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Characters / Justice

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Characters for the One Piece/Justice League fanfic.

Justice League

In General

Tropes that aply to the Justice League as a whole.

  • Adaptational Badass: Due to how strong the Straw Hats are the heroes start to train to get on the level of the pirates, who are proving to be a step ahead of them even when they've been holding back.


The Man of Steel himself.
  • Armor-Piercing Attack: On the receiving end of this at the beginning Savage Time at the hands of an alternate timeline Zoro. Notable especially since it left a scar that has yet to fade. This is what spurs him to take the Straw Hats as a serious threat.
  • The Cape
  • Even the Loving Hero Has Hated Ones: As in DCAU canon, he has an understandable chip on his shoulder regarding Darkseid after the events of the Superman animated series. Unfortunately, this clouded his judgement a bit like in canon.
  • Humble Hero: He wouldn't be Superman if he wasn't this. He knows he isn't infallible and his mistakes with the Straw Hats continue to weigh on his mind.
  • Scars Are Forever: At the beginning of Savage Time, he gets scarred by the alternate timeline Zoro. The resulting wound left a scar that wouldn't heal or fade because, like Kaidou's, it was dealt from an attack imbued with Conqueror's Haki.


The Dark Knight. After the Straw Hats' actions cause a butterfly effect in Gotham, Batman has been finding it more and more difficult to refuse help. Even from fellow League members
  • The Cowl: As he is in the comics.
  • Character Development: As the emergence of the Straw Hats has shown the League that their teamwork is lacking, Batman has become less against being a team player and asking for help in Gotham.
  • Jerk with a Heart of Gold: Surly on the outside, a kind and righteous man at heart. Superman believes his effort to have Wayne Enterprises make a deal with Cherry Blossom Pharmaceuticals was to further said organization's impact.

Wonder Woman

Princess Diana of Themyscira.
  • Amazonian Beauty: Diana is literally the princess of the Amazons and one of the most beautiful ladies in the world, often described by her muscular build and height, yet also her good looks too.
  • Beauty Is Never Tarnished: Brutally averted. Her fight against the Injustice Gang and Parasite in particular left her bruised and bloodied all over.
  • Calling the Old Man Out: She scolds her mother and fellow Amazons for how their teachings about men fostered misandry in Aresia and led to her going rogue in an attempted Gendercide. Queen Hippolyta couldn't help but agree.
  • Pervert Revenge Mode: She does not take Lightray's Flirtatious Smack on the Ass well, as in canon, but here it was the last straw for an already stressed out Diana. Word of God admits that her response was much more restrained than what Nami or Robin would've done.


  • The Mole: Hawkgirl was sent to Earth by Thanagar, her planet, as a mission to spy on them and give the information to her superiors as help. During the story we get to read her perspective as a spy from her world and a heroine on Earth.

Orion, Big Barda, and Scott Free

  • Defector from Decadence: Scott Free and Big Barda decide to join the Justice League because of their issues in adapting to New Genesis. Orion comes more to have a good fight, but he too has issues with his adoptive home.

Straw Hat Pirates

In General

Tropes that apply to the Straw Hats as a whole.
  • Adaptational Badass: Some of the crew use their time on Earth for training and improving their abilities and weapons, such as practicing their Haki, and, in Franky's case, upgrading his cybernetics.
  • Bunny-Ears Lawyer: As in canon, they're a bunch of quirky pirates that are among the best at what they do. It throws many DC characters for a loop.
  • Justified Criminal: Like in canon, the Straw Hats are wanted criminals on Earth, due to their robberies, assault, damage to private property, etc. Said crimes are a way for them to amass enough resources to build a way back home.
  • "Not So Different" Remark: Amazo points out how similar the crew's beliefs on freedom are to the Justice League's. Given what we've seen of them, this isn't an inaccurate statement.
  • The Pirates Who Don't Do Anything: Averted. Unlike in canon, the Straw Hats steal more often, as well as assaulting other criminals and heroes, and damage to private property. This is partially in desperation, as they're marooned on another world and are trying to get back home.
  • Positive Friend Influence: They are this to the Deckhands, their kindness rubbing off on the Supervillains. Even Poison Ivy has become less misanthropic the longer she spends time with them.

Monkey D. Luffy

Captain of the Straw Hats and "Fifth Emperor of the Sea."
  • Bunny-Ears Lawyer: A total goofball and idiot, and yet a capable pirate captain. His demeanor surprises anyone meeting the crew for the first time.
  • Chaste Hero: During the crew's first encounter with Poison Ivy, she found out to her utter shock that Luffy was completely immune to her Love Potion. As the narration put it, "His Libido was fast asleep and dreaming of meat."
  • Combat Pragmatist: Downplayed, he's not above resorting to low blows in a fight, as Parasite could attest to.
  • Foil: He serves as this to both Superman and the Flash:
    • Like Superman, he's the leader of his own team. Both of them are kind hearted individuals possessing great strength and will. Superman is an intelligent man, while Luffy is an Idiot Hero.
    • Luffy and Flash serve as the hearts of their respective teams, and their potential loss would drive their friends to a much darker place.
  • Friendly Enemy: Like with Smoker back on Gaea, he's pretty chummy with Superman and Flash when he meets them in spite of being on the opposite sides of the law. Though he still doesn't trust them and the other league members due to his and his crews own prejudice towards Justice.
  • The Heart: He's the guiding light of the Straw Hats. Without his presence, the Straw Hats in the Nazi timeline of Savage Time cross the Despair Event Horizon after Vandal Savage kills him to test out a new super laser.
  • Idiot Hero: This is Luffy, it's a given.



A New God and king of New Genesis, Highfather is the adoptive father of Orion, and the biological father of Scott Free.
  • The Chessmaster:
    • He immediately gleams there is much more to what is going on with Darkseid and Brainiac's supposed invasion, and is the closest to putting it all together.
    • The one who brought the Straw Hats to Earth as a high-risk gamble to destroy a dangerous, unknown threat, and to help guide the Justice League and Earth into becoming the next generation of gods.
  • Defector from Decadence: Is more aware than most of his subjects of the faults of his people, and is trying to steer them into something better.
  • The Good King: Very much gives this impression, and many ways works to live by this, but has his own shadowy secrets.
  • Prescience by Analysis: Working with Metron, he has a strong grasp of the probabilities of future events. Even if they also acknowledge that as things escalate, properly assessing the situation shall become increasingly difficult.
  • Unwitting Instigator of Doom: By removing the Straw Hats from midway through the Wano Arc, he has left the pirates unable to help stop Kaidou, and with all the consequences that would entail.
  • Walking Spoiler: Suffice to say he has a much larger role than his canon counterpart.
