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Team Uhhhhhh/Team Tino

  • Brains and Brawn: The Brawn to team Pokémon’s Brain
  • Curb-Stomp Battle: In the [OLD] version, this time lost 3/4 of their challenges, all of which should’ve been easy wins for them.
  • Dwindling Tribe
  • Failure Tribe: Putting aside their losing streak their tribe is overall messier and less organised than the rest
    • Oreo screwed their team over by knocking Nitro off in Episode 1 of the [OLD] and remaster
    • Tino as shown to have questionable team leading skills majorly only looking out for himself and his allies in the remaster
    • Kamsi ends up destroying their massive snow fort in E4 which should’ve bee an easy win for them due to Jamin’s lid not being sealed
    • Dingus wastes what could’ve been an easy winning taunting Ishhem giving Ishhem the opportunity to knock him off
  • Monochrome Casting: The entire tribe is made up of males

Team Pokémon/Team Kenna

  • Brains and Brawn: The Brain to team Uhhhhhh’s Brawn
  • Power Trio: Kenna (the team leader), Shadow and Recon all had an alliance going throughout the [OLD] version, while they’re not stated to have an alliance in the remaster, Kenna is shown to be friendly to Shadow and Recon and picked the both of them first for his team


Hamburger / "Oreo"

“Ugh. I hate that stupid Crimson twerp”

Oreo was a generic bully character who mainly seemed to pick on Nitro, Jamin, Baran and Retro, Oreo was the first contestant eliminated from both his seasons, where he was eliminated while being in the bottom 2 with Baran. He received 4 and 8 votes in both of his eliminations.

Starting Tribe: Uhhh
Allies: 2
Placement: 22nd/26th

  • Drama Queen: Had a massive overreaction about Nitro asking about unfair play, which led to his elimination
  • Epic Fail: Was the first boot twice for sabotaging the team and meanness
  • Filler Villain: Was added to the show to be a villain first boot
  • Hate Sink: Made to be a cocky character nobody would like
  • Jerk Jock: Was your average bully but was also shown to be pretty strong (Killing Retro by crushing him, Lauching Jamin a far distance)
  • Laser-Guided Karma: After picking on Baran in episode 1 of the [OLD] he was eliminated while in the bottom 2 with Baran

Doormat/V-Buck / "Cyber Overload"

"Um. Easy."

Cyber was the second one eliminated both times and the first eliminated from his team both times. While Oreo was displayed as a jerk jock, there still seemed to be contestants who appreciated him. Cyber on the other hand was liked by nobody, he was the second to last person picked during the team picking phase and was talked down upon among the contestants. In both of his eliminations he was a landslide vote getting a record amount of votes each time at 9 and 13. He was also the first contestant to be eliminated with over 10 votes

Starting Tribe: Pokémon
Allies: 0
Placement: 21st/25th

  • Berserk Button: Cyber has shown to get mad at people and fight them for seemingly no reason other than disturbing him while he idly stands
  • Creator's Pest During the Baran ship scene, there is a massive sign reading “Vote Cyber!” Possibly contributing to his elimination
  • Epic Fail: He was an obvious boot in both eliminations for being the first one dead in the landmine challenge both times and being disliked by all the contestants
  • Fatal Flaw: Dying first both times.
  • Pathetically weak: Cyber has lost every fight he's gotten into
  • Viewer Gender Confusion: In the reboot Cyber sounds much more feminine than in the [OLD] despite the fact he is male

Modern Fridge / "Dingus"

"Yeah, i'd like to ask why you called us all here to mourn some STUPID IPAD WHICH ISN'T EVEN ALIVE?!"

Dingus is a grey fridge in Object Environment, up until ep2 he was the only contestant to not have a shown mouth as he wore a cat mask, Dingus is usually cold and monotone.

Starting Tribe: Uhhhh/Pokémon
Allies: 1
Placement: N/A

  • Action Duo: Ishhem and Dingus form a duo in OE, while Ishhem is chaotic, dim and cheerful. Dingus is serious and and bored
  • Cute Little Fangs: Dingus is revealed to have 2 fangs ep2 one about twice as big as the other
  • Friendly Rivalry: Dingus and Ishhem have a rivalry in ep3 of the [OLD]
  • Little Bit Beastly: Dingus wears a cat mask in ep1 of the remaster, this mask gets launched away in ep2 and hasn't appeared since
  • Viewer Gender Confusion: In the reboot Dingus sounds much more feminine than in the [OLD] despite the fact he is male

Top Hat / "Billy"


Tribe: Uhhhh
Allies: 0
Placement: 20th

Billy is a silent contestant who compete in the [OLD] however completely disappeared from the remaster, he was the 3rd one eliminated eliminated in the closest vote in object environment history

  • Evil all along: In his elimination he reveals that he is going to take the prize no matter what before being eliminated straight after, although he certainly wasn't portrayed a good person before, he wasn't portrayed as evil
  • Evil Brit: The voice changer shows a British accent, he is also a tophat which is usually portrayed as a British item
  • More Popular Replacement Billy was removed from the remaster and seems to have been replaced with Crimson, who is a much more liked character
  • Shocking elimination: Billy did not recieve much screen time the previous episode and faced fairly high however was still eliminated over Dingus who failed an easy win, Boggo who was eliminated first and Baran who had been bottom 2 before
  • Silent antagonist: Billy was one of the antagonists of [OLD]
  • Suddenly speaking: Billy speaks on camera for the first time after he is eliminated
  • The Quiet One: Billy is unable to talk throughout his time in the show up until his elimination where he reveals he rebuilt his broken vocal cords
  • We hardly knew ye: Billy recieved very little screen time before his elimination

Blueberry Muffin / "Crimson"

"If Splat's a traitor i have to get him gone as soon as possibly..."

Crimson is a sneaky Muffin, who is experienced in stealing from people, he has shown to be beaten up badly by Oreo and friends with Baran and Jamiro

Starting Tribe: Pokémon
Allies 2
Placement: N/A

  • Cute Little Fangs: Crimson has 1 fang sticking out his mouth, he shares this with LA and Dingus
  • Improperly Paranoid: After seeing Splat kill Ace, Crimson is convinced Splat is evil for killing their one recoverer, Splat in fact killed Ace on accident
  • My Greatest Second Chance: Crimson was the first boot of the prequel to OE; TOI (Total Object Island) He was not the first boot this time so he has already improved
  • New Meat: Crimson is one of the contestants who wasn't in the [OLD]

Green, Blue & White tricolour flag pole / "Kamsi"

"Well, there is something i could ask"

Kamsi is Tino’s best friend in Object Environment and appears to have more of a background role, he is shown to be relatively strong and average at challenges.

Starting Tribe: Uhhhh
Allies: 2
Placement: N/A

Shortbread Slice / "Recon"

"Are you by any chance... STUPID?!"

The shortest, most sarcastic and easily angered contestant, Recon is Shadow's best friend and is almost always seen hanging out with him

Starting Tribe: Pokémon
Allies: 2
Placement: N/A

Block of Butter / "Retro"

"No! That was the meanest thing on Earth! How could you do that?! That was so mean. That was soooo mean!"

Starting Tribe: Uhhh
Allies: 1
Placement: N/A (3rd Jury Member)

  • Lampshade Hanging: John lampshades Andrea's safety after she chooses a diamond shovel for the benefit of the tribe rather than choosing individual immunity at her first Tribal Council.
    John: "Good job. You're pretty much safe for the rest of the game."
  • Sixth Ranger Traitor: He was on good terms with the Poppi Majority Alliance, but was starting to question if they had his best interests in mind or would be able to get to the end with any of them. So, at the final five, he tries to pair up with Jack to flip over Nathan to go against the pair of Kyle and Andrea. It doesn't work in his favor.

hotrodjack99 / "Jack"

"He also thinks I have the idol, and Strat is saying he has the idol when, in fact, Angie has the idol ... and, holy shit, this is confusing."

Starting Tribe: Allium
Occupation: British Chef
Placement: 4th (4th Jury Member)

  • Four Is Death: Because Jack failed to spell 'Four' correctly at the Final Four immunity challenge, he got 4th place, becoming the 4th jury member and the 4th person to be voted out of the merged tribe. He also ends up being the fourth jury member to stand up and make their speech at the final tribal council.
  • Final Boss: He was the last obstacle to Final Tribal Council for the remaining Poppi Tribe members still in the game.
  • Brutal Honesty/Blunt "Yes": When Jack is asked at Tribal Council if anybody could be lying to him in the game, he, bluntly, and, without a moment's hesitation, says "Yeah".
  • Last of His Kind: Is the last Allium tribe member left in the game by the sixth episode.
  • Last Stand: At the final four, he was truly alone. Any allies or potential support he had to go against the Poppi Majority Alliance of Kyle, Andrea, and Nathan had all just been evacuated from the game or voted out. It was just him against those three at that point.
  • Negated Moment of Awesome: At the final four, he had a last stand against the Poppi Majority Alliance. There was only one immunity challenge left for him to win, and then he would be in the finale where he would most likely win against any of those three. He's in the lead at the final immunity challenge, just about to win it...when he suddenly misspells the final word, Four, and proceeds to lose immunity and get voted out just before the final tribal council.
  • The Quiet One: Subverted. He does talk in the earlier episodes, but the volume on his mic is low, making it harder to hear what he has to say.


ZGSaturnGaming / "Nathan"

"I'm gonna decide to stay loyal to her (Andrea) because that's just how I am."

Starting Tribe: Poppi
Occupation: Steward
Placement: 3rd (2nd Runner-Up)

  • Beauty, Brains, and Brawn: The Beauty of the Poppi Majority Alliance. He wasn't very involved with the strategic or physical side of the game, and was mostly just used as a third vote and along for the ride to get to the end.
  • Out of Focus: Seven episodes in a row with no confessionals from him, and only gets briefly mentioned (by his username, not his actual name) by his tribemates from time to time.

KillerKilp / "Kyle"

"I will backstab anyone here to win this game, easy peasy. I ... I am no hero, that’s for sure."
Starting Tribe: Poppi
Occupation: Actor
Placement: 2nd (1st Runner-Up)

  • Beauty, Brains, and Brawn: The Brawn of the Poppi Majority Alliance. Not only did he win three individual immunity challenges and a reward, as well as winning (almost) every pre-merge challenge with his tribe, but he also was the one to go out and do the dirty work for the alliance.
  • Becoming the Mask: Initially, Kyle was actually just playing up his villainous persona, hence his occupation as an actor. However, as the game went on, Kyle became more and more of an antagonist purely because there were no other true villainous players around which caused him to become more obsessed with being the villain. This ultimately ended up costing him the game towards the end, where he claimed to have backstabbed and made moves to get himself to the end which rubbed some of the jury members the wrong way when they saw Andrea's gameplay in comparison, and how she was truly the one controlling the game and backstabbing people, just in a much more effective and subtle way.
  • Big Bad Wannabe: Continuously appears to be evil, and is a legitimate threat to the others in the game due to the fact that he has a hidden immunity idol and a few solid allies on his side, but hasn't actually been shown to successfully deceive or manipulate anybody.
    • When he finally managed to go to his first actual tribal council (which was something he had been yearning for a few episodes,) his plans to keep Bunboy, a valuable ally to him, in the game failed tremendously as the entire merged tribe voted him out unanimously (including Kyle.)
    • In the episode directly after this, as he reflects on that previous tribal, he claims that he made Angie play and waste her idol at that tribal council, but he doesn't say it with confidence and even contradicts himself in his same claim.
    Kyle: "I'm glad that I kinda got Angie to waste her idol. Uh, I think that she was going to use it anyways, but I kinda did by urging her to use it."
    • He ended up taking out his unknown rival, Dizzy, at the final six. However, it ended up not being his own move, but rather a move he made reluctantly because his two followers were dead set on taking out Dizzy at that time instead of Jack, the underdog threat. This left Kyle a little aggravated that Jack, a huge threat, was still around in the game and shows that Kyle will submit to the will of his followers if they persist, instead of it being the other way around.
  • Born Lucky: Kyle finds the hidden immunity idol mid-sentence when talking about wanting to find it. Subverted in that Dizzy sees him get it.
  • Card-Carrying Villain
  • Precision B-Strike: Kyle calls Chris a bitch during the opening challenge when he couldn't find a chest in an out-of-boundaries area.
    Kyle: “Aw, there’s nothing up here? You’re a bitch.”
  • The Only One I Trust: In his confessionals, he says this about Andrea.
  • Token Evil Teammate: During the tribal phase of the game, he was annoyed by his tribe's winning streak as he wanted to go to tribal council and blindside somebody, or at the very least finally get the ability to vote someone out.

RqmenWingsMCHDYT / "Andrea"

"The alliance I have with the remaining three is, I feel, strong enough to last until the final three."

Starting Tribe: Poppi
Occupation: Bounty Huntress
Placement: 1st (Sole Survivor)

  • Beauty, Brains, and Brawn: The Brains behind the Poppi Majority Alliance. She was the one who went out and made alliances with people outside of the alliance at the merge, which allowed her to get more knowledge of the inner workings of relationships and alliances in the merge tribe. She used this information, along with Nathan as an extra vote and Kyle willing to go out and do the dirty work, to get out who she wanted to get out at that round during the merge and successfully get her alliance of three to the end.
  • Dislikes the New Guy: From episodes three to five, she informs us that she dislikes Bunboy as he makes her feel uncomfortable, and she doesn't believe that he fits in with the tribe, nor that he should still be around on the tribe.
  • FriendOrIdolDecision: Andrea is faced with this near the beginning after she finds the Reward and has to choose between individual immunity at her first tribal council or a shovel for her tribe's gain at the first Immunity Challenge. She goes with the former.
  • Sole Survivor
  • The Woman Behind the Man: This attribute is what ultimate ends up giving her the win, as she ends up being this to both of the other finalists, Nathan and Kyle. Nathan claimed he was more independent and made decisions that were his own, but Andrea heavily influenced those decisions and basically controlled a lot of what Nathan did in the game. Meanwhile, Andrea had managed to get Kyle to trust her 100%, thus allowing Andrea to push Kyle in certain directions to benefit her gameplay, such as at the final six vote with forcing Kyle to go after Dizzy instead of Jack, the one who was seen as a bigger threat at the time.
  • The Quiet One: She doesn't get a large amount of screentime or confessionals and isn't a huge visible force until the last two episodes. However, this is intentionally done.
