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Characters / Ultraman Trigger New Generation Tiga The Dark Giants

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This is a partial character sheet for Ultraman Trigger: New Generation Tiga. Visit here for the main character index. Subjective trope and audience reactions should go on the YMMV page.

The Dark Giants
The Ultra-Ancient Darkness (from left to right: Hudram, Carmeara and Darrgon)

A group of ancient Ultras who have been awakened in present day after 30 million years of slumber. Unlike Trigger, they're an evil bunch who seek to find and take the Eternity Core so as to reshape the Universe to their will. The main trio is made up of Carmeara, Darrgon and Hudram; all alternate selves of the original three Dark Giants from Ultraman Tiga: The Final Odyssey. Later on, more Dark Giants start to emerge.

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The Main Three

    In General 

  • Adaptational Badass: They're much stronger than Camearra, Darramb, and Hudra were, as Tiga's base power was enough to destroy two of them and compete with Camearra. Here he needs an upgrade to be able to stand against them at their full strength.
  • Adaptational Comic Relief: Though still threatening, their larger screentime leads to these Dark Giants having moments of comedy and lightheartedness played up for them (even Hudram) whereas the original Dark Giants were dead-serious and devoid of even indirect comedic qualities the whole time.
  • Adaptation Expansion: The Dark Giants in the original Tiga didn't have much characterization to them and had only a few lines of dialogue before being killed off. Here, all three get greatly expanded characterizations and develop as characters far more than their counterparts to varying degrees.
  • A House Divided:
    • By episode 19 their alliance starts to falter as Hudram believes himself to be the only adequate Dark Giant to take control of the Eternity Core, eventually deciding in episode 20 to take it for himself behind Carmeara's back. Episode 21 has Darrgon realize that their group is indeed splitting apart and he shows dismay at what's happening. With episode 22 having Hudram finally betray Carmeara to her face before trying to take over alone.
    • By episode 23 the group as a whole is finally and truly dismantled as Darrgon opts to defect from the group, but Carmeara brainwashes him into a mindless berserk and when he's given a Mercy Kill by the heroes she absorbs his power for herself, intending to rule alone.
  • Aliens Speaking English:
    • Averted for most of them, unlike past Ultras even their original counterparts, they speak in an ancient "Ultra Language" which only Kengo can understand without the need for devices, thanks to his connection with Trigger. The only one that speaks actual Japanese and English is Hudram, who's been awake for 100 years already and thus has likely had the chance to learn human languages in the meantime.
    • Though by Episode 10, Darrgon has also become fluent enough in Japanese that Akito and Yuna have no trouble understanding him.
  • Alternate Self: To Camearra, Darramb, and Hudra as ancient Ultramen who have slumbered for millions of years before reawakening in the present.
  • Contrasting Sequel Antagonist: To Celebro. Both Celebro and the Dark Giants have destroyed entire civilisations and had committed planetary genocide in the past. However, whilst Celebro was a feeble parasite working alone with no fighting ability of his own, the Dark Giants are a team of excellent fighters. Additionally, Celebro favors infiltration and deception through possessing humans and monsters; whilst the Dark Giants can assume human forms for infiltration as demonstrated by Carmeara, they generally prefer to directly assault the enemy at most hiding far away from human civilization rather than within as Celebro did.
  • Enemy Mine: In episode 15 all three briefly help GUTS Select by restraining Absolute Diavolo while the crew absorbs part of his Absolutian Energy to upgrade the Nursedessei into its Battle Mode. Though that's as far as they go and leave when the deed is done to let the Absolutians and humans fight each other.
  • Fighter, Mage, Thief: The Brute Darrgon is the fighter, the agile trickster Hudram is the thief, and Carmeara's curses and long range abilities make her the mage.
  • Motif: To contrast Kengo's wish of protecting smiles, all of the Dark Giants, including Trigger Dark, have grooves under their eyes that resemble tears of varying size; Darrgon has a small slit under each eye that are only visible in close-up shots, whilst Hudram's markings cover most of his mouthguard to the point of resembling a Broken Faceplate.
  • Sealed Evil in a Can: The three were sealed into stone statues by Trigger millions of years ago, but broke free in the present separately as their prisions weakened over time.
  • Spared by the Adaptation: All three of the original Dark Giants have stayed dead decades after their defeat in Ultraman Tiga: The Final Odyssey discarding spin-offs and non-canon stage shows, here all three of the Giants are still alive in some way by the time of Ultraman Decker as Carmeara is fully resurrected and she shows to still posses Darrgon's and Hudram's spirits intact, with hopes of bringing them back to life.
  • Worf Had the Flu: All three get beaten by Absolute Diavolo and then threatened into staying out of their business to showcase how dangerous the Absolutians as a whole are in Episode 15. However, according to Carmeara, this only happened because they are not at their full power yet.

    Carmeara (Unmarked Spoilers) 


Portrayed by: Sumire Uesaka (voice and human form)
The Captivating Warrior
Her human form 
Leader of the Dark Giants, in the Ultra-Ancient times this formidable female warrior threatened to plunge the world into eternal darkness. Breaking the seal that locked her away for 30 million years, she once again appears on our planet with Darrgon and Hudram, being the first (though she's actually the second after Hudram) of the Dark Giants to re-awaken in the modern day. She uses dark monsters as henchmen to wreak havoc on Earth as she relentlessly pursues Trigger with her weapons of terrible power: the Carmeara Whip, a whip made from deadly beams, and the fearsome Carmeara Baton.
  • Adaptational Heroism: Unlike Camearra who has a deathbed epiphany but is unable to do any heroic acts, Carmeara in Episode 8 of Decker redeems herself after Trigger, Decker and Yuzare save her from Sphere-Megalothor; going as far as helping defeat Sphere-Megalothor for good and then accompanying Kengo to the Mars Colony to help out the humans there and seemingly even to revive Darrgon and Hudram. This is somewhat justified as she was revived by the Spheres during Decker.
  • Adaptational Personality Change: While both Camearra and Carmeara hold a flame towards their respective Ultras, their personalities differ. Camearra was more composed and tends to make her presence known through her intense gravitas even when acting with murderous intent. While Carmeara in the other hand, is loud and bombastic even with the slightest provocation.
  • Alas, Poor Villain: In spite of all that she did, her last moments are pitiable as she spends her last seconds of life wondering why Trigger/Kengo rejected the darkness and after feeling the warmth of light seemingly realizing for the first time in her life how good it actually is. Ultraman Decker follows this up by showing that Kengo feels outright guilty about not saving her and failing to make her happy.
  • Aliens Among Us: Episode 15 sees the debut of her human form, which she uses to enter TPU's building and spy on GUTS Select's operations.
  • Alternate Self: To Camearra, being the leader of this universe's Dark Giants.
  • Arch-Enemy: To Trigger and Yuzare, she tends to ignore everyone else thanks to her hatred of Yuzare and twisted mixture of hatred and love towards Trigger. After the events of episode 12 she also becomes this to Kengo, with him now being her object of affection and hatred alike.
  • Ax-Crazy: Her first appearance involved her attacking her surroundings in a blind rage upon being freed of her prison and she only gets worse from there out on, having many episodes where she devolves into a screaming maniac upon facing any kind of adversity or frustration.
  • Bad Boss: In her first appearance she uses her whip to beat down Darrgon to get his attention after freeing him from his prison. Though she doesn't shows this side of herself again afterwards until her sanity starts deteriorating at which that point she starts to get irrationally destructive and abusive towards any of her teammates that displease her.
  • Back from the Dead:Is resurrected in her Megalothor form by the Spheres' energy in Ultraman Decker's seventh episode indicated by a wound made to Sphere-Megalothor revealing that Carmeara's still inside the creature.
  • Bad Guys Do the Dirty Work: Kills Hudram after he had barely survived his failed attempt to get the Eternity Core for himself, he had that fate more than coming after all he'd done to not just her and Darrgon but also to countless living beings beforehand such as the Lishurians.
  • The Baroness: Fits the archetype with her Carmeara Whip, curvaceous figure, dominating personality and flirtatious attitude with the hero that is mixed up with her sadism and cruelty.
  • Battle Baton: Her Carmeara Baton can be used as both a blunt weapon as well as means of summoning cyclones to fight with.
  • Battle Couple: A flashback in episode 18 implies that she was this with Trigger Dark before his Heel–Face Turn.
  • Berserk Button:
    • Anything relating to Trigger can set her off into a blind destructive rage, the same can be said of Yuzare. Once she remembers the circumstances, her hatred of Trigger becomes hatred toward Kengo Manaka for being the one who turned Trigger Dark into Trigger and later on causes her to gain twisted affections for the human.
    • Anyone who shows disrespect or disdain for her relationship with Trigger in the past will face her wrath quickly, Hudram's insults towards her love for Trigger serve to drive the two further apart as teammates after the blue Dark Giant starts to splinter off to take over as the main villain.
  • Berserker Tears: While fighting against her in episode 19, Kengo notices that she's crying.
  • Big Bad: Carmeara not only serves as the leader of the Dark Giants, but also as the main source of conflict with her return signaling a new age of hostile Kaiju that she and the other Giants create and command. Her quest for the Eternity Core also drives the plot forward.
  • Big Bad Ensemble: Eventually ends up in one of these with Hudram, as her former teammate defects to try and take over as the main threat by obtaining the Eternity Core all for himself starting from episode 18 to episode 22 where she kills Hudram as payback for betraying her.
  • Black-and-White Insanity: A big flaw of hers is that she sees only absolutes for the light and dark, when Trigger leaves the darkness and becomes a Giant of Light it convinces her that the only way to get back together with him is to turn him back to the darkness against his will and in the finale despite being defeated by Trigger combining his light and darkness by accepting them as parts of himself, she remains convinced he fully abandoned his darkness origins. She comes to better understand the nuances of light and darkness following her resurrection and realizing Kengo found a way to make both forces work in tandem.
  • Boss Subtitles: Captivating Warrior.
  • But Now I Must Go: Leaves Earth after her return and redemption in Decker, though she accompanies Kengo/Trigger to help him out and find a home for herself and the other Dark Giants.
  • Composite Character: She is heavily based on Camearra from her design to her personality, but also takes Tiga's Gathanothor role as the God(dess) of Darkness when she becomes Megalothor in the finale.
  • The Corrupter: She can use a darkness curse to either give a fraction of her darkness power to others such as kaij or corrupt other Ultras such as Trigger and even fellow Dark Giants like Darrgon.
  • Cute and Psycho: Her flirtatious behavior and soft tone when speaking normally, as well as her appearance in her human form all give a "cutely attractive" appearance to her, yet isn't subtle at all when going all out in her psychosis.
  • Dark Action Girl: An evil Ultrawoman who can kick even more ass than her teammates and works as the main threat of the series in both a planning and fighting way.
  • Devour the Dragon:
    • A variation. While Hudram is no longer one of her Co-Dragons by the time of episode 22, she kills the renegade Ultra by disintegrating him and devouring his energy after breaking free of his trap.
    • Episode 23 sees this happen again, this time with the remains of Darrgon, who turned against her and tried to join the heroes beforehand.
  • Died in Your Arms Tonight: Her last moments are spent in Trigger's arms as she slowly dies and dissolves into nothing.
  • Establishing Character Moment: Moments after she's freed from her prison she begins screaming Trigger's name and attacking everything in her sights in a mad rage, showing us from the get-go what kind of unhinged and hero-obsessed foe she'll be.
  • Even Evil Has Loved Ones:
    • For all her psychotic behavior, she genuinely appeared to love Trigger when he was Trigger Dark, she even sounds on the verge of tears of happiness when she successfully brings him back. She also let Trigger Dark be the first to try and take the Eternity Core's power once they locate it. When Trigger turns good and against her, she loses it badly. Later on, Kengo manages to communicate with her for a bit and sees that when she was together with Trigger, she was actually legitimately happy. In her final moments she laments that Trigger left her when she thought that he had abandoned the darkness. But once she returns in Ultraman Decker and turns good, it is this same love she clung on to that motivates her turn to good.
    • She did show care for her teammates, being willing to playfully tease and mess with them while seeking to rule the universe with them as her equals or at least as close underlings. Even though her relationship with Darrgon and Hudram ends with her killing them both indirectly and directly, respectively, once she is freed from Megalothor and has a change of heart she shows the intent to resurrect her deceased teammates by bringing out their formerly absorbed essences while hoping to find a place where they belong.
  • Evil Is Hammy: As Carmeara's sanity deteriorates as the series progresses, she can't resist indulging in mad laughter and constantly shouting Trigger's, and later Kengo's name at the most bombastic moment possible.
    Carmeara: Kengo... Kengo... KENGO MANAKA!!!
  • Evil Is Petty: Corrupting Darrgon and trying to sic him on Yuna to force him to kill her is all kinds of petty and unnecessarily cruel, especially given that Darrgon had tried his best to keep the Dark Giants united and only called it quits after Hudram's betrayal and her killing of his teammate.
  • Fatal Flaw: Carmeara's obsession towards Trigger, and by extension Kengo. Carmeara went off the deep end when Trigger shed his dark form 30 million years ago. And spends most of the present-day terrorizing the Earth to draw Trigger out and turn him back to the dark side. As the series progresses, her obsession towards Kengo/Trigger would alienate even her fellow Dark Giants; with Hudram attempting to overthrow her for letting it hold back their goal in obtaining the Eternity Core. Even Darrgon isn't safe from her wrath when he's appalled upon learning of her killing Hudram. Finally, it's this very obsession that makes her unable to see at first that Kengo genuinely wants to help her. It takes her dying and being resurrected to finally see that Kengo wanted to help her all along and never intended to make her feel abandoned like she did when Trigger turned good.
  • Faux Affably Evil: Looks far more reasonable than Hudram at first, with a polite tone to her enemies but like her fellow Dark Giant the pretense lasts as long as she feels satisfied with the situation, take away that aspect and she devolves into a raging maniac.
  • Get A Hold Of Yourself Man: Slaps Hudram to calm him down when the latter was enraged by his interrupted duel with Trigger.
  • Gold-Colored Superiority: Is colored a bright gold and acts as the leader of the Dark Giants who is implicitly the most powerful of them.
  • Gone Horribly Right: Her plan to revive Trigger Dark using her curse succeeds, but it brings him back as a mindless berserker rather than their ally and leads to a chain of events that merges him with Ignis, giving the Dark Giants yet another foe to look out for and completely depriving her of her lover again.
  • Heel–Face Turn: After being saved by Trigger and then having a conversation with him regarding her last words to him in episode 8 of Ultraman Decker, she turns good and even helps defeat Sphere-Megalothor for good. She then joins Kengo in defending the Mars Colony from the Sphere invasion and implicitly seeks to revive Darrgon and Hudram, whose essences/spirits she still has but spat out.
  • Hypocrite: Mocks Darrgon for his love of humans, despite her own attachment to Trigger and the human, Kengo. And this is also after she was furious at Hudram mocking her for similar reasons (her obsessive love of Trigger).
  • Impossibly-Low Neckline: Not a straight-up example since she doesn't wear any clothing, but her design gives off shades of this trope as her arms have armor pads on them that when combined with the golden lines on her chest give off the impression of her wearing a coat with a very low neckline, especially when viewed from behind.
  • Irony:
    • In her first episodes she somewhat worked as a voice of reason to her teammates and would get them in line for their plans, especially the mostly disinterested Darrgon. As the series progresses she loses that position to Darrgon himself, who develops into someone far more level-headed than her.
    • In Hudram's first appearance she and Darrgon restrained him to prevent him from destroying Earth in a fit of rage and even slapped him into calming down. In episode 12 she gets restrained and dragged away before she can start destroying things in a blind rage by Hudram and Darrgon.
  • Know When to Fold 'Em: In episode 14 she surrenders upon realizing just how outmatched the Dark Giants currently are against the Absolutians.
  • Lady of War: Works as the leader of the Dark Giants and is powerful enough that she manages to overwhelm Trigger several times in fair fights.
  • Laughing Mad: Is prone to maniacal insane laughter at intervals, usually as a reaction to Trigger's name or remembering about their time as a couple when Trigger was Trigger Dark. Overlaps with Noblewoman's Laugh.
  • Large Ham: As a stark contrast to her inspiration, Carmeara is outwardly animated and hysterical at her most unhinged moments.
  • The Leader: Of the Dark Giants, being the one commanding their actions and the most interested in their goal of finding the Eternity Core.
  • Lightning Lash: The Carmeara Whip, her signature weapon that she employs to fight her opponents with, is an energy/electric whip which can be used to smack her foes at long or mid-range.
  • Light Is Not Good: She's colored a bright golden/silver with some black undertones but is not a good Ultra at all. Subverted in Ultraman Decker.
  • Mask of Sanity: While not as affable as Darrgon, she is outwardly less psychotic than Hudram often calmly talking to foes even as she taunts them. This mask doesn't lasts long the second she grows frustrated with the situations or reminisces about her past with Trigger.
  • Monster Lord: She can create and control evil kaiju such as Golba, up to and including using them as meat shields. She can also empower existing kaiju with her energy.
  • Ms. Fanservice: A lighter example than most but between her attractive design, tendency to get close to Trigger's face and love for physical contact with her enemy she is easily this. Even in her human form, she has a seductive air with her black almost skin-tight clothing.
  • Mythology Gag:
    • She shows a blatant attraction to Trigger and asks if he "missed" her in the first episode, not unlike how Camearra in Tiga with the titular Ultra. She was also once Trigger Dark's lover just as Camearra was Tiga Dark's lover herself.
    • Her fight with Trigger takes place in the middle of ancient Ultra ruins, just like Camearra's and Tiga's climactic fight in The Final Odyssey.
    • Like her inspiration, she was once the hero's lover when the latter was evil in the past and was turned to stone by him once he made his turn to the light, and like Camearra she comes to be obsessed with her old flame and his reincarnation in the present.
    • In episode 23 she gains a One-Winged Angel form after taking the Eternity Core's power, named Megalothor not unlike her inspiration's own mutated form, Demonthor.
  • Nice Job Fixing It, Villain: Episodes 11-12 shows that she's responsible for Trigger's turn to the light and Trigger's and the Dark Giants' sealing by unknowingly sending Kengo into the past through her curse, giving him the opportunity to bond with Trigger Dark and bring him to the light, and giving Yuzare the conviction to empower Trigger with a piece of the Eternity Core, causing the Dark Giants and Trigger to petrify.
  • Not So Above It All: Usually acted as the most level-headed of the Dark Giants and as a dead-serious woman, yet in episode 7 she takes the chance to tease and chastise Hudram for having been defeated last episode by Trigger in a rather childish manner.
  • No Sense of Personal Space: She never quite tries to keep her distance with Trigger when fighting him, sometimes she even goes as far as cupping his face and pulling it close to her in a flirtatious manner. She was also this way with Trigger Dark in the past.
  • One-Winged Angel: In episode 23 she gains a brand-new demonic form after absorbing a part of the Eternity Core's power: Megalothor, which is decidedly monstrous and visceral.
  • The Ophelia: On the surface, Carmeara is attractive in both her Ultra and human forms, while at the same time she is already off her rocker.
  • Pet the Dog: Episode 11 shows that she allowed Trigger Dark to be the first one to take the power of the Eternity Core once they had found it, which ended up backfiring on her when that allowed Kengo to turn Trigger to the light.
  • Pragmatic Villainy: She secretly helps GUTS-Select in repelling the Absolutians out of Trigger's world merely to keep them from reaching the Eternity Core.
  • Pretender Diss: In episode 17 she dismisses the now separate Trigger Dark controlled by Ignis, regarding him as a mere faker and inferior copy of her beloved Trigger.
  • Psychopathic Womanchild: She is an adult in both human and Ultraman standards, yet is shown to be extremely emotionally immature beneath her pretenses of seriousness and stability. More notably is that later on she starts to downright throw tantrums at the slightest thing gone wrong in her plans.
  • Redemption Equals Life: In Ultraman Decker when given a second chance after Trigger, Decker and Yuzare free her from Megalothor she takes it and later on joins the heroes to not only defeat the resurrected dark God but also to aid Kengo/Trigger on Mars and resurrect her deceased teammates so they all can find a place where they belong allowing her to have a happy ending.
  • Sanity Slippage: A gradual one that only gets worse starting from episode 12, where Trigger Dark is separated from the original Trigger and then destroyed; with her being so furious at Kengo taking her Trigger away from her that any facade of stability erodes slowly as she grows more and more obsessed with what she lost.
  • Say My Name:
    • Often shouts Trigger's name in anger, as a means of showing how hurt she was (and still is) by his turn to good and leaving her.
    • After episode 12 she starts doing the same with Kengo. Showing that he's now become the target of her twisted affections.
  • Sealed Evil in a Can: Was sealed for 30 million years into a stone statue before being freed.
  • Ship Tease: Ultraman Decker hints some legitimate moments for her and Kengo/Trigger after her status as a Yandere in Trigger, Kengo is determined to save her when she turns up alive within Sphere-Megalothor and once he does the two embrace and have a tender conversation and even work together in battle (alongside Decker) to destroy Megalothor not unlike they did back when Trigger was Trigger Dark.
  • Shout-Out: Her name alludes to Cthylla from the Cthulhu Mythos just like Camearra's name in Tiga.
  • Smug Snake: At her worst she's very vindictive, cruel and arrogant; these traits are more shown when she is losing it over Trigger's turn to the light.
  • Took a Level in Jerkass: By the end of Trigger her kind behavior evaporates and is replaced by an increasingly foul mood and unstable behavior that translates to bursts of violence towards her teammates and outright murder of them when sufficently pissed.
  • Unholy Matrimony: She and Trigger Dark used to be a couple in the past and Carmeara genuinely loved Trigger enough to let him have the honors of taking the Eternity Core first when they found it. Trigger's turn to the light left her rather... unhinged for her former lover.
  • Villainesses Want Heroes:
    • Similar to her inspiration, she holds a flame for Trigger in spite of being enemies. This is a leftover from the days where she and Trigger were an item.
    • Episode 17 all but states that she now holds a torch for Kengo as well.
  • Villainous Breakdown:
    • In episode 12, Once the light-aligned Trigger appears before Trigger Dark and then gains his Glitter Eternity form and starts overwhelming them and Trigger Dark she loses it and starts screaming Kengo Manaka's name while swearing she'll get her revenge on him as she is dragged away by the other Dark Giants to safety.
    • The following episodes show that her sanity is slowly deteriorating, to the point that Hudram ends up unimpressed enough to ditch her side and try to take over as main villain, while Darrgon vainly tries to keep things together.
    • By episode 23 any and all pretenses of her sanity vanishes as she grows crueler due to Hudram's betrayal, culminating in her brainwashing Darrgon to become a mindless berserker and then absorbing both his power and the Eternity Core's, transforming herself into the monstrous Megalothor.
  • Woman Scorned: It was only implied with her way of speaking to Trigger and disappointment at him not being "happy" to see her as well as Yuzare's presence. But episode 11 revealed this is indeed the case, as she and Trigger Dark, which was Trigger's original form, were once lovers and she was furious once Trigger turned good thanks to Kengo awakening his inner light, even if she still holds a torch for him long after.
  • Yandere: She is attracted to Trigger since they were lovers when he was Trigger Dark and reacts violently to seeing Yuzare protecting his statue on the temple of Mars.

The Evil God
Megalothor's Second Form 
Carmeara's monster form, which she obtains after absorbing the darkness power of her teammates and then a fraction of the Eternity Core. It is a visceral and horrifying monster, one fated to plunge the world into eternal darkness and the final threat of the show. Later on it evolves into an even stranger form very similar to the original Gathanothor.
  • Animal Motifs: Like Tiga's own Final Boss, Gathanothor, it has an ammonite motif. It becomes more pronounced in its second form.
  • Back from the Dead: In the seventh episode of Ultraman Decker, Carmeara resurrects herself in this form with the energy of the Spheres and her own leftover essence. She gains the Sphere Kaiju's trademark Sphere parts but isn't under their control unlike their other assimilees.
  • Boss Subtitles: "The Evil God".
  • Casting a Shadow: Like Gathanothor it creates a dark mist that covers the entire world and threatens to engulf the entire universe over time extinguishing all light.
  • The Dreaded: Many of Earth's monsters are shown fleeing in a panic upon feeling Megalothor's advent.
  • Eldritch Abomination: Not unlike its inspiration Megalothor is an otherwordly, strange and incomprehensible horror that seeks to destroy the universe and all its light.
  • Final Boss: After disposing of Hudram and then having Darrgon killed, Carmeara becomes the final threat of the show when she becomes this abomination with a part of the Eternity Core's power.
  • Mix-and-Match Critters: Has crustacean pincers, cephalopod tentacles and an ammonite/snail's shell along with assorted monstruous traits all over its body in its second form.
  • Morphic Resonance: She might now be a terrifying non-humanoid monster, but Megalothor retains notable traits of Carmeara, predominantly her horns/ears, ribbon-like structures on her cheeks and her face's tear-like groove structures. Even in its second form it still features Carmeara's facial features despite its much more otherwordly and strange appearance.
  • Mythology Gag:
  • One-Winged Angel: Carmeara's mutated form after she took the Eternity Core.
  • Resurrective Immortality: Enough of her darkness and essence remained after her death that she was able to bring herself back from the dead with that and the Spheres' energy.



Portrayed by: Shunichi Maki (voice)
The Herculean Fighter
One of the Dark Giants that appear on Earth with Carmeara and Hudram. He is re-awakened in the present by Carmeara to continue their previous rampages. Darrgon is a brutish fighter cut from military cloth, values raw strength above all else and lives only for the thrill of the fight. His special move, the “Fire Beat Crusher”, sends shockwaves of flame driving through the earth with tremendous destructive power. Out of the four Dark Giants, Darrgon is the most chivalrous; he values the strength and courage of opponents willing to challenge him quite highly, and detests cowardly tactics in battle, striving to fight fairly even when his incredible strength clearly outmatches that of his target.
  • Adaptational Curves: His design sports a much more muscular body than that of Darramb, complimented by his more extensive armor.
  • Adaptational Heroism: Darramb and Darrgon both are slightly less psychotic than their teammates from the start, but whereas Darramb stayed an unrepetant villain to the bitter end, Dargon actually tries to turn to the side of good after his Character Development.
  • A Day in the Limelight:
    • Episode 10 has a surprisingly high amount of focus on him, as he deals with his growing feelings for Yuna and understanding of human emotions.
    • Episode 23 once again focuses greatly on him as he culminates his Character Development of learning the true strength of humans and that of someone's wish to protect a loved one, all which result in his attempted turn to good, sadly Carmeara brainwashes him and forces the heroes to Mercy Kill him.
  • Affably Evil: Out of the three giants, Darrgon's the most polite to his enemies, even being willing to end fights if his foes manage to impress him without necessarily having to defeat or overcome him.
  • Alternate Self: Of Darramb being a red-colored brute strength-favoring Dark Giant.
  • Amazon Chaser: Develops a crush on Yuna as a result of her standing up to him and slapping him.
  • Anti-Villain: Doesn't starts out as one, but as the series progresses he turns into a Type B before leaving the villain part altogether. He gradually shows a disinterest in the Eternity Core itself and shows more interest in finding and fighting a Worthy Rival than anything else.
  • Baritone of Strength: His deep voice is befitting of his bulky and heavyset appearance, as well as his general love of battling and toughness.
  • Blue Oni, Red Oni: His dynamic with Hudram. Ironically enough he is the Blue Oni despite his red color scheme, having the calmest personality of the Dark Giants, standards and honor in contrast to Hudram's raging sociopathy and extreme anger issues.
  • Boss Subtitles: "Herculean Fighter".
  • Blood Knight: He loves a good fight, especially if his opponent can match or even surpass his strength, ironically he is not quite deranged and even shows enough restraint and calm to quit a match without immediately resorting to having it end lethally.
  • Brainwashed and Crazy: In episode 23 he gets mind controlled by Carmeara after he attempts to defect following Hudram's betrayal and his death at Carmeara's hands, he can briefly fight it off in order to keep himself from harming Yuna but eventually requests to be killed by GUTS Select as he feels he'd fully succumb to the darkness eventually.
  • Bruiser with a Soft Center: As his Character Development sets in, Darrgon becomes this as it is shown that beneath his tough persona and exterior lies a genuinely caring heart for those that Darrgon considers his friends. When he tries turning to the side of good, he proves to have enough of a soft center that he can stop himself from harming Yuna and snap out of Carmeara's corruption long enough to request being killed before the darkness fully devours his soul.
  • The Brute: His role within the Dark Giants. He focuses his skills on strength and durability, preferring to overwhelm his opposition with his bare hands. Interestingly enough, his actual personality plays the trope in spades, as he has moments of deeper thinking and is quite calmer than his two companions by the latter half of the series he even starts to take up the role of the meditator of the Dark Giants and is pretty much the Only Sane Man following Carmeara's sanity taking a nosedive after Trigger and Trigger Dark are separated and she loses her lover for good.
  • Character Development: He starts out as a battle-obsessed brute that blindly charges into battle on Carmeara's orders and views humans as puny weaklings to push around, then a series of events relating to his growing feelings for Yuna start softening up that aspect of his and even leads to him learning how strong humans can truly be out of their determination, to the point that he even starts being more careful and calculated about confronting the heroes. Later episodes show that he's also grown disappointed and disillusioned in the other Dark Giants and by episode 23 tries to defect to the side of good after realizing how fallen off the deep end Carmeara is.
  • Co-Dragons: To Carmeara alongside Hudram, being subservient to her yet equals each in the hierarchy.
  • Composite Character: His turn to good being motivated by love for a woman that once acted as his enemy ironically resembles Ultraman Tiga's own motivation to turn to the light. Difference is that Darrgon doesn't lives after his turn to good, though that might change after Carmeara's return in Ultraman Decker. To drive it further, Tiga fell in love with Yuzare while in this series, Darrgon fell in love with the descendant of his universe's version of Yuzare.
  • The Comically Serious: Introduced whilst sealed upside-down, with his head stuck in the ground and legs in the air. There's also his disastrous attempts at wooing Yuna and accidentally waking up Zaragas when he pounds the floor in frustration in episode 10.
  • Does Not Know His Own Strength: In episode 10 he gives "headpats" to Yuna which end up hurting her badly because he applies force to them even though he's being as gentle as he can possibly try to be.
  • Establishing Character Moment: He's introduced being freed from his prison by Carmeara and forcefully woken up as well, afterwards he is spurred by his superior to attack Trigger to resume their rivalry, with him declaring his intent to fight his Worthy Opponent. Showcasing his slightly less psychotic streak and his eagerness to fight Trigger for being his Worthy Opponent.
  • Et Tu, Brute?: In episode 23, Darrgon is horrified to find out that Carmeara had killed and absorbed Hudram, that act is the one that pushes him to fully abandon the Dark Giants before Carmeara brainwashes him. Later, when Carmeara intensifies and regains control of him, Darrgon is visibly shocked by it even questioning Carmeara about her actions.
    "You would defile even my last wish, Carmeara?"
  • Even Evil Has Standards: Has a code honor that leads to him detesting dirty tactics and preferring to fight all the time honorably. He never tries to cheat in his duel against Trigger and only fights him on even terms.
  • Evil Cannot Comprehend Good: Played with. He initially is bewildered by love and can't grasp the concept so he sets out to find out by acting on his feelings for Yuna, then is completely dismissive of the possibility of there being more than physical strength, but once he sees Akito and Yuna in action he ends up seemingly having his views genuinely challenged and he leaves the scene reflecting on his newly-gained knowledge.
  • Fair-Play Villain: In the fifth episode, in spite of being able to simply grow giant and take Yuna without much resistance, Darrgon opts to turn human-sized and fight her and Akito on even terms.
  • Foil: To Hudram. Hudram has a slender build, is blue-colored, is outwardly cold and calculating but when provoked with even the slightest of setbacks devolves into a raging maniac; furthermore he cares about no one and gradually worsens as the series progresses. Darrgon has a heavyweight build, is red-colored, and appears outwardly to be strong and dumb but beneath that persona lies someone capable of thinking things through greatly, shows care for others and while prone to freaking out, can calm himself down. Similarly Darrgon adheres to a code of honor, while Hudram will fight dirty for the sake of an advantage at any time.
  • Genius Bruiser: In spite of mostly focusing on strength, Darrgon is also quite collected and intelligent demonstrated by his pragmatism and relative calm compared to his teammates.
  • Heel–Face Door-Slam: Episode 23 sees him try and turn to the side of good after realizing how much of a lost cause the Dark Giants as a team are but Carmeara brainwashes him into a mindless berserker and forces his newly-made friends to kill him.
  • Heel Realization: He slowly comes to realize just how much of a hopeless lost cause his side is and tries to defect by Episode 23 after hearing that Carmeara killed Hudram. Unfortunately, she had other plans.
  • Heroic Willpower: In episode 23 Darrgon is able to fight off Carmeara's corruption by virtue of caring too much about Yuna to truly harm her even in his brainwashed state. Even when Carmeara intensifies her control later on, he is able to fight it off multiple times and long enough to request being killed.
  • Hidden Depths: Looks like nothing but a battle-obsessed meathead at first who lacks the smarts and cunning of his teammates, but once left to his own devices to figure out his feelings on Yuna he shows a surprising amount of analytical thought, having conversations with himself and reflecting on his own ideals when they end up challenged. By the end of Episode 10 he's even gotten to recognizing the strength of human hearts and the will to protect others.
  • Horned Humanoid: Has two horns on his head's sides complimenting his forehead crest and general attitude as the strongarm of the Dark Giants.
  • Horrible Judge of Character: He naively trusts Hudram in episode 22 when the latter invites him and Carmeara to talk things out despite Hudram in the recent episodes showing that he absolutely is not trustworthy nor considers him or Carmeara friends. It bites him hard when Hudram uses the meeting as an ambush to keep him and Carmeara out of his business.
  • Humans Are Insects: He initially sees humans as puny little beings that are beneath notice, but once he is taught a bit about the strength of the heart of humans when seeing Akito fight hard to protect Yuna from Zaragas, he starts seeing more to them than he thought before and eventually drops this view altogether coming to see humans as the legitimately dangerous beings they can be.
  • I Cannot Self-Terminate: In episode 23, after he's been brainwashed again by Carmeara following fighting off her brainwashing at first, Darrgon asks for GUTS Select to kill him before he can hurt Yuna, as he can't destroy himself. Akito reluctantly does so.
  • Insecure Love Interest: Though Yuna is never shown to return his feelings, Darrgon acts like this towards her with him not being sure if they could actually be together as revealed in episode 18 with the Kyrieloid-induced delusion.
  • The Juggernaut: Even in human size most weapons don't do anything besides pushing and mildly annoying him. In giant form he can shrug off several hits that would kill or greatly harm other kaiju or Ultras. His death is borderline Rasputinian as he has to be hit with an extremely powerful attack from the Nursedessei, which itself has to ram its entire body into Darrgon's chest while the latter willingly lets himself be killed to be freed of his corruption and it still takes some seconds for Darrgon to actually die.
  • Know When to Fold 'Em: Episode 17 has him stop Carmeara's would-be rampage by stating that humans are far stronger than she thinks and advices her to cut their losses and flee to fight another day.
  • Last Words: "My Friend" said in episode 23, those are Darrgon's last words towards Akito as he is destroyed by the Nursedessei with the Ribut Key showing that he truly had come to see him and the heroes as his friends.
  • A Lighter Shade of Black:
    • Unlike his viciously psychotic teammates, Darrgon shows a lot less outright malice and only really seems interested in fighting Trigger because he considers the Ultra a Worthy Opponent, he even ends their first fight because he had been impressed enough by Trigger's Deracium Beam to call it a day and leave and later does the same when Yuna stands up to him. Episode 17 also sees him stop Carmeara from getting into a needless fight with GUTS Select after Metsu-Orochi's defeat and her clash with Trigger Dark, noting how humans are not weak and can definitely take her down when working together.
    • Also whereas his teammates are vicious enough that they won't quit unless they get forced to do so by their opponents or sometimes not unless someone else comes to restrain them, all Darrgon really needs is for his foes to give him a good fight.
    • Episode 10 sees him being rather calm in dealing with foes while he processes his feelings for Yuna, even calmly leaving the scene while declaring Akito his Worthy Opponent, in stark contrast to how either Carmeara or Hudram handle their own feelings.
    • Episodes 19 to 21 shows that he's so dedicated to his team that even as Carmeara's sanity deteriorates to worse levels, all he wants is for his allies to remain together to fulfill their goals. Likewise when Hudram and Carmeara fight in episode 19 he tries to break up their fight to no avail.
  • Minion with an F in Evil: The second half of the series sees him turn into this when he takes up the role of the Dark Giants' mediator due to his teammates growing more and more insane with each episode, with him being too busy trying to keep his teammates under control he can't really help Carmeara's goals any further and eventually stops even contributing to them in any meaningfully evil way, and that's before his turn to good.
  • Mythology Gag:
    • His first fight with Trigger takes place underwater just like that of his original counterpart, Darramb.
    • Darramb was good friends with Tiga and had a habit of calling Tiga "My Friend" even when they had to fight, here Darrgon regards Trigger as a Worthy Opponent and unlike his partners doesn't seem interested in killing him, suggesting a fondness for Trigger. Episode 10 even reveals that they were once sparring partners when Trigger was Trigger Dark, furthening this.
      • His last words were "My friend", in reference to the above.
  • Noble Demon: He's got his fair share of virtues compared to his purely vicious teammates:
    • He respects his foe's strength, recognizes when they put up a good fight, makes sure to fight them on even terms, and is even willing to stop fighting if impressed enough.
    • Unlike his teammates, he comes to genuinely respect the strength of "puny humans" and realize the true strength of one's desire to protect someone they care for, respecting the heroes for it.
  • Noble Demon: Starts out as a villainous Dark Giant who nonetheless shows a more honorable side to himself than that of his teammates and is shown to have many virtues that he's willing to stick to even when he's got the upper hand.
  • No Good Deed Goes Unpunished:
    • He tries to help a wounded Trigger Dark back on his feet on episode 12, he gets attacked for it. It's even more notable since Kengo did so before but wasn't met with the same violent response.
    • His attempts to keep his team together do nothing but backfire on him, first his attempts to reassure Hudram that the Giants should stay together despite Carmeara's deteriorating sanity end up causing the former to go rogue and later on when he tries to make them all talk things out in episode 22, it just leads to Hudram capturing him and Carmeara while betraying them to their faces and subsequently breaks Carmeara's trust which leads to a chain of events resulting in Darrgon's death just as he had finally decided to turn good.
  • No-Sell:
    • In his debut episode he takes Trigger's Deracium Beam without issue or injuries, and even enjoys the attack as proof of Trigger's power, he simply leaves afterwards because he's satisfied with the fight that Trigger gave him.
    • In episode 5 he fights both Yuna and Akito while human-sized and despite them fighting him with all they got including their GUTS Sparklences, he is unfazed by their assaults and leaves the fight purely because he was impressed enough by their courage.
    • Episode 10 sees him once again be unfazed by all of Kengo's, Yuna's and Akito's attacks simply punching them aside (even the lasers). Even Yuna's taser does little to him besides mildly annoying him.
  • No Social Skills: For all his expertise in battle and destruction, Darrgon sucks at everything social interaction-related, he is utterly oblivious to how his aggressive flirting fails to woo Yuna even with her blatantly making her uncomfortableness with him clear. Later on he shows that even asking for friendship showings is something he does not excel at.
  • Not in This for Your Revolution: Downplayed as he does show at times to be on the same goal wavelength as his teammates but he shows the least interest in the Eternity Core out of the Dark Giants, for the most part he just wants a chance to fight Trigger and Carmeara needs to pretty much motivate him to go along in her plans.
  • Only Sane Man: Between Carmeara's Yandere tendencies and Hudram's Hair-Trigger Temper, Darrgon is pretty much the only well-adjusted and composed member of the group. It only gets even more reinforced as Carmeara slowly suffers a Villainous Breakdown throughout the series, by episode 17 it's Darrgon who has to calm her down instead of the opposite and he talks her out of getting into an unnecessary fight with GUTS Select. By episode 21 it's clear that he's the only Dark Giant with any sanity left on his team.
  • Pet the Dog:
    • In episode 5 he leaves Yuna and Akito alone after Yuna stands up to him, in spite of him having no real reason to call it quits since he had so far been taking everything they threw at him without effort.
    • Episode 10 sees him save Yuna and Akito from a falling Zaragas and even recognizes Akito as a Worthy Opponent in the end rather than dismiss him as a puny human.
    • In episode 12 he tries to help a fallen Trigger Dark back to his feet, but gets attacked for his troubles.
    • In episode 22 he tries to make peace with his group's increased instability and infighting by trying to have everyone talk things out. Too bad it was all a plot of Hudram to trap him and Carmeara.
  • The Power of Love: He briefly overwhelms Carmeara's control to save Yuna from his own rampage. Unfortunately, even his newfound love for humans wasn't enough to stop Carmeara from regaining control over him forcing him to ask to be killed while he resists her brainwashing as much as possible before he can fully succumb.
  • Token Good Teammate: He slowly turns into one of these as a result of his Character Development, whereas his fellow Dark Giants gradually worsen as the series progresses, becoming viler and crueler, Darrgon starts to take several levels in kindness as he learns from humanity and grows to genuinely care for Yuna, admiring the strength of humanity's hearts and the light. This culminates in his Heel Realization by episode 23 and he opts to defect from Carmeara's side once he fully realizes that his side is a lost cause, unfortunately Carmeara won't let him walk away that easily.
  • Red and Black and Evil All Over: His color scheme is this, and he's an evil member of a destructive trio of Ultras. This goes away in episode 23, but he dies before he can fully become a good guy.
  • Redemption Equals Death: By episode 23 he basically turns into a good guy after going through severe Character Development and dies using what little willpower he can muster up to stop himself from harming Yuna, letting GUTS Select destroy him at his own request.
  • Red Eyes, Take Warning: In episode 23 Darrgon's brainwashing is indicated by him having dark red eyes in place of his normal ones, they're also notable enough that Yuna figures out something is amiss about him due to their change.
  • Red Is Violent: A red-clad Ultra who favors brute strength and is evil, he also desires to fight Trigger and will go through big lengths to force his Worthy Opponent to confront him. It's later downplayed as he starts going through Character Development and starts curbing his most violent tendencies as he becomes a more thoughtful and placid being.
  • Sacrificial Lion: His death marks a shift from the series' generally lighthearted tone to an appropriately serious one just in time for the final episodes where Carmeara finally executes her plan and prepares her deadliest scheme by transforming into Megalothor and threatening to drown the universe in darknes by corrupting the Eternity Core.
  • Sealed Evil in a Can: Much like the rest of the Dark Giants he was sealed for 30 million years (in the Moon) and is the third one to awaken after Carmeara and Hudram, being personally woken up by his leader at the start of the second episode.
  • Shockwave Stomp: His strength lets him create shockwaves by stomping the ground, even human sized he can cause tremors. He can also employ his punches for that purpose.
  • Shoo Out the Clowns: His death precedes the high-stakes final two-parter of the show, serving to establish how dire and serious things will get for the climax by removing a source of comedy from the antagonists' side.
  • Shout-Out: He's named after Father Dagon of the Cthulhu Mythos like his counterpart, Darramb.
  • Something about a Rose: In episode 18, he hallucinates Yuna giving him a white rose, and is later seen staring at it back at the Dark Giants' underwater lair. It disappears when he tosses it to the side to stop Carmeara and Hudram from fighting, leading him to realize something is messing with their minds.
  • Stalker with a Crush: Turns into one in episode 10, where he follows Yuna in her daily life due to his growing love for her, Ignis takes notice to give him some bad romantic advice while he's at it.
  • Super-Strength: Darrgon is a formidable fighter thanks to his immense strength, even by Ultraman standards. It takes Trigger accessing Power Type to match his strength. Even in human size he's able to casually stop and push a 20,000 ton kaiju like Zaragas with no effort on his part, with one finger.
  • Torso with a View: His death, via the Nursedessei tunneling through his midsection. That's gonna leave a mark...
  • Unwitting Pawn: Episode 10 sees him getting played by Ignis like a chump, falling for all the terrible advice of the treasure hunter and being tricked into looking like a massive creep and far less desirable to Yuna than he was even before all while making him think that his actions are going to make her love him.
  • Villain: Exit, Stage Left: Satisfied with his duel with Trigger in episode 2, Darrgon leaves after he withstands the Deracium Claw Impact, swearing to return to fight Trigger again.
  • Villainous Crush: Turns out Yuna not only earned his respect, but she also managed to earn his affections.
  • Villain Respect: In Episode 5 he grows major respect for Yuna thanks to her standing up to him even when the odds were not in her favor. Episode 10 sees him grow respect for Akito as well, thanks to him being able to stand his ground against him and protecting Yuna out of love, declaring him his new Worthy Opponent.
  • Villain Takes an Interest: As of episode 5 he starts getting interested in humanity as a whole, starting with developing feelings for Yuna and later on learning that humans are far from the weaklings he thought them to be at the start of the series, to the point that he even observes and analyzes the fights of GUTS Select to better learn about humans.
  • We Will Meet Again: As he leaves the scene in episode 2, Darrgon swears to return in order to fight Trigger again.
  • What Is This Thing You Call "Love"?: After he falls in love with Yuna, he ends up bewildered and confused by these feelings, enough that Ignis is able to play him like a fiddle and make him look like a creep by giving him terrible romantic advice.
  • Worthy Opponent:
    • He sees Trigger as this, and in his debut goes through great lengths to force the latter to fight him, his desire to fight Trigger also serves as his main motivation for serving Carmeara apparently even more than finding the Eternity Core.
    • As of episode 10 he declares Akito as his Worthy Opponent as well... In the "fight" for Yuna's heart.



Portrayed by: Ryosuke Takahashi (voice)
The Agile Tactician
One of the Dark Giants that appears on Earth with Carmeara and Darrgon, being the third to show himself, but having awakened 100 years ago. He is comparatively weak, but what he lacks in strength, he makes up for with his nimble maneuvering and brutal cunning on the battlefield. His specialty is psychological warfare, provoking his opponent’s emotions and using their own mind against them. The Hudrast, a slashing, vacuumous wave released from the blade on his arm, overwhelms his enemies with a powerful wind.
  • Adaptational Villainy: Hudra was already vile and cruel as he was; but Hudram is even worse lacking any possible redeeming qualities Hudra might've had. He even eventually betrays Carmeara and tries to take the Eternity Core to cover the Universe in darkness all for his own ends.
  • Aliens Speaking English: A justified example, he's been awake for 100 years and has likely learned the languages of human civilizations in the process.
  • Alternate Self: Of Hudra, being a blue-colored rash and violent Ultra with a burning hatred of Trigger.
  • Arch-Enemy: To Ignis, who loathes Hudram for committing genocide on his people and is the most personally afflicted foe of the Dark Giant.
  • Arm Cannon: Can shoot a powerful wind energy called Hudrast from his blade.
  • Berserk Button: Things not going his way make him lose his temper.
  • The Berserker: Appears to be his role within the Dark Giants, contrasting Carmeara's collected ire and Darrgon's calmer demeanor, Hudram is far more actively vicious and is quick to devolve into petty rampages at the slightest provocation.
  • Big Bad Ensemble: From episode 18 to 22 he ascends to a major antagonistic position, clashing with Carmeara over their wish to obtain the Eternity Core up until he's killed by Carmeara.
  • Big Bad Wannabe: He tries to take over as main villain starting from episode 18, after growing disillusioned with Carmeara's obsession with Trigger, but while he comes close to actually achieving victory he is eventually defeated by Trigger Dark to the point that he can barely even pose a threat afterwards, being left battered and limping away pathetically before Carmeara finishes him off.
  • Blade Below the Shoulder: The blade on his right arm, the Dagger Hudram, can be folded back before preparing for a strike.
  • Blood Knight: Hudram really loves a good fight especially if he's allowed to cause bloodshed with it.
  • Blue Oni, Red Oni: His dynamic with Darrgon. Ironically enough he is the Red Oni despite his blue color scheme, being an extremely psychotic and violent person while Darrgon is calmer and more collected.
  • Boss Subtitles: "Agile Tactician".
  • But for Me, It Was Tuesday: Whatever went down between him and Ignis ended with the latter hating his guts, but Hudram himself doesn't really remember even meeting Ignis at least until the later angrily reminds him of that event. It's later revealed that the event was the full genocide of the Lishurians, in which he left a younger Ignis all alone to mourn his deceased people as Hudram took off to another world in which to spread misery.
  • Catchphrase: One in Gratuitous English: "Excellent!"note 
  • Co-Dragons: To Carmeara alongside Darrgon, being subservient to her yet equals each in the hierarchy. He starts slipping out of this role in episode 18, however, as he grows disillusioned with his boss and starts branching off to become independent of her. By episode 20, he fully leaves it to try and take over as the main villain.
  • Combat Pragmatist: Hudram cares nothing for honor in the battlefield and will gladly take every chance he can to gain an upper hand through dirty means.
  • Composite Character:
    • His design takes primarily after Hudra, but also has physical characteristics of the Kyrieloids from Tiga such as the white parts running through his body.
    • Personality wise, he combines Hudra's violence and anger with Ultraman Tregear's polite veneer and tendency towards psychological warfare.
  • Cruel Mercy: He spared Ignis from the genocide of the Lishurians... Simply because he didn't care enough to finish him off and instead was content with just leaving him wallowing in misery.
  • Disappointed in You: He is really sore about Trigger no longer being (in his words) "elegant" as he was in the past. In other words, he disapproves of Trigger's Heel–Face Turn.
  • Establishing Character Moment: Hudram is introduced ambushing Kengo and Akito with his super-speed and kidnapping Yuna, then he tries to force his captive into revealing the location of the Eternity Core to him by putting on a nice facade that fades away instantly, showing us the kind of not-quite polite villain he is.
  • Even Evil Can Be Loved: Despite being completely depraved and someone who couldn't care less about his teammates, they in turn show fondness for him, Darrgon is mortified when Carmeara reveals that she killed him and in Ultraman Decker Carmeara shows that she still has Hudram's spirit and implicitly seeks to revive him out of fondness after her redemption.
  • Evil Cannot Comprehend Good: Is dumbfounded when he loses to Ignis, who was empowered by Kengo, Yuna and Akito's cheers.
    Hudram: Your friends' cheers made you stronger?! What a load of bull!
  • Evil Is Petty:
    • He is by far the pettiest of the Dark Giants, and loves to make a big deal out of even the slightest of slights or anything he perceives as that.
    • His aversion to love and kindness leads to him insulting and berating Carmeara over and over for it, purely because her deteriorating sanity and growing obsession are something he believes makes her "weak and ineffective".
  • Eviler than Thou: He eventually breaks away from the other Dark Giants, traps them and plans on turning them into his slaves once he gets the Eternity Core, deeming Carmeara as ineffective due to her feelings for Trigger, and almost succeeds in that goal.
  • The Evil Genius: The brainiest of the Dark Giants, being responsible for the creation of a large amount of their monster minions and reverse engineering a Gigadelos into Satandelos. He also proves himself as the most cunning and analytical of the trio while in battle. Though his intellect tends to get overshadowed if he is in a bad mood.
  • Expository Pronoun: He normally refers to himself with the Japanese Pronoun "watakushi" to reflect his polite demeanor, but switches to the more masculine "ore" whenever he gets sufficiently angered.
  • Fashionable Asymmetry: In contrast to the other characters, Hudram's design is extremely asymmetrical with only his head having any form of symmetry. This helps reflect his chaotic and destructive personality and his design doesn't suffers much from it.
  • Faux Affably Evil: Unlike Hudra, he's calmer and speaks in a polite, gentlemanly manner... but only when things are going according to his plans. Once something throws a wrench in his plans, he devolves into the same screaming lunatic his basis was, to the point of having to be physically restrained by Darrgon so he doesn't destroy Earth in a fit of rage.
  • Flash Step: His Super-Speed in human size manifests like this, with him vanishing in the blink of an eye as he moves from place to place.
  • Foreshadowing: There are hints in his debut episode that point to him being responsible for the Lishurians' near-extinction. First, Ignis is shown to hold a personal grudge against him when they meet up, later on when he's cornered by Trigger and GUTS Select he attempts to destroy Earth in a fit of rage before being dragged away.
  • Forgotten First Meeting: Had a previous encounter with Ignis, that he himself didn’t remember until Ignis confronted him about it.
  • For the Evulz: What is one thing he did in the 100 years that he spent awake? Commit genocide on the Lishurians and destroy planets purely out of sadistic amusement, as well as sparing the one Lishurian that survived (Ignis) simply because he grew bored of the destruction and wanted to save a little for latter.
  • Fragile Speedster: His speed more than makes up for his relatively weak physical strength (in Ultraman terms, that is).
  • Friendship-Hating Antagonist: Despite being part of a team of three, Hudram actually sees friendship as a sign of weakness, belittling his boss Carmeara's loyalty towards Ultraman Trigger, with intentions to betray and backstab all his allies and usurping leadership and later mocking the heroes' bonds as friends while trying to kill everyone.
  • Genocide Backfire: He spared one Lishurian from his genocide and destruction of their homeworld. Said Lishurian was Ignis, who in the present starts becoming an ally to Trigger and even assists the hero and his allies into defeating one of Hudram's weapons, Satandelos, as well as letting Trigger defeat him afterwards, though temporarily. Later on, Ignis gains the ability to transform into the powerful Trigger Dark who proves to be yet another powerful foe for the Dark Giants and quite troublesome for their goals especially once Ignis allies more frequently with GUTS Select. Eventually he is confronted and ultimately defeated by Ignis/Trigger Dark, badly enough that he leaves Hudram weakened enough for Carmeara to finish him off without a fight.
  • Gratuitous English: Often describes events as "excellent" in English. Unlike Darramb in Final Odyssey, here it's justified by him having been active for 100 years prior to the series, thus having many opportunities to learn English.
  • Hate Sink: While the other Dark Giants are evil, they all have redeeming traits, humanizing moments and in Darrgon's case even turn good/try to after understanding humanity. Hudram has none of that, being shown as a narcissistic maniac with delusions of grandeur, is also a genocidal maniac and on top of that shows the more overt intent to cause mindless destruction and chaos for his amusement giving the audience a villain they can fully root against.
  • Hypocrite Has a Point: He is correct that Carmeara's Sanity Slippage is undermining her effectiveness as a leader and alienating her allies. At the same time, he himself has a Hair-Trigger Temper that overshadows any tactical cunning he has whenever the slightest setback occurs to his plans, and unlike Carmeara, this trait was always there.
  • It's All About Me: He doesn't care about his teammates, collaborating with them or anyone else besides himself. He only ever worked with the other Dark Giants for the sake of furthering his goals, but the second he feels Carmeara is a lost cause because of her love for Trigger he starts to ditch her side to take over the Eternity Core for himself.
  • Jerkass: Even compared to his fellow Giants of Darkness as villains, Hudram stands out as the most outright cruel of the bunch relishing the misery of his foes and having the most outward drive towards being a dick. Furthermore he heavily implies in episode 16 that he didn't forget about his genocide on the Lishurians, rather he was likely pretending to do so in order to mess with Ignis for his amusement.
  • Karmic Death: Betrayed Carmeara and Darrgon at the beginning of episode 22, only for Carmeara to kill him and devour his essence by the end of the episode. Not to mention he is essentially eaten, not unlike how he ate some of the Lishurians during his genocide.
  • Kick the Dog:
    • 100 years ago, after wiping out the Lishurians almost as a whole, Hudram spares the last one left, Ignis, simply because he decided to save him for later and wanted to make him as miserable as possible for the time being.
    • While betraying Carmeara and promising to enslave her to his will while leaving her trapped with energy beams restraining her is bad enough, at least he had already been in a feud with her and this threat was the culmination of that; but swearing to do the same to Darrgon, despite the latter being supportive of him warts and all proves just how twisted and irredeemable he is.
  • Lack of Empathy:
    • He has no real empathy for his victims or those of the Dark Giants' plans. Especially exemplified with the Lishurians and Ignis, as he often taunts the latter on his losses and laughs them off.
    • As shown later in the series, he doesn't even empathize with his own teammates, as he's happy to insult Carmeara over her love of Trigger and longing for them to be together again. And thinks she's "incompetent" for it.
  • Lean and Mean: As a warrior of speed, he has a slender frame to go along with his powerset and he's by far the most cruel and evil of the Dark Giants, devoid of any and all possible redeeming qualities.
  • Love Is a Weakness: He finds love and care repulsive and laughable at best. It drives his dislike of Trigger and his allies, especially since it was the compassion that Trigger developed thanks to Kengo which turned him to the light.
  • Maker of Monsters: While all the Dark Giants can implicitly create monsters, he is the one often showcasing this skill.
    • In episode 3 he creates a Gazort by fusing Clitters with his dark energy.
    • Later, in episode 6, he is shown to have modified a Gigadelos into the planet-destroying Satandelos.
    • In Episode 16 it's revealed that he's been doing this for a long time, creating several Infernal Beasts like Metsu-Orga.
  • Mistaken Identity:
    • Kengo, Akito and Yuna all think at first that Hudram and Ignis are one and the same, Yuna finds out it's not the case when Ignis appears to confront Hudram after the latter kidnaps her and tries convincing Akito and Kengo to no avail of it, up until they find out themselves the truth.
    • Zig-zagged later in regards to Yuna as he calls her "Yuzare" and demands from her the Eternity Core's location which they have no idea what it is. But then when Ignis is almost shot by Akito, Yuzare manifests to protect the Lishurian which half-confirms Hudram's thought.
  • Mythology Gag:
    • Hudram fights Trigger for the first time in the skies, just like Tiga and Hudra's bout in The Final Odyssey.
    • Unlike Darrgon or Carmeara, Hudram shows no real respect or hints of liking Trigger, even when he was Trigger Dark, which calls back to how Hudra utterly hated Tiga even before the latter's Heel–Face Turn and was the most eager of all the giants to kill him.
    • The position of his Color Timer is similar to that of Ultraman Nice.
  • Noodle Incident: He never explained how he got freed from his prison or at what place he had been in before he broke free to resume his rampages. The show itself doesn't offers any explanations either, leaving his fate in those years a riddle for the ages.
  • Omnicidal Maniac: Implied. His goal is to cover the universe in endless darkness with the Eternity Core, if Yuna's and Barriguiler's reactions to learning of this goal is anything to go by it would likely lead to the destruction of all life for Hudram's amusement.
  • Right for the Wrong Reasons: In the third episode, Hudram assumes that Yuna is Yuzare and therefore the key to finding the Eternity Core which he believes they'll give up if he forces their hand with violence. While he ends up wrong about the identity part as Yuna is Yuzare's reincarnation, he is right on the money about threats being able to bring out who he wants.
  • Sadist: Even more of one than Carmeara, Hudram is an unhinged socio-psychopath who loves to torment his victims and draw out their misery for his enjoyment. Better shown with his genocide of the Lishurians, as he left a younger Ignis mourning his people in his ruined planet while he laughed it off and spared Ignis to let him wallow in misery.
  • Sealed Evil in a Can: Was sealed for 30 million years with other Dark Giants, he was freed/awakened 100 years earlier than the others however.
  • Shout-Out: He's named after Mother Hydra of the Cthulhu Mythos.
  • Skilled, but Naive: Hudram is a somewhat competent tactician, but he tends to lose his cool whenever something gets in the way, preventing him from adjusting his plans to fit the new situation. Compared to other tactician-like villains like Jugglus Juggler or Celebro, his plans come off as rather small in scale and easy to foil.
  • Smug Snake: Hudram believes himself to be perfect, invincible and incapable of being bested at anything; his ego grows to the point that he starts to view himself as a better leader than Carmeara and decides to strike out on his own to conquer the universe all alone.
  • The Sociopath: Hudram is a raging narcissist with a sadistic streak, shows no real empathy towards anyone's grief, nor any actual care towards anyone, even his fellow Dark Giants aren't spared from this sentiment. He also chastises Trigger for having turned good, believing he was more "elegant" as an evil berserker.
  • The Starscream:
    • Shows shades of this in episode 18, where he dreams of becoming the leader of the Dark Giants due to growing weary of Carmeara's obsession with Trigger.
    • Episodes 19 and 20 show that he's started to become active on this front, going as far as trying to capture Yuzare behind Carmeara's back so he can take all the power of the Eternity Core for himself.
    • By Episode 22 he's dropped all pretence and restrained Carmeara and Darrgon before going to claim the Eternity Core, gloating that once he becomes the King of Darkness, he'll have them as his slaves.
  • Super-Speed: He can move at eye-blinding speeds most notably in his human form. In his debut he is able to appear before Akito and Kengo, toy with them briefly and snatch Yuna right in front of their eyes with the two having barely any time to react to the events before he has taken his captive and ran off.
  • Token Evil Teammate:
    • While all the Dark Giants are villains who plot to conquer the universe, Hudram is the only one of them without some redeeming quality and is shown as the worst of the bunch by far.
    • Ultraman Decker takes it further as Carmeara pulls a genuine Heel–Face Turn and joins the good side after Trigger rescues her, leaving Hudram as the only of the Dark Giants who does not even consider turning good.
  • Troll: A really nasty example, Hudram happily messes with others to make them suffer for his amusement and it is heavily implied by some words and reactions of his that he did NOT forget about the Lishurian genocide, he merely acted like he did so he could make Ignis even more miserable.
  • Underestimating Badassery: He thinks little of humans and other living beings besides himself, it often bites him the ass when they prove they can fight back and thwart his plans as a result.
  • Undignified Death: He is killed and eaten by Carmeara who sucks in his energy after finding him pathetically limping away from his failed attempts at taking the Eternity Core.
  • Villainous Breakdown:
    • His debut episode has him rage when Trigger and the Nursedessei corner him, having to be restrained, dragged away and then getting some sense slapped on him by his fellow Dark Giants.
    • After Trigger, GUTS Select and Ignis defeat Satandelos he once again loses it and recklessly attempts to destroy them before being defeated by Trigger.
    • His biggest one comes in episode 22, where Trigger Dark fully overwhelms him with help from Kengo, Yuna and Akito's friendship bonds with Ignis, which leads to Hudram turning into a screaming maniac that is so decisively beaten this time that when Carmeara finishes him off he's barely even a shell of his old self.
  • Villainous Valor: The closest thing he has to a redeeming quality is the fact that he won't run away like a coward if cornered, though it's more out of sheer rage at his plans being thwarted.

Other Dark Giants

    The Unknown Giant (Unmarked Spoilers

Trigger Dark
Boot Up, Dark Zeperion! Trigger Dark!
A mysterious Dark Giant whose true identity was initially unknown, it appeared first in Kengo's visions and was heavily implied to be closely related to Trigger's past and the other Dark Giants in some way. Eventually it was revealed that this Dark Giant is none other than Trigger Dark, Ultraman Trigger's original evil form and former member of the Dark Giants. He eventually ends up becoming separate from the light-aligned Trigger and is seemingly destroyed... Only for his essence to survive and possess Ignis who eventually reverse-engineers a Guts Sparklence in order to transform into the Dark Giant for his own purposes.
  • Alternate Self:
    • It's been heavily implied by the show that this Dark Giant is actually Trigger's original evil form, before the latter had a Heel–Face Turn at some point in the past, which in turn makes it the counterpart of Tiga Dark from The Final Odyssey. Episode 10 confirms this is the case
    • Episode 12 sets him up to be one of Evil Tiga, being a doppelganger of Tiga who ends up bonded with a host who has a dark desire to have the power of an Ultraman.
  • Ambiguous Situation: Just who are they or what is it is unknown, though some hints in the show subtly imply that it is Trigger's original form/evil form that at one point was a member of the dark giants. Episode 10 ultimately confirmed that this is Trigger Dark, the orginal evil form of Ultraman Trigger that once stood against Yuzare along with his fellow Giants of Darkness.
  • Bash Brothers: He becomes this with Trigger starting with their dual fight against Aboras and Banila. Later on, the two join together to fight Megalothor in the finale.
  • The Berserker: In the present he is little more than a raging maniac bent on destroying all around him, even his fellow Giants of Darkness aren't safe from his wrath. It's implied that this is the result of being revived sans his inner light. However, he eventually calms down after Ignis becomes his new host.
  • Boss Subtitles: "The Dark Champion".
  • Give Me a Sword: In episode 17 he grabs Trigger's Circle Arms after Carmeara disarms him, allowing him to attack her with a strike empowered by both the Horoboros and Zaigorg Keys which proves strong enough to truly harm her.
  • Composite Character: He is a cross between Tiga Dark, the evil original version of Tiga who was aligned with the Dark Giants and Evil Tiga, the evil Tiga-lookalike who bonded with the Wild Card Keigo Masaki (whose role in this series seems to be split between Akito and Ignis).
  • Collapsible Helmet: Whenever Ignis activates a Hyper Key while as Trigger Dark, they gain a face mask while channeling its power.
  • Dark Is Evil: Its appearances are always accompanied by a dark black/red mist covering its appearance meant to show that at the very least, it is not a nice guy at all. And this is before we learn that he's actually Trigger Dark, the original evil self of Ultraman Trigger who was aligned with the Dark Giants.
    • Dark Is Not Evil: After Ignis fully allies with GUTS-Select, it now qualifies as this.
  • Demonic Possession: His essence takes over Ignis' body at the end of episode 12. Though later episodes show that it was more of a standard merge between an Ultraman and a host.
  • Enemy Without: In episode 12 he becomes separate from the light-aligned Trigger and Kengo. And subsequently gains his own host in Ignis, further separating them.
  • Evil Knockoff: An interesting example, he actually was once Trigger's original evil form but after the events of episode 12 he ends up split from the light-aligned Trigger and becomes his own being. After that point the Dark Giants disregard the new Trigger Dark as a faker.
  • Nothing Is Scarier: Nothing besides its eyes and energy core with a faint hint of its body shape was shown to add maximum scary value up until Episode 10.
  • Not Quite Dead: Trigger Glitter Eternity appears to obliterate him in episode 12... Only for his energy to survive and take over Ignis' body.
  • Obviously Evil: There's no way to mistake Trigger Dark for a good guy with his twisted deformed appearance, which stands in sheer contrast to his more refined and colorful form as Trigger.
  • Power Copying: After "obtaining" Ignis as a host, he's able to channel the power of Kaiju Keys through the Black Sparklence.
    • Lightning: Using the Horoborus Key, Trigger Dark gains Super-Speed while releasing blue lighting.
    • Impact: Using the Zaigorg Key, Trigger Dark gains the ability to generate energy spikes from his body that release explosive force, enough to send Metsu Orga and Trigger up in the air.
  • The Quiet One: Doesn't utters a single world in his screentime. Only grunting and screaming. Even after gaining Ignis as a host.
  • Yin-Yang Bomb: In episode 22, due to his host's friendship with the main human trio, he was granted the Glitter Eternity Hyper Key and uses it along with his dark power to defeat Hudram.

    Evil Trigger (Unmarked Spoilers
A Dark Giant that serves as both a mysterious doppelganger to Trigger and his true Evil Counterpart. Born from the dark desire of a man named Zabil, who desired to become an Ultraman, Evil Trigger prepares to bring doom to the world. He appears in Ultraman Trigger: New Generation Tiga: The Movie: Episode Z as one of the main antagonists.
