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Playing With / Villainous Breakdown

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Basic Trope: A villain suffers an emotional or psychological breakdown as a result of their plans being defeated.

  • Straight:
    • The normally Affably Evil Emperor Evulz responds to the failure of his plan at the hands of Alice with a screamed rant and physical violence against his minions.
    • Same as previous example, except Evulz is Faux Affably Evil. Meaning that once Alice foils his plans, he drops all pretense of kindness and goes on a rant about how his plan should never have failed in the first place, even attempting to kill Alice for even trying to foil such plans.
  • Exaggerated:
  • Downplayed: Emperor Evulz responds to his defeat with suppressed rage, a nervous twitch, and clear desperation to come up with a new plan.
  • Justified:
    • Emperor Evulz is not particularly well-adjusted at the best of times, and the shock of his recent experiences with the heroes has been gradually unhinging him. His plan's ultimate defeat at the hands of Alice was just the straw that broke the camel's back.
    • Emperor Evulz has spent years working towards his plans. Wouldn't you be jarred if someone crushed your life's work and goal?
    • Evulz knows he's going to be subjected to a Cruel and Unusual Death and can't do anything to stop it from happening.
    • Evulz thought he was unbeatable. His ego can't handle the fact that he's not.
    • Evulz was defeated by another villain who is an Omnicidal Maniac. When Evulz witnesses his opponent defeat his Arch-Enemy Alice, his ego cannot handle being second best on top of being defeated, and he goes absolutely berserk on the villain who beat him.
  • Inverted:
  • Subverted:
  • Double Subverted:
  • Parodied: Evulz responds to his defeat with a petty and childish Inelegant Blubbering-laden temper tantrum which would make a four-year-old child embarrassed.
  • Zig Zagged:
    • Evulz suffers rapid Mood Whiplash; it's hard to tell when he's genuinely having a breakdown and when he isn't (and when he's just messing with his minions).
    • Evulz breaks down when his plans are getting close to ruined, but shortly after he's been defeated, he calms back down, composes himself, and creates another scheme, restarting the cycle once the heroes fight him again.
  • Averted:
    • Evulz manages to keep it together despite his plans falling apart.
    • Evulz finds it genuinely hilarious when his own plans implode.
    • Evulz wins.
  • Enforced: "Let's face it; Actor Bob is a Large Ham, and it'd be a shame to waste that when he's playing Emperor Evulz. Let's write a scene at the end when he just snaps; give Bob a chance to really chew the scenery."
  • Lampshaded: "Heroes breaching my fortress walls! My plans in ruins! I AM INCREDIBLY PISSED OFF HERE, PEOPLE!"
  • Invoked: Alice knows Emperor Evulz's Berserk Button and is gleefully pushing it during the climactic battle precisely to trigger a breakdown on his part, thus destabilizing him and giving her the advantage.
  • Exploited: Alice knows Emperor Evulz is bound to lose his cool and exploits his lack of focus accordingly.
  • Defied:
    • Evulz takes mind-altering drugs and has had extensive brain surgery specifically designed to remove his capability of breaking down in a crisis.
    • Whether it is for the sake of defiance or dignity, Evulz absolutely refuses to allow his enemies to see him become unhinged. And so, even to the last second, he doesn't.
    • Evulz has surprisingly good composure, and knows that if he screws up by having a villainous breakdown, it could risk the plan completely getting thrown in the trash.
    Evulz: A plan of such magnitude has an even chance of being foiled as it is succeeding! I must not lose composure, else it gets foiled even more...
  • Discussed: "The only way you'll win a battle against Evulz is if you make him angry. Very angry."
  • Conversed: "Wow, the villains in these comic books need some serious anger management lessons."
  • Deconstructed:
    • Evulz's tantrum is just an example of how maladjusted, infantile and ultimately pathetic he is.
    • Evulz has a heart attack.
    • Evulz's emotional breakdown clouds his judgement and causes him to make the situation worse.
    • Evulz’s mental state collapses and he turns into an Empty Shell from the sheer stress of the situation. As a result he’s rendered completely helpless when the heroes knock down his door.
  • Reconstructed:
  • Played for Laughs:
    • Evulz, in a Wangsting fashion, throws a screaming, crying hissy-fit upon being defeated by Alice.
    • Evulz stops for a brief period before chuckling slightly. He then suddenly begins laughing maniacally and practically bashing himself over the head while reciting how absurd his loss is. The heroes stand there, watching him take down the remainder of his own plan. After he's done throwing a fit, he then just falls over unconscious.
    • Evulz, with all of his insane science creations, is overpowered by Bob the Destroyer. Alice tries to also defeat Bob, but fails. With all of his best inventions destroyed, and Bob gloating over him, Evulz somehow becomes so enraged that he manages to start hitting Bob hard enough to knock him down to the ground. Alice and the other heroes watch as Bob is reduced to a blubbering crybaby and leaves Earth. Evulz then walks off, battle damaged, but determined to be the number one evil in this town. The heroes then watch him leave and have conflicting emotions about what they just witnessed.
  • Played for Drama:
  • Played for Horror:
    • Evulz's breakdown makes him even more dangerous than he was before, as now there's nothing holding him back from simply killing Alice. And it is terrifying.
    • Evulz is about to face a Cruel and Unusual Death, mainly by fire. The instant he catches fire, he begins to screech and panic, frantically rolling about in vain to try and put the fire out. It doesn't help him, but the cries of agony and sheer terror is daunting enough to even shake Alice.
  • Plotted a Good Waste: The Faux Affably Evil Evulz starts ranting on how his evil plans, as heinous as they may be, should never have failed, right in front of Alice's face. Alice ignores all this and dismisses them as boring small talk, yet Evulz's so called evil plans are actually for the benefit of the entire world, making him a Well-Intentioned Extremist with understandable goals. His rants only serve to make the audience label Evulz and lovable and sympathetic villain and Alice a hated heroine. Other characters in Alice's story also see Evulz as the hero and Alice as the villain, hence why they prefer to cheer for Evulz and jeer Alice.

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