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YMMV / The Legend of Korra: Turf Wars

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  • Alternative Character Interpretation:
  • Anvilicious: The comics are not at all subtle about the idea that homophobia is bad, with several characters explaining to Korra and Asami the various forms it takes among the Earth Kingdom, Water Tribes, Fire Nation, and pre-war Air Nomads (because Asami grew up in the United Republic and Korra was heavily sheltered by her father and the White Lotus). What makes these scenes especially jarring is that despite being warned throughout Part One that they will encounter homophobic backlash, Korra and Asami never actually do.
  • Complete Monster: Tokuga is a young, viciously ambitious, up-and-coming mobster who kills the Triple Threat Triad leader, Viper, along with anyone else who might think of challenging him. While selling his services as a mercenary, Tokuga is injured by a dragon-eel spirit and becomes a monstrous blend between human and reptile. In the wake of this transformation, Tokuga uses his new physiology to inflict more pain and strives for bigger targets. Seeking to conquer Republic City, Tokuga seizes containers of nerve gas and plots to unleash it on Republic City's civilians so he may seize control.
  • Evil Is Cool: Tokuga hits it just as hard as the Red Lotus, from the opposite direction of being a Badass Normal who can go toe to toe with any bender and was able to bring all of Republic City's criminal gangs under his control through sheer awesomeness. It takes Bolin breaking out his lavabending to put a dent in him. And at the end of Part 1 he becomes an Empowered Badass Normal. Part 2 continues this in establishing himself as a Visionary Villain that commands obedience by fear, set a trap that both predicted and nearly killed the task force if not for Mako's quick thinking/bending, gave Korra a run for her money in a one-on-one fight and won via hostage situation that ended with the triad marching off with military-level equipment! Tokuga, welcome to the adult table with Amon, Zaheer and Kuvira.
  • I Knew It!:
    • Kya not being straight was predicted by several fans. Of course, Word of Gay had already confirmed she wasn't.
    • Many fans correctly guessed on when Korra and Asami started growing romantic feelings for each other. For Korra, it was because Asami had helped her after her mercury poisoning by the Red Lotus; for Asami, it was being away from Korra during the latter's three year recovery.
  • Informed Wrongness: Raiko's decision to fortify the spirit portal at the start of part 2 is treated as wrong by Korra, who fears it'll cause another breakdown in relations between humans and spirits. Except that by this point the spirits are implied to not want any more visitors coming through the portal - a deduction Korra herself had come to - and no-one ever asks the spirits for their opinion on the portal. Furthermore, by that point the Spirits have shown themselves to be actively hostile, mutating Tokuga and attacking humans who come near with little to no provocation, and show no interest in trying to communicate with the humans to tell them what their problems are. For all that's said in the comics, Raiko arguably did the spirits a favor, and even if he wasn't, he was still doing the right thing to keep people away from the incredibly dangerous creatures that are immune to conventional weapons and are capable of twisting your body in hideous ways with a touch.
    • This extends to Part 3, where Raiko's plan to combat Tokuga by provoking him into traveling towards the bay, where he can be shot down by the military is seen as an act of cowardice. Granted, most of the characters weren't privy to this plan, only seeing Raiko leave the area out of fear as far as they were concerned, but even those privy to his idea saw it as bad, since it would result in the death of his hostages. However, in the off-chance that Korra's rescue attempt failed, Raiko's plan really does come across as a solid strategy that would have done a lot to lower potential causalities from a poison gas attack.
  • Just Here for Godzilla: While there were many people interested in seeing a continuation to the world of Korra most people agree that the books biggest appeal was to see Korra and Asami's romantic relationship explored and expanded upon now that the books are free from Nickelodeons S&P department.
  • Magnificent Bitch: Jargala Omo is the charming leader of the Creeping Crystals gang. The most stern foe that the Triple Threat Triads and their monstrous boss Tokuga have ever faced, Jargala has kept the Triads at bay from claiming her turf through many fights. Trying to take advantage of Asami Sato's riches by offering to protect her from Tokuga, Jargala responds to rejection by simply letting Asami be kidnapped by Tokuga while evading suspicion from Avatar Korra. After Tokuga lays waste to her territory, Jargala teams up with Korra and her allies to lead them on an ambush of the Triads, Jargala ensuring the defeat of Tokuga while she clears out the Triads from her turf and secures her power once and for all.
  • Misaimed Fandom: Adding anti-homosexual bigotry to Fire Lord Sozin made him even more of a Politically Incorrect Villain. But certain fans have always been cheerleading for the Fire Nation, never saw any problem with their expansionism in the first place (since they were only bringing progress, technology and efficient government to backward peoples, after all), and lionized Sozin in particular. While many of these fans were upset that he was made a Heteronormative Crusader (feeling it undermines how "sympathetic" he was, ignoring that Earth Kingdom had filled the role right from the beginning), others thought it made him even more of a hero.
  • Moral Event Horizon: See here.
  • Narm:
    • Korra and Asami's intense moment in the latter's office in volume 2 looks like this to some readers. The dialogue is reasonably strong, but Asami's face is so weirdly drawn, with her eyes too big and bulging and other issues, that it can come off as just silly, rather than the serious romantic interaction it deserves to be. To be more specific, the frame that's supposed to be a Held Gaze with Asami angled down toward Korra's eyes yet she instead appears to be staring at Korra's hair then by the following frame, Asami's pupils are just as green as her irises.
    • Some of the Off-Model artwork in the book can unfortunately deter from the story at points. Probably the worst case of this is in Part 3 when Asami confronts Wonyong while they are both held hostage by Tokuga since not only does the artist forget to draw her nose in various frames but in one particular scene she doesn't seem to have any teeth.
  • Salvaged Story:
    • Part 1 focuses pretty heavily on Korra and Asami's relationship and what exactly led up to it as well as the aftermath, which has made many fans happy due to many feeling that their relationship in the series was rushed.
    • Bolin has joined Mako on the police force, after many fans pointed out that as an earthbender, he made far more sense in this role than his brother in the first place. However, he does leave the force again at the end of Part 3.
  • Signature Scene: The first Big Damn Korrasami Kiss as a natural successor to the Series Finale. It was the major thing to be leaked (see below), long awaited for at least three years by the fans and set up as such, the/an incentive to buy the comics since it was announced that there'd be no S&P holding them back. Yeah, yeah, there's stuff about gang warfare and a spirit portal and aftermath or whatever, but that's not what made the books fly off the shelves.
  • Take That, Scrappy!:
    • The spirits are openly unhappy about the new spirit portal, but, despite their grousing, Korra refuses to close it and they concede they have no choice but to accept her decision. Korra even brings up that they were all too happy to keep out of Kuvira's attack on Republic City, which is ultimately what led to the portal's creation. While not quite Laser-Guided Karma, it's satisfying to watch the obnoxious spirits be stuck in a situation that they hate, especially since they honestly can't say they didn't bring it on themselves.
    • For those who don't like President Raiko, he gets stuck with a 0% Approval Rating, with his numbers in the upcoming election being -3 despite having no opponent. Not only that, the comic seems to intentionally try to make him as unlikable as possible. And come Part 3, he gets replaced as president by Zhu Li.
