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Season 1

    Part One: Master and Apprentice 
  • Ryder announces Sabine Wren, one of the heroes who saved Lothal, at the ceremony commemorating the event... and turns around to see she's not there. There's a rather conspicuous gap in the line, implying she literally ran away in the past five minutes. Ryder grabs now-Senator Jai Kell and tells him to say something to the crowd while he looks for Sabine.
  • When the security forces sent to get Sabine to go to the ceremony, she sarcastically says she forgot and then tells them to get lost and keeps going, so they park one of their E-Wings in her path to stop her. When she doesn't slow down the droid in the E-Wing starts to shrink into its port. When she passes under it, the droid swirls around and sparks fly from its head. The little guy’s mind was literally blown.
  • Sabine continuing her sarcastic quipping when Ryder complains that she missed the ceremony the previous day and they end up quoting The Lion King.
  • In a Blink-and-You-Miss-It moment, when Ahsoka walks back into the room she left Sabine in only to find her gone and the table retracted back into the floor, the cup that Ahsoka was drinking from is now on the ground.

    Part Two: Toil and Trouble 
  • Sabine is trying to slice into a HK-87 Assassin Droid's memory circuits, but her attempt to do so may cause it to explode. Huyang is suitably reluctant to let her try it with himself and Ahsoka in the room. But Hera, video-conferencing from off Lothal, says "go for it".
    Huyang: That's because you're a hologram!
  • After suggesting to just shoot the transport down, Hera says it would crash into the city. Chopper only asks if that would be bad.
  • During Hera's pursuit of the transport, she tells Chopper to hit the transport with a tracking device and "Don't miss this time!" Chopper promptly mutters what is very clearly "Oooh, 'don't miss this time'!"
    • He then accuses Hera of messing with his stuff when he can't find the tracking device. When she denies this, Chopper counters with an indignant "Yes, you did!"
    • She then suggests he look under the spare battery. He pauses, slides back a panel, and does, indeed, find it under the spare battery.
  • The look on Sabine's face when Huyang only reaffirms her lack in the Force just says "Thanks a lot" sarcastically.
    • What was Huyang's affirmation? That she ranked lower than every single padawan in his LONG history. This droid was already several millennia old when Yoda was a Padawan.
  • There is something amusingly ironic that Elsbeth's team consists of both Baylan Skoll, a survivor of Order 66, and Marrok, a former Inquisitor who was tasked with hunting down and killing survivors like Baylan. The two men work together without any visible conflict so far, but these are strange times indeed.

    Part Three: Time to Fly 
  • After Mon Mothma asks her about Jacen, Hera turns around as if expecting to see her son there, but he isn't. Mon Mothma rather amusingly states he is probably causing trouble with Chopper. To which Hera can only agree.
  • Morgan and Shin take the time to pettily snipe at each other while trying to shoot down Ahsoka and Sabine, continuing their dislike of each other from the previous episode.
  • After failing to move a cup with the Force, Sabine tells it "You win this time."
    • The camera then lingers on the cup until the scene changes. If an inanimate, featureless object could be said to have a smug expression...
  • During the firefight, Ahsoka tells Sabine that "You're fine, you're just a little rusty." and Huyang looks at her like "Excuse me? That's our word.".
  • This exchange as the ship is attacked while they scan Morgan's ship.
    Ahsoka: Huyang, anything yet?
    Huyang: On the object? No. However, I have several thoughts on everything else going on.
    Ahsoka: Huyang, not now.
    Huyang: The way you're both acting there won't be a later.
  • Huyang gets powered down after finishing his scan at the same moment the ship gets disabled. He later wakes up with a cheery "Scan Complete!" as if nothing had happened in the interim...and is immediately ordered to power down again by Ahsoka over his objections.
  • When an explosion happens outside the ship Sabine gets worried that Ahsoka might have been killed only to see her casually float by while asking if she's fixed the ship yet.
  • While pursuing their enemy through the pod of Purrgil's, the enigmatic Marrok, can't help but spare a glance at the wondrous creatures.
  • When Huyang reactivates, he asks what happened. Ahsoka and Sabine tell him that they almost died several times. To which Huyang says "Ah yes, standard operating procedure!"
  • Huyang mentions that Ahsoka descends from a long line of unconventional Jedi. Considering this line consisted of Yoda, Dooku, Qui-Gon Jin, Obi-Wan Kenobi and Anakin Skywalker, "unconventional" is one hell of an Understatement.

    Part Four: Fallen Jedi 
  • When Huyang comes under attack, he does the smart thing and calls for help. The other droid covers his mouth, but all that does is dampen Huyang's volume.
  • Huyang asks Ahsoka and Sabine to stay together. First thing they do when they encounter Shin and Maruk is to split up.
  • When Ahsoka and Sabine encounter Shin, it looks like she's looming over them. Then it turns out she's just standing on a fallen tree. Later on, when Ahsoka comes face-to-face with Skoll, he's got his hood up even though when last seen only a few moments before he had it down, apparently for the sole purpose of pulling it down again. Whatever the two Fallen Jedi have studied, apparently "high drama" was part of it.
  • Shin flinches when Sabine does a fake Force Push at her. She hesitates just long enough for Sabine to disarm her with her whistling darts.
  • Shin's barely restrained murderous hatred towards a captive Sabine is darkly amusing.
  • Jacen tries to get a rise out of his mother... "tries" being very much the operative word.
    Jacen: Hey mom, how come I have to do what I'm told and you don't?
    Hera: Well, when you're a general, you can disobey orders too.

    Part Five: Shadow Warrior 
  • Anakin bluntly telling Ahsoka she's gotten old.
  • How do we know that this is Anakin, and not just a Force vision of Ahsoka's? She declares that she will not fight him, and he just responds "I've heard that before."
  • This brief exchange during the flashback to the Battle of Ryloth:
    • When she chases after him during the battle, she's flustered because she doesn't know why she isn't just training like she'd thought all Padawans would do. Unfortunately, she became his Padawan during the Clone Wars...
    Ahsoka: What about my training?
    Anakin: This is your training!
  • When Carson questions what just happened between Hera and Jacen after she orders him to get squadron to move out again, Huyang just says that Jacen has abilities because his father was a Jedi. Carson looks more confused but just decides to go with it and tells the squadron to go out again.
  • Doubles as heartwarming but seeing Chopper of all people play a game with Jacen is going to gain a chuckle.
  • Jacen has a lot of questions for Huyang when offered a chance to tour a Jedi starship.
    Jacen: You have a training room on your starship? Will you train me?
    Huyang: No.
    Jacen: Do you know how to build a lightsaber?
    Huyang: Yes.
    Jacen: Can you teach me?
    Huyang: No.
  • The Republic fleet turns up just as Ahsoka figures out how to track Sabine. Which is good news, right? Nope. Turns out they are here to take Hera back to face a committee. Even Chopper realises the bad news.
    Chopper: Wuh-oh.
  • When Hera asks about Ahsoka's master, Huyang just pauses for a moment and describes Ahsoka's master (Anakin) to Hera as "Intense". That's certainly one way to put it...
  • Huyang's reaction when Ahsoka reveals her plan is... less than concrete: staring at her in pure disbelief before slowly turning back in a way that screams "I do not believe this."
  • Carson, tasked with having to delay the incoming New Republic ships, doing his best to do so, culminating with a truthful ‘you just got to believe me.’
    • It later cuts back to the ship at the tail end of the explanation. Turns out that Carson really did just tell her everything, including the part of them seeking out purrgil to travel to another galaxy. The captain is a bit skeptical until the purrgil pod actually shows up, at which point Carson is just grinning at being vindicated.

    Part Six: Far, Far Away 
  • Ahsoka and Huyang reminisce about the children's stories he'd tell to the younglings.
    Huyang: Ah yes. History of the Galaxy, Parts One, Two, and Three.
    Ahsoka: One being the best, of course.
  • How do those stories begin? Why, how every Star Wars story begins, of course.
    Huyang: A long time ago, in a galaxy far, far away...
  • Sabine's face when the Nightsisters say she "reeks of Jedi." She looks like someone who farted in an elevator and is trying to pretend it wasn't her.
  • Sabine is attacked by bandits and her mount runs off. It later returns and she berates it for its cowardice. It then follows her like a scolded puppy until she finally gives up and lets it approach again.
    • How that fight ended. She pulled out her lightsaber and wrecked the last one's weapon in three parts. Dude just dropped them and ran off.
  • Sabine seeming exasperated with the Nito 'hiding' from her, given it hid under his shell right in front of her. But she didn't notice several other similar rocks nearby.
  • Several years without the resources of the Empire means that a lot of the Stormtroopers' armour has clearly seen better days. At least one trooper has even had to replace the front of their helmet with a statue's face.
  • When the Great Mothers reveal that Ahsoka is approaching, Morgan looks unnerved... and so does Thrawn, who is visibly displeased and gives a monotone, "Well, that is unwelcome news." After Force-users caused his worst defeats and stranded him in another galaxy, the approach of a seasoned Jedi is the last thing he wanted to hear.
  • Thrawn's awkwardly long pause when Morgan questions his plan, as if wondering "Why does this random businesswoman think she knows more about military tactics than I do?"

    Part Seven: Dreams and Madness 
  • Hera tells Senator Xiono that she acted in her duty to protect the New Republic.
    Xiono: So you protected the New Republic by ignoring direct orders?
    Hera: No, I protected the New Republic by ignoring you.
  • When 3PO intervenes at Hera's hearing with a bailout from Leia, Xiono makes a jab at the ability of droids to provide such evidence. Characteristically, 3PO is merely mildly offended, but Carson has to actively stop Chopper from presumably doing something much worse. (And Chopper's reaction clearly sounds like "What? What? Grrr...")
  • A recording of Anakin urges Ahsoka to practice her lightsaber forms often. Or, at least, more than he does.
  • Ahsoka trolling Huyang by mock-complaining that he should have objected before they decided to fly to another galaxy in the mouth of a purrgil. He gets halfway through his indignant response before he realizes what she's doing.
  • Huyang points out that they have a better chance of surviving the minefield with the Purgill providing cover...only for the purrgil to immediately start teleporting away.
    Ahsoka: You had to say something.
    Huyang: I was being optimistic!
  • Ezra has been caught up on what's happened in his absence, and he asks again if Palpatine died. Sabine wearily says, "that's what they say".
  • Sabine proudly relates to Ezra that Ahsoka trained her, only for Ezra to immediately ask "why?" Her face falls, and she just gives him a look.
    Ezra: I mean, congratulations. Really? You?
    Sabine: Go on.
  • The Noti trying to fight back against the bandits with... slingshots.
    Sabine: That's charming.
  • Trust Ahsoka and Huyang to have Casual Danger Dialogue Like an Old Married Couple in the middle of a dogfight.
    Ahsoka: I have to get down there.
    Huyang: We cannot land while under attack. Standard Jedi mission protocol states—
    Ahsoka: No need to land.
    Huyang: Oh, not this again.
    Ahsoka: Yes, this again. Once I'm on the ground, draw the fighters away.
    Huyang: Yes, yes, of course. Just remember what happened last time.
    Ahsoka: You got the timing wrong.
    Huyang: And didn't I feel terrible?
    Ahsoka: No!
  • Ahsoka then proceeds to leap out of the ship and roll to a stop... right in front of Baylan Skoll.
  • Sabine is unimpressed with the Noti's meager defense against the bandits with a bunch of slingshots, in a wry nod to the initial fan criticism by some over Ezra's original weapon in Rebels.
  • Sabine and Ezra bickering over who gets the lightsaber as the bandits are closing in.
    Sabine: Do your thing.
    Ezra: What thing?
    Sabine: It's your lightsaber, take it.
    Ezra: You keep it.
    Sabine: What?!
    Ezra: I don't need it. Besides, you've been training.
    Sabine: Very funny.
    Ezra: No, I'm serious.
    Sabine: Take it.
    Ezra: I gave it to you, it's yours now.
    Sabine: Ugh. At least take a blaster.
    Ezra: No. The Force is my ally. That's all I need.
    Sabine: Well, I'm gonna need more than that.
  • One of the bandits manages to get behind Sabine, only for the Noti in the trailer to pop out and hit him with a pot.
  • Shin giving Ezra a Close-Call Haircut, which he taunts her over.
  • Ezra tries to convince the Night Troopers to take them as prisoners instead of attacking, obviously trying to BS up an excuse not to kill them. Shin just tells them to open fire.
  • Sabine describes Shin as "like [Ezra] but without the sense of humor."
  • Huyang watches the three reunite from the ship, then dryly remarks that he hopes to live long enough to join them, as he's still being pursued by the fighters.
  • When the troopers surround Sabine and Ezra, Shin orders them to fire. Ezra asks them to wait, and they do.
    Ezra: Wait, wait, wait!
    [the troopers wait]
    Ezra: We could... talk. Or we could just...
    Shin: [stares at him incredulously]
    Ezra: We... Don't you wanna take us as prisoners? As prisoners? Or...
    Shin: Fire!

    Part Eight: The Jedi, the Witch, and the Warlord 
  • Morgan proudly declares that there's no chance of Ahsoka and her allies stopping them now. Thrawn takes that as an invitation to double down on his preparations for them, and he dryly notes that he saw many Imperials underestimate the Jedi time and time again, and admitting he too underestimated Ezra. He's not willing to tolerate more Konstantine's, that's for sure.
  • Ezra’s haphazard process of building a new lightsaber frustrating Huyang, especially because Ezra just digs through his meticulously arranged workshop without caring to consult him.
  • As Huyang endeavors to fix the ship, Ahsoka encourages him by noting that he's kept it flying longer than she's been alive. Cut to a Nito shocking himself by touching two wires together.
    Huyang: Do not wait for me.
  • Thrawn's decisions and strategies in the episode become 10 times funnier when you realise that they're all clearly made because he knew Anakin in the Clone Wars and simply does not want to deal with whatever nonsense Ahsoka most certainly learned from him.
  • Back in Episode 1, a Republic Cruiser crew was slaughtered because they let a "Jedi ship" come aboard. This time, when the same shuttle comes aboard Home 1, Hera has her entire security force armed with guns ready. Be Prepared!
