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Characters / Star of Providence — Bosses

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Due to the nature of Star of Providence's gameplay and lore, there are no spoiler tags on this page.



  • Arc Symbol: The background of its fight looks like two overlapping squares with a circle in the middle.
  • Bad Boss: If too many of its Chamberheads are left alive, it performs a unique attack that destroys them.
  • Flunky Boss: Sporadically flings out Chamberheads towards you. When you get its health low enough, it spawns four invincible Chamberheads that remain until it's defeated.
  • King Mook: To the Chamberhead enemies.
  • Sinister Geometry: Like the smaller Chamberheads, it's diamond-shaped.
  • Turns Red: When its health gets low, it spawns four invincible Chamberheads and starts sending out two slowly rotating streams of bullets.


Forgotten Ringleader
  • Body of Bodies: A variant; the Ringleader is actually an amalgamation of many ghosts, and they come spiraling out of its body when it is defeated.
  • Evil Laugh: The Ringleader giggles at the start of the fight, and continues to giggle whenever it manages to land a hit on you.
  • Flunky Boss: The biggest example of this out of every boss in the game, summoning ghosts en masse for literally all of its attacks.
  • King Mook: A big version of the common ghost enemy.
  • Our Ghosts Are Different: A large circular grinning ghost made up of myriad smaller ghosts.
  • Spectacular Spinning: The Ringleader spins ghosts around it for most of its attacks. In particular, one of its attacks has it send a circle of ghosts outwards that then start spinning at high speed while shooting bullets outwards, forcing you to stay inside the ring close to the Ringleader.


  • Animated Armor: Specifically animated by the ghost residing inside of it.
  • Beam Spam: On Hard Mode, it constantly fires lasers downwards while positioning itself over you. Additionally, it also gains an attack where it rains down lasers on you from the top of the screen.
  • Carry a Big Stick: Primarily attacks by slamming down its mace, creating bursts of bullets.
  • Death from Above: On Hard Mode, it gains an attack where it barrages you with lasers from above you.
  • Degraded Boss: From the Sanctum onwards, weaker versions of it can spawn as regular enemies with less health and only the mace-smashing attack.
  • Flunky Boss: Has a rare attack where it summons lance-wielding ghosts from the sides of the screen that cross over, leaving a trail of projectiles behind them.


  • Blade Below the Shoulder: It has razors where its hands would otherwise be.
  • Clock Punk: Specifically the background of the fight, which features numerous spinning gears.
  • Deadly Disc: Grinder's whole bread and butter. It has one at the end of each of its arms that it uses for its attacks.
  • Enhanced Punch: Can attempt to punch you with one of its razor-hands. On Hard Mode, the punch also sends out projectiles.
  • Giant Hands of Doom: Well, more so giant razors of doom.
  • Heavily Armored Mook: Sorta — its razors block most weapons, requiring you to wait for an opening to attack it, or otherwise position yourself creatively.
  • Our Mages Are Different: This one has razors for hands.



  • Arc Symbol: A sigil resembling Monolith can be seen etched onto it.
  • Dynamic Entry: It introduces itself by ploughing in through the top of the screen, running over and damaging the player ship should they be in the way.
  • Tank Goodness: It's a big ol' tank.
  • Turns Red: See right below.
  • Wave-Motion Gun: After losing enough HP on Hard Mode, it starts firing a constant laserbeam that remains until it's defeated.


  • Blackground: This boss is fought in complete darkness.
  • Faceless Eye: The only feature of it that can be seen is its eyeball.
  • Flunky Boss: It disappears to summons Mooks as it loses intervals of health, and reappears once they've been dealt with.
  • Nothing Is Scarier: It's unclear whether it's just an eyeball, or if there's more to it that's hidden in the darkness.
  • Teleport Spam: It does this in an attempt to get you to misfire. However, it doesn't attack while doing this.


  • Evil Laugh: It lets a deep one out every time it summons enemy mages.
  • Flunky Boss: At the start of the fight, it summons a pair of Electromancers followed by a pair of Stormlashes, which must be defeated before it can be properly attacked.
  • Green and Mean: It's green and it's...
  • Jerkass: ...described in the Monster Compendium as "malicious and abrasive even before this whole mess began".
  • Living Program: Its body seems like a magical projection from the screen in the room.
  • Losing Your Head: On Hard Mode, its body explodes after losing enough health, leaving its head to float around with a new attack pattern.
  • Playing with Fire: Creates pillars of fire that surge across the screen and vomits large quantities of fire onto your ship.
  • Stationary Boss: Its targeted head doesn't move at all, except in Hard Mode.
  • Turns Red: See Losing Your Head above.


  • King Mook: It's one to Skullies, particularly the variant of them with the One-Way Visor.
  • Flunky Boss: It spawns Skullies throughout the fight. On Hard Mode, it can also spawn the Underground Monkey variants of them.
  • Flying Face: It's a giant floating mechanical skull.
  • One-Way Visor: It sports one of these, similar in appearance to one of the Skully variants. On Hard Mode, it's capable of firing a giant laser beam. Upon being defeated, it loses it.
  • Turns Red: See right below.
  • Wave-Motion Gun: After taking enough damage on Hard Mode, it'll start firing giant laser beams out of its One-Way Visor along with a large quantity of bullets.

Maintenance System

    Armor TAC 

Armor TAC
  • Cognizant Limbs: The ends of its limbs can individually be shot, though "breaking" them only gives you scrap and prevents the spiky balls from dealing Collision Damage.
  • Dynamic Entry: It introduces itself by dropping from the top of the screen, attempting to crush your ship.
  • Not Quite Dead: After being defeated, its limbs blow up and it falls down off the screen... before rising back up for a second phase.
  • Sequential Boss: Once its arms fall off, it's revealed to have its own pinch mode without them.
  • Spider Tank: It uses its four limbs to crawl on the sides of the walls.
  • Victory Fakeout: After you've depleted its first health bar, the fight isn't quite over yet.



    Ice Wyrm 

Ice Wyrm
  • Cyber Cyclops: Once the true form of its head is revealed.
  • An Ice Person: It launches icicles and frost-like bullets at you.
  • Ice Queen: Implied to be of a non-defrostible variety, "ranked dead last in dateability".
  • Legendary Carp: It's said to have once been a fish that leapt to the top of a waterfall.
  • Segmented Serpent: It's composed of multiple segments that can individually be broken to limit its attacks, except on Hard Mode, where doing so gives them new attacks. Piercing weapons like the Drill can do massive damage against it as a result.
  • Stalactite Spite: It can form stalactites from its body and drop them onto your ship.
  • Tear Off Your Face: The ice-made "mask" that appears to be its face is lost once it Turns Red.
  • Turns Red: Once it loses half of its health, it shoots bullets less often and spends much of its time quickly chasing your ship.

    Fish (boss) 

  • Animal Mecha: It's a mech shaped like a fish.
  • A Dog Named "Dog": What's the name of the fish mecha? Fish.
  • Dynamic Entry: It introduces itself by swimming from the left of the screen in an attempt to hit you.
  • Flunky Boss: Hordes of smaller fish swim through the arena, and a wave of Blastcores make an appearance for one of its attacks.
  • King Mook: To all of the robotic fish found throughout the Maintenance System.
  • Underwater Boss Battle: It can periodically change the water level in its arena, submerging your ship.



  • Cores-and-Turrets Boss: The Reactor Core fight has five stationary targets that can also shoot at you.
  • Flunky Boss: It periodically opens one of its hatches to release a swarm of Crazy Ghosts, and when its brought down to half HP it releases two Heavy Sentinels.
  • Reactor Boss: The Bellows' reactor that you could have to fight as its main boss.
  • Shielded Core Boss: In the Reactor Core fight, the "canisters" in the corner must be broken before the main core can be damaged.
  • Shock and Awe: It frequently rains down electric beams across the screen.
  • Stationary Boss: Bolted to the top of the room, it doesn't move at all.
  • Tactical Suicide Boss: Inverted. Its eye is closed while any Heavy Sentries are active, rendering it invincible.
  • Victory Fakeout: After defeating it on Hard Mode, you leave the floor, expecting to head down to the Sanctum like usual... only to enter a new room and see "REACTOR CORE".]]




  • Dynamic Entry: It first appears firing several jets of flame.
  • Genius Loci: Described by Kleines as "more of a location than a creature".
  • Playing with Fire: It spews flame from all over itself.
  • Punny Name: Firewalls are a kind of computer security program.
  • Turns Red: Once it's damaged enough, it starts firing large jets and balls of flame from near the top of the screen.


Nightmare (Genesis and Oblivion)
  • Angelic Abomination: Genesis resembles an abstract angelic construct, in contrast to Oblivion.
  • Bloody Murder: Oblivion sprays out large quantities of blood bullets for some of its attacks.
  • Combination Attack: They co-ordinate their attacks during phase three.
  • Dual Boss: During the short-lived, Hard-difficulty-exclusive third phase.
  • Eldritch Abomination: Oblivion is a large oval "portal" that houses a giant eyeball that can shoot out copies of itself and also turn into a gnashing mouth, and it can summon onslaughts of hands with eyeballs in their palms from the portal.
  • Enemy Civil War: They don't get along with each other very well, which is shown when Oblivion devours Genesis after it's been defeated.
  • Enemy Mine: Though they don't like each other very much, they're willing to work together to defeat your ship in Hard Mode.
  • Eyes Do Not Belong There: The hands that Oblivion summons have eyes in their palms.
  • Faceless Eye: Oblivion's most distinctive feature is its massive eye, which sometimes transforms into a toothed mouth. Additionally, it can create copies of it that shoot at your ship.
  • Giant Hands of Doom: Oblivion summons hands en masse for its attacks, which have eyes in them.
  • Not Quite Dead: In Hard Mode, Genesis gets spit out of Oblivion in phase three, albeit heavily chewed up.
  • Sequential Boss: The two different entities are fought separately in one battle.
  • Shout-Out: The two entities that compose Nightmare have the same names as the halves of another boss named "Nightmare".
  • Victory Fakeout: When Genesis is defeated, it is swallowed by the enemy you fight next, Oblivion. In Hard Mode, Oblivion later spits out a half-chewed Genesis and the two are fought together.



  • Beam Spam: They have a habit of shooting fast-moving white lasers all over the place, and one of their attacks in their second phase involves them repeatedly trying to jump to align with you horizontally before firing a giant laser straight down.
  • Blackground: The background for the fight is pitch-black — until they transition to their second phase, that is.
  • Bloody Murder: They have an attack in their second phase that can only be described as a blood shotgun.
  • Cool Mask: Wears an orange one. They lose it on Hard Mode.
  • Cyber Cyclops: On Hard Mode, a menacing red eye takes the place of where their mask used to be.
  • Death from Above: During their third phase, one of their attacks is to spawn multitudes of blue bullets that rain down.
  • Didn't Need Those Anyway!: They lose parts as each phase is beaten — large bits of machinery keeping them tethered to the ceiling for their first phase, and their "legs" for the second. However, they keep fighting you with their remaining weaponry.
  • Disc-One Final Boss: Overlord is the final boss you'll fight on a run at first, but defeating them will allow you to obtain the seals on future runs, ultimately allowing you to progress further beyond.
  • Emerging from the Shadows: At the start of the fight, they slowly emerge from the black background until they're fully visible.
  • Fallen Hero: Implied with their Monster Compendium entry that they failed in their duty and became a guardian of floor 6.
  • Final Boss: In any run of the game prior to accessing the forbidden levels of the facility, they are this trope proper.
  • Gate Guardian: They guard the gate to floor 6, though you'll still need all the seals to make it through proper.
  • Humongous Mecha: Resembles one, particularly for their second phase when they're detached from the ceiling and start jumping around on their legs.
  • More Dakka: Possesses an impressive arsenal of armaments with which to unleash Bullet Hell on you with.
  • Sequential Boss: Has three individual phases that must be fought without any breaks in-between.
  • Shoulders of Doom: They have a pair of weapon arrays that resemble these.
  • Wake-Up Call Boss: By far the most difficult opponent you'll have fought at this point in the game, to defeat them you'll have to contend with Multiple Life Bars and an overwhelming amount of Bullet Hell, so they're a good indicator of what's to come in Floor 6.

Reward Bosses

    Both of them 
  • Hold the Line: The main mechanic of each fight is that it ends automatically after a period of time, but the more damage is done to the boss during that timeframe, the more rewards it drops.
  • Optional Boss: They can be fought on any floor, but doing so is not required to progress.
    • Microcore is found in some shortcuts and must be interacted with to start the fight.
    • Trespasser appears from a portal that spawn after breaking one of certain breachstones.
  • Time-Limit Boss: Inverted; each fight ends after enough time passes.


  • Attack Drone: It spawns smaller versions of itself as additional units for some of its attacks, though they despawn automatically after a short bit.
  • Confusion Fu: It has a wide pool of attack patterns that it randomly picks four from to use in a random order when it's fought.
  • Schmuck Bait: Once you approach the inactive core, warning signs spawn and raise an alert. Be sure not to ignore those...
  • Weapon of Mass Destruction: Described as such in the Monster Compendium, it was stowed away in a shortcut room.


  • Eldritch Abomination: A huge horned one-eyed creature — originating from the void — vaguely resembling a spider that shoots out spike-tipped tentacles that grow additional eye-shaped objects on them.
  • Go for the Eye: Not its main eye, but eye-looking weak spots periodically appear along its tentacles that must be destroyed to damage it.
  • Luck-Based Mission: Getting this thing to show up in the first place is one, as the only way to get it to spawn is a 10% chance from breaking a breachstone.
  • Non-Malicious Monster: According to the Monster Compendium, it's not necessarily malicious, just yearning for a stability that its realm rarely provides.
  • Our Mages Are Different: While it's very unclear why, this bullet-spraying, vaguely spider-like being counts as one.

Seal Bosses

    Special Offer 

Special Offer
  • Adam Smith Hates Your Guts: Parodied. This boss fight is the result of Bloke trying to force you to pay 1 million debris for one of the seals and requiring Null to "haggle" with him to get a reasonable price by shooting the seal while avoiding his mech's attacks. Not even Kleines is that greedy, considering he sells a seal for just 100k debris.
  • Ballistic Discount: Literally — you have to shoot the seal to lower its price enough for you to grab it.
  • Do You Want to Haggle?: Bloke has a strange idea of this trope; see above.
  • Finger Gun: Bloke can shoot projectiles and lasers from his mech's hands.
  • Giant Hands of Doom: Bloke's mech attacks you with these, mainly using them to punch and shoot bullets.
  • Humongous Mecha: Bloke pilots one for the fight, presumably built from all the debris you've given him. Curiously, it resembles Null.
  • Instant Bandages: Humorously, after defeating him, in future shops, he'll appear to have a bandaged head.


  • Ambiguously Evil: They once defected from the Omniscient Council of Vagueness and took a seal for themselves. In the present, they offer you strange deals throughout the facility. They'll also fight you if you try taking their seal, but they likely know what'll happen if you get all the seals and make it to the end of the facility, and they're trying to stop that.
  • Boss Banter: If you manage to defeat them, they'll urge you to let go of the past.
  • Death from Above: For the last part of the fight they'll start raining down bullets from the ceiling, giving the impression that they're collapsing the room to stop you.
  • Defector from Decadence: They used to be part of the Omniscient Council of Vagueness at some point in the past, but forcefully defected from them and likely stole a seal for good measure, hence their name.
  • Desperation Attack: In the middle of the fight, they pause their typical attack patterns to fire one of two patterns of powerful bullets from themselves.
  • Living Statue: If you accept the deal to face death, they will come to life to fight you.
  • Schmuck Bait: One of their deals is to obtain a seal, but "face death." If you're unprepared, you will get what you expect from it if you take it.
  • Stationary Boss: Even while fighting you, they don't move around.
  • Turns Red: Near the end of the fight, they will start raining bullets from the ceiling.

Major unmarked spoilers below!

True Final Bosses

    Normal Floor 6 Boss 

The Machine
  • Amazing Technicolor Battlefield: The red and black patterned background of Floor 6 scrolls by upwards rapidly during the last phase of the fight.
  • Arc Symbol: Its final form's prongs are of asymmetric length once one of them is partly broken off, reminiscent of the shape of the facility.
  • Background Boss: It's rendered behind your player ship, though the bullets it shoots out spawn on the foreground.
  • Back to Front: In terms of the order the ships fight it. Chronologically, ??? fights it first, followed by Overlord, before Null finishes it off, though you see these fights play out in reverse order in-game.
  • Beam Spam: Is fond of summoning runic circles around the room that fire lasers at you. In fact, this is its only attack during its slab phase.
  • Boomerang Comeback: One attack in its second and last vs.-Null phases is to fire streams of bullets that shortly start flying backwards.
  • Climax Boss: A mighty guardian of the Power Eternal. Defeating it truly completes Null's run and unlocks the road to further revelations about the game's story.
  • Early-Bird Cameo: The first form the player encounters is seen up-close in the pause menu at the Sanctum and the floor below.
  • Eldritch Starship: Has the appearance of one, resembling a gigantic spaceship with a sinister looking eye and jagged parts resembling demonic horns.
  • Glass Cannon: The last sub-boss of Database is this, being an infant version of this boss. It lasts only as long as one phase of its current self, but as a sub-boss that's barely bigger than the Player Character, it can deal double damage while its grown self cannot.
  • Go for the Eye: Its eye is the only part of it that the player can hit in most of its forms. Originally, it had the appearance of a white circle, though after the fight with Overlord, it's broken to reveal a more organic looking one.
  • Heads I Win, Tails You Lose: Without the glitched cartridge that grants access to Nowhere, ??? gets destroyed regardless of the outcome of their fight against this boss. Narrowly subverted with Overlord, however, if the boss Overlord is interpreted as the result of the player Overlord claiming the Power Eternal (another ??? ship gives up its life to save Overlord from the Machine's cutscene attack).
  • Kaizo Trap: Once its health is depleted in either pre-Null form, it fires yellow lazer blasts in the top half of the screen that can still damage (or even destroy) your ship.
  • The Monolith: The slab it's trapped in resembles one, funnily enough more than the boss that's actually named after it.
  • No Name Given: Introduced with eight scrambling letters in place of its name, and otherwise called "Unknown". The only instances where it is called by name are the Hard difficulty end credits, a report of the player defeating it and claiming Power Eternal, and its practice fight preface once Monolith has been defeated before as well.
  • Non-Indicative Name: Although its name and the initial No Name Given are both rather intimidating, this boss is not a mech, but a construct.
  • Post-Defeat Explosion Chain: Weaponized against ???, intentionally or otherwise.
  • Route Boss: Different forms of it are fought when you play as Overlord or ??? at Normal difficulty. These two pre-Null versions are very similar to each other, and they both have different attacks from when it is fought by Null. It is also this as a sub-boss of Database.
  • Sequential Boss: It initially appears as a giant slab with a rune in the center of it that must be shot at. After damaging it enough, the rune breaks open, revealing a menacing eye. After shooting the eye enough times, the slab seemingly descends downwards before cracking wide open, finally revealing the spaceship-like form hidden within the slab. The Machine could also be considered a sequential boss in that it is fought across the span of three characters. Initially, the Chaos ship first encounters and damages it, followed by the Overlord ship fighting and damaging it further, causing it to seal itself in the slab form that you first fought as Null.
  • Stationary Boss: Its first two forms don't move at all. Averted for the versions fought by ??? and Overlord, as well as it as a sub-boss of Database.
  • True Final Boss: Fought below the seal at Normal difficulty.
  • Turns Red: Two instances in the vs.-Null final phase:
    • A downplayed example: when the health bar is below half, this boss's triple Wave-Motion Gun attack is replaced with four beams, and its roboteching spiral attack has more bullets per volley.
    • When the boss is at critical health, the background and foreground brighten, and the Machine moves near the top of the screen for a set of two new attacks.
  • Victory Fakeout: That pillar you seemingly destroyed seemingly falls down… and then returns as its original (yet battle-torn) spaceship-esque form and gives Null quite a run for their money!

    Hard Floor 6 Boss 

  • Angelic Abomination: Its bright glowing wings and white color scheme give it an angelic appearance.
  • Antagonist Title: This boss is the eponymous figure of the game. Not the facility. Not the Machine. THIS.
  • Apocalypse How: Its Monster Compendium entry indicates that a certain being, similarly to Null, obtained Power Eternal and spent their last moments destroying the facility and most living society around it (likely akin to the mirror practice boss portrait).
  • Arc Symbol: It looks very similar to the parts of upgrade terminals that encapsulate the player ship.
  • Boss Remix: The song that plays for the first part of the fight is a remixed version of the song that plays for the tutorial fight — fitting since the tutorial fight was Null sparring with D-13.
  • Confusion Fu: It has a variety of fast-moving attacks under its belt, and its first two phases have no set order of attacks, making it a very unpredictable foe.
  • Cue the Sun: After taking enough damage, it ascends high enough for the rising sun to be visible as a backdrop to the last part of the fight.
  • Dueling Player Characters: It and D-13 are the first two ships you play as in the game.
  • Face–Heel Turn: Null turns on D-13 after taking the Power Eternal.
  • Final Boss: Fought below the seal at Hard difficulty, at a point where the sixth floor's existence is obvious.
  • High-Altitude Battle: A ways into the fight, it busts through the ceiling of the facility, taking the fight to the sky above the city. Furthermore, the screen expands vertically for the fight to increase the amount of room you can fight in, changing the appearance of parts of the UI like your HP.
  • History Repeats: Stated in its Monster Compendium entry. It is unknown if it speaks of a scenario in which D-13 failed to stop Null as Monolith, or if it occurred far in the past.
  • Marathon Boss: Despite only having a single health bar, it may very well have the highest health pool out of anything in the game. You're gonna be fighting this guy for a while.
  • Meaningful Name: It perfectly fits an alternate definition of the word "monolith": a sizable and impersonal structure that acts as a singular body of power.
  • Mirror Boss: To an extent — many of the attacks it uses are based off the weapons you can find in the game.
  • Power at a Price: The price being Null's sanity, evidently.
  • Power Gives You Wings: It's gained several wings that are seemingly made of light.
  • Route Boss: On Hard Mode, it takes the place of The Machine, showing up directly after when The Machine would otherwise appear.
  • Runic Magic: It has a plethora of runes constantly orbiting around it which it uses for many of its attacks.
  • Sad Battle Music: Melancholic tones of its battle themes set them apart from the rest of the game's soundtrack.
  • Superpowered Evil Side: The Power Eternal has made Null very powerful, and very insane.
  • Title Drop: If it being a powered-up version of your first player ship didn't tip you off, it sharing a name with the game should make it clear that it's a big deal.
  • Tragic Monster: The result of Null having succumbed to Power Eternal and getting turned into a construct whose sole aim is to destroy.
  • True Final Boss: Of the story as a whole, fought near the very end of Monolith's timeline.
  • Walking Spoiler: The existence of this boss reveals what happened to Null after obtaining the Power Eternal.
  • With Great Power Comes Great Insanity: The Power Eternal has granted it immense power, as well as seemingly not recognising its former friend anymore.

    Floor 7 Boss 

  • A.I. Is a Crapshoot: The database has been corrupted likely due to the influence of the glitched cartridge, and it attempts to "purify" the player ship when they find it.
  • Bloody Murder: Certain Devourer eyes spawned by Omniscient explode into shotgun spreads of blood projectiles. While you fight Abyssal, said projectiles fall into the Devourer mouth when it tries to suck you downwards. The infant Machine can also shoot radial bursts of these particles as one of its second sub-phase's attacks.
  • Boss Banter: When the player ship first encounters it, it welcomes them to the facility before noting that it's been corrupted, proceeding it to deem them a threat. After it's been defeated, it thanks the visitor for using the facility database.
  • Boss Bonanza: Database summons three sub-bosses to fight in its stead over the course of the battle.
  • Confusion Fu: Its main attacks are random, and it summons three out of eight different sub-bosses in a random order each time it is fought.
  • Death from Above: Abyssal, Phoenix Gunship, and Thaumaturge each have an attack that involves raining many bullets from the ceiling.
  • Epic Flail: The sub-boss Iron Magus wields one, and it's fond of dropping it down and swinging it in a wide circular motion to catch your ship. It appears to be recreated from one of Armor TAC's limbs.
  • Expy: Of ALLTYNEX, being a rogue Master Computer Cyber Cyclops in a Shoot 'Em Up. Additionally, one of the sub-bosses is a white winged figure with the ability to shoot out blades from its face and from the sides of the room, named "The Radiant".
  • Faceless Eye: One that's very reminiscent of HAL. One of the sub-bosses has one as well, Omniscient being Presence's eye surrounded by Chamberlord's vertices.
  • Final Boss: Gets demoted to this for those who seek it out in order to reach for higher and higher loop settings.
  • Fire, Ice, Lightning: The sub-boss Thaumaturge utilizes this in its attacks. Presumably, fire and ice are taken from Daemon's head and Ice Wyrm's body segment, and lightning from Reactor's "eye".
  • Flashback: The boss weaponizes this! During the last part of the fight, Database playbacks the creation of The Machine while your ship is caught in the midst of it, taking damage if they touch the bullets.
  • Flash Step: Phoenix Gunship zips around this way.
  • Flunky Boss: Iron Magus and Late Knight summon ghosts as part of certain attacks. Omniscient also summons Devourer eyes for two of its attacks.
  • High-Tech Hexagons: Most of its main form's attacks involve it generating these around the screen, which then fire off various bullet patterns.
  • Hover Tank: One of the sub-bosses, Phoenix Gunship, is a winged craft with parts taken from Behemoth, Overlord, and Monolith.
  • Insistent Terminology: None of the sub-bosses are recognized as separate entities, so the death message for this fight is always "Ended by Database" (humorously, even if you die while fighting an amalgamation or the infant Machine).
  • "Instant Death" Radius: Inverted; one of the sections of the Infant Machine phase forces your ship to stay in a small circular zone around it while the area outside is bombarded by walls of bullets that are blocked by the zone.
  • Losing Your Head: Inverted; Ordinator's head plops onto Guardian's torso when the player is introduced to sub-boss Iron Magus.
  • Matrix Raining Code: Present in its portrait.
  • Meaningful Background Event: In the final phase, several mages are present in the background overlooking the fight — presumably they are the ones channelling the Power Eternal into the vessel you are fighting.
  • Mix-and-Match Critters: The sub-bosses created by Database resemble parts of other bosses mashed up together in creative ways — for example, Leviathan appears to be Fish with Charlie's visor grafted onto it, and Iron Magus is composed of Guardian's body with Ordinator's head sitting atop it, wielding a flail fashioned after one of Armor TAC's limbs.
  • Numerical Hard: The four main phases have increasing numbers of bullets or attacks in some of the attacks they share.
  • Our Mages Are Different: Two of the sub-bosses, Iron Magus and Thaumaturge. The first is an armored mage that wields a flail along with fire magic, while the latter has an eye embedded in its neck-stump and carries Daemon's head and one of Ice Wyrm's body segments in its hands, enabling it to use various elemental magics.
  • Playing with Fire: Several of the sub-bosses, especially Iron Magus and Phoenix Gunship, are capable of this.
  • Sea Monster: One of the sub-bosses is dubbed "Leviathan". It resembles Fish with Charlie's One-Way Visor.
  • Sequential Boss: Counting its sub-bosses, it has a total of eight phases, and its final phase has four sub-phases of its own!
  • Shared Life-Meter: Abyssal and the Devourer mouth both show signs of defeat once the former is hit enough.
  • Shout-Out: It states that your ship is a "Void-class threat", and right before the fight begins, it declares "Purification in Progress…"
  • Stationary Boss: In its main form, it stays in place with its eye in the centre of the screen.
  • Superboss: To fight this boss, you must find a secret cartridge, defeat the True Final Boss at floor 6, and then venture throughout Nowhere.
  • Tactical Suicide Boss: Inverted with Abyssal, which cannot be hit while the Devourer mouth shoots laser blasts from below.
  • Teleport Spam: Omniscient, Abyssal, and Phoenix Gunship each do this for one or two of their attacks.
  • Time Stands Still: The infant machine can freeze the bullets getting sucked into it, though your ship's still free to move around, possibly causing it to run into the frozen bullets.
  • Vacuum Mouth: The Devourer mouth of sub-boss Abyssal sometimes tries to suck you into it so you're low enough on the screen for it to bite you, all the while forcing you to dodge the blood particles that fall from the ceiling.
  • Warrior Undead: The sub-boss Late Knight appears to be Forgotten Ringleader encased in a suit of armour fashioned from Armor TAC.
  • Wave-Motion Gun: Leviathan can fire a large beam that rains particles both in directions perpendicular to it and from where it hits the top of the screen.
  • Wreathed in Flames: The ghost knights summoned by Iron Magus use this very effectively, leaving fire bullets and trails everywhere if they aren't killed.

Temple Bosses

    The Warden 

The Warden
  • Author Avatar: Of the developer PureQuestion.
  • Boss Banter: Before you fight them, they'll have some dialogue about how they wish they could've met you under better circumstances, and if you defeat their Tier-4 version, they'll tell you not to let it free before expiring.
  • Confusion Fu: Well, they're literally made out of question marks. They embody the magic school of enigmancy, and they have a pretty wide variety of attacks in their arsenal. The order of their first three phases is also randomized, so while on one run you might fight their sword phase first, on another you'd fight their staff phase.
  • Cool Sword: Wields one for one of their phases to primarily perform melee attacks with, as well as summon more swords to fling at you. After being defeated, this is half of the weapon they drop, "Sacred Arms".
  • Doppelgänger Attack: The Warden can split themselves into multiple copies for some of their attacks, as well as create copies of their sword/staff.
  • Godzilla Threshold: They only whip out their time magic on their fourth and final phase on Tier-4, presumably out of desperation.
  • The Heart: Is implied to have served this role for The Omniscient Council of Vagueness if their Monster Compendium Flavor Text is anything to go by, and when you meet them in-game, they don't enjoy having to fight you.
  • Killed Off for Real: Defeating Tier-4 Warden results in them dying, as opposed to defeating them at a lower tier, which merely causes them to escape and boot you out of the Temple.
  • King Mook: Is this to enigmancers, resembling a larger version of them.
  • Load-Bearing Boss: A variation — defeating Tier-4 Warden causes the seal holding Chaosgod to break.
  • Magic Staff: Wields one for one of their phases, mainly using it to fire various forms of lasers at you. After being defeated, this is the other half of Sacred Arms they drop.
  • Optional Boss: Is fought in the completely optional Temple floor.
  • Our Mages Are Different: Seemingly has a body composed of question marks under their robe, and attacks you with swords, staves and runes made out of more question marks.
  • Razor Wind: One of their sword attacks has them creating Sword Lines that slice through the air at an angle, presumably from how fast they swing the sword.
  • Reluctant Warrior: They don't really want to fight you, and they're only doing so to prevent Chaosgod from escaping.
  • Runic Magic: Wields a ring of runes shaped like question marks for one of their phases, using them to fire bullets at you from unusual angles.
  • Screw This, I'm Outta Here: Defeating Warden below Tier-4 causes them to escape, leaving behind their Sacred Arms for you to use.
  • Sequential Boss: Depending on the Warden's tier when you fight them, you'll have to contend with up to four Life Bars, not to mention Chaosgod coming directly after them.
  • Super-Speed: One of runic phase attacks involves them quickly accelerating at high speed all across the top of the screen while shooting out bullets.
  • Talk to the Fist: Humorously, you can skip their intro dialogue by just attacking them.
  • Time Master: If you manage to get to phase 4 of Tier-4 Warden, they'll gain the ability to freeze time in conjunction with their other abilities, utilizing this to add bullets in the middle of their attacks, and even redirect their swords for one attack in particular.
  • Wave-Motion Gun: During their staff phase, they can channel multiple staves together to fire a ridiculously massive beam downwards that pushes them off the screen from the force.

    Temple Superboss 

  • Attack Its Weak Point: After dealing sufficient damage to it, it'll reveal its eye-shaped core, which must be shot at to deal real damage to them.
  • De-power: If you enter the fight with a runic weapon, Chaosgod will simply break it, reducing you to using your starting peashooter. You can do this for yourself if you grab the Grasp of Entropy that can drop after defeating Chaosgod, allowing you to No-Sell the Machine's runes.
  • Eldritch Abomination: Most likely neither undead nor mech nor construct nor mage nor creature. All it resembles is a huge, vaguely skeletal looking figure with a large eye-shaped core concealed in its chest that has the power to summon black holes and explode stars. Its core also counts, seemingly having discarded the rest of its body and grown sharp wing-shaped structures instead.
  • God of Chaos: Practically its name — it's heavily implied to embody the spatial entropy of the universe.
  • Last Ditch Move: When you seemingly defeat it, it'll attempt to fling black holes at you in an attempt to take you with it before getting sealed up again.
  • Nice Job Breaking It, Hero: If you defeat the Tier-4 Warden, you free it. Averted if you manage to defeat it and seal it back up, or better yet, destroy its core and kill it off for real.
  • Physical God: Possesses immense power, has a name ending with "-god", and is physically fought after the Tier-4 Warden.
  • The Power of the Sun: Of a sort — you and Chaosgod appear to be flying right above the surface of the sun for the fight, and it physically explodes several stars in the background to rain down fire upon you.
  • Power of the Void: It attempts to fling Unrealistic Black Holes at you upon being defeated. If you get caught in one, you are forced into fighting its core.
  • Pyrrhic Victory: If you decide to fight and defeat its core, you'll have destroyed Chaosgod permanently, at the cost of being trapped in the void forever.
  • Sealed Evil in a Can: Was sealed by the Warden long ago. Upon killing off the Warden for real, it is freed from its prison.
  • Sequential Boss: Not counting the fact that you fight it immediately after defeating the Warden, it has Multiple Life Bars that must be depleted, and after defeating it, you can optionally extend the fight for even longer by fighting its core.
  • Stuff Blowing Up: One of its attacks involves blowing up several stars in the background.
  • Superboss: Uniquely on par with Monolith! You have to beat a floor 4 boss with at least a 2.5x Score Multiplier to access the Tier-4 Temple, light up every torch in the starting room by finding and defeating all four minibosses on the floor, and finally defeat Tier-4 Warden to get a shot at fighting Chaosgod.
  • Taking You with Me: If you defeat it, it'll attempt to take you with it into the void. You can flip this on it by defeating its core, destroying it permanently. (The trope itself will still be played straight in the sense that you're stuck in the void with no way out, though.)
  • Victor Gains Loser's Powers: If you manage to defeat it without being pulled into its prison, it'll drop one of two unique weapons for you to pick up and use — a runic weapon named Grasp of Entropy, or a sword named Edge of Reality — both presumably infused with Chaosgod's power.
  • Wave-Motion Gun: A short-lived one, but one of its attacks is to blast a cone-shaped laser directly beneath its head.
  • White and Red and Eerie All Over: Though its stronger attacks give it some shades of Red and Black and Evil All Over.
