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Funny / Puyo Puyo Tetris

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As a Moments subpage, all spoilers are unmarked as per policy.

  • Ringo's constant foreshadowing, such as in the prologue, where Ringo says she wouldn't mind if something unexpected happened, such as her friendsnote  bursting out of the sky. Right on cue, Arle and Amitie arrive, even Ringo says "This feels like...Blatant foreshadowing!" in the Japanese script.
  • Obviously, everything has to happen just after Tee reports no ripples in the Constellation Zone. Just when he says everything is peaceful, the girls come crashing into the Tetra.
  • When Tee and Ringo both declare their desire to use their respective forms of battle, they both stop for a moment and, stunned, realize at the last moment neither of them even understand their system.
  • Jay & Elle listing all the pranks they've pulled on Ai. It's a lot of pranks.
  • How Ringo and Amitie suggest trying to find Arle... To listen for Carbuncle's signature phrase. It's exactly how they manage to find her.
  • After ending up in the S.S. Tetra, Arle is cornered by Zed. When she's saved by Ringo, Arle tells her Zed was trying to teach her how to be a proper girl. She isn't THAT kind of girl.
  • Tee's rather professional report after his starship crashes.
    Tee: Ship status; very broken. Crew status; very missing.
  • Tee finding Jay & Elle before they can do any mischief.
  • A mind-controlled Raffina demands that Amitie must get out of her way or else she'll "kick her, really, super hard." Yeah, uh, nice choice of words there, Raffina.
  • Ess calls Raffina an arrogant, spoiled, stuck-up, self-entitled girl...when Ess herself isn't so different from her. It certainly doesn't go unnoticed by Tee.
  • After Lemres reveals that two individuals note  were seen while Primp Town was being flooded with tetriminos, Arle and Ringo complain about "that rotten pair" being at it again. Elle and Jay arrive believing they were that "rotten pair". And then they complain when Tee tells them he's not talking about them.
  • Tee gets his first taste of sweets and Lemres just gives him more and more.
  • Arle blames Dark Prince for causing all the events to happen, and his response is to call her a "big stupid meanie" and bawl like a little kid. In the English version, he calls her and her friends "a bunch of meanie-pants."
  • Shortly after arriving to Primp Town, Klug appears, running away from Feli, who is mind-controlled...and he is quick to deny he is running from her out of fear, but instead walked up to the group of his own volition. No one's buying that, Klug.
    • After breaking Feli out of her mind control, no one could tell if the battle did anything due to her being creepy by default. It takes Lemres' presence to prove that she's back to normal.
    • Klug gets into an argument with Feli. Ruining the moment between Lemres and her.
    • The many ways Ringo refers to Feli:
    (Japanese, 2-9) Ringo: It's the manipulating, punishing, darkness-radiating girl...!!
    (English, 2-9) Ringo: Hey, wait, it's you! The super-duper, hairy-scary, evil-weevil, weirdy-wacky, gothy-girl!
    (Japanese, 4-3) Ringo: You there, person who's 5 times scarier than usual!
    (English, 4-3) Ringo: YOU! Little Miss Spookyface! I'm talkin' to you!
  • Sig during his confrontation with Raffina, especially after Amitie arrives.
  • Arle loses track of Dark Prince and proposes to find Schezo for help. Instead of looking for him, she makes him come to her by calling him a creeper/pervert at the top of her lungs, knowing all too well he doesn't like that. It actually works. And in the English version, Schezo utters the following quotes that practically solidifies what to expect from him.
    Schezo: I'd rather you scream my name when we're together.
    Schezo: The time has come for me to clear my reputation... by assaulting this young girl!
  • Dark Prince is angry at Tee, as he thinks Tee caused Arle to think he caused all the trouble, but the moment Arle shows up, he immediately calms down.
    Arle: I want to apologize for earlier. I was really horrible to you.
    Dark Prince: (Happily) What, THAT!? Psh! Don't sweat it!
  • Draco's moments while lost in the Constellation Zone in Chapter 5? Oh boy.
    • ...and then O shows up. Her reaction?
    • The premise behind 5-8. Lidelle shows up, also lost, and thinks she hallucinated Draco. Out of frustration, she does a Tetris trial to prove she's real.
      Draco Centauros: I am NOT a figment of your imagination!
      Lidelle: Aww, that's cute. My hallucination is trying to argue back.
  • To strengthen herself to be able to travel through space time, Arle is required to pick an opponent. The problem is...Schezo, Rulue, and Dark Prince begin to argue on who gets to play against her. How do they settle it? Rock–Paper–Scissors. The result? Schezo wins and is Arle's opponent, and we get a jealous Dark Prince wanting a turn with Arle.
    Dark Prince: No fair, you cheating mage! / You're hogging Arly all to yourself! It's my turn with her!
    Schezo: Does anyone else hear this guy? Why am I the creeper?
  • As a Call-Back to 20th Anniversary, while Ringo is trying to imagine an opponent, she accidentally thinks of something scary. Namely, ghosts. The local ghost twins Yu and Rei pay her a visit and freaks out even harder than ever. Later, thanks to being in a chamber where imaginations take physical forms, she asks Risukuma if she can dissect him.
  • After Dark Prince and Ecolo save the day, Arle tells Dark Prince how 'he's really made her happy.' Dark Prince's reaction is amazing.
    (Japanese) Dark Prince: An honest smile from Arle... (Ominously) Priceless...!
    (English) Dark Prince: Now that I've seen her smile, I'll never wash these eyeballs ever again...!
  • Dark Prince tells Ecolo not to be so needy when he wanted a bit more than just a smile from Ringo. Ecolo's response?
    Ecolo: (flatly) Um...really? Advice from you?
  • Chapter 8 is about Ringo throwing a talent show to help out her local shopping district. This leads to some very hilarious acts such as Suketoudara dancing with O (who has no known legs), and a comedy act between Maguro and Tee.
    Maguro: Say, Tee, why'd the Tetrimino cross the road? ★
    Tee: Most likely due to a tear in the boundary between two dimensions.
    Maguro: *buzz* 'Cause the sidewalk was...BLOCKED! ★ *laugh*
    • Maguro wanting to do improv with Tee.
    • Witch and Draco put on an act together, apparently organized entirely by Witch. It's titled "The Beauty 'N the Beast!" The whole time, despite what Witch is saying, Draco is unaware that she is the titular beast.
      Witch: This savage beast actually breathes FIRE when you bonk it on the head!
    • Ess' performance is trying to figure out the mystery behind Risukuma.
      Risukuma: The girl's crazy, ladies and gentlemen. Please call security. This is not a drill!
      Ess: Great idea! Anyone have a drill? Off with His Head!
    • And then when they all get Ringo to perform...
  • Chapter 9 is an entire chapter of funny thanks to it having Schezo as the protagonist. It involves him trying to ask for Sig's hand to discover its secrets. And with Schezo being Schezo, misunderstandings obviously happen:
    • Before the first match against Sig, Schezo insists him to show his hand:
      Sig: This guy's rubbing me the wrong way.
      Sig: What? Please... just don't.
    • Before Klug is pressed by Schezo about Sig's whereabouts, the spirit in Klug's book begins to stir and bother the latter. His threats trying to quell the spirit are...ridiculously petty.
      Klug: I'll leave you in the bathroom if you don't shut up!
      ...Or I'll leave you out in the sun and let you get sun damaged!
      I'll make... creases in the upper right corners of your pages!
    • After the match with Klug, Schezo demands to know why he doesn't want to tell where Sig went:
      Klug: Well, it's just... he was trying to get away from YOU. Are you bothering him?
      Schezo: Absolutely NOT! I just want to examine him all over.
      Klug: Ah, okay. (Beat) Wait, WHAT!?
    • Before the match with Amitie, she tries to stall Schezo for time to Sig to flee:
      Amitie: You're a bad man!
      Schezo: Ha! Is that what you think? I just want to ask Sig for his hand.
      Amitie: Uhm... what? This guy's weird.
    • In the end, Schezo finally discovers the secret behind Sig's left hand. Said secret being that Sig uses his red hand to house a family of bugs. Schezo immediately calls his hunt off. This is also the only time in the entire game where Sig shows any kind of emotion.
    • Thought the original was funny? Here's a fully animated version by animator Phui Jing Ling!
  • The third battle in Chapter 10 involves Ex accidentally eavesdropping on Dark Prince's dreaming aloud a honeymoon with Arle on the Spaceship Tetra. Then there's Ex's reaction...
    Ex: *speechless* *speechless, continued*
  • Ex encounters Accord in his dream...except this causes a bit of a contradiction considering Ex never met her personally. Accord decides to help him connect the dots by handing him homework to figure it out. His reaction is a humorously juvenile "Homework? Yuck!"
  • Many Unsound Effects, including:
    • *Slightly-louder-than-average screaming*
    • *Screaming loud enough to be heard in the vast vacuum of space*
    • *Crowd-gone-wild cheer*note 
    • *Sobby-whine* and *whiny-sob*
    • *Speechless*
    • *Speechless, continued*
    • *Princely sigh*
    • *Princely cry*
    • *Robo-sigh*
    • *Thinking Sounds*
  • Some of the alternate voices are great. We get voices like Amitie acting ladylike (a la when she was hanging out with Ess, complete with the R-rolling!), Schezo sounding cutesy and happy, Dark Prince sounding Campy with a voice akin to James of Team Rocket, Ecolo becoming a Motor Mouth (as if he needed it!), Ai sounding like Scooby-Doo, Sig sounding more enthusiastic than normal (in a cute, dorky kind of funny), Jay & Elle sounding like Creepy Twins, Ringo and Tee sounding about ten years younger, and O and Ex sounding downright PISSED.
    • As for the alternate Japanese voices, some include Sig going full-on Pokémon Speak, Schezo sounding like a little kid, Ai being uncharacteristically robotic, and Zed sounds hilariously melodramatic.
  • Ringo's first reaction to Tetriminos.
    Ringo: Look! Some of them fell into a solid line. It's so pleasing on the eyes... OH MY GOSH, DID YOU SEE THAT!? THE SOLID LINE JUST DISAPPEARED!


  • The guy who wrote the details on the English website left a couple of tongue-in-cheek jokes:
    • In the Challenge page, the Sprint mode description says you "Gotta go fast to get a better time!".
    • On the Online page, the Replay section screenshot shows one replay, published by someone under the name of "Dr_Mean_Bean".
  • In its earliest versions, crashing is annoying. The game crashing exactly when Tee was telling everyone they were going to crash makes for an incredibly hilarious coincidence.
