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Awesome / Assassin's Creed Origins

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  • In the Cinematic Trailer when Bayek is knocked to the ground by a mace-wielding soldier, he kills him by shooting them in the throat with an arrow he fires from his bow using his feet.
  • Bayek uses The Ibis's own words against him. As he's called a "Father to no-one", Bayek proceeds to beat his head in with a rock saying, "HERE IS YOUR NOBODY!"
  • Killing the Crocodile, after what she's done. Bayek throws back everything the Crocodile says to him that she claims justifies her actions, and he makes sure she remembers the name of one of her victims before she dies.
  • Aya laying down the end to the Jackal, and that he's not going to be rewarded for his actions, but have nothing but oblivion awaiting his evil. "Apep devour your fettered Heart!"
  • Aya later goes on to be the first one to stab Julius Caesar. Caesar, to his credit, goes on to die with some dignity by proclaiming that he holds no regret for his actions. Aya, in response, smiles smugly knowing that he won't be the last tyrant to fall to the blade of a Hidden One.
  • Three scenes, all scored to Ezio's Theme that establish the birth of the Assassin Brotherhood, with Bayek and Aya laying down the Creed and pledging to fight for the freedom of the downtrodden. If you've been playing these games for a while, it's quite affecting.
  • Bayek killing the Son of Ra and then taunting him that he died too easily for a man who claimed to be a god. It's a great moment because Bayek had finally avenged all the innocents killed by the SOR and his cult like army of bandits.
