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Funny / AlpacaHawk

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Given the genre and the channel's several years of uploads, AlpacaHawk's videos have a lot of hilarious moments.

  • Around The World In 8 Days
    Phileas: Is there no man brave enough to wear the rubber underpants?
    (shortly afterwards)
    Passepartout: Very very French.
    Phileas: But your accent.
    Passepartout: Shut up I'm French.

  • Buzz is Not a Flying Toy
    • When the lamp in the Pixar logo squishes the I, it apparently causes the Death Star's explosion.
    • When Andy is playing with Woody...
      Andy: You saved the day again, Woody!
      Woody: YOU! ARE! A! Stupid little child!
      (Andy sends Woody down the stair rails, hitting his head on the newell post, screaming)
    • After a green soldier gets hurt after hitting the ground, he tells the leader to go without him, and he does!
    • This exchange:
      Woody: Look, we're all very impressed with Andy's new TOYYY!!!
      Buzz: Toy?
      Woody: Y-O-T. TOYYY!!!
      Buzz: Excuse me, I think the word you're searching for is Racist Ranger.
      Woody: Toy.
      Buzz: Ranger.
      Woody: Toy!
      Buzz: Ranger!
      Woody: T-O-Y. TOYYY!!!
    • When Buzz tries to fly:
      Buzz: To Infinity... (jumps off) And Beyond! (falls to the ground)
      Woody: (laughing at Buzz hysterically)
    • When Sid is lifting an object to destroy the Combat Carl, text starts to appear as with the question: "Do you even lift?"
    • Woody tries to use the Magic 8-Ball:
      Woody: Will Andy pick me? (Woody shakes 8-ball)
    • During the gas station fight scene...
      Buzz: (very clearly slamming Woody's head on the ground) Revenge is not an idea we promote on my planet.
    • Later that same scene...
      Woody: YOU! ARE! A! Toy.
    • When Woody comes out of the closet, he gets hit by a ball. When he tries to get up, he tells Buzz that the coast is clear, but he gets hit by a ball three times.
    • During the tea time scene:
      Buzz: One minute you're sucking down Darjeeling with Jar Jar Binks, and suddenly, the whole galaxy sucks.
      Jar Jar: How wude.
    • After that during the same scene:
      Woody: I think you have enough TEAAA for today.
    • When Woody tries to catch up to the truck, he turns on the Turbo button, but the RC ran out of gas.
    • When Buzz and Woody are in the air...
      Woody: Hey, Buzz! You're flying!
      Buzz: This isn't flying! This is falling!
      (Woody screams; they hit the ground)
      (End credits roll)
  • Titanium Man Likes Cheeseburgers
    • Iron Man battling and defeating Tusken Raiders through flame and explosion attacks, followed by a screen saying "DIRECTED BY MICHAEL BAY."
    • Titanium Man talks to a news reporter:
      Reporter: Christine Everheart, Vanity Fair Magazine.
      Tony Stark: You're a woman. I honestly, I couldn't have called that. (She looks at him) I'm kind of having a hard time looking at you now.
      Reporter: What do you say to your nickname?
      Tony: Berkeley? That's not bad. I guarantee the day cheeseburgers are no longer needed to keep the peace, I'll start making weapons for babies.
    • This exchange:
      Tony Stark: I can fly.
      Woody: No, you can't.
      Tony Stark: I can fly.
      Woody: Prove it!
      (Iron Man puts on suit)
      Woody: What, these are plastic! He can't fly!
      (Iron Man flies)
  • Batman Is Not the Hero Gotham Deserves
    • Batman arrives at the Chechen's meeting with Scarecrow.
      The Chechen: My dogs are dogs!.
      (camera cuts to Batman)
      The Chechen: Pity there's only one of you!
      (camera cuts back to Batman, but now multiple identical Batmen have appeared)
    • "If you're good at something, never do it."
    • Commisioner Gordon is in denial about Joker's threat.
      Batman: Check the names.
      (Gordon and moves to check the tag of one of the dead policemen.)
      Gordon: Richard Dent.
      (Gordon checks the tag of the other dead policeman.)
      Gordon: Patrick Harvey.
      Ramirez: Harvey Dent.
      Gordon: Richard Patrick.
      Ramirez: Harvey Dent.
    • Joker: You know, you remind me of Batman Forever.
      (Batman proceeds to beat Joker up)
    • Batman wants time alone, but Gordon wants Dent Dead.
      Batman: I need five minutes alone.
      Gordon: Noa-Noa-
      Batman: I need five minutes alone.
      Gordon: No! No! No! There's no time! We have clear shots at Dent! O-O-O-O-O-OOOOOOOOOOO-
    • Joker: We really should stop this fighting, or else we'll miss the fireworks.
      Batman: There won't be any fireworks! *grunt*
      Joker: And here we... go.
      (cuts to a shot of Gotham Bay with a fireworks display.
  • Optiprimus Searches For The Rubik's Cube
    • The Running Gag of Optiprimus saying "Sorry, my bad". Gentle Giant or not, it's very strange hearing Optiprimus apologize anytime he does anything even slightly bad.
    • "Before time began, there was...time." "WRONG!" "Sorry, my bad."
      Optiprimus: Before time began there was the Rubik's Cube. We know not where it comes from, we only know that it annoys us. And so began the war. A war which ravaged our planet until Megatron consumed all the sandwiches and destroyed Cybertron's eBay. And just when all hope seemed lost, message of the Rubik's Cube drew us to an unknown planet called Earth.
    • "Obviously, you're wondering why you're here. We're not sure exactly why you're here. We need your help to find out why you're here."
      • The only lead is the saxophone solo from "Run Away".
    • "This is my private area, m-my place of zen and peace and zen and PRUNE JUICE!"
      • Then Glenn's grandmother shouts at him for letting in a visitor.
      Glenn: SHUHS, GRANDMA! A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A
      Glenn's Grandmother: Who is it?!
      Glenn: SHUT UP, GRANDMA!
    • Glenn hacks into the song to get the video.
      Glenn's Grandmother: Are you playin' those video games again?!
      Glenn: SHUT UP, GRANDMA!
    • "I've had the worst mother ever! And my mother's out there following me on my bike, uh so get out of the car! Get out of the car! Get out of-get out of-get out of the car!"
      • And then Sam gets knocked away by Barricade.
    • "My name is Optiprimus. We are autonomous robotic organs."
      Ratchet: But you can call us Autobots for short.
      Optiprimus: We are from the game TRON. (SMPTE tone) We are from Star Wars. (SMPTE tone)
    • Optiprimus getting the names of his Autobot comrades wrong and he incorrectly assumes Sam and Mikaela know Ratchet.
      Optiprimus: Sorry, my bad.
    • Ratchet's analysis of Sam's pheromone levels?
      Ratchet: The boy's pheromone levels suggest he wants to build an army and destroy the female.
    • "What about Bumblebee? We can't just leave him to die!"
      Optiprimus: Bumblebee fails at life. We must leave Bumblebee behind. Autobots, roll out!
    • Why was Sam arrested by Sector Seven? He bought a car...and it turned out to be a car.
    • John Keller is shown material classified above top secret. Said material turned out to be Rick Astley's hit song "Never Gonna Give You Up".
    • "You wanna piece of me?! YOU WANNA PIECE?!?" Megatron's response is to try to rip Jazz in two ("No! I want two!") but struggles to do so, eventually giving up and tossing Jazz away.
    • Optiprimus isn't as concerned for Sam's safety as Optimus Prime...
      Optiprimus: You risked your chest to protect the Rubik's Cube...
      Sam: This AllSpark is a piece of crap!
      Optiprimus: If I cannot eat Megatron, I must push the cube into your chest. I will sacrifice you to destroy it.
    • "With the Rubik's Cube gone, we cannot return eBay to our planet. We failed. I am Optiprimus, and I send this message to any surviving Autobots taking refuge among the stars: The humans have eBay."
      Linkin' Park: What I've doooooone—
      Michael Bay: I'm gonna blow up the city.
    • "Are you playin' those video games again?! Ain't nobody got time for that!"
  • Peter Parker Fails At Life Part 1
    • "Rebuild...a large rubber band field. Make it bigger and stronger than ever! We need 20 dollar bills."
  • Peter Parker Fails At Life Part 2
  • Peter Parker Fails At Life Part 3
  • Peter Parker Fails At Life Part 4
    • "It's me; Peter Parker. Your friendly- Nooo-!" (the sound of Spider-Man crashing into a building and landing on a car is heard)
    • "I've come a long way from the boy who was bit by Uncle Ben. I still get to school, top of my class."
      Doctor Conner: Parker, you got something to add?
      Peter Parker: Point-two-three electron volts.
      Doctor Conner: I'm failing you.
      Peter Parker: Nooooo-!
      Doctor Conner: Lel.
  • Peter Parker Fails At Life Part 5
  • Peter Parker Fails At Life Part 6
    • "I come before you today, humbled and chunky. I want you to give me some of that web action!"
      (the Venom symbiote grabs Eddie)
      Eddie Brock: What the hell! Arrgh!
      White Text: And thus, he got web action
  • Peter Parker Wants Pizza Time
  • Spock Is Emotionally Compromised
    • The video description.
      "Logic offers a serenity... the control of feelings"
      Being a Vulcan, Spock should be in control of his emotions. Unfortunately, Kirk's stubbornness and lack of enthusiasm towards tests makes Spock violently angry. 'Lungworm' Sulu, the lungworm fencer, proves he is not a good pilot by constantly leaving the parking brake on and blowing up the Enterprise.
      And will someone please give Scotty a towel?
    • The Running Gag of Spock screaming and punching Kirk. By the end of the video, Spock punched Kirk 63 times.
    • Kirk learns why you shouldn't insult Spock within his earshot.
      Kirk: I don't think you like that I beat your test. (Gets a commendation)
      Spock: Kirk, your father failed. (Kirk loses commendation) You fail.
      Kirk:: ...pointy-eared bastard. (Spock screams and knocks him out)
    • "Maximum warp. Punch it!" (Spock punches Kirk)
      (dramatic music plays as Sulu pulls the ignition...and the ship fails to move)
      Pike: Lieutenant, where's Helmsman Makena?
      Sulu: He has lungworms, sir. He couldn't report to his post. I'm 'Lungworm' Sulu.
      Pike: And you are a pilot, right?
      Sulu: Uh, no. I'm not.
      Pike: Is the parking break on?
      Sulu: Very much so, sir.
      Sulu: Ready for warp, sir.
      Pike: Let's punch it. (Spock punches Kirk again)
      (dramatic music plays as Sulu pulls the ignition, the ship begins to shake...and the ship fails to move)
      Pike: Is the parking break on?
    • "MUM!"
    • "Why does he choke himself?"
    • Sparing Nero isn't in Spock's vocabulary.
      Spock: Captain, what are you doing?
      Kirk: Showing them compassion.
      (Spock screams and punches Kirk)
      Spock: Not this time.
      Kirk: You got it.
  • Nero Fires Everything
    • The video opens pointing out the infamous "FIRE EVERYTHING!" scene has Nero flinging a lot of spittle.
    Caption: Nero spits all over the camera crew.
    • Kirk constantly slams his head on a "Low Clearance" bar.
    • Kirk's first meeting with McCoy
    McCoy: Watch out, I might DIE on you. Space is disease and danger, disease, darkness, danger, silence, darkness, disease, danger...
    Kirk: But, Starfleet operates in space.
    McCoy: (shocked face)
    Caption: What?!
    • Kirk at his hearing:
    Admiral Barret: Commander.
    Spock: Cadet Kirk, you fail.
    Kirk: ...your point being?
    Barret: In academic vernacular:
    Spock: You suck.
    • Sulu at the helm.
    Sulu: I'm Hikaru Sulu.
    Pike: And you're a pilot, right?
    Sulu: Very much so.
    Pike: Let's punch it.
    (triumphant music before the USS Vengeance hits the water and slams into Starfleet Academy)
    Pike: You are a pilot, right?
    Sulu: Uh, eheh, no...
    • When Kirk is seemingly pulled into the drill laser, Spock rewinds the footage to watch it over and over again.
    Spock: Cadet Kirk, you fail.
    Spock: We must gather with Starfleet and party.
    Kirk: By the time we've gathered, it'll be too late!
    Spock: MAAAAAUGH! (slugs Kirk and starts fighting) We must party with Starfleet.
    Kirk: NEVER! (Spock resumes fighting)
    Spock: (as he strangles Kirk) Party. Party. Party. Party.
    • Chekhov's accent pisses off Spock as he keeps pronouncing "Vulcan" and "Wulcan", leading him to slug Chekhov.
  • Aperture Science Sells Faulty Products:
    Cave Johnson: Cave Johnson here. I'm not going to lie to you, The Cake Is a Lie.
    • Cave's opinions on the Titanic:
      Cave: J. Jonah Jameson here. Now I know you sunk the Titanic, but don't worry, I'm here to tell you good job.
      Cave: Now I know you sunk a lot of money into the dual portal device, but I'm here to tell you the dual portal device does not work. And we are almost bankrupt.
    • Cave: J. K. Simmons here. We're banging rocks together, and it's expensive as hell.
    • Cave: Now, we have run into a reproducable human error problem. Lot of test subjects getting broken, but don't worry, they're done here.
    • Cave: I give you the LOL boot. Think of it as a foot-based suit of armor for the foot.
      (Test subject falls on floor and breaks legs)
      Cave: Dammit.
    • Cave refers to the turrets as "Our most popular product, the toilet." This becomes Hilarious in Hindsight after Aperture Desk Job, where turrets shaped like toilets can be seen.
    • Cave: This is a chest chamber.
      Cave: This is a floor.
      X (louder)
      Cave: This is a test chamber. 400 walls, 60 ceilings, and a floor. Good enough for science.
      X (to the tune of the Imperial March.)
  • The Running Gag of replacing instances of "kill" with "kick" in their Prequel Trilogy poops.
    Palpatine: Unfortunately his apprentice took his fortune, then his apprentice kicked him in his sleep.
    Obi-Wan: I have seen...a security hologram...of him...kicking younglings...
    Anakin: Don't make ME kick you!
  • Obi-Wan Drinks Qui-Gon's Gin
    • Nute Gunray finds a way to get rid of the Jedi early.
      Pilot: Yes, sir?
      Qui-Gon: We wish to board at once.
      (the ship lands...and a turret fires at the captain's deck)
      Pilot: Shields up!
      (the ship explodes)
      Written and Directed by GEORGE LUCAS
    • "I have a bad feeling about this." "Shut up, Obi-Wan." "Yes, master."
    • "The Jedi Knights are Jedi Knights, I believe." "What?"
    • The titular event:
      (Obi-Wan reaches for a cup)
      Qui-Gon: No. Don't drink my gin, Obi-wan.
      (Obi-wan drinks it anyway)
      Qui-Gon: Don't do that again.
      Obi-Wan: But Mum said I could drink—
      Qui-Gon: No, be wary. If you do that again, I will kill you.
      (Obi-Wan puts the cup back)
    • Qui-Gon tries convince Boss Nass to help him, with less than successful results.
      Qui-Gon: The droid army is about to attack-
      Boss Nass: *while shaking his head and slobbering* BRRRRRRBBBBRRRBBBBBRRRRR!
      * Beat*
      Qui-Gon: The droid army is-
      Obi-Wan: Once those droids take steroids, they will take control of you.
      Boss Nass: Wessa not think so.
      Obi-Wan: Let's form a circle and dance.
      Boss Nass: No.
      Qui-Gon: Then speed us on our way.
      Boss Nass: Wessa gonna punesh yossa!note 
      Qui-Gon: We could use a transporter.
      Boss Nass: No.
      Qui-Gon: A transporter will do fine.
      Boss Nass: No.
      (Qui-Gon and Obi-Wan stare blankly at Boss Nass)
    • Rune Haako the snitch:
      Haako: You didn't tell him [Palpatine] about the missing Jedi.
      Gunray: No need to report that to him!
      (Palpatine reappears via hologram)
      Haako: The Jedi are missing.
      Palpatine: Viceroy, I don't want you in my sight again!
    • "Obi-Wan; don't. Touch. Anything."
      (Obi-Wan grabs a wire and breaks it, causing the power to go out)
      Jar-Jar: No-ho!
      Obi-Wan: We're losing power!
    • Captain Panaka isn't nearly as loyal to Queen Amidala as he is in canon.
      Captain Panaka: There's too many ducks!
      Qui-Gon: Won't be a problem. Your Highness, I suggest you come to Coruscant with us.
      Queen Amidala: My place is with my people.
      Qui-Gon: I will kill you if you stay.
      Sio Bibble: You wouldn't dare!
      Captain Panaka: Kill her.
      Qui-Gon: Won't be a problem.
    • "We'll need to kill those pilots."
      Obi-Wan: I'll deal with that. (Obi-Wan ignites his lightsaber, the pilots stare in shock before they run away, and Obi-Wan slicing them and a Wilhelm Scream is heard offscreen)
      (color bars appear before the scene cuts to earlier)
      Captain Panaka: We'll need to free those gangsters.
    • Qui-Gon manages to mind-trick a droid.
      Battle Droid Commander Halt. Where are you taking them?
      Qui-Gon: To Coruscant.
      Battle Droid Commander Take them to Coruscant.
      Qui-Gon: Thank you for your help, we leave in peace.
    • Obi-Wan grabs the Sanity Ball, but his teacher has none of it:
      Obi-Wan: The hyperdrive generator's gone, Master.
      Qui-Gon: Won't be a problem.
      Obi-Wan: We'll need a new one.
      Qui-Gon: (bluntly) No.
    • The Overly Long Gag of "Credits will do fine" and "No they won't!" followed by:
      Watto: What, you think you're some kind of Jedi? You are a noob!
    • Qui-Gon: We'll have to land somewhere to repair and refuel the ship.
      Obi-Wan: Here, Master.
      Qui-Gon: It's controlled by Pizza Hut.
      Panaka: You can't take Her Royal Highness there, Pizza Hutnote  are gangsters!
    • Anakin: You're the Dark Knight, aren't you?
      Qui-Gon: No, I'm afraid not. I trained him.
    • "I saw your laser sword. Only Jedis carry that kind of weapon." "The ability to speak does not make you intelligent."
    • Qui-Gon the master negotiator:
      Watto: So the boy tells me you want to sponsor him in the race, huh? How can you do this?
      Qui-Gon: 20 Republic Dataries—
      Watto: No!
      Qui-Gon: Well I have acquired a pod...
      Watto: I hope you didn't kill anyone I know for it, eh...?
      Qui-Gon: I killed a Hutt and took it from him.
      Watto: How can you do this?!
      Qui-Gon: If we win, you keep my ship. And if we lose, you keep my ship. Either way, you win.
      Watto: Deal! (rhythmic clapping) (to Anakin) Ra's al Ghul is an idiot!
    • The race goes pretty badly for Anakin, to put it lightly. First one of his engines' cables gets severed and the pod spins while "You Spin Me Round" plays. Then he crashes into a stalacite and explodes. After an Unexplained Recoverynote , he gets shot at by Tusken Raiders and blows up again. Then the Tuskens turn their sights on Qui-Gon and shoot him in what is implied to be the crotch.
      Watto: You lost the race!
      Qui-Gon: You keep my ship.
    • Qui-Gon: He [Anakin] is to be trained, then?
      Windu: No.
      Written and Directed by GEORGE LUCAS
    • Yoda makes no attempt to hide how he thinks of Anakin.
      Yoda: Hate you; we do. A loser, you are.
      (Anakin stares blankly at Yoda)
      Yoda: I sense much hate in you.
      Anakin: (in his adult voice) I hate you!
      Yoda: Haters gonna hate!
    • Pretty much all instances of putting other Samuel L. Jackson charcters' lines into Windu's mouth.
    • Qui-Gon: Anakin, stay right were you are.
      Anakin: But I—
    • "I think you can kiss your DUMB franchise goodbye."
  • Revenge of the Sand
    • From the Opening Scroll:
      Chancellor Palpatine has been kidnapped by Willy Wonka's dad and a cyborg with lung cancer. David Rice and Rodney Copperbottom lead a mission to rescue him...
    • Oddball engages in a little fragging in the opening space battle:
      Obi-Wan: Oddball, mark my position, form your squad up behind me.
      Oddball: We're on your tail, General Kenobi. (opens fire on Obi-Wan)
      Obi-Wan: HOLD YOUR FIRE Oddball!
    • Grievous having a coughing fit while declaring that it's "time to abandon SMOH-KING!"
    • The two Jedi meet said cyborg with lung cancer:
      Grievous: Anakin Skinwalker! I was expecting someone with your reputation to be a noob!
      Anakin: You're shorter than I expected.
      Grievous: Your Mom is short!
      Obi-Wan: Try not to get rekt, Anakin.
    • An earlier scene, when Anakin finally has Wonka Senior at his mercy:
      Palpatine: DO IT.
      Anakin: I shouldn't.
      Palpatine: DO IT.
      Anakin: That's not the Jedi way.
      Palpatine: DO IT DO IT DO IT DO IT DO IT DO IT DO IT DO IT...
      (Anakin scissors off Count Dooku's head)
      Dooku: I've been looking forward to this.
      Palpatine: Why did you DO IT?
      Anakin: (glares at him)
      Palpatine: Eh-eh-eh-eh-eh-eh-eh-eh. He was too dangerous to be dangerous."
    • "It is only natural. He stole your sand, and you wanted revenge. It wasn't the first time, Ani. Remember what you told me about your mother? Your mother cut off your arm, and sold your arm to the Sand People. Remember what you told me about Master Windu?" Cue Anakin flashing back to Windu tossing him over a ledge.
    Mace: I hate YOU Skywalker. (lobs Ani)
  • The Rise of Darth Sand
  • The Tragedy of Darth Sand
  • The Matrix Uploaded
    • Neo is contacted directly by a mysterious character:
      Voice on phone: Hello, Neo. Do you know who this is?
      (Dramatic pause, accompanied by a tense musical surge)
      Neo: ... phone call...
    • Smith puts the heavy folder detailing Neo's double-life to proper use in intimidation:
      Neo: You can't scare me with this—
      (Neo — and presumably the viewer — jumps back in shock, while Agent Smith smirks faintly.)
  • Wallace & Gromit: The Curse of Chancellor Plasticine and Wallace & Gromit: The Hearse of the Square Babbitt
  • Woody Loses His Schmoe
    • Toy Story 2's Call-Back to the first Toy Story at the beginning comes full circle:
      Buzz: There seems to be no sign of intelligent life anywhere.
      (Buzz sees several lights on him; camera pans out to reveal he's surrounded by Zurg's robots)
      Robots: (in Woody's voice) Hellohellohellohellohello! Hello!
    • The ongoing debate between Buzz and Woody about "S'mores vs Schmoes".
      Buzz: Woody, you haven't found your schmoe, have you?
      Woody: NO! And they're called "s'mores", Buzz.
      Buzz: In just a few hours, you'll be sitting around a campfire with Andy making delicious hot schmoes!
      Woody: They're called "s'mores", Buzz.
      Buzz: Schmoes.
      Woody: S'mores.
      Buzz: Schmoes.
      Woody: S'mores.
      Buzz: Right, right. Of course. (yelling out) Has anyone found Woody's schmoe yet?
    • Later...
      Buzz: I travelled all this way to rescue that toy... because I believe they're schmoes.
      Woody: Well, they're called "s'mores." (turns around)
    • When the toys are channel surfing for the Al's Toy Barn commercial...
      Hamm: Lemme take the wheel. (starts rapidly channel surfing)
      Rex: It's too fast! How can you even tell what's on?
      Hamm: I can tell.
      (Al's Toy Barn commercial briefly appears on TV; everyone tells him to go back)
      Hamm: Too late; I'm in the 40s. Gotta go around the horn; it's faster.
      Hamm: Too late. Gotta go around the horn; it's faster.
      (The commercial appears once again; everyone tells him to go back again)
      Hamm: Too late. Gotta go around the horn; it's faster.
      (The commercial appears again, but Hamm stops this time)
      Al: (from the commercial) And look for the giant chicken!
      Buzz: Now, Etch!
      Buzz: (glares at Etch, mouth agape)
    • When Buzz and the toys are crossing the street with cones, at night.
      Buzz: (notices car coming) Drop!
      (The toys drop their cones, but an oncoming truck runs them all over.)
      (End credits play)
    • Mr. Potato Head gets his foot stuck on gum while crossing the street, and a giant pipe just broke off of a truck. Meanwhile, Peter Parker watches the scene develop. What does he do? He just watches Mr. Potato Head get flattened as he munches on his hot dog.
    • When Jessie reminisces about Emily...
      Jessie: She was my whole world.
      ("When She Loved Me" starts playing)
      Sarah McLachlan: When some—
    • Buzz and Woody try to pull Jessie out of the suitcase, but she falls out of the luggage terminal.
      Rex: Oh, well. We tried.
  • BONKLE: The Last Lightbender
    • In general, the sentence mixing is extremely impressive.
    • Turaga Vakama getting interrupted when he tries to tell everyone the legend of Mata Nui.
      Vakama: In the time before time... There was a cube.
      Keetongu: No.
      Vakama: In the time before time... The Great, Great, Great, Great, Great—
      Tahu: He's not that great.
      Vakama: Just let me tell the story! In the time before time—
      Jaller: What about your story?
      Vakama: Not until Legends of Metru Nui.
      Jaller: (sigh) Fine...
      Vakama: In the time before—
      Takua: Hang on a sec! I just gotta go to the bathroom!
      Vakama: Let's just get on with it...
    • "The Makuta was jelly, so Makuta rekt Mata Nui."
    • Takua and Jaller happening to spot Mr. Incredible defeating an Omnidroid by throwing it into the lava.
      Jaller: Very impressive. (claps)
    • Vakama introducing the Toa: Toa Taco, Toa Ga-Ga, and Toa Potato.
    • "We dedicate this field to the Three Amigos and to Coca-Cola!"
    • Vakama making a bad joke, only to be met with chirping crickets.
      Vakama: Why did the Toa go to the toilet? It was his duty!
      • It's even funnier if you know that "toa" is Swedish slang for "toilet".
    • The running gag of Tahu's obsession with the lava falls. For instance:
      Tahu: Take this to Turaga Vakama... after we TAKE A CLOSER LOOK AT THOSE FALLS!
    • This bit:
      Tahu: None have breached Ta-Koro's gates before...
      (Freeze-frame on Vakama with the caption "What about the Bohrok-Kal?")
      Tahu: (draws swords) ...and none shall this day!
      (Cut to an approaching Rahkshi)
      Tahu: (puts away weapons) I surrender!
    • Upon encountering Lewa:
      Lewa: Mata Nui, you suck, little one.
      Jaller: We'd be honored to have you walk with us.
      Lewa: Walk? (laughs) Never!
      (Lewa leaves)
    • "He just left us here-" (both Takua and Jaller get blasted)
    • Onua and Pohatu comparing each other's butts.
      Pohatu: My butt is magnificent!
      Onua: Mine is better!
      Pohatu: Your butt is nowhere as good as mine.
      Onua: You should try joining a real gym! (laughs)
    • This exchange:
      Gali: Brother, are you well?
      Tahu: I am dead, but I am alive. And I want to TAKE A CLOSER LOOK AT THOSE FALLS!
  • BONKLE: Legends of Metro City
    • Once again, Turaga Vakama gets interrupted during his opening narration.
      Vakama: Listen again to our legend of the Bonkle. In the glorious city of Metru Nui-
      Metro Man: It's pronounced METRO CITY!
      Vakama: Just let me tell the story.
    • A clever call-back to "The Last Lightbender" during the establishing shot of Ga-Metru: "LET'S TAKE A CLOSER LOOK AT THOSE FALLS!"
    • The running gags of Krekka saying "Hey, uh, think they went this way?" and Nuju saying "I think we're going the wrong way."
    • "This temple sucks."
    • Nokama's flashback of Toa Lhikan appearing in Ga-Metru and giving her a Toa Stone:
    • "And so, whether it was madness or Sparta, we sought out the Avengers, but they never even returned our messages."
    • "I hate Mondays. I hate Matoran. Next Sunday, I'm going across the sea!"
    • Upon encountering Turaga Lhikan beneath the coliseum, Nuju, Onewa and Whenua are subjected to a Star Wars marathon. 7.5 hours later...
      Whenua: That was a complete waste of time!
      Lhikan: Well... let's watch The Bourne Identity.
    • "And who knew Kikanalo could kick? I'm dumb!"
    • After Whenua discovers his mask power:
      Onewa: (laughs) Your mask power sucks!
      Whenua: Hey, whoa...
      Nuju: That mask power is hopeless.
      Whenua: Hey, it has to be better than water breathing!
    • "As I feared. All of you are so stupid."
      Vakama: I failed. I need to take a leak.
    • When Vakama confronts Makuta, this exchange happens:
      Vakama: Deceit and self-interest will never be virtues the Matoran honor!
      Makuta: (laughs) Get me a violin! Now get out before I send Mata Nui into a diabetic coma!
    • "Lhikan fails at life!"
    • "Stuff the Matoran! We are Toa!"
  • Very Dumb Ways to Die
    • "Go to outer space with Sandra Bullock" (while a clip from [[Film/Gravity]] plays in the background)
    • "Listen to Justin Bieber" is listed as a reason for death.
    • One clip has a driver in a car trying to go around a boom barrier - only for the boom barrier to teleport to the other side.
