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WMG / Assassin's Creed Origins

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    Pre-Release Theories 
Amunet killing Cleopatra will be shown
She's considered one of the legendary assassins before Altair's time by killing Cleopatra with a venomous snake. Likewise, Iltani will be mentioned as the one who killed Alexander the Great (his death started off the Ptolemaic era, after all).
  • Happens in the comics, not the game.

Related guess: Cleopatra is the lead templar
She was influenced by the Romans (Caesar comes to mind) and was eventually made the grandmaster of the templars of Egypt. So part of Bayek's journey will be discovering the connection between the people he's killing, and eventually the word templar will be dropped. Leading to her being the final target.
  • Jossed. Cleopatra and Caesar are both Templar puppets, and in the end, the Egyptian Assassins ally with Roman Assassins to oppose both Cleopatra and Caesar.

Bayek founded the Brotherhood of Assassins, but is not the very first one
Darius and Iltani predate him because he's coming in at the end of the Ptolemaic era. Originally, Assassins worked independently. They didn't have a mentor or any kind of hierarchy because they valued personal independence and freedom too much. One of two things will happen. Bayek will already know of and acknowledge their achievements or he will learn about them.
  • Confirmed. Darius is name-dropped as the killer of Xerxes.

Bayek's eagle, Senu, will be killed during the game
Senu acts as our Eagle Sense for this installment by flying above Bayek and scouting forward for guards, entrances, and other player significant locations. However, Senu is physically present in the world, unlike previous iterations of Eagle Sense (whether Bayek's connection to Senu is simply a gameplay element, their companionship, or an actual Ones Who Came Before power, remains to be seen). With Senu physically present, the mechanic is just asking for Senu to get shot down later in the game by the villains. Senu will die and, with their death, Bayek will awaken his Eagle Sense ability inside him and have a non-physical and more powerful form (see through walls, track guards, etc from previous games) of the ability for the remainder of the game.
  • Jossed, Senu survives the whole game.

The title is meant to be non-indicative
During the course of the game, Bayek will discover First Civilization records that shed more light on the Adam and Eve period and the work of Assassins before him. He will say something like "This is not our Origins but it is our new beginning." It will be a Call-Back to Altair's codex where he wonders if his own Levantine Brotherhood was a recreation of something someone did earlier. If not Bayak then it will be a modern Assassin who will say he both was and wasn't the first Assassin.
  • Jossed.

The Ides of March will be part of a DLC
While they may be mentioned in the main game, there will be a DLC where Brutus join the Brotherhood (if he isn't in it already) and assassinates Caesar.
  • Jossed. You witness Caesar being killed near the end of the game and via button-prompt cast the first stab.

Bayek is a very distant ancestor of Altair
If that's the case, then Desmond's maternal side of the family stretches further back than what Abstergo thought.
  • Jossed. Bayek and Aya's DNA is accessed from their mummies, and their only known child Khemu dies in the game, and their marriage ends in the course of the game. So it's unlikely they had any descendants.

The events of the Madrid Facility will be known.
Whether you're playing as Callum or the same unknown partner since Unity, the events will be quite fresh within the Assassins.
  • Confirmed. They’re mentioned in Layla’s emails.

This game will straight up have one of the Isu be the Big Bad.
It will be a Final Boss Preview for when the players finally face Juno, and of course be one of the Egyptian Gods. Given the presence of the giant snake in the trailer, said Isu will be Apophis/Apep.
  • Jossed. Apep shows up in a Mushroom Samba, the Trials of the Gods is some Animus voodoo, and Juno is not mentioned nor does she appear in Origins.

Assuming Cleopatra is a Templar, the Assassins will be allies of Rome.
According to lore, Cleopatra was killed by an Assassin and it was a big deal. There's also the fact that Brutus was an Assassin and pretty high up in Rome's hierarchy. Here, Brutus will be shown as working against Cleopatra and using Rome's resources to stop some Piece-Of-Eden Evil Plan she has going. Considering that, apparently, there isn't an official "Assassin Brotherhood" at this time, he may or may not be Bayek's ally, just as other elements of Rome may be Cleopatra's ally.

Cleopatra was backed by Rome, and well, after all. She was literally in bed with Caesar and later Antony. Before Cleopatra, Egypt was a client of the Roman Republic and the Ptolemaic King who was Cleo's Dad basically said Rome was the executor of the will, and Caesar when he came to Egypt initially planned to annex Egypt outright but was swayed by Cleopatra to let her stay as a Puppet King and retain nominal independence. So Cleopatra was simultaneously a Roman client and the only thing keeping annexation from happening, and she fought hard for that and lost at the Battle of Actium. Clearly, it's not a simple Egypt versus Romans thing. In any case, there will be a number of Assassins working to bring down Cleo.

This will lead to at least one Templar calling them out for the hypocrisy of preaching freedom and siding with a blatantly militaristic empire. Either such claims will be brushed to the side (such as when dealing with the Ottoman empire centuries later), or the game will end with Bayek acknowledging they have a point, and end with him leaving Egypt for Rome. Setting up a DLC, or possibly a full sequel.

  • Jossed. See above.

If they show the modern setting..
It will be showing the fallout of the end of the Assassins Creed movie. Namely, the title is symbolic about the Templars needing to "restart" their strategies after the death of Alan Rikkin. That with someone so high up actually dying, it will show the strain in the order with several major higher ups needing replacement.
  • Confirmed more or less.

Bayek starts out working for the Templars
Cutscenes in the Gamescom preview have Bayek's lover refer to that those they work for are called The Order; in addition to serving the Queen. This is the same narrative trick they pulled with Haytham at the beginning of Assassin's Creed III where everyone referenced the organization they work for as "The Order". During the conclusion of the mission a high priest blesses Bayek with, "Ptah-Nun the father breathe strength into your arm." which sounds like an ancient version of: "May the father of understanding guides us."
  • Jossed, Bayek never works for the Order of the Ancients. Not willingly anyway. He's Press-Ganged by them to lead them to the Vault in Siwa, but their kidnapping of his son, and murder of him, drives Bayek to vengeance.

At least one mission will involve a Chase Scene through the city of Bubastis.
The map reveal shows that they've included the Im-Khent Nome, of which Bubastis was the capital, tucked into the corner of the map. I suspect they did so since, while not a huge city, it was one that would be very fun to explore with Assassin's Creed mechanics, being a sort of Layered Metropolis City of Canals, not to mention a huge annual festival to get involved in.
  • Jossed.

There will be outfits based on previous Assassins
It will be weird to see Bayek dressed as an Assassin from thousands of years into the future, but it will be there not just as an outfit, but also have perks.
  • Confirmed. You can buy outfits based on Altair and Ezio, though outfits are cosmetic.

The reason we're going into Bayek's memories
He managed to find a way into the Grey where Juno is and the modern Assassins want to learn how.
  • Jossed.

Aya changes her name to Amunet
Her loyalty to Cleopatra ends after seeing something that makes her not only leave her queen, but change her name.
  • It should be noted that Amunet translates to "The Hidden (female) One", an approximate name for an assassin and indicative, perhaps, of one chosen deliberately.
  • Confirmed

Bayek seeing through Senu is a lost art of eagle vision
Assassin's Creed Reflections shows Connor's daughter being able to see where he is through the eyes of an eagle, so it's possible only those fully attuned to nature can do so.

The story of Amunet and Cleopatra will be retconned.
Bayek's memories will reveal to have been an entirely garbled take on the true events and the entire context will be quietly Retconned. Origins will hang a Lampshade on Assassins in later eras assuming that their records are correct and hundred percent reliable in a Pre-Animus era. Origins will reveal that Amunet is merely a one-time disguise used either by Cleopatra, one of her servants, or a Templar. The Amunet in the time of the Renaissance-Age Florence and later Assassin records is a Composite Character blending in of Bayek, Aya and other characters. Cleopatra demanded a Suicide by Cop after defeat in the Battle of Actium (because it would be difficult to imagine the Assassins supporting Augustus, a far greater tyrant than Caesar and Cleopatra, in his project to conquer Egypt.
  • Jossed.

Senui will kill someone in a mythology gag style
It will be by dropping a tortoise on his head, just like how Aeschylus reportedly died.

There will be a silly option
To change the subtitle font to Papyrus.

    Post-Release Theories 
The DLC, Hidden Ones will show Cleopatra's death
It's set years after the events of Origins and features an entirely new play area, and this will end with Amunet killing Cleopatra
  • If Bayek is involved as well he might be the one responsible for Mark Anthony's death.

The DLC will also show the deaths of the protagonists
Both Bayek and Aya are the first protagonists whose DNA was accessed from their corpses and not from their descendants. That means it's theoretically possible to play one or both characters until their deaths, and final moments. The DLC Hidden Ones will show Bayek dying around the same time of Cleopatra's defeat, and Aya will blame Cleopatra for her loss, and kill her. She will also create and build a tomb for Bayek and order that she be buried next to him after they died.

The DLC will have them use the name Assassin at the end

The reason why Hollywood History is so prevalent is because we are only seeing the story from Bayek and Aya's eyes
It is at least confirmed that Aya was alive after the death of Cleopatra, considering she, as Amunet, was the one who killed her. By that time Rome's Propaganda Machine was in full force trying to paint Cleopatra as an immoral seductress because they cannot quite comprehend a woman gaining power through political skill and cleverness alone. This could mean they had inadvertently internalised some of the Roman slander that had surrounded Cleopatra at the time and the cutscenes could have been what Bayek and Aya had imagined or at least the only things they chose to remember (such as Aya being offended at Cesar's doubt of her fighting skills). Remember, we are dealing with people's memories here and we are seeing things through their perspective, and therefore their bias. What Ubisoft is doing the whole time with the series is not showing you an objective, and accurate version of events, but subjective perspectives of other peoples (in other words, what people would have felt at the time and how they would have seen this particular event). If we do end up seeing the events through Cleopatra's perspective,no doubt we will get a different story.
  • Remember: in the Assassin's Creed universe, almost anyone with any power or even ambition is evil. It's unlikely that—say—Thomas Edison was, in fact, part of a millennia-spanning cult of super technology, but as such he is portrayed. The divergences from actual history are explained as, "The Templars [and related orders] covered it up". Without Hollywood History, there would be no series.
    • The series as a whole varies Depending on the Writer in terms of how the Assassins are aligned politically and how much Hollywood History it uses or doesn't use, and what the Lore is in terms of subjectivity/objectivity. For instance Assassin's Creed III and Assassin's Creed IV: Black Flag were less Hollywood History than the games that came before them, and after them. Both games were also less lore-heavy and more stand-alone and basically made the AvT conflict an Excuse Plot for Historical Fiction. For instance, the Assassins are quite royalist and pro-aristocrat in Assassin's Creed: Unity and that is the least historically based of all the games with lies in every corner. And the whole "Templars rewrote history" doesn't make sense as a defense, because the Templars were anti-George Washington while the Assassins supported him, so if they rewrote history, then Washington in the AC-Verse wouldn't get the Historical Hero Upgrade that Desmond and Shaun confirm that he did get in their conversatons. Likewise, the Borgia are a byword for evil (even if historically they were very gray) which Abstergo Entertainment keep trying to turn around, and fail. So it doesn't quite work.

The next Assassin's Creed game will take place in ancient Rome.
It seems like the logical next step, and Ancient Rome should be sufficiently different from Renaissance Rome to have an entirely new feel.
  • They already went to Rome in the end of Origins. Also it depends on "when"...because the Rome in the Republican Era and Early Imperial Era was fairly unremarkable (No Colosseum, no Pantheon, no Hadrian's Tomb, and so on). About the only reason for going to Ancient Rome is to see the ancient world, and society, and events, and you have a lot more activity in that front in the Late Republican era than you do in the Imperial Era. Essentially Brotherhood ticks off most of the boxes of Rome architecturally speaking.

The afterlifes seen in Curse of the Pharaohs were adapted First Civilisation prototypes of "The Grey".
In ACIII, Juno mentions that one of the ways her people planned to survive the impending solar flare was to create vessels that could contain a person's consciousness and preserve it indefinitely. These worked, but were deemed a failure because it was nearly impossible to release someone from it afterwards, and to even be successful required a sacrifice. In ACIV onwards, we've seen that Juno has apparently adapted this technology in order to create "The Grey"; an 'afterlife' of sorts inside Abstergo's servers containing copies of people such as Desmond Miles and Clay Kaczmarek - and presumably some of their famous ancestors - and several reincarnations of Aita.

It could thus be hypothesised that some of the Isu vessels were discovered in Ancient Egypt along with various Pieces of Eden, and these were used by priests as a part of the embalming process; using an Apple of Eden to copy the person's mind into the vessel - if this was done with Khemu, this could also explain how he was able to appear to his father in the late game; the Apple of Eden contained a shade of him. Presumably, there were limited vessels and the priests simply added the new copies to the existing tombs through some method as yet unknown - Bayek encounters two spirits in Tutankhamun's realm who have died during the timeframe of the game, so obviously they have to be recent additions. This could also have come to an end once Bayek recovered the Apples of Eden; without these, there was no way to add to the Isu afterlives, and the knowledge was lost with time...

The Trials of the Gods represent Bayek's subconscious anger towards the gods.
On some level he blames the gods for Khemu's death, but he finds that idea disturbing due to his religious conviction, so he represses it. He can't entirely ignore his feelings though, and so they manifest in the form of recurring, intrusive thoughts about killing Anubis, Sobek, and Sekhmet, which the Animus interprets as the Trials.

The Final Fantasy XV crossover was just a custom-made mission by Layla.
The update that added the mission also added some Final Fantasy decorations around Layla's cave and on her jeep. Given Layla's programming talents, and assuming the decorations indicate her being a fan of Final Fantasy, then this is likely just a custom mission she made in her spare time. Bayek's lack of dialogue or reaction beyond hiding behind a pillar (easy to program) supports this.
