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Characters / The Camp Half-Blood Series: Forces of Gaia

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Tired of the rule of her descendants the gods and angered by the murder of her children the titans, Gaea, goddess of the Earth itself, seeks to rise once more. For the full list of characters, click here.

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Protogenoi are the previous generation to the Titans. They physically are what they are the lords of.

The goddess of the Earth and progenitor of the Titans and, by extension, the Olympians. Big Bad of the Heroes of Olympus series.

  • Abusive Parents: Locked Damasen inside Tartarus and forced him to kill the Maeonian Drakon over and over again because he stopped the drakon from harming humans. She's also responsible for the death of her other son, Orion, but, in contrast to how she justified Damasen's imprisonment, she did so to prevent him from killing every beasts on earth.
  • Big Bad: Of The Heroes of Olympus series.
  • The Chessmaster: Seems to have planned out or predicted an awful lot of characters' choices prior to the beginning of the story.
  • Curb-Stomp Battle: Her ultimate defeat. She only wakes up for less than five minutes, during which she's lured to the sky, charmed to sleep, and finally finished off by a ball of fire. Embarrassingly, she's defeated by a trio of mere demigods (well, four, if you count Octavian), unlike the giants, who need a demigod/god combination to be killed.
  • Dishing Out Dirt: She is the Earth. Like in the original mythology, she doesn't have nature-based powers (this was the domain of Pan).
  • The Dreaded: Everybody's scared of her. She is, after all, the earth itself.
  • Eldritch Abomination: Seeing as her body is the entire planet.
  • The End of the World as We Know It: The entire plot is about preventing Gaia from waking up, since this trope is what's going to happen if she does. She does manage to wake up in the climax of The Blood of Olympus, but she's swiftly defeated before she can do much destruction (and she doesn't cause them, as the fight takes place outside of Camp Half-Blood).
  • Even Evil Has Loved Ones: She loves the giants. In the present, she makes the giants free themselves first before she wakes up herself.
  • Evil Matriarch: The mother of all the gods and monsters except for the most primordial of them.
  • Faux Affably Evil: She maintains a calm and polite air at all times, even when taunting heroes and all but outright saying she wants them dead.
  • Foil:
    • To Juno. Both are matriarchs who are generally disliked, but Juno wants to save the world while Gaia wants to destroy it.
    • To Kronos, the previous Big Bad — she takes a more direct approach to manipulating the main players of the prophecy.
  • Gaia's Vengeance: Although she's not directly taking it out on mortals, just the mythological creatures.
  • Hoist by His Own Petard: Her first husband, Ouranos, is incapacitated because she arranged for the Titans to mutilate him while he's in his most vulnerable: when he visited earth and thus was away from his domain, the sky. Come the end of the series, and Gaia is incapacitated the same way: being lured into a place she is the most vulnerable: the sky.
  • Karmic Death: While not truly dead for good, She does get vaporized by the same trick she and the titans used on Ouranos, and as a consequence she can't reform for slightly less the eternity just like her husband and son Kronos (who she callously ignored during his second uprising). For bonus points she tried to kill and manipulate everyone involved and actually succeeded in killing a few of their loved ones.
  • Kick the Dog: She threatened to kill Leo's mother and in a way succeeded in doing so in particularly cruel manner. She caused Leo to set fire to his mom's workshop and accidentally kill her.
  • Logical Weakness: Because she is the all-powerful Earth Mother, she's near-powerless when in the air.
  • The Man Behind the Man: In the first book, behind her son Porphyrion.
  • Manipulative Bastard: Definitely more keen on this tactic then Kronos was. Following the theme of family ties, she emotionally manipulates near everyone using loved ones (Piper, Percy, Leo, Hazel, even some gods). Frank is supposedly an exception, thanks to his convoluted legacy.
  • Non-Action Big Bad: Because she's asleep, she pulls strings to get what she wants rather than directly doing things herself.
  • Parental Favoritism: Very blatantly favored the giants over the Titans.
  • Pet the Dog: She seems to have an affinity for non-humanoid, beastly beings over humanoid ones. Her killing Orion was to stop him from killing all beasts on earth, and she imprisoned Damasen because he killed a beast that threatened humans. Then there's her love for giants, who are decidedly less humanoid than the Titans or Olympian gods.
  • Significant Birthdate: Invoked. She chooses August 1, the Feast of the Goddess of Hope, to begin the second Gigantomachy.

The Tartarus, a manifestation of the darkest part of the Underworld. Also the Giants' father. (Gaea was the mother).

  • Adaptational Villainy: Tartarus is not a bad guy in myths, not even the Hades-kind bad guy. He's a sort of a static character who functions more as a locale (being the worst prison for any being), and his relationship with Gaea that produced Typhon is a strictly a one-shot affair with no indication that he hopes it would be used against the gods.
  • Archnemesis Dad: To Damasen.
  • Arc Villain: Of The House of Hades, as Percy and Annabeth are trapped in his realm while the crew of the Argo II go up against Clytius and PasiphaĆ« to save them.
  • Attack of the 50-Foot Whatever: As with all other protogenoi.
  • Big Bad Duumvirate: Implied by his dialogue, and a logical conclusion given that he fathered the Giants with Gaia and is by far the most powerful of her affiliates.
  • The Blank: A variation. He doesn't have a face, but he doesn't have a blank patch of skin either. What he does have is a nightmarish combination of whirlpool and black hole.
  • Body Horror: The entirety of Tartarus is his body. This is given nods throughout the book as Percy and Annabeth joke about how they're traversing across different parts of his anatomy.
  • Dark Is Evil: Oh, you had better believe it!
  • Disproportionate Retribution: Destroys Krios and Hyperion for the former describing him in an unflattering manner.
  • The Dreaded: For very good reason. It takes a You Shall Not Pass! by Bob and Damasen to slow him down long enough for Percy and Annabeth to escape. What, exactly, do you think happened to them afterwards?
  • Eldritch Abomination: The realm of Tartarus is his body, and when he assumes a form to deal with them personally Percy and Annabeth have a hard time looking directly at him.
  • Eldritch Location: Tartarus the location is his body, with all that implies. The ground is flesh, rivers of horrific properties flow across and under the land, the air is poison, and monsters crawl from the living soil. Even that horrific place is just A Form You Are Comfortable With, with many successive layers existing simultaneously in the same space, so mind-numbingly horrible that even before you get to the true destroy-you-if-you-look-at-it form you'll be driven mad. On top of that, this entire place is floating in an endless black void that's somehow worse. As that is THE Chaos. Yes, as in the primordial void.
  • Fighting a Shadow: The manifestation at the end of the book is simply a form he assumed to deal with the Heroes. His true form is the locale of Tartarus.
  • Genius Loci: Tartarus' body is pretty much the Greek version of Hell.
  • Kick the Dog: We probably weren't supposed to feel bad for Hyperion and Krios, but his reason for doing what he did to them just makes it callous.
  • Knight of Cerebus: Twofold. Percy and Annabeth's trek across Tartarus (technically his body) is easily one of the darkest parts of the book, and things naturally get worse when he shows up in person.
  • Mighty Glacier: Is slow but immensely powerful, due to never having taken on a humanoid form before.
  • Monster Progenitor: Fathered Typhon, KampĆŖ, and the giants with Gaia
  • Offing the Offspring: Presumably did this to Damasen and Bob.
  • Orcus on His Throne: He fathers monsters with Gaia and serves as a respawn point for all monsters, but he doesn't really get involved himself. At the current point in time, he's only formed a corporeal form once. In fact, he doesn't participate in the final battle.
  • Related in the Adaptation: Depending on the source, in some of the original myths Tartarus didn't father the giants (they're generally described as springing from Ouranos's blood in such tellings), nor was he actually married Gaea (though he did have an intimate relationship with her).
  • The Power of the Void: Everything about his physical description. He has Voice of the Legion that echoes inwards instead of outwards, a vortex for a face that absorbs essences and Annabeth describes the environment as looking like it's being pulled into him.
  • The Unfought: The heroes never even try to touch him, while Damasen and Bob's sacrifices simply distract him long enough for the heroes to flee before Tartarus possibly kills them. Thanks to this, he's one of Gaea's two major allies (alongside Python) to survive the Second Gigantomachy.
  • Unskilled, but Strong: Thankfully, for all his power, he's clearly unused to combat in a corporeal form, a weakness the heroes are able to exploit. Justified, though, as he'd never summoned a physical manifestation of himself before this point, and was essentially taking his baby steps.
  • Womb Level: The realm of Tartatus is his body.

Gigantes (The Giants)

The giant children of Gaea and Tartarus, each one was meant to destroy and replace a specific god. They appear in The Heroes of Olympus.
  • Achilles' Heel: They heal from all damage unless it's inflicted by a god and demigod working together.
  • Arch-Enemy: Each one was designed to destroy a specific god.
  • Back for the Finale: Come back regenerated and just as ready to destroy the demigods as ever in The Blood of Olympus. Of course, now that Reyna and Nico manage to unite the warring camps and cure the gods' schizophrenia, they are disposed of fairly easily.
  • Big Bad Ensemble: Pretty much every book features a giant as a secondary antagonist, and usually the Final Boss.
    • The Lost Hero: Enceladus kidnaps Piper's father, blackmailing her into sabotaging the quest to prevent Porphyrion's rise.
    • The Son of Neptune: Polybotes is marching to invade Camp Jupiter while Percy, Frank, and Hazel head off to defeat Alcyoneus.
    • The Mark of Athena: The Aloadae, Otis & Ephialtes, plan to put on a massive show as they destroy Rome.
    • The House of Hades: Clytius serves as PasiphaĆ«'s "handler" on earth, as they control the Doors of Death leading to Tartarus.
    • The Blood of Olympus: Porphyrion and almost all of the giants scheme to awaken Gaia, while Orion hunts Reyna and the Athena Parthenos.
  • Eviler than Thou: The gods and Titans are not saints and it is sometimes hard to see a difference between them. However, everyone agrees the giants are worse than both. Being children of the Greek version of Hell it is to be expected.
  • Evil Knockoff: Of the Olympians.
  • Gaia's Vengeance: They are it.
  • Implacable Man: Their primary strength. They lack the vast magic possessed by the gods, but are designed to keep coming no matter what thanks to only being able to be killed by a god and demigod working together.
  • Our Giants Are Bigger: The average giant or giant-sized monsters are around 10-12 feet tall. These giants are around 20 feet or more.
  • Pride: A flaw shared by all of them and according to Nemesis they have more pride than the Olympians or Titans which is saying something. Each one thinks they are invincible in battle and can surely defeat the Olympians despite having lost before and individual giants being defeated by individual demigods. This causes them to severely underestimate their enemies leading to one humiliating defeat after another.

The most powerful of the giants and their king. Deigned to be a direct counter to Zeus including power.

  • Arch-Enemy: To Zeus.
  • Authority Equals Asskicking: When at full strength.
  • Curb-Stomp Battle: In the last book, he is on the receiving end of one at the hands of Zeus and Jason. Zeus nearly kills him with his Master bolt before Jason blows him off a cliff and Zeus uses another lighting blast to reduce him from ash. His own spear is sliced in half and he fails to mount any sort of defense or offense.
  • The Dragon: To Gaia.
  • Greater-Scope Villain: The plot of The Lost Hero concerns attempting to prevent his resurrection.
  • The Heavy: Since Gaia is asleep for most of the series, Porphyrion is the de facto main antagonist up until she finally wakes.
  • Large and in Charge: Described as the tallest of the giants and the most built physically.
  • Orcus on His Throne: Is resurrected in the first book only to do nothing over the next four while the heroes steadily advance toward him. Any actual planning or action is taken by Gaia.

Counterpart to Poseidon.

  • Arch-Enemy: To Poseidon.
  • The Brute: Powerful for sure, but clearly not the most cunning of the giants.
  • Curb-Stomp Battle: In the last book, Both gives and receives one. He fights Percy in the water and his poison instantly takes Percy out, but is on the receiving end of one from Jason and Kymopoleia.
  • Final Boss: Of The Son of Neptune.
  • Mook Maker: On top of his other abilities, basilisks spawn from his scalp that are intelligent enough to employ basic tactics.
  • Poisonous Person: His very touch turns water to poison.
  • Prongs of Poseidon: Simultaneously of the sea, gladiator, and evil varieties.
  • Weaksauce Weakness: It's his first defeat that highlights that the Giants weakness of Demigods and Gods working together means any god, not just major ones. Case in point, he gets his ass handed to him by Percy and Terminus working together.

Counterpart to Pluto and the eldest of the Giants.
  • Arch-Enemy: To Hades. Also to Hazel, seeing as she was the one who was manipulated into resurrecting him.
  • Arc Villain: Of The Son of Neptune, holding Thanatos hostage while Polybotes invades Camp Jupiter.
  • Curb-Stomp Battle: What he did to the 5th Cohort of the 80's.
  • Crystalline Creature: He's not just covered in various precious jewels and metals, he's literally made of them.
  • The Dragon: To Gaia, spanning the time period from the forties to Porphyrion's rise.
  • Killed Offscreen: The one who kills him for the second time is not identified.
  • Made of Indestructium: Except if he's out of his homeland Alaska.
  • Too Dumb to Live: As pointed out by Frank — when you're unkillable as long as you stay in the boundaries of the state of Alaska, you really shouldn't hang out in the part of the state that's only ten miles wide.
    Frank: "Welcome to Canada, idiot."
  • Villain Respect: Unlike most giants, he does have the ability to compliment his enemies. He is aware of Percy's past exploits and acknowledges his defeat of Kronos in the previous series as a worthy feet of a hero.

Counterpart to Athena.

  • Evil Genius: The most intelligent of the giants and the tactician among them, but given how stupid some of his fellow giants are this isn't saying much.
  • Flunky Boss: He's aided in his fight against Jason, Piper, and Leo by several Earthborn.
  • The Heavy: The most prominent antagonist of The Lost Hero, due to Khione remaining a Hidden Villain while Gaia and Porphyrion are still asleep.
  • I Have Your Wife: Takes Tristan McLean hostage to force Piper's allegiance.

    Otis & Ephialtes 
Counterparts to Dionysus.

  • Berserk Button: Exploited by Percy during his fight with Otis. Insulting ballet enrages him so that he makes stupid mistakes.
  • Butt-Monkey: Poor Otis owns this trope.
  • Curb-Stomp Battle: Offed for the second time by Percy and Poseidon.
  • Fan Disservice: Otis' form-fitting tutu.
  • The Heavy: Of The Mark of Athena, while Arachne is their boss their plan to destroy Rome is a much more immediate threat.
  • Identical Twin ID Tag: Ephialtes has purple hair; Otis's is green.
  • Jerkass: Ephialtes.
  • Real Men Wear Pink: Otis is fond of ballet and wears a tutu during the fight with Percy and Jason. Everybody else, Ephialtes included, finds this revolting.
  • Sensitive Guy and Manly Man: With Otis as the sensitive one and Ephialtes as the Manly Man.

Counterpart to Hecate.
  • Anti-Magic: His Shroud of Darkness neutralizes the mist.
  • Arch-Enemy: To Hecate.
  • Black Cloak: One made out of smoke because, you know, Evil Wears Black.
  • Energy Absorption: Since his Arch-Enemy is the goddess of magic, Clytius was designed to absorb all her magic attacks.
  • Evil Sounds Deep: Described as sounding like a bass guitar.
  • Final Boss: Of The House of Hades.
  • Kill It with Fire: The one way to defeat him is with magical fire.
  • People Puppets: Controls Annabeth, Percy and Leo (and even corpses in the tombs of the Necromanteion) and uses their mouths to speak for him.
  • Super Smoke: Controls smoke that absorbs all Mist and magic. It also is used to steal people's voices and drain their life force.
  • The Quiet One: Out of all the Giants, Clytius rarely speaks.
  • Voice for the Voiceless: Doesn't use his own mouth, rather he steals people's vocal cords and communicates using their mouths.

Counterpart to Artemis and Apollo.

  • Adaptational Villainy: In the original mythology, Orion, while sometimes depicted as a giant, did not participate in the Gigantomachy.
  • Egomaniac Hunter: A curse by Apollo turned him into one in ancient times and upon his return from Tartarus he has become one to women.
  • Face of an Angel, Mind of a Demon: Very handsome and very evil (to strong women, at least).
  • Faceā€“Heel Turn: Originally sided with the gods against the giants and fell in love with his target. After that brought him nothing but pain and misery, he decided to go back to the giants.
  • He-Man Woman Hater: Originally loved Artemis, but being rejected by her, cursed by Apollo, and sent down to Tartarus caused him to make an about face and hunt any "strong" women with a focus on Artemis' Hunters and the Amazons.
  • Hero Killer: The giant with the most number of named casualties. He kills Phoebe, Kinzie, Naomi, Celyn, plus countless other elite Amazons and Hunters of Artemis, all in one fell swoop.
  • Hunting the Most Dangerous Game: Strong women, specifically.
  • Politically Incorrect Villain: He hates strong women.
  • Pretty Boy: Unlike other giants, he's in the shape of a human and is sized as such (though taller than most). That alone makes him the prettiest of his brethren. Then he's described to be a handsome hunk who attracted even the goddess of misandrists herself...
  • Straw Misogynist: Is he ever. He despises strong women, and wooed Artemis partly so he could "tame" her. To be fair, it's implied he was nowhere near as bad in the past and it was Apollo cursing him for chasing after Artemis and eventually sending him to Tartarus that made him really hate women.
  • Trauma Conga Line: What caused him to join his fellow giants despite originally siding with the gods. First he was blinded for flirting (well, that's all he claims it was) with a mortal princess, given new eyes, joined the Hunters of Artemis (the only male) only to fall in love with Artemis and be rejected, cursed by Apollo who feared Artemis might grow weak in her vows of maidenhood, cursed to hunt down every beast of the earth till his own mother, Gaia had to send a giant scorpion to kill him, and finally sent down to Tartarus.
  • You Can't Fight Fate: Tried to fight his destiny and fell in love with the goddess he was supposed to destroy. Being rejected, cursed, and finally cast down into Tartarus for his troubles caused him to accept his fate and fight the gods.

Giant counterpart to Hephaestus. Resides in the Temple of Fear.

  • Don't Think, Feel: The only way to defeat him. It's stated more or less word-for-word by Piper.
  • Walking Techbane: Specifically invoked, as he was made to counter the blacksmith of the gods. Around him, "maps are misread, devices break, data is lost, and the finest minds turn to mush" (which is why Annabeth has such a hard time with him).

Porphyrion's daughter and princess of the Giants. Counterpart to Aphrodite.

  • Curb-Stomp Battle: At the hands of Piper and Aphrodite.
  • Designated Girl Fight: Her on-screen opponents are all women. She's first tasked to capture Annabeth, then has to face her and Piper. Later, when the gods arrive, she's killed at the hands of Piper and her mother, Aphrodite.
  • Harmless Freezing: Is frozen by Piper's Boread sword, but manages to thaw herself later.
  • Impaled Palm: Piper charmspeaks her to miss her knife shot and impale her own palm.
  • The Smurfette Principle: The only female Giant we see, and also the only one not explicitly a child of Gaia.

The counterpart of The Fates.
  • An Arm and a Leg: Piper cuts his right hand while he is performing a ritual to sacrifice Percy and Annabeth. He reattaches it back, though.
  • Curb-Stomp Battle: By the Moirae.
  • Evil Sounds Deep: His voice is deep enough to shake the ground.
  • Tap on the Head: Gets smacked by the Moirae's clubs multiple times. Jason describes it as the weirdest thing he sees of all the giant battles, considering that the Moirae take the form of old women.

The counterpart of Hermes.
  • Killed Offscreen: Perishes alongside the other giants but the one who defeats him is not identified.
  • We Hardly Knew Ye: Is described the least, and only appears in the final book of The Heroes of Olympus series, and unlike Mimas and Thoon, doesn't play any memorable role.

Revived Mortals

The legendary king with the golden touch. Didn't learn his lesson after all.

  • Aesop Amnesia: Defied. He never really learned the anti-greed lesson his story is often used to teach to begin with. He simply learned how to reverse the unintended consequences of his gift.
  • Affably Evil: Midas acts friendly to his guests while trying to turn them into gold.
  • Arson, Murder, and Jaywalking: Midas forces demigods that find him to choose between being turned to gold or being murdered by his son, he works for Gaia, and runs a gold selling scam.
  • Energy Weapon: Not himself, but he bought a few to protect the airspace over his home.
  • Jerkass: Unlike the story he never learned his lesson and gave up his power.
    • Explicitly points out that the story never really ended with him "learning his lesson", just that he learned how to restore the things his curse affected.
  • Taken for Granite: Midas's power is to turn anything he touches to gold. People are part of everything.


"My friends call me Lit, but my enemies call me Death!"

Demigod son of King Midas and Demeter. In ancient times, he challenged people to harvesting contests and beheaded those he beat and became known as the "Reaper of Men", "Death" and "Lit". He was finally killed by Hercules but came back through the Doors of Death.

A powerful sorceress, granddaughter of Helios. She was recruited by Caligula to help with his plan to become the New Sun. For tropes about her, see here.

A blind man with the gift of prophecy brought back to life by Gaia. He gets killed by poison in a bet between him and Percy when Gaia decides to spare Percy rather than him.
  • Animal Nemesis: He hates harpies.
  • Big Eater: He's making up for lost time.
  • Blind Seer: The mythological Phineas is one of the oldest examples out there.
  • Smug Snake: Constantly flaunts his gift of prophecy to Percy, Hazel and Frank. Not to mention he was overconfident in his role of Gaia's seer... only to learn too late she considers Percy having more value alive than him.
  • You Have Outlived Your Usefulness: He still had some, just not as much as Percy.

The first queen of the Amazons. She was sent to claim the throne from her modern successor through combat and lead the Amazons in service of Gaia.
  • Action Girl: Part of being an Amazon.
  • Death Is Cheap: After she's killed she comes back again the next day.
  • Exact Words: She uses this against the Amazons. Their code allows a challenger to fight the current queen to the death for the throne, but says nothing about what to do if the defeated challenger rises from the dead and repeats the challenge.

Son of Poseidon and bandit extraordinaire.
  • Brilliant, but Lazy: Odd example; he finds his hydrokinetic gifts as a son of Poseidon too much of a hassle to master, so instead he nurtured an exceptional skill in marksmanship.
  • Exact Words: Swears on Styx to send Jason and Hazel down the cliff once he gets what he wants out of them. They pick up on the odd wording.
  • Faux Affably Evil: Acts amicable and reasonable but it's a facade to execute people as unexpectedly as possible.
  • Fearsome Foot: Tells Hazel and Jason that they have to clean his feet to let him go. Neither of them are happy about it, because his feet are absolutely disgusting, but also because as soon as you bend down, he kicks you right off the cliff.
  • Improbable Aiming Skills: He takes pride in this. Hazel compares him to a son of Apollo.
  • Karmic Death: Like in his original legend, he was tricked and kicked off the cliff he intended to send the hero(es) down from and eaten by his own giant turtle.
  • Pet Monstrosity: Poseidon gifted him a giant sea turtle.


Boreas's daughter, the goddess of snow.
  • An Ice Person: Displays the greatest prowess in this among the North Winds.
  • Manipulative Bitch: Oh, so very much. By the fourth book, she's successfully played Zeus, Hera, and Aeolus for chumps, and convinced Boreas and her brothers to serve Gaia.
  • The Mole: For Gaia among the wind gods.
  • Spanner in the Works: Thanks to her and her brothers' interference, the Argo II is blown into North Africa and Leo is stranded in Ogygia. Eventually this is all rectified, but the crew loses a lot of time.
  • The Starscream: To her father.
  • Underestimating Badassery: Shouldn't've dismissed Piper so easily, huh?
  • Winter Royal Lady: The goddess of snow. She wears a white silk gown to match.

Lord of the winds. Normally a servant of Olympus, he does bow to Gaia on the rare occasion she makes a direct demand. For related tropes, see here.

Goddess of sea monsters who seeks to collect the bounty on the heroes after they escape Phorcys's aquarium plan. For related tropes, see here.

Goddess of sea storms. For related tropes, see here.


The titan of the North, foresight and knowledge.
  • Bears Are Bad News: He wears a bear shaped helmet.
  • BFS: As a titan he has a sword to match his size.
  • Creepy Blue Eyes: He has cold blue eyes, which he passed down to his granddaughter, Artemis (much to Percy's discomfort).
  • Even Evil Has Loved Ones: He's genuinely sad that Kronos is near permanently dissipated and greets Iapetus with joy when he thinks he's thrown off the Lethe's effects. He also loves Leto dearly.
  • Papa Wolf: One of his motivations to rebel against the authority again is because of Zeus's treatment of his daughter Leto.
  • Perpetual Smiler: Which Percy notes is passed down to Apollo.
  • An Ice Person: As the titan of the North he wields power over cold.
  • The Starscream: He plans to let the giants serve as shock troops, clearing the way for the titans to reclaim their kingdom.
  • The Unfought: He's never fought in any series, and may have never even been fought offscreen.
  • Villain of Another Story: He was part of Kronos's second war, though his role in it is unknown. He was either slain at some point in the war or never made it out of Tartarus.

Titan of the South and constellations. First a part of Kronos's army, he attempts to return to the living world as part of Gaia's war. His tropes can be found here.

Titan of the East and sun. First a part of Kronos's army, he attempts to return to the living world as part of Gaia's war. His tropes can be found here.



The first werewolf, cursed by Jupiter when he tried to serve human meat to the King of Gods. Like Midas above, did not learn.

  • Back for the Finale: Reappears in the last book as a servant of Orion, out to get Reyna and Nico.
  • Evil Counterpart: To Lupa, the mother wolf of Rome. Whereas Lupa is a trainer of heroes who's aggressive but ultimately heroic, Lycaon is a wolf in Gaia's service, seeking vengeance on the gods for his curse.
  • Our Werewolves Are Different: Can turn into a full wolf, among other things, and shares the infamous weakness to silver ā€” he is hurt by the silver arrows of the Hunters. Argentum (who is made of silver) can harm his wolves, but Aurum (gold) cannot.

    Euryale and Stheno 
Mesdusa's elder sisters sisters and fellow gorgons. First seen hunting Percy, they later join up with Polybotes's army to attack New Rome.
  • Alien Blood: Deadly poison from the left side, healing liquid from the right.
  • Battle Trophy: When killed they leave behind a vial of blood from each side of their body, both completely identical.
  • Berserk Button: Euryale isn't happy when people assume they can turn people to stone like their younger sister.
  • Evil Chef: Stheno has shades of this trying to get Percy to eat some poisoned Crispy Cheese 'n' Wieners.
  • Evil Redhead: Sort of. The snakes that make up Euryale's hair are Coral Snakes.
  • Fangs Are Evil: They've got them, plus several extra snake's worth.
  • Flight: Both have functional bronze wings.
  • Healing Serpent: Supposedly the blood note  of all Gorgons are this, but only the blood of Euryale and Stheno has been acquired as a spoil and is used by Percy in a deal with Phineas, where they each drink a vial. Gaia thankfully made sure that Percy drank the healing blood instead of the lethal onenote . The healing blood returns Percy's memory.
  • Medusa: Not that they're very happy for their little sister to be the most well known example.
  • Sadist: Euryale has shades of this.
  • Wolverine Claws: They have razor sharp talons.

    Ma Gasket 
A hypoborean cyclops who lives in Detroit.

    Sump and Torque 
The cyclops children of Ma Gasket.

    Michael Varus 
Son of Janus and a former praetor of New Rome who infamously lost the legion's standard in Alaska.
  • Ambition Is Evil: Described as being ambitious and prideful. He led the legion to Rome in a quest for glory, which resulted in a massacre.
  • Back for the Finale: He escapes the battle in Alaska and reappears in Blood of Olympus.
  • Fate Worse than Death: After he's killed again he's sentenced to the Fields of Punishment for his treachery against the gods.
  • In the Back: He stabs Jason from behind in Ithaca.
  • Meaningful Name: "Varus" means "crooked" in Latin, although the name most likely is a reference to the historic Publius Quinctilius Varus, who is most well known for losing three legions when ambushed.
  • Near-Villain Victory: Jason nearly dies from the wound he inflicted.
  • True Sight: As a son of Janus he can see through magical disguises.
  • Our Ghosts Are Different: Gaia only brings him back as a phantom, with a promise of full life should he succeed in his service.
  • We Can Rule Together: He offers Jason a chance to join Gaia in Ithaca.

Malevolent spirits with the ability to possess mortals, demigods, monsters, and machines.

  • And I Must Scream: The three we see in The Mark of Athena end up forever fused to the remains of several completely trashed Automatons. Yeah, payback's a...
  • Demonic Possession: Duh.
  • Exact Words: They promised not to possess anyone on the Argo II. They didn't say anything about not attacking the crew with other host bodies.
  • Intangible Man: When not in a body.

An empousai who serves Kronos first and Luke second. Trainer of her sister Tammi and a senior empousia, being over a thousand years old. Later on revealed to have actually been serving Gaea, the serving Kronos was just a means to help wake Gaea. She was later on seen leading a group of other empousai through Tartarus. For more on empousia go here.

"I excel at pulling strings! I'm a spider!"

Athena's most famous rival and the mother of all spiders. Guards the Athena Parthenos against all of her children who try to claim it.

  • All Webbed Up: As a giant spider, this is part of her powers.
  • Arch-Enemy: She hates Athena.
  • Arc Villain: Of The Mark of Athena, with Otis & Ephialtes as her servants.
  • Back for the Dead: She shows up in person for literally about half a second in The House of Hades, trying to kill Annabeth, only to get killed by Percy.
  • Body Horror: Her entire lower half is that of a black widow spider. She's very bitter about that.
  • Enigmatic Minion: Shown to be complicit with Ephialtes and Otis, but the extent of her servitude to Gaia is never really explored. At any rate, she seems much more caught up in her own agenda.
  • Fatal Flaw: Like Annabeth, hers is Pride. Annnabeth ends up using against her to survive their encounter.
  • Final Boss: Of The Mark of Athena. She's the one preventing the Athena Parthenos from being achieved, and so the book's focal character Annabeth must face her at the end.
  • Insufferable Genius: Annabeth herself mentally acknowledges that Arachne's artwork and various weaves are, indeed, gorgeous and might very well be better than Athena's. Of course, Arachne letting her pride in her skill go to her head is what led to her being in her present state, regardless how skilled she is.
  • Pride: Her defining character trait. After seeing her abilities at weaving, even Annabeth is willing to admit she might very well be the superior weaver to her mother Athena, but Arachne's mistake was boasting of said abilities to Athena's face.
  • Sneaky Spider: The very first spider. She has been setting traps for children of Athena who try to retrieve the Athena Parthenos for centuries.
  • Spider People: Turned into one of these by Athena, hasn't forgiven her since.

A suitor of Penelope in life, he returned as a ghoul rather than a living being.

A suitor of Penelope in life, he returned as a phantom in search of revenge.

    Beryl Grace 
Mother of Thalia and Jason Grace, Gaia returns her to life as a mania. Her tropes can be found here.

An ancient earth dragon fought by Apollo. During Gaia's war he returns and blocks Apollo's access to prophecy, but chooses to stay out of the war and bide his time for a better opportunity. His tropes can be found here.

    King Kekrops 
The first and eternal king of Athens, this geminus seeks revenge for being cast out of the city in favor of humans.

A peppy old woman who booked Claymore's event in Keeseville, New York. She's mostly an annoyance to Claymore. Only shows up in The Demigod Diaries. She turns out to be a monster in disguise and the half-sister of Alabaster through Hecate. She's been tracking Alabaster with the intent of murdering him on Gaia's orders, forcing him to move from town to town and constantly keep up magic barriers to hold her off. Thanks to being brought back from Tartarus by Gaia, she can't die, making it difficult for Alabaster to get rid of her for good.

  • And I Must Scream: As of the end of Son of Magic, Alabaster knows a spell that will keep her essence from departing to Tartarus, meaning that if he destroys her she will be stuck as a sentient pile of dust for all eternity. Hecate thinks the threat of this should be enough to keep her at bay.
  • Bitch in Sheep's Clothing: Hinted at later on, when after acting like an enthusiastic and sweet, if rather irritating, grandmotherly old lady to Claymore, she calls him to demand he hand over the card about Alabaster's address to her for no discerned reason. Comes to fruition when she shows her true nature as a monster who works for Gaia.
  • Cain and Abel: The Cain to Alabaster's Abel.
  • Disproportionate Retribution: Yes, Hera killing her children was wrong, but crafting a magic to let monsters find demigods everywhere, and then keeping it running, racking up demigod casualties, for three thousand plus years, is way overreacting.
  • Even Evil Has Loved Ones: She wants to bring back her children, which Gaia promised to do for her. For her, if killing Alabaster means having them back, then so be it.
  • Freudian Excuse: In the past, when she was a Libyan queen, she was courted by Zeus and had two children she loved. When Hera found out about her relationship with Zeus, she murdered Lamia's children, and in front of her, no less. Needless to say, Lamia didn't take it well.
  • Genki Girl: An elderly version, but she's quite enthusiastic and full of praise for Claymore after he's finished with the event. Subverted, however, when she's revealed to be a monster.
  • Greater-Scope Villain: She's the one who granted monsters the power to detect demigods, meaning that she's probably got more demigod deaths on her hands than any other villain.
  • Hypocrite: Her chosen way of getting revenge on Hera for killing her children is to give monsters the ability to track half-bloods, causing the deaths of countless demigods, with the intent that "after a few thousand more of you die, Hera, the goddess of family, will finally understand my pain!" ... Except Hera doesn't even like half-bloods nor does she have any half-blood children of her own, so Lamia just sentenced untold numbers of children just like her own to death for no reason.
  • Mama Bear: A twisted variant. She loves her children dearly and will bring them back to life at any cost, even if it means working for Gaia and murdering people.
  • Misplaced Retribution: She basically cursed all demigods to show Hera what it's like to lose her children. Problem is, Hera has no mortal children whatsoever, and even explicitly disapproves of the ones born to married gods (such as her husband).
  • Small Role, Big Impact: She only appears in a short story in The Demigod Diaries, but what she did before both Percy Jackson and the Olympians and The Heroes of Olympus even started — namely, giving monsters the power to sense demigods and track them down by their scent — is a big factor in the story. She probably has more demigod deaths on her hands than any other character in the story.

A fire breathing giant who stole Hermes's caduceus on Gaia's orders.
  • Breath Weapon: He breathes fire, though if he gets wet he can't use it.
  • Brilliant, but Lazy: Most likely inherited a talent for engineering from his father but would much rather invest his efforts into counterfeiting already existing things.
  • Evil Redhead: Called the "ginger giant" by Annabeth.
  • Honest John's Dealership: Sells goods he admits are all stolen and forged.
  • "Shaggy Dog" Story: He stole the caduceus in order to cut off communication between the gods and demigods. Just months later, Zeus/Jupiter orders communication cut himself.
  • Shoddy Knockoff Product: He wants to become a god of counterfeit products.
  • Stealth Pun: The son of the god of the forge seems more invested in forgery.

Chaotic storm spirits who serve as recurring enemies.
  • Airborne Mooks: Their basic role in the story.
  • Blow You Away: One of their main powers.
  • Flight: They're made of wind, it would be harder for them to set foot on the ground than to fly.
  • No-Sell: Because they're so chaotic they're immune to attempts to control them that aren't based on weather control powers such as charmspeak.
  • Shock and Awe: Lighting is their primary offensive power.
  • Weather Manipulation: Enough of them together can create powerful storms.

The earthborn, multiarmed giants spawned from the soil.

Grain spirits who wish to throw of the shackles of agriculture.

Deadly serpents spawned from the scalp of Polybotes.

Dangerous cannibalistic undead. A number of them are encountered in Ithaca, the suitors of Penelope returned.

From ancient warriors and king with grudges against the gods to those who simply wish to escape the Underworld, there are many who would join Gaia's ranks.

The gemini (singular geminus), were the original inhabitants of Athens. They chose Athena over Poseidon, and for their loyalty were eventually driven out of their city in favor of humans. Now they seek revenge, allying with Gaia to reclaim their ancient hope and achieve revenge on the gods who abandoned them.

A race of dog headed monsters. Octavian hires an army of them to aid in his attack on Camp Half-Blood, unaware of their true loyalties.


    The Ourae/Numina Montanum 
Children of Gaia. They have been referred to as both gods and spirits at different occasions, while other sources declare them as primordial gods. They attack the Argo II when it flies by their mountains.

The Golden Warrior, son of Poseidon and Medusa. though he attempts to claim the bounty on the heroes he does not report to Gaia, so his tropes can be found here.

Wife of Minos and mother of the Minotaur. She declares herself a immortal sorceress, but it's unknown what kind of immortality she has or race she is in the mythological world.
