the first time.
  • Semi-Divine: The Ascendants, which are descendants of the Light Gaia spawn.
  • Settle It Without Weapons: The Chariot breaking one of the Red Titan's clubs in Chapter 73 leads to this, with the latter breaking its other club over its knee and the former throwing its staff aside.
  • Shapeshifter Mode Lock: This happens with Hana during extended periods of time in the presence of Dark Gaia Energy, even during the day. Also happens to Tomo in her Were form on the rare occasion (though she's stuck in it for the entirety of the Holoska chapters). The Gaia Eclipse also does this to the Demi-Weres despite them not having Dark Gaia Energy in their bodies.
  • Ship Tease: And how, with Tomo and Atari.
    • Chapter 62 casually mentions how Tomo has had certain feelings towards Atari for at least a while.
      • Her reaction to getting a goodnight kiss from her (after which she tells her something around the lines of "I love you") is also a very subtle sign that she really does want to get together with her.
    • Tomo having a nosebleed after seeing Atari's Ascendant form for the first time does not make things any less clear.
  • Shoot the Dangerous Minion: Dark Gaia is extremely willing to sacrifice some of his strongest minions in order to have Hana achieve her true power.
  • Shout-Out: Tomo and Hana reminding Sonic (read: repeatedly shouting at him) to use the Reel-and-Release technique to enable his arms to stretch while in Werehog form was inspired, according to Word of God, by the "Bubble-blowing Technique" scene in SpongeBob SquarePants.
    • The pose Hana takes on at the end of her first Dreaded Nightmare transformation (as well as the transformation in general) was said to be inspired by that of Sonic in the "Night of the Werehog" short.
  • Shut Up, Hannibal!: Hana delivers an epic chain of these to Dark Gaia in Chapter 63 when he makes another attempt to get her on his side.
    Hana: You've ruined my life enough already. Why should I let you do it again? WHY?
    Dark Gaia: The Gaia Eclipse will soon arrive. All WereMobians... Will bow to me once more.
    Hana: I don't care about your stupid "Gaia Eclipse" thing you just mentioned! That's not even part of the subject, either!
    Dark Gaia: Oh, Hanami... Such a naïve child you are. You know the truth of the WereMobians and their connection to you not?
    Hana: Dark Gaia... You... You did it to her. What did you do?
    Dark Gaia: What I have done is nothing of your concern at the moment.
    Hana: WHAT DID YOU DO?
    Dark Gaia: If you truly must know, I have no other choice than to oblige. I made her aware of her kind's true origins.
    Dark Gaia: Hanami, my child... You will see during the Eclipse.
    Hana: You wanna know what I think about everything you just said? (flips him off)
    Dark Gaia: What is this? WHAT ARE YOU DOING?
    Hana: Yeah. That's right. I'm flipping you off. So? What're you gonna do now? (Dark Gaia hits her) Look at you. And you call yourself a god. (laughs) In spite of your size, I wouldn't say the same for your ego.
  • Sins of Our Fathers: Dark Gaia is more than a little resentful of the first WereMobians splitting away from him while they were his minions, so he actively causes Tomo's body to go into overdrive and reawaken the monstrous capabilities her kind once had. However, Tomo becomes more than pleased with this
  • Spanner in the Works: When Tomo is put under the control of the Gaia Eclipse, Chip decides to power up Atari's Ascendant form to even the playing field.
  • Stuff Blowing Up: Dark Gaia's stronger minions explode into Dark Gaia Energy when defeated, as per the original game. This applies to the Dark Gaia Phoenix as well, as it isn't a corrupted version of the Gaia Phoenix in this story.
  • Summon Bigger Fish: Any of the Light Gaia spawn can call upon the Chariot, one of the strongest, with the exclusion of the latter itself.
  • Take My Hand!: Attempted by Atari when Tomo falls for a trapdoor in Shamar's Gaia Temple. It doesn't work, and they both fall in along with Tails.
  • This Is Gonna Suck: Sonic's reaction to seeing what happened to Tomo during the Gaia Eclipse.
    Sonic: Oh, boy, this isn't gonna be good.
  • This Is Something He's Got to Do Himself: Both times Hana does something like this, it's because the situation is serious to her.
    • When Tomo goes into her Rage Form for the first time, Hana deals with it on her own because Tomo's her friend.
    • Hana decides to battle the Dark Guardian one-on-one since they are both creations of Dark Gaia.
  • Time Stands Still: Tomo activates Chaos Control when battling the Metal Were in Chapter 28, and it lasts until she punches it out of the Gaia Temple.
  • Tomato Surprise: Chapter 46 ends with the reveal that the WereMobians were once Dark Gaia's minions and had turned against him (at least in his eyes, but the Weres were indeed once subserviant to him).
  • Total Eclipse of the Plot / When the Planets Align: The Gaia Eclipse, which Dark Gaia uses as an advantage during each of his awakenings to reclaim control over the WereMobians.
  • Touched by Vorlons: Atari learns she is an Ascendant this way through the Light Gaia spawn, who awakens her powers.
  • Tortured Monster: Any Dark Gaia spawn that was once human is this. Some of their thoughts are even touched upon in Chapter 74.
  • Transformation at the Speed of Plot: Hana becoming the Dreaded Nightmare for the first time is really fast, probably lasting for a few seconds to even a minute.
  • Transformation Horror: Zero and Eight can hear Hana's Dreaded Nightmare transformation occurring (i.e. the snapping of bones) despite how outright fast it is.
  • Transformation Trinket: The bracelet Chip gives to Sonic lets the latter become the Werehog whenever he wants as long as it's daytime.
  • Traumatic Superpower Awakening: The very first time Tomo goes into her Rage Form, it's seeing Hana nearly getting captured by Zero and Eight.
  • Turned Against Their Masters: Dark Gaia sees the WereMobians splitting away from him and becoming sentient creatures as this. He takes this resentment out on Tomo because of it.
  • Two Lines, No Waiting: The chapters focusing on the characters' time in Shamar's Gaia Temple split into their respective experiences once they are separated.
  • Upbringing Makes the Hero: Tomo and Hana are both heroes, the latter because Tomo raised her that way.
  • Villainous Lineage: Both Tomo (and WereMobians as a whole) and Hana are both related to Dark Gaia spawn, and, to an extent, Dark Gaia, the former due to the WereMobians originally being Dark Gaia spawn, and the latter because one of her parents was a Dark Gaia spawn.
  • Villains Want Mercy: When encountering Hana's Dreaded Nightmare form, all the Dark Guardian can do is drop down to its knees and beg for her to spare it.
  • Viral Transformation: This is how WereMobians are able to turn others into a Demi-WereMobian through their bites, though this is the only way the species themselves can cause a permanent transformation into a Demi-Were (another name for these particular WereMobians). This is also the case for anyone attacked by any of Dark Gaia's minions, though all of the characters are fortunate enough not to have this happen to them.
  • Visions of Another Self: Sonic has a dream about encountering his Werehog form, yet upon waking up, realizes he actually became the Werehog in real life.
  • Vocal Dissonance: Hana's voice is the same regardless of whatever form she's in.
  • Was Once a Man: Dark Gaia enforced this on a humanity-level scale, meaning every single human on Mobius became Dark Gaia spawn with no possible way to change them back, ever.
  • We Can Rule Together: Dark Gaia orchestrated Hana's birth for this exact purpose.
  • Wham Line: Chapter 46 ends with Dark Gaia delivering one of these along with a Tomato Surprise, though it starts to become obvious what the twist will be with his monologue leading up to it.
    Dark Gaia: She doesn't know the true origin of the WereMobian. She doesn't know about their betrayal. (chuckles) Yes... I know exactly what to do. Tomoya Yuki… You and your descendants will see the consequences your kind turning against me so long ago has granted.
  • What the Hell, Hero?: Hana has one of these reactions big-time when Sonic makes the suggestion to use the former as bait to wake Tomo up in Holoska.
  • Wimp Fight: A Hero Chao and a Dark Chao end up doing this after the Dark Chao forcefully pushes the Hero Chao away to be pet by Tomo while the Hero Chao is being pet by her.
  • World Tour: Obviously, since the plot of the story involves restoring Mobius one continent at a time.
  • You Are Better Than You Think You Are: When Chip thanks Tomo for raising Hana (much to her confusion), it leads to this exchange:
    Tomo: No, you shouldn't thank me. I just found out that I'm descended from a Dark Gaia spawn and that I'll turn into a murderous beast under the Gaia Eclipse if I'm not careful. (quietly) And I really don't like how I look right now, so please don't bring it up.
    Chip: Tomo... Don't say that. You may be different on the outside now and look like the very thing you've descended from, but I've never once seen you give in. And you know what? I haven't done anything. Do you know why?
    Tomo: (tilts her head) I...don't?
    Chip: You're the reason you haven't changed at all.
    Tomo: I am?
    Chip: You're too strong to lose yourself. You never doubt yourself, no matter what. You never give into the night or the darkness in your heart.
    Tomo: Chip, stop. I do give in. Have you even seen the worst of it? I'm not meant for any of the things you're saying.
    Chip: Tomo, you have to look past that and see yourself for the person you are to your friends. To Hana. To Sonic. To Atari. To everyone.
  • "You!" Exclamation: Tomo and Zero share a "YOU?!" when they recognize each other, the latter having just been hired (along with Eight) by Seo to join the Spacetime Detective Agency, in Chapter 84.
  • You Have GOT to Be Kidding Me!: Tomo reacts to both Seo having hired Zero and Hana wanting to apologize to Zero with "Please tell me this is a mistake." (The latter event puts emphasis on "please".)
  • You Have Outlived Your Usefulness: The fate of the original Metal Were the moment Eggman learns of Tomo's Rage Form.
  • You Monster!: Chip calls Dark Gaia this for being responsible for Hana's creation.
  • You Will Not Evade Me: Tomo, in any of her Rage Form variations, will successfully pull this off.
  • You Wouldn't Like Me When I'm Angry!: Tomo is not someone you'd want to piss off. Especially with larger forms that she's able to achieve at such rage levels...
