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Funny / Demon In Fodlan

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Even a former Beast isn't immune to comedic hijinks, whether it be from the antics of the students or teachers, or from Goetia's own social ineptitude.

Per troping policy, all spoilers are unmarked. You Have Been Warned.

Main Chapters:

  • In general, Goetia's lack of social awareness and tact leading him to barging into someone's quarters in the most inopportune time, much to the horror and embarrassment of whoever is occupying the room:
    • Lysithea, mistaking him for a ghost, blasts him with magic when he wakes her in the middle of the night by teleporting inside her room to inquire her assistance for the Abyss.
    • Flayn returning to her room after a conversation with Seteth finds the former Demon God king reading her secretly stashed smut while waiting for her return. To add to her embarrassment, Goetia wasn't phased by the smut scenes and simply questions the logic behind the story.
  • Chapter 3: After getting some information about the Church of Seiros from Jeralt while walking with the others back to the Monastery, Goetia makes a remark to him about finding Byleth interesting. Confused by a strange man his daughter just met expressing interest in her, Jeralt takes this as Goetia attempting to court his daughter and warns from him doing so. This time it's Goetia who's confused on how Jeralt came to that conclusion and can only say this which doubles as a massive burn to Solomon.
    Goetia: I hold no feelings for your daughter. I am certainly not Solomon.
  • Chapter 4: Manuela mistaking Jeralt at first for the new professor and hits on him. After Jeralt clarifies that he's not the new teacher, she then thinks it's Goetia and starts flirting with the mage... who just quietly points her directly to the actual new professor, Byleth. Cue Manuela's look of disappointment.
    • Goetia's first meeting with Lysithea happened because the girl was so absorbed in her studies, she mistaken a floating mage for a ghost.
  • Chapter 5: Goetia getting called Gotie by Dorothea and being confused by it when she leaves.
    • Jeralt and Alois noticing that Byleth is having lunch with Goetia alone in the mess hall. Cue Goetia aware of the glares he was receiving from Jeralt and clueless to the reason behind this.
  • Chapter 7: In order to learn more about the new Assistant Librarian, Seteth has Goetia answer some questions in his office about his background. The answers he give were honest and straightforward, if a bit vague, but when asked about Solomon, Goetia reveals a little too much about him, namely that he was a king who had many wives and lovers. Cue Seteth dropping his quill pen in shock that the Assistant Librarian might be royalty.
  • After Claude finally uses 'Sparkles' as his official nickname for Goetia, Lysithea chastises her house leader for giving her tutor a childish nickname. For his part, Goetia isn't all that offended by it.
    Goetia: I am not personally insulted by the title, if Von Riegan wishes to refer to me with immature titles, he is free to do so.
    Claude: ... Why do I feel insulted in a runabout sort of way?
  • Feeling they were somewhat responsible for Goetia's house-arrest, Byleth and Sothis visit him in the library to apologize in Chapter 41. Goetia being Goetia, this goes well as expected, which soon devolves to another trade of insults with Sothis:
    Sothis: You are the worst at accepting apologies! The worst! You are without a shadow of a doubt, the most childish, annoying and-
    Goetia: And you are ignorant, naive and factually useless.
    Sothis: Wha-you-I-! I... You know what? (calms down and smirks down at him) I will be the bigger person here. I won't let you try and goad me into a violent reaction. (smug) Well? How will you respond to that?
    Goetia: I will assume that this marks your attempt at an apology as a failure.
    [Sothis remains frozen, blinking twice before disappearing back into Byleth's head to scream out her frustrations]
    Byleth: (winces) ... She's upset.
  • Chapter 43 has Edelgard and Dimitri chew out on Claude because he secretly sent Linhardt to fetch Goetia to help them in Abyss, disobeying Byleth's orders to not disturb him due to him under house-arrest. Claude tries to justify this by saying it is a chance for Byleth and Goetia to spend time together in Abyss.
    Edelgard: And how will you explain this to the Professor?
    Claude: I... was thinking about... How... happy they'd be to spend time together?
    Dimitri: (gestures to their surrounding) Ah yes. Truly. This is the most romantic setting available to us.
    Claude: I'd ordinarily be very happy that you're developing a deadpan sense of humor but in this instance, I can't say I'm a fan.
    Byleth: What happens when I find out what?
    Dimitri: (coughs into hand) Well... Professor... (composes himself and smiles) ... I am certain Claude can explain it better than I.
    Claude: (stares at Dimitri in betrayal) This right here... (gestures between the two of them) ... This is why the Alliance seceded from the Kingdom.
  • Chapter 103:
  • Chapter 106:
    • When Goetia tells Edelgard the reason why he's joining her class for the Battle of the Eagle and the Lion mock battle, Edelagrd admits she initially assumed that he joined because he wanted to use this opportunity to throw spells at Claude without any consequences. Goetia is appalled that she thinks he's petty enough to do that, but his answer is more or less a yes:
    Goetia: ... Von Riegan is the leader of the Golden Deer and has shown a talent for improvisational strategies which could prove problematic. If he were to cross my line of sight, it would only be expected that I would utilize every spell available in my arsenal to remove him from the fight.
    • While Dorothea is busy fending off the rock golems that Goetia created, Linhardt is wide awake and too invested in studying the golems rather than fighting them.
    • The mere fact that Goetia took Bernadetta's words at heart and decides to name the baby finch after Flauros of all people. And no, it's not out of remembrance for the late Demon God; Goetia is still pissed at Flauros for his failure and general incompetence that he decides to make the finch his replacement.
  • Chapter 107:
    • When commissioned to create a sculpture of Saint Seiros, Goetia, who is aware that Rhea and Seiros are the same person, is concerned over the fact that he will only end up creating a statue of the Archbishop. When he confides said problem with Dorothea who does a Double Take upon hearing that, she mistakes Goetia for using Rhea as an inspiration for the statue because of not being aware of Rhea's past identity.
    Dorothea: A-and this involves the Archbishop, how?
    Goetia: She is the face of Seiros.
    Dorothea: True enough… Especially with the Western Church gone.
    • Apparently the other reason Goetia approached Bernadetta to help with training with Flauros the finch is because she is the one of the two people who knows about its existence. The other he implies is Rhea and the reason he doesn't approach her on the matter:
    Goetia: Though…You are the only other individual who is aware of the existence of the finch as being alive… and I doubt Rhea would approve of me barging into her bed chambers during the waning hours of the day for a second time without consequences.
    Bernadetta froze.
    … It was probably best that she forgot that sentence entirely.
    What sentence?


  • A few drinks later...: After much convincing, Goetia joins Harold and the other Knights of Seiros for a round of drinks. Cut to the pub and not two drinks in, Goetia's completely drunk and going on about his life story to Harold and the other Knights, who think he's telling a good story. Seteth and Rhea walk in after hearing tales of a "mage confessing he's a genocidal beast" just as Goetia's near the end of his story, and then Goetia goads the two to join in with the drinking, which Rhea turns down at first... but the next scene shows Rhea, drunk and crying about her problems with Goetia. Seteth and the other knights can only watch the drunken pair with pints in hand.
  • Potions... They're... versatile: Goetia has been conjuring up potions in order to improve on the vuluneary with Seteth's assistant. Seteth then asks why he's chosen to assist Goetia in this project.
    Goetia: You are more durable in case of accidental combustion.
    Seteth: What do you mean 'Accidental combustion'!?
    Seteth: It's not harmful is it?
    Goetia: Not physically. Although... she will likely be in a state of panic when she awakens.
    Seteth: Why?
    Goetia: The potion was designed to swap the genitalia for the recipient. Hence the translation of 'opposite'.
    [Both men fall silent as the realization settles in]
    Seteth: How quickly can you create a cure?
    Goetia: I'll work on it immediately.
  • The Matchmaker series: Byleth showing Goetia and Sothis her board for pairing of students (and later faculty), which both of them consider weird... after which they put in their own two gold on their choice of parings. Claude later stumbles upon this as they're deliberating and decides to rope in the other two house leaders to make their own.
  • Truth behind everything: Goetia created a Truth Serum... only for him to accidently spill it not only on himself, but the gas from it proceeded to spread out to the entire monetary, leading to everyone there to start speaking very bluntly. Seteth starts to realize that something is wrong when Dorothea points out that Seteth is obviously Flayn's dad and not her older brother.
  • Crazy, Crazy World: Goetia and Byleth roping Ritsuka, Mash, and Da Vinci into helping with their Matchmaker chart, while discussing the events of previous Omakes while mentioning the GudaGuda events that Ritsuka has endured... Only at the end for Seteth to barge in holding a Nobu dressed as Claude.
    Mash: Oh...
    Ritsuka: ...Shit.
    Claude!Nobu: Nobbu!
    Goetia: [Glares at Ritsuka] What have you done?
    Ritsuka: Did we leave the lid off the Guda particles again?
  • The Gang Goes To... Wait... Where did you say we were going?: As part of the ongoing GUDAGUDA Event Omakes, Da Vinci reveals the location of the Holy Grail causing the Event. When she reveals that it's in Brazil, all of the Servants present to help Ritsuka save Da Vinci and Mash - in other words, all of the Beasts - flat-out refuse to go, citing the spider problem. Goetia sounds hopeful when Ritsuka brings up that they sound like the 7 Grand Servants showed up, with the Master confused why they'd need the Grands to fight spiders. When Chaldea finally leaves, all of the Beasts commiserate that Ritsuka's absolutely going to die. And, over in Brazil, we see Flayn fusing the GUDAGUDA Holy Grail with ORT.
  • The Fear the Deer (Part 1) omake has Lysithea complaining to Claude about Lorenz's attitude toward the Golden Deer's newest addition who has been challenging their housemates to a fight, much to her irksome. Said addition, revealed to be none other than Musashi, arrives and demands a fight from Lysithea, proclaiming her the "main boss". Lysithea refuses at first as she doesn't want to waste the time and energy...until Musashi calls her "chicken" and starts pushing her buttons (namely her young age and proficiency with magic). Cue Lysithea tossing magic.
  • Absolute Scandalous Front: Continuing where Chapter 95 left off with Goetia casually mentioning of King Gilgamesh's soul was retrieved because the Underworld was close to Uruk, due to the outlandish details within Goetia's tale, they believe he must have eaten something strange to come up with this story, much to Goetia's annoyance, who insists that what he told them was true. Except each detail, without context, doesn't help build his case.
