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Edger Village/ Grandedger United

    Back Arrow 

Back Arrow

Voiced by: Yūki Kaji (Japanese), Shannon McCormick (English)
An amnesiac young man who emerged from a Rakuho capsule that landed in Edger Village. He claims his only memory is that he is from "beyond the wall" and seeks to return despite people believing nothing exists past the wall. He takes his alias from Bit calling him an idiot (Bakayarō).

His Briheight is Muga. Lacking a solid Conviction, the manifested armor is composed of a malleable gel-like material that absorbs attacks. It is also able to destroy active Bind Warpers without killing the user, which is noted to be a unique ability.

  • Above Good and Evil: Shows shades of this due to his lack of conviction. Arrow seems to follow his heart and does what he feels is right in the heat of the moment regardless if it's right or wrong. What's most important to him is getting beyond the wall. This turns out to be a mistake that warps his mind back into being The Chosen One into purging Lingalind thanks to Rudolph.
  • Amnesiac Hero: He can remember only two things: that he came from "beyond the wall" and that he has to get back there as fast as he can.
  • Anime Hair: He's got spikey black hair with a single stroke of red-stranded hair in front.
  • Anti Anti Christ: He is the Destroyer sent by God to wipe out Lingalind's population as per the prophecy, but he really doesn't want to and struggles against this fate.
  • Appropriated Appellation: He took the name "Back Arrow" from an insult from Bit, "Bakayarou"note  in the original Japanese and "Blunt Arrow" in the English subs.
  • Badass Armfold: Arrow does this when piloting in Muga. And he looks great!
  • Blue Is Heroic: Muga has blue colored armor.
  • The Chosen One: Was sent by God to wipe out Lingalind's population as part of The Prophecy that Rekka claims will happen. But the crash removed this part of his mind until the Granedger makes it through the wall and Rudolph forces him to remember his original purpose to the point of using him against his will to wipe out Lutoh. Rudolph eventually reneges on this and decides to just eliminate Arrow with the rest of them and do the deed himself.
  • Character Development: In the beginning all Arrow wanted was to go beyond the wall till he started to be more around his friends which made him want to stay with them rather than go to the place he originated from, especially since beyond the wall he has the power to destroy everything.
  • Civilization Destroyer: What The Prophecy around him is based on, And ultimately his true purpose, which Rudolph instils back in him against his will.
  • Close-Range Combatant: When Arrow is piloting in Muga, he focuses on fighting in close range although he also has long range options in the form of Hand Blast, Razor Wind, and Shock and Awe. Most of his attacks consist of Rapid-Fire Fisticuffs, Diving Kicks, and Uppercuts.
  • Combo Platter Powers: There actually seems to be lots of powers that Muga can use in each new episode:
    • Hand Blast: Muga can shoot energy beams from its hands.
    • Me's a Crowd: Because Brigheights are individually formed by Conviction and Arrow has no Conviction, Arrow can essentially go beyond the limit and create several clones of Muga to fight alongside him.
    • No-Sell: Muga's armor is gel-like, so physical attacks have no effect on the Briheight.
    • Razor Wind: Muga can shoot out air bullets by punching the air really fast.
    • Shock and Awe: Muga can generate electricity around itself and use it to create electric blasts as seen in episode 7.
  • Death Seeker: When his powers as the Destroyer are awakened, he begs his friends to kill him before he can kill anyone else.
  • Fashionable Asymmetry: His coat lacks a left sleeve, though that could be due to Bit not having enough materials.
  • Friend to All Children: He gets along with the children of Edger Village very well and promises to protect them and the entire village.
  • I Choose to Stay: Does this at the end of Episode 7 when offered to come to Lutoh as a guest, having reached the World Wall.
  • Heroic BSoD: After wiping out the entire Lutoh army in episode 18, he begins breaking down in horror at what he did to the point of tears. Rudolph pours it on by mocking him after this, and forcibly uses him and his Muga to try to take down Granedger.
    • It gets worse in Episode 19 when he accidentally kills Shu just by touching him, thanks to Rudolph still having full control over his body. All Arrow can do is watch in horror as Shu disintegrates in front of him while Rudolph mocks the heroes. It takes Zetsu talking him straight and fusing with him to get over it.
    • After Zetsu dies fighting and greatly weakening Rudolph in Episode 21. Arrow, after absorbing all the remaining power, becomes a full-on Death Seeker begging to be released from life so he doesn't continue killing people.
  • Loophole Abuse: This may be Arrow's greatest ability.
    • The lack of Conviction means that Muga isn't completely solid, giving it a jelly-like consistency. This makes it be able to shrug off most forms of physical attacks.
    • Each person can only have one Conviction, which means they can manifest only one Briheight. Arrow's lack of one means he's not limited to just one and can actually summon several clones of Mugo. This does cause bigger energy consumption.
  • Mr. Fanservice: His first appearance has him running around naked and then half naked when Atlee gives him her father's underwear, which is as thin as a pair of speedos.
  • Naked on Arrival: He spends the entirety of his screen time in episode 1 butt-naked after arriving in the Rakuho.
  • Nice Guy: There's not a bad bone in Arrow. He's very friendly and supportive to his friends and innocent people and is genuinely horrified when he actually does start killing people. But if there's a bully or someone suspicious that bothers him, he qualifies for Beware the Nice Ones.
  • Outside-Context Problem: He might've come from outside of the known world in the middle of an international conflict and his Briheight doesn't operate the same way others do.
  • Person of Mass Destruction: Albeit an unwilling one as part of The Prophecy about his existence. Rudolph forces Arrow into the role in Episode 18 by trapping him in his Muga and wiping out Lutoh's forces, all while being taunted about it the whole time. When he calls out Rudolph for his actions in Episode 23, he's immediately considered as nothing more than a human by Rudolph, who decides to just kill him with the rest of humanity due to his constant resistance.
  • Punny Name: His name "Back Arrow" can be pronounced as "Bakayarou", meaning "idiot" in Japanese.
  • Stewed Alive: Was almost cooked by the Edger villagers when they assume the Rakuho he arrived in must be full of food.
  • Stock Shōnen Hero: His lack of common sense is balanced by energetic and friendly attitude and fighting talent.
  • Thou Shalt Not Kill: For reasons unknown so far, Muga's unique ability allows it to destroy Briheights and Bind Warpers without destroying the user. Although it's still going to hurt for the enemy opponent. He ends up killing a bunch of Lutoh citizens after they attack and fatally wound Sola, their bodies disappearing with their Briheights instead of reverting back to regular citizens like usual. Though whether this is unintentional Foreshadowing or simply an animation oversight remains to be seen. In episode 18, he's forced into wiping out the entire Lutoh Army by Rudolph as part of "God's Plan" to take out Lingalind. he almost does the same to his companions, but they manage to free him from the Dreadnaught he's attached to. After Shu's death, he decides to drop this vow and eliminate Rudolph himself. Unfortunately for Arrow, Rudolph anticipated this, and binds Muga in the air as the armies of Rekka arrive to confront him, planning on making Arrow watch as they die.
  • Undying Loyalty: Towards his friends, given his pure-hearted nature, after being around them he has the need to protect them at all costs and was willing to give his own life as his powers can destroy everyone.
  • Why Don't You Just Shoot Him?:Arrow attempts to take out Rudolph after Shu's death. Unfortunately for him, Rudolph was prepared for this inevitability, forces Arrow not to and retrains him as a result.
  • Wild Card: Implied to be one of the reasons why Shu Bi is so interested in Arrow. He's a nice guy, but he's willing to temporarily play bad guy if it benefits others and himself.

    Elsha Lean 

Elsha Lean

Voiced by: Ari Ozawa (Japanese), Alexis Tipton (English)
Granddaughter of Burk Lean, chief of Edger Village. She is deeply protective of her fellow villagers and is determined to keep the safe. Her Briheight Shadoh manifests as a cyan and gold feminine humanoid, with can use her hair-like backpanels to fire energy projectiles. It can also assume combine with Granedger to make it fly. Her conviction is "just get me out of here", which she made by mistake.
  • Cool Airship: Her Briheight commands a large craft that can hover in the atmosphere and carry the entire population of Edger Village on board. She calls this large ship "Granedger" after Edger Village.
  • Fashionable Asymmetry: Her jeans are cut in one leg only.
  • Living Figurehead: A rare willing variant. In order for the Granedger to fly, Elsha, in her Briheight, must assume the position on the ship's prow. It's also how she's controlling it.
  • Significant Green-Eyed Redhead: She has orange hair and pretty green eyes, which is the opposite of Atlee's colors.

    Atlee Ariel 

Atlee Ariel

Voiced by: Aya Suzaki (Japanese), Natalie Hoover (English)
The sheriff of Edger Village after her father passed away. Her Briheight Ryuju manifests as a pink and white feminine humanoid that can use whip-like weapons stored in its forearms. Atlee's Conviction is "I'll manage somehow," allowing her to easily slip through most attacks unscathed. However, her gentle nature makes Ryuju fairly weak in combat.
  • Alliterative Name: Atlee Ariel
  • Berserk Button: She gets mightily pissed off when the Nobles of Lutoh call her and the rest of the Granedger crew vagrants when they demand Fine's return, and declares the ship its own country out of spite against them. She makes good on that too.
  • The Heart: She's the moral center of Edger Village and helps everyone stay united. Not surprisingly, the group elects her Queen when Grandeger is declared a sovereign nation.
  • The Load: Discussed. She starts to see herself as this after the war against Rekka, feeling as if she held everyone back. Elsha quickly talks her out of this by pointing out how she’s always the first one to act and how amazing she is. This later leads Atlee to declare Gran Edger as an independent nation and subsequently its queen.
  • Nice Girl: She doesn't get on Back Arrow's case about his claims of coming from the Wall, offers him her father's speedos to wear, and she's especially not okay with selling Back Arrow out to the president, who clearly isn't to be trusted.
  • The Sheriff: She inherited the position from her late father and tries her best to protect Edger Village.

    Bit Namital 

Bit Namital

Voiced by: Kensho Ono (Japanese), Arnie Pantoja (English)
A longtime friend of Atlee and Elsha. Despite his boastful, arrogant attitude, he is actually rather cowardly and unlucky, having chickened out of his village's coming-of-age trials and having his house damaged by Back Arrow's actions.
  • Butt-Monkey: The go-to character for slapstick.
  • Easily Forgiven: For his screw-up in episode 3, where he sold out Back Arrow in exchange for Edger Village's safety and a new home, which nearly lead to them all getting killed by the president. He really should have seen that coming. But considering the other villagers went along with the scheme easily enough, none of them had any room to talk.
  • Jerk with a Heart of Gold: Brash and full of Brutal Honesty, but ultimately a good guy at heart.
  • Took a Level in Badass: After 20 episodes of being quite frankly useless, he finally gets his moment to shine when he activates Shu's ace-in-the-hole weapon. A Bind Warper that turns him into a giant Bind Warper and subsequently turns Grandeger into a full on mecha.

    Sola Athin 

Sola Athin/Werner Conrad

Voiced by: Tomokazu Seki (Japanese), Aaron Roberts (English)
Edger Village's doctor, a man possessing vast knowledge of Bind Warpers and Briheights, and their connection to the user's willpower and Conviction. His real name is Werner Conrad, former noble of Lutoh and brother of Prax.
  • Cain and Abel: The Abel to his younger sister's Cain. He wanted to reveal the truth about Fine's Axe Cray split personality, Prax refusing to have Fine removed from the throne threatened to kill him and non-fatally poisoned him as a final warning. He left Lutoh afterward.
  • Heroic Sacrifice: Gets himself Impaled with Extreme Prejudice by pissed off Lutoh citizens hunting for both Fine and the villagers of Edger while trying to protect Burk and the children.
  • The Medic: He's Edger Village doctor.
  • Mr. Exposition: His main role early on is to explain how Bind Warpers and Briheights work.
  • My Greatest Failure: Inadvertently causing the accident that resulted in Fine's evil split personality, when he mistook their glider for a bird.
  • Unwitting Instigator of Doom: It turns out that he was the reason why Princess Fine had a Split Personality. When she and Prax were gliding, he accidentally hit both of them thinking that it was a Bird. While Prax turned out fine, Fine however starts to get weird and suddenly her Split Personality surfaces. This causes Prax to attempt to kill her brother which causes him to leave the Kingdom and ended up in Edger Village. It's later revealed that Rudolph had a direct hand in this, which pisses Prax off greatly.
  • Walking the Earth: He was a wanderer before becoming Edger Village's resident doctor.

    Shū Bi 

Shū Bi

Voiced by: Tomokazu Sugita (Japanese), Brandon McInnis, Sarah Roach (young) (English)
Rekka's High Diviner, an eccentric scientist who monitors Rakuho capsule arrivals and directs the army to retrieve them. He has been friends with general Kai Rhodan since childhood.
  • All for Nothing: Freeing Arrow from being trapped in the Muga only revealed that Arrow was still lethal to others simply by touching them. Which Shū learns the hard way when he tries to take Arrow by the hand. All while Rudolph mocks the heroes trying to defy God's will as he disintegrates into nothing. To add insult to injury, a new Bind Warper immediately latches onto Arrow afterwards, transforming him back into Muga. Subverted when he manages to come Back from the Dead a few episodes later, now the size of a Briheight, and reveals he used a Bind Warper to create a copy of himself, allowing him to travel outside the wall after the copy died, and used what he learned to permanently Arrow from Rudolph’s control.
  • The Gadfly: He's very playful most of the time and does questionable acts to fulfill his desires like breaking into the library by replicating a card key.
  • For Science!: Invested in uncovering the Wall's mysteries, even if the research of it is legally prohibited.
  • Heel–Face Turn: Betrays Rekka after Arrow and his allies subdue the Four Fiends.
  • Insane Troll Logic: Bit has trouble fully trusting Shū Bi in the Granedger, so Shū Bi appoints Bit as the "commander" of the Granedger to command Shū Bi on what to do. Of course, this is all part of his plan to try out new things in the ship by essentially pressuring Bit to give him permission. Bit has no idea that he's being manipulated and Shū Bi is certainly enjoying this little trick.
  • Non-Action Guy: It's clear that he's not an active physical person (as seen in the updated ending), but he's very smart and uses strategies to solve his problems. even when he manifests a Briheight, it only manifests as copy of himself that he can control at will.
  • Remote Body: His Briheight looks exactly like him and can be controlled from outside. This allows him to survive being disintegrated by Arrow and see what's outside the wall.
  • The Strategist: While Kai relies on his strength for most problems, Shū Bi handles problems through thorough planning. He's practically a real genius in coming up with strategies. He even uses his friendship with Kai against him because he knew that Kai would try to get him back to Rekka after the betrayal.
  • Wild Card: His intentions for Rekka are rather mysterious so far and seems to have a liking to Arrow. Of course, Arrow and Edger village don't really trust him because of this. It's only until Shū Bi states his intentions of truly leaving Rekka behind that Arrow begins to earn his trust with Edger village reluctantly agreeing.

    Fine Forte 

Fine Forte

Voiced by: Ami Koshimizu (Japanese), Tia Ballard (English)
The princess of Lutoh. A young lady who believes love can conquer all. Has a much less friendly split personality. Her Conviction is "Love Is Everything", which grants her the ability to heal damaged ally Briheights.
  • Alliterative Name: Fine Forte.
  • Ax-Crazy: Her split personality is incredibly unhinged and psychotic, cackling like a madwoman while trying to kill or experiment on people in the "name of love".
  • Blood Knight: Upon hearing the declaration of war from the emperor of Rekka, she quickly switches to her crazy side and seems delighted with the prospect of waging war with the enemy country.
  • Expy: Of Euphemia li Britannia another Rose-Haired Sweetie Princess Classic who goes Axe-Crazy thanks to events beyond her control and ends up as The Scapegoat. The purple hair of her evil personality seems to be a nod to Euphemia's Blood Knight older sister Cornelia li Britannia.
  • Heroic Sacrifice: Her split evil side does this in tandem with Zetsu to defeat Rudolph once and for all during the finale, purging it from Fine entirely.
  • The Medic: Her Briheight ability, instantly healing the injuries of those around her.
  • Perpetual Smiler: Unless the times when she's deeply upset, she normally appears with a tender, heavenly smile on her face. Her split personality, on the other hand, tends to show less pleasant smiles.
  • Power Dyes Your Hair: When her deranged persona emerges, her pinkish orange hair changes to purple.
  • Princess Classic: Hates the idea of people dying in battle and is loved by everyone, but her ideas aren't shared by others.
  • Red Eyes, Take Warning: When her evil persona takes over, her sclerae turn from white into a pinkish red and start to glow.
  • Rose-Haired Sweetie: Her pinkish hair color serves to show her benevolent disposition and her desire to bring peace to Lingalind. Painfully subverted with her split personality, who has a violent and deranged personality and changes the peaceful pink for a deeper and more menacing purple.
  • The Scapegoat: She willingly decides to be one when the rest of the Lutoh nobles decide to execute her in an attempt to placate the angry mob out for blood after being stripped of her status as ruler, much to Prax's objections.
  • Spare to the Throne: She was 40th in line for the throne.
  • Split Personality: Her alternate personality is that of an Ax-Crazy purple-haired girl.
  • Superpowered Evil Side: Her purple-haired Ax-Crazy self, created from the blood of Rudolph. Once it gets out to the rest of the kingdom during the battle against Rekka, the villagers not only demand her removal from the throne, but to burn alive at the stake.
  • Thou Shalt Not Kill: When faced against the bloodthirsty mob out for her, her fellow royals, and the villagers of Edger she took in; she repeatedly tells both Prax and the royal guard not to kill the mob in a futile attempt to make peace with them.
  • Unwitting Instigator of Doom: She simply wanted to meet Arrow so that they could avoid further bloodshed. However, Peath went about it the assholish way, with resulted in Edger Village destruction and making them a target simply by being on the Granedger.
  • Walking Spoiler: Knowing too much about her spoils the reveal that she has a sinister split personality and that she's not the seemingly benevolent ruler she appears to be.

    Prax Conrad 

Prax Conrad

Voiced by: Mikako Komatsu (Japanese), Morgan Garrett (English)

One of the Six Supremes of Lutoh and Princess Fine's bodyguard. Her Conviction is "Protect The Princess", which makes her almost impossible to beat when she attacks for the princess.

  • Bash Brothers: With Arrow.
  • Berserk Button: Don't make the princess sad. If you do, she'll happily make you a limb shorter.
    • Her rage becomes blinding when Rudolph reveals he was the one responsible for the glider accident that caused her brother to leave the kingdom. Though her attempt to kill him over this almost leads to her own death as a result.
  • Bifauxnen: She could pass off as a dude if it wasn't for her Hidden Buxom.
  • Cain and Abel: Case of the younger sibling being the Cain. Poisoned her brother, albeit non-fatally, when he tried to reveal the truth of Fine's split personality.
  • Curbstomp Battle: She manages to beat Bai without breaking a sweat.
  • Everyone Has Standards: She is unnerved by Dark Fine's willingness to dive head on into war.
  • Flight: Possesses a unique flying Briheight.
  • It's Personal: Towards Rudolph and Dissonanza, both for killing her brother and inciting the citizens of Lutoh into turning on Fine.
  • Knight Templar: On Fine's behalf anything is justified from poisoning her brother when he wanted to reveal Fine’s split personality, to killing off witnesses who know too much about said split personality, to imprisoning innocent villagers.
  • Loophole Abuse: Gets around the Rekka-Lutoh Treaty by using a flying Brihight, so she doesn't touch Rekka soil.
  • Punch-Clock Villain: Her only loyalty is to Fine. Once Fine goes back to normal she stops being actively antagonistic towards the heroes.
  • Undying Loyalty:
    • Towards Princess Fine. She goes as so far as to poison her brother for attempting to reveal the truth about the Princess and to attack the mob out for her blood once the citizens revolt against the royalty. Even expressing outrage when not only do the other royals decide to execute Fine to calm the mob down, but also to Fine's willingness to go along with it. She even attempts to kill Arrow and co. when they discover Fine's other half to make sure they don't let it slip to the public. And when Fine defects to Grandeger, she follows right behind her.
    • On the other end, she generates this from her Armored Division. Who follow her without question. Even defecting to Grandeger with her and Fine.
  • Worthy Opponent: Towards Elsha for being willing to face her in combat.

    Burk Lean 

Burk Lean

Voiced by: Kunihiro Kawamoto (Japanese), Charlie Campbell (English)
Chief of Edger Village and Elsha's grandfather.
  • Grumpy Old Man: He complains a lot. While it isn't hard to fault him, given how stressful this new lifestyle is, but he should learn to adapt.
  • Miniature Senior Citizens: He is notably smaller than most of the cast.
  • Misplaced Retribution: Shuns Sola after learning his true identity as a Lutoh noble.
  • Passing the Torch: Hands over leadership of the village to Elsha early on because he's not up to dealing with the mess Edger got into.
  • Ungrateful Bastard: Cares little for the efforts Arrow and Shu Bi put into defending him and his fellow villagers. He later extends this to Sola after learning of his former noble status in Lutoh.


    Zetsu Daidan 

Zetsu Daidan

Voiced by: Kenyū Horiuchi (Japanese), Ben Bryant (English)
The emperor of Rekka. A bloodthirsty warmonger. His Conviction is "I Don't Follow A Path, I Make A Path", which grants him an untold amount of power that requires 10 Bind Warpers to maintain.
  • And Show It to You: Moments before death, he plunges his hand straight into Rudolph's chest and rips out the chain of Bind Warpers that granted him his power.
  • Big Ol' Eyebrows: So bushy they normally cover his eyes.
  • Blood Knight: Zetsu lives for a good rumble.
  • The Dreaded: The most powerful conviction user in the known land, even Rudolph, an agent of God, can't help but be a little scared when he no sells his attacks.
  • A Father to His Men: Despite his Might Makes Right philosophy, he does genuinely care for his people and country, conceding defeat to Grandedger and Lutoh when most of his troops Bind Warpers are destroyed and sharing a hearty laugh with them after slaying Tae and finding a stash of Bind Warpers in the dreadnought after claiming it.
  • Heroic Sacrifice: Dies in battle against Rudolph, but not before managing to weaken him significantly before he disintegrates. When it's revealed that he's Not Quite Dead thanks to Rudolph destroying Epitaph Mountain, he pulls one for real with the help of Fine's Superpowered Evil Side to defeat the tyrant for good by turning him into conviction for Arrow.
  • Person of Mass Destruction: When he finally steps into battle with his Briheight, he levels an entire mountain range. This is also the reason why God sent Arrow to wipe out all life from Lingaland to begin with, as he was also threatened by Zetsu's immense power.
  • Stronger with Age: He looks like a feeble old man. That feeble-looking old man can beat Briheights without needing his own. And when he does come to battle with his Briheight, it's wearing 10 Bind Warpers. Such a badass old man is he that the God beyond the Wall sent Arrow to wipe out Lingalind because Zetsu had become just that stupidly powerful.
  • Training from Hell: Briefly subjects Ren Sin to this to strengthen her conviction.

    Kai Rhodan 

Kai Rhodan

Voiced by: Ryōtarō Okiayu (Japanese), Jarrod Greene (English)
A general in Rekka's army and Shū Bi's childhood friend. His Conviction is "unrivaled," which translates into his Briheight Gigan, a humanoid clad in bulky red armor and armed with a guandao, boasting incredible strength.
  • BFS: When he's not using Gigan, Kai wields a large Whip Sword for fighting on foot.
  • Blood Knight: He very much enjoys the thrill of battle and shows disappointment in "mass-produced" Briheight opponents, claiming that their Conviction is weak and machine-like.
  • Chest Blaster: Gigan can unleash huge flames from his chest and it's especially effective at close range.
  • Combining Mecha: His and Ren Sin's Briheights can combine to form the Gigan Reppu, granting the Gigan access to Reppu's speed and flight.
  • Compressed Hair: He was able to fit his long hair inside the standard Rekka helmet.
  • Even Evil Has Standards: Despite Shū‘s betrayal, he and Ren go ballistic when they witness Shū supposedly die while Rudolph and Dissonanza mock him for trying to defy God, leading to the two taking down Dissonanza and Kai declaring he would carry on their dream for the both of them.
  • Hand Blast: Gigan can fire beams from his hand that are strong enough to stop Granedger in its tracks.
  • Mighty Glacier: Gigan can block attacks and hit really hard with ease.
  • Playing with Fire: He can generate fire from Gigan when fighting.
  • Shipper on Deck: Asks Ren Sin and Shū Bi to get married much to her protest.
  • Super-Strength: Both Kai and his Briheight Gigan have insanely powerful strength in fighting. Shū Bi even warned Arrow and everyone that Gigan had the strength of 1,000 Briheights. They thought he was embellishing, but then Kai had singlehandedly stopped the Granedger from advancing.
  • Villain Forgot to Level Grind: Played straight, then subverted. Kai was easily able to overpower Arrow when they first faced off, but in their rematch, his hatred towards Shu over his betrayal clouds his judgment, leading to an easy defeat by Arrow. After Ren’s Briheight evolves and she knocks some sense back into him, Kai gets over his grudge and combines his Briheight with her’s, granting him mastery over the sky.
  • World's Strongest Man: Shū Bi calls him the strongest man in Rekka and from what we've seen, that's more than correct.

    Ren Sin 

Ren Sin

Voiced by: Megumi Han (Japanese), Kristi Rothrock (English)
A devoted, high-ranking soldier in Rekka's army, often accompanying Shū Bi when he ventures out into the world. Her Conviction is "Never Forgive Injustice", which allows her to fight with a zealous fury when she feels someone has committed an unjust act. Her Briheight is Shunretsu, but after going through Zetsu's training, it evolves into Reppu.
  • Bodyguard Babes: She's a female bodyguard sword to protect Shū Bi.
  • Combining Mecha: Her and Kai's Briheights can combine to form the Gigan Reppu, granting the Gigan access to Reppu's speed and flight.
  • Flight: Her evolved Briheight, Reppu, can fly.
  • Luminescent Blush: She tends to do this when she gets flustered or embarrassed.
  • Only Sane Woman: She's the only one who questions the unorthodox actions that Shū Bi does.
  • Tears of Fear: She cries after the betrayal of Shū Bi.
  • Training from Hell: Undergoes this briefly thanks to Emperor Zetsu, who binds her with a special cloth and throws her into a river.
  • Unknown Rival: Towards Arrow, blaming him for Shū’s betrayal.

    Tae Howa 

Tae Howa

Voiced by: Kenta Miyake (Japanese), Randy Pearlman (English)
The chancellor of Rekka. A short, portly and money-grubbing little snake of a man.
  • Dangerous Deserter: He splits the scene for Lutoh so he won't have to spend any of his wealth to fund the army. And falls right in Rudolph's hands, who puts the formerly harmless coward in the driver's seat of a second Dreadnought.
  • Half the Man He Used to Be: Zetsu kills him like this in Episode 17.

    Kyo Meiketsu 

Kyo Meiketsu

Voiced by: Junji Majima

A government official who replaced Tae Howa as chancellor of Rekka after Tae’s removal.

    Bai Toatsu 

Bai Toatsu

Voiced by: Tetsu Inada (Japanese), Chris Rager (English)
The Northern general. A bearded, boisterous man who loves a good fight. His Conviction is "Mow Down All Enemies", which is pretty self-explanatory.
  • Bash Brothers: He and Goh Zanga are a frequent tag team on the battlefield, and good friends off it.

    Goh Zanga 

Goh Zanga

Voiced by: Nobuyuki Hiyama
The Western general. His Conviction is "Fighting Spirit Travels Quickly", which allows him to summon an enormous but deceptively fast moving beam spear.
  • BFS: His Conviction allows him to summon a spear so long that it's practically a ranged weapon, able to clear an entire enemy line from miles away.

    The Four Fiends 

The Four Fiends

A mercenary group of four Briheight users, each equipped with power over one element.


    Rudolph Conductore 

Rudolph Conductore
Click here to see his Audience Form 

Voiced by: Shin-ichiro Miki (Japanese), J. Michael Tatum (English)

One of Lutoh's Six Supremes. A grotesquely fat but powerful man who lounges in his own private palace. Responsible for choosing the next ruler of Lutoh.

  • All for Nothing: He pulls this when confronted by Sola about his real intentions by telling him that he's useless and his attempts to save Fine, Arrow, or the Villagers of Edger will end in failure. Sola manages to prove him wrong, but at the cost of his own life.
  • Ambiguously Human: According to him, he isn't human, but rather was sent by God. The fact he can shapeshift cements this.
  • Apocalypse How: What his his plan to use Arrow as his way to purge Lingalind of all life as per "God's plan" originally entailed. Once he undergoes One-Winged Angel transformation upon his return, he declares Arrow to be as worthless as the rest of Lingalind and decides to wipe them all out personally.
  • Bad Guys Do the Dirty Work: Tries to avoid fighting others directly whenever possible, using other forms of combat and manipulation to get his way. He stops doing this when Zetsu decides to take him on, deciding to personally kill the old man and eventually becomes more proactive with the mass genocide of Lingalind.
  • Bright Is Not Good: He wears clothes of flamboyant colors, that serve to show his status as an indolent hedonist drowning himself in luxurious vices.
  • The Chessmaster: Spends most of the series pulling the strings behind the scenes and generally causing chaos to Granedger and its crew, along with the rest of Lingalind. Up to and including using Arrow to try and eliminate them from existence.
  • Cruel Mercy: The other 39 people that lost the throne to Fine were supposed to be executed. Rudolph saw fit to spare they can live as miserable, naked and broken servants in his palace. He noticeably doesn't treat Fine like this after bequeathing her of her rule and has Lutoh's population do whatever they want with her. But he does offer to give Sola a quick death when the latter makes an attempt on his life.
  • Dishonored Dead: Uses his conviction to form a spear from the mountains of dead people to pin the Granedger and its crew in an attempt to destroy them for good. This hits him back hard when both Zetsu and Fine's evil side confront him due to him destroying the mountains, which renders Zetsu Not Quite Dead and more than capable of taking both him and Dissonanza on.
  • The Dragon: He's revealed to be the one tasked by God to execute the plan to destroy Lingalind by using Arrow. He eventually just decides to kill Arrow with everyone else after being refused one too many times.
  • Face Death with Dignity: For all his sheer asshole actions, when he realizes his number is up and he's about to be turned into Conviction particles in Arrow's fight with God's Guardian, he laughs about it and admits he's curious how it's going to end.
  • Fat Bastard: A morbidly obese manblob, and complete, unbridled asshole. And completely genocidal.
  • Fan Disservice: His clothes barely manage to contain the entirety of his enormous body, exposing most of his girth and revealing his manboobs.
  • Faux Affably Evil: His voice is calm and his demeanor is composed, allowing him to convince people to follow his every will. But he is a tyrant willing to put the other Lutoh nobles to their graves and commit genocide on the land he rules over in the name of God.
  • Game Face: When he needs to address the populace, he sheds all his weight and becomes a complete Hunk. Sola calls it his "Audience form".
  • A God I Am Not: But claims to be working for him to justify his reasoning for unbridled extinction with Arrow toward Lingalind.
  • The Heavy: Despite being a servant of God, Rudolph is still the one who manipulates everything to achieve the plans of his master and the most direct antagonistic force of the anime.
  • Kick the Dog: Loves to do this to everyone else as he sees everyone else as nothing more than expendable. Even more so with Arrow and his friends, as he manages to undermine much of their attempts at peace and even goes out of his way to actively kill them.
  • Lazy Bum: Enforced. Rudolph has a Bind Warper inside his body and is thusly very powerful. So he turned himself into a fat, gluttonous layabout to keep his power in check. And as shown when Arrow annoys him and when Werner tries to kill him for causing chaos in Lutoh, he's not just blowing smoke about it either.
  • Loophole Abuse: As Supreme Elect, he's not supposed to get involved with politics. But that doesn't mean he can't nudge an angry populace in the right direction to get what he wants.
  • Non-Standard Character Design: In a series where everyone looks attractive and proportioned, his grotesquely bloated body, disproportionate limbs, and his incredibly tiny face stand out like a sore thumb.
  • Not Quite Dead: The Granedger crew debate if this is the case after the explosion that took Zetsu's life, and conclude that he's probably still alive. Sure enough, he's revealed to have survived, though he doesn't last much longer.
  • Not So Stoic: Even he is taken aback by what Zetsu is capable of when the two face off against each other and instantly blocks everything thrown at him. The façade is completely broken when the spirits of both Zetsu and Fine's split personality double team him in the finale.
  • Obviously Evil: His Jabbaesque design coupled with his hedonism and monstrous treatment of Fine's siblings quickly shows that this guy is up to no good.
  • Omnicidal Maniac: His ultimate goal, as willed by God, is to rid Lingalind of its population with an unwilling Arrow as the catalyst based on The Prophecy that surrounds him. He very easily succeeds in wiping out all of Lutoh and almost does the same with Granedger until they retaliate and free Arrow from the Dreadnaught that he's attached to. Unfortunately, even with Arrow free from his Muga, Rudolph still manages to get Arrow to be a killer by having him erase Shū from existence and openly mocks the heroes as it happens. Upon his return, he decides to cut out the middle man and do it himself, planning on killing Arrow in the process. His genocidal tendencies also wind up as his Achilles' Heel. Due to him destroying the mountain tombs in his attempt to erase Granedger, Zetsu's spirit never gets properly entombed, allowing both him and Fine's evil side to tag team Rudolph and ultimately kill him for good by turning him into conviction for Arrow.
  • The Man Behind the Man: While Fine may sit on the throne, it's clear Rudolph runs the show in Lutoh. It is eventually revealed that there's someone else pulling his strings - God, and he is more than willing to follow through with his orders.
  • Staged Populist Uprising: Ultimately what broadcasting the war between Rekka and Lutoh entailed, with the end result seeing Fine nearly executed and Edger similarly turned against on by Dissonanza attack the mob and blame it on Arrow and his friends. This ends in Wener's death as he tries to save Burk and the children, and forces Atlee to speak out and turn the Granedger and its crew against the kingdom when they demand Fine back. Once Granedger becomes its own entity, he gives a disgraced and fleeing Tae a flying gunship that he uses to attack Rekka and claim leadership of it. Then proceed to give Lutoh one themselves, which they use to attack Granedger.
  • You Have Outlived Your Usefulness:
    • Turns on Fine, the person he put in power in Lutoh by showing off her Superpowered Evil Side in battle, then stripping her of her title.
    • He later turns on Lutoh itself by using Arrow as a weapon, fuses him to the Dreadnaught he gave them, and erases all traces of the kingdom.
    • Initially avoids doing this to Arrow, preventing him from accepting death on his own terms, but is more than willing to kill him when both he and Zetsu fuse to take him on. He eventually changes his tune upon his return, seeing Arrow as nothing more than a mere human like his friends when Arrow continually refuses to kill, and decides to destroy him with the rest of humanity upon achieving his One-Winged Angel form.



Voiced by: Kikuko Inoue (Japanese), Mikaela Krantz (English)
Supreme Rudolph's right hand woman. A malicious jester with the power of illusion.
  • Ambiguously Human: Very much so with her pale skin and mostly androgynous appearance. It's implied she's also an agent of God, much like Rudolph.
  • Cool Mask: Has one to hide her eyes. It breaks during the final battle by Prax.
  • Court Jester: Dresses like one at least.
  • The Dragon: Rudolph's loyal servant and personal attack dog.
  • Humongous Mecha: Even by the standards of the show, her Briheight is huge. Dwarfing any others who have to fight her.
  • Invincible Villain: Her conviction, "Live Before the World Ends", makes her one of these until Arrow finishes his mission to rid Lingalind of all life. Surprising Kai and Ren Sin when she returns after seemingly being blown up in their previous encounter. She dies with Rudolph in the finale when Zetsu and the Superpowered Evil Side of Fine pull a gambit to turn the two into conviction for Arrow.
  • Recursive Crossdressing: Most of her illusionary disguises are that of men.
  • Staged Populist Uprising: On Rudolph's behalf, she was the one that got the kingdom of Lutoh's villagers to turn on Edger's citizens, and helps give Tae the means to destroy Rekka's capitol building.

    Peath Glinhouse 

Peath Glinhouse

Voiced by: Kouichi Toochika
A politician in Lutoh.
  • Dirty Coward: Petah is completely cowed by Supreme Rudolph, and will carry out any order he gives out of fear of the man.
  • Greater-Scope Villain: For episodes 1-3. It was his strong-arming the Iki Territory's president that made him attack the Edger Village in order to capture Arrow.
  • Hypocrite: He attempts to berate Prax and her comrades for defecting to Grandeger, but they point how he betrayed Fine.
  • The Starscream: He was never loyal to Fine, to begin with, and later in the series, he overthrew her by revealing her Superpowered Evil Side to Lutoh to seize power for himself. He probably wouldn't have gone through with it if not for Rudolph's machinations.

    Baran Sujita 

Baran Sujita

Voiced by: Yasuhiro Mamiya (Japanese), Josh Bangle (English)

    Demyne Shaft 

Demyne Shaft

Voiced by: Riki Kitazawa (Japanese), Jerry Jewell (English)

Lutoh's resident royal Mad Scientist.

  • Mad Scientist: A huncbacked wacko who has a group of assistants sing while he probes people with electrodes.

Iki Territory

    President Garay 

President Garay

Voiced by: Hiroshi Tsuchida (Japanese), Kenny James (English)

  • All for Nothing: Even if his plans had succeeded, Rekka already knew about Arrow and the ship thanks to Shu.
  • Jerkass: Is fairly callous about wiping out an entire village, regardless of his motives.
  • Leave No Witnesses: Orders the capture of Back Arrow as a deal with Lutoh, while the rest of Edger Village can die
  • The Needs of the Many: His justification for backstabbing the villagers.
  • President Evil: Downplayed. While he is a Jerkass, his motives are understandable if extreme.
  • That Wasn't a Request: Is strong armed by Glinhouse into going after Arrow, despite his intial protest.
  • Villains Want Mercy: When his second assault on the people of Edger Village failed, he weakly begs for mercy and asks the people of Edger to leave before Rekka or Lutoh show up.
  • Well-Intentioned Extremist: His actions against Edger Village, as heinous as they are, were to protect Iki from getting dragged into the war between Rekka and Lutoh. As he points out regardless of who he sided with, the other would destroy Iki Territory in the bargain.

    Tyrone Duster 

Tyrone Duster

Voiced by: Tooru Nara (Japanese), Dalton Tindall (English)

  • Blood Knight: Is very excited about the murders he's about to commit.
  • Catchphrase: "I've always wanted to say that!"
  • The Dragon: He seems to be the reliable right-hand man to President Evil Garay.
  • I Always Wanted to Say That: It's basically his catchphrase.
  • Laughably Evil: He's the most comical of the antagonists and it makes him look hilariously deranged. He also gets his butt kicked when the heroes find ways to overcome his Briheight's Conviction.
  • Manipulative Bastard: He takes advantage of Edger Village's poverty by lying to them about the President promising to give them a sanctuary in exchange for Back Arrow. Everyone accepted this lie at first and it almost got the entire village destroyed, but it was thanks to Bit and Arrow that the plan foiled and Edger Village was saved.


    Spoiler Characters 


Voiced by: Shunsuke Takeuchi (Japanese), Larry Brantley (English)

  • A God I Am Not: Rudolph did everything because of the God's Will. When confronted, the apparent god explains that he's actually The Man in Front of the Man, and the God has been asleep the entire time.
  • Big Bad: The source of all problems in the series and the Final Boss.
  • Mirror Boss: They look exactly like Arrow but older, and his Briheight is an advanced version of Muga.
  • Narrator All Along: In the finale he narrates the series intro, but as himself.
  • People Farms: What Linds actually are, the Conviction Particles from deceased people of hundreds of world become the food for the God.


The God of Lingalind. Who is revealed to be little more than a baby.

  • Goo-Goo-Godlike: Quite literally. It's a giant infant, and God of the world.
  • Reasonable Authority Figure: Once Grandedger crew finally manage to reach them, they dissolve the Guardian and grant their request to not destory Lingaland.
  • Transplanted Humans: While it's unclear what God actually is, he reveals he came from Earth on one of the colony ships, and after some incident happened the Linds system became sort of a life support to him.
