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WMG / I Miss the Sunrise

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Note: The "Jossed" and "Confirmed" folders are spoilers by their very nature. Peruse at your own risk.

Tezkhra is a Lesser.

His identity has been suspect for a while — enlarged frame, white sclerae, and an apparent relation to another Lesser — but the real kicker? Typelog fragment 2-2-8: "...strange-looking Lesser. Black scales, white eyes. Stranger still, it didn't appear to be immediately hostile..."

  • Possibly Jossed — in the genetics lab of the EROS facility, it can be clearly seen that Lessers have gigantic tails. Tezkhra's is shorter than Daszk's, which makes this unlikely.
  • And as of his final interaction scene in episode 4, confirmed! Tezkhra was originally one of the prototypes referenced in the abandoned databanks, and was on the verge of death when Rami came across him. Tezkhra requested that Rami alter his body to make him more like a lacertian, and somehow, the augments worked. This was so obvious, though, that when it finally comes out, the rest of the crew admits they already knew.

Fih'jik will appear at some point.
(Although not necessarily known as 'Fih'Jik', as that was probably a term invented by the surface-dwelling subjects, just as the Lacertian subjects named themselves 'Shra')

Take a look at this Typelog fragment:

"...proposed Credits be divided into eighths. Preposterous. What civilization would measure anything in pieces of 8?..."
What civilization indeed? Perhaps one that counts in base the fih'jik. According to Ques' gigantic glossary in The Reconstruction, fih'jik have four-fingered hands (meaning they count in base 8), a notable oddity, seeing how every other species has five-fingered hands.

Either that fragment is a cruel, intentional Red Herring specifically targeted at crazy over-analysists, or it's foreshadowing that fih'jik will appear at some point in the story. (If this is true, that would make that fragment contain some Dramatic Irony...)

  • Also, it's heavily implied that there are no native species on the PLSE surface that was the setting for The Reconstruction - it was terraformed and all sentient species were derived from a genetic donor (Tezkhra supplied the Shra DNA, EROS employees probably supplied the DNA for the Humans/Fortians). Logically, there would have to be a space-age fih'jik species from whence the DNA for the surface fih'jik came from.

  • More foreshadowing - There are four weapon classes, but only 3 species classifications. It wouldn't be very useful to have the player character specialise in non-combat skills by powering up eXtension modules, so perhaps the Fih'Jik were held back from the beginning make the player choose a more 'standard' specialisation for their character.

  • It's such a given, that when (when) the Fih'Jik are introduced it will be an untwist for most of the audience.
  • Confirmed; Dena is the first fih'jik.


Fih'jik, or their predecessors, will appear in Forever And Ever.
There are already a number of Typelog fragments that foreshadow their existence, and now we have an episode title named after a common phrase in The Bible that refers to the divine. This practically screams that the zealously religious fih'jik will make an appearance in episode 4, especially since this would be the perfect time for them to reveal themselves: Tensions are high and the galaxy is on the verge of war. Injecting a third party into the mix would increase the drama, and possibly give Virgil a reason to take Ros out of stasis.
  • Conversely, there's no evidence that Space-faring Fih'Jik would be religious, so the Bible quote is only circumstantial evidence. Religion is cultural, not genetic, and the PLSE projects are covert experiments where the subjects are unaware that EROS even exists, so there would be no transmission of religious ideas from genetic donors to the surface dwellers. Hence, the Fih'Jik religion is an original idea of the Fih'Jik on the surface. The 'Supreme One' may in fact be a Space-fih'jik who was misinterpreted as a God (cf. Clarke's Third Law), just as the Si'Shra's deity was.
  • ...Possibly confirmed! (Though not in the way proposed here.) We do see one creature that is very likely to be the first fih'jik in Kara's final interaction scene, but we don't know for certain.
    • And now definitely confirmed; in the ending, Willis mentions that Dena escaped with a bunch of embryos. There's no way those aren't fih'jik at this point.

Dena is the first fih'jik.
EROS already created one sentient, fully-functional species; why couldn't they create another? It would also fit the theme of history repeating.

  • Almost certainly. In the ending, Willis mentions that Dena escaped with a bunch of embryos. There's no way those aren't fih'jik at this point.

The "old man" referenced by Lazarus is #0001.
Really, this is so obvious it does not need further explanation.

Kara and Daszk will return for a Big Damn Heroes moment in the third game.
Kara's section of the ending cuts off with her trying to find out more about the Progenitor, and saying that she's not going to give up on saving Ros no matter what. She's searching in the wrong lab, but even if Ros never told anyone about the contents of the abandoned lab, she does know it exists. It's only a matter of time before she finds it and discovers everything. The Progenitor's and 1213's notes probably aren't terribly important anymore, but the logs about latent energy are still a dangling plot thread. All of this implies that it's very likely that she'll show up in the future at some point.

The Shine is an event that counteracts technological progression, and occurs when a civilization reaches the highest echelon possible.

Think about it. It only triggered once technology had reached near-perfection. Immortality and far-space travel had already been achieved. The Shine stopped all progress and knocked civilization back as it desperately scrambled to rebuild. This could also explain why it left planets alone, if it's some kind of "nature versus technology" thing — it could be trying to force humans to stay earthbound instead of venturing across space. However, this wouldn't explain why it didn't touch planet-sized machines, either. Or why it didn't touch the machines on those planets...

Perhaps it was instated by ancient aliens who collapsed under the weight of achieving technological perfection, and they set it up to forcefully prevent other civilizations from making the same mistake... Although, if destroying communication and killing billions is the lesser of two evils, either technological perfection really sucks for some unknown reason, or the aliens are just selfish.

Alternatively, the Shine wasn't created by sentient life, and is simply a force of the universe that prevents technological progression for some reason.

Regardless, the Shine is very likely magical in origin, so we will probably get some major tie-ins to The Reconstruction when we learn about its nature. Which brings me to my next stab in the dark...

If the above WMG is true, then the Watchers were instated on the planet of The Reconstruction to prevent it from happening again.

The presence of humans and lacertians in The Reconstruction pretty much guarantees that survivors of whatever horrible cataclysm occurs during I Miss the Sunrise (you know there's going to be something) settled there. If the characters of IMTS learned the truth about the Shine, and the truth about the Shine is the above WMG, then the Watchers may have been instated in order to prevent technological progression from passing the point at which the Shine triggers, since they appear to destroy the world every thousand years or so.

  • Major support for this theory: In The Reconstruction's Golden Ending, Rami mentions that the Cycle of destruction was meant to be carried out when technology started appearing.
  • Jossed — nothing so complex! The Watchers were instated to collect qualitative data, since Willis thought living beings would be better for that than computers. The Cycle of destruction was simply to prevent inhabitants from creating high technology, taking to the stars, and turning against their masters, as colony 503b did.

Prediction for the plot of And Yet It Moves...

Calling it now: The plot will be about {{cat|Folk }}people who specialize in Extension shells appearing out of nowhere and making all the scientists giddy that they found another sentient species, before the cat people start blathering about the Supreme One and how the nonbelievers must be purged.

  • Jossed! The plot is about a new group, the EROS scientists, and their morally questionable experiments.

The fortieth merit will be awarded upon completion of the game.
  • Jossed! Space Lizard has recently revealed all the merits here. The fortieth merit is awarded upon obtaining all the others.

Legarto Desperado will return to help you out in episode 4 if you saved him.
Fighting is what he's best at — the hectic situation coming up will be the perfect time for him to lend aid. And there's no way he can just disappear after the super-important decision of doom dealing with him. Of course, his help can't be too important, since it's possible for the player to kill him...
  • Jossed! He doesn't appear at all in episode 4.

Speculations on the sixteenth playable character...
Space Lizard has said on his blog that he's lowering the amount of playable characters from 20 to 16. Like in The Reconstruction, the final crew member will require all the others in order to be recruited. The sixteenth character in The Reconstruction was a huge shocker and completely changed a lot of the story's context, so this one will probably be a shocker as well. Speculations as to who it could be are below...

  • A fih'jik, assuming they're going to appear. A character of a unique species, providing insight into their strange new culture could be very intriguing and fitting for such a special character.
  • The Black One.
  • Virgil, assuming he doesn't turn out to be Evil All Along.
  • Dehl, through Time Travel wackiness.
  • Someone completely new who will be impossible to predict.

And as of episode 4, [Jossed none of these guesses are correct! It's Ivoronus, "father" of the Sikohlons.]]

Daszk will kill Tezkhra.
It would be suitably tragic and heart-rending. Perhaps it would not even be a conscious betrayal, knowing Daszk. Or perhaps he has Obfuscating Stupidity?

Otherwise, the obvious candidate is the Black One, but that seems a little too obvious...

  • Jossed, more or less outright. As Space Lizard said here,
"After looking at the WMG pages, I think it's hilarious that you speculate that the woobiest woobies in both games are secretly homicidal psychos. I wish I could be that subtle."

Virgil will pull a Havan.

There's something about the guy that just seems sinister. And it would be interesting to see how the other characters (and Ros?) might react.

  • Jossed! His final scene is a Heroic Sacrifice where he apologizes to Ros for treating him/her as a tool instead of a person, and diverts the last remaining backup power to get Ros to safety.

If fih'jik do appear, they will have already mastered latent energy.
This might explain why they are so religious — they believe it is a divine gift. However, this almost certainly means they haven't reached space technology yet, since magic can only be used on Surfaces. It would provide a very good reason for why their species was added to the latent energy project, though...

#0001 is The Black One.
In the final computers of the abandoned databanks, 0001 says that the emitter radiation is failing on him for some reason, and he is starting to age again. This causes him to grow increasingly deranged and desperate, becoming obsessed with immortality. What if his method of self-preservation was to transcend the physical entirely, and transfer his mind into a host body? This would explain why he is so antagonistic towards Tez — he recognizes him as one of the failed prototypes. It would also explain the "these small minds" comment.

Alternatively, 0001 transferred his mind into Tezkhra, and The Black One is another member of the project. Wouldn't that be interesting.

  • Jossed! Number One is still in his original body, and, in fact, the Black One actively tries to stop him.

0001 preserved himself by uploading himself into the network. Like what Ral tried, only it actually worked. This would explain the voices contacting Ros — the ending of episode 4 phrases them as if they're running off of a program's protocol. The voices are also very likely to be 0001's, what with them repeating his Madness Mantra.

  • Jossed. He's still in his original body.

Alternatively alternatively, both of the above theories are correct
0001 knew his mind would not fully survive the transfer into a host body, so he uploaded his memories and higher consciousness into a system beforehand.

  • Neither of the above theories are, doubly Jossed?

The Ouranos siblings were created by #0001.
Really, this is also obvious. 0001 was/is obsessed with how "time is quantifiable, and therefore finite", and he was also obsessed with his inevitable, approaching demise. The correlation between that obsession with time and beings who can transcend time is too uncanny to be a coincidence. It is also heavily implied by numerous sources that the Ouranos siblings were creations of EROS anyway. This would also explain the lack of any memory of or before the Shine; they were created in the suspension chambers before 0001 performed the experiment.

  • Doesn't look like it, actually! He does take a great interest in them, but doesn't seem to actually know how they were created, or their true purpose.

Episode 5 will be an example of an Unexpected Gameplay Change.
Space Lizard has mentioned on his blog that episode 5 will be "something very special indeed", and after the events of episode 4, it does not seem like the normal gameplay formula will be used, since Ros is separated from his/her fleet. What if it uses a different system of gameplay entirely? Perhaps not too different — maybe a Call-Back to The Reconstruction, if Ros is taken to a Surface? It could even be a Backdoor Pilot for The Drop.

'Five' will be a playable character — that, or he's one of the ones that was cut.
  • Nope. The cut characters were Willis, Ral, Amalas, and a character whose existence was cut entirely.

Who is "Five"?
This blog post teases some hints. Post theories here:
  • #0EF7. Their final log says that they're bailing out, and they have the vaguest specialties of the abandoned databanks scientists — #1213 headed the abiogenesis project and #98A2 was obsessed with latent energy, but #0EF7 doesn't mention any specific specialties. They do, however, have the same cold, logical speech patterns as "Five" (complete with random philosophizing), a sharp contrast with the other more emotional (and, later, insane) scientists. Furthermore, their final log makes reference to joining the suppression program. This wouldn't be significant in and of itself...but "Five" makes explicit reference to their suppression wearing off in their final message, and it wore off much later than everyone else's. The connection is conspicuous... Also, something strange: In the final office of the abandoned databanks, there is a gutted computer in one corner — someone purposefully destroyed it to prevent others from seeing its information. However, following the pattern of the other monitors in that room, that monitor would have an entry from #0EF7! (Which would make a lot of sense; most of the others' entries go up to 7, whereas theirs stops at 6.) All of this seems to be pointing at #0EF7 having some special significance that will be revisited later on.
  • Jossed. 'Five' is Tezkhra.

Kara is #3849.
At the very start of the abandoned databanks, there's an entry from someone who says they're bailing out from the project due to guilt. They also mention that they're going to scatter messages relating to "the truth" in log screens. The only time we've seen scattered, seemingly-abandoned log screens that add up to a greater picture is in episode 2, pointing to the location of Purity Point. So, it would seem that this person and Purity Point are connected somehow.

But it goes deeper. If you wait until recruiting Kara before accessing Purity Point for the first time, we get a brief look into her thoughts added to the cutscene, and it implies that she knows its origins. This is further supported by her idle chat in the area; in episode 3, she hints that Purity Point was created for a specific purpose, and in episode 4, she seems to express guilt in regards to the place, vowing that she won't allow anything similar to happen again.

All of this seems to imply that she knew how Purity Point was first created, and she must have had a hand in it, as she seems to feel guilty. This matches up with #3849's message — and if she bailed out early (earlier than Cassidy and Cole, it seems like, as they reference someone already having run away in their logs), then she wouldn't know the crazy stuff that happened later on there.

  • Nope; in Deirdre's final scene, she says she has no idea what the original purpose of the project was or why the Pure Ones are there. This theory can only be correct if she's lying.


The mysterious lacertian Ral was talking to will pull a Skint.

If they aren't the Black One, they're definitely vying for the spot of "most likely Big Bad candidate" (and still may be even if they are...). This is similar to Skint being painted as the Big Bad up until The Reveal right at the end.

Carboderm is synthetic Lacertian skin
It's called L-skin for a reason. The Lacertians have awesome regenerative capabilities, and somebody eventually synthesized some of their skin, so it became the all-purpose supergoop that they make spaceship and hab hulls out of.

Tezkhra and The Black One are neither Lacertians nor Lessers
...But rather a strange energy-based alien that exists by taking possession of Lacertian bodies, inducing slight physical changes. Neither are 'normal' Lacertians, as both have had augmentations which is a biological impossibility with Lacertian flesh. The Black One has also been through at least three different bodies, the first augmented, the second not so and the third form was assumed from an ordinary Lesser right in front of the protagonists.

The Black One made a comment that 'these small minds' of lessers cannot retain his full consciousness, implying that his mind is not Lesser, and that with each new possession, he loses a little more of his consciousness. Tezkhra may not be aware that he is one of these aliens (having lost that knowledge after going through so many bodies), which ties into his problem with memory retention. This would also explain how he persisted after being murdered by the Lesser on the PLSE surface of The Reconstruction and his 'soul' preserved in that magic crystal guarded by the Tatzylvurm.

  • Possible support for this theory: the Black One never tells you his true name. When asked "who are you", he simply says, "You know me as the Black One." Why would a bunch of random humans know who a random Lesser was, and by such a poetic title at that? This would seem to imply that he is some kind of higher being.
    • This could tie into the WMG below — could it be possible that they consider themselves akin to gods, if they are from the previous universe?

The Black One and Tezkhra are beings from the previous universe.
In Episode 5, the Progenitor claims that what he plans to do (destroy the universe so it can be born again) has already been done before, and in fact, the previous inhabitants of those universes still exist, watching. What if the Black One and Tezkhra are two such beings? What if they somehow entered this universe by hijacking a body? This would fit the theory that TBO and Tez are Energy Beings who exist purely through Body Surfing. This could also potentially explain how TBO is able to break plasmatic bars — energy being overwhelmed by greater energy.

Virgil has some connection to the scientists mentioned in the abandoned databanks.
The idea just struck me. It's confirmed that Virgil was a member of the original Breach in episode 4. The scientists whose logs are mentioned in the abandoned databanks seem to all be members of the Breach. What if Virgil was one of them? He seems to know far more than most people do, and sometimes has vague, philosophical ramblings.

Now granted, he must not have known that much, since he was just as shocked by The Reveal in episode 3, and doesn't seem to know the truth about lacertians either. But he does seem to be connected somehow...

In episode 2, the buyer of the captured Lessers is Professor Burkle.
The first mission of His Master's Voice is a bit of a Big-Lipped Alligator Moment — Typelog tells you there's someone who wants captured Lessers, and you have to fetch them. The traps and containment mechanisms you use to accomplish this are also of his design. Typelog adamantly refuses to give you any information on their patron, and the mission is never mentioned again. However, there is exactly one person we know of who would take interest in capturing Lessers alive: Burkle. It is likely that he populated the Lesser habitation through this method.

The mole who sabotaged the mind/matter interface program was Burkle.
Seems a bit strange for someone who seems so kind and peaceful, but he seems to be the only EROS operative who's a lacertian. And Ral does mention that she was talking to a strange lacertain just before testing the project...
  • This seems unlikely, as in his introduction in the Lesser habitation, he says he was only recently recruited due to the war stretching EROS thin. He may have been lying, however.

There will be a sequel made based on the pessimist ending.
It will be a god sim. You play as Ros, who is directing the evolution of the new universe, as the Progenitor wished.

Ivoronus and the Sikohlon are the only true PL-776s in existence.
One of the final abandoned databanks logs says that the artificial lifeforms crash-landed on a planet, which presumably led to the "discovery" of the lacertians — but it says only PL-775s, the Lessers, were on that ship. Lacertians must have evolved naturally from the Lessers who crashed on the planet. We know Ivoronus is PL-776, and #1213's final log also mentions "descendants", so there are other PL-776s too. If the rest of the batch became the Sikohlon, that would explain why Ivoronus views them as his "children" and why they form such a tight-knit group.

Granted, this does require a pretty Contrived Coincidence, that being that natural selection made the lacertians identical to the PL-776 model.

If the above theory is true, it is the reason for Ivoronus' paranoia towards Typelog.
Ivoronus is extremely dedicated toward keeping the lacertians' true origins a secret, to the point that he refuses to even remember his own name. He likely fears that Typelog would be able to investigate the Sikohlon and discover the truth if they got the opportunity, which is why he's so dedicated to staying off the grid.

Prime's defect was insubordination, or some similar brand of impulsive/erratic behavior.
In #1213's final log, they say that Prime (Ivoronus) has a defect, but his descendants in PL-776 will be perfect. We never learn what this defect is, but assuming the theory about Sikohlons being the PL-776 batch is true... It is repeatedly mentioned by Ivoronus himself what perfect, machine-like workers the Sikohlon are, but that they are so obedient that he grew tired of it and chose to encourage Mahk's insubordination when it appeared. Perhaps this is because Mahk is an evolutionary throwback who displayed the same "defect" as Ivoronus himself; this would explain why Ivoronus was so fond of him, if he reminded him of himself.

#1213 is Willis.
Their specialties are identical and their speech patterns are somewhat similar. Willis' adoration towards Dena ("she is truly a supreme being") also sounds quite similar to #1213's gushing over Prime. Plus, he seemed awful quick to deflect inquiry into his connections to the abandoned databanks... Willis' callous pragmatism certainly seems incompatible with #1213's innocent idealism, but consider how much Mahk changes between IMTS and The Reconstruction.

There is a big hole in this, though, which is that Kara's final plotline implies Willis was making slow progress in his abiogenesis project until he uncovered #1213's notes — if he was #1213 himself, his progress should have been constant.

#98A2 is Tezkhra and The Black One.
Point 1: In Episode 3, Willis says #98A2 was the only person to ever make a probe capable of detecting latent energy; none of their other researchers can replicate it. However, Tezkhra can — his Stardraw sensors have been detecting it. The parallel is too pointed to ignore — Tezkhra clearly has some relation to #98A2. Since latent energy is magic, there may be some shenanigans going on here; perhaps #98A2 is The Chosen One (in a manner of speaking) and is the only entity capable of detecting the energy like this. Given that Tezkhra seems to be of a kind with The Black One, it's possible #98A2 may even be one of his past lives.

Point 2: The game is constantly drawing connections between Tezkhra and The Black One. They look identical, to the point that Tezkhra has the exact same speaker portrait in the flashback in his final scene, and they can both be augmented despite that normally being impossible for Lizard Folk. The Black One also insists they are entwined in some kind of cosmic destiny. And, it's a weak connection, but The Black One says "Stand clear," during The Reveal in Episode 3 — this is also a favorite phrase of Tezkhra's.

Point 3: In #98A2's final note, he says he plans to find the gate to the latent energy source dimension if it's the last thing he does, "and it might very well be". What if he succeeded, but the exposure to that much latent energy warped his being? Latent energy is magic, so it can do conceivably anything... maybe even reincarnating people into strange Lessers. Maybe even turning people into intangible energy beings.

Conclusion: When #98A2 found the gate, his consciousness was split into The Blue One and The Black One. The Black One retained whatever knowledge he learned there, but his mind deteriorated from the many jumps. The Blue One seems to have forgotten everything, but has retained #98A2's obsession with latent energy. The Drop implies there may be more to this, however.

#98A2 is The Blue One but not The Black One; The Black One is a latent energy being who crossed over from the gate.
Alternatively, this is true. The Reconstruction seems to support this, as multiple Tezkhra-like energy beings can be seen flying out of the Tatzylvurm's chasm. Perhaps there are a number of separate entities that are just very similar.

The chasm the Tatzylvurm was guarding was the gate to the latent energy dimension.
The "spirits" that escaped were latent energy beings that are supposed to stay on the other side of the gate. This would explain why The Drop is such a chaotic place and why it supercharges everyone who comes close with magical talent: it contains the highest concentration of latent energy in the universe, and some is spilling over.

Tezkhra cannot Body Surf like The Black One can.
The Black One seemed pretty confident that he only had to kill Tezkhra once, and indeed he was kept trapped with the other "spirits" until the events of The Reconstruction. The Black One's ability may be unique. Perhaps the "spirits" are normally supposed to be taken to The Drop by the Tatzylvurm, and The Black One is able to avoid this cosmic housekeeping through an as-yet-undisclosed ability.
