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Roleplay / The Portal

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The Portal is a Mega Crossover roleplay that started over on the almost unknown "The Basement" forums. When a mysterious white light envelops thirteen plus one people from different worlds they find themselves transported across time and space to fulfill vague objectives in the hopes of somehow making it back to their homes. Forced to work together, these fourteen individuals will soon find there is more to their story than meets the eye.

Tropes associated with this work:

  • Fourth-Wall Observer: Kellan, who routinely looks up through the posts to verify names, facts, dates, etc.
  • Leaning on the Fourth Wall: Characters like Kellan and Ysaerisc tend to do this more to show their higher nature than for comedy.
  • Load-Bearing Boss: Rand, the first "Boss" of the game, who takes a whole opera house with him.
  • Manic Pixie Dream Girl: The Seeker shows shades of this.
  • Minoredin Ass Kicking: Alexander may be The Smart Guy, but he can stand with Alcide.
  • Mr Fix It: The Seeker
    "Can I operate that? Tch. I'm the woman who made it through the Nimber wormhole with little more than a shoestring, a borrowed pleasure dinghy and a grin. You give me five minutes, a tool box and a scooter and I'll get you a space worthy craft."
  • Papa Wolf: Fredericco immediately takes S.A.L. under his protection.
  • Put on a Bus: Alex has this happen to her by being dropped as a character.
  • Tsundere: Eleanor starts showing hints of Type A as the group works her out of her shell.
