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Characters / Dragon Ball Multiverse

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The characters in Dragon Ball Multiverse all have varying traits and personalities. Due to the fact that many of them carry over from the original Dragon Ball, plus the multitude of characters in this comic, this page will discuss the different universes and their premises. Additionally, this page will also discuss the fates of certain characters in the tournament in labelnotes, so beware of spoilers.

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Other Universes

Universe 2: Universe featuring Toriyama's Other Works

    Characters from Toriyama's Other Works
Perhaps the most unusual group by far, U2 consists of characters all made and designed by Akira Toriyama, plus a few other oddballs. As such, most of these characters come from other, non-Dragon Ball works. The fighters in this universe include Aralenote , Neko Majinnote , Beelzebub note , Sun Wukong note , a Parody Sue note , and Akira Toriyama himself as Tori-bot note . Crono, Magus, Robo, Eight, Senbei Norimaki, Turbo Norimaki, Gatchan #1 and Peasuke Soramame are spectators.
  • Adaptational Badass: As ridiculously overpowered as Arale was in canon, she couldn't reality warp to the extent of making inanimate objects come to life.
  • Author Avatar: Tori-bot who apparently is Toriyama himself, at least enough to control all the characters he has made. Too bad he gets picked to fight Raichi, who's not created by him.
  • Joke Character: All of them.
  • Poke the Poodle: Beelzebub's idea of evil deeds, and he considers King Piccolo to be an absolute madman.
  • Reality Warper: Arale subconsciously distorts reality to give things a cartoony face. Being a gag manga character, she doesn't follow the logic of the Dragon Ball world.
  • Screw This, I'm Outta Here: Tori-bot was initially confident he could beat anyone, since as the creator of Dragon Ball he would have power over all of his characters. However he's paired with Raichi, who he did not make and could not control. With that, he says "I'm getting too old for this shit" and leaves.
  • Shoo Out the Clowns: There's no other explanation for how they all got eliminated, despite having Rule of Funny on their side. note 
  • Story-Breaker Power: Arale is ridiculously overpowered, handily stomping a Parody Sue and #18, and a powerful Reality Warper who, by his own admission, puts Zen Buu to shame. She only lost due to bad luck. With Vegito and Broly eliminated, she could have been the most powerful character left in the tournament.

Universe 5: XXI's Universe

Not much is known about U5, other than it's the earliest divergence seen in the universes present at the tournament and a mysterious fighter called XXI. First seen as an elderly wizard, it's heavily implied that is not his true form, and he may be at least two separate beings.
  • A Form You Are Comfortable With: Looking like an old man instead of whatever he really is probably allowed him to get into the tournament in the first place to get his wish. It also helps in his matches, since because he doesn't look dangerous, people drop their guard and become easier to defeat.
  • Big Bad: Word of God has hinted that he is this.
  • Bond One-Liner: His reaction to beating Android 18 is surprisingly smug and one of the few displays of personality he's shown so far.
    Lucky I was keeping the button pressed.
  • Character Catchphrase: One that is hard to notice given his own sporadic appearances, but twice, when talking with someone else in his apartment, implied to be a dragon, possibly Porunga, he asks:
    XXI: ''How can I vanquish Gast easily in this tournament?''
  • The Chessmaster: So far, his dedication to winning without using force and careful study and exploitation of the tournament rules emphasize his cleverness and trickery, not any power he may have. Invoked by the comic itself, which literally depicts him playing chess against U4 Buu on the Chapter 86 cover.
  • Combat Pragmatist: XXI wants to win, and will use cheap moves if need be. He immediately teleports Vegetto in order to disqualify him, uses a remote to de-activate #18 and seals Zen Buu back into his cocoon with the magical incantation meant to seal him.
  • Crazy-Prepared: XXI obtains a copy of Bulma's android-disabling remote to defeat Android 18. For his next match, it appears he anticipated U4 Buu to immediately go for the kill and destroy his puppet form, so he prepared a way to say the sealing spell without it and still win the match.
  • Curb-Stomp Battle:
    • Not a textbook example, but he did defeat Vegitonote  using his powers to trap him in another dimension. By the time Vegito breaks free from said dimension, another fight is taking place, which simply means Vegito got disqualified by a technical ringout. Vegito disputes this result, but as Gohan points out, what XXI did in reality was incapacitate Vegito for several hours with no effort.
    • When Zen Buu's free portion attempts to spy on his apartment, upon realizing that Buu is there, XXI proceeds to obliterate him easily.
    • When faced by Android 18, he immediately turns her off with a remote, ending the battle instantly.
    • Once again does that against Zen Buu, by using the magic formula that turns him into a cocoon.
  • The Dreaded: Merely hearing his name sends U9 Old Kai into a panic about how the U1 Kais could be so catastrophically stupid to invite a being so dangerous to the tournament. It's implied he's talking about XXI's true form, since Old Kai calms down seeing the elderly wizard XXI.
  • Eldritch Abomination: His apparent true form is a vaguely Hexxus-like being of smoke and darkness, with a shadowy aura so potent it invades the viewer's screen.
  • Eldritch Location: His apartment certainly seems to fit the theme. Conveniently, it hides his true form.
  • Eyes Out of Sight: His Big Ol' Eyebrows hide his eyes, making it harder to tell what he's thinking and adding to his mysterious nature.
  • The Fourth Wall Will Not Protect You: The page revealing his true form has a feature where the black smoke coming out of him will slowly begin to cover the entire screen until the reader leaves the page or turn it off via a prompt on the upper right.
  • Hidden Agenda Villain: He has a wish in mind, but unlike the other villainous characters it isn't even hinted at what that wish is. What makes XXI particularly intriguing is that 1) his magical skill is already so high (enough to impress U4 Buu) that the list of things a Dragon Ball wish could do which he potentially couldn't already do himself is very small; and 2) it's heavily implied he already has access to Dragon Balls of his own.
  • Outside-Context Problem: For everyone, he is this. He intentionally doesn't interact with other characters or even shows up much, no one knows who he is, and the most that has been revealed about him is that he's a magician. U18 characters who know everyone else, don't know about him, and even Zen Buu, who tends to know a lot about the other characters, considers him to be mysterious. And even though Zen Buu is a powerful magician of his own, he decided to not take any chances with XXI's own magic and tried to quickly get rid of him which didn't work and he lost the fight by using the spell that seals him. He's also this for the fanbase, since he shows up so little, and unlike most DB villains, doesn't talk openly about what he wants, doesn't flaunt his power, and takes no risks at all whenever he fights, makes him very mysterious, and his pragmatism to quickly end every fight is very unusual for Dragon Ball, giving him the shortest fights on the tournament. Only Goku got fights about as short, and even he got longer fights after a while.
  • Rules Lawyer: Perhaps XXI's most defining trait—other than wanting to win as quickly and easily as possible, no matter what—is his careful exploitation of the tournament rules. No other participant is so thorough in finding and using loopholes. When other characters call him out on his methods, he's always ready to explain why what he did isn't technically cheating... always saying the barest minimum required to get away with it and revealing absolutely nothing more.
    U16 Vegito: Hang on! Who pronounced the magic formula?
    : XXI: I did. I had it launch automatically at the start of the fight.
    U16 Vegito: "How do you know the formula?"
    XXI: "I don't have to answer that question."
  • Single-Stroke Battle: So far he's won all of his fights (in- and out-of-tournament) in a single action.
  • Spanner in the Works: In the novelisation, he's this to Buu and Vegito's plans for the tournament. The two of them planned to rig the matches that would lead to them fighting each other in the final round, but Vegito's elimination throws a massive wrench in that.
  • Squishy Wizard: He (or rather his disguised form) is implied to be very weak, but his spells and other skills are enough to eliminate Vegito. It's implied without them he'd have lost to #18.
  • Story-Breaker Power:
    • XXI can teleport anyone, even Vegito, into another dimension where time flows differently. So far, the only way this can be countered is if to hit him fast enough before he summons this spell, or if the move is banned from the tournament. Even then, Vegito was only able to escape by being that damn powerful.
    • Zen Buu's brief look into his room (which is now another dimension) implies that he has a set of Dragon Balls at the ready and that he's been using the wishes to give himself the ability to dominate opponents. This certainly would explain where he got #18's deactivation control remote. This is further confirmed in Chapter 66 when he is seen holding what is likely a stone Dragon Ball.
  • Terse Talker: XXI doesn't say much, and much of what he does say is in short, decisive sentences.
    "I'm conscious. He isn't. I've won."
  • Time Abyss: Implied; the Old Kai of U9 (who was sealed 75 million years ago) is familiar with XXI, so he was probably alive back then.
  • Year Outside, Hour Inside: Transported Vegito into one to disqualify him. It took Vegito seconds to break out, yet hours from the perspective of the tournament.

Universe 7: Gast's Universe

    Gast Carcolh
In U7, when Freeza attacked Namek, all the Namekians fused into a single Super Namekian named Gast Carcolh and killed Freeza, before killing King Cold. He then would go on to defeat its universe's Cell and Majin Buu. Gast is the sole representative of U7 in the Multiverse Tournament, entering so he can use the Dragon Balls to revive his race.
  • Adaptational Badass: Goes from equal to SSJ3s to stronger than Gohan in the novelization.
  • Aloof Ally: Gast is on the side of good but often keeps to himself, eating his meals alone and not interacting with people from other universes.
  • Alternate Universe Reed Richards Is Awesome: He starts out as his Universe's Nail and Guru.
  • Awesome by Analysis: He deduces very quickly what Hatchiyak's attack pattern is, and how to exploit it. He also plans out during his fight with U16 Bra how his opponent will react to the moves he makes.
  • Barrier Warrior: Gast can create energy shields, and uses one to protect a defenseless friend during his battle with U7 Cold.
  • Big Good: Fulfills this role in his home universe.
  • Break Them by Talking: Tries this on both King Piccolo and Raichi. A surprisingly benevolent example, as he tries to make them aware of their innate goodness.
  • Challenge Seeker: Downplayed. When King Piccolo incapacitates him briefly by whistling and seemly gains an advantage, Gast reveals he let it happen because he seeks a challenge when he can. In general, though, he seems more of a...
  • Combat Pragmatist: Gast usually tries to end fights quickly. He goes straight for Cooler in his home universe, killing him before he can even react. He tries the same against Raichi, realizing he doesn't need to beat Broly to win.
  • Composite Character: Of the idea of Nail fusing with Piccolo, only done with the entire Namekian race fusing with Nail.
  • Cruel and Unusual Death: When Buu attempts to take over the tournament again, he quickly dispatches Gast by ripping his body apart with miniature black holes before vaporising his head to prevent him from regenerating.
  • Eating Optional: Being a Namekian, he doesn't eat food. His "meals" are dozens upon dozens of glasses of water.
  • Fights Like a Normal: Relatively speaking, he mostly fights using more usual Dragon Ball abilities in his tournament matches, despite having magic even more powerful than his ki related abilities, such as being able pull every part of the much stronger Zen Buu into a ball, and being able to turn off transformations, which even works on Super Saiyan 3 Vegetto.
  • Fusion Dance: Exaggerated — he is every surviving Namekian fused into a single entity.
  • Gentle Giant: Gast has traces of this. Being a fusion of the entire Namekian race means he possesses the passiveness and intelligence of the elders, along with the fighting prowess and keen thinking of the fighters, as seen when Gast traps U4 Buu in a ball without breaking a sweat, saving the tournament. He's also over ten feet tall; only Broly and King Cold are taller.
  • Godzilla Threshold: The result of one; when Frieza invaded Namek in Universe 7, the Namekians all performed the forbidden fusion technique to create a warrior that could protect their planet, resulting in Gast.
  • Healing Hands: Has this power, likely from fusing with Dende or another healer Namekian.
  • Last of His Kind: The last Namekian in his universe.
  • Magic Knight: He’s at least as powerful as a Super Saiyan 3 in terms of raw strength, and has enough magical power to incapacitate Zen Buu.
  • Mundane Utility: He can use his awesome magical powers to... create breathable air.
  • New Powers as the Plot Demands: Two cases of this. First he's shown the capacity to capture every part of Zen Buu into a ball, something that surprises even Zen Buu as he knows a lot of powerful and flexible magics. The second case is his power to turn off Super Saiyan transformations, which creates a case of Retroactive Idiot Ball since he didn't use it against Raichi's Super Saiyan ghosts, who did give him trouble.
  • Physical God: Alongside Vegito, Zen Buu, and Broly, he's one of the most powerful beings in the tournament, easily exceeding the power of the actual gods present.
  • Power at a Price: Gast became the most powerful being in his universe, but the Namekian race was driven to near extinction.
  • Punny Name: In keeping with the Namekian theme of snail-related names, his name is derived from "gastropod" (the class of molluscs that slugs and snails belong to) and Lou Carcolh, a snail-like mythical creature from French folklore.
  • Pyrrhic Victory: Gast successfully fought off the Frost Demons and became the strongest being in U7, but as a result he's the Last of His Kind. What's more, his creation also resulted in the last remaining Dragon Balls being rendered permanently useless, meaning that everyone that could have been revived by them is now permanently dead.
  • Retroactive Idiot Ball: After the Majin rebellion, he's shown the power to turn off Super Saiyan transformations which's strong enough to work on Super Saiyan 3 Vegetto. Such a powerful ability would've trivialized his fight against Raichi, as only Super Saiyan 3 Vegeta and Legendary Super Saiyan Broly were strong enough to actually give him trouble.
  • The Stoic: Keeps a straight face for over 1000 pages of the webcomic. The first time Gast shows major emotion (that isn't played for comedy) is his surprise when he realizes he's bumped up against Broly.
  • Telepathy: Reads Gohan and Krillin's minds when they come to Namek.
  • Unexplained Recovery: During the fight against Raichi, the Super Saiyan 3 Vegeta ghost destroyed his remains, but Gast recovers afterwards, no explanation is given for this in the comic. The fanfiction says that Gast used illusions to make nearby rocks look like him, while he camouflaged himself as rocks, but this explanation is not used in the comics.
  • Warrior Therapist: Has shades of this. He gets U3!Piccolo to do some introspection, and he accurately assesses U3!Raichi is on a self-destructive track with his Unfinished Business and needs to let go of his Ghostly Goals, hoping to provide him with release by defeating him.
  • Weak, but Skilled: A very, very downplayed example - he's stronger than Majin Buu, and he was at least holding his own against Ghost SSJ3 U13 Vegeta (only losing an advantage after Raichi summoned Broly), and was capable of shattering Raichi's barrier with ease (which previously took a SSJ3 to do). However, he admits that he's lacking in raw power compared to Zen Buu, Vegito, and SSJ3 Gotenks (granted, only after Buu taught Gotenks new fusion methods that apparently boosted their power beyond even that of Goku and Vegeta around 20 years after Buu came). However, he's got extremely advanced regeneration, has extensive knowledge of magic and how to use ki (enough that he could forcibly restrain Vegito.) This is why Buu considers Gast to be the biggest threat and made it his priority to kill Gast before launching his second coup.

Universe 10: Namekians and Primitive Saiyans' Universe

    Namekians and Primitive Saiyans 
U10 consists of two groups: Primitive Saiyans and Namekians, some of which are fighters in the Multiverse Tournament. Freeza was killed by the Kais in this universe (so it stems from U1), thus the Saiyans never gained the technology that their other counterparts had. The Saiyan combatants from this universe are alternate versions of Vegetanote  (now king after his father abdicated in old age), Bardocknote , and a new character named Mahissunote ; the Namekians include Nailnote  and Dende's brother Cargonote . Three more fighters entered—Romanesconote , Caracorunote , and Lumacanote —but it is unknown which were Saiyans and which were Namekians (who can guess if you find the puns in the names). Many Saiyans and Namekians are spectators, including Vegeta's now-elderly father. note 

Univese 15: I'K'L's Universe

I'K'L, The Great Protector
Not much is known about U15, other than an unborn fighter named I'K'L note . I'K'L's mother is a spectator. Chapter 98 sees him be born and take action, with his 'mother' explaining that he is a artificial being created to act as his world/universe's protector.
  • Achilles' Heel: His pseudo time stop doesn't work on inorganic beings. Without it, he's roughly on the same level as Android 16, and is incapable of killing him in a single blow like he did with Vegito. This may be a drawback based on him being ambiguously inorganic himself.
  • Bad Future: Implied to be the timeline that Cell came from, where Trunks killed 17 and 18, leaving Cell no choice but to kill Trunks to take his time machine. Confirmed on this page, detailing how the universes and time travel works in DBM.
  • Did You Just Punch Out Cthulhu?: Thanks to his abilities to stop time he killed Vegito easily.
  • Everyone Has Standards: Is incredulous and disgusted when U14 17 & 18 attack-try to kill U9 Yamcha out of petty spite despite the man *trying* to work with them against the more powerful and out to kill them all I'K'L. The artificial being remarks on the utter Stupid Evil of the twins seemingly killing the only one keeping them alive and indicates that their Ax-Crazy antics are a perfect example of why his mission needs to happen.
  • Foil: After his motives are explained he becomes this to the various Cyborg's and creations of Dr Gero present in the tournament.
    • Like U14 17 & 18 he has programming built in that influences his actions but where 17 & 18 never actually fulfilled their programmed directive of killing Goku and degraded into killing off humanity For the Evulz I'K'L follows his programming to preserve his world at any cost and so decides that the people taking part and running the multiverse Tournament are too dangerous to let live. Unlike 17 & 18 who enjoy their murders I'K'L views killing as a necessary evil that he takes no joy in. Notably, he cites the twins Ax-Crazy behaviour as a perfect example of why he has to carry out his mission.
    • Like Android 16 he is wholly artificial being created for a purpose who values life and wants to protect people. 16 grew beyond what Gero made him to be and values life as his own choice and acts as force for good. I'K'L by contrast has the need to protect his world at any cost programmed in and will not deviate from that even when his mission drives him to commit mass murder. Ironically 16 is the first being I'K'L fights once he takes the stage.
    • Like Cell he is an incredibly powerful engineered lifeform who becomes a deadly threat thanks to the programming built into him by his creator. But whereas Cell is a sociopathic Blood Knight whose ego and sadism see him kill beyond his programmed target and who clings to life at all costs, I'K'L dislikes what he sees as the ugly burden of protecting his universe by killing all threats, regrets the innocents soon to die and has no desire to live beyond his goal, describing his massacre as his last act and seemingly planning to destroy the multiverse travel technology and leave himself alone in a empty universe.
  • Knight Templar: His motive is that as a champion programmed to protect his world who has been monitoring the Multiverse Tournament he feels that too many people present have the power and mentality to destroy universes and the Varga's multiverse travel technology is simply too dangerous and open for abuse to be left alone so he has decided the only solution is to kill absolutely everyone taking part in the tournament and destroy the Varga's technology to prevent a future multiversal threat entering and laying waste to his home reality. To his credit he views the killing as a regrettable necessary evil and takes no joy in this decision apologizing to his mother that his first and last act will be a massacre, and describing it as a burden to Android 16.
  • Normal Fish in a Tiny Pond: The reason I'K'L is involved in the tournament is that nobody in his universe is particularly strong, with every other character being killed, sealed, or out-of-the-universe. He's pretty much the best by default.
  • Mechanical Lifeforms: According to his "mother", he is not a baby but an artificial being created to be the ultimate warrior to protect his world.
  • One-Hit Kill: With his Time Stands Still ability active, any organic being becomes fragile enough to be killed in a single blow, causing them to shatter.
  • Punctuation Shaker: He has five characters in his name, with one vowel and two apostrophes.
  • Shout-Out: His time-stopping powers are named after The World, although under the form of the memetic "ZA WARUDO".
  • Story-Breaker Power: I'K'L himself isn't all that strong compared to the heavy hitters of the tournaments, with his physical power seemingly being equivalent to characters halfway through the Cell Saga. His Time Stands Still power as described below fits this trope much better by allowing I'K'L to effectively neutralize every organic character in the tournament and kill them in one punch, allowing him to effortlessly neutralize and kill characters like Vegito. On top of that, he can seemingly keep time frozen for as long as he wants.
  • Time Stands Still: I'K'L has an ability to freeze time and move in it, although it seems to only work against organic beings since Android 16 was able to attack him with time already stopped. Mechanical hybrids such as Android 17 and 18 also seem to be unaffected.
  • The Unfought: I'K'L failed to be born before his turn in the tournament, therefore was disqualified from participating. Subverted as of Chapter 98 when after being born he becomes a problem for everyone and ends up fighting several contestants.
  • Villain Has a Point: Notes that after observing the tournament he has come to the conclusion that the several of the beings taking part are murderous monsters who pose a real threat to innocent worlds and that the Varga's universe travel technology is insanely dangerous as if it fell into the wrong hands it could allow for universe level threats to attack new realities. Given some of the personalities pulled into the Tournament, the fact the likes of Babidi and Zen Buu very nearly took over and made off with multiverse travel technology its hard to argue this isn't a valid concern.

    I'K'L's mother

Universe 17: Cell

Like various other universes in the story, U17 is the result of a villain winning. Gohan in this universe would lose against Cell, with the rest of the Z Fighters getting slaughtered afterwards. Cell would then go on to kill the rest of the humans and others in the universe to become the sole representative of U17, alongside a Cell Jr note .
  • Abusive Parents: Tells his Cell Jr. that he will make him stronger before he fights Gast, only to kill it and create a stronger one.
  • Affably Evil: Page 120 has Cell acting like a father to two Cell Jrs, carrying one on his shoulders and holding the other's hand. Of course this is dampened by the fact he unflinchingly kills one, so he can make a stronger replacement, during the tournament.
  • All for Nothing: His Xanatos Speed Chess in gathering fighters against Bra ends up being this, because Bra ends up winning anyway. She is only stopped because U18 Bra talked her down.
  • Asshole Victim: After the aforementioned killing of Pan by Bojack, it felt good to see the space pirate get the shit kicked out of him by Cell.
  • Batman Gambit: He pushes Gohan past the Rage Breaking Point to get curb-stomped, so as to test if his training his core to resist obliteration succeeded. (It did.) And he gains a hefty power boost from recovering a near-death experience in the process.
  • Be Careful What You Wish For: He wanted above all else a rematch with Gohan at the top of his game. He got his wish, and was soundly obliterated in a single move. Subverted in the end as he survives, having trained specifically for this.
  • Blood Knight: Just like any Saiyan. Cell notes that, while he is relieved Vegito got disqualified (because Lord knows he's the most powerful person around, there's no way anyone could win without the cheap trick Vegito was defeated by) he also says that he feels disappointed because his Saiyan nature craves a challenge.
  • Brainwashed and Crazy: Downplayed. While he's controlled by Babidi, he's not blindly obedient to the wizard and still shows more independence compared to the other brainwashed victims of Babidi. In the end, he completely rejects him and starts fighting with the heroes.
  • Character Development: We don't get to see it, but it's clear Cell has changed quite a bit after his victory over Gohan. To the point of sparing U18 Bra and faking killing U16 and U18 Piccolo as part of a long-term plan.
  • The Chessmaster: During Babidi's coup, he's shown to have flawlessly outmaneuvered everyone on both sides with them being none the wiser until the climax.
  • Deal with the Devil:
    • He offers to do anything U16 Gohan wants to Bojack (who killed U16 Pan) in exchange for a duel with Gohan far away from the arena. Gohan turns him down, though.
    • He's on the receiving end with Babidi. Initially, Cell resists Babidi's attempts to brainwash him only for Babidi to offer Cell the power he needs to get stronger. Thus, Cell lets Babidi control him in exchange for that power. Subverted when it's revealed he's not being controlled by Babidi and is in fact actively working against him.
  • Did Not See That Coming:
    • When Dabura's spit starts to turn him to stone, he has a massive Freak Out.
    • This trope ultimately does him in in his fight against Vegeta. By foolishly lowering his guard, Cell left himself wide open to an attack from Vegeta as a Super Saiyan 3, who exploits this one mistake to decisively win the fight and destroy Cell's core.
  • Didn't Think This Through:
    • When Cell Jr is put up against Gast, he decides to Kill and Replace him with the most powerful Cell Jr he could make. The thing is that Cell has been trying to pretend that he hasn't improved since the Cell games and the new Jr is on par with SSJ2s, exposing to everyone who knows him that he's been holding back significantly. To rub salt on the wound, Gast ends up beating the Jr with little effort.
    • On that same fight, Cell forgot to explain the rules to Cell Jr., so he immediately attacked Gast without touching the ring, which got him disqualified. Though he got the chance to fight again once Gast accepted a rematch.
  • The Dragon: To Babidi after becoming a Majin, being his second strongest fighter behind Majin Bra, who was kept in reserve as a trump card.
  • Dragon with an Agenda: Of course, it's later revealed Cell has been secretly plotting against Babidi the whole time, and only "submitted" to his control simply out of convenience.
  • Dropped a Bridge on Him: After being one of the key players in the Majin rebellion on both sides, Cell gets taken out of the fight in the final battle against Majin Bra and he's not seen for the rest of the chapter. When the next chapter gives a Hope Spot of him jumping back into the battle, he gets unceremoniously killed.
  • Evil Versus Evil: He's still just as evil as ever, even before he becomes a Majin. However, he betrays Babidi and fights Majin Bra, who even Cell sees as the main threat.
  • Facepalm: Does this after his new Cell Jr. does something stupid during his fight with Gast.
  • Faux Affably Evil: Much like U4 Buu, he seems to have mellowed out of his sadism on the surface, but still retains his smarmy and demeaning wit to everyone else around him along with casual cruelty towards his offspring.
  • Forgiven, but Not Forgotten: Shocking as it may seem, Cell seems to hold no grudges against Gohan for humiliating and nearly killing him. Downplayed however in that he wants nothing more than a rematch with him at the top of his game, so his near defeat is clearly still fresh in his mind.
  • From a Single Cell: Much like in the manga, Cell has a nucleus that as long as it remains intact allows him to regenerate even if the rest of his body is obliterated. Cell reveals he trained himself to reinforce his nucleus to protect it from wide-ranged attacks, but it is sadly still vulnerable to concentrated ones.
  • Genius Bruiser: In addition to his tremendous might, Cell proves an excellent schemer expert in Batman Gambits.
  • Good Thing You Can Heal: Multiple times, which Cell abuses alongside his Adaptive Ability after every near-death experience to become more powerful in a short span of time. Most notably when he rips off his own head to survive after being hit by Dabura's Stone Spit. He can even survive obliteration from a Wave-Motion Gun.
  • I Am Not Left-Handed: His entire battle with Dabura, where he spent the whole fight at the same level he was in the Cell Games. The resulting fight was fairly even, though Cell won it handily. After it's revealed that he can make Cell Juniors far above that level, he drops the act and decides to spend the rest of the tournament going all-out.
  • Idiot Ball: Is a bit guilty of this in his fight against Vegeta. He expends a lot of power in a very wasteful way and weakens himself enough that he falls for Vegeta's Bait-and-Switch with a Senzu bean, ripping his core out of him with a sucker punch as a SSJ3.
  • Irony: In the novelization he dismisses a challenge from U16 Bra viewing her as inferior compared to Gohan. Come the Majin Rebellion and Cell admits that Majin Bra's power exceeds his own and pretty much all his plans are about preparing for her being unleashed.
  • Kick the Dog: He murders both Videls to spite Gohan. Played with because while it was part of his plan, it was still a cruel move on his part.
  • Ludicrous Gibs: Sucks up Hirudegarn after it turned into smoke. This was the result when it solidified again.
  • Make My Monster Grow: Uses Piccolo's ability to turn giant during his battle against Hirudegarn.
  • Opportunistic Bastard: Willingly sides with Babidi just so he could get a chance to fight Gohan, only to turn against the wizard once he's had his fun.
  • Pet the Dog: His Deal with the Devil is actually the closest we see Cell displaying a degree of empathy for another person besides himself.
  • Pragmatic Villainy: Willingly declares himself on the heroes' side against Majin Bra, but only because he knows full well that he stands no chance without them.
  • Running Gag: Whenever everyone gets resurrected, that includes the Cell Jr.s he made during the tournament, (who always get killed soon after) much to his increasing frustration.
  • Smug Smiler: It wouldn't be Cell if he didn't do this at least once. However, the grin he gives during his fight with Dabura has to win the award for maximum smugness.
  • Spanner in the Works: Becomes one during Babidi's coup. While seemingly under Babidi's control, Cell has been secretly working against the wizard the whole time, secretly manipulating events in the heroes' favor in preparation for when Babidi unleashes Majin Bra. Had he not done so, it's very unlikely that the heroes would be able to go as far as they could.
  • Taught by Experience: When he's under Babidi's control he immediately goes after Gohan, knowing full well how dangerous he is. He seemingly repeats the exact same mistake of pissing him off, but in fact it was all part of his plan. In Chapter 70, he revealed that he trained his nucleus to survive attacks like that.
  • Token Evil Teammate: Revealed to be this during the final stages of the Majin Rebellion, Cell is not under Badidi's control and has actually been working against the wizard's interests behind the scenes. However he is still Cell, and his methods such as murdering both Videl's to motivate Gohan "like hell" and planning to throw U18 Bra into the melee in the hopes of provoking the Gohan's to fight harder are inherently amoral and disturbing.
  • Took a Level in Badass: Having trained since the Cell Games, he's certainly this. Becoming a Majin gives him the extra power needed to go toe-to-toe with Mystic Gohan until Cell purposely pisses him off to test out his nucleus' newfound durability.
  • Too Powerful to Live: A reason why he gets killed by Majin Bra before he could jump back into the final battle. Due to his regenerative abilities and his Saiyan genes allowing to grow stronger after every near-death experience, Cell at this rate could become too powerful for most of the contestants who are not Vegito, Buu or Bra. Even Majin Bra as a Super Saiyan 2 had trouble dealing with Cell due to him adapting to her fighting style, meaning she had to take him out permanently before he could get any stronger.
  • Undignified Death: After mopping the floor with most of his competition, Cell ends up getting eliminated from the tournament by a rather anti-climactic sucker punch by U18 Vegeta.
  • Uniqueness Decay: He lampshades this while fighting Bojack, noting that, after he was so proud of his power when he first became Perfect Cell, both of his opponents in the tournament at that point were just as strong as he'd been in those days.
  • Villain Forgot to Level Grind: Averted. Unlike the other villains, Cell has been training after his victory. He exploits this by pretending otherwise for his entire first match, maintaining his Cell Games level of power. The protagonists all agree that there's no way he wasn't training.
  • Xanatos Speed Chess: Revealed to have pulled a series of quick gambits to play Babidi like a fiddle. He got Majin'd to get a power-up and a fight with Gohan, while not giving full control to Babidi. Then, he pisses Gohan off to force him to bring out the big guns. He also was revealed to NOT have killed the Piccolos and the U19 warriors, leaving allies in the fray for when they need to take out Son Bra.
    Cell Juniors
  • Didn't Think This Through: During the Majin rebellion, the mini Cell Jr on Gohan's head teleported Gohan to make a surprise attack, but instead of teleporting him to Babidi to end the rebellion as soon as possible, he teleported Gohan to Bra, which did nothing to help end it. Gohan immediately tells him in frustration they should've attacked Babidi.
  • Even Evil Has Loved Ones: His Cell Juniors love him as a father, even if he does not reciprocate. The remaining tiny Cell Junior even cries after Majin Bra destroys Cell's nucleus.
  • The Quiet One: Much like in the original DB manga, Cell Jrs. don't talk much. This is averted with the mini Cell Jrs. who get the chance to talk with the other characters more.
  • Support Party Member: The mini Cell Jrs. were this during the Majin rebellion. They didn't fight (Because Bra outclasses them), and all they do is teleport the characters around and try to give them senzu.
  • Pint Sized Power House: Much like in the original manga, they're this, but in general even stronger because of Cell's own increased power level.
  • They Killed Kenny Again: Cell Jrs always get killed, then when everyone gets resurrected during the tournament, they eventually get killed again the next time they fight.
  • The Un Favourite: The first Cell Jr. Cell brought with him is the weakest one, and Cell treats him poorly because of that. First, Cell killed him to be replaced with another, stronger one. Then, during the Majin Rebellion, Cell didn't allow him to help out during it and told him to go fight other, weaker characters.
  • Too Powerful to Live: Perhaps the reason why the most powerful ones are the first casualties during the Majin rebellion, as Gohan quickly gets rid of them. Their powers would be at around Super Saiyan 2 levels, and while both U16 and U18 Gohans are way above this power level, the only other spectators who would comparable to them are Heliotes, but given the way their Ultra Armor can quickly run out of power, it would be a tough fight. Even on Babidi's own side only Majin Buu, Cell and Bra are stronger than them, and Kakarotto once he got Super Saiyan 2 would be comparable to one of them. Besides those, not even Cold-Ginyu in his sixth form, King Piccolo or Dabura are on the same level as even one of them. In short, if they weren't killed off quickly, they still would need to be the highest priority Majins to be killed, otherwise a lot of rebellion would be the characters trying to survive against them at all, which would be extremely difficult as so many were killed or incapacitated even when not having to deal with them.

Universe 20: Broly's Universe


Universe 20 consists of one sole fighter: Broly. Though Broly's death was the same in many universes (his body collided with a nearby star), U20 Broly, by a stroke of luck, was flung out into space instead. He promptly returned to Earth and killed everyone, but he became frozen in an iceberg (as he was stuck, well, in space). note 
  • Adaptational Badass: This Broly is MUCH stronger than his movie counterpart. It takes a Super Saiyan 3 Vegito to even knock him out. This is mainly the result of his Legendary Super Saiyan form being given this treatment. In the movies, the Legendary Super Saiyan form is simply a massive power up much like any other Super Saiyan form. But here it has the added bonus of Gathering Steam plus Nigh-Invulnerability.
  • Batman Can Breathe in Space: Typical of the character, but this particular Broly has apparently powered-up so much that he doesn't even need a shield to survive the vacuum of space.
    Buu: Even breathing is optional for you at this point, huh?
  • Berserk Button: Goku, as usual.
  • The Berserker: Broly is the same uncontrolled mass of rage and destruction he was in his films.
  • Born Lucky: In this timeline, Broly narrowly avoids a fiery death upon hitting the surface of the Sun and goes on to become more powerful than anyone could ever imagine.
  • Cold Opening: The first chapter showed scenes of him and Vegito fighting.
  • Gathering Steam: His Legendary Super Saiyan form allows him to get stronger the longer a fight drags out, allowing him to catch up to Vegito, at least until the latter becomes a Super Saiyan 3 and takes him out of the fight there and then.
  • Generic Doomsday Villain: Just like his OG self, Broly is simply a mindless beast of adrenaline only concerned with fighting Kakarotto.
  • Inexplicably Awesome: Broly was always this with the justification that his power was both overwhelming and continuously growing. According to his backstory, he was able to overpower the (explicitly stated to be stronger) Buu fusion of Z-fighters without even taking a single bit of significant damage.
  • Invincible Villain: To a rather egregious degree. Not even being spaghettified in a supermassive black hole at the center of a galaxy stops him for long.
  • Nigh-Invulnerability: In Legendary Super Saiyan state, Broly is completely immune to physical harm, be it energy or melee based. If the attack is strong enough, he can be flung around, crashing through things, but is not harmed by it.
  • Noodle Incident: While Universe 20's backstory revealed that not only can he survive the depths of space and the pressure of a supermassive black hole, how he ended up getting frozen is a relatively unknown factor.
  • Omnicidal Maniac: His rampage across the universe ends in the extinction of all life until he has nothing left to destroy.
  • Person of Mass Destruction:
    • Broly is so powerful that he is the first one to ever harm Vegito.
    • In his own special, Broly's strength is such that he's able to cause significant damage to the Earth just by landing on it and somehow manages to break free from the grasp of a supermassive black hole, in a process that also apparently destroy the entire galaxy around him. The narration goes on to imply that the rest of the galaxies suffered the same fate.
  • Small Role, Big Impact: While he loses his first match and is sent to his home universe soon after, his fight with Vegito showed everyone else what kind of power they have to overcome in order to have a chance to win the tournament.
  • Story-Breaker Power: Here, as a Legendary Super Saiyan his power increases seemingly without end, with the only drawback being he'll eventually die young because of it. Even Vegito doesn't end up finishing him off, they have to send him back to his own universe.

    Majin Buu 

Majin Buu
  • Adaptational Badass: This Buu becomes substantially more powerful than his canon counterpart (though still not a scratch on U4 Buu) after consentually absorbing the other Z-Warriors for a power boost. Unfortunately, it still proves to not be enough to stop Broly.
  • All for Nothing: It's a Foregone Conclusion that Broly eventually wins and goes on to destroy the entire galaxy. Buu nevertheless gives Broly a damn good fight, but his efforts prove to be in vain all the same.
  • Do Not Go Gentle: Out of options, Buu teleports himself and Broly into the heart of a supermassive black hole where they are both instantly spaghettified into atoms. It's stated that in most universes across the multiverse where this fight plays out, this was a Mutual Kill. With U20 being the odd one out where Broly survives this and escapes the black hole to continue his rampage.
  • Failure Hero: You can't really blame him, though. Broly simply proves to be far, far more dangerous than anyone could've anticipated.
  • Forgot About His Powers: Ultra Buu is extremely powerful, but doesn't use any of his unique abilities to his advantage beyond escaping Broly's grasp, regeneration, and teleportation. There's no use of his candy beam, endless multiplication, absorption or Confusion Fu.
  • Godzilla Threshold: After the remaining Z-Warriors' attempts to fight Broly prove futile, Buu decides to absorb all of them for a massive power boost, essentially becoming a heroic Super Buu.
  • Good Counterpart: After absorbing his friends and becoming "Ultra Buu", he becomes an answer to the original Super Buu.
  • Good Eyes, Evil Eyes: He gains soft, normal humanoid eyes after transforming into Ultra Buu, a sharp contrast to the Black Eyes of Evil possessed by Super Buu.
  • Heroic BSoD: In spite of his enormous power boost, Ultra Buu gradually realizes that nothing he can do will truly damage Broly. After narrowly withstanding a few blasts from Broly, Buu is utterly flummoxed at the fact that the Saiyan beast's power still exceeds his own and concludes that there's no way he's making it out of their battle alive.
  • Heroic Sacrifice: Upon realizing that Broly's invulnerability to physical attacks cannot be overcome even by someone a lot stronger than him Buu teleports Broly into a Black Hole. The narration notes that in most universes across the multiverse where this fight plays out the Z-Fighters sacrifice saves the universe at the cost of their lives, with U20 being a rare oddity where Broly managed to survive and continue his rampage through the cosmos.
  • Irony: During their fight, he claims he's the only person in the universe more "broken" than Broly. He's almost instantly proven to be very very wrong.

Unknown Universes

    Beerus and Whis 
Yes, that Beerus and Whis. They have cameo appearances as spectators in the crowd and are never shown directly interacting with any of the main cast.
  • All-Powerful Bystander: If their canon power is carried over, this means Beerus and Whis are by far the two most powerful beings present at the Tournament. Yet, neither of them ever get involved with the current events.
  • Big Eater: This part of them has carried over, with Beerus and Whis shown eating ramen.
  • Mythology Gag: They mostly exist as an Easter Egg and how drastically different the Multiverse's continuity is to Dragon Ball Super with Beerus asking around about a Super Saiyan God when Multiverse's continuity maxes out the Saiyan lineage at Super Saiyan 3.
  • Noodle Incident: Beerus apparently ate a Vargas at some point, which is fitting since he is a cat and they are bird-like creatures.
