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Tear Jerker / JaidenAnimations

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Doesn't she just look so happy?
"I don't know what ending was meant for me. ...And, I don't think I ever will."
Jaiden, "I Attempted a Pokemon Platinum Nuzlocke"

Jaiden may have a loose and silly art style, and her sense of humor can leave one on the floor, but she can also leave one on the floor in tears, because she's gone through a lot of strife.

  • "Impersonation & KYS Rant" has Jaiden having to deal with an impersonator on Twitter who tried to claim that she was impersonating them, and when discussing it with her Twitter followers, they had the nerve to tell the impersonator to kill themselves. Jaiden then ends up expressing how if any one of her viewers unironically use "KYS" as an insult, they don't deserve to be called fans of her.
  • In "Winter & My Traumatic Skiing Trip", Hugo takes the wrong lift to the top of the mountain, trapping him and his kids on the expert trail, and without provocation, Jax accidentally tumbles down the mountain, scaring Jaiden senseless. Luckily, a bystander manages to get her down safely, but she's still traumatized by this event, and worse yet, Lynn patronizes her after making it down safe.
  • "Why I Don't Have A Face Reveal" is not only the point where her channel took a new direction, but is also one of her most sobering videos yet. Jaiden has always had self-esteem issues, but it eventually took hold as a voice in her head that caused her to develop anorexia as a way for her to feel like she's in control of something. The pain eventually caught up with her, and to alleviate it, it evolved into bulimia, causing her to go every day without food, eat a whole bunch to relieve the pain, and then make herself regurgitate it all back out, purging her body of anything but water. The voice in her head eventually told her that everyone wanted to help her and that she needed to push them all away, causing her to become a shut-in. This eventually came to a head when she wanted to fulfill her promise of going to VidCon 2016, which forced her to feign being happy, feeling as though she's let everybody around her down by seeing her. Eventually, when someone refused to edit her face out of a vlog they were posting, Jaiden finally crossed the Despair Event Horizon, believing that there's no reason for her to go on with her life anymore... and she only crawled back out through sheer willpower, and without any reason to continue. Her face reveal in the last two seconds are a testament of her ongoing road to recovery.
    • "Empty" is a Music Video representation of her eating disorder, which shows a recreation of what she ended up going through at the time. Jaiden's voice while singing sounds absolutely tormented.
  • "Anxiety is the Greatest!" reveals that, even before she developed her sense of social anxiety, Jaiden consistently had paranoia as a kid, and was surprised to learn that none of her peers had the same thoughts she did. Come her senior year of high school, and she finally started to realize she was anxious when, in a gender studies class, her raising her hand caused her to stutter, tense up, choke on her own words, and outright start crying. College made things even worse, as that's when her low self-esteem, depression, and eating disorder started to manifest.
  • In "The Closest Feeling to Death that isn't Death", Jaiden realizes through talking with her therapist how unhealthy her schedule is, with her waking up at 8:30 AM, working the entire day until 1:00 AM, and only ever stopping for breakfast, lunch, and dinner. Anything that wasn't working, including video games, eating, and sleeping, caused her to think she's a Lazy Bum, even though she was working herself to the bone.
    Jaiden: ...But I could be working!
  • Even though she admits that most of what happens in "Locked out of my House" is her own fault, it still doesn't change the fact that Jaiden effectively went 21 hours with no sleep, and became a depressing mess when she decided to go to lunch with her roommate.
    Jaiden: (glumly) I'm not having a good time right now...
  • The latter half of "An Uncomfortable Trip to the UK" details how she was effectively harassed by a misogynistic hipster who attempted to flatter her despite claiming that all girls are selfish. Airport TSA meant that nothing worse would have happened than what was shown in the video, but Jaiden still felt completely uncomfortable throughout the whole ordeal and tried everything in her power to not talk to the guy.
  • Most of her Pokémon Nuzlocke videos tend to get incredibly sad whenever one of her Pokémon ends up dying, with some of the more depressing examples being Onion the Breloom and Franklin the Primeape. Above any other moment, however, the sheer guilt that Jaiden has during the ending of her Platinum Nuzlocke is simply heart-shattering. She ended up losing battling the Elite Four and got the okay from the chat to redo it on account that it was her birthday, which her accompanying animation adapts as her being split into two in the Distortion World and catching glimpses of an "alternate reality" where she loses her Elite Four battle. In the end, she feels like she doesn't deserve her victory due to her knowledge that another version of her lost so badly.
  • "I Don't like the Dentist" has Jaiden revisit her childhood fear of the dentist, with her needing to get her wisdom teeth taken out. The Valium she takes doesn't make her feel unconscious in the slightest, and when the first needle was about to be placed into her mouth, Jaiden broke into uncontrollable tears, combined with her hyperventilating.
  • "The worst thing that's ever happened to me" gives Jaiden's eating disorder a run for its money regarding how much it affected her physically, as she had to deal with an outbreak of hives. As time progresses, the flare-ups begin to become more and more painful, even with the medication she received from her 24-hour pharmacy, and upon landing in Arizona to spend Christmas with her parents, Lynn and Hugo panic when they see she has hives. She also debated whether or not the hives started because of Ari, since he was on her shoulder in the same spot where it started on the night she developed it, and contemplated having to part ways with her beloved bird. The most depressing part is what she feels during her final outbreak of hives before she was properly healed.
    Jaiden: This time, I wanted to just close my eyes again... and perish.
  • Even though she knows that all she's doing is speedrunning Rhythm Heaven Fever, Jaiden has the absolute worst burst of anxiety she's ever had in "Speedrunning an Unspeedrunnable Game", and when she makes one too many mistakes during Remix 10, she's sure she's lost and gives into despair. Luckily, she ends up succeeding, but it's still saddening to see her in such a somber state.
  • Jaiden's pitiful reaction towards seeing the poor Digimon fandom, who are largely wearily resigned at the state of their video games.
  • The death of Bobby the dragon egg (and Jaiden's reaction to it) during her Minecraft QSMP streams.
