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Warp That Aesop / Warrior Cats

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  • If you're a doctor and you fall in love with anyone, you're automatically an irresponsible, morally bankrupt traitor to your clan, and they are completely justified in exiling you from the only home you've ever known. There's no way that doctors can balance work with a love life, and if you refuse to unquestioningly accept the religion and cultural norms of your clan, everyone will think you are a bad person and turn against you, no matter how competent you are at your job.
    • Actually, that first sentence also applies to clan leaders. Also, leaders- don't ever try to have families or cultivate a life outside your job, (unless you're male) because all your loved ones are going to die anyway.
  • Always follow the commands of Heaven's inhabitants, no matter how contradictory, useless, incompetent, or downright malicious they may seem.
  • If a naïve, foreign teenager is recruited into your clan and constantly questions your beliefs and culture, you should promote him as soon as possible and admire his curious spirit. If someone born in your clan constantly questions your beliefs and culture, they are a traitor and should be chastised for their lack of faith.
  • In fact, all foreigners are bad people unless they believe exactly what you believe.
  • When assigning a second-in-command, choose your best friend over the wise, experienced veteran, even if both are loyal to you.
  • It's okay to be a Jerkass who treats everyone like crap except for his Love Interests. No one will ever call you out on your cruel behaviour, and you'll still be a total Chick Magnet.
  • Unity and peace between clans is necessary, when the plot demands it. Once that world-threatening disaster has passed, feel free to start fighting and murdering each other again. Also, anyone who advocates a life of not murdering their neighbours is automatically evil, their pacifism simply a cunning plot to destroy everything you hold dear.
  • Change is good, when brought by a protagonist. Any antagonist who suggests change is irredeemably evil.
  • If you are an atheist, you cannot be a doctor (unless ghosts send cryptic messages to tell people that it's okay).
  • How evil someone or something is is directly proportional to how bad it smells.
  • Getting food from any source but the wild is wrong, even if you and your family are starving and there are no negative consequences whatsoever.
  • Questioning a set of traditions and rules which seem to make very little sense at times makes you ignorant at best, and a traitor at worst. Don't expect to ever receive an adequate explanation for those rules, either.
  • The best way for the dead to communicate with the living is through prophetic dreams, confusing signs and metaphors, even though it's been shown many times that they could just turn up and tell the living exactly what they mean in plain words.
  • Having sex with someone you shouldn't usually turns out for the best, and may even lead to the birth of the Chosen One(s).
  • Let your pet cats wander outside with no supervision, even though it puts them in danger of cars, dogs, foxes, other outdoor cats (who more often than not form cults), disease, injury, natural disaster, or the cruelty of other humans. No cat can be truly happy unless they are in unnecessary danger all the time.
    • On that note, don't spay or neuter your pet. It'll just make them lazy and fat, and if they have any unexpected litters as a result, you should instantly take in these kittens you didn't plan for.
    • Trap Neuter Release programs are the most evil thing ever designed.
  • Dating your former student is perfectly normal. Don't worry about the Unequal Pairing that ensues. In fact, developing feelings for your teen student right after they're assigned to you is not concerning in the slightest, and is actually cute to watch.
  • Racism and xenophobia are just quaint character flaws on par with a Hair-Trigger Temper or a Deadpan Snarker. It's only a problem if it leads to murder, but don't expect anyone to critically examine why they allow these traits to get to that point in the first place.
  • Women are defined by their relationships to the men in their life, especially their Love Interests, and it's not strange if she loses her personality & character development upon getting a mate.
  • Dead poeple are the ultimate authority on everything, despite not having any more wisdom or better judgement than the living, and often twisting people's fates to fulfill some grand design that will never be explained.
  • If a woman defines herself based on her one-sided crush on a man in her community, often an older man in a position of authority, and is rejected, she is a Clingy Jealous Girl who needs to get over her silly affections as soon as possible. If a man defines himself based on his one-sided crush on a woman in his community, often younger than him or his social subordinate in some way, and is rejected, he should pursue her no matter what, and either he will be rewarded with her undying affections or will be vindicated by his community while the woman who spurned him will be vilified.
  • Cousins having sex is fine. Two men or two women having sex is bad.
  • Adoption is meaningless. It doesn't matter how lovingly or how well you raised your adoptive children, or how much you loved your adoptive parents before learning that they aren't your blood family. The only thing that matters is passing on your genetic material, and any foster or adoptive relationships you may have are just practice for the real thing.
  • Men lying to protect their brothers from the law get to be Easily Forgiven. Women lying to protect their sisters from the law are cruel harpies who will destroy their families and be punished for their sins.
  • Grown adults being racists who whine and moan every time a foreigner looks in the direction of their community is not a concern, because not only are they (mostly) harmless, but they are still upstanding members of society and that's all that matters.
  • It's okay to cheat on your wife if you're doing it with a ghost.
  • Your first crush is always going to be the most important love of your life, never mind the woman/women who you married and had children with.
  • Men who lose their First Love get to move on and find happiness with another woman. Women who lose their First Love will have their lover's kids and never move on.

Original Series

  • Carrying on a relationship with a love interest's spirit after their death while also being in a relationship with a living person is not creepy or disloyal at all.
  • It is weird and unnatural for a father to choose the well-being of his children over the feelings of his best friend, and in the end he will choose to abandon said children in a clan that hates him despite knowing that they'll be alone without him. Even after said clan tries to kill them, he should just leave his still-growing children with the people who were cheering for their deaths less than a week ago.
  • The best person to tutor the innocent child of a murderer is the murderer's archenemy, who has strong misgivings about the child. This will not have a detrimental effect on the child's development at all.
  • If a disabled child is killed, clearly it's because of their disability preventing them from protecting themselves, and not because no one bothered to accommodate their disability when their life was in danger until it was too late.
  • Men who pursue their teenage nieces are morally upstanding & loyal. Men who pursue foreigners in their age bracket are untrustworthy and disloyal.
  • The rival leader training children too young is evil. Your own leader training children too young is acceptable.
  • If your leader's mental illness is preventing them from doing their job, don't try to retire them for everyone's safety, because the law doesn't allow it.
  • It doesn't matter how racist your new family is towards outsiders in general and your demographic especially, because they'll eventually grow to respect you and only you while still considering the rest of your birth people as genetically inferior. This is fine and you should accept that they'll still be assholes toward everyone like you but will grant you a special exception for assimilating well.

The New Prophecy

  • If your half-brother, like you, has endured unjust oppression and distrust all of his life because of who his father was, you should not want to be close with or support him and your peers are perfectly right in wanting to ostracise him.
  • Foreigners are idiots who can't solve their own damn problems despite being stronger than you.
  • If your father figure still compares you to your murderous father and judges you for it despite claiming on multiple separate occasions that he respects you as your own person, then the problem is with you.
  • If someone has to think hard about whether or not to kill you when the opportunity arises, but ultimately decides not to, that person should immediately be promoted to a position of power for having the decency to not murder you.
  • If you break things off with your significant other for continuing to associate with their Obviously Evil half-brother and disregarding your warnings, just get back together with them after a big fight. Don't expect them to change their behavior, just accept that they will continue to endanger themselves and your clan while you reward them for being stubborn and reckless.
  • If your brother has repeatedly engaged in concerning behavior while your girlfriend and her sister are warning you not to trust him, the solution is to ignore your loved ones' concerns and continue working with your brother even as he puts out more and more red flags. Either they're lying or you'll get a free promotion.

Power of Three/Omen of the Stars

  • It's perfectly fine to be snarky and abrasive if you're disabled, because everyone secretly pities you and you need to show them who's boss!
    • Also, appointing someone with the same disability as you as your mentor is highly offensive, even though their disability gives them more insight than anyone else into the best way to train you.
    • On the flip side, if a disabled person is struggling with a task that their abled-bodied peers are excelling at, clearly they just aren't trying hard enough, at which point you can force them into a highly-restrictive job that will leave them even more isolated from their peers. Trying to accommodate for disability is too hard, despite being willing to do it for other people.
  • Deliberately prying into other people's thoughts and feelings carries no moral repercussions as long as they don't know about it.
  • If you're disabled and need someone else's supervision to stay safe, the best thing for you to do is wander off by yourself and get into trouble. By doing this you'll discover your superpowers and your destiny, not get yourself killed.
  • If you are socially isolated from your clan for committing a crime, a marriage of convenience will make them all feel better about you.
    • Also, don't feel obliged to actually show any love toward a child that results from said marriage. You'll never have to deal with any repercussions for neglecting him, even if he grows up to be an evil, vengeful fanatic who leads attacks against your clan.
  • If the woman you love decides to date someone other than you, you should make attempts to kill her family and ruin her life. It's all morally pure because you did it for love, so you'll even get into heaven upon your death!
  • Foreigners still can't solve their own damn problems.
  • It is perfectly okay to hold a young child to the same standards you would have with an adult. If she shows any distress or resentment towards being forced to give up her relationship with her sister and her freedom in order to fulfill a prophecy she has no choice in, clearly she's just being whiny and needs to learn to suck it up.
  • If you know for a fact that your sister's boyfriend is training in hell every night learning how to kill, don't bother telling her this. Just be catty and disdainful about her taste in men rather than sharing your legitimate concerns over his character and her own safety.
  • It's okay to isolate and bully a woman for getting pregnant when she wasn't supposed to, even though she gave up her children to have a better life and did her job to the best of her ability despite this.
  • If a man is trying to pressure a woman into a relationship she's not ready for, you should side with him, and go off on how nice he is and how the woman is a bad person for refusing his advances.

Dawn of the Clans

  • Don't worry about being a massive Jerkass at the best of times, because you'll still get to be a Chick Magnet anyway with a bunch of kids running around that you don't have to pay child support for.
  • It's not only morally acceptable but correct to reject a homeless abuse victim with no other way to survive because she's a dirty, useless foreigner. Even if this leads to her death.
  • Oh, a female loved one just died? No worries, women are disposable and replaceable, especially Love Interests, and a shiny new woman will walk up to you sooner or later.
  • Tyrannical murderers who are your close kin deserve a second chance. Tyrannical murderers who are foreigners should die or get out.
  • If your spouse is being cruel to your child who has an behavior or mental health disorder, just talk her down and nothing more. Don't bother trying to accommodate said child. She means well even if her behavior is harming her relationship with her child and will lead to problems down the road.
  • Your worth to a community is directly proportional to how useful you are, despite what the community leaders preach.

A Vision of Shadows

  • Separating infant siblings is morally fine & you will not be condemned for it, even if it traumatizes them and permanently damages their relationships with other people.
  • Anyone who demands a change in the way their society is run is actually a vicious bloodthirsty reactionary who'll either learn the error of their ways, die, or become evil.
  • If a long, long cavalcade of unexpected disasters and misfortunes befall a community, this is clearly the leader's fault and no one else, never mind the fact that they were constantly dying and the problems were either exacerbated or caused by outside forces.

The Broken Code

  • If your leader is acting strange, clearly the most concerning detail isn't the way he mistreats and abuses his family, especially his wife and the second-in-command, but the way he selectively enforces the law.
  • If you're obsessed with another person to the point of defining your life goals around them only to be rejected, clearly the solution is to get over them, then repeat your behavior with another person.
  • Epilepsy is caused by evil spirits, actually, and it'll resolve itself when the spirit goes away or dies.
  • There's no point in redeeming yourself if you did something bad. You'll be rejected by authority figures and left to rot, except for one guy who'll enforce their will and keep you away from any true redemption.
  • The right time to accuse your leader of nepotism is when the majority of the community is their kin, said community is in a dangerous situation that your leader is trying to keep together, and you nearly abandon said community soon after.
  • It doesn't matter if you venture into hell, unite the undead souls there to defeat the Big Bad, and literally sacrifice your immortal soul, to save your community and the cosmic balance as a whole. People will still judge you and your illegal boyfriend for being in a committed relationship that ended with your tragic death.

A Starless Clan

  • If your community mentions the fact that your ancestors did some cool stuff, they are clearly just using you as a Replacement Goldfish for him and don't see your accomplishments as your own. Be a jerk to them so they go from admiring you to being annoyed at you, that'll fix the problem.
  • Forcibly moving in and taking over an independent nation is bad when foreigners do it, but perfectly acceptable when your neighbors do it.

Extended Universe

  • Firestar's Quest:
    • If your ancestors made a tragic mistake generations ago that has almost no repercussions on anyone in the present day, you should do everything in your power to fix it. Even if that means abandoning the clan that relies on your leadership. And risking your own life pointlessly to trek miles away to a completely unknown destination.
    • Cats who band together for survival and drive intruders out of their chosen territory are noble. Rats who band together for survival and drive intruders out of their chosen territory are evil.
  • Bluestar's Prophecy: If you know that your coworker and brother-in-law is willing to break the laws that are sacred to your society, attempts to kill a child, shows an unquenchable bloodlust in regards to your neighbors, and has literally been shown in a prophetic vision to paint the forest red with blood, don't ever bring up your concerns with your wise and benevolent leader who has functioned as your Parental Substitute for most of your life. Instead, risk the lives of yourself and your children to get a promotion so that your brother-in-law can't get it.
  • Crookedstar's Promise: If a woman is abusing and neglecting her disabled son in front of you, don't try to stop the abuse. In fact, enable her by giving the child a demeaning and traumatic name that will forever remind him of his disability! He'll still grow up as a loyal and healthy member of your community in spite of the fact that they all stood by and did nothing as he was punished for being injured.
  • Yellowfang's Secret:
    • If a woman doesn't want to be a doctor, just psychologically batter her into it and refuse to offer her help when she's Blessed with Suck until she gives up her dreams and ambitions to follow you into a career where she's miserable. It'll all work out in the end, countless dead children be damned.
    • Women who don't want children are inherently bad people unless they're legally barred from doing so.
    • Psychologically battering your girlfriend and shaming her for being forced into a career she doesn't want is the behavior of a capable leader. In fact, choose your second-in-command based not on their actual capabilities, but as a way to get back at your girlfriend! Don't worry, you still get to go to heaven!
    • Even if you know, for a definitive fact, that someone has lied to his entire community, abused children under his care, staged an "accident" to get his position, and has literally murdered his father, you should still give him all the tools and powers necessary to gain absolute power, all to teach one woman a lesson she has already learned. I'm sure the countless people who die because of him will understand that God's Hands Are Tied, even though you will later deny a perfectly good leader the same tools due to a stupid loophole that you will later ignore when it suits you.
  • Tallstar's Revenge:
    • Your job is more important than your family. You should also only talk to your kids about how great the job is and how proud they'll be to follow in your footsteps, even if they don't want to. If they don't, don't interact with them unless you're pressuring them into that job. If your project gets banned, it's somehow their fault, even if you have no proof, and you're justified in disowning them. You'll still get to go to heaven afterwards, and if they're scarred for life, it's not your fault.
    • If someone constantly bullies you, just tolerate him, even if he doesn't stop. If you ever fight back, you'll be reprimanded and treated as the bad guy.
    • On the flip side, it's ok to bully someone just because his parents are in a different line of work than yours. You'll never be punished, and you'll still get to go to heaven.
    • If you're an authority figure who notices a kid constantly bullying another kid, and not stopping when asked to, don't punish the bully beyond telling him to stop, it's just something kids do.
  • Mapleshade's Vengeance:
    • Telling your leader that his grandchildren aren't actually his grandchildren is wrong. Exiling three children because their mother lied to you is morally fine and you can still go to heaven afterwards.
    • If you see four people in a raging current, you are morally obligated to go in and try to rescue them, despite the fact that you can't swim, have seen someone die quite recently after trying to save a drowning person, and you would almost certainly die if you tried to go in after them. If you don't, you're evil and deserve to go to hell.
    • Grieving, mentally unwell women are evil and inherently dangerous to other people.
    • Women who endanger/neglect children go to hell. Men who endanger/neglect children go to heaven.
  • Leafpool's Wish:
    • Pressuring a woman into adopting her sister's children and lying to everyone she knows and loves is the only morally correct solution to said sister getting pregnant when she's not supposed to. It doesn't matter that you could just as easily say you found the kits abandoned in the snow, they have to believe that they are biologically related to their aunt.
    • Don't tell your husband that you want to adopt children because God told you not to tell him. He doesn't get to know.
  • Bramblestar's Storm:
    • The only reason you should help your neighbors in a natural disaster is because you have blood relatives living with them.
    • It is better to stay in an unhealthy marriage that makes you miserable than it is to just break things off and try again with other people. Breaking an unhappy relationship is for cowards and WindClan cats.
  • Squirrelflight's Hope:
    • If you're having marital issues, a near-death experience will solve everything.
    • Disabled people are better off dead because you're not disabled in heaven.
    • Denying a dying woman medical care because you're having a fight with your wife is totally normal behavior.
    • If you're having marital issues, lie and go behind your husband's back constantly. It's not like he'll listen to you anyway.
    • Trying to drive out a pregnant woman right as she's giving birth is just part of life, and any attempts to prevent this will just cause more death than simply exiling a pregnant woman.
    • Punishing people for a crime you manipulated them into committing years ago is morally acceptable, and expect no one to hold it against you for it.
    • If you're having marital issues, ignore and demean your wife whenever she tries to do her job. It's her fault for not obediently following orders, even though you praised her for it exactly one arc ago.
    • If your dead family is trying to convince you to stay dead instead of returning to the life you still have with your husband, children, grandchildren, and an entire clan who loves you and wants you to come back, that's just something you'll have to disagree on and not a sign that they don't actually care about your happiness and just want to control you.
    • Motherhood is not only mandatory, it's also your only reason for living. The only reason to stay alive is to be with your daughter and her kids, and not the fact that staying alive is something everyone wants.
    • If you're having marital issues, endanger other people and intimidate your spouse's sister to spite your spouse for daring to care about them.
  • Moth Flight's Vision:
    • If you hate your disabled kid for being The Load but suddenly warm up to them when they turn out to be special and necessary, that's just being a good parent and isn't concerning or exploitative at all.
    • If you are struggling to do your job and care for your kids, clearly that means your job is inherently incompatible with having a family, & the solution is to give away your kids in a way that limits their ability to ever reunite in life. Even if they're begging you not to separate them. There is no other solution to your problems.
      • In fact, you should also enforce celibacy on everyone to ever take on the same job as you, even if it ruins their lives.
  • Spottedleaf's Heart:
    • If an adult man is romantically pursuing a young child, the problem with their relationship isn't the obvious pedophilia, but rather his violent tendencies. That will be the reason they inevitably break up later on, so it's not even worth worrying about.
    • If you are an adult who knows a young child is being preyed on by another adult, don't bother trying to help her or protect her from the predator. Just blame her for "loving foolishly", and never think about it again because she'll break up with him on her own.
    • If you're a child being groomed or preyed on by an adult, just put your foot down and break up with them. They will, for some reason, respect your opinion on the matter despite previously pursuing you with a creepy fervor, and you should never worry about encountering them again.
    • Don't bother trying to go to a trusted adult if you are a child being groomed or preyed on by an adult. The problem will work itself out and you will never have any lasting issues from this traumatic event.
  • Tawnypelt's Clan:
  • Hawkwing's Journey: It doesn't matter if you raised these kids for a good chunk of their childhood, their biological father will come back into the picture eventually and they'll forget about you. Just focus on your own biological children that you'll soon be having with your soon to be dead cousin wife.
  • Tigerheart's Shadow:
    • Abandoning your clan in the middle of a crisis to chase after your illegal pregnant girlfriend, befriending a group of strangers, and dragging some of them home to be converted to your religion is proof that you'll be a great leader, despite the fact that you owed your clan a responsibility as its Second-in-Command and heir apparent.
    • Every culture should be just like yours, even if theirs is evidently more stable, peaceful, conflict-free, healthier, less dogmatic in its beliefs, and just generally seem to be thriving with how they're doing already. Clan Culture is the only acceptable culture.
      • In fact, should you change their culture to be more like yours, it'll be so successful that members of the other culture will join your society because it's just better than theirs. Even though it experiences societal near-collapse every few years.
  • Graystripe's Vow: Abandoning your honorary niece while she's struggling to keep her splintered clan together to go faff about in the woods with kids appropriating your culture is the best way to come to terms with the fact that all your friends are dead.
  • Leopardstar's Honor: You will never have trauma over someone attempting to drown you as a little child. Just get over it!

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