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Memes / Chainsaw Man

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The average Chainsaw Man reader.
Format to use:

  • The meme. [[labelnote:Explanation]]The explanation behind the meme.[[/labelnote]] Explanation

  • Makima memes:
    • Fuck Makima. All my homies hate Makima. explanation
    • Makima's assExplanation
    • Once the anime's character models were unveiled, many fans called foul over how MAPPA had apparently... reduced Makima's lower mass. Cue memes dunking on horny Fanwork-Only Fans having their perceptions twisted by the fanartists drawing Makima as curvier than usual.
    • Okay! This looks unwinnable. explanation (spoilers)
    • "Bark for me!" Explanation
    • Memes about Makima looking similar to Miss Kobayashi began rolling out when this fanart debuted.
    • Turns out Makima was the real simp all along. explanation (spoilers)
    • Makima the Discord moderator explanation (spoilers)
    • "Makima got spawncamped." explanation (spoilers)
    • "Take, for example... Death. War. [X]. There are many things in this world that humanity would be happier without." explanation
    • What if Reigen found Denji?/What if Makima found Mob? explanation
    • Makima being a Tumblr sexywoman explanation
    • Makima beanExplanation
    • Just Makima.Explanation
    • Chainussy WomanExplanation
    • Makima and Burger KingExplanation
      • For similar reasons, Nayuta loving Burger King (and this being one of the few things she has in common with Makima)
  • Kobeni memes:note 
    • Kobeni's car is best girl. explanation
    • Power running over people. explanation
    • Power didn't do anything wrong, it was Kobeni's fault.explanation
    • Kobeni is best girl by default/process of elimination. Explanation
    • The fact that she's the only major supporting character left alive at the end of Part 1 other than Kishibe and Denji himself has led to many fans joking that Kobeni has "Reverse Plot Armor" - meaning, Fujimoto keeps her alive solely so he can keep torturing her further.
    • Kobeni's assExplanation
    • Kobeni's contract is with Sloppy Blowjob Devilexplanation
    • "I KNOW WHAT YOU AREEEEEEE!!!" explanation
    • "VANCE. VANCE!"explanation
    • Kobeni the Cowardly Dogexplanation
    • Kobeni and the Death DevilPart 2 spoilers
  • Since the introduction of the Future Devil, it has been very common in forums and comment sections to spam his catchphrase: "THE FUTURE IS BEST!"
    • Note that this is only his catchphrase in the scanlation. In the official Viz translation, he says, "The future rules!" instead.
    • The Brazilian fandom has the equally memetic "O FUTURO É PICA" from a non-official translationnote 
    • "The Future is WORST" explanation (spoilers)
    • Future Devil Dancingexplanation
  • The sheer amount of envelope pushing content has lead many to joke that Fujimoto must have blackmail material on at least someone in Jump's offices.
  • The Angel is best girl. explanation
  • "I need more Power!"/"What form of Power is this!?"Explanation
  • Kishibe's message.Explanation
  • Darkness's astronautsExplanation
  • Halloween!Explanation
  • Why isn't Angel fat, you ask? All the ice cream goes straight to his halo. Explanation
    • A common variant involves people posting panels where the halo looks especially chunky, referring to it as a doughnut, and talking about wanting to eat it.
  • Parfaits and crepes explanation
    • Somebody get Fujimoto a parfait. explanation (spoilers)
  • Many fans have only half-jokingly expressed terror about what innocuous objects, activities, or situations Fujimoto will "ruin" for them next after Part 1 gave the fanbase PTSD over anything to do with empty piles of clothing, rats, snowball fights, or birthday parties.
  • Referring to Aki as AK or Aki-47 after his appearance as the Gun Fiend in chapter 77.
  • Dennis and Ashley explanation
  • Painsaw Man explanation
  • At least it's not Fire Punch. explanation
  • Chainsaw Man fans be like "yo this arc is fire" explanation
  • [x] SimpsExplanation
  • The Inconsistent Coloring of characters' hair in various color pages has led to jokes about how the anime adaptation will finally give fans a definitive answer as to what these characters look like. A most prominent example is Power, who's flip flopped between pink and blonde for so long that fans are reacting to the Adaptational Dye-Job of her into a strawberry-blonde as if it were the end to a long and laborious journey.
  • At this point, the fandom could just create the anime adaptation themselves. Explanation
  • 14-16 minutes explanation
  • Chainsaw Man pacing explanation
  • Someone explain this to me in [x] terms please? explanation
  • This character is named Santa Claus explanation (spoilers)
  • "Oh... he just like me... he just like me fr!!!!" explanation
    • "He's not like me! He's not like me fr!!!!"explanation (spoilers)
  • "Denji became a "single dad" before he ever got a girlfriend. explanation (spoilers)
  • Hammer Man vs. Screwdriver Man explanation
  • Starting in 2022, a common joke online by many American fans of the series is that the most unrealistic part of a series with demons and superpowers is the USA actually banning guns after a mass shooting.
  • The odd-looking bird creature that appears to be the War Devil's true form has been compared by American fans to the infamous Philadelphia Flyers mascot Gritty.
  • Yoshida is gay/ Yoshida the Sigma Male. explanation
    • Denji would've folded. explanation
  • Yoshida is gay by process of elimination. explanation
  • Sundowner + Asa/War = Ryuko. explanation
  • This guy really thinks he's Chainsaw Man. explanation
    • This guy really thinks he's Fujimoto. explanation
  • "I'm not stupid! I'M NOT!" explanation
  • Yuko the school shooter. explanation (spoilers)
    • Riddler Yuko.explanation (spoilers)
  • Hot Dog Hot Dog Hot Diggity Dog. explanation
  • Aki getting kicked in the nuts.explanation
    • "It's nuts or nothing!"explanation
    • Himeno's requiemexplanation (spoilers)
  • MAPPA censored Power's feet explanation
  • The Reading Comprehension Devil explanation
    • The Manga Spoilers Devil explanation
    • The Leaks Devil explanation
    • The <x> Devil explanation
  • Yuko is Denji in disguise explanation
  • Who's sleeping with Denji? explanation.
  • When the Chainsaw Man is sus!explanation (spoilers)
    • Powersaw Man explanation (spoilers)
  • Agni Cameo explanation
  • Almost immediately after the 6th episode of the anime aired, the final scene of Denji fearlessly jumping into the Eternity Devil's mouth quickly became started being paired with humorous captions and the chorus of "Dream On" by Aerosmith as a comparison to the pre-existing "Kratos Falling" meme that became popular in late 2022.
  • Kishibe is a terrible grandfather explanation
  • "Denji, you like this too, right?" "No, what the fuck-"explanation
  • The Warsaw Devil explanation
  • Femcel/Autistic Asa explanation
    • First girl to fumble Denji explanation
    • Autistic Girl and ADHD Boy explanation
  • "Boys fall for anyone who can show them a fraction of a good time." explanation
  • Penguins explanation
  • Yoshida spying on Denji and Asa explanation
    • In general, Yoshida's become memetic for his tendency to pop in from nowhere, going along with his increasingly shady persona, which leads to frequent jokes about him stalking other characters or getting himself involved in things he has no business in.
  • Sus-shidaExplanation
    • The Yaoi Devilexplanation
  • Kiga/Famine the weed Devil explanation
    • Kiga/Famine's neck explanation
  • Kobeni 2/Brobeniexplanation
  • Denji and Asa yelling at each other explanation
  • Asa's cellphone explanation
  • Brobeni licking the glass explanation
  • Gay aquarium orgy explanation
  • Asa's heart eyes explanation
  • Chainsaw Man fans when their favorite character is happy explanation
  • I like that attitude. Reminds me of an old friend.Explanation
  • Zoolander stare explanation
  • Fetus sword explanation
  • Anime-only fans.explanation
  • Even in fanart Arai still dies. explanation (minor spoilers)
  • "What did Fujimoto mean by this?" explanation
  • Chainsaw Man is my favorite romcom. explanation
  • Nayuta pointing explanation
  • Denji and Asa watching TV. explanation
  • He's just that similar to Yoshida Explanation
  • Gege copying Fujimoto's homework explanation (spoilers for CSM and JJK)
  • Homophobic Powerexplanation
    • Power is a lebanon.explanation
    • Lebanon/Lemonade/Hand Grenade/LEGO Citizen/Denizen of the BLT.Explanation
  • Christian Chainsaw Manexplanation
  • Deathussyexplanation (spoilers)
  • Fami eating stuff explanation
  • "Now then, allow me to begin cooking." explanation
  • The orphanage caretaker being the most hateable character in Chainsaw Man Explanation
  • Nayuta eating crayons. explanation
  • "Sex! I wanna have sex!!" explanation
  • Man explanation
  • "Weezo."explanation
  • Maid/Femboy Aki explanation
  • Makima/Himeno Apology Video explanation
  • Denji getting saved explanation
  • We have gone [0] days without claiming someone is the Death Devil.Explanation
  • LA PUTAExplanation
  • The karaoke date battle in Chapter 137 received many, many MMV versions of the scene where the song used syncs up to the action on screen.
  • "Holy shit guys, Reze is back!"Explanation
    • Reze in the other roomExplanation
  • Nobara jumped ship Explanation
  • Fujimoto was a teenage girl. Explanation
  • Where's Kishibe? Explanation
  • Calling Fumiko a fraud Explanation
    • The haters were right. Explanation
    • Diarrhea Woman Explanation
    • Kill this bitch. Explanation
    • Fumiko stocks crashing. Explanation
    • Public Safety used to be built different Explanation
    • Make Public Safety Great Again Explanation
  • I want that fucker dead. Explanation (spoilers)
    • Barem is my favorite character and I sure would be heartbroken if anything happened to him. Explanation (spoilers)
  • Fujimoto x Gege Explanation
  • Misaden Explanation
  • Socks Explanation
  • No doubt about it! Explanation
