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Funny / Marvel vs. Capcom: Infinite

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Story Mode

  • Arthur is small, but fierce.
    Thor: Sir Arthur. Not bad for one so small.
    Arthur: And Thor, you are indeed mighty. For a heathen god.

    Iron Man: Nice weapon Lance-A-Little. Compensating for Something?
    Arthur: Only your foolishness, "Iron Man."
    Thor: Ha HA! I like him.
  • While it was brave of him, Chris trying to shoot Ultron-Sigma with the expected effect was kinda funny. The bullet making a ricochet effect and sound helped.
  • Chris is sent to A.I.M.Brella Labs to find one of the stones, only to partner up with Spider-Man to take care of symbiote-infused zombies. Spider-Man senses something else, calling it ugly and malignant. He then proceeds to web open a door and causes what he was talking about to stumble into the room.
    Spider-Man: Frank West, ladies and gentlemen!
  • While Chris, Spider-Man and Frank investigate A.I.M.Brella, they come across the kidnapped Mike Haggar.
    Haggar: Spider-Man?! What the hell's going on?!
    Spiderman: Loooong story, Mr. Mayor. Do you remember how you got here?
    Haggar: I was in my office at City Hall doing paperwork...
    Haggar: Next thing I know, I'm choking out Frank West!
  • Chris orders someone to destroy M.O.D.O.K.'s machine. Instead of the super human Spider-Man or Mike Haggar doing it, Frank whacks the machine with his baseball bat, with obvious results.
  • Rocket Raccoon expresses his admiration for X's Arm Cannon, which X himself doesn't necessarily take as a compliment.
    Rocket (patting X's arm): What's the biggest thing you've ever killed with that bad boy, huh?
    • X's reaction is to be expected, as he's a Martial Pacifist who's had to become a Hunter of His Own Kind to protect humanity from his fellow Reploids.
    • Another moment for X and Rocket; After being instructed to grab the Power stone by his teammates, X has a brief crisis over whether he's meant to hold that power. Rocket just walks up and takes it while X is having his dilemma.
  • Something about the brainwashed Zero calling himself 'Oblivion' is hilarious.
  • Captain America entrusts Dante to take the Soul Stone from Jedah and Stark to finish the device to harmonize the Infinity Stones. Then Captain America tells them that if they fail, then things would not be good for everyone. Stark and Dante reassure him that they have an awesome responsibility to deal with and because they're both awesome, they won't.
    Iron Man: It's an awesome responsibility.
    Dante: Hey, we're awesome guys. *high five*
    Iron Man: Nice.
    Captain Marvel: My god... We're doomed.
  • Thanos and Iron Man look over the schematics of a weapon they're developing to harness the power of the four stones they can reasonably obtain. Thanos coaches Tony on how to forge something that can use the stones' full power, but Tony isn't one to be talked down to when it comes to technology and gets a bit snarky. At first, Thanos starts out simple, but...
    Thanos: The Infinity Stones share a single harmonic frequency. The device must be tuned to make them sing.
    Iron Man: To amplify and regulate your power output.
    Thanos: Indeed.
    Iron Man: See? That wasn't so hard.
    Thanos: I need only for the Time Stone to be in range, while the dyanactic interface field chronocatalyzes. It will take but a few moments.
    Iron Man: [Leans onto the control panel, immediately lost] Uh, sure. You do that.
  • Iron Man tags team with Frank West against Thanos, must to Frank's dismay.
    Thanos: You dare defy ME?
    Iron Man: Absolutely. Go get him, Frank.
    Frank: Whoa whoa whoa — you want me to go up against HIM? He's gonna kill me!
    Iron Man: Well, they say journalism is a dying profession.
    • While the following cutscene pretty much has Thanos knocking both of them flat on their their asses, the post-fight conversation preceding it has Tony in disbelief that Frank actually managed to put up a fight against Thanos.
  • When Jedah unleashes the symbiote, Chris, Frank, and Haggar all jump out of the way. Only Spider-Man (who has super human reflexes and Spider-Sense) manages to get hit by the symbiote. His response?
    Spider-Man: Aw man. Not again!
  • When Morrigan flirts with Ghost Rider, she comments that they have a lot in common including "wonderful bone structure".
  • After Ultron-Omega is defeated, Rocket finds the Infinity Stones beneath some rubble. Knowing his intentions, Gamora stops him and Rocket comes up with an obvious lie.


  • The teaser showing off Rocket Raccoon that was released via the game's official twitter page was accompanied by the hashtags "#ShamelessPlug" and "#MovieTieIn", basically poking fun at the teaser being released specifically to coincide with the theatrical release of Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2.
  • The Space Stone's Infinity Storm note  can allow for some serious Trolling if you're so inclined.
  • For once, one of Nemesis' win quotes isn't just growling or him saying "S.T.A.R.S..." in varying ways. Now, he tries to say one of Stan Lee's catchphrases as best as he can:
    Nemesis: Urrrghselllghriorrr...
  • If a character only has about 25% of their health left, the character they're playing alongside will chime in and suggest they tag out. This can lead to some amusing anecdotes, such as Dr. Strange remarking "This doctor suggests you rest!"
  • One of X's intro quotes against Zero puts a lampshade on the latter's history of being brainwashed.
    X: Zero!? Who's controlling you this time?
  • Arthur's victory pose features him catching a descending keynote . Unlike MvC3, it's now accompanied by the boss victory fanfare from the original GnG. It's as twinkly as ever.
  • If it doesn't annoy you instead, Haggar saying "Looky here!" every time he generates a barrel for his new "Cleaning Up The City" move can be pretty funny.
  • Frank's new Level 3 Hyper Combo is pretty ridiculous - he starts out by attaching a bomb to a football, then throws his opponent into a crowd of zombies, followed by him throwing the football bomb into the crowd and then grabbing one of the zombies from the crowd after the bomb explodes. He finishes the move by taking a selfie with the zombie with the wreckage behind them serving as the backdrop.
  • While Hulk had no special nickname for Chris back in MvC3, in this game he now calls Chris "Rock Puncher".
  • Rocket when paired up with Jedah, Firebrand, or Morrigan. Hilarity Ensues.
    Rocket: Steal my soul!? Don't do that! That kind of mumbo jumbo thing creeps me out!
  • Two of Chris's taunts have him reference one of the most infamous memes of Resident Evil 5:
    Chris: Need an egg?/Need an herb?
  • Spider-Man when picked as the 2nd character after Ryu.
    Spider-Man: You don't like spiders? But we're so cuddly!
  • In the New Metro City - Downtown stage you can see Mad Gear's J and Two-P taunting a group of heavily armed S.H.I.E.L.D. agents, once J commits the mistake of trowing a rock at them, the agents immediately point their guns at them with the two Mad Gear thugs backing off terrified.
