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Characters / Another Eden Antiquity

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Antiquity Era

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    As a whole 
  • Achilles' Heel: Related to Synchronization below, Knockback and/or Death. As noted below, Arcadia zone setters can automatically deploy Flexible/Kaleido status for their comrades upon Zone activation if the entire frontline is comprised of Arcadia members, making them adept for many situations despite their differences. However, the same status is immediately broken if any one of them is missing from the frontline (such as due to being forcibly sent backward), which means the player needs to be extra careful when this happens — especially against enemies whose Aura restricts the type attack allowed.
  • The Dragonslayer: Their raison d'etre is to kill the giant dark dragon nesting on the lands of Wyrmrest Isle. Some characters like Cerius and Wryz also have "Dragon Killer" personality.
  • Ragtag Bunch of Misfits: Acknowledged by the story itself. Even compared to previously existing ensembles, the Arcadia are particularly colorful, comprised of people with vastly different goals and backgrounds those are united by their common goal of slaying the dark dragon of Wyrmrest Isle. However, it should be noted that the "ragtag" part is downplayed in that despite their differences, the entire Arcadia work well with each other to reach their common goal.
  • Synchronization: In a sense, this is the gimmick of Arcadia units. All of them have different attack types and elemental type affinities, but if the player fields an entire frontline team of the characters with "Arcadia", whoever sets the Zone can make other units match said Zone. For example, Cerius will give Flexible (Piercing) to others, while Wryz will give Kaleido (Water) instead.


Voiced by: Daisuke Hirakawa (Japanese)
An accomplished dragon hunter of Arcadia. He uses a greatbow outfitted with a trigger release, and is known around Ratle as a "god-hunter". Always calm and logical, but his habit of making up turns of phrase can hinder communication. He seems to enjoy punishing himself with spicy food.
  • Armor-Piercing Question: On the receiving end of one in his past as well as Yio in his first character quest, when he is questioned on his reason to hunt. He finally has his answer by the end of his quest — however temporary it may be, that is, because it binds him and Wryz together, and it is to make sure Wryz's dream come true.
  • BFG: Well it's actually a crossbow, but it's meant to hunt dragons.
  • Comically Missing the Point: He mistakes Yio's running away from dinosaurs as tactical retreat, and actually making notes on how to apply it in his own hunt.
  • The Comically Serious: Much of the humor involving him comes from his obsession with logic and being as emotionless as possible, even while he is the one in the center of silly situations such as participating in spicy food-eatingnote  competition or quoting proverbs no one else has heard of.
  • Dub Personality Change: Combined with Bowdlerization. The original JP script of Cerius' character quests has him being an alcoholic who Never Gets Drunk, but the localization turns him into someone who has extremely high tolerance towards spicy food instead. This is especially jarring considering other fellow alcoholics are left as they are.
  • The Lancer: For Wryz, being the one with fighting style that complements her own and usually providing different approach to her own that is as much needed. Furthermore, in later parts of Wryz Saga I, he more or less acts as her Number Two after Wryz's Rank Up due to Flaudia's death.
  • Long-Haired Pretty Boy: One of the prettier playable male cast and has long hair tied into ponytail. This is by design, as the developer team actually noted that "he is almost TOO pretty, it's annoying".
  • My Greatest Failure: He decides to make a cocky headshot one time and it ends up with a dinosaur eating his father.
  • One Degree of Separation: He used to have another hunter who is something of a colleague of sorts with him that disappeared for unknown reason sometime before Wryz Saga. His third character quest reveals that said hunter turns out to be Laclair's foster father, who ended up in Present era after getting sucked into spacetime tear.
  • Platonic Life-Partners: His third character quest basically has him and Wryz as this. There are no romantic tension between them (with Wryz denying when Aldo commented they're perfect for each other), but they complement each other's fighting approach well, and Cerius vows that his reason to hunt now is because it is one thing that binds him and Wryz together.
  • Proverbial Wisdom: He has a habit of quoting proverbs whenever he gets into a discussion. Wryz thinks he makes most of them up.
  • The Spock: He tries to be one, frequently citing that emotion has no place in hunting due to the mistake that cost him his father and tries to approach every problem from logical approach. It falters from time to time, though.
  • Super Mode: His "Siege Mode" — activated when he has three Blast Bolt stacks at turn start — not only increases his strength and giving additional effects to his skills, but also gives him Barrier Pierce and Knockback immunity.

Voiced by: Seki Toshihiko (Japanese), Joshua Manning (English)

A loquacious, easy-talking salesman of the Darkrealm. He exudes an untrustworthy aura and is always looking to make a deal, though his wares are all caveat emptor. His motto is, "anything's fine, as long as it's fun."

  • Animal Motif: Snakes. He hails from the Nameless Gorge of the Darkrealm where many snakes reside, in addition to being a generally shady character and having poison-related power.
  • Intrepid Merchant: He'll always look for opportunity to promote his wares, regardless of the time and situation and — more importantly — how useful they are.
  • It Amused Me: His entire reasoning of doing things.
  • Not in This for Your Revolution: As Kuchinawa himself states, he doesn't care at all about Arcadia's goal, and tags along with the group because he finds them intriguing.
  • Poisonous Person: Wryz Saga III reveals that his blood is so pungent that it can actually kill the more hostile Darkrealm beings.
  • The Sixth Ranger: He is the last party member to join the dark dragon raid in Wryz Saga trilogy, and unlike Aldo and Melpiphia, he is treated more with distrust due to his shady nature — particularly by Utpalaka.
  • Snake Oil Salesman: The quality of his products is...dubious at best. That 'air purifier' he sold Sazanca did turn out to be useful though.


  • Blessed with Suck: She is an oracle of Memhelba elven village, and therefore can see the future. This also means she is frequently haunted by the visions of her village's inevitable destruction due to the dark dragon's spreading miasma. It should also be noted that she can also catch glimpses of future, but don't always have the full picture of it, meaning that there is a chance that she ends up misinterpreting the context of the visions and cause misunderstandings.
  • The Gadfly: While the original intent of her random antics was to try altering the future, she admits she also does them because it amuses her.
  • The Nicknamer: She's known to give nicknames to everyone. Except Sazanca, who she just calls "Nca".
  • Mystical White Hair: She's an oracle with pure white hair.
  • My Species Doth Protest Too Much: The elves of Memhelba are fatalistic to the extreme, which frustrates her as their oracle because despite her attempts to Screw Destiny and avert worst possible outcome for her people, they simply cannot understand why she goes through great lengths on doing so and believe it goes against their way of harmonizing with nature.
  • Odd Friendship: Despite being a quirky elven oracle who frequently acts unpredictably and prone to causing trouble, she gets along swimmingly with the wise Veina.
  • Shout-Out: Melpiphia loves these. Her lines frequently reference other works, ranging from Star Wars to Pokémon to MC Hammer.
  • Support Party Member: She is less focused on attacks and more on providing buffs through her Praying skills, which also gets stronger in awakened Zone.
  • Troll: Aside from her habit of dropping whatever she is doing and suddenly acting like a madwoman for the hell of it, she is also prone to giving inconsistent and Embarrassing Nickname to her companions knowing full well it will get a rise from them.


  • Butt-Monkey: Crosses with Slapstick Knows no Gender. Aside from generally not being respected, if there are physical comedies involved, chances are Sazanca would be the victim of it. In second part of Wryz Saga, Melpiphia seems to be a little too fond of using her flying headbutt on her, knocking her out or even dropping her to a pool of hot water.
  • Cowardly Lion: She would really rather stay in the base instead of accompanying Wryz's exploration party, and is such a scaredy-cat that her Oh, Crap! expression is a rather common sight. Nevertheless, when she is committed to something, she will see it through.
  • Insane Troll Logic: She is an unusually positive example of this trope. The reason why she became obsessed with immortality is because she came from the same village as Yuna, and heard about her Power Incontinence that caused the village to be drowned and her leaving. Sazanca's reaction to the whole thing is to came to the conclusion that she has to look for a way to achieve immortality... because when you're immortal, you're allowed to make as many mistakes as possible (and learning to fix it) without having to worry about kicking the bucket. Everyone around her is just as baffled as amazed upon hearingthis reasoning.
  • In-Series Nickname: "Nca" by Melpiphia.
  • The Medic: She is in charge of Arcadia's medicine and treatment.
  • One Degree of Separation: She came from the same village as Yuna. In fact, her reasoning of seeking immortality is indirectly driven by Yuna, even if she may not know her personally.

The eponymous focus of the Wryz Saga Episodes. Wryz is a commander of one of Arcadia's squads who seeks to slay the great wyrm of Wyrmrest Isle and make a legend of herself. Bold bordering on reckless, she fears no pain and is always first into the fray. Has a habit of touching her neck. Her clothes resemble those of a village known for dragon raising.
  • Can't Get Away with Nuthin': Tried to use sand to blind her opponent to finally win a duel, but it didn't count because the villagers found it dishonorable.
  • Character Development: After Flaudia's death, she grows to become a proper leader figure and to move past her self-doubts to become a true Dragon Summoner at the end of Part 2. By Part 3, she decides her goal isn't to just slay the dragon, but to ensure that people from all walks of life have the ability to pursue their dreams without fear.
  • Combat Pragmatist: After failing to pass her test, she decides to use her brains and blind her opponent with sand to get the win. But this doesn't count, since she technically won but the people of her village focus more on "honor" more than using wits.
  • The Exile: She was exiled from her village after summoning the dark dragon. She's fine with it, believing that she never belonged anyhow.
  • Fatal Flaw: Her constant losses gave her severe self-doubt issues as she feels like no one will ever acknowledge her. Wyrz Saga Pt 2 has her moving past that as she knows that she has so many people who support and believe her.
  • Glory Seeker: She wishes to kill the giant sleeping dragon to burn her name into the stars and also because she only has one year left to live. Ultimately, it's Tiramisu who kills the dragon while she destroys the miasma of darkness left behind.
  • I Just Want to Be Special: A driving force behind her character. She came from the same village of Dragon Summoners Tiramisu did, but Wryz was never able to become a summoner herself no matter what she tried. Desperate to become a hero instead of staying a 'supporting character,' she foolishly summoned a dark dragon and attempted to make a contract with it. It failed, she got cursed and was banished from the village for delving into forbidden lore. Now she's on Wyrmrest Isle, hoping to slay the giant sleeping dragon of the island to cement her legend before her time runs out.
    Wryz: (After Tiramisu gets all the glory) Why is it so hard to be the hero of my own story?!
  • The Last Straw: Trying to win using her wits has her snap for how nobody understands how she wants to be a summoner and yet talk more about how she didn't win "honorably".
  • Leeroy Jenkins: She has a habit of charging recklessly into battle, which frustrates the medic Sazanca to no end because she has to constantly patch up Wryz's injuries.
  • Platonic Life-Partners: Cerius' third character quest basically has him and Wryz as this. There are no romantic tension between them (with Wryz denying when Aldo commented they're perfect for each other), but they complement each other's fighting approach well, and Cerius vows that his reason to hunt now is because it is one thing that binds him and Wryz together.
  • Unknown Rival: To Tiramisu. Tiramisu is a famed Dragon Summoner who can fight off monsters with ease while Wyrz is upset that she can never be anything other than just "support". At the end of the Wyrz saga, they've come to have respect for one another.
  • The Worsening Curse Mark: She has a mark growing on her neck, which she hides with bandages. It shows how much time she has left, and once it completely encircles her neck the curse will kill her Thankfully, after she makes a contract with Iridia, it vanishes..
  • Your Days Are Numbered: When she was initially cursed by the dark dragon, it left her with three years to live. By the time Aldo meets her she has around a year left. The end of the Wyrz Saga Pt 2 has it completely gone once she makes a new contract with a baby heavely dragon.

Dragon Palace

Click here to see AS Chiyo
Voiced by: Ari Ozawa (Japanese), Liz Kingsman (English)
A young girl who works as a maid for Sheila. Sheila saved her life long ago, and so now Chiyo wants nothing more than to become like her. However she's more than a little clumsy, which often leads to trouble. She loves to swim, and will want to jump into any body of water she sees.
  • Casting Gag: Ari Ozawa is best known for her debut role as Chiyo Sakura in Monthly Girls' Nozaki-kun. In this game, she voices a character who's also named Chiyo.
  • Childhood Friend: With Sheila, ever since Sheila saved her back when she was a sea turtle.
  • Cute Clumsy Girl: She Cleans Up Nicely with her Another Style dress. That said, her klutziness hasn't diminished one bit, to the point her Idle Animation involves her tripping and falling.
  • Fan of Underdog: She idolizes Sheila and has a rose-tinted view of her that stands in stark contrast to how everyone back home thinks of Sheila.
  • Funetik Aksent: She has a noticeable Southern twang peppered with British slang in her lines. Oddly, nobody else in the Dragon Palace does it, except the Sea Turtles (who have a Cockney one). Allegedly, she speaks Hokkaido dialect in the Japanese version.
  • Humanity Ensues: She's actually a sea turtle who changed into human form. Chiyo herself has no idea how this happened. Sheila, when she was little, found an injured Chiyo and used a lot of her magic to turn Chiyo into a human.
  • She's Not My Girlfriend: Exaggerated. She gets flustered when Aldo says she and Sheila come off like friends, insisting that she's just Sheila's handmaiden.
  • She Cleans Up Nicely: When he first sees her in her Another Style outfit Aldo doesn't even recognize her, even going so far as to say that he was unaware that there was anyone that pretty in the Dragon Palace.

Click here to see AS Levia
Voiced by: Atsumi Tanezaki (Japanese)

A mysterious girl who has lost her memory. It seems she might be connected to Leviathan, the god of destruction who was sealed away in a treasure box within the Dragon Palace. She looks about 14 years old, but as for her real age... She behaves slightly airheaded and naive, but could that just be an act?

Unlike most other recruitable characters, Levia can only be obtained after fishing up the four Lake Lords across the game world and confronting and defeating the unsealed Leviathan for good. As the ultimate prize of the first Fishing Minigame, Levia also is a guaranteed 5-star character, and doesn't require any tomes to unlock her full potential.

  • Alternate Identity Amnesia: She serves as the Leviathan's brain, but cannot retain any memory of the destruction it causes while it's made manifest.
  • Can't Catch Up: Being a guaranteed 5-star in the game's early days was a pretty big draw. However, over time, the game's introduced more elements to augment existing characters like Another Styles, Manifest Weapons, and personal Grastas. Levia didn't get any of this until about 3 years after her introduction where she finally got her own Another Style and VC Grasta.
  • Last of Her Kind: The All-Knowing Ammonite recalls that her race was wiped out over 900 years ago, making Levia the only surviving member. This gets subverted at first when she discovers her apparent long-lost sibling in her Another Style Chance Encounter questline, and it returns to being played straight when she merges with her "sibling" (who, as it turns out, is a clone created by the KMS for the Synth Humans rather than actual sister) and inherits her powers.
  • Master Poisoner: Her Another Style skill "Levia Buster" has chance to inflict permanent Poison on herself, the enemies, and allies alike. While this may seem to be a bad thing at first glance especially for those who work on the basis of Full Health Bonus or against enemies with HP to One skills (hence her other skill "Sea Dragon's Grace" grants status immunity to seemingly counteract this), it is worth noting that her own skills are much stronger if she herself is poisoned, and other party members can similarly benefit from it if they are given grasta with "Poison Enhance" upgrade for damage boost. In addition, her self-inflicted Poison also protects against Poison from other sources, including those from superbosses that would tick for thousands of damage to cause a Total Party Kill in certain battles.
  • My God, What Have I Done?: She does not take well to the revelation of her true identity.
  • Upgrade vs. Prototype Fight: The final fight of her Another Style Chance Encounter pits the player against her "twin sister" in the form of Leviathan III. The player has the option of using Levia herself in this fight to invoke the trope, but this is ultimately optional.

Click here to see AS Nagi
Click here to see ES Nagi
Voiced by: Mariya Ise (Japanese), Tuyen Do (English)
The captain of the squids, who served the Otohime before being banished. She grew up alone in the wilds before meeting the Otohime. No one knows much about her or where she's from. She doesn't even know.
  • 0% Approval Rating: Nobody in the Dragon Palace, especially the other guards, likes her because she's the favorite of the Otohime, taking their displeasure with his cruel rule on her. This changes once Otohime absorbs the power of Leviathan and the guards realize their cowardice.
  • Amnesiac Dissonance: Her third character quest reveals that she's from a race of omnicidal beings that conquer and devour worlds. Having none of it, she stands her ground and defends her new home from the invaders.
  • Awesome Moment of Crowning: Sheila crowns her as the 30th Otohime in her Extra Style quest.
  • Animal Motifs: Squids. Her nickname is "Squid" and her hat and pants evoke a squid's head and tentacles. Her AS and Es attires go for a jellyfish motif instead.
  • Attack Its Weak Point: She is the second Crystal Lunatic unit of "Mind's Eye" subtype after AS Clarte, which allows her to deal increased damage when she hits enemies' weak points.
  • Because You Were Nice to Me: The Otohime came across her when she was on the brink of death and was nice to her (in a fashion), earning her loyalty. While the events of the episode turn him into a Broken Pedestal for her, she does express in her AS Quest the belief that he wasn't all bad and can still be redeemed.
  • Big Eater: She eats whenever she can, and a part of her loyalty to the Otohime is because he fed her. Even in her Dream introduction, she finishes up a snack she was having before speaking to Aldo. This stems from her race's drive to devour everything in their path.
  • Happily Adopted: As her ES style quest reveals, when she was just a baby she was taken in by a kindly old mermaid living in Atlantica.
  • Heel–Face Turn: She used to work for the Otohime in the past, but switches sides to help Sheila.
  • Mighty Glacier: Nagi's own speed is pretty lackluster, but her defensive stats make her reasonably tough. Her Another Style redistributes her stats to lean towards a Lightning Bruiser, shedding some defenses for a much better Speed stat and a slight Power boost. That said, her Another Style Manifest Weapon doubles back to favor this strategy with its colossal Eagle Eyes damage bonus.
  • Quest for Identity: After the issues with Otohime are dealt with, Nagi goes on a quest to discover her past.
  • Tomato in the Mirror: Her investigation of the Abyssal Beasts reveals that she is a member of an omnicidal race that conquers and devours worlds.
  • Upbringing Makes the Hero: She is a firm believer of this, partially due to turning out into who she is now due to being under the care of the kindly old lady who found her in Atlantica despite hailing from an all-devouring race. This is also why she decides to raise the Abyssal creature eggs at the end of her third quest by herself, since she believes that with proper guidance, they can still grow up without turning into the all-devouring beings they should have become.
  • You Are Who You Eat: Her race allows her to change her appearance based off creatures she's eaten before.


Sheila (the 25th Otohime)
Click here to see AS Sheila
Voiced by: Yuko Kaida (Japanese), Kerry Gooderson (English)
A lively woman who hates having to think about things. This causes her to act naive, and also somewhat blunt and violent. When she puts her mind to something, she can never let go of it. She likes sea turtles and is connected to the Dragon Palace somehow.
  • Character Development: She starts out as a hotheaded and irresponsible individual who hates to think things through. After watching the mess she inevitably caused that culminated in Leviathan's seal being broken, she eventually learns to be more responsible for her people. By the time of "3000 Realm Ark and the Sea Abyss", all of her prior recklessness seems to have faded.
  • Confronting Your Imposter: She wants to meet the Otohime, because she's the real Otohime. Subverted though. The current Otohime is a conquering tyrant, but he's technically no imposter. Sheila just happens to be from further in the past, being the 25th.
  • Friend or Foe?: She often attacks people she perceives as an enemy without asking question. She assumes the fishman that rescued her from a barrel was actually the one who shoved her in the barrel, and assumes the Prai is bullying a sea turtle for no reason.
  • God Save Us from the Queen!: Sheila was a really incompetent ruler. Her reign was noted to have been rife with political corruption. She gave the Dragon Palace's economy hyperinflation, and gave sea turtles so many privileges that they acted above everyone else. In the end she left the Dragon Palace ripe for an usurper to take the throne.
  • Not Afraid to Die: In the final chapter of "3000 Realm Ark and the Sea Abyss", she is more than willing to perform the ceremony to re-seal Leviathan without the aid of the First Otohime even if it will certainly kill her, since as she puts it, she has always wanted to be a hero and a hero shouldn't be afraid to die. Chiyo promptly berates her for this.
  • Idiot Hero: Sheila really isn't the brightest bulb in the box and acts out of impulses, and more than once her actions have bad consequences.
  • Nice Job Breaking It, Hero: The false Otohime needed blood from a true Otohime to open Pandora's Box. He'd killed the last Otohime and sealed Sheila in a barrel to die, but then Sheila came back and recklessly attacked him. This gave him the blood he needed to break the seal.
  • Only Friend: At one point she mentions that Chiyo was the only one she could really talk to growing up. Nagi decides to offer her friendship at this point.
  • Unfit for Greatness: She tried to be a good ruler, but because she didn't understand the consequences of her actions, her decisions caused more harm than good. Her own advisors tried to get rid of her for the sake of the kingdom.

Garulea Continent

Voiced by: Nobunaga Shimazaki (Japanese), Joshua Wichard (English)
A young man from the titan tribe, a people known as the gods of war. Due to their long life-spans, Garambarrel gives of an aura of composure and the courage to take on anything. Although he is rather small for a titan, he is by no means a weakling. On the contrary, his fighting abilities far surpass that of other titans. He doesn't usually show a lot of emotion, but he does have a passionate side when he's protecting his friends.
  • Bash Brothers: With his longtime titan friend Geldbariss. They always have each other's back, and Garam always has faith on Geldbariss to come to his aid regardless the circumstances between them, as shown in his third character quest.
  • Blow You Away: His attack skills are wind-based.
  • Draw Aggro: His Valor Chant and mainline skills alike inflict Rage on all enemies regardless of their resistance. Also worth noting that his mainline skills are given priority, ensuring that with a few exceptions, he can draw the fire to him before the rest gets to act.
  • Hunk: Has rather muscular build due to being a titan, and also certainly pleasing in the eyes.
  • Injured Vulnerability: Iroa Thelesi deals more damage when the target is inflicted by Pain. To support this, his other skill Kataras Sfargida can inflict Pain on all enemies regardless of their resistance.
  • In-Series Nickname: His name is usually shortened as "Garam" in the story.
  • Legendary in the Sequel: More like "legendary in the Present Era"; he goes down in history as a hero of the titans and is fondly remembered by Flammelapis's generation. When Flammelapis gets to meet him in person, he humbly asks her not to disclose future deeds he has yet to accomplish.
  • No-Sell: If Garam is in the frontline, his unique passive Titan Shield will give a one-time barrier that completely nullifies all damagenote  from one attack at the start of the battle. The shield applies to frontline and reserve alike, thus giving safety to reserve members while switching.
  • The Stoic: Appears calm and composed most of the time and rarely gets worked up, even when someone directly insults him regarding his lack of similarity to other titans like in his first character quest.
  • Stone Wall: Garam's base endurance is not as high as other more dedicated tanks such as Bertrand and Anabel. However, he has a mountain of HP (and the ability to jack it even higher) and very strong defensive buffs to compensate.
  • Sword Plant: Lance plant, to be exact. He does this in his Victory Pose.

Click here to see AS Nikeh
Voiced by: Kaoru Sakura (Japanese)
Nikeh is a graceful swordsman from the east. Her reknown with the sword as well her petal-like movements has earned her the title "Flower of Death", fitting for her job as a professional killer.
  • Antiquated Linguistics: While not as noticeable as Cyrus, Nikeh has a rather formal and ornate speech.
  • Contract on the Hitman: She takes a job to protect someone from the "Flower of Death", mostly because she wanted to know who was framing her for a contract she never had.
  • Full Health Bonus: Her Luring Sword skill is really strong, but if she's used it too many times and begins the turn at less than max health, she will be forcibly stunned. Rather than a bonus at full health, it's a penalty for not being at top condition.
  • I Did What I Had to Do: After she was banned from her home for unknown reasons, she ended up in Palsifal with nothing but her sword and the clothes on her back. Doing assassin work was her only option to survive.
  • Implacable Woman: Once she's got you in her sights, the question is not "If" but "When will you die". Being her employer won't save you.
  • Laser-Guided Karma: She enjoys giving this to whoever lies to her about a job, be it the victim or the employer.
  • One Last Job: She agrees to perform one final hit on Aldo's request, setting her second quest in motion.
  • Red Baron: She's primarily known by her nickname, which strikes fear into all those familiar with it.

Voiced by: Emiri Katou (Japanese)
A straw dummy child. He is a strange straw dolly that sprung up in the coastal area around the seaside country of Zami. If you painstakingly cultivate it with elaborate memories, it will mature into a more splendid straw dummy. No one is sure where it came from or where it is going... But it simply goes forward innocently with its round, cute eyes reflecting the sea and sky.
  • Absurdly High Level Cap: He's the only one tied to a reincarnation mechanic — once you get him to level 60 or above, you can reincarnate him with a new element and attack type if you wish it, unlocking more skills on the way. If he's reincarnated at level 80 he also has his Guiding Light increased. While he levels up faster than most characters and his starting level increases with each reincarnation, you're easily using several characters' worth of experience to fully unlock his potential.
  • Mechanically Unusual Fighter: Strawboy is one of the most complex and non-standard characters to join your roster. His element, resistances and favored attack type is determined by the soil, water, seeds and fertilizer you give when reincarnating him. (This is also the only way to raise his Light count.) The game even encourages you to reincarnate him multiple times in different configurations for rewards. His Ability Board is the most complex of all the characters, and is one instance where you can never get enough Ability Points to unlock everything.
  • Jack of All Trades: Being able to be configured for any role and any element makes him an easy slot-filler where your roster is lacking.
  • Precocious Crush: He is shown to have a crush on Yukino in her second quest.
  • Pungeon Master: Every line coming out of his mouth has a straw pun stuffed in somewhere.

Click here to see AS Yuna
Voiced by: Ayane Sakura (Japanese)
Yuna is a shrine maiden who serves a spirit that controls the weather. While she can summon rain, she has trouble keeping her powers in check. She travels in hopes that she can take control of her abilities.
  • Damage Over Time: Her Invoked Spirit skill is one of the few available sources of Megapoison. This ailment behaves like a much stronger version of standard poison, capable of ticking for thousands of damage per round.
  • Destructive Savior: A water elemental Talch serves as the main focus of her Another Style character quest. To sate it, Yuna is dragged to Palsifal Palace to try and help out with the festival. Despite Yuna's protesting, its efforts are extreme overkill, causing immense damage while fixing the initial problems.
  • Lies to Children: Her family told her she couldn't summon rain because she angered the rain spirits as a child. In reality, her rainmaking abilities are so powerful that, as a newborn, she summoned a storm so big the valley where her village was is today a lake.
  • Magic Feather: Her final quest involves her anxiety over losing control of her powers. After she summons a torrential downpour to disable a mage's golem, Aldo hands her a shard of the broken Restraining Bolt she had on her, convincing her it's a seal. This is to give her the confidence to rein in her powers.
  • Miko: She's a shrine maiden hailing from the east.
  • Making a Splash: Her Another Style deviates from her Non-Elemental skill set, deploying a Zone that enhances all Water skills and giving her a strong Water spell.
  • Power Incontinence: She wears an enchanted mirror to keep her powers under control. A long-term source of conflict in her questline stems from her inability to rein in her powers once she starts.
  • Shrinking Violet: She has very little confidence in her abilities and skills. This turns out to be a problem as she can't use or control her rainmaking powers correctly due to her insecurities.
  • Support Party Member: Yuna's biggest assets are her strong debuffs. Her main skill is used more for ailment cleansing than actual healing since the health regeneration is comparatively miniscule. Her manifest weapon reinforces this trope, turning Yuna into a healer and supporter that outshines base form Mariel.
  • Weather Manipulation: Because of her spirit, Yuna has the ability to make it rain.


    General Tropes 
  • Celestial Bureaucracy: The Purgatory has its own system on managing the souls of the dead alongside the cycle of reincarnation, as well as its own set of rules particularly for its own Purgatorians (the scythe-wielding soul collectors). In particular, the Purgatorians are required to reap certain amount of souls on regular basis, and as shown in Zeviro's third character quest, failing to meet the quota within extended period of time will risk a Purgatorian being excommunicated and turn into evil spirit.
  • A Day in the Limelight: "Scythe of Purgatory and the Crimson Flower" Ensemble gives some insight of how the Purgatory works and how the Purgatorians came to be.
  • Like Cannot Cut Like: Inverted. In general, Purgatorian's scythe can only reap the soul of their own kind, while reaping incompatible one will only knock the host out as seen in Ilulu's second character quest when she tries reaping Aldo's soul, and in the ending of Purgatory Ensemble when she accidentally hits Dunarith with her scythe. However, according to Zeviro in his third character quest, there are cases when a Purgatorian can only cut rare souls such as dragon's soul, and to mitigate this, the Purgatorian may stick with the host for a long time until the time of the host's passing.
  • Reincarnation: The ultimate goal of all Purgatorians. With each soul they collect, their power grows, and they need to reach certain strength before being allowed to enter the cycle of reincarnation.
  • Shinigami: All of the Purgatory-aligned characters so far (i.e. Purgatorians) are reapers tasked to collect the souls of the dead.
  • Soul Jar: As Daisy reveals in the Purgatory Ensemble, the soul of the Purgatorians does not actually reside in their body - rather, it is within their scythe.
  • Wistful Amnesia: When a soul is turned into a Purgatorian to enter the cycle of reincarnation, they will lose memories of their past self and generally treated as different individual. However, if Ilulu's third character quest is anything to go by, there may be cases when they harbor lingering feeling towards a place or something they once held dear, even if they cannot describe the reason.

Voiced by: Ryōko Shiraishi (Japanese), Amy Lennox (English)
A woman who watches over the scythe users in Purgatory. She remains in her office in the Lotus Hall day in and day out, and it's rare for her to go back to her bedchambers for a long time. She calls the other Purgatorians her "flowers" and takes care of them as her subordinates. It is said that she created the Purgatory system and is linked to the Purgatorians' reincarnation. Afterall, she is the one with a flower's name.
  • Action Initiative: Inverted. Her mainline skills have delayed execution.
  • Early-Bird Cameo: She made her first appearance in Prai's 5-star upgrade quest before finally becoming playable with the release of "Scythe of Rebirth and the Crimson Flower".
  • Hidden Depths:
    • Since Purgatory is independent from the passage of time, she has access to Future era as well and is very knowledgeable about its state of technology.
    • As her third character quest revealed, she is a lightweight.
  • I Will Wait for You: The reason why she chose not to enter the cycle of reincarnation and retains her memories when she was alive. She died from drowning when she was a child after she and her elf friend got attacked by a plant-like monster, and she decided to watch over her friend. They are finally reunited at the end of her third character quest.
  • Mighty Glacier: Daisy has one of the highest base Strength stats among the roster but also one of the worst Speed stats. Her kit is designed to captalize on this, as her skills gain bonuses if she's slower than the enemy. Her Shadowy Gaze buff skill can apply massive bonuses (and a large Speed penalty) to the whole party, including an Eagle Eye status that raises damage if they move after their target.
  • Nightmare Fetishist: She considers her three-headed hound (the one that she sicced on Aldo and Prai during the latter's 5-star upgrade) cute and talks about it with nothing but adoration in her first character quest, much to Aldo's dismay.
  • Pet the Dog: Despite being a very strict stickler to the rules of how souls are supposed to operate in the Purgatory and the cycle of reincarnation, at the ending of "Scythe of Purgatory and the Crimson Flower", she gives Dunarith a pass over the nature of his twisted soul due to carrying the cursed spirit of his sister Reliath and exonerates both Ilulu and the Beast Purgatorian from their past misdeeds, acknowledging that the flaws of the Purgatorian system is of her making. Ilulu accidentally slighting Dunarith's soul with her scythe still doesn't get a free pass, though.


Ilulu (formerly Lully)
Click here to see AS Ilulu
Voiced by: Reina Ueda (Japanese)
A girl with a mysterious aura wielding a huge sickle. Beyond her innocent looks she also possesses a rather childish nature. She tends to disturb the people around her with her erratic behavior. Her sickle seems to have some kind of special power that can cut through something very important to people. It is believed that Ilulu comes from some otherworldly place.
  • Ambiguous Innocence: She doesn't understand human morality and doesn't see the problem with taking souls she likes from people that are still alive and treating them like pets. Aldo himself nearly becomes her victim at the end of her second quest, had it not for the fact that her scythe is incompatible with Aldo's soul due to Aldo used to be a cat. It's implied that she's this way because she was a child when she died and became a Reaper.
  • Cloudcuckoolanguage: She likes combining words and add suffixes where they don't belong. Souls are "soulzies" and can be very "prettiful".
  • Coming of Age Story: Ilulu's Another Style quest is one for her as the quest deals with her emotional struggle to come into terms with the fact that her boss/mentor will enter the cycle of reincarnation and pass everything to her, thus becoming the time for her to say her farewell while Ilulu herself will become a mentor to a newly appointed Purgatorian that came from the soul of the NPC who died in her third quest.
  • Herd-Hitting Attack: In her original form, her strongest skills hit all enemies at once, and she's lacking in high-damage single-target attacks. Her Another Style, on the other hand, inverts this with vengeance as both of her skills become focused on single target instead.
  • Like Brother and Sister: Aldo considers Ilulu to be like his little sister, as he feels the need to watch over her in case she gets into trouble (mainly due to her soul-snatching tendencies).
  • Nice Job Breaking It, Hero: In her Another Style quest, to make a point towards her mentor/boss of how much the latter's sudden decision to enter the cycle of reincarnation hurts her while Ilulu herself is not ready to bid her farewells, Ilulu dons the white dress that is supposed to be used for her own reincarnation and tries to drag her mentor back from the cycle. However, because her own powers is not yet enough to enter it, it ends up causing the Phantoms to appear and trying to drag her into the darkness of time for attempting to break the cycle, only stopped because her mentor pulled a Heroic Sacrifice at the cost of her own chance of reincarnation had it not for Aldo managed to help her at last minute due to his soul being one of a cat.
  • The Nicknamer: In addition to creating nicknames for words, she also likes to call Aldo "Al-pal". Dunarith also gets his nickname in the form of "Dunny", while the Beast Purgatorian is called "Zevy", from Zeviro.
  • Overnight Age-Up: In the climax of "Scythe of Rebirth and the Crimson Flower", she temporarily turns into adult woman after temporarily merging with the souls of other human Purgatorians to give her enough power to deal killing blow to the Mystical Beast that Magnolia created. Once the job is done, she reverts back.
  • Perfectly Cromulent Word: "Fug" for darkness.
  • Perky Goth: She's very cheerful and energetic, despite being a shinigami from purgatory.
  • Pint-Sized Powerhouse: Ilulu is noticeably shorter than most of the playable cast especially while her Another Style sprite is active. Doesn't stop her from swinging her gigantic scythe with ease, or running at full speed while still carrying said scythe on her back.
  • Sinister Scythe: One of the few playable characters to use this weapon. As scythes are not a functional weapon in-game, she instead wields axes.
  • Spanner in the Works: For Prai's 5* Quest. She's the one tasked by Daisy to reap the soul of a youth from Prai's 4* quest. But she's been so distracted that the youth, stabbed by his sister, managed to make a full recovery.

See the "Beastfolk" section of the Present Era.

Other Antiquity Characters

A young woman carrying a staff-like instrument as long as she is tall. She calls herself a bard. Her wise eyes and relaxed demeanor give her a mysterious air, but when something catches her eye, she perks up in an instant. She claims to have left her home temple to dispel a curse she's under.
  • Constantly Curious: Since she spent most of her life in a temple, she's fascinated by a lot of things in the outside world. Whenever something catches her eye, she runs off after it. Justified in that she's at that phase of her life where she's questioning everything.
  • Dreadful Musician: Her music is so bad that people pass out whenever they hear it, and they usually think they got attacked by some evil apparition. No one, not even the great Phantom Elementals can take it.
  • Elemental Powers: Her skills adapt to Fire or Water Zones depending on which is active.
  • Rapid Aging: Her third character quest shows that she ages very quickly. How quickly? She went from baby to her adult form within the span of two months!
  • Younger Than They Look: By the time she meets Aldo, she's actually only two months old.

Voiced by: Akira Miki (Japanese)
A warrior who made a name for herself in the Hundred Flowers, a women only outlaw gang. She left them, though no one knows why. Though generally calm and collected, she's also known as "the stray wolf." She's searching for something, and she won't stop until she gets it.
  • Pelts of the Barbarian: She's an outlaw from prehistoria, and wears furs decorated with fangs, feathers and bits of armor.
  • Retired Outlaw: She quit her gang before meeting Aldo, and has expressed interest in settling down.

Voiced by: Yui Horie (Japanese), Rachel Hurd-Wood (English)
She has the body of a human girl with the horns, hard skin, and sharp claws of a dragon. She can change into her dragon form, but it is difficult for her to maintain the state. She is not ruthless, but has a quiet and gentle smile that attracts people's attention wherever she goes. She hates water mirrors for some reason.
  • Actor Allusion: Yui Horie voices a lavender haired girl with horns. Does she also like to go "Au au"?
  • Forced Transformation: She is really a Heavenly Dragon, but more or less locked into her current form and can only assume her true form for brief periods.
  • I Am a Monster: Literally true in her case. She believes it is also metaphorically true because of her past sin.
  • Interspecies Romance: She and the girl nursing her back to health in her backstory come to care quite deeply for each other
  • Little Bit Beastly: Practically human but with horns, scaled forelimbs, and a tail.
  • My Greatest Failure: The reason she's in human form
  • Shapeshifter Guilt Trip: By the end of the first quest it's pretty strongly implied that her form is that of the girl she ate. This is zig-zagged in the third quest, which reveals that she didn't eat the girl as she had thought, but took the form out of grief
  • Spam Attack: Mechanically. In addition to having the "Copy" Lunatic skill (which makes her doublecast any skill she uses while it's active), most of her skills also get a follow-up attack if the enemy still has more than 50% hp after that first strike. If both conditions are met, she gets four attacks for the price of one.
  • Ye Olde Butcherede Englishe: She doth speak with quite the archaic air.
  • Were Dragon: Functionally. She can only become a dragon briefly before returning to her human form.

Voiced by: Lynn (Japanese), Holly Freeman (English)
An enigmatic elven woman who always seems to be looking somewhere far off. She responds calmly when spoken to, and has a soft, mysterious smile, but her heart belongs to only one. Her knowledge of elven magic and rituals has no equal, and she is well versed in the ways of spirits and humans.

Click here to see AS Gariyu
Voiced by: Yoshimasa Hosoya (Japanese)
A fire magic specialist who travels the land looking for others to battle. Gariyu believes himself to be unstoppable and superior to anyone, and is crude and ruthless in his fighting style.

Gariyu's recruitment is locked behind a series of Chance Encounters that first involve repeatedly pursuing and defeating the Flame Eater before ending in a duel against him.

For tropes pertaining his Sidekick Minimander, see Sidekicks.
  • Blood Knight: He's always up for a challenge. When Aldo tells him he killed the Flame Eater, Gariyu's reaction is attacking him, since Aldo is clearly the better challenge.
  • Defeat Means Playable: The last part of Gariyu's recruitment sidequest is to fight him. Defeat him and he joins your party.
  • Double Unlock: Unlike Azami and Cerrine, Gariyu starts in your team as a whooping 2-star unit, lower than the Com Mons, requiring a few more scripts and tomes to bring him to 5-star.
  • Human Sacrifice: He was meant to be one as a child, before being saved by the very dragon he was being sacrificed to. Gariyu never trusted it, though, believing that it was merely raising him to be an even better sacrifice—but to the very end, it treated him as its child, and Aldo thinks it was being entirely sincere.
  • Made of Iron: Once he absorbs the power of the Ember Magic Dragon, he can casually bathe in magma.
  • Mighty Glacier: Gariyu hits very hard, even more so with his Manifest Weapon, but has lower Speed than most other mages. His Another Style reverses this with a stat allocation that ignores his pointless PWR and LCK for more INT and SPD, turning him into a Lightning Bruiser.
  • Raised by Wolves: Gariyu was raised by a three-headed dragon as a child. After the dragon's passing, its spirit continues to watch over him, leading him to seek greater firepower to prove his strength to them.
  • Scissors Cuts Rock: His plan to kill the Flame Eater, a phoenix in all but name, is to burn it. As in, burn a creature that thrives in flames and fire. It ends up averted, to his surprise.
  • Unskilled, but Strong: His magic style is very crude and can be summed up as "make a fireball as big and hot as possible". And Gariyu can make big and hot fireballs.

Voiced by: Yuu Kobayashi (Japanese), Eleanor Bennett (English)
A vampire who once sat at the right hand of the King of their kind in the Underworld. Each vampire has a special power that activates upon drinking blood, but Iphi's is rare. She often teases others, and can be hard to deal with, but she's kind to her bat familiar. No one knows what's within the coffin she carries.
  • Dub Name Change: She is named Iphi in the English version, but named Eni in Japanese version. Both of them presumably comes from the context surrounding Iphigenia, with the name Eni being a Sdrawkcab Name for the Japanese word nie (贄) — offering or sacrifice to the gods.

Click here to see AS Lele

Voiced by: Nami Mizuno (Japanese)
The granddaughter of a great mage, it's clear to see that this apple hasn't fallen far from the tree. However, Lele is a lively young witch who never sits still ands hasn't seen much of the world, so her grandfather sent her out to learn more about it.
  • Cheerful Child: While there is no mention of the exact age, Lele looks youthful and is very lively, and has childlike mannerisms.
  • Good Cannot Comprehend Evil: In a way. In Lele's second Character Quest, she ends up getting scammed by a con artist twice, but instead of being disappointed at him when he admitted that he made up flimsy excuse about having sick wife, Lele ends up feeling happy for him because what is supposed to be a sad circumstance turns out to be untrue. This ends up having positive impact as when Lele innocently asked why the con artist did it, it ultimately led the man to see the errors in his own way - partially because he is so stunned that Lele has so much good faith on him.
  • Innocent Prodigy: She's skilled with magic, but she has no experience with the outside world and loses all her money to the first con artist she meets.
  • I Thought Everyone Could Do That: Even though she's been told that her ability to talk to cats is magical, she still thinks it's normal.
  • Mechanically Unusual Fighter: Lele can enter Miracle Form by consuming 10% of Another Force gauge outside AF, and her "Stream Glare" attack consumes a constant 10% of current MP instead of having definite MP cost. In addition, the zero-MP cost rule that usually applies during Another Force does not apply to Stream Glare, which means the player needs to keep close eye on her MP.
  • Rose-Haired Sweetie: A bubbly pink-haired witch who loves exploring the world and making friends.
  • Sensei-chan: In her AS quest, she is assigned to help Ratchett to teach magic class in Palsifal Palace, and one of her annoyances is that apparently she is not treated seriously as a teacher due to her personality. Finding out what kind of teacher she wishes to be forms a central focus of the quest.
  • Speaks Fluent Animal: She can talk to cats as if they were normal people.
  • Spanner in the Works: Her deciding to tag along for the Fatum Argentauri storyline ends up becoming a big help. The notes Paracelsus kept secret can only be unlocked through magic, which she excels at.
  • Third-Person Person: The Japanese voice, at least, has Lele referring to herself with her own name.
  • Walking the Earth: As part of her backstory, Lele explores the world to see what lies beyond.

Voiced by: Misaki Kuno (Japanese)
A dwarf on a journey to find someone that can carry more luggage on their back than she herself. The dwarves put humans to shame because they have such power in such a small body. She has a rich knowledge of cooking and a deep understanding of all things edible in the natural world. The recipes that she creates are said to be family treasures. She has the bad habit of giving her close friends odd nicknames.
  • Lethal Chef: She thinks of herself as the best dwarven chef in the land. Her food does look and smell good, but it also has weird side effects. Those who eat her food black out and never seem to remember the taste, and this misinforms Lovely about her skills. Samora is one of the few people who can stay conscious long enough to know the truth, only because he's been eating Lovely's cooking for a long time. To Lovely's credit, her recipes are good, and can produce good food in the hands of other chefs like her husband Samori. Lovely's own techniques or choice of ingredients are implied to be the cause of the disastrous results.

    Her Manifest Weapon, taking the form of her cooking utensils, changes her Lovelyn Blaze to also inflict Megapoison to all enemies and allies (though her Lovelyn Cooking skill gets augmented to benefit off this situation), giving the impression that she force-feeds everyone her cooking.
  • Let's Meet the Meat: Lampshaded. One point in her sidequests has her give a sidelong glance to her piglet partner Bukulyn while talking about ingredients for her next dish.
    Lovely: I can't deny that it's a little ahead of schedule, but this has always been his fate.
  • The Nicknamer: She gives childish nicknames to her close friends.
  • Older Than They Look: Her dwarven heritage contributes to her tiny stature, but even then, you wouldn't guess that she's Samora's mother.
    Samora: Dwarven men age far faster than humans, while dwarven women always look like girls.
  • Pintsized Powerhouse: Despite her small size she fights perfectly well with her bare hands. She even punches out a giant wasp on her own.
  • Stable Time Loop: Lovely's third character quest involves traveling to Unigan to trace the origins of the Samolyn Dwarven Restaurant, so that she can meet her missing husband Samori. However, by traveling there and intervening, she becomes the dwarf who established the restaurant line, instead of Samori. Aldo catches on to what's about to happen as events unfold.
  • Token Minority: She and Samora are the only two playable dwarves so far.

Voiced by: Shiho Kikuchi (Japanese)
A bard with the power of the Wind Spirit. She is known as the "Diva of the Wind." She is innocent and likes to care for people, so is adored by children. She doesn't like conflict, and tries to use her songs to pacify people before things get out of hand. As Lovinia's songs tend to draw crowds, she's popular in taverns.
  • Cat Girl: Her nose is like a cat's, and she has the tail and ears. She's actually mistaken as a Beast by some people.
  • Little Bit Beastly: She has animal ears.
  • Turn the Other Cheek: Her quests often involve someone being unfairly cruel to her, while Lovinia continues to treat them with nothing but kindness, much to Aldo's surprise.

Voiced by: Akira Miki (Japanese)
An extremely curious highlander traveling the world. Coming from a religious family in Acteul, Myron left home to broaden her horizons and now makes her living as an adventurer. A rough and ready character, she does not care for the details. Her devout upbringing makes her still very naive about love.


Voiced by: Ikue Otani (Japanese)
A boy from the Nopaew Clan. The leaves on what might be called his forehead is said to be special and different than the other Nopaew Clan. The Nopaew Clan is unable to understand or speak the human languages but this boy is able to grasp it. However, it seems that when he starts to panic, his Nopaew Clan language comes out without him realizing it. Poh poh!
  • All of the Other Reindeer: He's ostracized by his fellow Nopaew Clan for his white leaf. This all started when Reptires, his adoptive mother, chose to gave him a name, a taboo for the Nopaew Clan.
  • Cowardly Lion: He is easily terrified, but when the situation calls for it, he will charge ahead to protect his friends.
  • Locked into Strangeness: He used to be an ordinary Nopaew, but his leaves turned white after he received a name and lost his darkness.
  • Never Given a Name: Like the rest of the Nopaew Clan, it has no given name, and the game refers to it as "Nopaew". Later events in the Side Episode reveal that this trope is customary for the Nopaew Clan, and even naming a Nopaew is a taboo that cannot be broken without severe consequences. This Nopaew is an inversion of the trope. After completing the Side Episode, the Nopaew embraces his given name — Poporo.
  • Parental Abandonment: His adoptive father is dead and his mother gone missing. His Side Episode revolves around looking for his mother. It's revealed that this trope is customary among the Nopaew Clan — they live lives of solitude and don't remain with their biological parents.
  • Shrinking Violet: He's terrified of strangers and crowds and needs help asking people if they know where his mother is.
  • Speaks Fluent Animal: This Nopaew, being able to speak human, serves as a translator for various Nopaew individuals, especially the hungry Nopaew in Parallel Beast King's Castle. He doesn't help with translating the other overworld Nopaew NPCs though.
  • You Can Talk?: It surprises people when he talks, because the Nopaew famously can't speak the human's language.
  • You Can't Go Home Again: He was displaced from his original home in Rucyana Sands by a time rift, and when he returns the other Nopaew won't let him stay due to his white leaves.

Voiced by: Saori Hayami (Japanese)
Parisa is an archer who's also skilled with the lute and lives as a traveling musician, being raised by a troupe of performers. Despite her skills as a bard, she is rather timid and absolutely refuses to sing.
  • Curse: Parisa's voice is cursed so that her singing causes all that hear it to become depressed. She has no idea how when or where it was cast on her.
  • Happily Adopted: By the traveling troupe that took her in. She considers the man who taught her to play the lute to be her father.
  • Magic Music: She uses her lute playing to dispel an illusion in her first quest.
  • Shrinking Violet: She has trouble asserting herself, which is not helped by her curse.

Voiced by: Sayaka Ohara (Japanese), Cassie Layton (English)
A woman with a calm personality from the siren people. Unlike the fishfolk, who are also half-human, Pizzica has the upper body of a human and the lower body of a fish, like a mermaid. Originally, her people could not take the cold, but they learned to live on icebergs floating on the frigid oceans by using a mysterious heat source called the Seafire. It is an unfortunate misconception that siren songs can summon calamities on the sea.
  • Catchphrase: "Oh my, oh my"/"ara ara", befitting her maternal nature.
  • The Leader: She is the current head of the Siren's Village.
  • Martyr Without a Cause: In her second character quest, she willingly offered half of her soul as payment for the Sea Dweller spirit to help a siren to regain her original form, only for said spirit ends up nearly killing everyone involved in the end after getting a taste of Pizzica's soul. Despite how things turned out in the end, Aldo still berates her for putting herself in such danger without thinking.
  • Sirens Are Mermaids: Her people are called sirens, but she and her people are closer to the depiction of mermaids.
  • Support Party Member: With her unique Singing abilities, Pizzica can provide various kinds of supports to the party while her Singing state is active, ranging from increased damage to end-of-turn heal, in addition to giving passive AF gauge gain at turn end.
  • Team Mom: She is very motherly even to strangers and will go through great lengths to look after them.

Click here to see AS Radica
Voiced by: Ryōka Yuzuki (Japanese), Rosie Jones (English)
A quiet and composed Dark Elf fortune teller. She has become adept at using astral cards in her readings. Her talents for prophesizing are so great that it seems she is merely reminiscing about the past. Generally a calm elf, but can get very heated when it comes to fortune telling, which she relies on a little too much.
  • All of the Other Reindeer: She sympathizes with Nopaew's plight as she too was ostracized from her society after becoming a dark elf.
  • Difficult, but Awesome: Her main skills have different additional effects depending on the card she draws, and so she requires the assistance of her other line of skills to influence the next card drawn. Due to Limited Move Arsenal restricting what she can carry, those who choose to use her opt to specialize her towards one color's aspects, as she doesn't have the ability to stay flexible.
  • Fortune Teller: She uses cards to predict the future, which is seen both in story and in her combat skills.
  • Hopeless Suitor: She has a crush on Aldo. Her willingness and flustered reaction when she enters a pseudo-wedding/ritual ceremony with him should have conveyed her affection for Aldo but he is too oblivious to recognize her affection.
  • Master of None: Because her debuffs have a slightly shorter duration than most, she would need to constantly alternate between her setup and card-draw skills to maintain their effects. This generally restricts her flexibility compared to other support units, and she faces trouble dispensing healing on demand.
  • Mechanically Unusual Class: Her main skills fall into two types — one that has a different effect based on one of three colors of cards she draws, and another that will affect the color of the card she draws next. She works out to be a support unit who can do a variety of things should she draw the right cards, but suffers extremely hard from Limited Move Arsenal.
  • Oblivious to Love: She’s unaware of Ewella’s obsession with her, considering her just a friend.
  • Secretly Selfish: She became a dark elf after abusing the time power she was supposed to protect in an attempt to stop Reptires. She thought she was doing a good deed, but she was actually motivated by a desire to cover up her own mistakes.

Voiced by: Hikaru Midorikawa (Japanese)
A self-admitted necromancer, Raven is wreathed in darkness and death. He has no memory of his past, and hides his scarred face behind a mask. Not wanting to be studied, he prefers to do things on his own and shuns away people.
  • Dark Is Not Evil: Despite being a complete asshole necromancer and admitting he dabbles in the darkest arts, he's on the good guy's side.
  • Dishing Out Dirt: As there is no "Dark" element fitting his job as a Warlock, he uses Earth spells instead.
  • Expy: An obvious one of Magus, aka Janus, of Chrono Trigger, complete with his poor attitude, amnesia following Chrono Trigger's extra ending in the DS version, and even a mask just like Janus's aliases in Radical Dreamers and Chrono Cross. The cherry on top, though, is that both of these characters hail from an era of antiquity.
  • Jerkass: He is rude, cold and condescending towards everybody, including Aldo. His dialog is mostly composed of barbs mixed with threats. Verges a tiny bit towards Jerk with a Heart of Gold at the end of his quests, when he summons the spirit of a dead man so he can say goodbye to his lover.
  • Noodle Incident: Whatever led him to lose his memories and what exactly is his deal with the so-called "Dark Vortex" have yet to be elaborated.
  • Silly Rabbit, Idealism Is for Kids!: He considers Aldo a "blasted fool" for always lending a hand to people in need.
  • Wistful Amnesia: He knows something's missing about his memories, but he only has faint clues about what or why. Seeing his interest in the Dark Vortex and that he's a necromancer, it might have something to do with his job.

Voiced by: Ishikari Yuki (Japanese)
Samora is a dwarf who loves food and cooking. Always carrying his cooking gear, he'll try to eat just about any monster that he can slay, whether it's a good idea or not. At least the team is well fed while he's around.
  • Extreme Omnivore: He will cook and taste anything remotely edible at least once, even if it's a monster that damages his cookware from even attempting to cook it.
  • Strong Family Resemblance: Lovely mistakes Samora for her husband (and his father) Samori, stating that the two look very similar from behind. We eventually see Samori in the flesh in Lovely's Another Style quest, and he's almost identical to Samora, only with a black hat and sunglasses.
  • Team Chef: He'd never let his team go unfed.
  • Token Minority: He's one of the only two dwarves in the game, the other being Lovely.

Click here to see AS Shanie
Voiced by: Shizuka Itō (Japanese)
A practitioner of a strange martial art known as "Magic Blade." A drifter, Shanie travels from place to place, seemingly with no end in sight. Due to her looks and good nature, she's often approached by suitors. Clearly something she's trying to avoid.
  • Bizarre Taste in Food: Shanie puts super-strong hot sauce on everything. Including desserts.
  • Chainmail Bikini: Minor example. She wears standard armor on her legs and arms... And a skimpy tunic on her torso. Meanwhile, her AS form plays this straight, which is somewhat justified as her armor used to belong to Judith, who was one of the People of Paradise.
  • Dude Magnet: She has been cursed since her childhood to have men fall for her at first sight, which drove her out of her hometown, being distrusful with men and forced her to be a wanderer. Her character quests are focused on her efforts to undo this curse. To her absolute dismay, it's still the case even after her curse is broken due to her stunning looks. Her AS form weaponizes this to some extent, as she will buff the potential critical damage of all male party members by 50% if she is in the frontline.
  • Girly Girl with a Tomboy Streak: Despite her very feminine appearance and general demeanour, she's happy to spend a date browsing swords rather than cute accessories, to the shopkeeper's surprise.
  • Just Friends: Shanie chooses to never tell Aldo that she's in love with him both out of awkwardness and to not distract him from his quest.
  • Magic Knight: Lots of characters can use magic alongside weapons, but Shanie is the only one to be acknowledged as a spellsword.
  • Making a Splash: Her attacks are Water-based and can drastically lower the Water resistance of enemies, making her a great power multiplier for Water-based teams.
  • Ms. Fanservice: One look at her is enough to understand why men want to marry her as soon as they see her.
  • No Social Skills: To a degree. Because of her curse, she has zero genuine romantic experience. When she's told to dress up for a date, the logical conclusion to her is to take out her best set of armour.
  • Single Woman Seeks Good Man: She's used to people obsessing over her at first glance, so she falls for Aldo in her third quest because he actually understands her as a person, which touched her.
  • Something Only They Would Say: When the spirit she pursues in her final quest takes her appearance to confuse her and Aldo, he asks her to see her hex mark to spot the impostor. Aldo knows that looking directly at the mark would make him fall madly in love forever with Shanie, so when the fake Shanie accepts, he can attack her.
  • The Power of Love: Those who fall for her curse go to hell and back to conquer her, getting bolder the more they're cursed. Her curse is lifted once she herself falls in love with someone, in her case Aldo.

Click here to see AS Tiramisu
Voiced by: Ai Kakuma (Japanese), Ava Merson-O'Brien (English)

A woman of the Dragon Summoner clan who holds the responsibility to summon the Heavenly Dragons and oppose the Dark Dragons. Bringing out just a partial summon is much more difficult than doing a simple full summon and only the best summoners have the ability... or so she says. For some reason the dragon that she made a contract with does not seem very positive about being summoned...

  • Always Someone Better: To Wyrz, who is so desperate to become a dragon summoner and she's never aware of it.
  • Armor-Piercing Attack: This is the gimmick of two of Tiramisu's skills - one that summons the Heavenly Dragon and the "Twin Dragons" skill that deals additional damage to the enemies while he is active. The party-wide attack deals Non-Elemental damage that ignores physical and type resistances, which comes in handy against particularly beefy enemies. The downside is that its attack power is affected by the Spirit stat instead of the usual Power and/or Intelligence stats, so while the attack is powerful, it also cannot be buffed further in battle through the usual Power and/or Intelligence buffs.
  • Aw, Look! They Really Do Love Each Other: Despite their constant bickering, as Tiramisu's third character quest reveals, she and the Heavenly Dragon truly care for each other and will go through great lengths to save each other's lives and honor.
  • Birds of a Feather: Despite the rough start thanks to Suzette being, well... Suzette, she eventually gets along well with Suzette in her Another Style quest due to their love for sweets (i.e. puddings) and their own nature as powerful warriors, to the point Suzette calls Tiramisu as her "soul-sister", which touches Tiramisu.
  • Charged Attack: Tiramisu's "Twin Dragons" skill evolves into its stronger forms with each successive use, and the stronger charges will also make the Armor-Piercing Attack detailed above stronger. The catch is that it has to be used consecutively and will be returned into its base form if the streak is broken by using other actions, so making use of its full power with the Heavenly Dragon active practically requires Another Force.
  • The Chosen One: She is this to the Heavenly Dragon, which is why she is think of highly in her hometown. Seemingly subverted when her character quest reveals that she doesn't actually have a dragon summoner crest on her body indicating that their contract is improper one (which is not helped since her dragon doesn't seem to think highly of her), then Double Subverted when her final character quest reveals that the Heavenly Dragon truly chose her when she was a baby, and due to the unique circumstances of their contract, the crest is actually engraved within her heart.
  • Jerk with a Heart of Gold: Tiramisu may come across as haughty and childish, and will throw temper tantrums if the Heavenly Dragon criticizes her. Nevertheless, the fact that she hunts dark dragons those threaten people indicate that her heart is at least in the right place, and she will go through great lengths to save the Heavenly Dragon despite disliking him - including willingly performing a Mutual Kill she will certainly die from so she can protect his honor as a revered dragon when he is stolen by an evil dragon summoner.
  • Mutual Kill: She performs this in her third character quest to the Heavenly Dragon to protect him from Fate Worse than Death and so he can die in honor rather than serving an evil master when their contract is forcibly terminated, knowing full well that she is tied to him and will die as well. Thankfully, they manage to forge a proper contract just as both of them are about to fade away, saving them both.
  • Non-Elemental: Although Tiramisu is a unit with Earth-type skills by default, the additional damage she deals with her ultimate skills with the Heavenly Dragon is non-type. Her Another Style, however, is a proper Earth DPS.
  • Sexy Backless Outfit: There are a pair of short wing-like parts on Tiramisu's dress from her shoulder, but otherwise they're very short and leaves her back exposed. Her Idle Animation and victory pose highlight this by showing her sprite to face backwards from the player.
  • Sweet Tooth: She is a huge fan of a pudding from Palsifal Palace and treats it as a Serious Business, so it is no surprise that she has this trait.

Click here to see AS Toova
Voiced by: Rie Tanaka (Japanese)
A woman who practices the rare art of necromancy. Toova is a mystery wrapped in an enigma, with an appropriately quirky personality to go with her unknown origin.
  • Attractive Zombie: She refuses to mention how old she actually is (something Aldo learns the hard way), but she does reveal she’s actually a reanimated corpse.
  • Cast from Hit Points: Her Dark Deal skill, which, at the cost of HP, gives her a massive boost to her magic attack for a short time. Casting this right before using Another Force can have devastating results.
  • Casting a Shadow: Her ES form is the Shade element.
  • Characterization Marches On: All of her quests depict her as aloof and distant even while helping people out. Come Violet Lancer's character quest, though, she acts a lot warmer and more like a Cool Big Sis to said character, despite her claims that she tries to keep her distance to the living.
  • Damage Over Time: Toova's Another Style functions by gathering Underworld Lanterns and using them as free end-of-turn attacks on the enemy. She's not as effective in Another Force burst strategies, but is great for protracted battles.
  • Dark Is Not Evil: As aloof as she can be, she does care about other people, and is willing to help people out when asked. As explained later, she's only distant with people because her immortality makes it so that she will outlive everyone she chooses to get close to.
  • Defrosting Ice Queen: Toova appears aloof at first as a result of her very lonely life as necromancer, but progressing through her Character Quest thaws out her heart. She may or may not have fallen for Aldo by the end of her third Character Quest, depending on how one interprets her proposal for him regarding interest in necromancy. Nevertheless, her wistfulness at the end of said quest of the inevitability of outliving him indicates that she treasures their friendship.
  • Dishing Out Dirt: Since the Shade element didn't exist at the time of her introduction, most of her necromancy skills deal earth damage. At least you can make a connection by the bodies coming from the ground.
  • Ms. Fanservice: Neither her outfit nor her portraits leave much to the imagination.
  • Necromancer: She calls forth the dead for her attacks.
  • Power at a Price: Her Dark Deal skill gives her a sharp Intelligence boost at the cost of 30% of her HP.
  • Wight in a Wedding Dress: Her Another Style, aptly titled "Cursed Bride", trades her skimpy outfit for a wedding dress. And since she's an Attractive Zombie... She's quick to point out to Aldo that she isn't really getting married to anybody and the dress is just for necromancy purposes.
  • Who Wants to Live Forever?: Toova laments that she is for all intents and purposes immortal, and finds her life to be very lonely as a result.

Click here to see AS Veina
Voiced by: Haruka Shiraishi (Japanese)
An elf who dearly protects the ancient teachings of her clan, Veina is incredibly knowledgeable. However, as she spent the majority of her life in her village, this is mostly no more than book smarts. Like with all elves, her actual age is much higher than her appearance suggests. She has a tendency to talk for a very, very, long time.
  • Blow You Away: She's one of the few wind mages in the game.
  • Combat Medic: Her Another Style's unique skills include a very powerful healing skill which recovers HP, removes ailments, raises maximum HP, and if Wind Zone is active, also inflicts guaranteed poison and a wind resistance debuff. This also builds up her Charged Attack.
  • Motor Mouth: Elves don't quite grasp that humans have a different perception of time, so their droning is called "The Elven Yawn." Once she gets started, Veina can just keep talking in excess exposition which greatly bores Aldo.
  • Not So Above It All: She gets along swimmingly with Melpiphia despite their differences, and actually finds her antics amusing to the point she adopts Melpi's sense of humor.
  • Red Mage: Ends up being an effective Jack of All Trades. Her best offensive spell also applies a potent HP regeneration buff on her party, as well as coming with a decent physical defense buff on one of her secondary skills.
  • Technically a Smile: Veina sports a very dangerous one in her AS quest after a spider monster in the quest messes with her and shoots cobweb on her face, leading to her nearly casting a highly destructive spell just to get rid of it.
  • Why Did It Have to Be Snakes?: Spiders, to be precise. As her Another Style quest reveals, spiders greatly freaks her out due to one of them eating the bugs near her home as a child, and encountering a monstrous one freaks her out so much that she nearly performed a ritual that can potentially destroy the world just to get rid of it.

Voiced by: Yoko Honna (Japanese)
Yio is known in her hometown as a calm and collected dinosaur slayer. The truth is that she's terrified of dinosaurs, and only manages to kill them due to blind panic.
  • Elmuh Fudd Syndwome: When her fear gets to her, she slurs her words in this manner.
  • Expy: Her looks and outfit evoke the Amazon from Dragon's Crown.
  • Irony: Hates dinosaurs and yet she's revered as a dino slayer.
  • Why Did It Have to Be Snakes?: Despite her fear of dinosaurs, everyone back home considers her the go-to person to deal with dinosaur problems.

    The Rainbow Sisters 
A group of eight tribal sisters connected to the various colors of the rainbow.
  • Battle Trophy: The horns on their heads are supposed to be trophies from one of their hunts. Asia hasn't hunted anything notable though, so she fashioned some branches to make fake antlers.
  • Com Mons: They're the Antiquity set of 3-star characters. They have little to no use expect padding the roster or filling a gap in your party until you can get a 4-star character to replace them.
  • Mask of Power: They all wear tribal masks.
  • One Extra Member: There are actually only seven sisters, matching with the rainbow theme, but Rodeia decided to join them bumping up their members to eight. They still introduce themselves as the seven sisters.
  • Palette Swap: They use the same sprite, with only their weapons, the color of their clothes and the shape of their masks varying.
