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Awesome / Marvel vs. Capcom: Infinite

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  • The fact that this game was announced is, in and of itself, nothing short of a miracle, as the deal between Marvel and Capcom expired a couple years after the release of Ultimate Marvel vs. Capcom 3, resulting in it and the vanilla game going out of print and the possibility of a fourth installment becoming slim to none. As Maximillian Dood puts it in his reaction video to the announcement trailer:
    Max: This is one of the most important moments! If Marvel vs. Capcom gets announced, it's "dream come true" material! This game started with dreams coming true, the versus series began with dreams coming true, and fucking dreams can come true today!
  • After years of being neglected by Capcom and multiple projects getting axed, Mega Man is up front with Street Fighter once again. Even better, it's under the guise of Mega Man X, who is a neglected character himself between the Mega Man mythos. It seems that Capcom has finally realized how iconic Mega Man is, and the huge fanbase the franchise has.
  • On the Marvel side, we have Carol Danvers and Tony Stark, two characters who currently have an antagonistic relationship in the comics thanks to Civil War II, fighting side by side.
  • The entirety of the cinematic trailer, setting up the potential the game has for the story mode. And of course, there's the ultimate fusion of Ultron and Sigma, forming Ultron-Sigma.
    • Special mention to Ultron-Sigma casually smacking aside Mjolnir.
  • The Sony E3 trailer which, at the end, has Ultron-Sigma giving a Badass Boast, only to be countered by a Shut Up, Hannibal! by Thanos.
    Ultron-Sigma: We had a dream: our two diseased realities, joined together in a single perfect universe. Will you not bow before your God?
    Thanos: You are no God. (smirks, then charges)
  • So, how does the Story Mode open? What's the first visual to set the stage? Mega Man X wielding the mighty shield of Captain America. Ohhh, yeah. It's gonna be that kind of game.
    • Not to be outdone, Rocket Raccoon asks Dante to lend him Ebony & Ivory.
  • Thor and Spencer going against Ultron-Sigma, for multiple reasons. One, Thor calls Spencer in for help instead of anyone in the area that's stronger than the soldier. Thor could have called for Captain Marvel or Dante but he chose Spencer, meaning it doesn't matter who he works with. For Thor, he thinks someone he trusts is enough. Two, Spencer not hesitating to help, knowing that he's out of his league compared to Thor, Ultron-Sigma and an Xgardian, a corrupted Asgardian and still helped. And three, Ultron-Sigma's beatdown on both heroes. The match is supposed to be lost... but Ultron-Sigma made losing to him look good!
  • Naturally, some of the Level 3 Hyper Combos count. Notably, returning characters from the previous games who lacked a Level 3 now have one, while others have had their Level 3 updated.
    • Rocket Raccoon's Level 3 in the previous game had him burying his opponent and calling in a napalm airstrike. Here, he summons Groot to pummel the enemy a few times before blasting them with his BFG.
    • For his new Level 3, Spencer headbutts his opponent to the ground, dizzying them. He then shoves a grenade in their mouth and then swings away before it explodes.
    • Hulk's Gamma Quake has been promoted from a Level 1 to a Level 3, and instead of causing rocks to fall on the opponent, he instead hits the ground so hard that lava erupts from below.
    • Spidey's Level 3 has him dodging and redirecting Green Goblin's bombs in a nice homage to the first Sam Raimi movie. But the awesome doesn't end there, depending on where the fight is taking place, it could also be an awesome moment for the Goblin himself, as it could potentially mean he devised a way to reach a space colony like Knowmoon, or an entirely different dimension like the Dark Kingdom... just to have a shot at taking down Spidey.
    • For an awesome Easter Egg, if Winter Soldier is teamed up with Captain America and Winter Soldier activates his Level 3 Hyper, the two will perform a double Unyielding Justice.
    • If you're at low enough health when connecting with it, Ryu's Shin Shoryuken becomes even more amazing. How? After the first blow, Ryu becomes afflicted by the Satsui no Hadou...and then suppresses it, mid combo, hitting his foe for additional damage.
  • Obviously, whenever you activate an Infinity Storm. The arena becomes an Empathic Environment based on your Stone's color, and you technically become a Physical God based on said Stone's theme.
  • The inclusion of Jedah Dohma is one for the animators, since most of the characters from Darkstalkers are notoriously difficult to animate in 3D (with the exception of easier characters such as Morrigan and Felicia).
  • Hulk and Ryu battling a Dah'ren Mohran to defend Valkandanote . Both try to pierce its skin, with Hulk tossing a kicking Ryu and attacking with a Gamma Charge it. Ryu manages to shatter its horn with a Shin Shoryuken, and finishes it off with a Shinkuu Hadouken as Hulk grabs the tip of Mohran's broken horn and smashes it with a Gamma Crush. It's for a very good reason why this scene in particular is hailed as the best scene of Infinite's story.
  • In the beginning, Ultron-Sigma was not actually the god-machine on display later — it was merely Ultron's shell, having willingly infected himself with the Sigma Virus, to let his new best friend inside his body. This alone was enough to soundly mop the floor with Thanos. Again, this was just Ultron's body empowered by Sigma, before they even plugged the Infinity Stones into themself to actually become Ultron-Sigma.
    • The under-the-table deal the two made is pretty awesome in and of itself. There was three layers of villainous hierarchy above them; Death had formed an agreement to allow Jedah to act as her herald, and the two had Thanos unwittingly doing his dirty work, with Thanos commissioning Ultron just to help him get to the Reality Stone. Then Ultron met Sigma, and the two swept the rug out from under all three parties involved. They trounced Thanos and imprisoned him, left Jedah a panicked mess scrambling to find some way to defeat the god-machine, and Death was summarily booted from the equation in turn. And they weren't even actively aware of this.
    • Thanos returns the favor and actually floors Ultron-Sigma, cracking the Reality Stone with nothing but his fists! (though the order of how it was shown in the game is reversed). Take note, he has no Infinite Stones while Ultron-Sigma has two!
    • It's worth noting, mind, that Ultron-Sigma at the moment was substantially weakened for Thanos to get his retribution. How, one might ask? By a timely intervention from Iron Man, Spencer and Doctor Light, using the energy from the reactor of Avengers Tower to fry him!
  • The Infinity Stones all together have limitless power over eternity, so beyond comprehension that, in the hands of a competent wielder, even all the Cosmic-Level entities of the Marvelverse united have no chance against them save for the Living Tribunal. And it's none other than Mega Man X who alone receives the chief honor of turning this power into a Wave-Motion Gun, empowered with the strength of the entire cast of heroes, to erase Ultron-Sigma.
  • Dante's ultimate Batman Gambit on Ultron-Sigma by faking his defection and handing over the Soul Stone to Ultron-Sigma. Except it doesn't work because the Soul Stone only works on someone with a soul and as a machine, Ultron-Sigma doesn't have one.
    • Meanwhile, X has no trouble with it. Just another little nod alike that of the one in Mega Man: Maverick Hunter Xnote  and Project × Zonenote  that Dr. Light truly succeeded in creating a robot with a human soul.
  • The battle everyone has been waiting for since Capcom Fighting Evolution: Dante VS Jedah. Unlimited Devil Trigger. Have fun.
  • Remember The Stinger the Marvel Cinematic Universe loves to use every movie? This game is no different and in it, Jedah and Death try to discuss another scheme when Thanos barges in the meeting with the intention of killing Death for her betrayal and using him by using the Satsui no Hado and do a Hadoken on her! Shocking does not begin to describe this!
