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Tropers / Jlvs200s

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Welcome to my troper page!

My username is jlvs200s, and i've been lurking on this site since 2018 and created my account in January 2024. I'm a Dutch male with an interest in various pieces of media and the tropes contained within. As a member of this site I hope to improve several pages for franchises and pieces of media I enjoy, add good images to pages lacking them, and also create work pages for works without them. Aside from helping to improve the wiki, I'm also interested in making connections with others by participating in forum games and yack fest threads. That's everything you need to know about me for now, and I hope to see you again soon!

Note: Due to my time zone, I'm usually unable to respond to any questions or queries inbetween circa 4 PM EST and 2 AM EST. I'll also have days where I'm mostly unreachable due to me needing to spend time on school related subjects.

Works I'm interested in:

     Anime and Manga 
     Comic Books 
     Films (Both Animated and Live-Action) 
     Live-Action Televison 
     Video Games 
     Web Media 
     Western Animation 

My Complete Monster and Magnificent Bastard Stuff

Complete Monster
     Approved Proposals 
  • A ROBLOX Quest: Phantom Orb Commentary
  • SCP Foundation: SCP-6618-A/Papa Commentary
     Other Stuff 
Rewrites: Resolved Items List:
  • Rewrote DOR-15's entry to be more descriptive.
Magnificent Bastard
     Approved Proposals 
None at the moment
     Other Stuff 

My other stuff

     Work pages 
     Images Pickin' Suggestions 


See here
