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Sandbox / Stupid Short Eevee Comic

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A list of characters in Stupid Short Eevee Comic.

Main Characters

Blizz Icedrop

Blizz, a Glaceon, is one of the main characters in Stupid Short Eevee Comic.

  • Big Eater: Blizz tends to eat quite a lot of food, specifically junk food, to the point that he's apparently never heard of a vegetable, much less know what they are.

  • Big, Thin, Short Trio: The big to Vay's thin and Eve's short.

  • Cloudcuckoolander: According to Harmony, Blizz has the mindset of an Eevee kit. Having been shipped off to a laboratory and (possibly) being tested as an experiment/weapon probably didn't help.

  • Does not like Spam: Blizz hates tacos, instead preferring burritos. note 

  • Dumb Muscle: Blizz may be the strongest of his siblings, but isn't the brightest.

  • Hidden Depths: Blizz turns out to be good with numbers, as proven when Bolt hands Blizz a sudoku, as he provided correct answers in about 5 seconds. Blizz also suggests to Bolt to install computers to make Bolt's work much easier. On a less positive note, Blizz is aware that everyone tends to hide information from him and is understandably hurt by it.

  • Mr. Fanservice: Blizz is noticeably the most attractive out of the cast, having visible mucsles and is slightly curvy.

  • Oblivious to Love: Blizz is completely unaware that Daisy has a crush on him. Possibly justified, as Daisy Cannot Spit it Out.

  • Screams Like a Little Girl: Parodied in SSEC #44-Border. When Dusk and Blizz cross the border to Almia and undergo an Art Shift Blizz's text bubble says "GIRLY SCREAM!" before asking where his "manliness" went.

  • Trademark Favorite Food: Blizz's bio states that he loves burritos.

Vay Icedrop

Vay is a grumpy Vaporeon, is Blizz's younger brother, and is one of the main characters in Stupid Short Eevee Comic.

  • Berserk Button: Doing something to annoy Vay in general could probably count, but he really hates being reminded that he's short.

  • Big, Thin, Short Trio: Vay is technically both the thin and the short to Blizz's big due to Eve and Vay roughly being the same size, as well as being skinnier than both of his siblings.

  • Butt-Monkey: Vay hardly gets any respect from anyone. Only Blizz and Dusk seem to actually give him any respect. Of course, most of the time, Vay brings it on himself.

  • Deadpan Snarker: Vay invokes this trope a lot.

    Blizz: [not noticing Daisy in a cardboard box] Where is Daisy?

    Vay: [deadpan] In the box, Sherlock.


    Blizz: ''[concerned] Did...did it eat her?

    Vay: [facepalming] You can't be this dumb.

  • Hates being Touched: Vay does not like being touched at all. Too bad Blizz has no personal space.

  • Height Angst: Vay is the same size as a regular Eevee and hates it (Blizz using him as an armrest doesn't help.)

  • Jerkass: Vay is often really grumpy, and can be quite rude to the people around him.

  • Police Are Useless: He's the head of the police and has a junior cop, yet the only part of his job he actually does is arresting or fighting, leaving Split with more than several months' worth of paperwork. note 

  • Stalker with a Crush: Towards Daisy, to the point that he apparently knows what her hair smells like.

Eve Icedrop

Eve is the youngest of her siblings and the only girl Eevee in the Icedrop house. She is one of the main characters of Stupid Short Eevee Comic.

  • Beneath the Mask Several comics have implied that Eve lies to get what she wants. SSEC #369 confirm that Eve does lie, mainly because she wants to be protected.

    Eve: [monologue] I surround myself with I won't get targeted. I like the attention. I act like the cute, naïve "princess" so guys can look at me and say "I want to help you." "I want to protect you." Because I need the help. I need the help...BECAUSE OF THEM.

  • Big, Thin, Short Trio: The short to Blizz's big and Vay's thin, though, technically, Eve and Vay are roughly the same size.

  • Damsel in Distress: Becomes one in Comic #433 when a tribe if Jigglypuffs crown her as their "queen," much to her chagrin.

  • Deadpan Snarker: Like Vay, Eve occasionally can provide a bit of snark.
    Dusk: Don't worry, Eve! I'll protect you!
    Eve: [sarcastically] Yeah, I doubt that.

  • Only Sane Man: Or only sane girl, in this case. Eve is more level-headed than both her brothers and her littermates.

  • Stalker with a Crush: Downplayed, she was one towards Dusk in earlier comics. However, as the series went on, this seems to have been dropped ever since Dusk went Out of Focus and Eve caught on to his idiocy.

Lightfire House

Bolt Lightfire

  • Bad Liar: In Comic #72, Bolt tells Blizz that Dusk ate all of the cookies to stay out of trouble, despite having a guilty expression on his face and stuttering. Blizz still buys it, at least until he overheard Bolt talking to his shoulder devil.
  • Dirty Coward: In Comic #71, Bolt eats an entire jar of cookies that Blizz left out for the Icedrop House, but in the following comic, Bolt pins the blame on Dusk so Blizz doesn't find out. note 
  • Nice Guy: Bolt is one of the nicer characters throughout the comic's run.

Flame Lightfire

  • Berserk Button: Touch his magazines, and he'll fight you for it. Blizz learns this the hard way.
  • Jerkass: He's just as much of one as Vay.
  • Unusual Euphemism: Uses the word corn in place of the dirty magazines he reads. note 

Greenpaw House

Dusk Greenpaw

An Umbreon that acts silly, but hides a serious side of him.

  • Absurd Phobia: He fears the dark, and Jigglypuffs.

    Dusk: [crying] T-they were jumping and s-s-s-singing songs about rainbows! It was terrifying! I almost peed my pants!

  • Companion Cube: His "girlfriend," Juanita, is a plastic cactus. note 

  • Dirty Coward: In comic #29, Dusk tells Eve that he'll protect her. He immediately flees when a horde of Jigglypuffs come their way.
    Dusk: Holy Arceus...STAMPEDE!

  • Epic Fail: In comic #140, Dusk somehow couldn't spell "I" for Harmony.

  • Faux Horrific: He acts as if the Jigglypuffs are dangerous. He actually turns out to be right.

  • Fourth-Wall Observer: Dusk acknowledges several punchlines in some of the comics, and has even ran outside of the panels twice.
    Dusk: ...Cause in comedy cartoons, characters get all their injuries healed after the punchline!

  • Irony: Dusk is an Umbreon that's afraid of the dark.

  • Obfuscating Stupidity: Dusk is actually very smart, but wants to learn to be stupid, and hangs out with Blizz.

  • Out of Focus: Starting from SSEC #328, Dusk starts to disappear from the story.

  • Trademark Favorite Food: Dusk loves tacos, preferring them over burritos.

Daisy Greenpaw

A shy Leafeon girl who often sticks to her own schedule.

  • Adorkable: Daisy has a crush on Blizz, and looks rather adorable when she's crushing on him.
  • Berserk Button: Don't ever step on her flowers.

Secret Characters (work-in-progress)

An old Eevee, implied to be Dusk's (and everyone's) mother, and is implied to have shipped most of the main characters to the lab.

  • Abusive Parents: To say she could be considered one to Dusk is an understatement; she tells Dawn to bite his head off in Comic #31, insults him to his face in Comic #82, is implied to have beaten him with a whip in Comic #83 for answering a math question wrong, and beat him up for somehow failing to spell "I" in Comic #140.
  • Big Bad: It's implied that Harmony is the one responsible for sending Vay, Blizz, Bolt, Flame, Dusk, Sora/Miku, and Oliver to the Eevee labs, making her equally responsible for the physical and mental scars they carry as a result.

  • *Crack!* "Ow, My Back!": In comic #142, Harmony ends up having her back broken after Dusk tap-dances on a crack in the previous comic, specifically after John warned him not to.

  • Deadpan Snarker: Harmony often speaks this way towards people she gets annoyed with, such as Dusk.

  • Informed Deformity: According to Scruffyeevee, Harmony is "old and crusty," but she looks more like a regular Eevee. note 


A silly (yet sometimes scary) Eevee, and is Eve's bodyguard.

  • Ambiguously Bi: Oliver seems to have a crush on Dusk, though whether or not he actually does has been left unconfirmed. However, there are also implications that he used to (and still does) have a crush on Dawn as well.

  • Berserk Button: Do not ever hurt Eve unless you have a death wish.

  • Beware the Nice Ones: As nice (and sometimes silly) as Oliver can be, you absolutely do not want to make him mad. Levin finds this out the hard way when he beats up Eve for simply bumping into him by accident, resulting in Oliver physically scarring him for it.

    Oliver: Have you ever heard that rumor...of an Eevee so mean, so violent, that mother sent him away? Who came back worse? [sporting a Nightmare Face] You just ticked him off.

  • Pint-Sized Powerhouse: Oliver might just be a small Eevee, but (according to Dusk,) he's the strongest Eevee in the PC Box.
