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The following is my, More Face's, vandalism.

The Cutie Mark Crusaders try to get to Parfum Palace together, but a little magical interference from Snips leaves Scootaloo stranded on the entrance, with no way to get down.

As Yoshi and friends storm the Sky Castle that was once the regal Parfum Palace, they find it has a certain motif to it. The castle is modeled after motifs of the Terrible Trio, and the first floor has stations where the correct hand sign needs to be placed in the strangely-shaped indentations in order to access the other four floors. The three middle floors have mannequins posed so that you can only advance if you use the winning gesture. Cheating is also disallowed, as each floor has its requirements.

This floor is based around trying to maneuver in hard-to-reach places. The twisted hallways and tight corridors make for some very strategic decisions. It's classified as a very difficult three-dimensional maze. You can't teleport or use intangibility spells, lest a hole open and use suction to take you back to the beginning.

This floor has shifting platforms all over the place. Sometimes, the platforms can reach up in impossible-to-navigate ways, but this can be remedied by waiting for the platforms to reshape themselves. Fortunately, the edges you can reach have a very good grip and you just have to push yourself up to the next platform. However, flying is against the rules, or else you'll be grounded by ropes that appear out of the floor.''

This floor includes, among other things, swinging axe blades, sawblades, spikes that rise up from holes in the ground, and spiked moving walls. It takes expert timing to avoid all the sharp obstacles. If you can't fly, you may get at least a few cuts. And good luck trying to stop all this chaos with an object-freezing spell, because it won't work.

This is the throne room of the Terrible Trio. The crew reaches this room in "89 minutes and 12 seconds".

Snips has one final word with Yoshi before she sicks her brothers and herself on him. One final word about how she'll actually start to miss Kalos once she's done reshaping it. How it's just her and her brothers once she's finished dealing with him and his friends. How it's a quite bittersweet bad ending. Then, the fight begins...

The big showdown against Papes, Ronk, and Snips! It'll take a lot of hard work and determination to win this three-on-one battle!

But then...!

Snips actually congratulates Yoshi on putting up such a fight! She holds her hand out, anticipating the amulet he's wearing in her hands, but, knowing he'll fall unconscious for a time if he removes it, Yoshi refuses. Eventually, it devolves into tug-of-war, which, thanks to her bracelet, Snips gains the upper hand almost immediately. Yoshi, now powerless to stop her, falls to the ground.

Snips, knowing how much power is in this amulet, dons it, expecting to instantly turn Kalos (already brown from the destruction she caused) into a barren wasteland. Suddenly, she feels immense power coursing through her. The bright glow of the amulet suddenly envelops her, Ronk, and Papes. Within the glow, Ronk and Papes turn into green and blue energy, respectively, and Snips starts glowing red with energy. The two brothers gravitate toward their sister, and the combined energy turns red-green-blue striped. She inherits the braids and trousers from Papes, and the large fists, suspenders, arm stripes, circle-pattern, and shoes from Ronk. The fusion is complete, the Trio is as one. The bracelet is no longer on her right arm, and the amulet now glows bright pink. Ethereal fairy wings now grow out of her back.

The new perfect being heads off to Equestria to cause chaos. Twilight and friends follow her. She creates a portal to Ponyville, and announces that she will reshape Equestria. Her first step is to turn Castle Ponyville into stone. Twilight, still having hope, rushes to the castle's Cutie Map. She repeats the message used to contact the Star Rod, "call my friends", each time growing more desperate. The Map has lost its use.

Eventually, she bands up the other Elements of Harmony to try to stop this perfect monster from taking over Equestria and Kalos. The previous bearers fuse with the current bearers, casting rainbow beams onto the perfect being, but to no avail. The perfect disaster forces the fusions apart with her magic, leaving it up to the destined enemies of this perfect being, the Cutie Mark Crusaders, to put an end to the perfect chaos.

They fuse by friendship, making the perfect counter to the perfect disaster. The magic from the horn no longer glows a soft green, but a perfect combination of purple, red, and dark magenta. The two perfect beings hop across dimensions, each dimension having previously been taken over by the Trio when they were still three separate characters. They finally land in an overview dimension created specifically by the perfect monster, filled with views of the dimensions she's taken over when she was still three parts of the same perfect whole.

They agree to duel with each other. But first, a perfect solution. A serious game. Then, once the perfect peacemaker has won all three rounds of this serious game, it's time for the duel.

The duel commences, blast after blast of magic being shot. The two perfect beings finally lock beams with each other. It goes on for a bit, the music changing from B Minor to C-Sharp Minor, until it comes down to one perfect victor. The perfect monster disappears in the blinding magic, only leaving the amulet behind...

The perfect peacemaker, proud of doing her destiny, happily returns to Equestria, by means of the amulet, bringing peace to Equestria. The current bearers of the Elements of Harmony express their gratitude towards the Crusaders once the fillies split.

Then, the Crusaders travel to Kalos to bring peace there, and revive Yoshi, too. Together, the four revitalize Kalos to the green fertile region it's supposed to be. Parfum Palace also floats to the ground where it belongs. Suddenly, the Cutie Boards start to orbit the Prism Tower in Lumiose. This causes a beam of energy to burst from the Tower and to many, many dimensions that were once suffering due to the serious game.
