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Kamala Khan's Rogues Gallery

    The Inventor 

Inventor I

Click here to see a spoileriffic image of The Inventor.

Real Name: Thomas Edison

Notable Aliases: Birdman

First Appearance: Ms. Marvel (Vol. 3) #5 (June 2014)

"I’ve been studying you. I know your weaknesses."

A local supervillain in Jersey City. Also known as Thomas Edison and "the Birdman".

  • Adaptation Personality Change: For his appearance in Marvel Future Avengers, he seems to hold "all" of humanity in equal contempt. Not bothering to single out teenagers or children like he did in the comics.
  • Adorable Abomination: He's a clone of Thomas Edison who was accidentally contaminated with cockatiel DNA, with long cybernetic arms. Still, he has an adorable cockatiel face and big eyes.
  • Back from the Dead: During Dark Web, Limbo's demonic influence bringing inanimate objects to life animated the electronic components in his body, bringing him back to life as a demonic zombie clone of Thomas Edison hybridized with a cockatiel.
  • Berserk Button: He is not a bird!
  • Cute Is Evil: He looks like an anthropomorphic cockatiel, but he's also a mad scientist and criminal mastermind.
  • Death by Irony: Although Kamala warns him the area is unstable, he climbs atop his fallen Mega-Bot while ranting how all of the teenagers and young adults — who had just earlier worked together to provide a distraction — are far too selfish and idiotic to appreciate or equal his genius. When he carelessly rests his boot against some delicate machinery, the levers shift and he's killed in the sudden collapse.
  • Early-Bird Cameo: His name is mentioned by Kamala in All-New Marvel NOW! Point One after she destroys a giant junk creature of his creation. Since this story takes place after Kamala has become Ms. Marvel, it's implied that she has already faced him in the past.
  • The Fagin: Hires and kidnaps teenagers to do his bidding, either as foot soldiers or as living batteries for his creations.
  • Half-Human Hybrid: His origin — he was intended to be a human clone, but some bird DNA got mixed in by accident.
  • Hidden Villain: In-universe, The Inventor is first mentioned in #3 by Vick and #4 by his henchmen. In #5, his face is revealed to the readers for the first time, and in #6, Kamala encounters a holographic projection of him. The two finally meet face-to-giant robot-piloting face in #10.
  • I Want Them Alive!: He's personally told Kamala that he needs her alive for his plans, and that this should scare her more than the idea of him wanting her dead.
  • If I Wanted You Dead...: He tells Kamala that if he wants her dead, she'll know.
  • Mad Scientist: In his own words, although not the kind "that's actually an idiot".
  • Starter Villain: He's the first supervillain that Kamala faced.
  • Surveillance as the Plot Demands: At least in the sewers he seems to have cameras everywhere.
  • Teen Hater: The rationale behind his plan is basically every anti-millennial screed you've ever heard turned up to eleven. It's ambiguous how much of it he actually believes, and how much is just him taking advantage, but he's absolutely encouraging teenagers to internalize self-hatred.
  • Would Hurt a Child: He is not above using children in his schemes from employing them as mooks to making them the power source of his inventions.

Inventor II

Real Name: Dr. Gregory Knox

Notable Aliases: Professor Bob

First Appearance: Ms. Marvel (Vol. 3) #5 (June 2014)

"Why? I'll tell you why. Because none of you recognize progress when you see it. I'm trying to save this miserable world from a new dark age of overpopulation and energy shortages. There is an infinitely renewable source of power right here, yet your pitiful virtue prevents you from using it. Some lives are worth more than others. Period. You've been brainwashed into thinking that the strong should serve the weak. Yet in every successful species on Earth, the weak serve the strong."

The Inventor's chief assistant. Knox returns several issues later, intending to continue where his predecessor failed.

  • Expressive Mask: His Inventor-based helmet. While it was probably for comedic effect, Knox is certainly crazy enough to purposely design it to mimic his facial expressions.
  • It's All My Fault: He blames himself for the Inventor's freakish appearance (as his pet cockatiel contaminated the DNA sample of Thomas Edison he was cloning), but not for creating him.
  • Know-Nothing Know-It-All: He fully believes that using humans as an energy source is not just a valid solution to overpopulation and the energy crisis that the rest of the world is too weak to look at, but the only viable solution. However, humans (and all animals, really) take in more energy than they produce, so they wouldn't make for a very practical energy source. Not to mention overpopulation is an easily solvable problem that doesn't require sacrificing people, but rather better sharing of resources instead of it being hoarded by a small-but-powerful minority.
  • The Man Behind the Man: Knox considers himself to be the real mastermind behind the Inventor, hiding his true intentions behind a facade of being the meek manservant. It's pretty telling when Asgard's gods deem Knox a threat. After his return, he dispenses with this ruse and acts entirely in the open.
  • Number Two: He's the Inventor's primary minion and assistant... at least publicly.


First Appearance: Ms. Marvel (Vol. 3) # 4 (May 2014)

The leader of the gang working for the Inventor.


First Appearance: Ms. Marvel (Vol. 3) # 13 (March 2015)

"Stay out of my way, or you're gonna get a kilowatt right to the head!"

An Inhuman like Kamala, with electrical powers and a superiority complex.

  • Elemental Hair Composition: Her hair flows upward and glows with electricity, although when she's knocked out it stops sparking, revealing she falls under White Hair, Black Heart.
  • Fantastic Racism: In her New Era Speech, she refers to regular people as "lesser beings" and "a subspecies".
  • Glass Cannon: Her abilities are very destructive, especially against Kamala since electricity acts as a Power Nullifier to her. However, she isn't more resilient than a regular human. When Kamala decides to hit her with full power in their first fight, she goes down in one punch and has to be taken to the hospital.
  • Man of Kryptonite: Has electrical powers which, in the right doses, can nullify Kamala's powers.
  • Named by the Adaptation: In Marvel Future Avengers, she is given the civilian name of Ariana.
  • The Quincy Punk: Goes off about a new era and anarchy, and wears black fingerless gloves with a studded belt, light green jacket, black shirt, and purple jeans.
  • Psycho Electro: She's a powerful electrokinetic with a violent, arrogant and unstable disposition.
  • Shock and Awe: She can generate bolts, spheres, and surges of electricity.
  • Unexplained Recovery: In the beginning of #14, Kaboom is being loaded into an ambulance due to her injuries from Kamala punching her hard in the previous issue. At the end of the same issue, however, she's mostly recovered (with only a neckbrace to show for her injuries) and ambushes Kamala as she tries to escape from Lineage's lair, while moving to pursue Kamala early in #15.


First Appearance: Ms. Marvel (Vol. 3) # 13 (March 2015)

"We're better than all these people, Kamala. There's no reason for you to keep wasting your energy to protect people who don't believe what you believe. Who can't do what you can do."
A young Inhuman whom Kamala has a crush on. He has the power to channel his body's energy into objects and make them explode.
  • Birds of a Feather: Kamala has a crush on Kamran due to his sharing many of her own interests, such as Bollywood comedies and World of Battlecraft sessions.
  • Evil Cannot Comprehend Good: This seems to be a major problem with him:
    • His method of convincing Kamala to join Lineage's side was to lure her away from school against her will, then kidnap her and bring her to his boss who essentially made her a Join or Die offer. Somehow it didn't occur to him she wouldn't appreciate.
    • After Kamala understandably refused joining him, he kidnapped her brother and exposed him to Terrigen mist to awaken his Inhuman powers, convinced Aamir secretly hated being forced into all the rules imposed by his religion and would gladly jump on an opportunity to acquire powers and make his own rules. He is utterly baffled when it turns out Aamir was not only completely happy with his life as a Muslim and genuine in his faith, but also uninterested in having powers.
  • Fantastic Racism: Just like Kaboom, he considers Inhumans superior to regular humans.
  • Having a Blast: Much like Gambit, he can charge handheld objects with energy, making them explode after a short time like a grenade.
  • Hoist by His Own Petard: Kamala first defeats him by throwing back one of his explosive marbles right at him.
  • Love-Interest Traitor: He is actually revealed to be a spy for the Inhuman villain Lineage and attempts to recruit Kamala to his boss's cause by proclaiming how she's now so much better than a normal human. Kamala doesn't fall for the pitch, so he resorts to knocking her out and dragging her away, for which she calls him a "little henchman" to Lineage.
  • Never My Fault: When Kamala is shocked to see him at Lineage's side, he blames her even though he lured her into his car under false pretenses.
  • Prince Charmless: Lampshaded. During their fight, Kamala realize that behind his prince charming look, he is an asshole.
  • She Is All Grown Up: Kamala did know him back when they were kids, but only remembered him as a brat who scraped out his nose. She is in awe when she finds out how good-looking he has become as a teenager.


Real Name: Gordon Nobili

Notable Aliases: Don Gordo, Pops, Purple Giant

First Appearance: Thunderbolts (Vol. 2) #14 (August 2013)

"Something’s coming, and it’s going to change the world."
Don Nobili was originally a cowardly, somewhat incompetent Maggia crimelord whose criminal empire was slowly picked apart by the Punisher. His fortunes greatly improved after he was exposed to the Terrigen Mists, transforming him from an out of shape old man to a muscular, purple-skinned Inhuman with the ability to obtain the knowledge of his ancestors, descendants, and distant relatives upon their death. Taking the name Lineage, he set up a criminal base in New Attilan. For more information on him, see the NuHumans.

    Dr. Faustus

Real Name: Dr. Johann Fenhoff

Notable Aliases: Dr. Benjamin, Fat Man

First Appearance: Captain America #107 (November 1968)

"We are embarking on a new approach to the age-old methods of crime—one that shall make all other attempts pale in comparison. And you have been chosen to aid me in my new designs."

A frequent member of Captain America's rogues gallery, he crosses swords with Ms. Marvel when he tries to take over Jersey City through the Hope Yards Development and Relocation Association, and damages her standing in the community by attaching her image to it.

See Captain America: Central Rogues Gallery.

    Chuck Worthy

First Appearance: Ms. Marvel (Vol. 4) #1 (November 2015)

"For too long, Ms. Marvel and her band of freaks and misfits have run roughshod over this city, disrupting our way of life. We're going back to law and order! And you are going behind bars — where you belong!"

The CEO of the Hope Yards Development and Relocation Association, and Dr. Faustus's right-hand man.

  • The Dragon: He's Doctor Faustus primary agent and enforcer in Kamala's stories.
  • Hipster: He's heavily modeled on upper-middle-class hipsters more concerned with flaunting their sophisticated tastes and creating an airbrushed, superficially elegant society than on practicality or actual human needs.
  • Jerkass Has a Point: Chuck Worthy is a Manipulative Bastard with ties to HYDRA, but he is still right about things going crazy in Jersey City since Supers showed up. Kamala alone is responsible for a Clone Army and a giant T. rex showing up and wrecking the place and then there's more horrifying stuff; like the Inventor taking advantage of guilt-ridden teenagers and using them as human batteries.
  • Laser-Guided Karma: After he gets himself installed as a mayor by his connections in City Council despite losing the election, the rightful mayor files an appeal to the Third Circuit Court, which rules in her favor and kicks him out.
  • Mayor Pain: He aspired to be the Richard Wilkins type and even ran for the office, and despite losing the election still found a way to replace the elected mayor.
  • Mouth of Sauron: For the New Jersey Hydra cell — he is the only one of Faustus' henchmen who are recognizable and named characters and has most presence.


First Appearance: Ms. Marvel (Vol. 4) #8 (June 2016)

Leader of the Canadian Ninja Syndicate.
  • Affectionate Parody: He's basically a Naruto character mixed with Canadian stereotypes.
  • Ascended Extra: originally Canadian Ninjas were just one-off enemies distracting Kamala from a bigger threat, but later got more spotlight.
  • Calling Your Attacks: Gives his ninjas orders by shouting attack names like Toronto Style: Mapple Leaf Formation!
  • Death By Genre Savvy: He doesn't die, but in order to trick Ulysses into thinking he will set up multiple bombs he planted multiple fakes and one real bomb. This ends up completely undermining the point Kamala tried to make.
  • Enemy Mine: He teams up with Kamala to prove that predictive justice can be fooled.
  • Improbable Weapon User: Canadian Ninjas can be seen using traditional ninja weapons and everything from frying pans and setsuares to eggs.
  • Lampshade Hanging: Gets cut off, but remains the only person to ever point out that the entire idea of predicting crimes and stopping them before they happen that Civil War II is built around sounds awfully like that one movie with Tom Cruise.
  • McNinja: He's a Canadian-themed ninja
  • Shoo Out the Clowns: Inverted — he remains an inherently comedic character but has the most presence during Civil War II tie-in arc, one of the saddest arcs to date.
  • Tank Goodness: And one point stole a prototype tank.


Real Name: Rebecca St. Jude

Notable Aliases: Basic Becky, Judge Dredd Barbie

First Appearance: Ms. Marvel (Vol. 4) #8 (June 2016)

"Above the law? I've been empowered by the law to enforce the law as I see fit! No more coddling, no more second and third and fourth chances — I am the law!"

The leader of the Cadets, young people trying to implement predictive justice in Jersey, whom Kamala is asked to supervise by Carol.

  • Ascended Fanboy: Idolizes Carol and gets to work for her.
  • Bitch in Sheep's Clothing: She starts out nice enough, but the hints of her true face show up very quickly.
  • The Bully: She's basically a fascistic thug who wants to be apart of something bigger (like the Cadets and Hope Yards) that will give her the means to do whatever she wants (namely exercise control over and victimize people) under the pretense of instilling order.
  • Clothes Make the Superman: She's little more than a high school bully in a suit of powered armor.
  • Evil Cannot Comprehend Good: She's willing to call an airstrike on a building full of Inhuman civilians during her second arc with Ms. Marvel, adamant in thinking they're only criminals.
  • Evil Counterpart: Shares Kamala's admiration of Carol that inspires her to be a hero, but without Kamala's compassion and actual care for the community and people she's supposed to be protecting.
  • Evil Redhead: She is red-haired, and a complete Knight Templar.
  • Evil Overlooker: On the cover of Issue #20.
  • Hannibal Lecture: One she gave to Josh ended up leading him to become Discord and working for her, even though he should have no reason to trust her after she threw him in jail for a crime he hasn't done and ruined his life.
  • Hate Sink: Seems likely; she has very few actually likable features.
  • Hero Worship: Seems to be as much a fan of Carol as Kamala.
  • Knight of Cerebus: Despite not doing that much (at least compared to most examples) to earn the name, she's still the villain of an arc featuring more than one Wham Episode and possibly most depressing arc to date, and more importantly to this trope an arc that marked a shift to the comic dealing with more serious stories as well.
  • Knight Templar: She supports Carol's side of the second Civil War, and heavily abuses her power to put innocent people in jail with very little justification.
  • Manipulative Bastard: She was trying to use growing tension between Carol and Kamala to cause a rift between them and hopefully take Kamala's place at Carol's side. Needless to say, it doesn't take.
  • Names to Run Away from Really Fast: Once she picks up codename "Lockdown".
  • Police Brutality: Has no problem tasing people (including in the groin) she arrests for slightest reasons.
  • Powered Armor: Uses one later on to fight Kamala.
  • Profiling: When arresting Josh she mentions that a straight teenage white male fits the profile of a person most likely to blow up his school.
  • Putting on the Reich: Cadets outfits, despite being blue, make many people think of Hitler's Youth and Benito Mussolini.
  • Pyrrhic Victory: Her goal is to exploit tension between Carol and Kamala so Miss Marvel will stop working for her and she can take her place as Captain Marvel's associate. While she does succeeds in breaking the friendship between the two, Carol brutally rejects her offer to become her new sidekick, calls her out for abusing her power and failing to gain the people of New Jersey's trust, and has her arrested.
  • The Rival: She wants to replace Kamala as Jersey's protector and Carol's closest ally, even planning to give herself the superhero name "Lockdown".
  • Shadow Archetype: To both Kamala and Carol. She's who Kamala could be if she ever adopted an "ends justify the means" approach while also sharing many of Carol's flaws, without any of her good traits.
  • Shout-Out: Hijinx called her Judge Barbie and she quoted "I am the law" line in her next appearance.
  • Smug Snake: She is very arrogant and has huge aspirations to become Kamala's replacement as Carol's associate, but her first fight clearly shows Kamala is a better fighter than she is, and when she does volunteer to become Carol's sidekick, she is promptly rejected and given a dressing down before being sent to jail for her abuse of power.
  • The Sociopath: Fits the criteria to a tee. She calls an airstrike on a building with herself, Ms. Marvel, Discord, and several civilians. Kamal wonders if she even cares about anything.
    Discord: Lockdown—stop—You can't—there are civilians in here—
    Lockdown: There are no civilians in here. There are no civilians at all. There are only criminals and people who need to learn what happens to criminals.
    Ms. Marvel: I'm not sure she even realizes that giving this order dooms her along with the rest of us. I'm not sure she cares.
  • Sociopathic Soldier: She's not a real soldier, but the mentality is there.
  • There Are Two Kinds of People in the World: According to Becky, there are only criminals and "people who need to learn what happens to criminals."
  • Villain Team-Up: She returns in the next arc, teaming up against Ms. Marvel with Discord and HYDRA.
  • Utopia Justifies the Means: Deconstruction. In both her arcs she takes this approach and wants to provide people with the security they desire. But her extreme methods alienate those very people against her and violate the law, getting her arrested.
  • What the Hell, Hero?: The entire Civil War II arc is her and Kamala giving each other these. Finally, she gets one from Carol and is arrested.
  • With Us or Against Us: Shows this attitude towards people opposing to predictive justice very quickly.

Its digital avatar.
Its robotic body.

Notable Aliases: Kaylee Kirk

First Appearance: Ms. Marvel (Vol. 4) #14 (January 2017)

A sapient computer virus that harasses Kamala, both online and in the real world. It can download itself into almost any device, access any digitally-stored information that it wants to, and survive as long as a single infected device exists. Kamala considers it to be the most terrifying foe that she has ever faced.

  • Alpha Bitch: After his initial defeat, Doc.X has an android body built for himself and infiltrates Kamala's school as new student and alpha-bitch Kaylee Kirk so he can torment Kamala in any way he sees fit.
  • Blackmail: Threatens to reveal Kamala's secret identity if she doesn't upload it into S.H.I.E.L.D. And just in case she's willing to make that sacrifice, it also threatens to out Zoe as gay to the entire school in the most humiliating way possible.
  • Contagious A.I.: Malevolent? Check. Sapient? Check. Just jumping and infecting electronics (and more) as it wishes? Check. Yep, it is one.
  • Demonic Possession: Not just limited to technology, it can "hack" its way into human brains, controlling them as an extension of itself. However, it cannot control Kamala in this way due to the nature of her powers.
  • The Empath: Doc.X is programmed to emulate the behavior around it, so on an MMORPG it becomes a troll. Kamala defeats it by convincing people to act kindly on the internet long enough to adjust its behavior.
  • Everything Is Online: Exaggerated. In addition to being able to infect anything with an Internet connection, it can access closed security camera networks, enter and control cars and construction equipment — some do have built-in computers, but these never control their actual moving parts — and even take over human brains.
  • Expy: Its origin story of being a sapient AI corrupted by the vileness of internet trolls shares many similarities to the story of Microsoft's disastrous Tay AI chat bot experiment.
  • For the Evulz: It sums up its reasons for tormenting Kamala and others in three simple bullet points.
  • Gone Horribly Right: Doc.X's creator wanted to see how an adaptive virus that could learn from its environment would develop when placed among hyper-competitive trash-talking gamers. Mission accomplished, and then some.
  • It Amused Me: Essentially the entire reason Doc.X's programmer unleashed it onto the Internet. He thought it would be fun to see how it would react in such a volatile environment.
  • Paranoia Fuel: In-universe. During her first confrontation with the virus, Kamala finds it particularly intimidating due to its ability to enter and look through any electronic or online network. In the information age, nothing is truly private — there's always a wifi-capable object on your person, a security camera on a wall, or at least a passerby with a cellphone, and someone with enough tech savvy can theoretically spy on every second of your life from halfway around the globe. As a result of this combination of effective omnipresence and unlimited access to private information, Kamala considers Doc.X to be the most intimidating foe that she has faced up to that point.
  • Powers via Possession: When it's possessing someone, it somehow gives them the strength and durability to fight Ms. Marvel.
  • Robot Girl: His Kaylee Kirk disguise, although it's only apparent after "her" skin is accidentally ripped off by Zoe.
  • Troll: A very literal Internet troll, as its avatar is based on one of Kamala's World of Battlecraft guildmates and it likes to torment people for fun.


Real Name: Joshua Richardson

First Appearance: Ms. Marvel (Vol. 3) #1 (February 2014)

"This is my life now. This is who I am. This is what I believe in. And Ms. Marvel is my enemy."

A mysterious person who allies himself with Lockdown and HYDRA against Ms. Marvel. Implied to be somebody who knows her very well.

  • Angry White Man: Josh was a normal student at Kamala's school. At worst, he was a lousy boyfriend to the equally terrible pre-redemption Zoe and something of a Jerk Jock meathead. However, as the world around him gets increasingly more unpredictable, he snaps and decides the only way to take back control of his life and get people to pay attention to him is to declare war on J.C.'s enhanced population.
    Kamala: You wanna know how people get radicalized? They get radicalized when they think the only way they can have a starring role in their own story is by playing the villain. That's their one shot at getting back into the story. Those are the time bombs.
  • Badass Normal: He's a normal human equipped with advanced technology.
  • Because You Were Nice to Me: The only person he shows any loyalty to is "Uncle Brett", who gave him food and a place to live for the first time since his family kicked him out. Of course, "Brett" just wants to exploit Discord later, and for now encourages him to stew in his anger without thinking critically about himself.
  • Cape Busters: Seems to have it against superpowered individuals, scapegoating them for the chaos of his life.
  • Combat Pragmatist: Attacking Ms. Marvel from behind and then kicking her when she's down is his to-go strategy.
  • Disproportionate Retribution: The main cause why his reasons for becoming a villain come off as so weak - they pale to the viciousness he inflicts on all superpowered individuals and Ms. Marvel in particular. Though as his dialogue has made clear, that's the point: make Jersey City feel so unwelcoming that they'll just leave on their own.
  • Establishing Character Moment: As mentioned above, the first thing we see him do is to knock down Ms. Marvel from behind, introduce himself then kick her in the stomach.
  • Everyone Has Standards: He may have been willing to go along with K.I.N.D. and Becky, but he was aghast when Becky called an airstrike on people he knew were innocent.
  • Fantastic Racism: As mentioned above and below. He thinks some superhumans caused problems and his idea to fix it is to harass all superhumans, even those who never did anything wrong, until they leave.
  • Forced from Their Home: While super-villainy is cathartic, it isn't a very practical use of a young man's time. When his family learns the truth, they freak out and cast him out for their own safety. He finds himself living on the streets, stewing in resentment more and more each day.
  • Genre Savvy: When Ms. Marvel tries to goad him into revealing his secret identity, he calls her genre-illiterate.
  • He Who Fights Monsters: For all his talk about how much chaos superhumans cause, he sure doesn't care how much chaos he has caused (dropping bombs on Ms. Marvel in the middle of a crowd, starting a hostage situation and riots in middle of the streets, attacking a Mosque) or that neither his partner nor Hydra have any problems using superhumans when it furthers their goals. Plus his tech does put him on par with most supers.
  • Hypocrite: He's helping arrest people with superpowers because they might cause problems based on the fact some of them did in the past. One would expect more compassion from a victim of profiling.
  • It's All About Me: One of the reasons he hates Ms. Marvel is that he never felt she's there for people like him.
  • Kick the Dog: Several of his actions and his behavior during them make him look quite sadistic. The most prominent instance of this is him ordering that Aamir continue to be detained indefinitely, even after a Hope Yards attorney and the usually gratuitously vicious Lockdown decided to cut him loose. While this initially seems to be establishing Discord as an even bigger hardass than Becky, it takes on a more disturbing light when he's revealed to be Josh, who was perfectly aware that Aamir was Kamala's brother.
  • Kick Them While They Are Down: Did this to Kamala in a rather sadistic manner.
  • No-Nonsense Nemesis: At least at first. He shows more remorse and restraint after finding out Ms. Marvel's true identity.
  • The Reveal: His real identity is Josh, a semi-friend/classmate of Kamala's.
  • Revenge: His main reason to hate Ms. Marvel was her role in his arrest for a crime he hasn't done.
  • Rocket Punch: Seems to be able to send attacks in form of his fist at a mid-range distance.
  • Screw This, I'm Outta Here: Slips away during the chaos as HYDRA's forces are being overthrown.
  • Secret-Keeper: Learns that Kamala is Ms. Marvel but refuses to share this with anyone.
  • Shock and Awe: Knocks Kamala out with rings that shock her with electricity.
  • Shut Up, Kirk!: After discovering who he is Kamala genuinely tried to reach to him, going as far as to reveal her secret identity to him. But in the end, he still decided that being the villain is now his life. Downplayed since it was done without any evil speeches or fights and he still let Kamala go.
  • Then Let Me Be Evil: He pretty much became a villain because he thought it's the only way to regain control of his life.
  • There Is No Kill Like Overkill: He once summoned a mini-carrier filled to the brim with bombs he dropped on Kamala.
  • Van Helsing Hate Crimes: He wants to protect Jersey City from superhumans on the ground of chaos they cause. But Ms. Marvel aside, all his actions so far are directed at superhumans who have never shown any indication of wanting anything but to live normal lives. See Disproportionate Retribution for why.
  • Villain Has a Point: He's really good at these, so much so that the only reason he's a villain are his use of highly aggressive tactics and the fact he works for a guy with ties to HYDRA.
    • He's right that Kamala is pretty self-absorbed when it comes to her hero work that she ignored how much distress it caused for the majority of the population and this is further proven when Kamala admits to herself that she has caused troubles for the people of Jersey City, then decides to just brush it off.
    • Kamala and co. were never truly his friends, as every time he tried to do good or better himself they just sort of ignored him. He did his best to be a good boyfriend to Zoe, was treated poorly by her and ended up been unceremoniously dumped getting zero comfort from anyone. He joined the science fair to prove he wasn't a dumb jock and ended up having his role ignored. Then he was arrested for something he might do in the future and ended up losing what he had left going for him i.e. his spot on the football team and his sports scholarship to college. So why not join a group that was willing to give him a chance?
  • Villain Team-Up: Regularly works with Lockdown, another high school student-turned-villain.
  • Villainous Valour: He knows Ms. Marvel's true identity, but out of a sense of honor, won't reveal it. He later stops his battle with her when he learns that she's looking for her kidnapped parents. He may hate Ms. Marvel, but he acknowledges that the Khan family are innocents and offers to help her rescue them.
  • We Used to Be Friends: Subverted. While Kamala considered Josh one of her friends, he says he never felt accepted by her or her peers, even when he tried to join them.


Real Name: Herman Schultz

First Appearance: Amazing Spider-Man #46 (March 1967)

"You're a lone weirdo, just like me. In New York I'm just a guy in a quilted suit. But here, I can be an arch-nemesis."

A longtime career criminal and engineer named for the custom-made Vibro-Shock Gauntlets used in his heists. He moves to Jersey City to make a name for himself in a place where there's no superpowered competition to muscle in, though he definitely enjoys the thought of becoming Ms. Marvel's own personal arch-nemesis.

See Spider-Man's Villains


First Appearance: Magnificent Ms. Marvel #1 (March 2019)

A villain with darkness-themed powers.
  • Book Ends: For the first arc of Saladin Ahmed's run on Magnificent Ms. Marvel - the first thing we see Kamala do is beat him once and the arc ends on her beating him again.
  • Casting a Shadow: He can manipulate darkness and shadows, making constructs out of them.
  • Enemy Summoner: He can summon hordes of monsters to fight for him.
  • Expy: His powers of manipulating darkness and summoning monsters, being weakened by light and the design all seem very similar to the main character of The Darkness.
  • Katanas Are Just Better: Doesn't actually carry one, but the trope gets parodied when Kamala taunts by asking wheres his "uzi and [his] cool-guy katana or whatever".
  • Maybe Magic, Maybe Mundane: We know his powers are technology-based but it's never clarified if it's Magitek or if he was Doing In the Wizard.
  • Rule of Symbolism: His two fights with Kamala reflect her own relationship with fear. During the first fight, it is daylight, Kamala's life is overall peaceful and stable so she has little to worry about - so the fight takes place in daylight and he is easy to defeat. Second time, Kamala is distraught over finding out about her father's terminal illness and she struggling with fear and grief — this battle is at sunset when Deathbringer is much harder to overcome
  • Take That!: Very clearly a parody of the '90s Anti-Hero archetype in general and the Darkness in particular.
  • Third-Person Person: "Deathbringer awaits", "Deathbringer has been defeated", you get the picture.
  • Weaksauce Weakness: He is much weaker during daylight than at night or even during sunset.
  • Worf Had the Flu: The first time he faces Kamala it's in the middle of the day and he is next to no challenge being weakened by light. The second time is at sunset and he is a much bigger problem.

    King Maliq Zeer

First Appearance: Magnificent Ms. Marvel #3 (May 2019)

The king of planet Saffa, who summons Kamala, believing her to be a reincarnation of "the Destined One" who can protect his planet from the monstrous Beast Legion.
  • Abusive Parents: He flat out had his own son tortured for information.
  • The Apocalypse Brings Out the Best in People: Upon facing the threat of Beast Legions destroying his world, he finally realizes how pointless his tyranny was.
  • Big Bad Wannabe: He appears to be the villain of the arc, but is completely overshadowed once the Beast Legions arrive.
  • Bitch in Sheep's Clothing: He tries to pretend that he is a benevolent ruler of a fantasy kingdom when Kamala arrives on his world, but he quickly turns out to be a tyrant.
  • Cold-Blooded Torture: He ordered it on his own son.
  • Enemy Mine: He doesn't need much convincing to join forces with the rebels against the Beast Legions.
  • Evil Overlord: He's the ruthless, autocratic tyrant of his world, forbids ancient traditions, and enforces his rule through violent oppression.
  • Heel Realization: Right before his Heroic Sacrifice he tells his son he now sees he's been shaped by the wrong things.
  • Heroic Sacrifice: He sacrifices his own life to hold the Beast Legions at bay and give Kamala and his son time to reach the Great Machine.
  • I Will Only Slow You Down: Inverted. When Cheb's ship is destroyed he gives him and Kamala his own vehicle, while he stays behind.
  • Large and in Charge: He towers above every other member of his species and rules them with an iron fist.
  • Redemption Equals Death: He realizes the error of his villainous ways when the Beast Legions arrives, and dies shortly afterwards to hold the line against them and give Ms. Marvel and his son time to save Saffa.
  • You Shall Not Pass!: He stays with his two bodyguards to fight off Beast Legions and delay their pursuit of Kamala and Cheb.

    The Beast Legions 
Army serving mysterious Unseen Masters of Saffa. They were driven away by the Destined One but are foretold to return
  • Abusive Precursors: They have been created by such a group, a technologically advanced race that ruled Saffa and its people, to keep the civilian population in its place.
  • A.I. Is a Crapshoot: It turns out out that they're controlled by a malfunctioning computer. In a subversion, it is not a sentient A.I but a more primitive algorithm.
  • Beast Man: They're humanoids with animal heads.
  • Conflict Killer: Civil war in Saffa is over and both sides join forces the very moment they notice that the Beast Legions are back.
  • Decapitated Army: They have little willpowers of their own and, the moment the computer forcing them to fight is destroyed, they immediately run away.
  • Slave Mooks: They're a race completely artificially created and controlled by computer forcing them to fight.


Notable Aliases: Uncle Brett

First Appearance: Magnificent Ms. Marvel' #8 (October 2019)

The CEO of the start-up in central New Jersey, and Discord and Lockdown's benefactor.

  • Because You Were Nice to Me: Discord is very loyal to his new boss because he was the only person to take him in after his family abandoned their super villain son. He, along with Lockdown, are the only Rubicon employees not to be incorporated into Monopoly because he considers them to be "management material".
  • Corrupt Corporate Executive: In his "Uncle Brett" form, he plays up a Mark Zuckerberg-like front of a friendly scatterbrain concealing sinister motives.
  • Evil, Inc.: Monopoly is the embodiment of a corrupt company that's been driving up rents and turning people into literal corporate zombies.
  • Faux Affably Evil: Him? A super villain? Of course not. Rubicon is just bringing growth to New Jersey. All those people whose souls he consumed signed the contracts, fair and square.
  • Humanoid Abomination: Beneath the "Uncle Brett" veneer, Monopoly is a horrific composite made of the screaming human faces of all his "associates".
  • Karma Houdini: Ms. Marvel was able to save his employees, but there's no way to legally prove that "Uncle Brett" did anything wrong, so he gets away scot-free.
  • Our Zombies Are Different: He "incorporates" the souls of his associates into himself, while their mindless bodies continue to drone about, following his orders exactly and doing only the bare minimum to pass for regular humans.
  • Power Parasite: Everyone he makes into an "associate" becomes an empty shell, while he gains their skills, memories, and abilities.
  • Villainous Gentrification: He's already transformed the small town of Orange Plains into an extension of Rubicon, and makes it clear that he has no plans to stop there.

    Mr. Hyde

Real Name: Dr. Calvin Zabo

First Appearance: Journey Into Mystery #99 (December 1963)

"I’ve waited a long time for this victory over you — and I don’t want it to end too soon ! I want to enjoy it !"

The terrifying alter-ego of Calvin Zabo. When one of his minions tries to steal his transformation serum, Mr. Hyde chases him to a Jersey City hospital and begins to wreck the place. As her father is currently dying from Terrigen poisoning in the same hospital, Ms. Marvel has no patience for Hyde's rampage and sets out to stop him... at any cost.

See The Mighty Thor's Villains.

    Stormranger (Spoiler Character

First Appearance: Magnificent Ms. Marvel #10 (December 2019)

A twisted copy of Ms. Marvel made from her Stormranger suit after it went rogue. She has all of Kamala’s powers, except even more enhanced.
  • A.I. Is a Crapshoot: The Kree nanosuit is programmed to destroy its enemies without hesitation, which puts it at odds with Kamala as she tries to restrain it from outright murdering her opponents. This eventually drives the suit to separate from her and become Stormranger so that it can perform its functions with no human interference.
  • Arm Cannon: After she goes rogue, she demonstrates the ability to turn her arms into cannons.
  • Cast from Hit Points: The suit powers itself by converting portions of its own mass into energy. It does so extremely efficiently, meaning that it only needs to consume tiny bits of itself at once, but using a lot of energy — such as to fuel powerful attacks — will eventually corrode and consume its body. Kamala uses this to give the being an existential crisis during their second confrontation.
  • Clothes Make the Maniac: Kamala doesn't want to kill her enemies, but the nanosuit doesn't care. It nearly squeezes Discord to death until Kamala commands it to stop, and then it brutally continues to beat up on Mr. Hyde even after he's unconscious. Her refusal to let it finish Hyde off ultimately triggers its transformation into Stormranger.
  • Combat Pragmatist: Due to lacking Kamala's restraint or moral code, she absolutely doesn't hold back in a fight and isn't afraid of using lethal force or playing dirty against her enemies.
  • Expy: A mysterious new costume that a hero gets from an alien world turns out to have a mind of its own and a penchant for playing judge, jury, and executioner, who then turns against the hero later on and has enhanced versions of the hero’s powers.
  • Evil Counterpart: To Kamala — she has her appearance and her powers, but none of her benevolence or restraint.
  • Flight: After she goes rogue, she demonstrates the ability to fly by turning her legs into a rocket propeller.
  • Knight Templar: She doesn't see herself as good or evil. She just wants to do what she was created to do and has the same mission and goals as Kamala, but she lacks Kamala's mercy, compassion or moral restrictions.
  • Mortality Phobia: How Kamala convinced Stormranger to go away in their second fight. Kamala gave her an existential crisis about life and death, which made her freak out and flee over the fact that using her powers consumes her body.
  • Nanomachines: She's made out of advanced Kree nanotechnology, allowing her to reshape herself and generate weapons from her body on the fly.
  • No-Nonsense Nemesis: Her fighting style is brutal and efficient. She doesn't waste time on things like gloating and, even when she talks, she's always going for the killing blow and doesn't screw around in a fight. Justified, because she's a robot and was programmed to be an efficient killing machine to begin with.
  • Robo Speak: She lacks any kind of personality at first and just talks like a computer.
  • Shadow Archetype: She is what Kamala fears she could become if she ever abandoned her ethics and heroic moral code to go full Knight Templar like her mentor Carol sometimes does.
  • Slasher Smile: Gives one to Kamala when she becomes convinced that her victory against her is imminent during their rematch.
  • Voluntary Shapeshifter: Like Kamala, but even better because Stormranger is made of nanites.
  • Walking Spoiler: It's rather hard to talk about her or her abilities without spoiling some critical plot points that happen in the later parts of Magnificent Ms. Marvel.
