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Funny / Unleashing of a Dark Night

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  • The first chapter of the story proper begins with a discussion between Tomo and Ringo about the origin of tiramisu, which transitions to what the group would do if they ever ended up in a world-threatening situation...which immediately gets cut short when Sonic lands on Tomo from falling down from space in the prologue.
    Tomo, hearing Sonic screaming: Why do I hear screaming?
  • Tomo throwing Klug at the Nightmares. Despite her friends (and Klug) asking her not to, she goes ahead and does it.
  • Tomo eating Hana's cocoon. She was eating yaki-onigiri in her dream, and this is what causes her to wake up.
  • When Sonic enters the room while Tails is conducting a blood test on Hana in Chapter 5, the Chao's response is priceless.
    Hana: Can't interrupt your buddy in the middle of work, Mr. Furface-By-Night.
    (Tomo snorts)
  • Eggman learning of the exact time Dark Gaia's awakening process occurs, and everything in the conversation that follows.
    Eggman: Orbot, that doesn't matter! You shouldn't just correct me like that, you imbecile!
    Cubot, pointing at Orbot: Haha, he called you an imbecile.
    Eggman: You too, Cubot! The audacity of you two today! (storms off)
    Cubot: I love being called an imbecile.
  • Sonic's reaction to the term "Werehog". Tomo finds it funny as well.
    Sonic: Werehog? That makes it sound like I turn into a pig every night!
  • Chip, who is actually Light Gaia (but doesn't realize it yet), essentially fanboying over Sonic's Werehog form.
  • The entire time Sonic fails to stretch out his arm.
    • Then when he actually does, he hits Tomo in the face.
  • Sonic stops Tomo's hunger-fueled rampage in Chapter 7 with a chair.
  • While in the original game, Amy mistakes Sonic's Werehog form as someone else, here she mistakes Tomo for Sonic.
  • Chapter 12. Chao swarm. Aimed at Hana.
  • Pretty much every time Hana bites someone (Satan in Chapter 19, Satan again in Chapter 24, Eight and Zero in Chapter 34, etc.)
  • Eight hugging Zero in Chapter 19. He literally just rams into him.
  • Hana's big Freak Out in Chapter 24.
  • Satan being scared by the story of the Black Bird and mistaking the original Metal Were (which ended up being destroyed in the same chapter) for it in Chapter 25. Hana finds this hilarious.
  • Klug being told by Roquier, a detective, to return the Gaia Manuscripts to the library in Spagonia.
  • Sonic the Manchild.
  • Eight's screaming as he tries to get Hana off of him when she bites him, and Zero’s subsequent efforts to help, which ultimately leads to him being bitten, too.
    Zero: I-I think she's letting go now!
  • Schezo and his being unfortunate enough to be called a creeper by Tomo.
  • "Atari, what's bleach?"
  • Hana makes a plan to use the canisters laying around Mazuri’s Gaia Temple to throw at the Dark Moray to make it fall on the ice they will create as a result...only for Tomo to throw them at it anyway.
  • Tomo calls the Gaia Phoenix an old fart, and the latter is surprisingly fine with it.
    Gaia Phoenix, chuckling: Yes, I suppose I deserve to be the subject of this "old fart" saying.
  • Draco’s introduction by speeding into Tomo.
  • How Tomo and Hana make it possible to help Sonic bring down the Dark Gaia Phoenix. After the Werehog (currently in Super form) drops one barrel of water on the thing’s head, the two trip over each other while competing over who will get their barrels on it first. It actually works.
  • Amy accidentally hitting Roquier on the head with her Piko-Piko Hammer while showing off for Ally in Chapter 48.
  • Atari's narrative-redacted reaction to the Metal Were Mk. II leaving. Sonic and Roquier even have to cover Tails and Ally's ears to stop them from hearing it.
  • A Hero and Dark Chao fighting over who gets to be pet by Tomo in Chapter 67. To be more specific, "a Chao version of a slap fight that consisted of rolling over one another and landing slap after slap on their opponent."
  • Schezo being, well, Schezo in front of the Gaia Phoenix.
  • The fact that a Chariot, a type of Light Gaia spawn, that first appeared in the previous chapter, is able to effortlessly deal with Zero and Eight is especially Hilarious in Hindsight, considering the Running Gag of their absurd failures to get Dark Gaia Energy up until this point in Chapter 72.
  • "...Wait, she didn't have six arms, she had two. Why did she have six?"
  • The Metal Were hates Cyber Singer Mika. Tomo doesn't help at all.

