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Characters / King's Quest

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This is for the various characters that show up in the original canon King's Quest games and Expanded Universe. For the 2015 game, see Kings Quest (2015).

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    The Heroes of Daventry 
The rulers of Daventry, and the main protagonists for (most of) the games.
  • Badass Family: All of them have undergone adventures at least once.
  • Charles Atlas Superpower: Averted. If their many possible deaths are an indication, their limitations are very much human. In KQ5 for example, Graham can't cross a desert without water, climb a mountain without the proper equipment, or travel across an ocean without a boat.
  • Guile Heroes: Their adventures require them to be as keen as they are willful.
  • Modest Royalty
    • Graham grew up as the son of a nobleman knight, and ascended the throne with no more intention than to serve his country. KQ5 would send him off to an unfamiliar land with nothing more than his new-found strength and the clothes on his back.
    • Alexander spent his entire childhood as a slave to Manannan, and continues to see himself as such even after discovering his true identity.
    • Rosella goes about Tamir disguised as a peasant girl, and is even dismissed as "a ragged commoner" by a bratty prince.
  • Royals Who Actually Do Something: That "something" being undergoing journeys of epic proportions.
  • Ruling Couple: Graham and Valanice, Alexander and Cassima.
  • Spin-Offspring: Alexander and Rosella.
  • Unto Us a Son and Daughter Are Born: Again, Alexander and Rosella.

The patriarch of the family. Originally started out as Sir Graham, the son of one of Daventry's knights, but a Succession Crisis caused King Edward to offer him the crown after he proved his loyalty and cleverness in a quest. As a result, while Graham is wise and just in terms of actual ruling, when it comes to courtly manners he's a bit of a bumpkin who's still more at home acting like a humble squire than a blue-blooded aristocrat. Protagonist of KQ1, KQ2, and KQ5. He is reimagined with a fairly different character and personality in the alternate canon Kings Quest (2015) (see Kings Quest (2015)).

Voiced by: Josh Mandel (V, VI), Denny Delk (VII (cut line)), Daran Norris (VIII)
  • Academic Athlete: Graham is this according to the Tie-In Novels, Companion, and hinted at in the KQ 1 remake, and Hoyle I. He went to the Daventry High School, Palace School, Royal University, Knight School in Daventry. It also reveals his studies growing up in Daventry made him kind of a 'square'… some might say personality deficient, and stoic, a man of few words.
  • Awesome Moment of Crowning: In King's Quest I: Quest For The Crown.
  • Benevolent Boss: By way of Nice to the Entire Castle Staff and his Subjects. Aside from his being genuinely nice and caring, he also reasons pragmatically that remembering birthdays and anniversaries and giving presents and good treatment and other niceties is a small price to pay for staff who are thus more motivated to do their jobs well and make his life easier.
  • Badass Bookworm: Graham's childhood as portrayed in the Tie-In Novels, Hoyle I, and KQ1SCI. This is where his son gets his intelligence and curiosity.
  • Butt-Monkey: In King's Quest V: Absence Makes the Heart Go Yonder! and one of the Tie-In Novels.
  • Blue Blood: Primarily in the Companion, but also alluded to in some manuals. Graham is said to be the son of a nobleman, and also as a 'knight', he is of a privileged class, able to eat daily, and be secure and sound in his own bed. He generally got to hobnob with the other Lords and Ladies, Dukes, and Earls of the ream. He also got to go to the apparently exclusive "Royal University".
    • This is subverted in the novel trilogy in which he is portrayed as apparently grown up as a peasant and a nobody, before he traveled to, and became a knight in, Daventry.
    • Somewhat subverted by KQ4 manual, which suggests that knights rise from lowly peasants (albeit the context is not directly about Graham, or any specific knights).
  • Deadpan Snarker: Some view Josh Mandel's version of the character as he appears as having snarky or sassy attributes. Others just view him of being stoic and lacking any emotion at all, see below. Graham only really talks in two games (KQ5 and KQ6), with the bulk of it occurring in KQ5 (where he stuck mostly to the game's original script, with very little actual ad-libbing). In earlier games, his thoughts are described by the narrator, but he rarely ever comments at all (usually with little emotion at all). There is some comments from him in KQ1SCI remake during the intro and ending (which Josh Mandel was involved with writing), but very far and between, and generally generic and serious. He only has a few lines in KQ6, and again extremely serious.
  • Despair Event Horizon: In Kings Quest III when Rosella was chosen as a Human Sacrifice. He went so far into Heroic BSoD that it was was entirely on Alexander to fight the dragon.
  • Don't Call Me "Sir": He was the son of a mid-level nobleman knight and hadn't any higher ambitions than serving the country. He's really a soldier at heart.
  • Flat Character: A bit of this in the original series, fairly emotionless, except for 'calm and friendly', and other than some snarkasm in KQ5 and the tie-in novels. His character evolution is somewhat minimal other than descent into a Mad King during KQ3 (sacrificing maidens and his own daughter to a dragon). Totally Averted in the new series canon, in which Graham is the polar opposite in personality and emotion.
  • Flowery Elizabethan English/Ye Olde Butcherede Englishe: Off and on (see Hoyle I, Hoyle 4, KQ1SCI, and KQ8MOE), though he knows the more contemporary dialects (North American accent) too. In KQ1SCI it's in there too, but you primarily only see it when you quit the game (a closeup of Graham pops up and states; "Dost thou truly wish to cease our adventuring?". In addition, Graham says a lot of "shalls" (somewhat archaic term in contemporary North-American English, but more common in British English). In KQ8, his words aren't so much archaic (he doesn't actually say much at all), but that he speaks in a more faux British accent.
  • Genius Bruiser: Though not really a stereotypical genius, per se, he does combine being "built like a linebacker" (as he's often described) with a clever, well-educated mind and preferring to think his way through problems. In the Tie-In Novelized "hint guides", he is described to be more of a fencer than a hack-and-slash swordsman who triumphs through brute strength.
  • Genius Sweet Tooth: See above for the "genius" part, and the Expanded Universe paints him as loving sweets perhaps more than his waistline would approve.
  • Heroic BSoD: Graham went through this when his son Alexander was kidnapped as a baby, then again when Rosella was to be sacrificed to a dragon.
  • Heroic Build: Daventry Castle must have one heck of a royal weightroom.
  • Knight in Shining Armor: Somewhat subverted by the fact that he doesn't really wear any armor (other than a certain Covers Always Lie), but has all the idealistic 'honorable' and 'virtuous' traits of a chivalrous knight.
  • Laser-Guided Karma: In light of "Royally Screwed Up" below, it's hard to think of the heart attack he suffers after his children return home as anything other than this.
  • Long-Lost Relative: Graham is suggested to be related to the extended 'royal family', cousins, nephews, and nieces in the Kingdom of Sorrow novel. However, in general, Graham is treated as being a peasant (Rags to Royalty) and originally a non-citizen to the kingdom in the novels (in both Kingdom of Sorrow and See No Weevil). The books are never clear on why Graham came to the kingdom, but Graham mentions he came to the kingdom only a little over ten years before Kingdom of Sorrow, and that he became king not long after. So if Graham is related to the royal family, it's only via some distant heritage (and as a non-royal cousin/nephew bastard of some sort).
    • This is, however, subverted in the main series (or rather the novel's information is a subversion of the original idea), and even the original PCJR manual which specifically states Edward had no 'relatives'.
    • The idea that he is a 'peasant' also subverts the idea that he is actually the son of a nobleman as mentioned in other sources (and other sources including manuals describe Graham as a 'noble' or 'princely').
  • Love at First Sight/Love Before First Sight: How he met Valanice. He fell in love with her from the first moment when he saw her in the magic mirror. He fell in love again at the first physical sight of her when they met for the first time, see The Stories So Far.
  • No Hero to His Valet: His Prime Minister is less likely to overlook Graham's quirks and occasional lapses in judgment, and calls him out on them now and again. Graham doesn't mind, as he feels "A king needs 'nay' sayers more than he needs 'yea' sayers."
  • Reluctant Ruler: Perhaps a smidgen in the novels. He sees himself as a nobody, someone without any royal/noble blood. This subverts the idea from the games and other material that not only tie him into the nobility, but also portray him as a strong, confident type.
  • Royally Screwed Up: Agreeing to sacrifice maidens during a mid-life crisis (a literal crisis of a three-headed dragon attacking the kingdom). He may have attempted to sacrifice up to seventeen maidens altogether (counting his own daughter). The series claims either the dragon demanded the sacrifices, it was the idea of his Prime Minister (akin to Grima Wormtongue), or it was his idea... Whatever the case, his emotional state/morality/sanity is questioned after the fact (in The King's Quest Companion). Of course, the full descent of his melancholy and madness is averted at the 11th hour (similar to Theoden) when his wizard prince son returns and saves the kingdom, and he avoids being destroyed by the evil dragon, or replaced in a coup... However, it's one of those things that, as the reader is told, continued to cause Graham nightmares and guilt for long after the fact, even if his daughter and family accepted his apologies.
  • Signature Headgear: His snazzy adventurer's hat.
  • Tall, Dark, and Snarky: Especially in King's Quest V, where his snark occasionally reaches rather vicious levels.
  • The Stoic: In general, this is Graham throughout the original canon, and even the Tie-In Novels to a lesser degree. In KQ5, Graham is unusually calm for someone whose family has been kidnapped... Despite all the narrator claiming he is not happy inside, and 'heavy of heart'. Apparently the Word of God told the actor not to show show a wide range of emotions apparently since Graham is a strong, calm, and collected personality type. See also Fantastically Indifferent, Men Don't Cry, and Nerves of Steel. Perhaps a little Emotion Suppression, as it was apparently too many emotions, in too short a time that nearly killed him (he had a heart attack in KQ4)... KQ3 suggests that Graham locked up his heart tighter, almost an Empty Shell, much in the same way he locked up the castle in grief after losing his son, and his daughter, and waited for the kingdom's ruin (perhaps cold-heartedness and madness that allowed him to sacrifice maidens and his own daughter). Most of his emotions are each an Informed Attribute...
    • "I was not very happy with my performance in King's Quest V. It was the first time Roberta had directed (although she had Mark Seibert to help her) and she wanted King Graham to always be "buff" and brave. There were many times in the recording where I would try to do some real acting, and give Graham moods and emotions, but Roberta kept saying, "He's never tired, he's King Graham!" or "He's never worried, he's King Graham!". So I felt the performance did not have enough emotion in it, but people seemed to like it anyway, so maybe Roberta was on to something."-Josh Mandel Interview
      • The character was interesting; one of the voices I'd used in the audition was this exaggeratedly buff hero, someone you could envision with a puffed-out chest and a lantern jaw, and that was the voice they wanted. During recording, there were times that, knowing what was happening in the game at various points, I'd try playing it with different emotions and shades — fear, exhaustion, anger, and so on, emotions that I thought would make Graham more layered and more human. But they'd say, "No, no, no, Graham is ALWAYS buff," so that's the way I played it, and I tried to carry that over to the Tierra remakes as well, although I think I allowed a shade more emotion to creep into those scripts."Another Interview
      • "King Graham was the most bizarre. I'd had a lot of theater training, such as at Carnegie-Mellon and the American Conservatory Theater, and a lot of onstage experience. But when doing King Graham, he was envisioned as very two-dimensional, so I was directed: "Graham is never tired, never frightened, never defeated. He is ALWAYS buff." So while I had lines and situations that strongly suggested various moods and emotions, I was always reined in: "Be buff, be strong, be confident, no matter what." That was odd. But hey, I got to work with Cedric, and how many people can say that?" [ Again]
    • Subverted in the alternate new series canon, as Graham is portrayed as pretty much the polar opposite, easily bothered, surprised, naïve, shocked, a bit neurotic, excitable, socially awkward, and willing to shed a tear/reminisce, etc.
    • To be fair, it's actually somewhat subverted in KQ5 by Josh's own acting itself (as he actually did inject emotions in the way he inflects his voices in various lines). At various points during the story, Graham shows empathetic sadness and sometimes anger over the plight of others, he shows fear in a few instances, he shows his worry when Cedric is injured, and when he thinks he might have died (ending), and in general kindly and compassionate demeanor to those around him, and he shows anger at Mordack in several places. He also shows his snarky sense of humor at times, especially in some of the comments he replies to Cedric. The only emotion he doesn't clearly show but is described by the narrator as having is sadness for the loss of his family. Increased levels of distress while trying to explain his situation to the deaf hermit. He never shows this outwardly other than shock and worry throughout the games. "What a wonderful bluebird. It could almost make Graham happy again if it wasn't for his family.", "King Graham, heavy of heart, searches far and wide for his beloved family who've been stolen by an evil wizard."
  • Thinking Out Loud: The Companion suggests he does this a lot, if his Sarcastic Devotee Prime Minster is to be believed.
  • Utility Magic: The only type of magic he's been shown to be able to cast so far, though it does include things like storms via Iconomancy. Still extremely dangerous with it anyway. While Graham never got anywhere to the level his son Alex learned magic, Graham has been known to cast spells with help of artifacts, wands, and staffs since KQ1 (magic bowl), KQ2 (amulet), KQ5 (Break Enchantment, Improve Aim, Strength, Sleep, Open Sesame, and Iconomancy). He can even attempt to use Open Sesame and Abracadabra spells in KQ2 to open a clam (Easter Egg). While he is only a mere magic-sensitive adept/amateur, his son would become a magician prodigy.
    • In the new series universe, Graham goes as far to jury-rig the magic mirror to show his past as an aid to story telling, and make the magic bowl of stew produce Chico-chip cookies. He even successfully pulls off a teleportation spell, and some alchemy. He geeks out over spells and magic in general.
  • What's Up, King Dude?: He actively encourages this.

The daughter of a prince and a miller, who was imprisoned in a tower by an evil witch and eventually rescued by Graham. As a result of her noble background, she tends to be more poised and cultured than her husband, and helps him run the castle and navigate around royal customs. Somewhat more sedate and homebody than the rest of the family, though when Rosella is lost at one point, she proves to be a competent adventurer regardless while searching for her. Shares the role of protagonist of KQ7 with her daughter Rosella.

Voiced by: Sheryl Bernstein (VI), Carol Bach y Rita (VII)

  • Only Sane Woman: In the same novel, the fairies give her special treatment over Graham because they consider her more down to earth than her husband. She also handles social matters more adeptly.
  • Proper Lady: She is never unintentionally rude.
  • Redhead In Green: Technically, she's only redhead in three games, and she wears blue and violet, respectively. She does wear green in a painting in KQ8.
  • Rescue Romance: How she met Graham.
  • Silk Hiding Steel: She's very much a Proper and Genteel Lady, but, see Mama Bear above.
  • Unlimited Wardrobe: In one of the Tie-In Novels, her dress collection is described as taking up several entire wings of Castle Daventry.

The female half of the Royal Twins. Tends to take after her father in personality and and her mother in looks (at least according to the fans, not so much by the Word of God and tie-in material). While she generally is well-meaning and accepts her role as potential queen, she does have her moments of being rebellious and a bit bratty. Protagonist of KQ4 and KQ7, but shares the latter role with her mother Valanice.
Voiced by: Diana Wilson (V), Sheryl Bernstein (VI), Maureen McVerry (VII)

The male half of the Royal Twins. Tends to take after his father in looks and his mother in personality (at least according to the fans, not so much by the Word of God and tie-in material). Outwardly calm and well-mannered, but with a core of craftiness, passion, and self-doubt. Also, give him a Spell Book to work from, and he's a dangerously competent sorcerer. Protagonist of KQ3 and KQ6.
Voiced by: Barry T. Smith (V), Robby Benson (VI)

  • Awesome Moment of Crowning: In King's Quest VI: Heir Today, Gone Tomorrow.
  • Badass Bookworm: He may be a calm, quiet, pretty-boy scholar, but that doesn't stop him from being able to kill a dragon, challenge Death, and hold his own for a time with a giant-ass sword that's almost too heavy to lift.
  • Beneath the Mask: Despite returning home to a loving family and the rank of prince, he still thinks of himself as the slave Gwydion, and the "Alexander" identity as a cloak or a mask. He makes concessions to both identities by signing his papers "Alexander-Gwydion".
  • Blue Oni: With Rosella as Red Oni. Not quite in the canon materials, see above.
  • Brainy Brunet: The Expanded Universe paints him as being almost a straight-up medieval Geek, if more good-looking and well-mannered than average. He spends a fair bit of time teaching at the Royal University and studying magic, pens several textbooks himself, and the Companion comments that he holds for Cassima a "passion previously reserved only for books".
    • Subverted in the novels, in which he is treated as more of a sword fighter/martial mind (training soldiers) and fighting dark knights, than a magic user, and he consults other wizards instead of doing his own research or his own spells (compared to how the Companion treats him as not a sword fighter, and more of the genius wizard type). The novels underplay anything he researched about magic in the past as just a 'smattering of magical lore' (he doesn't even mention if he used it to escape Manannan). In fact, he is even told he needs to bring another magic user along... One that is a prodigy but not even allowed to cast spells technically. Alexander is surprised about his abilities, and seems to act as if he himself has no magical skill, and is in awe of the apprentice wizard.
  • Changeling Fantasy: The Daventry family is more caring of him than Manannan could ever be.
  • Clueless Chick-Magnet: Attracts a number of admirers in the series, including a spider in King's Quest VI, one of the castle scribes (Bryanne Eridiphal), and a princess in one of the Tie-In Novels, but still worries Cassima won't find him attractive.
  • The Comically Serious: Though he does have a sense of humor, just an extremely dry and subtle one.
  • Drama Queen: Or shall we say "Drama Prince"? Alex sure acts like one in King's Quest VI while feigning suicide in front of Shamir Shamazel and the Pawn Shop Owner.
  • Genius Bruiser: Though not really a stereotypical genius, per se, he does combine being "built like a linebacker" in particular in KQ5 artwork... In Companion he is even described as being taller than his father, and having his father's facial build (again, see his appearance in KQ5). In the novels, he is slightly less 'genius' and a bit more bruiser, as he is explained to be a bit of a sword fighter, and even helps train the recruits. Any magical skill he had in KQ3 is downplayed as a 'smattering of magical lore". He plays more of the brawn, while an apprentice wizard that joins him plays the brains.
  • Gentleman Snarker: Less overtly snarky than his father, and more subtle and polite with his zingers.
  • Happily Married: Again, in King's Quest VI.
  • Heroic Self-Deprecation: The tie-in materials expand that he has problems with low self-esteem, justifiably from being raised as a slave by a cruel master.
  • Informed Attribute: A good portion of his character and personality is described by the narrator, rather than shown.
  • Made a Slave: Most of his life was spent this way.
  • Muggle in Mage Custody: He spent most of his life as a slave to the sorcerer Manannan who forced him to do house chores and put Cool And Unusual Punishments on him like transforming him into a snail or making him dance involuntarily.
  • Pretty Boy: Described as handsome and even beautiful regularly, and has plenty of fangirls (and the occasional fanboy) both in-universe and in Real Life.
  • Prince Charming/The Wise Prince: Zigzagged, as while he does act this way sincerely and has a genuinely kind and gentlemanly personality, underneath it all, he still sees himself as a lowly slave.
  • Scarf of Asskicking: Sports a nice yellow and blue one in King's Quest VI.
  • Separated at Birth: He is Rosella's long-lost fraternal twin. At the end of King's Quest III, they meet each other for the first time after 17 years of separation.
  • Sesquipedalian Loquaciousness: His essays and interviews in the Companion have this feel to them.
  • Tall, Dark, and Handsome: A rare unironic example. Emphasis on the tall especially, since he's described as being taller than his father who's already six feet tall to begin with.
  • Troubled, but Cute: Some of the Expanded Universe stuff, though not present in the official games.
  • Utility Magic: The only type of magic he's been shown to be able to cast so far, though it does include things like inducing storms. Still extremely dangerous with it anyway.
  • Walking Spoiler: His history as a slave named Gwydion makes him this within the context KQ3, as it isn't clear that he has any kind of connection to the Daventry family until The Reveal when he actually meets them.


He is a Knight of Daventry (according to Word of God, he became a future suitor of Rosella), and destined to adopted into the Royal Family proper. He is part of the Knighthood of Daventry, much like Graham before him, and was the last mainline hero of the original series, before the series Reboot. Personality wise he might be just as [[Stoic]] as Graham.

    Love Interests 

A fairie prince who is the son of King Oberon and Queen Titania, but was kidnapped and raised for a long time by the evil witch Lolotte. It was when Rosella came to defeat Lolotte that he met her, and was subsequently rescued and returned to his family. He later met up with Rosella again in KQ7, where the two (eventually) marry.

Features in KQ4 and KQ7.

Voiced by: Jesse Moises (VII)

  • And Now You Must Marry Me: Does this to Rosella twice, though once it was Lolotte who invoked it on his behalf and he felt guilty and eventually helped Rosella escape it, and the second time it was while he was Brainwashed and Crazy and disguised as the Troll King.
  • Boy Next Door: While not literally the boy next door, he nonetheless fits this personality type rather well, coming off as more of an Average Nice Guy than a blueblood even after he gets to go home.
  • Distressed Dude: He just can't seem to stop being kidnapped, poor fellow.
  • Forced Transformation: Poor guy seems to keep suffering these. First into an ugly green hunchback as Lolotte's "son", then as a duplicate of the Troll King.
  • Let's Get Dangerous!: He may be more of a Non-Action Guy than the rest of the protagonists tend to be, but he'll stand up and be brave when the time calls for it.
  • Love at First Sight: He has this for Rosella when they first meet… though it takes her a second (and third, and fourth…) sight to finally consider reciprocating.
  • Mistreatment-Induced Betrayal: What causes him to turn against Lolotte and help Rosella the first time they meet.
  • Our Fairies Are Different: No wings, and more human-looking than the average fairy in general, even compared to his parents.
  • Prince Charmless: At first, when he's Lolotte's weird son helping her imprison Rosella. But he has a change of heart and turns out to be Good All Along, then Genesta further shows he's Beautiful All Along, becoming more of a Prince Charming (albeit a more dorky one than average).
  • Shrinking Violet: Very quiet and shy. Particularly when around Rosella, who frequently gives him a bad case of Crush Blush.
  • Standard Hero Reward: Actually offers himself as this to Rosella after she helps him escape Lolotte, but she turns him down because she has more pressing concerns at the time. Later on, when they meet again he asks her to let him court her instead, and she accepts.
  • Will They or Won't They?: Never resolved before the original series ends. Subverted in the new series canon, with their son Gart in King's Quest (2015).

Princess of the Land of the Green Isles, Cassima is first met as a servant girl in Mordack's Castle in King's Quest V, where she meets the Royal Family of Daventry. Alexander is smitten and King's Quest VI involves him journeying to the Land of the Green Isles to see her.

Voiced by: Dianah Pressley (V), Stevie Vallance (VI)

  • All-Loving Hero: Both the ferryman and Jollo describe her this way.
  • Because You Were Nice to Me: Will get Graham out of jail if he returns her golden locket.
  • Damsel in Distress: In KQV, she's trapped by a powerful wizard. In KQVI, she's trapped in her palace.
  • Friend to All Living Things: She even befriends Mordack's monsters.
  • The High Queen: Becomes this at the end of the KQVI.
  • Let's Get Dangerous!/Silk Hiding Steel: Seemingly a normal Princess Classic, but is unafraid to use violence in her plans, and will commit such violence herself if need be.
  • Love at First Sight: It's implied she was as taken with Alexander from their first meeting as he was with her.
  • Ms. Fanservice: In her scullery maid outfit. In KQVI, she's much more covered up.
  • Muggle in Mage Custody: When she refused to marry the evil warlock Mordack, he made her his scullery girl, and decided that she would remain his slave unless she changes her mind.
  • Neutral Female: Cassima brilliantly subverts this in KQVI if you slip her Lady Celeste's dagger.
  • Politically-Active Princess: Along with her parents, Cassima often undertook diplomatic relations.
  • Pretty Princess Powerhouse: While not as action-y as Alexander, this all-loving princess is certainly not afraid to wade into the fray with a dagger.
  • The Smart Girl: Jollo and the ferryman both mention that Cassima has a good head on her shoulders, and she does think of a few clever plans.
  • Unkempt Beauty: To an extent, in that Alexander falls for her even while she's trapped in Mordack's castle dressed in slave rags and her hair a mess (though she's still wearing makeup for some reason). Of course, the slave attire wouldn't put Alex off, seeing as the poor kid still thinks of himself as a lucky slave.


An old Evil Sorcerer who's the Sorcerous Overlord of Llewdor, and lives in a mansion overlooking the country. His nastier habits besides terrorizing Llewdor's citizens involve enslaving young boys to do his chores until they come of age and he disposes of them, and dispatching his adversaries via turning them into housecats. Brother of Mordack, an equally Evil Sorceror. He shows up in KQ3 and KQ5.

Voiced by: Guruka Singh Khalsa


The Bad Fairy of the Land of Tamir, an exile from Etheria and the Big Bad of KQ4. The Good Fairy Genesta summons Princess Rosella to Tamir after Lolotte steals Genesta's talisman in a bid to gain more power, kill Genesta and eventually seize control over Tamir.

  • Evil Wears Black: She wears an elaborate dress of black, enhancing her image as an evil witch.
  • Exact Words: She commanded Rosella to bring her a unicorn, a hen that lays golden eggs and Pandora's Box in exchange for a "big reward". Said reward is eventually revealed to be marriage to her son Edgar!
  • The Exile: She was originally from the fairie kingdom of Etheria but was banished for her wickedness and treachery.
  • Love Hurts: A literal case. Rosella eventually manages to shoot Lolotte in the heart with Cupid's Arrow. The pure love in the arrow acts as a virulent poison to the remorselessly evil Lolotte, resulting in the Bad Fairy thrashing about in pain for several seconds before finally dying. With her last breath, Lolotte swears vengeance against Rosella.
  • Obviously Evil: Her image is that of a wicked witch of myth and her heart is as black as you'd expect.
  • Red Eyes, Take Warning: Her red eyes glow whenever she is angry or excited.
  • Revenge by Proxy: Furious with her banishment from Etheria, Lolotte kidnapped the faerie prince Edgar as a baby, magically altered his appearance and raised him as her own in a bid for vengeance against Edgar's true parents, King Oberon and Queen Titania.
  • Sorcerous Overlord: She commands a small army of bat-winged humanoid Goons from her castle in the Impossible Mountains of Tamir. When expecting visitors, Lolotte holds court in a throne room as if she were a queen. She also planned to release the evils inside Pandora's Box to expand her dominion beyond Tamir.
  • Wicked Witch: She is the very image of such, with green skin and black clothing, and is able to use powerful magic.

Brother of Manannan and main antagonist of KQ5. He steals Castle Daventry and shrinks the Royal Family, threatening to feed them to Cat!Manannan if they don't restore him to normal. He has his own Island Base and plenty of strange-looking Mooks.

Voiced by: Andy Hoyos

Abdul Alhazred

The former grand vizier of the Land of the Green Isles and the Big Bad of KQ6.

Voiced by: Townsend Coleman

  • Bad Boss: He is shown to be very verbally abusive toward his genie Shamir Shamazel. He also called Saladin "a worthless mutt". The only reason why anyone serves Alhazred is that they each have a case of My Master, Right or Wrong.
  • Beard of Evil: It seems that all male villains have beards, and Alhazred is no exception.
  • Evil Chancellor: He is the first advisor of King Caliphim, who appointed him because of his competence and his desire to have a son. This turned out to be a very bad idea for the king.
  • Long Game: His plan to take over the throne took years to complete. He was already present when Cassima was born and patiently plotted for her to come to age and make his move.
  • Manipulative Bastard: He ingratiated himself into King Caliphim's favor since Day 1, impressing the king with his worldly knowledge and gradually taking more responsibility in governing the Green Isles so that the king may spend more time with his family. By the time Alhazred finally murders King Caliphim and Queen Allaria, very few people truly suspected Alhazred despite their distrust of the man. To prevent the Green Isles from uniting against him, Alhazared commanded Shamir Shamazel to steal a precious treasure from each island and then spread Malicious Slander about another island being responsible for the thefts. As a result, mistrust between the islands grows and they each have no choice but to turn to Alhazred alone for leadership. By the time Alexander arrives, Alhazred was just a step or two away from legally becoming the king of the Green Isles.
  • Perpetual Frowner: His portrait has him always frowning.
  • Shout-Out: His name is a reference to the writer of the Necronomicon in the Cthulhu Mythos.

Shameir Shamazel

A genie and the main assistant of Abdul Alhazred. His main mission while under the vizier's command is to dispose of anyone who would meddle in his scheme. Unfortunately for Prince Alexander, this includes him. Fortunately though, the genie only follows the will of whoever his master at the time is. In the long path, Alex can grab his lamp to make him more agreeable, and leave one less threat of his goal to rescue Cassima.

'"Voiced by:'" Townsend Coleman


An evil faerie sorceress and the Big Bad of KQ7. She is also Queen Titania's sister, King Oberon's sister-in-law and Edgar's aunt. In the past, Malicia attempted to overthrow Oberon and Titania in order to become the new ruler of the faerie kingdom Etheria, located in the skies of the magical realm of Eldritch. After a long and bitter struggle, Oberon and Titania were able to defeat Malicia and banish her from Etheria. After slowly regaining her power, Malicia vowed to destroy Etheria in revenge.

Voiced by: Ruth Kobart

  • Cain and Abel: She is the Cain to Titania's Abel. Malicia craves power and revenge and doesn't care one bit about her own family.
  • Evil Aunt: She is Edgar's aunt, but she won't hesitate to abuse, harm or even kill him.
  • Hoist By Her Own Petard: Her plan to kidnap Edgar and use him to impersonate Otar, King of the Trolls, seemed to be a sound idea at first. Not only did Malicia gain control over the Vulcanix volcano, but Edgar's disappearance also distracted Oberon and Titania from Malicia's plans. What Malicia didn't count on was Edgar's lingering love for Rosella, which allowed him to summon both her and Valanice to Eldritch, planting the seeds for Malicia's downfall.
  • It's All About Me: She apparently decided that if she can't rule Etheria, she'll destroy it and rule over what's left of it instead.
  • Meaningful Name: Her name is derived from the word "malice" - the desire to cause harm.
  • Raise Her Right This Time: After Rosella de-ages Malicia to babyhood, Titania decides to raise Malicia herself.
  • Revenge Before Reason: She didn't care if her plan to destroy Etheria using the Vulcanix volcano could destroy all of Eldritch as well. All she cared about was the death of her enemies and being in charge.
  • Right-Hand Cat: Malicia's spoiled pet dog, Cuddles. It is the only creature Malicia treats with affection.
  • Sadist: She enjoyed making her enemies suffer using curses, which allowed them to survive once the curses were broken. Despite knowing that Rosella would give her trouble and being given a couple of opportunities to simply kill her, Malicia instead decided to make Rosella suffer by both imprisoning her in a coffin and trapping her on the ledge of an active volcano. Rosella survived both times.
  • Solitary Sorceress: She lives with her dog Cuddles in a house located in a swamp between Ooga Booga and the Were-Woods. While the house's surroundings are gloomy and inhospitable, the interior is rather plush and comfortable.
  • Sorcerous Overlord: She is a very powerful sorceress and is particularly fond of curse magic. Malicia also has several gargoyles under her command and the notorious Boogeyman of Ooga Booga is one of her allies. Through her control of an impostor of King Otar (a transformed Edgar), Malicia also had control of the Vulcanix Underground, allowing her access to the volcano she hopes to use for her revenge. In the past, Malicia led an army of fanatical followers against Etheria, but most of them either surrendered or were killed.
  • Vain Sorceress: She is extremely vain about her appearance as she keeps a lot of clothes and makeup in her bedroom. When Malicia mulls over the possibility that her plan could destroy all of Eldritch, her only stated regret is that there will be no one left to admire her beauty.
  • Why Did It Have to Be Snakes?: And bats and rats? One of Malicia's long-term goals is to create a spell that will kill all of them at once.
