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Recap / Fifty Ways To Dye In Minecraft Fairy Tale Style

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"Long ago, in the ancient forgotten age of Last Week, there was a YouTuber who wished to-DIE IN MINECRAFT!"
"But YouTube had recently demonetized his entire channel and he believed that beginning his show with clips from music videos had given them the false impression that his most popular videos were entirely composed of such clips."
"He decided to-DIE IN MINECRAFT!"
Click here to see the cut intro

A special episode of the 50 Ways to Die in Minecraft series, with the deaths being all about Fractured Fairy Tales.

Watch it here.

This page also covers the Deleted Scenes in Forgotten Fables, which can be watched here.

Once hip on a time!

  • Beyond the Impossible: In Death 34, the Big Bad Wolf and the Bridge Troll somehow eat each other at the same time. The death title itself can only give out a "Uh... I don't...".
  • Born Unlucky: Sinbad the Sailor. His very presence causes both boats he was on to sink, and even outside the water, the people around him sink into quicksand. The death subtitles even call him unlucky. Ironically, he survives every scene he's in.
  • Crying Wolf: Death 35 starts out with the villagers not believing the Shepherd boy when a real wolf comes by, but to the wolf's surprise, the boy is also the village's impressionist, who mimics the voice of a trusted member of the town, causing the townsfolk to run the wolf down.
  • Deadly Prank: Death 22 happens when someone tries to scare Ichabod by dressing as the Headless Horseman, only to get shot.
  • Die Laughing: jayRiott suffers a horrifyingly realistic instance of this in a deleted death. When he wishes for the Genie to make him the funniest man on the internet, he slowly makes a hilarious (in his own way) sentenceā€¦ that slowly devolves into manic laughter. One can even hear poor Jake trying to gasp for air as the screen gets greyer and the laughter becomes more desperate. Jake Eyes scrapped this death for being way more dark than he expected (as well as the likelihood of thousands of comments telling him that the joke wasn't that funny).
    • A less scary example in the main video: Death 9 shows the Laughing Person die of laughter after he gets a request to insure a house made of straw.
  • Driven to Suicide: A death in Forgotten Fables shows BlondWolfGirl jump into a lava pool after her grandmother reads her the tragic story of the The Steadfast Tin Soldier. Jake Eyes cut this death as it, in his words, "felt way too dark even for a series about people getting killed over and over again".
  • Exact Words: Death 17: When the Evil queen asks a Magic Mirror "Who's the fairest of them all?", the Mirror responds by citing a judge. This angers the vain queen, so she throws a brick at the mirror, resulting in "Death by being a Reflective Smartaxe".
  • Feghoot: A two-fer in Fairy Tale Style, with a Running Gag about Henny Penny gathering a bunch of birds to tell the king that the sky is falling, ending with the birds crushing the king as they roll into court bunched up into a ball (Fowl Ball); and Henny Penny would then become the kingdom's new warrior queen in what future historians would call "The Great Chicken Coup".
  • Gallows Humor: A literal example. Death 50 reveals that all of the deaths in the video were humorous stories told by jayRiott to stave off his execution ordered by a king. When he tries to think of more, the best he can come up with is "TNT warehouse". The King immediately orders The Executioner to kill him.
  • Idiot Ball: RedstoneNed grabs it when he wishes to become immortal, jumps into lava, and then wishes to become mortal again. The genie advises him to get out of the lava, but Ned doesn't listen.
    • Basically, the entire feature Fairy Tales in this episode is this.
  • Jerkass Genie: Played With regarding Olmar the Genie. In Death 12, Norman298 wished for immortality, but the genie granted it to a nearby rabbit because he didn't specify that he wanted the immortality for himself. However, this is averted later on in Death 20, as he tried to warn Redstone Ned against taking back his immortality wish while he's still in a lava pool. In his third appearance, when it's Stu's turn for a wish, he grimly implies that his wish will have horrible unforeseen consequences, but all Stu wants is a couple of sandwiches.
  • Logic Bomb: The magical, fairy-tale equivalent. In Death 28, when the Queen asks the Magic Mirror who is the most beautiful of them all, the Mirror starts glitching out trying to solve the answer before it blue-screens. The problem here is that in a fairy tale world, there are multiple princesses and fair ladies that are labeled as "the most beautiful of all", with the examples that the Mirror gives are Snow White, Thumbelina, the Little Mermaid, and Belle, whose name literally means beauty.
  • Missing Mom: Parodied. Death 36 happens when Aladdin's mother discovers that her son is about to get a Disney movie about him, necessitating this trope.
    Aladdin's Mom was slain for Plot Convenience
  • Mutual Kill: Death 34 has a weird example, with the Wolf and the troll eating each other alive at the same time.
  • Non-Indicative Name: Subtly discussed by a King in the second-to-last death, specifically about how Fairy Tales hardly have fairies in them, with the King saying they should be called "King Tales".
  • Pragmatic Villainy: The Giant in the Fairy Tale Edition refuses to attack Americans due to Americans having too much trans fat. Norman298 was lucky enough to survive this.
  • Rhyming Names: Henny Penny the chicken, as well as most of the other birds following her. Some are taken from the original story, but many are new, such as Phoenix Lenix.
  • Running Gag:
    • Henny Penny's quest to warn the king that the sky is falling.
    • Sinbad's chronically bad luck causing people around him to die.
  • Screwed by the Lawyers: In-Universe. Death 43 and 44 show jayRiott get killed by Shrek for stealing jokes from his movie. Shrek then gets killed by Gary Larson for doing the same.
    • Averted in Death 47, where Mickey Mouse can't sue Jake for using Pinocchio because the original story is in the public domain.
  • Surprisingly Realistic Outcome: A lot of them in this episode.
    • Death 4: The witch's gingerbread house attracts bears as well as children.
    • Death 11: Said gingerbread house collapses in the rain.
    • Death 13: The smallest billy goat gruff tries to keep the bridge troll from eating him by claiming his bigger brother will be coming the troll's way. The troll points out that he can just eat both of them. The smallest billy goat gruff tries to invoke this to save himself by saying it'll be too much cholesterol, but since the troll's a mythological creature, he probably doesn't need to be worried about heart disease.
    • Death 14: The protagonist of The Tinder Box tries to create a scenario before his execution where he can use said tinder box. Instead, the executioner lights his pipe for him. Apparently, he assumed that he was the only one in the kingdom that had a tinder box.
    • Deaths 18, 19, & 25: By destroying all the spinning wheels in the kingdom, the king from Sleeping Beauty has deprived the tailors of their income and everyone of some sorely-needed clothes come winter. When the Big Bad Wolf shows up in the village, he is promptly mobbed by the whole half-frozen population and stripped of his warm fur.
    • Death 22: Dressing up as some scary monster and accosting someone who has had bad encounters with said monster will get you hurt or shot via PTSD-induced panic.
    • Death 23: Rumpelstiltskin tries to waltz in and take the first son of the girl he helped, only for her guards to kill him on the spot.
    • Death 29: The protagonist of The Tinder Box discovers that his girlfriend is not exactly thrilled that he killed her parents.
    • Death 30: Cinderella's glass slippers break when she jumps on them too hard, getting her killed when the wound becomes infected.
    • Deaths 37 through 41: The fairy puts everyone in the kingdom to sleep at the same time as Sleeping Beauty, causing a lot of accidental deaths as a result. There were five more deaths that were cut from the main video that are also caused by this.
    • Death 47, a non-death example: Mickey attempts to sue Jake Eyes for using Pinocchio in Death 46. An employee tells him that they can't sue him, as the original Pinocchio story is in the public domain, meaning Disney does not own it.
    • Death 48: The wolf averts Why Don't Ya Just Shoot Him? with a vengeance, eating Little Red Riding Hood the moment he sees her.
      Wolf: "Why didn't I just try that in the first place?
    • One from the "Forgotten Fables" video: Reading a heartwrenching story to your kid is bound to scar them for life, especially if the story in question has an equally tragic ending (in this case, The Steadfast Tin Soldier). BlondWolfGirl's grandmother finds this out the hard way when her grandchild gets so upset from the story that she's Driven to Suicide.
  • Take That!: One to Disney's rabid reputation of suing several fanworks that include a sliver of their image. In death 47, Mickey Mouse kills one of his employees who tells him they can't sue Jake for using Pinocchio for the previous death, since the original story is part of the public domain.
  • Too Smart for Strangers: Parodied. In Death 48, Little Red Riding Hood refuses to talk to the Wolf because he's a stranger. One Beat later and the Wolf just gobbles her up on the spot.
  • Wrong Genre Savvy: In Death 20, when Ned wishes for immortality for himself, he quickly assumes that this will lead him into an And I Must Scream scenario, and demands to the genie that he take his wish backā€¦ while still sitting in a lava pool.


Video Example(s):


Jay's Horrible Joke

jayRiott suffers a horrifyingly realistic instance of this in a deleted death. When he wishes for the Genie to make him the funniest man on the internet, he slowly makes a hilarious (in his own way) sentence… that slowly devolves into manic laughter. One can even hear poor Jake trying to gasp for air as the screen gets greyer and the laughter becomes more desperate. Jake Eyes scrapped this death for being way more dark than he expected (as well as the likelihood of thousands of comments telling him that the joke wasn't that funny).

How well does it match the trope?

5 (1 votes)

Example of:

Main / DieLaughing

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