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Characters / Anno Dracula

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A list of main characters, recurring and supporting characters that appear through the Anno Dracula novels, short stories and comics. Some of the characters are original from Kim Newman, others are borrowed and expanded on from various works of fiction. Which is which will be noted.

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First Appearing In Anno Dracula

     Charles Pennington Beauregard 

"Somewhere between diplomacy and war there is the Diogenes Club."

A dutiful English soldier of the British Empire and gentleman agent for the Diogenes Club. The protagonist of Anno Dracula. Appears in Anno Dracula, The Bloody Red Baron and Dracula Cha Cha Cha as a POV character. He is an original character to the series.

  • Badass Normal: Maintains the willpower to reject repeated offers to become a Vampire through his entire life. While lacking the powers of a Vampire, he makes up for it in raw skill and cleverness, generally preferring to use his brain to win instead of fighting alone.
    • An early demonstration is when Charles nullifies the threat of Mr Yam by simply walking into an opium den and passing a message to Fu Manchu, while Genevieve was completely unmatched in a straight fight against the Chinese Elder.
  • Cool Sword: Walks around with a sword disguised as a cane and knows how to use it. Later Charles has it silvered to be more efficient against his Vampire enemies.
  • Dark and Troubled Past: Is forever haunted by the death of his beloved late wife, Pamela, who died in childbirth with their son. Charles carries the grief of it with him through the series, and only starts coming to terms with it when he meets Genevieve.
  • Gentleman Adventurer: His manners and style are as sharp as his thrill for adventure.
  • Ideal Hero: Never succumbs to Dracula's corruptive influence the way many other of the heroes in the series do, always proving himself to be the better man.
  • Hero Protagonist: The co-protagonist of the first novel and easily one of the series best overall human beings.
  • The Hero Dies: Dies peacefully at the age of 105 in Dracula Cha Cha Cha, surrounded by the most important vampire women of his life.
  • The Lost Lenore: Pamela Churchward is Charles' first and greatest love, and her death casts a long shadow on the rest of his life.
  • Out of Focus: Charles naturally moves out of the limelight in the first three novels, as he moves up the chain of the Diogenes Club to a command position, and as his aging prevents adventuring.
  • Worthy Opponent: During his active career, Fu Manchu went so far as to offer Beauregard assistance under the right circumstances, and after his death Dracula himself sent a card expressing his condolences to Beauregard's funeral.

     Dr Geneviève Sandrine d'Isle Dieudonné 

"I've picked up many professions over the years. I've been a whore, a soldier, a singer, a geographer, a criminal. Whatever has seemed best. Now, doctoring seems best. My father, my true father, was a doctor, and I was his apprentice. Elizabeth Garrett Anderson and Sophia Jex-Blake aren't the first women ever to practice medicine, you know."

A worldly wise French Lady Elder Vampire from the Chandagnac bloodline, and a doctor. Turned Vampire in 1432 at the age of 16. The deuteragonist of Anno Dracula. Later comes back as the protagonist, taking over the role. Appears in Anno Dracula, Dracula Cha Cha Cha, Johnny Alucard and One Thousand Monsters. Her original source material is Warhammer Fantasy, where her character was also created by Kim Newman, albeit a different version of the character.

  • Arbitrary Skepticism: In Johnny Alucard, she mentions she's not sure she believes in magic and was skeptical of the spell of the 13 movies to resurrect Dracula. She still goes about preventing the Orson Welles movie just in case. In One Thousand Monsters, it's mentioned again she's not sure she believes in magic even when she's watching the human Lord Majin using sorcery.
  • Arch-Enemy: She's been the longest-running enemy of Dracula and will always be on watch for signs of his activity, including preventing early attempts for resurrecting Dracula in the United States. She was also one of the two individuals that was personally involved in killing Queen Victoria and ending his reign over England.
  • Classical Antihero: A kind, gentle, moral, wise, loving Vampire Elder serving as a doctor, taking care of the less fortunate. Beneath her warm surface she suffers from deep shame and insecurity of her vampiric nature, her past, her red thirst, believing herself to be little different from Dracula himself.
  • Cool Car: By the time of Johnny Alucard, she drives none other than Christine herself.
  • The Empath: Though she can't shapeshift like vampires of Dracula's lineage, she can read emotions so accurately it often borders on straight-up mind reading, depending on the subject of her companion's thoughts. Particularly strong emotions allow clearer reading; when Charles dwelled on the pain Pamela's death, Genevieve could see his memory so clearly she could lip-read Pamela's last words.
  • Hair of Gold, Heart of Gold: One of the few truly good people in the series, in spite of her own insecurities, this trope is especially evident when she is seen through Kostaki's eyes.
    (He saw her face - fair as her spirit. He remembered her strength, her gentleness, her refusal to back down, her grace and wit...)
  • Has a Type: Soldiers, men in uniform, as wryly noted by Christina Light, in reference to Charles and Kostaki. Although her shame of her vampire nature at the time tends to make her prefer humans, she admits in One Thousand Monsters that she could love Kostaki, after he saves her from false imprisonment, and tension is implied.
  • Inherently Attractive Profession: She seems to have a thing for soldiers and men in uniform. This extends to Charles, who... doesn't exactly fit that description.
  • It Will Never Catch On: She's rather prone to this for someone with so much experience- as in, "Jack the Ripper? Silly nickname. Nobody will use it." She once predicted the war would be over in a week.
    Charles: Which war?
    Genevieve: The Hundred Years War.
    Charles: Good guess.
  • Jeanne d'Archétype: The fact that she grew up in Brittany around the Hundred Years' War seems significant, although she confirms that Joan was a different person. note 
  • Lady and Knight: The Lady half of the trope that silently forms between her and Captain Kostaki in One Thousand Monsters.
  • Our Vampires Are Different: As she is of the Chandagnac rather than the Dracula line, she can surprise other characters with her different powers. She cannot shapeshift, but is more mentally stable and has empathic abilities. She can also feed off the emotions in human tears as well as off blood, and sometimes cries blood instead of tears.
  • Pint-Sized Powerhouse: Due to her age she possesses immense physical strength, in spite of having the physique of a slender teenage girl.
  • Ship Tease: Shared with Kostaki throughout the course of One Thousand Monsters.
  • Stronger with Age: Genevieve is one of the oldest vampires depicted, as well as one of the few who has explicitly been a vampire longer than Dracula. As such she can manhandle most other Elders with ease.
  • Vampires Are Rich: Not her surprisingly. She has long-term investments and she was the main inheritor of Beauregard's assets but her financial state yo-yos a lot in the series, sometimes she's doing quite nicely other times she's broke, but she's never been rich though that may change with her latest rise in fortune. She's been a doctor for decades and has a successful detective agency with Kate and Penelope.

     Captain Kostaki 

"The General is a fool. Most above the rank of Captain are."

A grim, honorable, introspective Romanian Elder Vampire knight who has fought in many bloody conflicts over the years. Part of Prince Dracula's elite Carpathian Guard. Appears as a POV in Anno Dracula, has a cameo in The Bloody Red Baron and returns in promoted capacity as the deuteragonist in One Thousand Monsters. His original source material is Alexandre Dumas' The Pale Lady.

  • Adaptational Heroism: A more complicated, Anti-Hero figure in the series than he was in his original source material The Pale Lady, wherein he was the villain and behaved more as such.
  • Anti-Hero: A deeply honorable, courageous, righteous and respectful but personally troubled warrior serving as one of Vlad Tepes' long time Carpathian Guards. Struggles with his honor, his past, his place in the increasingly modernizing world, his feelings and his decisions as time goes on. Evident and hinted at in Anno Dracula, and emphasized in One Thousand Monsters where he undergoes significant character insight and development.
  • Ascended Extra: He's a middling side character in the first book, gets brief allusions in later books, and becomes co-protagonist in One Thousand Monsters.
  • Badass Longcoat: Wears a black greatcoat as part of his Carpathian Guard uniform. Still wears one after defecting, albeit stripped of it's insignia.
  • Barbarian Longhair: Has long black hair and facial hair in Anno Dracula.
  • Bash Brothers: Him and his cousin in darkness Mr Bats during the battle of Yokai Town, as well as him and his Freemason Brother Sergeant Dravot.
  • Blood Knight: Becomes this in the midst of battle during One Thousand Monsters. Genevieve notes that battle is his home.
  • Cool Sword: Carries a silvered Portuguese Carrack's Black Sword, also referred to as a crab sword or colhona, complete with hooks on either side of the hilt to catch opponents swords, which he makes use of. Acquired it during his Knights Templar days and kept it with him ever since.
  • Conflicting Loyalty: Dorakuraya uses his telepathic brainwashing powers to play on this in Kostaki, forcing him to decide between his loyalty to the Knights Templar and Dracula, or Genevieve Dieudonne. He ultimately chooses the latter, breaking the villain's hold over him.
  • Dark and Troubled Past: His many years of service to Prince Dracula hold this. He carries fond memories of the Prince, how he turned Kostaki into a great warrior, gave him the chance to be something more than a poor Romanian farmer, but it is implied through his POV chapters in One Thousand Monsters that he came to harbor deep regret, pain and shame to have served as long as he has for the Prince. Especially given Dracula abandoned his principles, became increasingly monstrous and used and betrayed everyone and everything, including the Knights Templar Order that Kostaki was proud to be apart of. It's to the point that Kostaki is the last of the known Carpathian Vampire Elders with a code of honor, described as being stubbornly idealistic and a ronin by Genevieve following his defection from his old group.
  • Declaration of Protection: A non verbal example, when he believes that Genevieve is in danger in Yokai Town. Although it turns out to be a false alarm and a trick, it is his intent and reaction to the perceived danger that counts.
    If Lady Genevieve were harmed, Kostaki would execute every last one of Majin's forms - no matter that it meant going to war with the Emperor of Japan.
  • Defector from Decadence: Following his wrongful imprisonment in Anno Dracula, he briefly rejoined the Carpathian Guard, a changed man. Seeing and recognizing it for what it really was, he got himself thrown out of it on purpose by refusing to conform to what it had become under General Iorga, leaving Dracula's Empire altogether.
  • Determinator: He will fight on regardless of how hopeless things might seem. Lives in constant pain from the silver shards in his leg, forces himself through it day by day. Part of the reason he is able to break free of another Vampire's telepathic control over him in One Thousand Monsters.
  • Deuteragonist: Promoted to this in One Thousand Monsters.
  • Heterosexual Life-Partners: Forms between Kostaki and Sergeant Daniel Dravot in One Thousand Monsters. It comes off as a surprise to Genevieve and the reader, given what happened between them in Anno Dracula, but Kostaki's POV chapters reveal that they turned out to be Freemason Brothers. Part of their vows being that they are not allowed to kill one another. A strong friendship forms between them born of their brotherhood, pursuing the mysteries of Yokai Town together, bantering, singing and fighting Samurai and Ninjas.
  • Honor Before Reason: Present and lampshaded by Genevieve who refers to him as an 'honorable fool'. Instead of executing Dorakuraya right away after breaking his hold over him, he stands back, allowing a duel between Dorakuraya and his good samurai brother. Dorakuraya immediately shows his dishonorable nature by stabbing a nearby unarmed Yokai female who was vital to their mission, nearly dooming it. Kostaki and Mr Bats promptly cut him down together the moment he reveals himself as a dishonorable opponent.
  • Hidden Depths: Revealed to have this through Anno Dracula and One Thousand Monsters. Despite his grim, silent, intimidating exterior to others, his POV chapters show he is a man of deep principles, romance and beliefs, holding on to them tightly.
    As Kostaki shook off Dorakuraya's puppet strings, I was afraid he'd realize what he had done and be broken in himself. Honor was his straitjacket. He abided by a code Dracula and his party had long since abandoned. Only someone as stubbornly idealistic could have been so sorely abused.
  • I Call It "Vera": Defied. Genevieve's narration in One Thousand Monsters has her wonder if he has named his sword something like Gut-cutter, Raven-brand or Skull-splicer, as most Carpathians did. Kostaki's thoughts later reveal that the sword was nameless.
  • Important Haircut: Slashes off his hair and beard after defecting from the Carpathian Guard.
  • Knight Templar: Revealed to be part of the order in One Thousand Monsters, and by extent also a Freemason Brother.
  • Lady and Knight: Is the knight half of this trope that forms between him and Genevieve in One Thousand Monsters. Especially fitting, as they are both Medieval era born Vampire Elders. He refers to her often in thought and dialogue as 'Lady Genevieve' or 'My Lady Elder'.
  • Love Epiphany: Although it becomes apparent to the reader through One Thousand Monsters that Kostaki has fallen for Genevieve, he is the last person in the cast to find out when he is telepathically manipulated into stabbing her, and looks into her eyes, realizing what he has done and what he feels for her.
  • Luke, I Am Your Father: Played with. Anno Dracula reveals that he had his throat torn out by a monster on a battlefield where Kostaki was fighting with Vlad Tepes against the Turks, and that the monster was bleeding from wounds, the blood falling into his mouth and resurrecting him as a vampire. One Thousand Monsters has Kostaki, when his mind is being affected by telepathy, reveal that he was mentally repressing his origin, the true sight he saw the first time he became a vampire. Dracula standing over him, cutting open his hand and feeding it to his dying troops, raising his army of vampires on the battlefield, revealing him to be Kostaki's Father In Darkness. Dracula was undoubtedly the one who tore out his throat and turned him against his will to begin with. Kostaki is forced to admit to himself at last that he is the Impaler's bastard son.
  • Mirror Character: Of Beauregard, as highlighted by Genevieve in One Thousand Monsters. In spite of their obvious surface differences, a handsome human gentleman and a grim vampire warrior. Genevieve refers to both as stalwart adventurers, and that she shared a similar adventure with the two, Beauregard in Anno Dracula and Kostaki in One Thousand Monsters. Both are soldiers with troubled pasts, struggling with their honor and responsibility's, trying to do what is right in a chaotic world. Princess Christina Light even teases Genevieve further about their similarity's by referring to her love of men in uniform. The two men only meet once in passing in The Bloody Red Baron, and no words are exchanged.
  • Mysterious Past: In Anno Dracula his long lived past is alluded to several times, particularly his old life as a warrior who fought for the Christians against the Ottomans. At one point he also mentions he spent six decades in the Château d'If. Much more light and plot importance is shed upon it in One Thousand Monsters, with the revelation he is a Knight Templar and Freemason Brother, and spent many years serving each, inbetween serving Dracula. Another thing noted of his past in his thoughts under the influence of telepathy is that in regards to Dracula's Brides they had 'mouths he knew well'.
  • One-Man Army: Carves a deadly path through the battle of Yokai Town, and was prepared to go to war with the Emperor of Japan if Genevieve was harmed.
  • Only One Name: Kostaki. It isn't revealed if this is a first or last name.
  • Put on a Bus: Apart from a cameo in The Bloody Red Baron, he does not appear again as a POV character until 2017's One Thousand Monsters, a 25 year absence, returning in a promoted capacity.
  • The Quiet One: Although he can be conversational, he generally speaks more candidly to individuals only, and is mostly quiet during group exchanges. Best highlighted by Genevieve's simple observation of him in Anno Dracula, while his violent comrades are boasting, threatening others as well as her at a bar.
    Kostaki alone remained silent. Eyes forever watchful.
  • Really 700 Years Old: 400+ year old Vampire Elder, as of Anno Dracula, being one of Dracula's loyal soldiers in his war against the Turks.
  • Reasonable Authority Figure: The closest thing the Carpathian Guard has to one in Anno Dracula
  • Red Eyes, Take Warning: His eyes are described as looking like glassy red marbles, especially when annoyed or angered.
  • Red Oni, Blue Oni: The calm, quiet, introverted blue to Dravot's red.
  • Self-Restraint: His honor forces him to comply with being falsely arrested for Inspector Mackenzie's murder by Sergeant Dravot. He allows himself to be handcuffed, with it being noted that the cuffs were purely formal, that he could escape any time. This is inverted in One Thousand Monsters where it is Genevieve falsely arrested for murder. Kostaki stops Dravot from shooting the police, and works to keep the peace, as Genevieve also allows herself to be taken away. When another murder happens while she is behind bars, the incompetent leader of the police still stupidly believes she is the killer. It is at this point, when it is clear that the leader has failed to apply justice and basic common sense, that Kostaki gathers a band of Vampires and Yokai and breaks her out of jail.
  • Ship Tease: Shared with Genevieve throughout the course of One Thousand Monsters.
  • The Sleepless: As of One Thousand Monsters, he has not slept in five years since swearing off drinking blood.
  • Song of Courage: Sings a pretty badass and meaningful one during the battle of One Thousand Monsters. It works, rallying the forces he is leading, and causing them to break out into their own songs.
    "The Dragon's son goes forth to war, a golden crown to gain. His blood-red banner streams afar- Who follows in his train? To meet the tyrant's brandished steel The lion's gory mane; Who'll bow their heads the death to feel to follow in his train?"
  • Super-Strength: Has inhuman strength as an Elder Vampire. Tore a locked, heavy door off it's hinges effortlessly with a single punch while storming a brothel to make arrests.
  • Token Good Teammate: The personification of this trope in Anno Dracula, compared to his barbaric fellow Carpathian Guards. Although he follows Dracula and carries out his orders, he silently judges his more bloodthirsty comrades actions in his POV chapters, questioning the honor of it all, and displaying disgust for their ways. He is the sole Carpathian Guard to show Genevieve deep respect when she bests some of them in a bar scuffle they started in the first place. This quality is further expanded upon in One Thousand Monsters, as well as why he values honor more than his fellow Carpathians.
  • Trademark Favorite Food: Bassett's Aniseed Imperials.
  • Undying Loyalty: To the Order of the Knights Templar/Freemasons and to Lady Genevieve.
  • Vegetarian Vampire: Following his release from prison, by the time of One Thousand Monsters Kostaki has privately sworn off of drinking blood again. As of that novel, he hasn't succumbed to his red thirst in five years, instead chewing aniseed's as a substitute.
    As a vampire elder, he discovered he grew stronger through starvation. Dracula's get knew something they never talked of. They drank human blood not because they needed to, but because they wanted to. Needing was no shame. Wanting was weakness.
  • Walking the Earth: Genevieve states her belief in 1900 that he will do this following his eventful journey in One Thousand Monsters. Whether he does it or not, the Bloody Red Baron reveals that by 1918 he has settled back into his old role as an elite Guardsman in the UK... albeit for Prime Minister Ruthven instead of Prince Dracula's Carpathian Guard.

     Dr John Seward 

I meant to destroy a monster. Not become one.

A mentally disturbed surgeon and co-worker of Genevieve's working in London during Prince Dracula's rule. Revealed to be the serial killer Jack The Ripper from the start of the novel. The antagonist of Anno Dracula, the only novel he appears in. His original source material is Bram Stoker's Dracula, combined with the real world Jack The Ripper.

  • Deadly Doctor: One of the first clues to Jack's identity is his surgical skill and precision. Bonus points for going exclusively after vampire targets.
  • Fantastic Racism: Of course. While he has suffered and seen his friends die at the hands of vampires, and Dracula's rule of England is definitely tyrannical, Dr. Seward's anti-vampire crimes only target poor streetwalkers who bear no responsibility for any of his sufferings.
  • The Lost Lenore: Can't get past Lucy Westenra. He even starts calling every woman he talks to "Lucy" as his condition deteriorates.
  • Tragic Villain: What he does is horrible, but he does it because he's suffering a psychotic breakdown due to guilt over Lucy's death.
  • Van Helsing Hate Crimes: Something he learned from THE Van Helsing.

     Arthur Holmwood/Lord Godalming 

A narcissistic, scheming, sociopathic aide to Prime Minister Ruthven. Appears only in Anno Dracula, as a POV character. His original source material is Bram Stoker's Dracula.

  • Adaptational Villainy: He was one of the group who opposed Dracula in the original novel, but in this adaptation he has become a vampire himself, planning to destroy Dracula and other vampires just for his own benefit; Newman notes in an interview that he chose Holmwood as the most likely of the original heroes to 'defect' as Holmwood's only contribution to the group was his title and his connection to Lucy, where all other characters had some relevant skill or other.
  • Frameup: The Diogenes Club frames Holmwood as an accomplice to the Jack the Ripper murders, to weaken Ruthven's position.
  • Social Climber: Turned vampire for social advancement. Since he was part of Van Helsing's vampire-hunter crew, this probably went a ways towards saving his own neck.
  • We Used to Be Friends: The last conversation he has with Seward before the latter Silver Knifes him is about how they used to hunt vampires together.

     Sergeant Daniel Dravot 

A mysterious scoundrel and a deadly spy of the Diogenes Club. Supporting character who appears in Anno Dracula, The Bloody Red Baron and One Thousand Monsters. His original source material is Rudyard Kipling's The Man Who Would Be King.

  • Bash Brothers: With Captain Kostaki in One Thousand Monsters, where they proceed to kick a great deal of ass together as they investigate Yokai Town.
  • Early-Installment Weirdness: Of a sort. He behaves much less like his source material counterpart in Anno Dracula and Bloody Red Baron, being a much more quiet, reserved, deadly, serious man in the background. Come One Thousand Monsters, set between the two, he behaves like the spitting image of the humorous, extroverted, Loveable Rogue novel and film character. The difference is rather noticeable and jarring.
  • Easily Forgiven: By Kostaki for murdering Inspector Mackenzie and framing him for it, along with shooting him through the leg with a silver bullet that still hurts him over a hundred years later. The reason given though is that they found out they were both Freemason Brothers, which they proceeded to form a strange manly bond over, one of the rules being they weren't allowed to kill one another.
  • Empowered Badass Normal: Dravot is one of the most physically dangerous characters to appear in the series, despite his young age, due to how he compliments fighting skills with his newborn strength and cunning.
  • Heterosexual Life-Partners: Forms this with Kostaki of all people in One Thousand Monsters, in spite of their earlier misunderstandings, ending up bantering quite often.
  • Loveable Rogue: Especially prevalent in One Thousand Monsters, where he is every bit the scoundrel of his source material.
  • The Mentor: To James Bond expy Commander Hamish Bond. Fitting, as they are both played by Sean Connery.
  • Mysterious Protector: Always there keeping tabs on the heroes for the Diogenes Club, with a quiet, knowing smile on his face.
  • Red Oni, Blue Oni: The passionate, outgoing, extroverted red to Kostaki's blue.

     Kate Reed 

A rebellious free spirited reporter and journalist, working against Dracula's regime. Appears in Anno Dracula, The Bloody Red Baron, Dracula Cha Cha Cha, Johnny Alucard and Seven Days Of Mayhem. She was originally a cut character from Bram Stoker's Dracula novel, characterized and developed in Anno Dracula instead.

  • All Love Is Unrequited: Had a huge crush on Charles since girlhood. It doesn't ever really work out between them, though they both make it clear that they still mean a lot to each other.
  • Arch-Enemy: One of the longest-running foes of Dracula as old Vlad tends to outlive his Diogenes Club enemies. Kate seldom engages with Dracula directly, she does interfere with his plans through her investigations and encounters Dracula's activities as often as Genevieve if not more so.
  • Ascended Extra: A character from Bram Stoker's original manuscript from Dracula who didn't even make it into the final version. Here she's a major supporting-cum-main character.
  • Good Bad Girl: Despite being shy, mousy, and reasonably proper for her Victorian upbringing, she lost her virginity with her employer out of wedlock and has several casual partners over the course of the series. Just not the one she wanted.
  • Intrepid Reporter: Her career gets her into some pretty unsavory places.
  • Oireland: Irish and inherited some passion for republican independence from her father.

     Penelope Churchward 

Beauregard's ambitious socialite fiancée. Appears in Anno Dracula, Dracula Cha Cha Cha, Johnny Alucard and Seven Days Of Mayhem. She is an original character to the series.

  • Alpha Bitch: Was this growing up. Still is one, sometimes.
  • Break the Haughty: Turns vampire to spite Charles for not paying attention to her. She gets to enjoy it for a few hours before drinking diseased blood and getting almost fatally sick for months. She survives, still a bit haughty but quite a bit wiser.
  • Replacement Goldfish: To Beauregard for his dead first wife Pamela, Penelope's cousin. When he realises this, he breaks up with her.
  • Scars Are Forever: Though they have faded somewhat over a century, Penelope still has scars on her chest from where the quack doctor put leeches on her to drain the diseased blood.
  • Social Climber: In the first book, she's fixed on the idea of being turned for social advancement despite her fiancé's obvious discomfort with the idea.

     Lord/Prime Minister Ruthven 

An opportunistic, calculating elder Vampire who has become Prime Minister of the British Empire during Dracula's rule. Appears in Anno Dracula, The Bloody Red Baron and Seven Days Of Mayhem, and is mentioned in every book. His original source material is John William Polidori's The Vampyre.

  • The Dandy: He is always immaculately dressed and concerned with his appearance. (A bit ironic, given that there is no way he can actually assess it by looking in a mirror.)
  • Fantastic Racism: He looks down on mortals, considering them somewhere just above cattle. In private, he also considers his own British strain of vampirism vastly superior to the East European vampires who have come into the country under Dracula's patronage.
  • Know When to Fold 'Em: At the climax of Anno Dracula, he has the chance to stop Beauregard and Geneviève from escaping the palace after defeating Dracula and killing his minions. Even though he would probably be more than a match for them in their current state, he lets them pass, happy to carve out a place for himself in the recent power vacuum.
  • Our Vampires Are Different: Appropriately as his source was written before Dracula, Ruthven is of a different lineage. His strain cannot shapeshift but keeps some hypnotic ability, and apparently is less prone to mental and physical degeneration than Dracula's get.
  • Sleazy Politician: And immortal, so he's never out of office for good.

     Mycroft Holmes 

Spymaster and chessmaster leader of the Diogenes Club, brother of The Great Detective, and Charles Beauregard's superior. Appears in Anno Dracula and The Bloody Red Baron. His original source material is Sir Arthur Conan Doyle's Sherlock Holmes stories.

  • Killed Offscreen: Succumbs to old age midway through the second book.
  • The Spymaster: Basically invented British intelligence, and went to his grave protecting secrets that even the government wasn't allowed to know.

     Caleb Croft 

A smug, scheming government employee working for Prime Minister Ruthven's police state. Appears in Anno Dracula, The Bloody Red Baron and Seven Days Of Mayhem. His original source material is John Haye's 1972 film Grave of the Vampire.

  • Hate Sink: A smug secret policeman who has had several children with, it is strongly implied, non-consenting partners.
  • The Spymaster: His appointment is the first sign that Ruthven is taking control of the intelligence community away from Mycroft.

     General Iorga 

A blustering, incompetent, impertinent General running Prince Dracula's Elite Carpathian Guard. Appears in Anno Dracula, Dracula Cha Cha Cha and Seven Days Of Mayhem. His original source material is in Bob Kelljan' 1970 film Count Yorga, Vampire.

  • I Just Want to Be You: Genevieve earmarks him as a "murgatroyd" - basically a desperate Dracula wannabe. This is a subtextual dig at how Yorga was originally written as a Dracula knock-off to get around intellectual property laws.
  • Smug Snake: He thinks of himself as King of the Vampires; he is very much alone in this. In the final chapter, Geneviève recognises him as "the general everyone made fun of behind his back".
  • The Star Scream: He has served Dracula for four hundred years and wished him dead for about the same time.

     "The Lord of Strange Deaths" 

Fu Manchu, the leader of the Si Fan, and chief crime lord of London.

  • The Chessmaster: Rules over all of the ethnic Chinese in London, so much so that anything you tell any of them will be heard by him eventually.
  • Yellow Peril: The classic one.
  • Writing Around Trademarks: Never conclusively identified, but you can easily tell who he's supposed to be.

     Mr Yam 

An ancient Chinese Vampire Elder working as an assassin in the employ of Fu Manchu. Appears in Anno Dracula and One Thousand Monsters. His original source material is Ricky Lau's 1985 film Mr. Vampire.

  • The Ace: In One Thousand Monsters, he's noted to be the greatest Chinese Vampire assassin in the world. Geneviève getting her ass kicked was getting off lightly, he would have eventually killed her had his contract not been ended.
  • Chinese Vampire: With all the weirdness that implies.
  • The Dragon: Serves Fu Manchu.
  • Everybody Was Kung-Fu Fighting: The second time they meet, he has a kung-fu duel with Genevieve who had studied with masters in China centuries ago, he was going to have a third encounter to kill her but withdraws because her escort currently has a ceasefire with his master.
  • Nigh-Invulnerable: Geneviève kicked him and almost broke her foot, while he wasn't even tickled.
  • Our Vampires Are Different: The series' first introduction to more exotic strains of vampirism. Mr Yam's kind have an affinity with butterflies rather than rats or wolves, and have more esoteric weaknesses (e.g. banishment by nailing a spell to his forehead).
  • Uncertain Doom: He was last seen, being on fire while assaulting the giant statue mech in One Thousand Monsters and no one knows what happened to him.

     Graf von Orlok 

An ancient, monstrous Carpathian Elder Vampire in Dracula's inner circle, and Governor of the Tower of London during Dracula's rule. Appears in Anno Dracula, The Bloody Red Baron, Johnny Alucard and Seven Days Of Mayhem. His original source material is F. W. Murnau's Nosferatu, the first film adaptation of Bram Stoker's Dracula novel.

  • Dirty Coward: When the fighting breaks out between the Dracula royalists and the conspiracy Orlok was involved in, and Penelope spots him and calls him out, he doesn't partake in the battle, instead going invisible and hiding until it is over.
  • The Dreaded: Even his allies are disturbed by him, though Christina Light seems to like him for this.
  • Know When to Fold 'Em: Gets caught up in Christina Light's scheme to overthrow Dracula and replace him with Orlok, the two of them ruling the empire together. When she is busted for her conspiracy, Penelope offers Orlok an out to abandon Christina Light without being revealed for a traitor, and he wisely takes it, ignoring her pleading, though with an expression of obvious disappointment.
  • Our Vampires Are Different: It is mentioned that Orlok's strain of vampirism is slightly different to Dracula's, with psychic control of rats rather than wolves and bats. Orlok's inhuman appearance is also an obvious reminder to all that he meets of how he is different from other vampires.
  • The Starscream: One to Dracula in Seven Days Of Mayhem, where he conspires with Christina Light to overthrow Dracula.
  • Torture Technician: Is delighted to play this role in the first book, when he's put in charge of the Tower of London.
  • The Voiceless: Doesn't speak a word in the whole series, appropriately given his silent cinema origins.

     Prince Vlad III Tepes ("The Impaler") Dracula 

Greater scope villain of the series, and the cause of it by seizing the British Empire and drawing back the veil over vampires. His original source material is Bram Stoker's Dracula combined with the real world Dracula inspiration Vlad The Impaler.

  • Attack of the 50-Foot Whatever: He is described as a giant in the first movie's climax.
  • The Bad Guy Wins: In this timeline, Dracula prevailed over the novel's main heroes, turns Mina into his bride and proceeded to create his vampire army to take over England.
  • Creative Sterility: One reason why he's dangerous is that unlike other vampires, he doesn't have Creative Sterility and adapts readily to the technology of the time. Though by Dracula Cha-Cha-Cha, he's depressed and was losing his creative edge.
  • Domestic Abuse: Poor Victoria is chained to his throne, turned into a slave/prisoner in her own palace, and implied to be sexually abused by Dracula.
  • Dracula: The one and only. Curiously, he is described as a combination of all fictional depictions of him ever.
  • Dragon-in-Chief: To the Central Powers during World War I in The Bloody Red Baron. While he serves as supreme general of his armies and holding the title of Graf ("Count" in German), he was considered the true mastermind of the conflict and more dangerous than his superiors. In fact, characters believe the war wouldn't have happened if it wasn't for him.
  • Evil Overlord: As Prince-Consort and Lord Protector, he oppresses Great Britain with iron fist and uses impalement as primary method of punishment.
  • Faux Affably Evil: His smile is described as "persuasive, but behind it were his fangs".
  • Grand Theft Me: How Dracula eventually returns from the dead, by stealing Johnny Alucard's body.
  • Greater-Scope Villain: The current state of the world owns its existence to him, but the protagonists don't initially confront him, as they are focusing on the Silver Knife serial killer.
  • Mask of Sanity: Dracula is a deranged psychopath but he hides it very well and acts as ever the polite host. It's only during his breakdowns that his vicious true self comes to the surface.
  • Our Vampires Are Different: Dracula is far more powerfuly than his progeny, having grown to the size of a giant through his gluttonous feeding, and capable of more magical feats like returning from the dead by possessing Johnny Alucard.
  • Plaguemaster: His bloodline is extremely unstable and kills a lot of those who join it (partially due to sub-par Victorian medicine). He's probably not doing it deliberately, but he doesn't seem bothered by it either.
  • Polyamory: Even after marrying Queen Victoria, he still keeps his vampire brides which includes Mina Harker, Sadie Thompson, Mata Hari and several others.
  • Psychopathic Manchild: Dracula is described as having a "child brain" and frequently does his evil for childish boredom and for fun. He even lets zoo animals wonder throughout the halls and greets guests in the nude.
  • Serial Spouse: Even having a large number of concubines, he still married officially with other women countless times.
  • Vampire Monarch: Dracula is the lord and ruler of all the world's vampires. They refer to him as "The King of Cats".
  • Villainous Breakdown: At the end of Anno Dracula, Charles kills Queen Victoria and effectively dissolves Dracula's claim to the throne. He doesn't take it at all well.
  • Wicked Pretentious: This is not the misunderstood Byronic hero of some works. He turns Buckingham Palace into a complete ruin, letting zoo animals wander around indoors, holding orgies, and greeting guests in the nude.

First Appearing In The Bloody Red Baron

     Edwin Winthrop 

Agent and aviator for the Diogenes Club, Beaugarde's protege. Appears in The Bloody Red Baron and mentioned in Dracula Cha Cha Cha. He is an original character to the series.

  • Ace Pilot: Might be the guy who shot down the Red Baron, although he refuses to confirm or deny it.
  • All for Nothing: Becomes deranged and obsessed with killing Baron Richthofen. It destroys all his relationships and drives him to drink vampire blood. The Red Baron is killed by artillery fire from the ground.
  • Did Not Get the Girl: Heads home to his fiance after finishing his duties in France, ending his relationship with Kate Reid.
  • The Stoic: Gets uncharacteristically brooding, quiet, and contemptuous of sentimentality after he tastes his first dose of vampire blood. Mellows out of it later.
  • Suspiciously Similar Substitute: Basically becomes Charles Beauregard's replacement as an agent on the ground.

     Edgar Allan Poe 

The real life man himself, as a vampire and placed into the Anno Dracula universe. Appears in The Bloody Red Baron, where he's hired by the Germans to ghostwrite the Red Baron's autobiography, and Dracula Cha Cha Cha.

  • Adaptational Villainy: Is a Confederate officer and traitor to the United States who decides to work for the Central Powers. Oh and he's an anti-Semite too.
  • Been There, Shaped History: Fought in the Civil War on the Confederate side (the real Poe died before the war started, but spent his last days in Baltimore, which historically did have more than a few rebel sympathizers).
  • Creative Sterility: In Bloody Red Baron, he hasn't written since turning (though it's not clear if this is due to vampirization, or just the consequent sobriety). Might have gotten over it by the third book, where he's apparently started writing screenplays.
  • Do Not Call Me "Paul": Dislikes his middle name. It reminds him of his hated stepfather.
  • Even Evil Has Standards: More like a Even A Jerkass has Standards when he intervenes in a rape.
  • Politically Incorrect Villain: A Civil War soldier, Anti-Semite, and holder of other unpleasant views.
  • The Quisling: Happily works for the Central Powers during WW1. Notably doesn't consider himself American after the Civil War.
  • Screw This, I'm Outta Here: Realizes that the Central Powers aren't actually dashing men of action but cold-blooded ruthless war profiteers after they deliberately sacrifice the Flying Circus.
  • Villain Protagonist: Is a propagandist gleefully working for the Central Powers.

     Manfred von Richthofen/The Bloody Red Baron 

The famous World War One flying ace himself, as a vampire and the direct titular antagonist of The Bloody Red Baron. Appears only in that novel.

  • Bat Out of Hell: What he becomes as a result of German mad science.
  • Historical Villain Upgrade: Jerk upgrade, at least. Much colder and more emotionally stunted than his real-life contemporaries described him note 
  • My Country, Right or Wrong: Displays cold, quiet contempt for his superiors and those who transformed him, everyone fawning over him like a celebrity and those using him, but continues to do his duty and fight for Germany all the same.
  • Our Vampires Are Different: Invoked, by the German scientists. Unlike most vampires, the Baron can transform into a hideous bat creature.
  • Straight Edge Evil: Given a chance to drink from Mata Hari, he's not merely uninterested but actually uncomfortable. Nothing seems to motivate him anymore besides flying, and his own brother states that something about him is no longer human.
  • Sociopathic Soldier: Shoots a beagle for no reason (in joke aside) and displays no interests other than killing.
  • Super-Soldier: Basically. He is part of an experiment in which he feeds on vampire Mata Hari; blending two bloodlines gives him the ability to turn into a giant biplane-bat.
  • Tragic Monster: A grim, introspective, professional soldier transformed through vampire science into an inhuman flying monster by his superiors to fight for his country.

     Captain Kent Allard 

An American vampire aviator for the Allies of World War One, and the future famous vigilante hero known as The Shadow. Appears in The Bloody Red Baron and is mentioned in Dracula Cha Cha Cha. His original source material is Walter B. Gibson's ''The Shadow.''

First Appearing In Dracula Cha Cha Cha

     Commander Hamish Bond 
A vampire agent of the Diogenes Club who is sent to Rome in 1959 to investigate the ulterior motives behind Dracula's wedding.
  • The Ace: Subverted. He has trouble keeping up with the previously-established main characters.
  • The Casanova: Seduces a bridesmaid in Cha Cha Cha, but has no luck with Genevieve.
  • Expy: Haven't guessed who he's supposed to be? Well, "Hamish" is the Scottish equivalent of "James". Get it now?
  • Mythology Gag: Hamish is a James Bond expy who was turned vampire by his mentor Daniel Dravot. Both of whom were played in film by Sean Connery.
  • Tuxedo and Martini: Based on/IS the guy who basically invented the trope, so yeah.

First Appearing In Johnny Alucard

     Johnny Alucard 

A young Romanian boy whom Dracula turned. After winding up working on the set of Francis Ford Coppola's Dracula movie, he gains passage to America, where he decides to continue the work of his father-in-darkness. He is primarily inspired by the character of the same name from Dracula A.D. 1972, with some elements of the villain in Son of Dracula and others.

  • Been There, Shaped History: Hung out with Andy Warhol. Implied to have killed Nancy Spungen and framed Sid Vicious. Bankrolled several famous directors.
  • Corrupt Corporate Executive: Becomes a film producer using money he made selling his own refined blood as a drug. His endgame is to complete a ritual that will allow Dracula to live again through him.
  • Embarrassing Nickname: Called "The Count" for his compulsive habit of thoroughly counting money as soon as he acquires it.
  • From Nobody to Nightmare: Started as some poor, young Romanian schmuck named Ion Popescu. Wound up becoming a vampire drug lord and then Dracula's conduit to return from death.
  • Generation Xerox: What his "father" was to Victorian Britain, he is becoming for 1970s America. At some point he becomes all but indistinguishable from the original count.
  • I Was Quite a Fashion Victim: He was very into the disco scene in the 70s. This led to a bit of a rivalry with an old roommate of his, punk rocker Sid Vicious.
  • Mugged for Disguise: Johnny off handedly mentions killing Tony Manero, to drain his blood to gain his dancing talents and to steal his outfits.
  • Wealthy Philanthropist: What he poses as. Nobody realizes that all the public events he hosts and films he sponsors are rituals to bring Dracula back to life.

     Barbi Winters 

A young girl and serial killer of vampires in Los Angeles during the early 80s. A major antagonist in story The Other Side of Midnight. In case the name didn't tip you off, she's basically a Lawyer-Friendly Cameo of Buffy the Vampire Slayer.

  • The Chosen One: Subverted. She's not chosen or anything; her "Overseer" is just messing with her head.
  • Expy: As with Hamish Bond, there's no doubt about who she's supposed to be despite the name change. She even has a stuffy British school librarian to serve as Giles stand-in (the initials are even almost the same, despite that stand-in being a pre-existing fictional character).
  • Girly Bruiser: A typical chirpy Valley Girl who is also a vampire hunter.
  • Pungeon Master: Her banter can border on the really lame at times.
  • Van Helsing Hate Crimes: Imagine Buffy the Vampire Slayer kept killing vampires in a world where they're a struggling minority demographic.
  • Unwitting Pawn: To her "Overseer", who happens to be Ernset Ralph Gorse, the conniving con artist from Patrick Hamilton's Gorse Trilogy.

     Kit and Holly 
A pair of vampire lovers and outlaws. They are named after the main characters from Badlands but clearly reference similar characters like Mickey and Mallory from Natural Born Killers or Bart and Laurie from Gun Crazy.

  • Big Bad Wannabe: Pick a fight with Johnny Alucard. This ends with Kit's death and Holly becoming his new Dark Mistress.
  • Continuity Snarl: Implied to have taken the names "Sid and Nancy" at some point in their careers, but Johnny meets the Sid and Nancy in a different story well before meeting them.
  • Hive Mind: What Holly becomes with Alucard, after Kit dies. At times she feels like her own mind just isn't there anymore.
  • In Love with Your Carnage: This for each other.
  • Outlaw Couple: Pretty much every outlaw couple in fiction, in fact. Their original names might have been Clyde Barrow and Bonnie Parker.
  • Shapeshifting: There's no better physical shapeshifter than Holly. She's unmatched in the degree that she can change her body and how quickly. Her ability also extends into adopting the personality of people she mimics. This ability is why Alucard is so interested in her.
  • Wicked Pretentious: They have very crass, stereotypical "redneck" tastes. Kit thinks a cowboy hat with devil horns is high fashion while renewing his wedding vows in Vegas.

First Appearing In Anno Dracula - 1895: Seven Days in Mayhem

     Princess Christina Light 
A former Italian princess turned socialist activist vampire. Light intends to bring about a new world and is the star of the Christina Light trilogy consisting of Seven Days in Mayhem, One Thousand Monsters and Anno Dracula 1999: Daikaiju. She's originally a character from two Henry James novels Roderick Hudson and The Princess Casamassima.

  • All Your Powers Combined: Christina Light drew power from all the inhabitants of Yokai Town, and from Lord Majin and his dragon eggs to completely crush him. Earlier Christina was fused with Yuki-Onna where these two godlike vampires combined their power.
  • Big Bad: Light serves as the primary villain of Seven Days in Mayhem, intending to overthrow Dracula and his regime through any means necessary despite the carnage that would result, and replace him with Graf Orlok, a possibly even crueler tyrant.
  • Big Good: She was this in One Thousand Monsters. It was her efforts that helped unite Yokai Town and she was directly responsible for the victory over Lord Maijin. Then she was able to turn Yokai Town into a vampire and yokai sanctuary.
  • Creative Sterility: Another vampire who doesn't suffer from it. She may be crazy but she's readily adapted to the internet at a time when John Alucard is still doing Laser Disc movies. She's got big, bold ideas that includes making herself a god through the internet.
  • Dark Messiah: Light intends to usher in a new world where humanity and vampires will be free from harm or ill though she'll go to extreme lengths to achieve it. After One Thousand Monsters, Geneviève actually added Christina to her enemy list and Kate thinks she's horrid.
  • Dude Magnet: Christina was one of the most beautiful women in Europe of her time period and a side-effect of her powers is that men are mesmerized looking at her when she's in a sparkling state, she only had a limited control over it. She even entices the monstrous Graf Orlok of all people into throwing in with one of her plots to overthrow Dracula, though he turns his back on her the moment she is busted for her conspiracy.
  • Energy Being: What she's been transformed to at the end of One Thousand Monsters.
  • Fusion Dance: Christina Light in her immaterial light form, joins bodies with Yuki-Onna. Together they form a 20 feet tall version of Yuki-Onna with an electric aura.
  • Glamour: Christina can make any man fascinated with her. To her annoyance, this doesn't necessarily mean they listen to her; in the 1890s particularly, it just means they see her as an idealised figure they want to protect.
  • Godhood Seeker: Light's ultimate goal is to use the power of the digital world to ascend to godhood status and take over the world and create her utopia.
  • It's All About Me: The problem many characters have with her is that she sincerely believes in creating a better world, but she also sincerely believes that her being in charge is the only way to do it. She manages to be both passionately egalitarian and incredibly self-centred simultaneously, with Geneviève suspecting that the reason she renounced her title is because people shouldn't be obeying her for anything so unimportant as being a princess; they should be obeying her because she's Christina Light.
  • Nightmare Fetishist: Where everyone else in the series is rightly put off by Graf Orlok, she most certainly isn't, planning to overthrow Dracula with him and replace him with the even more monstrous vampire.
  • Rags to Royalty: She's an Italian-American who got pushed into marriage with the Prince of Casamassima by her mother.
  • Regent for Life: She rules Yokai Town/the Bund as regent to Yuki-Onna. Given that Yuki-Onna prefers to sleep all the time encased in ice, this makes Christina the de facto ruler.
  • Stephen Ulysses Perhero: Her name is "Light" and she's a rare vampire with light-based powers.
  • Super Power Lottery: What a winner! She's a newborn vampire and one of the most powerful beings in the Anno Dracula universe before she evolved. Even more of a win, since her husband was also turned by the same vampire sire and all he got was death.
  • Took a Level in Badass: Christina Light over the course of One Thousand Monsters becomes more powerful in her light powers after her initial loss to Lord Majin, to the point where she's practically Ascended to a Higher Plane of Existence.
  • The Vamp: Christina Light expertly uses her beauty and sexuality to seduce men into joining her anarchist cause while caring nothing for their lives.
  • Well-Intentioned Extremist: Light really does believe that she can create a better world for both vampires and humans alike, but is willing to go to extreme lengths to achieve it, including starting a bloody war with Dracula.
  • Wound That Will Not Heal: Christina isn't very good at recovering from injuries to her physical body, after her battle with Lord Majin, she winds up with an useless arm and a permanently red eye. Geneviève noted that Kate Reed told her that 5 years ago Christina had been injured and after that she's had difficulty staying solid.

First Appearing In One Thousand Monsters

     Drusilla Zark 

  • Mad Oracle: Drusilla makes several predictions, but her mind and language is so disordered that they are rarely useful to other characters until the foretold events come to pass.

     Mr Bats 

     Popejoy the Sailor Man 

  • Expy: It is clear who Popejoy is meant to be, particularly after he loses an eye and his injured jaw swells. You can tell the author is having fun when Popejoy is infected with a rare Japanese strain of vampirism that requires feeding off plants and vegetables. Luckily there's plenty of tinned spinach on board...

     Lieutenant Majin 

  • Sorcerous Overlord: A modernized version, this evil sorcerer and officer of the Black Ocean was the ruler of Yokai Town and has ambitions of taking over Japan entirely.
  • Secr


  • Big Bad Wannabe: Dorakuraya wants to become the strongest vampire in the East, and wage war on the West. Luckily Kostaki breaks free of his mind control and stops his plan in its early stages.
  • Not So Harmless: Dorakuraya comes off as a weak wannabe Dracula, but he still manages to manipulate Kostaki into almost killing Genevieve.
  • Our Vampires Are Different: Averted. Dorakuraya is one of the few Japanese vampires of the Dracula strain, and is clearly setting himself up to be the Eastern rival to the Count.
